3 month old baby often. Trying it "by the teeth". Comparative analysis of the main parameters

Among pediatricians, there is an opinion that 3-4 months of a baby's life is decisive in development. By this age, the baby does not look as helpless as at birth, begins to show curiosity and awareness in behavior. However, loving mums and dads, especially the parents of the first-born, are often too worried about the normal development of the child. To solve this problem, it is enough to know what a three-month-old baby can do.

There is a certain set of standard qualities typical for a 3-month-old baby. These norms should be guided by when assessing the degree of development of the child. Each person develops, especially at the beginning of life, according to an individual plan, so you should not drive your newborn baby into a strict framework - minor deviations from generally accepted standards are possible.

In the development of a child, 3 months is a kind of milestone, since the baby learns many new skills, becomes not so helpless. By this time, he already has some skills in his arsenal.

The kid is exploring the world around him

The main task of young parents is to be attentive to the behavior of a small family member, to notice all changes in the baby's mood. At 3-4 months, the child already has a set of abilities that indicate full and harmonious development (we recommend reading :). What can children do at 3 months? The baby is already beginning to be interested in almost everything that surrounds him, and regardless of his gender:

  • Begins to show an active interest in the world around him.
  • Coordination appears in some movements. He tries to hold his head when lying on his tummy, begins to raise the body, resting on his elbows and lingers in this position.
  • Already he knows how to turn his head in different directions.
  • Draws attention to objects of interest to him, sees well, briefly lays his gaze on them.

The child gets to know the people around him

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  • He looks attentively and listens to people who are talking to him.
  • Recognizes my mother's and father's voice.
  • Reacts to different voice intonations.
  • He smiles broadly when he sees his parents - in pediatrics this feature is called "social smile" (more in the article:).
  • Begins to manipulate his voice. It is not difficult for an attentive mother to discern the meaning of a crying child: something hurts or he just needs attention.
  • Crying is heard less than in previous months. The child cries no more than 1 hour a day.
  • Begins to walk a lot. At 3 months old - this is the main way to communicate with parents, express emotions and attract attention.

A three-month-old baby clearly distinguishes between parents and strangers, happily smiles at loved ones. By the intonation of crying or humming, the mother can roughly understand what the baby needs

The grasping reflex develops

  • At 3 months, the innate grasping reflex is lost, now the grasping movements are becoming conscious.
  • The palms open, less and less clenched into fists. Can catch and hold a moving object in the handles.
  • He tries to taste everything that falls into his hands.
  • He is interested in his face, tries to touch his eyes and nose, carefully observes his hand movements.
  • He begins to control his body, because by the age of three months, muscle tone is noticeably reduced.
  • Pulls pens to parents. Tightens the muscles, mimicking a pull-up when trying to pick him up.

How physically active is the baby?

  • A 3-month-old baby shakes his body lying on his back - this is how he tries to roll over onto his stomach.
  • Knows how to push off with his legs from the sides of the crib or sofa. Therefore, now parents should not leave their child in places where he can fall and be injured.
  • He enjoys playing improvised football while lying down.

Summary table of skills and abilities:

Development sphereWhat's happening?
MovementThe baby can freely hold the head for about 30 seconds, being in the hands of an adult. The range of motion of the upper extremities increases: the baby raises the arms quite high, rises from the prone position, leaning on the elbows and forearms. The head has been held in this position for about 1 minute. If the baby is supported under the armpits, he will rest his feet on the surface, straightening the legs at the knee joints. By the end of the month, some babies have learned to turn on a side.
VisionExamines objects at a distance of no more than 60 cm from the eyes. Focuses on an adult's face for about 10 seconds. Steadily and with interest follows the toy, turning the head. Examines their pens for up to 5 minutes.
HearingAuditory responses improve: sound localization is formed. At a loud sound, the baby turns his eyes, and then his head. Reacts negatively to harsh sounds - flinching and crying.
EmotionsShouting and crying becomes not so much "demanding" as "asking": there are pauses, like waiting for an answer. The "complex of revitalization" is manifested in full - the smile becomes very different depending on the circumstances, the mimicry as a whole improves.
SpeechHumming appears - vowel sounds in different combinations (aaa, ae, ay, ay). By the end of the month, a melodious humming develops - lingering sounds of different intonations (vocal games).

