The yellow nails of the hands are the reason for the treatment. Treatments with lemon, cucumber or soda. When the reason is in the chemical composition of the nail coating

Wipe off the nail polish. Use a cotton ball or disc soaked in nail polish remover to remove the varnish that is currently applied to your nails. Just rub each nail until all the polish is dissolved.

  • To process yellowed nails, you need to clean them, completely getting rid of the varnish. After removing the varnish, you can take a good look at the entire surface of the nail plate.
  • Polish your nails. Use a fine-grained polishing file to remove the thin top layer of your nail. Gently file the surface of the nail with a file, moving it back and forth, perpendicular to the growth of the nail. Such polishing will remove the top layer with the remaining varnish, and your nails will have a flawless and clean look.

    • Rotating your nail left and right will give you the confidence to polish the sides, not just the top.
    • Polish each nail for about 10 seconds. Be careful not to peel off too large a layer by accident.
  • Rub your nails with lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and rub the inside of each nail for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. After rubbing all your nails this way, let the lemon juice dry for about 10 minutes. After using lemon juice, apply moisturizer to your hands and nails to prevent dryness.

    • Spraying lemon juice on hair and exposing it to direct sunlight can significantly lighten hair. Lightening of nails occurs in a similar way.
    • You can also squeeze lemon juice into a container and use a cotton ball or disk to apply it to your nails.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to scrub your nails. Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 2 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda until the mixture is a paste. Using an old and soft toothbrush, rub this paste into your nails. Rub the mixture on your nails for 2-3 minutes and then rinse off with plain water. Be sure to moisturize your nails and hands after using this product - hydrogen peroxide dries out your skin.

    • Try adding a few drops of lemon juice to this mixture to increase the whitening effect.
    • You can also make a bath by adding hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to a glass of water, and soak your nails in this solution for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of hydrogen peroxide toothpaste to whiten your nails. Use your fingertips or an old soft brush to rub the toothpaste into the surface of your nails. Leave the toothpaste on your nails for about 10 minutes and then rinse off with plain water.

    • After you've washed off the toothpaste, apply a moisturizing lotion to your hands and nails.
  • Whiten your nails with denture tablets. Dissolve 2-4 tablets in a container of water and immerse your nails there for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, dry your hands with a paper towel, and then apply lotion.

    • Thus, you can soak your nails several times a month, but first you need to make sure that there are no polish residues on them.
  • The nail plate, which has suddenly acquired a yellowish tint, should alert, because, as you know, it is the nails and hair that are the first to react to complications with human health, not to mention the problem of an aesthetic plan.

    The appearance of unhealthy yellow nails creates an unpleasant opinion among those around that a person may not sufficiently monitor the purity of his own body, and may not be treating the fungal disease that has arisen, which naturally causes disapproval and reluctance to contact him.

    That's why it is necessary to fight this pathology as soon as it has been identified. Having identified the cause of the problem, you can find an effective way to eliminate it so that your nails are healthy and beautiful.

    Why are fingernails yellow: the main reasons

    Yellowing of nails most often occurs in the following cases:

    Be careful! Not knowing why the fingernails are yellow, many women resort to the services of nail technicians to mechanically cut the yellow layer. This method can only aggravate the situation. In addition, it will eliminate only the symptoms, but not the root cause of the pathology.

    Damage to nails with fungal infections

    One of the most common causes of yellowing nails is fungal infections.

    Penetrating deep into the structure of the nail, the fungus thickens it and gives an unusual shade.

    Most often, infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules., physical contact with people susceptible to infections, as well as visiting public pools and saunas, where it is simply impossible to remove the fungus.

    Injury to the nail plate

    If the nail plate is damaged due to a strong impact or mechanical impact, the nail is deformed and changes its structure. Its entire system is disturbed, edema appears, sometimes a hematoma.

    All of these factors affect the color of the nail, and it naturally changes its color. However, this is a temporary phenomenon.

    After successful healing and fusion of the old nail, the color will return to normal and acquire its natural shade.

    Diseases of the internal organs

    Suddenly yellowed nails can be a serious sign of possible diseases of the internal organs. If this pathology is detected, you must immediately consult a doctor.

