Conspiracy on the highly paid job. Conspiracy to work

Why are you lucky with one people with work, they constantly have money, and others all their lives complain about lack of money, injustice of the bosses, the lack of career prospects? The exact causes of life failures can be found with the help of a good psychologist or the present psychic. But a person may well help himself - you just need to choose a way to attract good luck in your work.

We change the energy frequency

Before being taken for practical work on changing the situation, you need to understand: the money loves those who love them, and do not go to the sad pessimists.

So success depends on several factors:

  • the intention to get a good job (or change its conditions);
  • confidence in your abilities, that is, in what to deal with the problem will succeed, and in the fact that the selected method works;
  • refusal of negative installations and their replacement for positive statements.

The fact is that when a person lives on a wave of positive, the frequency of its energy vibrations is radically different from the one that is characteristic of a negatively thoughtful person.

In other words, he radiates the energy of a positive in the space, thereby attracting even more good luck to him. And vice versa. This is the law of the universe, which our ancestors knew about. It is not by chance that so many sayings is associated with the topic of trouble (" Came trouble - Call the gate», « Trouble misfortune stickers" and etc.).

We choose how to attract good luck in the work

Seriously overlooking how to attract work and money, you need to choose your way to agree with the universe. There are several methods that work for different people in different ways. Someone perceives the world through vision, someone through the rumor, and someone is important to touch and in general the material side of life.

That is why there are several ways to attract work and money:

  • visualization;
  • feng Shui;
  • conspiracies and mantras;
  • rituals and symbolic actions.

Any of these methods is quite a worker, but without the appropriate attitude, it is unlikely to work.

Visualization method

This method is based on the fact that our subconsciously can perceive bright clear images and affirmative thinking. That is, in order to change something in your life, you need to create a specific image of the desired in the material world, constantly have it before your eyes or with you and behave as if you already have the desired.

For example, if you dream about working in a major insurance company, for example, in

Rosgosstrakh, in high position with good wages, you can do the following:

  • analyze which directions of work you are attracted to Rosgosstrakh and what advantages will give you a position;
  • write a resume as if you received a preliminary invitation;
  • think over the smallest nuances of future work, enter them into an employment contract, indicating, for example, not only the amount of wages, but also the amount of social package, the amount of bonuses, etc.;
  • imagine that luck smiled, you took on this job, try to feel that you are experiencing (joy, satisfaction, calm, happiness). It is necessary to try so that the body also responds to your feelings, such as warm, spilled in the chest, or pleasant sensations in the abdomen, hearts.

It remains to sign a contract, roll it and wear constantly with you (a pocket, bag) or keep in a prominent place. The visualization method is one of the most efficient. It really helps to understand how to attract good work and money, and therefore it is worth spending time on the writing part of the work.

Additionally, you can create a map of desires by sticking your photo, pictures, image of money and even small objects, symbolizing the desired place of work. It will stay to hang a map and consider it more often. The rest will make the subconscious together with the positive energy of the universe.

How to make a job more monetary

Suppose a person already has a person, it is quite suitable. But here is the money ...

I would like to get more. Do not think where the authorities will find money to raise the salary. This is not your problem.

Do not convince the boss that pregnant women can be attracted to work and pay a worthy remuneration for it. Just act.

Feng Shui

The eastern doctrine of the harmonization of space of a house or public space is considered one of the most powerful ways to attract money, health, good luck in your life.

That's what you can do:

  • open in the northern sector of apartment items, symbolizing success, career, money. As a rule, it is a turtle (heavenly defense, wisdom, support), toad, holding coins in the mouth, mirror surfaces, crystal spheres;
  • strengthen the positive energy of metal or glass figures. You can, for example, put a glass pyramid on the desktop, and put money under it - one bill or coin. IMPORTANT: The form of items should be rounded, without coarse, sharp faces, so as not to move good luck;
  • water is considered a powerful symbol of monetary well-being, as it is associated with an endless flow of money. Therefore, you can strengthen the career sector fountain, aquarium with a goldfish or just hang pictures with the image of the aquatic element.

How to attract success in work if you are best reacting to sounds? If conditions allow, then in the zone of glory and careers you can use wind music. It will attract positive energy, good luck. Another option is to listen to the mantra.

Conspiracy and mantras

Speech formulas are one of their most understandable ways to transmit and perceive information. When we clearly formulating some kind of thought, our subconscious takes it as a direct guide to action, a mood for good luck. That is why so strong faith due to popular conspiracy. They actually work, and anyone interested person can use this knowledge today.

