Types and forms of mustache. What does English mustache look like: views and how to spin

The stylish accessory of most modern men began to be a beard and mustache, thanks to which representatives of strong sex can show their courage, brutality and a certain charisma. Many women have long been selected husbands with good genetics on a thick, long beard, today the ladies remain faithful traditions and in most cases approve of vegetation on the face of a man.

Due to great popularity, the beard types are constantly growing and replenished with new styles. Barber, as experts on modeling and haircut beard, offer many alternatives and options thanks to which you can adjust the form of a person. Propagandists of one or another form of beard are politicians, actors, singers, athletes, stylists and other bright personalities.

Today, the beard in men is a weighty plus in creating its image, the external image and the advantage of its external appeal. Many men lack patience to grow long and thick beard, and those who still achieved it, it is difficult to choose a suitable view of the beard. To pick up the best option, it is enough to view the most popular types of beard and photos of men for visual assessment.

For reference! The haircut of the beard is carried out, as a rule, after 2 months, as a man stopped her shave and aggregate. Such a length allows you to choose any type of beard from the bubbles offered.

The beard complex and mustache may have several forms and options:

  1. Arab beard - Such a beard accepts all types of mustache, and the length of the beard among Muslim men should be like to be placed in the hand. Beard can be arbitrary and style, so arabic beard can be square, round, triangular.
  2. Wattering style - In this case, the beard should be large and bulky, but necessarily well-groomed. Ryan Gosling and Hugh Jackman became bright representatives of this style.
  3. Russian beard - A similar shape of a beard with a woodcutter style, but in this case it should be a short beard with a mustache, covering the chin, an area around the mouth and neck to the Kadyk himself.
  4. Style anchor. - A special style of beard with small mustache, which directly in the center are separated thinly shaved strip.
  5. Brett - A little beard with a mustache from Hollywood, whose area covers the lower jaw and chin. Benbards are expected separately.
  6. Ku - The triangular form of a person accepts exactly such a beard of the shovel, the style of which begins with the 60s. Beard can be compared with a duck tail (ducktail), but only the length of hairs can be absolutely any.
  7. Sail - In such a form, the beard of Bengnebard must grow up with a line of mustache, forming an interesting composition. But the chin area is smoothly shaved.
  8. Garibaldi - This type of beard was named after the Politics and General Italy D. Garibaldi. A wide shape of the beard grows with tanks, while the beard and mustache should be thick and up to 20 cm long. Different types of mustache are combined with such an Italian beard, but most often it is Handlbar mustache.
  9. Irish beard - Begins with the mustache in the style of Fu Manch, which are moving down their length down the cheeks, barking the upper lip and hanging down.
  10. Italian beard Balbo "Not a complete wide beard with a mustache, which should close only a piece of cheekbone, is also assumed to be design under the bottom lip. The author of the beard became Italian politician and military Italian Balbo.
  11. French beard. Another beard is called a French fork - this is a complete beard with a mustache, coming from Bengnebard and closing his cheeks.
  12. Beard Verdi - It has rounded shapes and partially shaved cheeks with lush mustache.
  13. Round beard. This is a simplified version of the classic beard with a form rounding on the chin.
  14. Square beard. To get such a beard style, grow tanks and beard, then give the hair square shape.

Tip! If a man cannot decide on a suitable style of beard and mustache, almost all Barbershops are offered a computer simulation service to the client's photo.

Many types of beard can independently make almost all men at home. But there are pretty specific versions of the beard and types of mustache, correctly cut that will be far from every can. Therefore, you can spend the first haircut in the cabin, after which you maintain and care for the beard, retaining the result.

All types of beard without mustache

Without a mustache, numerous forms and types of beard are not less in demand, since there are men who do not wear vegetation over the upper lip. Modern beard names without mustache Next:

Without the beard mustache, there is a rationality, a special style, and men choose such a type of beard on weighty criteria and reasons. Most often we are talking about different shades of the hair of the mustache and beard, as well as about chaotic and disorderly growth of the mustache. In any case, abandoning the luxurious beard due to problems with the mustache is inappropriate.

Fashionable beard haircut trends

Fashionable trends of recent years dictate men thick vegetation on the face in the form of tanks, mustache and beard. But the most relevant and at the peak of popularity are the following beard haircuts:

Also, the Fashion of the current year approves such types of beard as Espanyolka, Suvorov's beard, Shirma, Garbaldi and a goat beard. Fans of extravagance and cliffs can be resorted to the beards of famous characters of films, for example, to the beard of Jack Sparrow or Tony Stark, to the style of Vikings and other colorful characters.

How to choose a suitable beard and mustache form?

To pick up the optimal beard option, a man should pay special attention to his face form, the peculiarities of the appearance and type of hair. The form of beard and mustache must be determined in the form of a face, namely:

  • for oval form Persons will suit all types of beard;
  • for diamond-shaped - beard with thick vegetation, for example, Wolverine, Shirma;
  • for an elongated face - any kinds of middle-length beard with tanks and horsesholic beard haircut;
  • for round shape - To lengthen the face, you can wear a goat beard or e-jar, as well as a massive bristle from one temple to another;
  • for a square face - perfectly suitable skipper and Hollywood beard;
  • for a triangular face - Increase the chin area can be a beard of Lincoln or Balbo.

Important!So that the beard looks in an organically with a man's image, you need to compare height and complete. For example, a long thick beard will ridiculously look at a man of low growth and vice versa.

Clothes style and beard shape

Choosing a variety of beard and mustache men need not only by type and form of the face, but also pushing out of the minor criteria. Namely:

  • style and rhythm of life;
  • external data;
  • professional features;
  • style and image of clothes;
  • length, structure and hair color;
  • the presence of free time for hair care.