    Usually, in such cases, the organs are susceptible to infectious diseases such as pneumonia, dysentery, etc. Often, the nails turn yellow due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

    Exposure to chemicals

    Modern means, rich in chemical substances, cause severe damage to the tissues of the body. Their molecules penetrate deep into the nail and, as a result of the ongoing reactions, change its color.

    This most often occurs when gloves are ignored when using household chemicals. It is important to protect your hands from adverse effects.

    Bad habits

    Smoking is one of the most common causes of yellow nails. The nicotine in cigarettes destroys the protective barrier of the nail, and nicotine tar gives it that unhealthy hue. Often smokers don't even know why their fingernails are yellow.

    Experts are sure that the most the best solution in the fight against this aesthetic problem will be to quit smoking.

    The consequences of a wrong manicure

    Women who significantly save on manicure products run the risk of ruining their nails. not only the appearance of a yellow tint, but also a violation of their integrity and strength.

    Cheap varnishes change their color under the influence of ultraviolet rays, thereby damaging the nail plate.

    Note! Experienced manicurists recommend using quality proven products to decorate their hands, as well as using a base before applying any varnish. This will keep the negative impact to a minimum.

    If the problem has already arisen, it is necessary to allow the nail to grow together completely, without using any substances for the nails.

    Yellow nails after removing gel polish or shellac

    This reason is closely related:

    • using low-quality materials, due to which the nails on the hands turn yellow;
    • with the wrong technique for removing gel polish.

    The combination of a poor quality remover and rough, inaccurate treatment can lead to yellowing and damage to the nail.

    To avoid this, experts advise to remove gel polish with a special preparation without emollients from a trusted master.

    Features of yellowing of the nail plate

    By exactly how the yellowness was localized on the nails, one can understand the possible sources of its appearance. However, this method is approximate.

    Types of yellow spots and their causes:

    When yellow nails are a sign of illness

    The body reacts differently to the disease occurring within it. In some cases, it is the yellowed nails that can tell about the development of a person's disease. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the signals of the body.

    Yellow nails speak of illness if:

    Which doctor should I contact if the nails are yellow and what tests may have to be taken?

    The very first specialist who needs to be visited when this pathology appears is a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination, ask clarifying questions, try to find out the cause of the problem, and prescribe tests.

    If the yellowing is not associated with serious diseases, but comes from an infection of the outer integument, a referral to a dermatologist will be issued.

    The therapist himself is prescribed analyzes based on the external picture of the course of the disease. Most often, this is a blood test, culture and x-ray.

    These analyzes are submitted in order to identify the root cause of the problem., are prescribed by a doctor and can be supplemented at the discretion of a specialist.

    Scheme of complex treatment of the nail plate

    Methods and methods of treatment, first of all, will
    ut depend on the root cause of the pathology. If these are diseases of internal organs, then drug treatment with antibiotics will become fundamental.

    In each case, the doctor draws up a complete scheme, which in most cases includes:

    • prescribing medications to treat the cause of yellowing of the nails;
    • supporting vitamin complex;
    • in some cases, a therapeutic diet is prescribed.

    Important to remember! Full recovery is possible only in the case of complex treatment and following all the doctor's recommendations!

    It is impossible to exclude any link from the prescribed treatment regimen. Otherwise, there is a risk not only not to eliminate the problem, but also to aggravate it.

    Remedies and ointments for yellow nails from the pharmacy

    In situations where it is not possible to see a doctor, you can resort to using the drugs industry.

    Note! Experts do not recommend self-medication. You can use the funds yourself only in cases of extreme necessity and full confidence that the cause of yellowing is in no way connected with serious diseases.

    The pharmacy sells ointments that can alleviate the condition of pathology and stop the development of the fungus.

    All medicines of this type basically contain special substances designed to fight against nail fungus as the most common reason why the nails on the hands are yellow.

    However, they should be used only if the pathology is caused precisely by them. In other cases, it is not worth resorting to such drugs.

    The most common remedies for yellowing due to fungus:

    These drugs require long-term use.... Do not wait for the effect after the first time. For best results, you should also not skip the days of using the product.