How to attract good work and money in this way? Everything is simple: take any source of information (books, specialized Internet resources, etc.), find the right plot, read it daily for several days in a row. As a rule, changes begin immediately: money comes, proposals are received.

Similarly, you can work with mantras - that is, phrases taken from the sacred Hindu texts. It is believed that the set of sounds in the mantra is an appeal to a specific deity. To attract money, you need Krsna Gaitatri mantras, Lakshmi Gayatri. It is not necessary to read them yourself. Today you can easily find mantra records, and then listen to them 3-4 times a day.

Rituals and symbolic actions

An understandable ritual made at the right time, also relates to effective ways to work with the subconscious. How to attract good cash, good luck, the success in this way, psychics perfectly know. It is necessary to activate the human life energy, clean the surrounding space from negative information, create a new behavior model.

Successful employment - the dream of most people. To cool your life cool, sometimes it is enough to read a plot to work - this is a very effective means. Applied magic allows you to get a prestigious vacancy, speed up your career and attract more money.

Household rites associated with search for work are diverse. Someone is afraid to call the employer, and someone did not take a prestigious position. There are those who do not suit the previous earnings - for them, the right conspiracy will be removed.

Choose a conspiracy on job search sometimes is difficult - this is caused by the extraordinary diversity of rituals. Magic is individual - look for what is suitable for you. Very effective is the conspiracy of the mother who dreams to attach the daughter to the "warm place". There are three varieties of "career" rites:

Magic is individual - look for what is suitable for you

  • to pass the interview;
  • conspiracy to employment;
  • to take on the "monetary" vacancy;
  • on official promotion.

The effectiveness of the ritual depends on the place and time of it. Plan magic actions for the period of the growing moon and do not talk about your intention around. This is an important point, as someone else's energy can harm the execution of conceived.

There are "general action" rites, and there is a narrow specialty white magic. Obtaining work is one thing, and the acquisition of a promising position with a decent earnings is another. Do not be afraid to read the appropriate prayer at home - everything will have no worse than the leader.

how to save time

Usually a conspiracy is required to people who suddenly fall into a predicament. What to do if funds are needed right now, and is not a good paid version? Go to the forest, find a large stump there, stop near and say:

"Hello, Poek, cute friend. I lived, you lived, I visited the trunk, I did anything. Specify me the way. Where is the good job hidden? I sit on the hemp - after three days the place and deceased. "

The reading spell should sit on the pencils and clear your mind from extraneous thoughts. A little to pronounce a conspiracy to find good work - wait a minute, thank the stump and only then go.

classics of the genre

Want to be quickly called for an interview, and everything went successfully? Follow the coin and handkerchief, as well as buy a fresh release of newspapers with vacancies. The coin should be large - this is a prerequisite. Disseminating a handkerchief and putting a coin on it upstairs, say the text:

"As stars are invariably shine with the moon, and luck will be with me.
In the Most High I am not a pope, I wake a kind place.
I'm well done right, in any kind of nice,
I'm hurt everywhere, I'm coming everywhere.
How the luminaires red will go, so the favorite work will come.
Everything will get to me, the wallet will be filled. "

If a conspiracy to attract an employer reads a woman, "well done" need to be replaced with the "Red Maiden". A wrapper with a coin is tied by a node and hides far from people - in a quiet and reliable place. In a day, buy a new newspaper and start calling the employers - you will certainly achieve success.

ritual with thirty coins

It happens that at work the consequences you are not satisfied - boring, hard, conflicts with colleagues and leadership. If you want to enjoy your classes, follow our instructions. Conspiracies to find good work, need a comprehensive preparatory actions:

  1. Collect 30 coins (the smallest).
  2. Sew the bag of red cloth (you need to do it yourself on Monday - Tuesday).
  3. Wait for the growing month (the ritual is held at dawn).
  4. Throw the bag cooked coins.
  5. Place the bag filled with money on the palm (right).
  6. Cut the bag with the left palm, say the spell.