It is worth remembering all the time that each baby develops according to a special personal schedule. However, noticeable significant deviations from the norms may indicate the presence of pathological conditions and dysfunctions of mental development. For a baby at 3 months old, it is abnormal to constantly cry with constant expression of emotions, this applies to both girls and boys, and is a reason for consulting a pediatrician. On the reasons for crying children in the video school of Dr. Komarovsky:

When should you worry?

Regardless of the vivid manifestations of individuality at 3.5-4 months, the baby must have certain abilities (we recommend reading :). If by this period the baby does not have most of the characteristic age-related skills, parents should be vigilant and be sure to show the child to the doctor. The following facts can be a serious cause for concern:

  • the baby still does not hold his head, even for several minutes;
  • does not respond to loud noise, does not turn his head at a loud voice;
  • does not pay attention to bright toys and does not reach for them;
  • does not follow a moving object with his gaze;
  • does not look at his hands, fingers, does not try to touch his face;
  • can cry for a long time, hysterically, aimlessly.

The presence of such deviations in a child is a mandatory reason for contacting a pediatrician or a neurologist. After appropriate examinations and doctors' conclusions, parents are obliged to make every effort to ensure that the baby catches up with his peers in terms of psychophysical indicators. The best friends of a child at three months old should be developing bright rattles, which, in a playful way, help the baby to learn about the world around him and develop harmoniously.

The baby's interest in bright, noticeable toys is an important factor indicating the correct harmonious development.

Development corrective measures

Attentive and caring parents are obliged to monitor the pace of development of their baby, to correct possible deviations. The problems that have arisen should be eliminated only under the supervision of a doctor after establishing the causes of the deviations, following the recommendations of specialists. If a child under 4 months does not show interest in toys, does not recognize the voice of mom and dad, does not smile, is indifferent to the world around him, daily developmental activities should be carried out using new bright rattles, toys and objects:

  1. Colored rattles will help improve vision and the ability to focus your gaze. Purchase several different colored baby rattles. Move them slowly at the level of your baby's eyes so that the baby has the opportunity to focus.
  2. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of musical toys for babies. They contribute to the development of attention and hearing. It is good if there is an opportunity to hang a musical carousel over the playpen. The kid will watch, listen and try to grab her.
  3. Choose toys with different shapes, sizes, textures. Such a variety of parameters in the hands of the baby will develop fine motor skills, which is directly related to speech.
  4. Motivate the child to move, crawl. Get him interested in a bright toy so that he has a desire to reach for it, while helping the baby by placing your palm under the legs so that he can rest and push off. So easily and quickly, you can form an important crawling ability.
  5. Communicate with the child constantly, talk, read, sing and dance together, more often take the baby in your arms, hug and kiss more. Emotional connection with mom is the key to harmonious and full-fledged development.

Active communication with parents for a three-month-old baby is the key to proper development. You should devote the child as much time as possible, involve him in various types of activity


You cannot treat the life of the closest person inattentively and carelessly. If you do not notice deviations in a timely manner and miss the moment when the problem can be solved effectively and quickly, the consequences can be dire. Visit your pediatrician regularly and exercise daily, play with your child. Do not make your own sudden conclusions, do not panic. At this stage, most deviations can be corrected.

Information about what children should be able to do at 3 months can be found in special tables (do not forget that there is no exact data) or watch a video.

By the age of three months, the baby is more and more adapting and getting used to the new world, acquiring useful skills and reflexes. Reactions and emotions become more varied and meaningful. For the baby, as in the previous months of life, breastfeeding and the attention of the mother remain important. Breast milk, bodily and emotional contact with the mother has a positive effect on the physical and mental development of the child.

What can a 3-month-old baby do?

The development of a child at 3 months is characterized by the fact that he has learned the meaningful expression of emotions. Loud laughter appears when the child is happy, or a sharp cry when the child does not like something. In addition, individual voice intonations are manifested. Let's list what a baby should be able to do at three months:

  • Control with your own hands;
  • Take and hold toys in your hands, bring toys to your own face, reach for hanging toys with your hands;
  • Roll over from back to side, from back to stomach and from stomach to back;
  • Raise on your elbows while lying on your stomach;
  • Confidently keep your head lying on your stomach;
  • Laugh out loud;
  • Fix the gaze on a toy, small objects and a large pattern;
  • Notice the object in the supine position, on the side and on the stomach, on the hands of an adult;
  • Track the movement of large objects;
  • Listen to the sound of the rattle and turn your head to the source of the sound;
  • Look at the person speaking and listen to music, singing, etc.