    It is necessary to use these ointments strictly according to the instructions or instructions of the doctor.

    Vitamin complexes for nail health

    Important! The use of multivitamin complexes, regardless of the root cause of the pathology, will help strengthen nails and prevent their diseases.

    This makes the fingernails less yellow. In addition, the substances that make up the drug allow the nail plate to become stronger, harder and more durable, as well as acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

    When choosing such complexes, it is very important to pay attention to their composition. It should not contain artificial impurities and harmful substances.

    Preference should be given to proven popular brands that have long won the trust of not only ordinary consumers, but also specialists.

    Best remedies:

    • "Revalid", costing from 700 to 1200 rubles. A fairly environmentally friendly product. It is based on millet extract, as well as wheat infusion, copper, iron. These ingredients replenish the nutrients of the nail, help to strengthen its structure from the inside;
    • "Alphabet Cosmetics", at a cost of about 500 rubles. It contains a wide range of vitamins, including vitamins C, B, E, as well as aloe extract, birch, horsetail. This tool helps to restore the regeneration process of the nail, prevents its delamination and promotes the accelerated growth of the plate;
    • "Perfectil", costing from 600 to 1500 rubles. Contains a fairly rich complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect not only on the nail plate, but also on the body as a whole. It contains B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They nourish, strengthen, and also create a protective shell on the surface of the nail, protecting it from adverse factors.

    It should be borne in mind that the cost of drugs varies based on their configuration and the number of tablets themselves in the package.

    According to doctors, such drugs for the improvement and strengthening of nails must be used in courses. However, their duration should not exceed one month.

    If you break this rule, then there is a significant risk of harming your body.

    It is also a good idea to consult your doctor before taking a multivitamin.

    Folk recipes for treating the nail plate from yellowness

    It is quite possible to improve the situation using folk methods. Such methods have practically no contraindications, and in addition additionally contribute to the improvement of the appearance of nails.

    Healing baths

    Salt bath - one of the simplest and most affordable for the nail plate, which you can easily prepare on your own.

    Another obvious plus is its economic feasibility - you will not have to buy additional substances.

    For manufacturing you need:

    • salt... Ideally, it should be marine as it contains more nutrients and minerals. However, a regular cookery is also suitable;
    • water in the volume of one glass. It must be boiled and warm;
    • oils... They are needed for additional nutrition and hydration of the plate. Tea tree oil is best suited for these purposes. However, in the absence of specialized oils, the addition of sunflower oil is allowed. The required amount of any of the types: 9-11 drops.

    The procedure goes like this:

    The berry bath will nourish your nails, make them shiny and durable.

    For a berry bath you need:

    • seasonal berries in the amount of several pieces. Better if they are sour varieties. Since the acid included in them will significantly whiten the nails. In addition, these berries contain vitamin C, which is extremely beneficial for them.
    • mineral water in the volume of one glass.

    The procedure is as follows:

    1. The fruits themselves must be mashed and then combined with mineral water.
    2. The procedure takes 15 minutes.
    3. After carrying out, you need to rinse your hands and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

    Whitening with fruit acids

    Fruit acids have the unique property of eliminating the yellowness of the nail plate, which makes the nails on the hands less yellow. This is due to the presence of vitamin C.

    It is worth noting that a positive effect and long-term result is achieved only after continuous long-term use of fruit acids.

    There are two most effective ways to use fruit acids to brighten the plate:

    • using lemon: The fruit is cut into small pieces. One slice is applied to the plate for 5-8 minutes. After, rub her nail. Such actions must be carried out on each finger. The remaining juice is washed off with water. Alternatively, make a bath of this fruit. To do this, squeeze the juice of 1/3 of a lemon into clean warm water. Keep your hands in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
    • with grapefruit: the half of the fruit is mashed and then diluted a little with water. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails and kept for 10 minutes. The remains are thoroughly washed off with water, the nail plate is wiped with olive oil.

    The problem due to which the nails turn yellow can be either a minor side effect of cosmetic procedures and the influence of household chemicals, or a sign of a serious illness.

    Anyway, do not put off going to the doctor for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist as early as possible.