For sports amateurs, beards are perfect in the form of a Canadian and a small bristle. The classic in clothes today is often combined with sports shoes and a beard of medium length and density. Casual style is also the types of beard, which today most often wear young men, such as a goat beard, Espanolka or Beard Balbo. The trendy grunge style in clothes is perfectly combined with thick vegetation and colorful long beards.


Bright or dark, long or short, thick or minimal, in any kind of beard will transform the face of a man. The right choice of the shape and type of beard will allow not only to give the appearance of solidity, age and experience, but also adjust any disadvantages and features of a male face and general image. In any Barbershop, the specialist will advise the choice of beard, and how to cut it.

Mustache decorate a man. It is possible to argue with this arbitrarily, but in our time, men's stylish mustache is an image of masculinity, elegance, confidence. Many, in order to emphasize these qualities, constantly change it, experiment. And all because of the fashion, rapidly carrying forward. It is she suggests how to choose for yourself the best option. We are grateful, and we appeal to her.

Note that the stylish haircut now is the rapidly gaining direction. Want to know why? Then read further. And so that you have incentive, remember your friends, colleagues, familiar male floor every year more and more new elements of appearance. You can not argue with statistics. Would you like to improve? Great, you to us!

For a strong sex - this is a multifaceted opportunity to show his identity. After all, they admire, their presence gives you an appearance of wisdom. The form can cause an increased interest in you from the Society. What to be surprised, because the difference between such an element can be very original, even unpredictable.

Now we are ready to present weighty arguments, why gorgeous curls will help you further. That are chic! After all, much will change a lot from such an appearance. They come to you, because:

  1. Give our time. Good and main reason to achieve goals. Everyone understands that the approximate (and often a smoothybrid) man is just an office worker, which sometimes you need a little more internal energy for cardinal changes. Then creative lived wakes up, the horizon expands, creative skills increase. Strip over the lip and under it subtly talking to others that you are original, employers confirm that "this guy will clearly achieve his."
  2. Attract women's attention. Girls - creating curious, and your fluffy face instinctively calls them to settle closer, consider you better. Sometimes the phrase "Oh, what your mustache" speaks about the obvious interest of the young lady.
  3. Attach literacy. Everything is clear here. Sometimes, touching the mind, professionalism, not everyone boasts huge achievements. It is quite another thing dressed glasses, easy bristleness. You are a real speaker, to you all attention.
  4. Hide emotions. Sometimes it is better quietly, unnoticed to smile, no one offended, eliminating the risk to seem too frivolous with his laugh. The chip that helps skillfully mask the real emotional background (if necessary). Use!
  5. Easily make you feel real Perfectly emphasizing courage, give the solidity to external signs. Being among the smoothybrid men, the pretty male will get at least more attention. The attitude towards you will be natural, respectful. After all, so you emphasize the Harizm, which is like a magnet attracts everyone.
  6. Make it possible to constantly change, learn new features. How cool: today your hairstyle under one beloved actor, tomorrow you try the role of a famous writer, and after - turn in a fun historical character.

Horseing mustache, what are the types and forms of the photo?

They are divided into certain types, which directly depends on the face form. Square, round, triangular appearance can easily choose an attractive image, but then the types of mustache will have differences. Therefore, a variety is great, which allows you to spend a good job, looking for your direction.

The form is a deeply personal case, because many experiment, neglecting even the tips of the stylists. Sometimes this turns out to be useful, stunning. Get information about what is the mustache, it is necessary to fully realize the new future image. Especially if you have already proven a person. Because the appearance is always under the attention of inquisitive views. For practical understanding, consider examples as a reference point to our person.

Mustache "Horseshoe"

Fully justifying name for this type. Externally, they are wide horseshoe, turned the base up. Reliece the hair of the middle obligation under the nose that lay down wide lines down. Lines can be graphic, smooth, finishing at the beginning of the chin.

The mustache mustache often wore soldiers during the first world battle. It is possible to explain this by a solid, serious view, inspiring confidence that turning masculinity, strength, power. Now the haircut actively enjoys the popularity of bikers. This model of the mustache will look at square, round faces, giving them an elongation.

Italian mustache

They are also called Balbo, in honor of the Italian founder. Hairstyle combines many styles, as it makes it possible to vividly stand out. It is necessary to care for them. There are characteristic differences:

  1. Insurance Bonbankard.
  2. Mustache and beard separate, with clear contours.

This appearance is remarkably suitable for rounded male, a square type. Form types are: scattered curls, espanyolka, island beard.

By combining such styles, we get a wonderful result hairstyle, which, by the way, can be made at home, having a certain snap:

  1. Through the overgrown to the length of 0.4 cm.
  2. We shave cheeks. Clearly distinguish between the Bengnebard line from the temporal area, to the place around the mouth.
  3. Machine barring the neck from its base.
  4. Align the mustache before performing a straight line from above. Below we do the same. Thus, they are separated from the beard.
  5. We perform island shaving, carefully removing your hair from under the bottom of the lips on both sides.

That's how easy it is. The plus is that it is not necessary to grow long bristle.

Remember! Balbo - a variety of beard of the letter "T" with a mustache. The line of their compound is absent at all. In addition, vegetation in the lower corners of the mouth shares.

Mustache "brush"

This type was particularly popular Europe, America, starting from the 19th century. Note that during World War II, such a "brush" was carried by Adolf Hitler. Then they became less likely to apply.

Reloing the like, throw off the bristles every 4 days, leaving 3-4 centimeters of vegetation right under the nose.