Finding decent vacancies without household magic is hard, so avoid mistakes. The spell is repeated seven times, after which 20 coins are buried in the ground, and 10 come with them. The text of the conspiracy to work looks like this:

"30 Oberegov, 30 coins - a revenue place for me to find it. Do not hesitate, enter the path to the same hour. Yes, I will happen (your name) success in the search. Where I come, there and the warm place will find. I will not get any failures. "

secrets of a successful interview

Let's talk about highly specialized conspiracies for good work related to the effective passage of the interview. In order not to receive a refusal, use the magic spell. Stay before the door of the office of the future leader and say such a text:

"I go to Boyarin, not a young yes not old. I want to go, Mr appearance. My owner's face is cute, the soul was not afraid. Everyone would be surprised, the boyars smiled, my words were dying. Empty soul do not ride. Amen".

The magical formula is pronounced three times, after which you need to go to the office and boldly communicate with the employer. The spell helped many people, but remember three things:

  1. Act confidently.
  2. Cave the boss with the first minutes.
  3. Try to establish yourself in the first months of work.

search for high paying vacancy

Performing previous instructions will allow you to quickly work out, but what about a worthy payment? To get a great salary, go to the store and get a loaf there. Spell need to read at home three times:

"Bread-bread, everyone worship you, everything you, bread, head. Low you worship and joyfully on the table meeting. Let me go to boyar, I will meet me there sincerely, they will accept-welcome. Let them invite you to work with tremendous money. Let coming and further be fed and the coin call thank you. "

Bread conspired to receive a vacancy, you need to cut in two. One half must eat, the second rape poultry. So, you will get highly paid work with a greater probability. The main thing is to believe in yourself, white magic and higher strength.

ritual on cream

Cream is perfectly suitable for rituals for attracting financial good luck. The store is not suitable - cream should be homely, natural. Fatness matters - than it is more, the higher the alleged earnings will be. Fill the cream white cup and say three times:

"I will leave, the servant of God (name), my house. I will not come out through the doors, not a gate or walkway straight apart. I'm going - and not food, Carotic - and not quite. Let's go to search for fate - in the dark Bora and a pure field. Forward ahead - I will find a prickly, I'll drive it again - a dozen will raise, the third time is shaken - Fifty gold coins will be squeezed. I drink cream, omit. To live for a long time, trouble do not lead, at the good place of the eyelid. Amen".

To make a guarantee for the "cream" vacancy, make three throat, and offer relatives. Creamy conspiracy to good work will face if you finish the ritual in the following actions:

  1. Mix cream with coffee (or tea).
  2. Having become the resulting drink of households.
  3. Regularly before going to bed, you will shake the pillow, saying: "Mother's cowhow, give me profitable work."
  4. You will read the prayer "Our Father" (three times).

as with a conspiracy to achieve career growth

Girls believe that an elegant toilet and stunning appearance will help in employment. All these factors are important, but any activity is associated with responsibility. If you should cope well with the duties, then soon increase your well-being. To spur the process, do the following:

  1. Buy a pair of nasal scarves.
  2. Buying scarves, do not take out.
  3. Wait for a decreasing moon (perfect day - Sunday).
  4. Splinching the scarves with sanctified water, leave them to dry.
  5. Wrap in the first handkerchief, a handful of millet and seven coins of the same size.
  6. Scroll the first handkerchief under the birch (the further from the housing, the better).

When searching for work, conspiracies are extremely important, but also career advancement can be achieved magical. The ritual is carried out at sunset, and the prayer for promotion is read 7 times. The text is:

"As in the thickets and dumbers, living creatures work as a peasant-father's peasant in the fields, so I'm getting driving, I woke out of the last strength. I don't know the priest, I will not begged back. Let me go, Lord, the heavenly grace to find more good. Let my reward be deserved, and the owner will notice me and will be elevated. Truly my word. Amen".

Classical conspiracies to find a job, the Internet is full, but rituals, to hold the achieved, come across less frequently. It's time to figure out the fate of the second handkerchief. This artifact needs to be buried at the nearest crossroads, whispering the word "payment".

About, how to attract good luck in workMany are conceived. It is difficult to do it, but nothing impossible does not exist. Enough armed with the necessary knowledge. There are various sciences and practices, signs and conspiracies to help. If you connect them, you can get a recipe for how to become luck.

The thought is material

Good luck arrived. She goes to hand far from everyone. A person who does not believe in herself and his strength will never be able to grab the tail attending the lady. Therefore, the first step should be aware of themselves, recognizing one's own capabilities.

Most esotericists agree that there are huge reserves in man. You can reveal them, freeing from negative thoughts and replacing them with positive settings.

For this daily enough use the correct affirmationand, configuring yourself to the victory. Under affirmations are a brief capacious phrases containing the necessary installations. Specialists argue that their regular repetition will gradually lead to the fact that the program being laid will begin to work.