    In this video, you will learn why fingernails and toenails are yellow and how to fix it:

    This video will show you an easy way to whiten your nail plate:

    Anyone of the fair sex dreams of attractive nails. Their health and beauty are affected by the condition of the whole body and regular hand care. In a normal state, the nail bed has a uniform pink color without grooves and spots of a dark or light shade. The free edge is colored white, which brightens towards the end.

    Unfortunately, not every woman can boast of such an impeccable condition of the plates. Sometimes the nails turn yellow, losing their attractiveness. It is important to understand in a timely manner why this cosmetic defect occurs.

    Causes of the appearance of yellowness on the nails

    So why did the fingernails turn yellow? There are several sources that provoke the development of such consequences. Among them, external factors can be distinguished, as well as diseases of a cosmetic nature and ailments associated with the functioning of internal organs.

    Impact of external factors

    These include the following.

    • Diet. This reason can be attributed to the most simple and easily eliminated. It arises in connection with the staining of the nail plates with pigments that are part of plant products. For example, when eating a large amount of carrots, the nails acquire a yellow-orange hue, which will disappear on its own over time.
    • Household chemicals. The components that make up the cleaning agents are able to penetrate deep into the nail plate, changing its color. To prevent this effect, it is enough to use gloves when washing dishes, windows, and laundry. Before cleaning, it is worth applying a cream to your hands, which will provide protection for your nails, although not too reliable.
    • Smoking. The porous structure of the nail plates easily allows nicotine resins to pass through, which change its color. This habit harms the whole body, not just the hands, so the only useful way out of the situation is to quit tobacco.
    • Decorative varnish. The fair sex, who noticed yellowness on the nails, should pay attention to their varnish. The product may be of poor quality and should be changed. Before applying the coloring composition, you should use a base base. It not only provides an even finish that will last longer, but also protects nails from the negative effects of pigments. Experts recommend using acetone-free nail polish removers. This substance can harm both nails and the entire body.
    • Medications. Yellowness sometimes manifests itself in connection with the long-term use of antibiotics related to the tetracycline series. This drug accumulates in teeth and nails, causing them to become yellow in color.
    • UV rays. In some cases, negative consequences arise from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Exactly the same symptoms appear with excessive consumption of tea or coffee. Drinks contain a small amount of coloring components.
    • Unhealthy food. An unbalanced diet leads to a deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals, which negatively affects the body and nails. A particularly important element is calcium, which is a building element, without which the nail plates become brittle and thin.

    "Cosmetic" diseases

    This category includes fungal diseases. Without proper treatment, bacteria multiply rapidly, destroying the structure of the nail and changing its color. In addition, the disease leads to uneven color, changes in shape, thickness, and delamination of the plates.

    Fungus is not a serious disease. Carrying out therapy in the early stages of the development of the disease will help restore the original condition and color of the nails.

    Diseases of the internal organs

    Yellow fingernails can signal the development of serious pathologies of the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and others. Only a qualified doctor can accurately identify the causes of this symptom. If yellowness is found, it is worth contacting a medical institution for an examination.

    The nail can change its color and thickness in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

    Methods for determining the cause of yellowing nails

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination, which consists of the following points:

    • examination by a dermatologist with a study of the characteristics of the nails under a microscope; this helps to identify the spread of the fungus and its type, as well as determine the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs;
    • a blood test to determine the amount of glucose;
    • study of blood taken from a vein for liver tests;
    • if pulmonary disease is suspected, x-rays are taken;
    • finding out the amount of hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland, if there is a likelihood of problems in the work of this organ;
    • MRI of the brain - a study is carried out to determine the signs of multiple sclerosis or to clarify the reasons for the development of acromegaly.

    Methods for whitening nail plates

    After finding out why the nails on the hands turn yellow, and eliminating the causes of this phenomenon, it is worth using additional procedures that will help eliminate the aesthetic defect. There are many ways that are suitable for home use. It is not often worth using folk recipes: once a week or a month.

    The number of procedures will depend on how much the yellowed nail has changed its color. Regular application of the recipes will help restore the healthy color and appearance of the plates. Let's consider the most effective methods.