Ukrainian mustache

Who are such hair? As you already understood, not only the Ukrainians, because the maneer of wearing long curls can borrow anyone. The shape is narrow at the ends.

This is done with a razor or movie. If you have a bulk structure, you can profile the lush layer with scissors, that is, remove unnecessary. To reduce the length of cutting the curls, tested the comb from the ends to the roots.

For reference! Mustache, beard survived difficult times at the rule of the French king Louis of the 16th. Then to know to imitated the young proven, wearing jackets-disintegrations, shaving the whole face. They remained the privilege only for selected detachments of the country's head.

Mustache "Bicycle Ruttle"

Really remind analogy. Stream briefly or created long. The haircut fits men of the bulk structure. Pretty abstract curls spin up on the tips.

The effect is achieved by using cosmetic wax. The form is also referred to from the nickname of the famous Movie Hero - "Poiro". This, quite a cheerful trend appeared in the spring of 2012, actively applied on her handbags, decorations, clothes.

Chinese mustache

Each people have their own special external features that are supported by genetics. The appearance of the Chinese is characterized by liquid vegetation. Few to it suits, so often shaved, almost not growing the bristles. The big vegetation is inherent in the elderly elders living in rural areas.

Chinese and lush beard - rarity. The theory of Chinese traditional medicine says that a guy having a bulk bristle is well functions a gallbladder. The hieroglyph of this organ denotes courage. Therefore, there is a densely on the face, a man is considered to be rich.


This species wore companion Stalin known to us. Curls are lush, wide, completely obscure the upper lip. Classic fashion, everything is also popular. The peak of this hairstyle fell as 70-80. last century, continuing to remain rating. Chevron gives the image of hardness, confidence, moderate audacity, well emphasizes its expressiveness.

By making such interpretation, careful care is required. Time to spend a bit, the haircut is completely supplied. People of Western countries this model is closely associated with the appearance of the Musician Freddie Mercury. In Russia, this is the actor playing Novoseltseva. We remember the "service novel". He captured his "chevron" millions of spectators. Such an example is a standard of fame of chevron mustache.

Important! Fashion - the phenomenon is changeable, like any process of society. A few years ago, stylish was considered bristy, today a small beard is relevant. Therefore, the question is what it looks better - a short bristle, a beard of the salaries or a silent mustache, the question of differences in opinions. The general template always existed by changing the novelties. The main thing is an internal location to an unusual image, lightness, comfort.

Fu Manchu

Curls are long, thin, passing from the lip from above to her tips. Can be performed before the foundation of the chin. Completely combined with a small bristle from the bottom of the mouth. Sometimes the third, curly book is added to the main mustache. This type of Chinese has been introduced.

Sometimes Fu Manchu is confused with the already known to us "undercooked." The principal difference between them is that the Fu Chenchu \u200b\u200bis growing from the corners of the upper lip. High Book, they look like a tentacle. Horseshoe is the growth of hair on both sides of the mouth, as if the letter U (horseshoe). In addition, to grow fu, the manchu need much more time.


In fact, this same kind of "bicycle steering". 2017 gave her a new breath, offering owners to supplement it by making a fashionable haircut and bangs, combed up.

Mustache volumetric over the upper lip, the ends are short, lush, slightly pulled up (thanks to wax). If we consider using the type, it is best to fit the elongated face.

Tip! It happens, for rapid growth of hair, men rubbing oil, lotion, drink various vitamins. It is inffective. The vegetation on the face develops normally, depending on the characteristics of the body. A sufficiently healthy lifestyle, good nutrition.

Mustache Dali

Light, pretty. And everything because of its external subtlety, originality, which entails both adults and young men.

For this, it is not necessary to get involved in the work of the Great Artist. Just cut them on the similarity of Fu Manchu, neatly laying gel. Classic variation - ends bending up. But, a little smoking, you can put a spiral, a curly wave.


Volumetric tousing hair, which is combed from the central part to the sides, ending over the corners of the mouth. You can repel the place even longer. The puff is hairstyle completely depends on how carefully the owner is ready to take care.

Hungary is a country from which the name of this haircut is like. In a few centuries in the deserts of the Wild West, they again became relevant. They enjoy bank employees, sheriffs. To grow long.


Little mustache, attached in the upper or lower part. The thickness of their pencil, so that the name is appropriate. The commemoration of popularity was 30-50, when idols from Hollywood, for example, Clark Gable, had a tendency to wear similar. Now the famous scenic personalities of the Hungarian hairstyle have guitarist Kirk Hemmet of the worldwide popular Metallica Group.

Haircut requires regular courtship. In the same years, the 20th century fashionable characters - mafiosi, wearing such frequently. Thanks to this, the intense gangster, origin from Italy - the image where thin lines above the lip are necessarily present. Elegant, agree?

Imperial mustache

Looks like hendlbarny, who also appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Types are as follows:

  1. With singles, straight looking up.
  2. Wide, bulk curls, laid under Handlbar, with greater smoothness.

Suitable and solid older, and young Yunsham, emphasizing the elegance of appearance.


Triangular view. Slightly resemble the appearance of Chevron. But their form is more correct. Near the nose already, the base is wider. They are considered a classic, suitable for any reason. Owners of similar type a huge amount. Most likely, your grandfather, and maybe the father tried to wear this haircut. They laid the lives of seventies, free morals, views, especially from Western countries.

In vain to think that it is impossible to experiment here. After releasing the hair is longer, you can slightly repel the gun under the lip off. The image will be similar to the American composer Frank Poppack.