As you can see, the child's physical and mental development has gone far ahead compared to the first weeks of life. In addition, in the third month, babies begin to develop a sense of smell. Now the baby should recognize the mother not only by touch, voice or appearance, but also by smell.

Taking proper care of your baby at 3 months

Nutrition, as in previous months, should be made entirely of breast milk. Only breastfeeding will ensure the correct physical and mental development of the child. Breast milk meets 100% of your baby's nutritional and drinking needs. It saturates the baby's body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens bones and forms immunity, and has a positive effect on the work of internal organs.

By three months, the number of applications is 6-10 times during the day with an interval of 2.5-3.5 hours and about twice at night. The volume of milk consumed is equal to 100-150 ml per feeding.

Daily regime... The sleep of a baby at three months is reduced to 10-11 hours at night and up to 5-6 hours during the day. Sleep rates for children of this age are 15-17 hours a day. The rest of the time, the baby is active. Then educational games, gymnastics, swimming and massage will come in handy. Talk to your baby constantly, tell fairy tales and rhymes. Don't raise your voice! At this time, it is already worth giving up swaddling and wrapping. the baby must move freely!

Gymnastics and Swimming... Do the exercises that pediatricians recommend conscientiously. During this period, hardening in the form of air baths is added to standard gymnastics and swimming. Swimming lessons can be done every day for 20-30 minutes. The water temperature should not be lower than 32 degrees. With regular exercise, the baby will soon float on its own. Use supports, dives, jerks and turns.

Hygiene- the key to the successful development and good health of the child. It is important to maintain hygiene standards that include daily bathing and watering. Regularly wipe your body, hands and face with wet wipes, wipe your eyes with cotton pads soaked in warm water. Trim your child's nails, change diapers every 2-3 hours.

The child should be washed with soap no more than twice a week. After the water procedures are over, dry your baby thoroughly. It must always be dry! Don't forget about yourself. Wash your hands often, especially before feeding.

Massage favorably affects the health and well-being of the baby, soothes and relaxes. Massage the legs and arms, back and head with light movements, do not press on the body or squeeze the skin! With colic, circular movements in a clockwise direction help well. By the way, by the age of three months, the colic is reduced and the baby is less tormented! Be sure to talk and communicate with your child during the massage. You should not start the procedure if the baby has a cold or is in a bad mood. Read more about what massage procedures are suitable for a baby.

Walking- the most important element in the development of a child. At the age of three months, the baby lacks vitamin D, which strengthens bones and prevents rickets. The sun's rays contain a large amount of this vitamin! Fresh air improves appetite, sleep and mood. The baby will sleep well and soundly.

At a comfortable temperature, the duration of the walk is 1.5-2 hours, two to three times a day. In hot or cold weather, do not walk for more than 30-40 minutes. At temperatures over 25 degrees Celsius, do not walk between 11 and 16 hours. Stay in the shade and use baby sunscreen, because baby's delicate skin can burn in 5-10 minutes.

Physical development

In a three-month-old baby, the movement of the arms and legs becomes more coordinated. Children become more mobile, and many of them can easily roll over from back to tummy and back again. The baby can pick up and bring the toy to his face, pull the arms to the hanging toys. At this age, a relationship is formed between vision and hearing. In addition, the child grows, gains weight and height. The table shows the approximate physical parameters that are typical for children at 3 months.

Each child has its own developmental characteristics, therefore, the conditional indicators may differ from the norm. Deviations do not at all indicate problems in the development and health of the baby. If the baby is active and vigorous, eats and sleeps well, there is no cause for concern. By the way, there is a special formula that will help you calculate the correct weight of the baby, depending on the age and weight at birth. You will find this formula.

Educational games

Play is an essential element in child development. At three months, the baby is already free to move her fingers, therefore, at this time, they begin to develop fine motor skills.

Give your baby special bags with filling. These bags are easy to make yourself. Take natural materials that will not cause allergies as the main fabric! Inside the bag, you can put cut paper, cotton wool, small pebbles, buckwheat or peas. Have your toddler pick up the bags and feel the contents. This not only develops fine motor skills, but is also a good hand massage.

Games at this age are simple and short. They are accompanied by funny rhymes and nursery rhymes. Talk to your baby constantly, actively use different facial expressions and facial expressions, different intonations in the voice. The kid can already copy mimic movements and some sounds. Play your child music more often. The more diverse it is, the better.