But I. examples of affirmations To attract good luck in the work

On this day, I will find the work of my dream, because I am preserved it!

All the necessary people have an interest in my resume.

My knowledge and experience attract the employers.

I am a decisive person, so I exhibit my knowledge and skills in the post I love!

I can be a contender for rivalry in any economic sphere, as I have the necessary qualifications and talent!

I am a responsible employee! To this or that boss was lucky to work with me!

Every time a conversation with the employer, I assure it in my importance in the enterprise.

I am convinced of my talents! To date, my career growth is actively increasing!

I give to understand the employer, with every our conversation that I do not doubt my abilities.

Employers trust me and feel my energy, communicating with me at a personal meeting.

I can conduct a dialogue. I trust myself.

I have to get a job that I will be pleased! And without any prepositions, I will start a search today!

If the beginning is put, the person began to feel more confident, you can move to folk magic.

The work itself may not appear, so it must be actively looking for. And conspiracies and rituals will help not miss what should be yours and bypass possible competitors.

On the eve of an important interview two spoons of salt, sugar and rice.They must be poured in turn on a saucer with a golden car. There should be a small hill. In its vertex, close the revealed pin. All this can not be touched, it is best to remove into a secluded place so that no one can destroy the design. In the morning the pin is needed to push to your own clothes from the wrong side.

To attract good luck, you can make a kind amulet. In a small leather bag, it is necessary to fold the coins of all existing denominations. There you have to add a bay leaf, along the pea of \u200b\u200bblack and fragrant pepper and bird feather. The bird can be any, but the amulet has a greater force if the pen is bright. The finished bag must be hung in your room or never shift from place to place.

Universal conspiracy to find a good job

It will help to get a job and a specially prepared and conspired coin. If you were invited to the interview, immediately look at the wallet and select the largest metal money. Up to evening, she must be worn in his pocket, then put on the pillow at night. In the morning, the coin should be kept tight in the palm of his palm and to spite it about what you expect from the new day, ask for help and assistance. Then the amulet must be put again in his pocket and go to his affairs.

The next ritual must be completed in the evening of Thursday. It will take to find a secluded place in the garden or park, where no one goes. I dug a shallow hole, it should put a large coin, live bug and surcharge, then fall asleep the earth. In the process of performing these actions it is necessary to pronounce:

Faster soap let my bad luck end,

Replace his luck in all matters.

How bug will be on the light,

So good luck and money will come to me.

How to return the departed luck

If a black strip came in life, you should not despair. It will necessarily change white. But just sit and wait for this too. How to attract good luck in work and money in this case? You can use special rituals and conspiracies.

First you need to cleanse bad thoughts. If you are sure that someone specially deprived you of good luck, try to get rid of the negative in relation to this person. Ask forgiveness from all those who deservedly or undeservedly offend. As soon as you feel ease and peace within yourself, proceed to magic.

Sunday in the morning pour water into a glass. It should be consecrated or spring. Take a slot of black bread. Sit at the table and burn a candle in front of you. Then take the bread into the left hand, and the glass is right. In this position, look at the flame of the candle and pronounce a plot:

« The Lord God gave people life, and bread, and their grace. Jesus Christ brought faith and hope, saved from an imminent death. Return to me good luck to my non-permanent. Take away from people evil with thoughts unclean. Let the business, bright and clean, benefit to your neighbors. Take away my failure, let the snake be thrilled in the distant lair. Let not get out to the outside, nor drink, nor to breathe. Amen»

After that, eat prepared bread to the slightest crumb and drink it with water. Take off the candle and take it to church. Place there before the icon of the Savior and ask him for help.

To strengthen the plot, give alms asking. At the same time, whisper about yourself: "I give, then I will return with a storm."

How to make a workplace

We learned, how to attract good luck and find a good job.But this can not be stopped, because the action of rituals ends sooner or later.

First of all, the workplace requires order. Then the threads of positive energy will circulate freely, and negative will now be born. Therefore, never arrange a landfill on the table from folders, documents, directories and other things. Even if all this is necessary for work, put what at the moment you do not use, in the appropriate boxes.

Never hold unnecessary papers on the table. Throw them immediately. The garbage basket also needs to be released regularly, without waiting for the evening and the arrival of cleaners. If there are too many paper used around you, you risk getting stuck in your affairs in one place.

Be sure to keep some plant on the table. It not only dispels negative energy, but also adds strength, it raises the mood.