Wide, extensive hairstyle. Completed down, or stacked on the sides. The edge of the hairs below is cut to the same level. Often, such a bulk cover is partly or completely covered with mouth. Famous representatives of such a model were Friedrich Nietzsche, Mark Twain.

What is this type profitable? He plays your face with confidence, seriousness. People looking at you represent a responsible, competent person, listening to your opinion. But in terms of practice, the walrus is optimal to call it difficult. After all, it is difficult to eat, curls are often dirty. Ready to constantly care? Then forward!

Mustache and rich!

Yes, friends, just like this. Mustache often prosperous. Such an external appearance is well combined with their character, style, manner of doing business. In addition to finance, all spheres of life are addressed. After all, if a man seeks the result, he is entirely. At least beloved by each characters, among whom there are enough past representatives, they prove it. We wish to grow your wealth faster!

Deliberately negligent bristles, a stylish beard or neat well-groomed mustache can make an attractive man. These natural decorations are capable of creating a unique image and turn each simple guy with not too expressive appearance in a fashionable and charming macho.

You can create the desired shape of the mustache on your own and at home. To do this, you need to know the features and subtleties of the shape of various types of mustache and choose those that not only in the soul, but will be appropriate.

The end of the Second World War was marked not only by major changes in the political life of the whole world, but also change in fashion trends. It was then that the mustache-brush, which were previously incredibly popular, began to take positions, yielding them to a new type of mustache.

The extraordinary popularity was acquired by the mustache, resembling the form of twisted arcs with tips, which are directed up. The legislator of fashion on such original uglies can rightly be considered Jimmy Edwards - the British actor and in the past pilot. In 1947, it was he who was on one of the parties founded the club of the twisted Usa. Oddly enough, this community is flourishing until now. Club members relies to have "fluffy decoration of the upper lip with grapted tips."

For reference! The famous club Usach Jimmy Edwards was categorically banned beard.

Mustache Handlbar

Translated from the English name of these musty means "bicycle steering wheel". Their form really resembles this subject. The tips of such musty are refrigerated up or in small rings.

In Italy, this type of vegetation was known as a mustache-spaghetti. Handlbara enjoyed popular among the soldiers during the First World War.

These mustache are short and long depending on the wishes of the man.

Tip! To carefully and beautifully lay a mustache into a form resembling a bicycle steering wheel, it is better to use a small amount of special wax. This will allow a little doubt the brown vegetation over the upper lip and create the desired image with stylish curls.

What looks like: photo

Who will fit?

For lovers of mustache, always a big problem was from the variety of fashionable and stylish models to choose the most suitable mustache and beard. It is necessary not only to boast a courageous bristle, but also to hide disadvantages, at the same time, it is advantageous to emphasize the advantages. In general, Handlbars are suitable for many men. But still, choosing this type of mustache, it is important to take into account the main criteria:

  1. Direction and speed of hair growth.
  2. Hair color.
  3. Form face.

So, for example, Handlbars will be very suitable for men with a face resembling a square. They will create a smoothing effect, giving the face the right neat shape.

How much time to raise?

As mentioned earlier, the mustache "bicycle steering wheel" can be both long and short. If you firmly decided to repel the stylish mustache, which will decorate your face and create a unique image, it is important to take this process carefully.

For short handlbarov will be enough about two to three weeks. If you want to grow long more, wait at least twice as much. It should be borne in mind that the growth rate of hair in men is different. So, for example, someone's mustache and beard of the desired length will grow in a week, and someone will have to wait almost a month.

Many are looking for advice on the Internet on how to repel the mustache? The main recommendation in this case - throw away the razor and do not touch the vegetation for a couple of weeks on your face. If you only want a mustache, you can still get rid of the beard. The boundaries of the permissible growth of hair are not limited to the upper lip.

When the mustache reached a fairly impressive length of 1.5 - 2 cm, they can be started to smooth from the center to the sides, directing the hairs down a bit down, and then up again.

Haircut mustache

This moment of leaving the beard and mustache is better to leave professionals, at least for the first time, until you ourselves that you need. To cut the mustache yourself, it is important to know several nuances:

  • Milieve the tips of the mustache so that they look more neat and were not too lush. It must be done along the bottom edge.
  • Before the haircut mustache thoroughly combing, having them as you want. After that, they can be cut to the desired length.
  • Beard, like a mustache can only cut dry.
  • The mustache cut the trimmer. First, they give the desired shape, creating a contour, and then remove everything too much.

How to care?

To learn how to properly care for vegetation on your face, it is better to contact Barbershop and acquire a special shampoo, wax, as well as a small comb and other useful tools for mustache and beard.

It is wrong to think that the vegetation on the face does not require special attention. The most desperate fashionists and stylish Usachi regularly care for their pride - with hard and beard, gently combing them and sniffing, causing wax on them. It is important to care for vegetation on the face regularly.

English mustache

In the times of the British Empire, the military were in honor of the broad (and sometimes narrow), quite a long mustache, which became quite thin on the tips. They got the name "British mustache". To give such a type of vegetation, the necessary shape, men shaved the hairs in the corners of the mouth. British mustache begin in the center above the upper lip, and their tips are twisted into a very thin tube.

Men with such mustes are difficult to imagine without a piece and strict cylinder.

What looks like: photo

Who will fit?

Men with a narrow oval or reminiscent of the form of a triangle, a person is recommended to wear not only the British mustache, which emphasize their sophistication and nobility, but also "Chevron" and the mold mustache.

How to do?

Mustache is increasingly confident in the life of men, because they certainly add to their image of masculinity and charm. To acquire chic english mustache, you need to make quite a bit effort.