Don't forget to play with a rattle. She perfectly develops hearing and attention in a child. Choose bright rattles, at three months the baby perceives red, yellow and orange colors well. At the same time, the toy should not be too loud, otherwise it will scare the child. And for the development of vision, every day show the baby a toy of medium size and moderate brightness at a distance of 40-50 cm, then slowly move the object from side to side. Gradually increase the distance each week.

Be sure to hang colored toys over your baby's playpen or crib. Choose products that you can tap on to hear sound. At this time, the baby is introduced to the pictures. Choose books with large, bright and simple illustrations. When viewing, be sure to pronounce and name each object and detail.

Developmental activities and games should not last more than 20 minutes. That being said, procedures and exercises must be constantly changing. Because one and the same type of activity will tire the child, and he will turn his attention to something else. In addition, a three-month-old baby cannot perceive everything for a long time. So, he perceives music and rhymes for 3-5 minutes. Stop playing if your toddler is crying, tired, or has lost interest.

In this article:

In the first year of life, the development of the child is most active. After a year, when the baby learns to walk, he will gain less weight and not grow so intensively. Let's talk about what changes occur to a baby at 3 months, how much more independent the baby becomes and what he can do by this age.

To begin with, at 3 months old, the infant is just as dependent on the mother as before, in most cases is breastfed, eats and sleeps by the hour. Many babies are accustomed to motion sickness before bedtime, so they fall asleep on their own with great difficulty, requiring the constant attention of adults.

Nevertheless, if you compare a baby at 3 months with a baby in the first days after discharge from the hospital, the changes are enormous. The baby does not look so small and helpless anymore. From frequent sucking, his cheeks are rounded, a second chin and folds on his arms appear. The kid perceives information more consciously, recognizes the faces of relatives, pleases loved ones with an open smile.

Baby's physical changes

At three months, the baby continues to actively gain weight, especially if he receives breast milk on demand. On average, such an increase is 900-1000 grams per month, but in some cases it can reach 1500 grams. The length of the baby increases by about 3 cm.
hopelessly small, so it's time to go to the store for new things.

At 3 months, the baby is actively showing a revitalization complex, that is, a violent reaction to the appearance of relatives, and especially mothers. The child bangs his feet on the crib, waves his arms and tries to make sounds. The revitalization complex once again confirms that the development of the baby is proceeding normally.

It can also be noted that at 3 months, the baby already quite confidently and for a long time holds his head in an upright position, and if you put him on his stomach, he raises not only his head, but also his shoulders, straightening his arms, and will look around. Some children at this age can roll over from back to side and back.

Psychological changes

A clear confirmation that the baby's psyche is developing at a fairly active pace is his interest in his own body parts, in particular in the arms. A baby at 3 months can already quite consciously be short-lived
time to look at the hands and even try to catch one another.

The coordination of the crumbs is still imperfect, so it is difficult for him to do this. The task of parents is to motivate the baby to continue to show interest not only in pens, but also in toys.

It will be enough to put a small and comfortable toy in the baby's hand so that he not only becomes interested in it, but also tries to play. First, the baby will consider a new object, then be sure to listen to the sounds it makes and taste it.

It is very interesting to watch the baby at such moments. Hearing a new sound, the baby will freeze, trying not to miss the most interesting, trying again and again to repeat the most successful movements. It is from such primitives,
at first glance, action begins to develop the skill of independent play.

Do parents need to take part in the fun of the baby? Of course you do. It is advisable to accompany the game with crumbs of comments, encouraging him with strokes and pats. It will be great if the child can play with toys of different textures to compare tactile sensations.

The makings of speech development

Of course, it's too early to talk about a full-fledged speech at 3 months, nevertheless, the makings
it already exists. The babies quite deliberately whine, try to pronounce other syllables, trying with all their might to attract the attention of their parents and take part in the conversation.

The baby's hearing also becomes more developed. The child actively reacts to sounds, looks for their source with his eyes, turning his head from side to side. Babies are believed to respond positively to classical melodic music. Parents from time to time can include such tunes, thus contributing to the development of hearing crumbs and helping him to achieve peace of mind.

Was there any doubt that at 3 months old, your mother's voice is your favorite sound? His little one will not confuse him with anything and he is glad to hear him at any time of the day or night. When a baby has a stomach ache, a headache, or just a bad mood, the affectionate and gentle mother's voice helps him to find strength and calm down, smile or fall asleep.