    • Trays with the addition of lemon juice

    Lemon is characterized by high whitening properties, which explains its widespread use in the field of cosmetology. To prepare a bath, you need to take a small convenient container and squeeze the juice out of one fruit. A glass of pre-boiled and cooled water should also be poured here. The fingertips are dipped into the resulting composition for 15 minutes.

    You can speed up getting the desired result by rubbing your hands with slices of lemon and zest. After completing the procedure, it is worth washing them with warm water.

    • Soda paste

    Regular baking soda, which is always found in the house, is characterized by whitening properties, just like lemon juice. In addition, the product is absolutely safe for the human body. In a bowl made of glass, mix soda and water at a ratio of 1: 1. The result is a thick paste that should be applied to the nails for half an hour. After that, the product is washed off.

    • Baking powder and citric acid mixture

    Mix both of these components in a small container. Powder will require 1 tbsp. l., citric acid - ¼ spoon, after which a couple of tablespoons of pure water is added to the mixture. The composition is gently mixed again, and then spread over the nails with a paper napkin. Try to avoid getting the product on your skin. After 10 minutes, you should wash your hands.

    • Strawberry puree

    This summer berry is very healthy and tasty. It is often used for various cosmetic procedures, including for nails. To do this, wash fresh strawberries, rub them through a sieve and apply the resulting puree on the nail plates and on the skin of the hands. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off. One of the advantages of this method is the possibility of its frequent use. During the ripening period of berries, you can treat marigolds every day.

    • Mask with oils

    Rub a mixture of honey, olive oil and grape seed oil into the nail plates. Leave the composition for 20 minutes and rinse. Such a tool will not only make the color of the nails even and beautiful, but also strengthen them, prevent the problem of delamination.

    Initially, it is worthwhile to clearly determine whether there really is a problem of yellow nails on the hands and the reasons for this phenomenon, and only then choose the correct treatment. So that such troubles do not arise, it is worth giving up habits that are harmful to human health, eating healthy food regularly, and observing hygiene standards. Enrich your diet with cereals, vegetables, fruits and other foods that are rich in useful vitamins. This will allow you to have not only beautiful nails, but also thick strong hair, clean skin.

    Many people have the problem of discoloration of the nail plate on their feet. Since this question is very delicate, most of the victims are embarrassed to see a doctor, and in vain. A yellow nail on the big toe does not appear without a reason; a discoloration of the plate can signal the appearance of diseases that require compulsory treatment.

    What is yellow nail

    The yellowness of the nail plate on the hands and feet is a consequence of exposure to any unfavorable external factors, which subsequently lead to pigmentation. Some people have a specific nail color from birth, which can range from yellow to a distinct orange, but in this case, this color is the norm. It so happens that the color changes and begins to flake off the nail bed due to loosening of the structure of the nail plate, in which case it is necessary to check for the presence of fungal infections.

    Why do the nails on the big toes turn yellow

    There are many reasons for a yellow toenail. At the same time, both men and women suffer from this problem for completely different reasons:

    1. Often, yellow toenails form when a patient has acute or chronic liver disease. In this case, at first, an uncharacteristic shade of nails is formed, and then the color of the white of the eyes and skin acquires yellowness.
    2. Microflora imbalance. Lack of beneficial microorganisms in the stomach can lead to yellowness and diseases of internal organs.
    3. The presence of a fungal infection. In this case, the plate on the toe looks painful, acquires an uncharacteristic color, and the structure of the tissue of some parts of the nail plate begins to change.
    4. Middle-aged and old people may experience the so-called yellow nail syndrome. In this case, the toenails begin to exfoliate, thicken and change color.
    5. If the toenail turns yellow and becomes thicker, then this may be a consequence of diabetes mellitus or other pathologies, such as psoriasis.
    6. The plate can become yellow and thick with a decrease in immunity, a violation of the protective or nervous system.
    7. Failure to comply with hygiene rules can also lead to the appearance of a yellow tint on the nail plates of the feet.
    8. Excessive sweating or wearing synthetic and uncomfortable shoes is also undesirable. These conditions cause symptoms characteristic of a fungus - thickening of the nail and the appearance of white spots.
    9. With long-term use of antibiotics, one should not be surprised if the nail on the big toe turns yellow, since this factor can also cause the manifestation of the disease.
    10. Infectious or somatic diseases can affect the color of the nails.