Important! When forming the English mustache, they need to be cut against hair growth.

It is difficult to say how much time will leave every man to repel the mustache of the desired length, because the growth rate of hairs has its own individual.

Figured English mustache are simply formed. First, you need to repel the bristle of the desired length, and to then-cutting the mustache to the desired level. In addition, it is important not to comb your mustache from the center to the sides, but simply shake the recess in the center of the razor, forming the desired contour.

The feature of the English mustache is that the area above the corners of the lips is shaved, so it is also important to do correctly.

If you do not work beautifully twisted your fingers the ends of the mustache, they can be signed as you want. Benbard should also have a neat clear form.

Curl the tips manually, sometimes forming rings, and in some cases just pointed them and making very thin, sticking up, as you like more.

How to spin the mustache at home?

Many mods that carefully follow in their way, worried about the question: how to twist the mustache at home so as not to depend on the hairdresser and be able to do it yourself. Curly mustache look an order of interest in conventional bristles, but to form their pleasure.

If you have already formed a mustache, and they acquired the desired look, now they are very important for them to carefully care. For this there are many special funds that can be purchased in Barbershop or hairdressers.

Washing mustache need to combably comb, put quite a few wax on the fingers, rub it and gently put it on the mustache. Separate the hairs in the desired direction from the center to the cheeks.

Reaching until the tips, roll the hairs in a thin straw so that it turns out pointed like a needle peak. The wax will help keep the shape of the mustache and the naughty hairs will not stick out of them. Now the tips of the mustache can be left in such a state, but if you want to form a mustache with curls, twist the sharp edge inside, forming the ring, hold, to fix the result and all - you are irresistible.

Exquisite English or original mustbar mustache - whatever option you have chosen, they will certainly make a highlight to your image and make special.

To form such a mustache and care for them is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. It is enough to give this nuance every day just a few minutes and the surrounding will certainly appreciate your style and an interesting image.

Properly selected beard - plus to male attractiveness, masculinity and intelligence. And what do we know about beautiful men with a beard, attractive brutal men?

That's right, girls pay attention to them - weighing reason to grow a beard, make a fashionable haircut of beard and mustache, (photo below)!

Have seen bikers and fans "Metallika"? Look frustrating, but stylish. Men's beards, styles like girls - it is important. Want to see the right haircuts, beautiful male beards, photos of Hollywood stars are represented by your attention.

Beard will go to everyone, besides the owners of a small person, we advise you to arm a razor and remove the growing. It will reduce the face that it does not look aesthetically.

It is necessary to take into account that it does not fit the thick vegetation on the face. But do not hurry to get upset. For each man - there is an individual style.

Following the advice from the article, you will pick up an individual style for yourself, which will hide disadvantages and emphasizes the dignity.

Also get acquainted with different styles of beard, photos and names are presented below.

In contact with

Not properly chosen style will make out of you untidy male, even similar to homeless. People will bypass you, and girls will not even look at your side.

So do not hurry to give your vegetation a kind of beloved celebrity. Before choosing a haircut beard for yourself - determine the type of face.

  1. Oval. Men with an oval face type - rejoice. You will envy guys with other types. Experiments? No problem. This type will suit any style and view!
  2. Cordate. Pay attention to the triangular type is for you.
  3. Diamond or diamond. Dung vegetation will not go. Look at Wolverine - you come in handy!
  4. Oblong. In the form of a horseshoe or classic bundlebards - what you need! In no case do not get the types of beard in men (photo below), which lengthen the face.
  5. Round. Kruglichy dream to visually lengthen the face. In this case, we advise them to repel the middle mustache and lower the "goat" or a trapezoid (from the temple to the temple) a beard.
  6. Square. For those whom they say: "Mordy Brick", rounded ends are suitable.
  7. Triangular. Holders of this type dream of expanding the lower, the most narrow, part of the face. In the performance of the dream, they will help with a square, rounded or beard in the form of a horseshoe.
  8. Pear or lamp. Play long bundlebards - girls will appreciate!

Men, remember that it was not created yet the style and view that will suit each type! Everything is individually.

Read, remember, pick up.

So to have stylish male beards go to the council:

  • determine the type of face (Types described above). This is the main factor affecting the choice of the form of a future beard;
  • beard color in men and hair thickness, growing on the face. This is also important. Blondes, blonde and redhead boys - let yourself. Dark-haired (brunettes, saunts and others) - Choose something smaller. If the hairs are thin, then you will have to forget about thick thickets;
  • height. High guys - allow yourself a wide view of the haircut of beard and styles. Low men - you will suit you a neat little beard. Middle height - Choose the Golden Middle - you are lucky!

Chose style for yourself? Congratulations! Sheet further, interesting there! The technology of haircuting beard and mustache will learn by visiting the master. Watch the video.

Haircut beard - photos are presented to your attention.

The weak part of humanity (women) is madly afraid to gain weight. But what is afraid of a strong floor?
According to the results of Internet voting and polls: men are afraid of balding.

Saying goodbye to every falling hair of a man almost cry. The rest of the fact that from him, bald, turn away - incredibly great. Let's figure it out if fear is justified? Not.

Style - very popular in our time. Lysin in combination with a properly chosen beard - Some advantages:

  • time spending on the morning shower is three times less;
  • savings Shampoo. Need less (only on the beard) - costs less;
  • uniformly lodging tan
  • "Dangerous" species - create an image of a strong nut, girls will appreciate;
  • do not shake in fear From the thought of baldness - hair and so no.

The following types of male beard are suitable for men.