With this understanding, moms should think about which lullabies they will use to rock their baby. It will be better that these are the same songs and melodies that the baby will remember
and which he will associate with mom and safety.

It is worth noting that the mental and physical development of children at 3 months has the closest and most direct connection. Communicating with your baby, reading books, listening to your favorite tunes and playing games will contribute to overall development, both mental and physical, as well as regular exercises with exercises in the morning, playing fitball and bathing.

How to take care of a baby?

At 3 months old, you can try to transfer the baby to a certain daily regimen, if before that it was not possible to do this because of the colic that constantly bothers the baby. It is advisable to adhere to certain hours of feeding, sleeping, walking and bathing.

Small deviations are permissible, but the better you can follow the schedule, the easier it will be for both mom and baby. At 3 months, the child can still eat every 2-3 hours, bathe him
you will need to walk with him every day - at least 3 hours a day in the morning and in the afternoon.

A very important point is the hygiene of the baby. Regularly you need to clean his ear canals, nose, wash his eyes. Dirt and crusts often accumulate behind the baby's ears. To remove them, you need to use special baby oil.

With the help of the same oil, you can also remove the crusts on the head, if by three months they have not disappeared on their own. Remove the crusts with a natural comb after they have softened for 15 minutes.

To prevent the child from scratching himself, he needs to regularly cut his nails both on his hands and on his feet, and this is best done during sleep and with special safe scissors so as not to injure the baby.

If at 3 months you still continue to swaddle your baby, then it is better to give up this habit. In order for the development of the crumbs to proceed normally, he needs to be active enough, moving his arms
and kicking until tired. Swaddling hinders the baby's movements and limits his activity, and therefore development.

In addition to normal bathing, it is very useful for babies to have air baths from time to time, especially in summer. Give the baby the opportunity to lie down naked and without a diaper. At this time, you can talk to the baby, show him toys, do light gymnastics with him. The room where the child will receive air baths should be warm enough.

Another amazing event that parents of babies at 3 months will face is the first tears while crying. By this time, the kids are beginning to cry like an adult, with tears, so it will be necessary to wipe their eyes with boiled water.

What do you need to know about colic?

At 2-3 months, intestinal colic is the biggest problem for both the child and the parents. Most often, the baby's stomach begins to ache during and after feeding. If the baby begins to blush sharply, refuses to breast and cries, then, rather
in all, it is the pain in the tummy that worries him. They can last from several minutes to several hours.

What is the reason for the appearance of painful colic? First of all, with the fact that the intestines are not fully formed and are still only learning to cope with food, even if it is breast milk. In addition, children do not know how to release gases on their own, so the easiest way for them to do this is when they cry. As soon as the colic ends, the baby falls asleep, no longer disturbing loved ones with a piercing cry.

Is it possible to alleviate the suffering of a baby during pain in the intestines? There are several ways:

Closer to four months, intestinal colic will torment the baby less and less, at the same time a new problem will appear - teeth. But it is too early to think about it.

Skills of a three month old baby

At 3 months, a normally developing baby is usually capable of:

Of course, not a single child owes anything to anyone, so the above skills are not required. Each baby develops according to his own scenario and may not be able to do something at 3 months, but by 5 he surpasses his peers in many ways. Therefore, parents will need to be patient and continue to communicate and play with the baby, stimulating his development.

Features of nutrition for babies

If the baby receives breast milk as the main food, then at 3 months it is not so easy to determine the amount that he eats at one time. On average, this is 120-140 grams per feeding and, subject to six meals a day, about 800-850 grams per day.

To find out
how much milk the baby needs, it will be enough to divide its weight by six. If milk is obviously not enough, the baby is not eating enough, and it is not possible to improve lactation, it is possible to introduce milk formulas adapted for breast milk into the diet as complementary foods.

In no case should you try to feed a baby at 3 months old with store milk. Its composition is completely unsuitable for babies of this age. Some mothers already at 3 months try to introduce the first complementary foods in the form of fruit juice or puree. Is it really necessary in your case? It will be correct to consult a pediatrician before making a decision.

How to develop a three month old baby?

At 3 months, the child is already curious enough. He shows interest in new objects, tries to touch everything with his fingers and mouth. It will be useful at this age to develop the tactile skills of the baby. So, for example, you can fix toys on the sides of his crib, making melodic sounds when touched.