Using all the rituals and conspiracies, get ready for what you need to work. However, you are waiting for success, as you will attract good luck in it will work out .

Conspiracies to work.

To hire.

If there is a suitable monetary work, but you still do not know whether you will take you there, but you want to take, do so. Closer to the noon, he burn the candle, and looking into the flame, say out loud (you can look into the book).

"Food-food on a wrought chariot, on a golden mare. Where to go, there are waiting for me, love and respected, the refusal is not offended. There is no failure to me today, neither tomorrow or the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, no one day, month and year, always, I am glory and honor. Nobody will tell me against me, no one will refuse anything, they will meet open doors, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross Cross, it's a good end! Amen".

Repeat non-stop until the candle does not make a knot.

Conspiracy to find a job with a good salary.

Plant any plant - a tree, bush, flower - to the ground or a house in a pot. When you plan, say without stopping, the more times, the better:

"Sayshevo I plant, grow blessing. Trees and grow, good to bring me. So my new one blooms and good will bring to me."

After sure to take care of the plant. While it lives and grows, you will have a monetary business. If a plant for some reason died, or it grows poorly - not tightening, plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual.

Conspiracy to raise salary.

Take a coin of any dignity and tell it in a whisper or loud, you can read on the book.

"Thank you, Lord, I catch fish, and you send me a catch. So, let my catch griest, bloating bloom, grief so as not to know, do not count the money.
The Lord will not forget me, in the glory of the Lord good to come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

The coin must be put at its workplace, but so that it does not catch the eye to anyone, and so that no one can pick up and shift.

Conspiracy to quickly find work.

Go in the first half of the day in the forest, find the stump more there, go to it and tell me out loud:

"Hello, Perek, dear friend. You lived, waiting, we visited a high tree, I saw a lot. Show me, where the work is good. I sit on hemp, I will find a job in three days. "

After you need to sit on a stump and sit in a minute silently, trying not to think about anything. Then get up, mentally or out loud to thank the stump and leave, not looking around.

To find cash.

In the first half of the day, take a whole bread and speak out loud on it,
You can book:

"Bread-breads, you all the head, everyone will be honored, put on the belt, they happily meet. So I am where I go - there I am happy to meet me, they bring, they take, they are invited to work, they award big money, but thank you say, and even come to know. "

Then cut the bread in half, half twist the birds, the other half
Eat at lunch.

To give a good job.

Every day, just waking up and not yet ending with bed, with closed eyes, repeat three times with a whisper or to yourself:

"Where to go - I know that I ask my, all the obstacles will go away, the enemy will fly away, good luck to me will arrive, the work best I will get to me." It will be so. "

To make a good job well.

Before you go to a new job, take a piece of bread in the morning, sprinkle with salt. Speaking, tell us three times out loud:

"Bread two salt everywhere is honored, with good, we are put on the belt,
Call and in the feast, and into the world. So would have taken me with good, read, respected, put on the best place. Amen".

Eat this piece of bread with an empty stomach salt.

Conspiracies from Hope Stepanova.

Conspiracy to hire.

"I go to the bar, not junk and not old. I go to fit, the owner

loose. My face is nice, my soul did not pose.

Everyone would be surprised for me, the owners were smiling, I died with words.

He would not chase his soul baptized. Lord Jesus Christ


Conspiracies from A.M. Krasnovova.

Z. avdrial to work good find .

Conspiracy to get the right one from the bosses or official.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, be merciful to me, sinful slave you (name), - you see you, my right, I am praised in front of you in my thoughts, so help, on the right decision of my request blessing, the heart of the strengths of this world Soften, Omiri, to help me back. I am going with good to them - let her good and make me, welcome, do not drive from the threshold, and they call them a good word, they give you a kind word, good things we give up. Good hour! With God, with God, with God. Amen".

Conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova.

This conspiracy is inspired by a fountain pen that you fill in the questionnaires when searching for work.

The handle needs to be wrapped with a red wool thread, to speak:

"Handle to hand, order in my head, money in mosne, good luck with me! Amen".

Tips for Great Vangu.

To find a good job, in the new moon, spend such a ritual.

Write on a sheet of paper, what kind of work you want and with which salary. Then cut this sheet into small pieces, mix them with a crushed dry laurel sheet, put on a frying pan, a metal tray, or to clay dishes and begite. When everything burns and cool down, collect ashes, wrap in the cash bill of any dignity and wear with you
(You can in a wallet or bag) as a talisman.