  1. Duck tail.
  2. Shirma and Wolverine style.
  3. Duck tail.
  4. Goatee.

The main thing - choose them under the type of face. So, Lysin and a beard - a good combination, fears moved ... we go further. Whether the girls are bald men beautiful, look at the video.

Every day, similar beard styles without mustache are also gaining popularity.

They associate this popularity with what needs less care, because there is no mustache.

Yes, and not every girl like the tickness of the mustache with a kiss. Pluses this type have a lot and they are clear from the name.

Examples of haircuts beard without mustache:

  • Goatee
  • Old Dutchman. Very thick vegetation from temple to temple. Length can be infinite. Trim cheeks.
  • Island. Little point vegetation under the bottom lip.
  • Insect style. Ends resemble the mustache or chewing insect.
  • Mini-goat beard.
  • Lincoln without mustache. Oval oblong or triangular type - this beard for you!
  • Klingonskaya. Drop mustache over the lip, parts remain on the sides connecting on the sides.
    So, men, the mustache do not like? Sharpen mindfully. Many species, pick up yourself.

With a mustache

The fact - the beard looks spectacular and courageous in combination with a mustache. Earlier, a mustache worn each, and now the man himself in the right to choose - to repel the mustache or not?

Fashion on the mustache returns, then - grow boldly, if you like. The style of beard and mustache makes each carrier elegant and independent of society a man.

Examples of the design of a beard with a mustache:

  • Suvorovskaya. In the case of this beard chin, leave clean. And buynbards are lowered slightly below the lips and climb, fucked with the mustache.
  • Anchor. Received a name for appearance. How to shave such a beard, you will see on the video.
  • . In honor of the military from Italy, who first chose such a form of a beard in men with a mustache.
  • Short Boxed Beard. Neat lines, thin mustache, bundlebards and beard - for this style gained popularity among Hollywood actors.
  • Full or. Thick and volumetric, with mustache and bundlebards. Very suitable for high men. With this style, the sea of \u200b\u200bbrutality is provided. How to make such a beard, look at the video.

The mustache becomes a fashionable element that gradually returns lost positions not only in Europe, but also in our country. Modern types of male mustache offer a large selection of various options that are suitable for any type of face and individual worldview. Every year, the number of men who wear a mustache is rapidly increasing. Of course, some it may seem strange and old-fashioned, although, such people are becoming less and less. Indeed, such an element of the face will definitely make your image courageous and charismatic.

Variety of models

Among the entire variety of mustache there are more chic or relatively simple options. From the first category, you can note such models like Chevron, the imperial type, Handlbar, Fu Manchu, and many others were given. At the same time, new options that can be created by any person independently appear.

Most popular varieties

Currently, there are some types of male mustache that can be considered the most popular and interesting. Each of these options should be stopped in more detail. One such option is the chevron type. It is a rather thick mustache with a wide base that overlap the entire upper lip. A similar model was worn by Joseph Stalin. Another interesting variety was given. She was named in memory of the famous artist Salvador Dali. This is a long narrowed mustache, which with the help of a special laying is highly bent up. The popular version is a mustache in English style. They are made narrow and start from the center of the top of the lip. At the same time, places above the angles of the mouth, as a rule, carefully shave.

Among Asian types of mustache can be distinguished Fu Manchu. This option begins with the upper lip and hangs on the sides of the mouth right to the lower jaw. Often they are made rather long to emphasize their shape. Places above the angles of the mouth are also shaved. Similar model is Horseshoe. Her honors from Fu Manchu is that the area near the corners of the mouth does not shave. Here are gorgeous narrow widths of the mustache, which grow along the jaw. In appearance, they resemble the deployed horseshoe.

Previously popular was the mustache Handlbar. In appearance, they resembled a bicycle steering wheel. This option can be both long and shortened. It is possible to achieve this form by using a special wax. The basic requirements are the presence of long, thick and curved mustache. This style has recently begins to gain its popularity again. Pretty rare, but at the same time, a beautiful type is the imperial mustache that should be very thick. They should grow over lip and cheeks, and at the same time be directed upwards.

Of relatively small mustache, it is possible to distinguish such species as shade, painter and pencil brush. The type of painter brush covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth. Such a mustache is usually short with a somewhat rounded short edges. As for the lampshadow, this species is very similar to the brush of the artist. Difference here are the edges that resemble lampshade. Mustache in the type of pencil are thin and narrow. They are usually cut right above the upper lip. This style is distinguished by a large variety, and therefore it can be done in different ways.

Another popular species are pyramidal mustache. They are also considered relatively small. This concept unites the mustache, having a narrowing from above and expansion at the bottom, which resemble the pyramid. This appearance can also be issued in absolutely all sorts of ways, which makes it very diverse.

Previously popular was toothbrush style. It was a relatively thick mustache, which shaved clearly in the center above the top of the lip in the form of a wide band. Such mustache wore a well-known actor of a silent movie Charlie Chaplin. Also a popular view among sailors and residents of the North is a walrus style. It is characterized by large thick mustes that hang around the mouth. At the same time, they fully cover the mouth.

Mustache, mustache, effort ...

Psychologists believe that in the form of a mustache, you can determine the character of a person and find out how inclined to individuality or, on the contrary, to imitation. The shape and size of the mustache are primarily determined by the anatomical structure of the face - the size of the nose and lips. So, the mustache can be divided into several categories: long, short, shortened, curly, lush, narrow, etc.

Magnificent, but lowered mustache, slightly twisted at the ends (Fig. 5.8), give a cheerful nature accustomed to a rampant careless life, but if necessary, able to take the right decision.