You can also develop the tactile skills of the crumbs with the help of different to the touch
toys or play mat. You can develop your baby's eyesight in a simple way by putting colored socks on his arms and legs and swapping them.

Do not forget to talk to the baby, repeating his sounds, trying to establish eye-to-eye contact. You need to communicate with the baby constantly, including during dressing, gymnastics, games and bathing. This will have a positive effect on his mental development.

Fun for a baby at 3 months

At three months, the baby is already able to concentrate attention for three minutes. During this time, you can tell him a short rhyme, a nursery rhyme or sing a song. Also, the baby shows interest in toys that he tries on the tooth and actively twirls in the handle.
You can play with the baby, pretending that you are trying to pick up the toy. He will definitely like this kind of entertainment.

For the development of motor skills, and hence speech in the future, it is definitely worth playing finger games with the kids, for example, "magpie-white-sided", which helps the palms to relax.

At 3 months old, babies can already be shown a variety of bright and contrasting pictures with images of animals, natural phenomena, people's faces expressing different emotions.

Medical support

At 3 months, the baby must undergo a medical examination by a doctor who will determine the level of his physical and mental development. With the doctor, you can discuss the baby's day regimen, nutrition, as well as vaccinations and wellness massage.

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Congratulations, your baby is three months old. In this short time, the children have learned a lot, since the development of a child at 3 months is very rapid. The adaptation period to new conditions after intrauterine life has ended successfully and the baby is ready to learn about the world around him, and the parents, in turn, are obliged to help in this.

Changes in the physiology of the baby

The physiological changes of the child are visible with the naked eye, the baby is gaining weight intensively, looks round, cute folds appear on the legs and arms. The changes concern all areas, about not in detail further.

Height and weight

Until the child reaches the age of one year, parents are required to visit a pediatrician on a monthly basis with preventive visits and to measure the child's anthropometric data. This is your third visit, as exciting as the two previous ones. Parents are worried whether the growth and weight indicators correspond to the norms, whether the child is actively gaining weight, whether the baby is getting enough milk.

It should be noted right away that these norms are rather arbitrary, since all newborns add in different ways, not according to plan, depending on physiological characteristics, type of nutrition and genetic predisposition. Also, do not forget that premature babies are at risk and develop with a delay, and, therefore, gain weight worse. However, there is a table with standard values ​​for assessing the development of a child:


Compared to two months of age, the baby's eyesight has improved markedly. You can observe how children enjoy watching the toy in their hand, carefully studying the object. This suggests that object perception is actively developing, namely, the baby begins to realize that the object is not an extension of his mother's hand, but a whole complex of different properties, this is what a child should do at 3 months. Do not be surprised if the baby immediately wants to lick or try to bite the object, as he subconsciously wants to get more information about it.

Try not to let children of this age watch TV, especially before bed. This has a detrimental effect on both vision and the mental development of children.


The baby's hearing has also changed significantly. He is able to distinguish between pleasant and unpleasant sounds, personifies the voices of others and relatives. And the most familiar and dear voice of the mother will make the head turn in her direction, and the child's toothless mouth will blur into a smile. That is why it is so important to communicate as much as possible with children, and especially to sing melodic songs to them, turn on quiet music.

Still, with regards to hearing, children at the age of three months easily select sounds of interest from the background, and also determine the source that emits them.

Reflexes at three months

At the age of three months, the baby is not yet able to fully control his movements, in this he is still helped by some of the remaining reflexes and instincts.

For example, the Moro reflex is one of the reflexes aimed at self-preservation and developed to protect the baby from falling, for example, from the sofa. It manifests itself in raising the arms and spreading the fingers while laying on the back or when you lift the baby's legs above the surface.

But the most important and pronounced reflexes are the sucking reflex and the crawling reflex, although children at the age of three months do not know crawling skills, just as they cannot get up.

How nutrition and sleep change

Fortunately for the mother, a certain daily routine begins to appear in the family. Three-month-old babies still spend most of their time doing two activities - eating and sleeping. But with the second, some certainty looms, the baby sleeps more at night than during the day, and the hours of sleep and wakefulness become, more or less, the same from day to day.