Do not eat bread crumbs with hand - it's to poverty and hunger.
For this purpose, a special brush-mix kit should be in the house.
Also never sweep the table with paper. When the crumbs are sweeping, do not throw them away, but give the birds.

If you want to be accompanied by luck in your work, take the sprig of the acids - this is a grass that is considered to be weary, and it is easy to find in any garden, or if you are lucky, find a four-member clover,
It turns out a particularly strong talisman. Dry leaves under the press or in the book, as for herbarium, and then put under the glass at your workplace.

When you go to pass the exam, or for an interview for a device to work, put a penny under the heel. Good luck will be provided.

So that you have accompanied luck and always attracted money, Wear with you any image of God's cow (embroidered, drawn, engraved on a stone, or decoration, brooch the corresponding form). Success will be, if you drink tea from a circle at work, on which the ladybug is depicted.

Don't talk and don't think too much about your boss - Otherwise, he will bring his disfavor, he will often be angry with you and find fault in trifles.

If the boss for something is angry with you, swears, causes it to the carpet for study, put a small mirror in my pocket with a reflective side from myself. The wrath of the boss will quickly runs out.

If you want your firm flourishing, Work brought all employees financial well-being, and the relationship in the team was good, let someone from employees cake apple pie, which must be added cinnamon. In the cake you need to stick the candles of green (special, for cakes) by the number of employees who will take part in tea party. Candles will be lit, and then dunge together to blew them all at once. Together, eat the pie at work, watching everyone gets row.

(I.Vladimarova "Magic conspiracies for wealth and happiness")

Pour into a clay or wooden vessel of water and put it three days in your beds. In the morning of the fourth day, take water with you to work and, let's say, in the toilet, beg it, saying:

"It was here, here I will go here and walk." Amen".

So that you have no refusal to work.

(N.Stpanova. "200 Siberian healer conspiracy for success and good luck")

If you go to someone with a request to take you to work or help in your problem, first read this plot.

"I do not walk on foot, I do not hurry stuck on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's slave (name):

monday, nor on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday and on Saturday.

Take, damn, my care. So I did not know anything against me or no evil and none.

They did not move to the tongue, respected me and loved me.

Cross with a cross, dealing with a good end.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy for good luck in finding work.

(Conspiracy of the Pechersk Healer of Mary Fedorovskaya).

First of all, you need to clean up your desktop: throw away everything too much, and all the necessary things are distributed in places. There will be order on the table, it will be in the head, and in affairs, and in money - everywhere. Then close in the room and proceed to spoken.

"Handle to me faithfully serve

With a handle to be friends, live yes not to rush,

To write letters together, and tasks to solve.

How much in the ink handle,

So many strength!

Write handle yes write,

And I need to find the work!

So that denyuchi paid,

To holly-valued,

To be not boring

To be handy.

As I said, so be.

Forever and ever. Amen".

The handle must be tied with a white thread, the second end of the thread hide in his pocket and walk the whole day with a handle. Remember: in the next month you should only use this handle. During the month you will definitely find the place that will be arranged from all sides. "

Conspiracy to receive good work.

("Conspuses from Onega Healer. P. Belova)

"As you know, the work of the work is distributed. We strive to get somewhere, but it turns out that I tried in vain: and the salary is small, and require a lot. Therefore, before searching, it will not be superfluous to create a conspiracy. It will attract the best suggestions to you. Put three nasal handkerchief. In the full moon on each of them, tie the knot on each of them, then place the shawls into a crystal glass or a glass so that the nodules are at the bottom, and three angle (from each handkerchief one by one) loosely hanging from the walls of the container.

Bend over a glass and whisper:

"How to contact a handkerchief in a tight nodules, as the knots will be played in a crystal castle, how the corners for a free draft, so I have a slave of God (name) work to find a serious, monetary, so that a tight wallet is naked. So that my work is causing and nice. So that freely I was surrounded by, the colleagues are kind, and the bosses affectionately! Help Lord! May it be so! My word is tight yes chalk! Goy! "

After that, put a glass with scarves on the windowsill so that it gets under the moonlight, and go to bed yourself. In the morning, gently fold the handkerchief, not unleashing the nodes. One leave at home, another put in your handbag, and the third pocket of your outerwear. Be sure to take at least one handkerchief with you when you once again go to search for work.

Flying to the potential boss, touch the door handle with a conspiracted handle.