Fig. 5.8.Lush, but lowered mustache, slightly twisted at the ends

Volumetric long mustache located parallel to the floor (Fig. 5.9), give a business, confident person, a successful entrepreneur and good-natured family man.

Fig. 5.9.Volumetric long mustache located parallel to the floor

Short mustache (mustlemen), as a rule, belong to active, confident and fonding agents (Fig. 5.10). Such people usually do not know how to lose it with decent.

Fig. 5.10.Short mustache

Mustache "El Salvador Dali" (Fig. 5.11), people are worn from Bohemia, closely related to the art in finding new and unusual trying to stand out as actions and appearance.

Fig. 5.11.Mustache "Salvador Dali"


Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist, painter, schedule, sculptor, director (Fig. 5.12). One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. In life, was distinguished by eccentricism and shocking rapid behavior.

Fig. 5.12.Salvador Dali

Semicircular full mustache (Fig. 5.13) belong to the "fathers of families." These are good-natured and balanced people for whom calm and family well-being are a vital ideal.

Fig. 5.13.Semicircular full mustache

What do we know about such a piece of male image as a mustache and what types of mustache come? Fashion on wearing mustache has been there for many years. The mustache was always considered a sign of aristocraticness, masculinity and strength. In the royal times they were bored by monarchs, nobles, officers. Later, the mustache became a granted element of the appearance of a man. Closer to our time the fashion on the mustache was disappearing, then again appeared. And today they are considered a trend of male appearance.

History of popularity

If you wanted to fundamentally change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. At first you can feel a little embarrassing, because it will not be easy to get used to a new image. But later you will most likely enjoy your new image. With a mustache you will look like a more resolute and courageous man.

Varieties of musty

The mustache is of different shapes and magnitude. Their species have a lot. To some extent, every man probably someday himself came up with his individual style of mustache. In this article we will tell you what is the most famous and popular types of mustache.


These elongated and sharply twisted the mustache, wear the name of such a famous creative person as Salvador Dali. In order to wear such a style of mustache, you need to be ready to devote a lot of time to their laying.


Often this is a magnificent mustache, at first glance resembling an wrapped horsepow. The mustache should grow at the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only reaching the jaw. This form of the mustache is characteristic of many bikers. Also, throughout their lives, such a well-known actor as Tarry Halk Hogan is wearing.

Dense mustache, which are located just above the upper lip over its entire length and are slightly tightened to the top. They were very loved to wear monarchs and nobles, hence their name. Interestingly, such mustache had Budyonov.


Solid large mustache, completely obscure the upper lip. Tom Sellek with pleasure wears a mustache of such a style.

Fu Manchu

These mustache are the name of the main character from the work of the British writer Romer Sax. A long mustache is released above the upper lip, which should not be shorter than the lower line of the jaw. At the same time, over the edges of the mouth, the hair thoroughly shake, which is a distinctive feature of this style.


The name speaks for itself. This form of the mustache strongly resembles the lampshade. Such a form is very easy to give mustes on your own at home in front of the mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache themselves to let go from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such a mustache worn military.

Brush artist

Not long lush mustache, growing along the entire length of the mouth line. With such a mustache, we have not seen Brad Pitt once. This form is popular now among young people.


Narrow, thin strip of bristles over the upper lip. They were wary in the 40x-50s of the last century, Hollywood Actor Clark Gable.

The mustache is wide at the base and narrow above, resembling a pyramid form. Very comfortable and popular among men.


Dense little mustache, leaving right under the nose. Mustache characteristic Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They will be suitable if you interfere with large mustache.


Large mustache, often whole closing mouth. Such wore a well-known writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


The mustache resembling a bicycle steering wheel, as their tips are tightened up rings. Italians are called their "mustache-spaghetti". They often wore soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible mustache. In fact, it is just a bristle left above the upper lip. If you hate the frequent shave procedure, then this type of mustache is for you.

Not all types of men's mustache are listed above. But having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of their kinds, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Everything is limited here only by your own fantasy. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright memorable image with a mustache.

Today, the mustache and beard became a real trend in the world of male fashion. Gladkovybrid men today are not honored. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or beard (or both together). But the choice of mustache and beard is a purely individual process, since incorrectly selected shape and length can have a completely opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

The men's mustache has always been popular and in demand. They serve as an ornament and means for the cardinal transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail you can hide disadvantages and correct the form of the face. Cute mustache can be the most diverse, and it is necessary to select those that will be harmonized with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a form of mustache, it is necessary that they perfect to the traits and the form of your face. It is also important to take into account the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, the haircuts must make professionals who are suitable individually for each client, its appearance and style.

Varieties of musty

Forms of mustache can be different in size and length. There is almost a hundred species of different types of mustache. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This kind was named after the famous artist Salvador gave and is an elongated mustache that twist up. Choosing such a form, you need to know that they require a lot of time to laying.
  • Horseshoe. The name of such a mustache was obtained thanks to the form, similar to an inverted horsepow. They grow around the edges of the mouth and end, reaching the jaw level.
  • Imperial. This form preferred the monarchs and noble estate. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lips, the ends are twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these mustache should be lower than the jaw level. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, naturally, besides the mustache, shave.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form you can do on your own at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such haircuts were popular among the English military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle over the upper lip. The tips of the mustache must be certainly sharp.
  • Brush artist. The mustache grows along the entire mouth line, not long, but can be pretty lush. Today, such a mustache is very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To present this form, you should revive the image of Johnny Depp. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The mustache is very narrow at the top, where they originate and expand to the bottom, cover the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. The beginning they take under the nose itself, a small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred that.
  • Walrus. They have a large size, thick and can completely close the mouth.
  • Handlbar. With its appearance, the mustache is similar to the bicycle steering wheel, as their ends are tightened up. Handlebar must have been popular among the soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question, how to cut the mustache, does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just a bristle that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustache adore men who do not like shave.