Sleep features of a 3-month-old baby

As for the question of how much three-month-old children should sleep, this figure is still high, 16-17 hours a day is considered the norm. Moreover, more than half of the sleep (9-10 hours) should fall on the night time, and the rest should be distributed over 3-4 days of rest, at least two during a walk. If the baby does not fall asleep well, has become nervous, often screams like a cut, but at the same time rubs his eyes, then, firstly, revise your menu, perhaps you have eaten something that causes discomfort in the baby's digestion, or maybe he is just uncomfortable to sleep in clothes. Secondly, try to walk more in the fresh air so that the baby can sleep during the walk, read children's books to the child and do not forget about the beneficial effect of music on the development of the child.

Nutrition news

Nutrition of children is one of the most exciting issues for parents, since a baby is not able to tell if he is hungry or full. Nothing changes here, like the previous two months of a baby's life: if the baby is breastfed, he should be fed on demand, if the baby is artificial, then it is worth following the recommendations of the manufacturers of a particular mixture. It is very important to choose the right product. When choosing mixtures, focus on product reviews, price, quality, composition and whether it is suitable for the child's age. After feeding, after 30-40 minutes, you can invite your baby to drink.

Your first priority when breastfeeding is to maintain lactation for as long as possible by constantly applying the baby to the breast. Even in spite of the excessive anxiety of the baby during breastfeeding or the absence of hot flashes, try not to panic and refuse to feed the baby with formula. Remember that this critical period just needs to be experienced, and it can last only a few days. Pediatricians recommend postponing all household chores as much as possible, entrusting them to your assistants, and devote all of yourself to your baby and the establishment of breastfeeding, preventing early introduction of complementary foods and the transition to artificial feeding.

Development of the psyche and emotional sphere

The main achievement in emotional development is a smile, the baby gradually learns to show his positive emotions, the joy that he is warm and dry, that his beloved mother is there when the baby wakes up. Now, your boy or girl will give you more than 70 kinds of smiles and, believe me, with time you will be able to distinguish them. Crying now becomes an indicator of physical illness or psychological discomfort.

What could be better than a smile? Of course, laughter, it is this skill that your child will master by his three months. Children's laughter is sincere, lively, how much pleasure it brings to newly-made parents.

At the same time, during negative emotions, the baby is able to express his indignation with a loud cry, thereby signaling to his mother that he needs her help.

But the cry of a 3-month-old baby does not always indicate that something has happened, it also happens that children are just being capricious, and at this age they already know what it is. Banal boredom can be the reason for whims. In this case, calm your child down by picking him up, sing a song or tell your favorite nursery rhyme.

Few people would think that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with a 3-month-old baby? Yes, this is quite possible, because at this age the child begins to walk. And if you coo back to him, your communication will develop into a real "discussion" filled with emotions and pleasant feelings. It's funny that during "communication" the baby usually uses the whole body, actively waving arms and legs.

What new skills does a baby have at 3 months

The basic skills of 3 month old babies include the following:

  • Rolls over from back to tummy
  • Raising the head and shoulders with support on the forearm

Also, by the age of 12 weeks, the baby makes a grand discovery, he has two wonderful arms and two legs. After that, his limbs, moreover both the upper and lower ones, will be very frequent guests in his mouth. And the baby's hands will train dexterity, trying to hit the toys located above the crib or stroller. Before you have time to look back, you will see that your child takes toys on his own.

Some babies at the age of 3 months are able to roll by bending the legs, pushing off the arms and legs, for example, from the side of the crib. Delight is caused by the ball located in the legs of the child, which is so much fun to kick with the legs, and it is fun for parents to watch it.

After getting to know the arms and legs, the baby discovers the rest of his and your body. Already at the age of three months, tell and show the child where his and your nose, eyes, mouth are. You can start using the first speech therapy exercise in your life - sticking out your tongue and puffing out your cheeks. These movements are very important for the early development of speech activity.

What to do if a child is behind in development

At three months of age, most of the newborn's reflexes disappear. But the presence of the reflexes described below indicates problems and should be the reason for visiting a pediatrician:

  • search reflex - the child opens his mouth and turns his head, responding to stroking the corner of the lips
  • proboscis reflex - when you touch the upper lip, the child pulls out the lips with a tube
  • Babkin's reflex - when a finger is applied to a child's palm, the mouth opens and the head moves forward.

In some cases, you need to contact more narrow specialists, for example, to be examined by a neurologist or surgeon who prescribes treatment.

It is also worth worrying if a child at three months does not hold his head well, suddenly stops gagging and walking, tries to stand on his toes when you hold him upright or stands on the bridge, leaning on the back of his head.