If in any place to get a job did not work, do not be discouraged, the highest forces are disassembled from you. The handkerchiefs you must in the right organization will lead you, where you will be taken, and with the conditions you have arranged. "

Plotted or handle to get a job.

If you are one hundred percent sure that we found exactly what they dreamed about, and you have an interview, on the eve of the following plot. Take a new pencil or pen. Hold it a little in your hands and whisper:

"For seven doors, under the seven castles,

Under the protection of a snake with nine heads

The chest is forged,

Dicky flowers painted.

And in the chest is not malicious, not silver,

No other good

Neither great magic

And the goose lies the pen.

Snake not just guarded

What you will not write them - everything executes.

I will go through seven doors, seven locks,

Breakfast will take nine goals.

Help me a feather Magic -

There is a cherished desire.

Let the will of your wildlife

I'll get money.

As I want, let everything fulfill,

And the house of my wealth will be filled.

May it be so! Goy! "

The next day, be sure to take a conspiracy handle or pencil with you. If possible, it is them fill in the questionnaire or write an application for employment. Leaving home, as if forget the stupid thing in the organization in which you would like to work. She will definitely attract you to him, and you will become an employee of this company.

Conspiracy to hire. (from N.Stpanova) .

Conspiracy on the handle to be lucky with work.

This conspiracy is inspired by a fountain pen that you fill in the questionnaires when searching for work. The handle needs to be wrapped with a red wool thread, to speak:

"Handle to hand, order in my head, money in mosne, good luck with me! Amen".

Conspiracy to find a good job.

"The stars in the sky go to their own way, the sun in the sky goes to his own way, and you, a month is clear, our own way is moving - so let me, the slave of God (name), will be in the world of earthly and heavenly, diluted and subnet. On the path I will find the house of Golden, in the house Tron Golden, on the throne Tom my business, the Lord I was given to me joy, for happiness, for good luck, for wealth. The point is waiting for me - it will not wait, no one, besides me, nor old, nor a young nor husband, nor red, nor black, nor white, nor Rum, nor gray. Bring me, Lord, to the throne, let me in my hands, so that I will heal, without grief, without grief and adversity, in the glory of yours, the Lord, myself, and all people for good. May it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy in the workplace, to pay better.

(Maria Bazhenova "Conspiracy of the Ural Healer against damage and evil eye").

This book on Ozone:\u003dyouser&from\u003dbar

For this conspiracy, no girlfriends do not need. They say sitting in the workplace, but turning the face in the other side, where money comes from you (Simply put, towards an accountant):

"BUT postul Andrey fish on the sea Galilean caught, with Jesus Christ, our Lord, spoke. Lord Jesus Christ, went to me a rich catch, to row a shovel. So let the slave of God (name) the Lord will not forget, will not bypass, good will turn, feed, move. Amen, Amen, Amen.

In this article:

For most people, one of the important life aspects is the work. And the main desire of each person is to find such work that would bring and financial well-being and satisfaction from its implementation. Conspiracies on highly paid and good work can achieve this.

Conspiracy to attract good work

The first step towards a successful career is a job search on the shower. Before you start looking for a job, you need to buy a nasal handkerchief in the new moon and talk 7 times on it:

"It will be me, the slave of God (his name), successful and good luck in the path of the road. Where I go, I will not get a job there and I will not get a failure. "

The spoken scarf must always be worn with you. However, reading this simple conspiracy still means that the work itself will be found. Conspirational words for obtaining welcome work is only assistance, and the main actions for finding the vacancy should make the performer.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

After the desired post is found, the resume is selected, the next stage is the interview. So that the company's leaders in which the person would like to work were positively set up and accepted him to work, you need to take advantage of the following plot:

"I am going to boyar, not old and not young. I go to go, the owner seem. My face is nice, my soul did not pose. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners smiled, my words were dying. He will not be able to drive a baptized soul. Lord Jesus, God for Hermit all of us at any time. Amen".

Thanks to the conspiracy, the future supervisor from the very first minutes of the interview will want to accept a person who claims to be applied.

After successful employment, it is not necessary to immediately relax, as the most difficult stage remained - it will be held in this company, join the team and successfully cope with the assigned duties.

Conspiracy for good luck

The first day at the new job is perhaps the most responsible and start it stands at home. Before leaving the dwelling or on the way to work, you must say the following magic words:

"I am going to a successful catcher, enter a bold merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere I have a staircase, who may have others below, and I always and everywhere all above. Let me be honored, love, is invited to a high position. All the words have said to be strong and modeling. Amen".