    Why do toenails turn yellow in women

    A yellow toenail in women can appear as a result of the use of low-quality nail polishes (varnishes). The chemical elements contained in the composition, penetrating deep into the keratin, can cause staining of the nails. The lack of a base coat can also affect the color of the plate. Any varnish, when applied, gives the plate a yellowish tint. The brighter the color, the stronger the staining will be, so apply a nail base before using any bright varnish.


    Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a diagnosis. In order to determine the cause of the appearance of a yellow nail on the big toe, a dermatologist needs to examine the yellowed plate under a specialized lamp and take a biomaterial (a piece of a thick plate) for microscopic examination and detection of mycoses. After that, a scraping is taken from the skin around the diseased nail and a blood sample is taken to detect antibodies to leprosy and syphilis.

    What to do

    For any cause of the disease, you need to monitor your lifestyle and proper nutrition. In addition, you should start taking vitamins. If the plate on the big toe has turned yellow or a yellow spot has formed as a result of improper use of nail polishes, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, then they can be bleached. For this procedure, you can use toothpaste or lemon juice.

    Drug treatment

    Depending on the cause of the disease, a doctor may prescribe a variety of types of drugs:

    1. If the cause of the manifestation of yellow spots is liver problems (cirrhosis or hepatitis), then in such cases, effective drug treatment is carried out using drugs designed for courses (Heptral, Essentiale Forte, etc.). In this case, the overgrown part of the plate requires careful removal.
    2. Due to a decrease in immunity, treatment with vitamin and mineral complexes is used. In severe cases, drugs can be used to stimulate the working capacity of the immune system.
    3. For the treatment of fungal diseases, varnishes are applied: Lotseril, Mycosan or Batrafen. They are expensive, but they give a quick effect.
    4. If the disease is extensive and the fungal infection spreads rapidly, antibiotics should be taken: Diflucan or Fungavis. If a fungal infection leads to deformation of the plate, then ointments are used: Lamisil, Exifin, Thermikon. It is worth considering that the active ingredient of these drugs, ciclopiroxolamine, is effective only in the early stages of foot fungus disease.

    Traditional methods

    To restore a healthy color of nails, you can use traditional methods of treatment:

    1. Yellowing of the plates can be treated fresh lemon juice... With a cotton swab dipped in juice, or pieces of fruit, you need to wipe your nails every day for a few minutes or make compresses.
    2. You can eliminate signs of disease and yellowing of the skin of the feet and nails using special ointment... To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of 70% vinegar and vegetable oil, after which a raw egg is added to the solution. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the affected area, wrap with a clean bandage and put on a warm sock.
    3. In case of changes in the color of natural nails due to the use of varnishes or prolonged exposure to other unfavorable factors, you can use tea tree oil or celandine that successfully cope with lesions of the skin of the feet. Medicines can be used at any time of the day, but socks must be worn to maintain the positive effect. Nourishing creams can be used to improve the condition of the nail.

    Hair and nails were originally used as a means of protection from aggressive environmental influences... Today they no longer carry such a function, but they can make it known about some of the problems that exist in the human body.

    If the nails on the hands become too thin, thicken, their shape or color changes, then this indicates obvious health problems. Moreover, the problem may be in the nails themselves, or it can only indicate a disease of any organ.

    The causes of yellowing are divided into two large groups:
    reasons that are associated with diseases, as well as reasons that indicate problems with other organs.

    Why do fingernails turn yellow:

    1. The use of household chemicals. For example, cleaning a bathtub or toilet without special protective gloves.
    2. Dyes. Sometimes the nails turn yellow due to the use of a dye, also without gloves. Then the fingers are usually painted along with the nails, and gradually this problem disappears, the paint is simply washed off.
    3. Using poor quality nail polishes, or over-painting them. The nails also need to be given some time to "rest".
    4. The use of low-quality nail polish remover, which dries up the nail plate and makes it yellow.
    5. Smoking. Due to the constant holding of a cigarette in the hands, the fingers begin to acquire a yellowish tint. You can get rid of it, but the effect will be short-lived. The only correct decision in this case is to quit smoking once and for all.
    6. Mechanical injury, during which the finger is injured... Over time, he himself comes back to normal.