Nuances of care of mustache

A haircut of beard and mustache is a matter of professionals, since only the Master can make an ideal form suitable for appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that should be known. Sharp tips of the mustache always need to fill an acute razor. Milling with scissors should be done so that the mustache become less lush. It is carried out strictly at the bottom edge.

Before squeeze mustache, they must be combeding in different directions. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and combing the mustache from the center to the left and right to give them the form. Also, to give a form, you can use forceps. They should be flat and have a stable heating.

Mustache and beard should be cut only dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a colossal difference between what they wanted to get from the haircut of the mustache, and the final appearance.

Mustache tools

A haircut of beard and mustache requires a certain preparation, or rather, the presence of the necessary tools. In order to cut the beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-scallop and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to align the line of mustache and / or beard and cut off sticking hairs. It is recommended to use a professional tool, but its price is high enough.

Trimmer for mustache is a universal tool that can be used for a mustache, beard and even hair. For this, trimmers are completed with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available absolutely for everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to correctly choose a trimmer for the mustache, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very tough, you need to choose a model with a blade, which is adjustable in length. With soft and obedient hair, it is optional.
  • Depending on the scope of use, you can choose wired or today there are even models for a car that can work from the cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can buy tools and nozzles for eyebrow care, hair in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and ears, etc. They are more expensive, but also equipped with all objects to care for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should go to hand well and be comfortable.

How to trim the mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. You need to comb your mustache so that they lay down one solid smooth line.
  2. Using the trimmer (in a vertical position), we determine the circuit of the mustache.
  3. We make the framing, holding the trimmer labeling side to yourself.
  4. Holding the trimmer from itself the marking side, process the line of mustache and lips, thereby giving vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make final form, keeping the blade tool to yourself.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.

Today, the mustache and beard became a real trend in the world of male fashion. Gladkovybrid men today are not honored. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or beard (or both together). But the choice of mustache and beard is a purely individual process, since incorrectly selected shape and length can have a completely opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

The men's mustache has always been popular and in demand. They serve as an ornament and means for the cardinal transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail you can hide disadvantages and correct the form of the face. Cute mustache can be the most diverse, and it is necessary to select those that will be harmonized with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a form of mustache, it is necessary that they perfect to the traits and the form of your face. It is also important to take into account the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, the haircuts must make professionals who are suitable individually for each client, its appearance and style.

Varieties of musty

Forms of mustache can be different in size and length. There is almost a hundred species of different types of mustache. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This kind was named after the famous artist Salvador gave and is an elongated mustache that twist up. Choosing such a form, you need to know that they require a lot of time to laying.
  • Horseshoe. The name of such a mustache was obtained thanks to the form similar to the inverted growing, they grow at the edges of the corners of the mouth and end, reaching the jaw level.
  • Imperial. This form preferred the monarchs and noble estate. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lips, the ends are twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these mustache should be lower than the jaw level. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, naturally, besides the mustache, shave.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form you can do on your own at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such haircuts were popular among the English military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle over the upper lip. The tips of the mustache must be certainly sharp.
  • Brush artist. The mustache grows along the entire mouth line, not long, but can be pretty lush. Today, such a mustache is very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To present this form, you should revive the image of Johnny Depp. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The mustache is very narrow at the top, where they originate and expand to the bottom, cover the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. The beginning they take under the nose itself, a small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred that.
  • Walrus. They have a large size, thick and can completely close the mouth.
  • Handlbar. With its appearance, the mustache is similar to the bicycle steering wheel, as their ends are tightened up. Handlebar must have been popular among the soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question, how to cut the mustache, does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just a bristle that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustache adore men who do not like shave.

Nuances of care of mustache

A haircut of beard and mustache is a matter of professionals, since only the Master can make an ideal form suitable for appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that should be known. Sharp tips of the mustache always need to fill an acute razor. Milling with scissors should be done so that the mustache become less lush. It is carried out strictly at the bottom edge.

Before squeeze mustache, they must be combeding in different directions. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and combing the mustache from the center to the left and right to give them the form. Also, to give a form, you can use forceps. They should be flat and have a stable heating.

Mustache and beard should be cut only dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a colossal difference between what they wanted to get from the haircut of the mustache, and the final appearance.

Mustache tools

A haircut of beard and mustache requires a certain preparation, or rather, the presence of the necessary tools. In order to cut the beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-scallop and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to align the line of mustache and / or beard and cut off sticking hairs. It is recommended to use a professional tool, but its price is high enough.

Trimmer for mustache is a universal tool that can be used for a mustache, beard and even hair. For this, trimmers are completed with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available absolutely for everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to correctly choose a trimmer for the mustache, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very tough, you need to choose a model with a blade, which is adjustable in length. With soft and obedient hair, it is optional.
  • Depending on the scope of use, you can choose wired or today there are even models for a car that can work from the cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can buy tools and nozzles for eyebrow care, hair in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and ears, etc. They are more expensive, but also equipped with all objects to care for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should go to hand well and be comfortable.

How to trim the mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. You need to comb your mustache so that they lay down one solid smooth line.
  2. Using the trimmer (in a vertical position), we determine the circuit of the mustache.
  3. We make the framing, holding the trimmer labeling side to yourself.
  4. Holding the trimmer from itself the marking side, process the line of mustache and lips, thereby giving vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make final form, keeping the blade tool to yourself.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.