The ritual with a red bag is very simple, but in this simplicity and there is effectiveness

Conspiracy to work

To find a job in the soul, you need to collect 30 of the smallest coins and from Monday to Tuesday to sew a tissue red pouch. After that, during the growing moon at dawn, you need to throw coins into the bag, put it on the right palm, cover with your left hand and say the magic words 7 times:

"30 Talismans, 30 coins - I'll find work, but hurry, the path now tell me. There will be me a slave of God (your name) successful on the way. Where I go, there I will find a job and I will not get a failure. "

As the last words will be told, 10 coins must be left in the bag and always carry with them, and the remaining 20 bury in different places, as far as possible from each other.

Conspiracy to work on cream

Cream is considered the best part of the milk, so they are recommended to be used for a conspiracy to find a good and high-paying work. For the ritual it is necessary to use real home cream (non-store). The fat will be the dairy product, the better the work is lucky to find, and the more money to bring home.

The cream must be pouring into a white cup and 3 times over them to whisper:

"I will come out, the slave of God (his name), from the house - not from the house, the doors - not do the door, the gate is not a gate, dear - not expensive, drove - I do not pass, Cousie - not country.

I will go to look for our fate in the cheese Bor and in a clean field.

Step I'm shaken - Vekkikh I will find, the second step is the Chervonchik, I will find the third step-fisen I will find.

Cream to be shoved, but I swam.

To live for a long time, wait and burn not to know. Amen".

After a conspiracy, it is necessary to make 3 large chips of dairy cream, and the remains of drinking with coffee or tea, also a drink can be offered to your homey. Before bed, shaking his pillow to say:

"Corn, our mother, you give me cream, give me a new job, a good and profitable." Then it turns on 3 times and 9 times to read the prayer "Father our" prayer.

Good and high-paying work should be found in the next 30-50 days.

Conspiracy to success in finding high paying work

Find profitable and interesting work will help the next rite. It is necessary immediately after the new moon on Friday to go to the forest, while on the road you can not look around and communicate with anyone. Then you should find 2 hemp in the forest, standing next to each other. Sitting on one of them whisper such words:

"This is sitting in this place, and I am looking for the best place for yourself. I, the slave of God (his name), reliance on another pennies (at the same time really it is necessary to recover) and get a good place the next day. Right. May it be so. Amen".

It is necessary to leave the forest as well without looking around and not talking to anyone. Going home needs to be confident in your luck and that good work will soon be found.

Magical words for profitable work

Before you start looking for a new job, you must say 3 times:

"I go to the boyars, in order to plow, I go and go to the owner to love. Everyone let me die on me, and let the owners smile at me, feed feed and pay well, do not beat and do not scold in vain. The Lord God is our king, the highest sovereign to us. Lord Help me, allowance and bless. Amen".

This ritual is well done in the complex with other ways.

Conspiracy on a successful business

To accomplish this rite you need to come in a bath.

Mills in the bath stove, you need to enter it, removing all your clothes. Then with two fingers of the left hand, moisten your head. Then sit opposite the furnace and carefully looking at the fire:

"In the bath stove, the fire burns, the palette and the heat is breathing, so let me be fastened and does not go out. All day, to this hour, always. Amen".

Send magic words over 12 times in a row. On the day of the ritual, it should not wash in the bath. Enter the office to the director from the left leg.

Conspiracy on the desired work

Before you go to the appointed interview, you need to kiss the edge of bread and pronounce:

"How from year to year the bread of God is honored, it is served with a low bow and accept, so would me, the servant of God (his name), with a great joy everywhere take, to be confused. Amen".

Conspiracy for successful employment

If a person is going to accept the company's director's director on the issue of employment, but at the same time he has some doubts that it may not be taken, it is necessary to do the following.

Enter the office on the left leg, tightly holding a big finger in the cam, while saying to myself:

"My angel, my keeper, Save and Okran's soul from all enemies of visible and invisible supports. Take me away from me on all 4 sides: south, north, west and east. Amen".

Conspiracy so as not to be denied the desired work

At home before the interview you need to tie a node thread with the words:

"As a very tight knot, this knot is tied and the slave of God (his name) is quick and firmly developed and the desired work accepted. Amen".

Repeat conspiracy words need three times, each time tie a new nodule (in the end 3 nodes should turn out). Then put a thread on the threshold of the house, close the door, crossing the threshold and calmly, with confidence in good luck, go to work.