    The reasons for the yellowness of the nails, which are associated with the state of health of the whole body:

    1. Long-term or uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
    2. Liver disease namely, an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. Usually, this condition leads to jaundice, which provokes the yellowness of the skin.
    3. Diseases that are associated with the lungs: chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, etc.
    4. Disorders in the endocrine system.
    5. Malfunctions of the lifesystem.
    6. Weakening of immunity.
    7. Fungus... Usually, with such an ailment, the nail not only turns yellow. Its structure suffers significantly from the fungus, it becomes thicker, brittle, constantly breaks down and exfoliates. See also: what the mycelium filaments on the nails are talking about.
    8. A variety of infectious diseases. This is usually combined with dull nails and the appearance of white transverse stripes on the nails. Diseases that can provoke yellow nails include: measles, syphilis, pneumonia, rubella, dysentery, scarlet fever).
    9. Nervous Disorders.
    10. Diseases of the bones.
    11. Hypovitaminosis.
    12. Varicose veins.

    Why can the nails turn yellow in young children?

    Every parent dreams that his child grows up healthy and happy, however, children's immunity very often fails, and that is why young patients may have yellow nails on their hands. However, in addition to poor immunity, there are a number of reasons for this condition.

    Often the blame for everything is a fungal infection, which the baby gets from contact with a patient. Therefore, it is necessary to insist that the child wash his hands at every opportunity, so that he does not hold hands with the sick, that he does not wear someone else’s gloves and don’t use someone else’s towels.

    Yellowness on the nail plate also appears as a result of blows, since children are often injured during games.

    Causes of yellowed fingernails in the elderly

    It is so conceived by nature that the older a person becomes, the more health problems begin to prevail. Elderly fingernails thicken and turn yellow for the following reasons:

    1. Fungal diseases. This is the most common reason for nail problems in the world. By the way, in the presence of a fungal infection, the nails not only turn yellow. They can still acquire a brownish, black, gray, greenish tint. The nail itself begins to crumble and break, and the skin around it itches, itches and gives a lot of trouble to the patient. So, the presence of the fungus is impossible not to notice. However, today there are medicines with which the fungus is successfully treated.
    2. Stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Such factors can significantly weaken even a strong young body, not to mention the body of an elderly person, so you should not be surprised if a person develops yellow fingernails.
    3. An excess or lack of vitamins and minerals, then under the nail there may well be a yellow spot on the hand.
    4. Looseness and thickening of the nail plate may speak about the initial stage of psoriasis.
    5. Sometimes it's all the fault familial nail disease which was passed on to a person by inheritance, therefore, in life, such a moment can happen quite suddenly when the nails on the hands turn yellow.

    Nail polish turns yellow

    Beautiful and well-groomed hands are a sign of health and proper self-care. But yellow nails suggest otherwise. Many women use nail polishes and manicures as they look beautiful and attractive. However, for some ladies, nails continue to remain beautiful and even, and some suffer from yellow nail syndrome and do not know how to be. Why do some women’s nails turn yellow from varnish, while others don’t even think about such a problem?

    The varnish contains a huge amount of chemicals. Expensive varnishes, which are produced by self-respecting firms, contain much less aggressive chemicals, while cheap varnishes are capable of damaging the nail plate even after a single use.

    Attention! Before buying a varnish, you need to pay attention to its composition and manufacturer. This applies to gel polishes that are now fashionable, which are worn on nails for several weeks.

    The main destructive substance contained in manicure varnishes is nitrocellulose, so try to buy varnishes without this component, or with a minimal content.

    Often yellow plaque on the nails appears after removing the gel polish, or shellac, as it is called in the common people.

    What can you do to ensure that your nails do not suffer after a beautiful manicure? You need to try to follow very simple recommendations:

    1. When buying varnish, pay attention to the nitrocellulose content. If you go to the salon to get a professional manicure, then warn the master about the tendency to yellowness and ask to use products with the least amount of aggressive chemicals.
    2. Regular polish and gel polish costs apply only on a colorless base.
    3. Try to do some break between painting, at least for 1-2 days.
    4. If you are going to do a manicure using gel polish, then it's better to go to a professional, otherwise independent experiments may end up problematic. This is especially true for removing the gel.

    Ways to get rid of yellow nails

    To begin with, you should consult a doctor and make sure that the yellowness is not associated with diseases of the internal organs, and if the matter is still in them, the doctor will redirect the patient to a narrow specialist who, together with him, will solve the problem on an individual basis.

    If the problem is still in external factors, then before you start solving such a problem, you need to get rid of some bad habits:

    1. Carry out various household activities such as washing complex dirt with cleaning agents in rubber gloves.
    2. Try to quit smoking at least for a while, and you will see that your nails will acquire a healthier color.
    3. Eliminate the use of varnishes at least temporarily.

    There are several ways to remove yellowness at home, but before that, the nails should be completely cleaned of polish residues, filed and polished. How can you whiten your nails at home?

    1. Getting rid of yellowness with lemon juice. This whitening method is by far the most popular and most effective. Lemon juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that help not only whiten the nail, but also heal it a little. Using lemon juice is very simple. You just need to give it out and rub it into your fingers several times a day.
    2. Chamomile decoction. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic and has been very actively used in medicine for several centuries. Not only chamomile decoction is appreciated, but also its oil, extract, flowers, green part. Making a decoction of chamomile is also very easy: you need to take a couple of tablespoons of dried chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew until it cools completely. After that, the broth is diluted with warm water, and you will need to hold your hands in it for 20-25 minutes. After that, you do not need to wash your hands, it is recommended to simply wipe them off with a soft towel and grease with nourishing hand cream.
    3. Treatment of yellowness with sea salt. Baths of their sea salt will return a beautiful and well-groomed look to the nails, relieve them of yellowness. To do this, take a liter of warm water and add a heaped tablespoon of sea salt to it. In addition to salt, it will be desirable to add a few drops of any essential oil to the bath (lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, bergamot, lavender oil is ideal). You will need to hold your hands in such a solution for about 15 minutes, rinse them a little, wipe them off and lubricate them with cream.
    4. Oil mask for improving finger health with grapefruit extract. To prepare such a mask, you will need grapefruit seed extract, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition, you will need any vegetable oil, olive or sunflower will do. Take a tablespoon of oil and add 3-4 drops of grapefruit extract to it, mix. The resulting product should be lubricated fingers 4-5 times a day.
    5. Soda paste as a remedy for recovery. The following remedy will help get rid of yellowness on the nail plates: take 2 teaspoons of baking soda, mix with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. You will get a foamy paste, you will need to rub it into your fingers for 5 minutes every day.
    6. Whitening with berry masks... Some berries contain pectin that can help whiten your nails. These berries include black currants, cranberries, red currants. Berries can be used both fresh and frozen, since after defrosting they do not lose their beneficial properties. In addition, the berries contain substances that have a disinfecting effect. To prepare the mask, fresh or thawed berries must be chopped with a fork until smooth and applied to the fingers. I soak the crushed berries on the nails for about 5 minutes, and then rinse off with water. You can repeat the procedure up to several times a day.
    7. Whitening with special serums... If you do not want to make whitening masks, or if they do not bring the desired result, then you can try to whiten your nails with whitening agents, which are currently available in the form of varnishes, serums, gels, pencils. You can buy such products in stores that sell cosmetics. You need to use them as it is said in the instructions, just try to choose really high-quality cosmetics for whitening, and not cheap fakes.
    Attention! Treatment of fingers with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is an aggressive method, therefore it is allowed to use it in cases where the nails need to be whitened quickly, and there is no time for masks, baths and long-term treatment.

    Thus, nails can turn yellow for both external and internal reasons, but whatever caused such the problem, it must be solved, and it is advisable to do this with the help of a doctor, since only he can fully understand the situation.