Home early development methods

Watching how your child grows and develops is a pleasure. If your child develops quickly, then your pride in him has no boundaries. But if the baby begins to lag behind the children of your acquaintances in some indicators, then even the best parents begin to panic and look for developmental gaps. In order to prevent such situations, you should engage in the development of your child, and developing games will help in this. Gymnastics should be performed only during the waking period of the baby, when he is in a good mood. Actions should be smooth, not painful to the child.

What can you do at home to help your little one develop harmoniously, master the necessary skills and keep up with their peers? Pediatricians recommend using the proposed methods by performing a set of simple exercises.


First of all, do the standard exercises for newborns, its variations can be seen on Internet forums, in the videos of professional children's massage therapists. By three months, you can slightly diversify the exercise to stimulate a coup. The baby is on the bed or on the changing table, lying on your back, you raise his right leg and gently move it to the left, as if trying to throw it over the body. Thus, you create an impulse to roll over, teaching the baby to move independently.

Within a few days after a successful self-coup, the child may begin to try to sit down on her own. But sitting should not be encouraged, since the child's bone tissue is still developing. There are certain stages and stages of the physical development of a little person and there is no need to rush things.

Another exercise is aimed at teaching the baby to raise the head. To do this, you will need several toys or bright pictures, and ideally a specialized developmental rug. Place the baby on his tummy by laying out his toys in front of him or placing the baby mirror in front of his face. The toddler will be happy to study himself while lying on his stomach and will try to tear the head off the surface.

Training sessions 3 months old

Watching how your child grows and develops is a pleasure. If your child develops quickly, then your pride in him has no boundaries. But if the baby begins to lag behind the children of your acquaintances in some indicators, then even the best parents begin to panic and look for developmental gaps. In order to prevent such situations, you should engage in the development of your child, and developing games will help in this. Gymnastics should be performed only during the waking period of the baby, when he is in a good mood. All actions should be smooth, not painful to the child.

Learning to hold your gaze

The exercise is aimed at encouraging focusing of the gaze on moving and stationary objects. You will need a bright object, such as a red ball. Move it in different directions, but not too quickly, giving the child the opportunity to focus on it, while saying, “Where is our ball? Here it is. Where is the ball now? etc.". Toys with sound effects are suitable for exercise. They involve not only visual perception, but also sound.

During class, do not interfere with the feeling of the object or trying, do not forbid to taste it. Let the baby take the toy in his hands, feel it, it's good if the object is textured, and the shape is varied every time. If the child hums, he pronounces the sounds "agu", "a-a-", "o-o", "abu", etc. be sure to repeat them after the child. This will give the baby confidence in himself.


This game is loved by all children, without exception. Cover your head with an opaque scarf and ask your baby the question "Where is mom?" Then take off your handkerchief with the words "Here she is!". The meaning of the game is for the child to understand that the mother has not gone anywhere, just temporarily become invisible because of the scarf. Then repeat the same manipulations with the child, throw a cloth over the child's head and ask: “Where is my Tanya?”, Then cheerfully “find” the child. This game is a lot of fun for both adults and kids.

Development of child movements

The next exercise is aimed at developing muscle activity in a child at 3 months old and getting rid of infant hypertonicity. Lay the child on the back, and place his favorite bright toy on the side of the baby. The child will certainly want to take possession of it as quickly as possible, and you will help him to gently roll over from his back to his tummy.

Game "Funny hoops"

For the lesson, you will need a hoop and bells or bells. First, attach the bells to the hoop, then position them over the crib high enough for the baby to reach. The child will certainly be interested in the unusual sound made by the embroidery frame, and very soon he himself will grab the bells with his fingers.

And in order for a child's palm to open, a kneading massage is needed, which can be done by any adult in a cozy home environment. Diversify the exercise with Mom's lyric song.

Exercise "Graze the geese"

From the 100th day of life, the baby is able to raise his head while lying on his stomach. To stimulate this skill, raise your favorite toy in front of your face just above eye level, forcing the child to follow it, lifting the head from the surface. But it is important to understand that the cervical muscles in a newborn are extremely weak, therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it and not exceed the exercise time, it is recommended to practice no more than one minute.

There is nothing more interesting and touching than watching the development and growth of children. The development of a child at 3 months is rapid and every new day brings something new. Your task is to be there, surrounding your child with care, love and care. And also, you can help the baby, now knowing how to develop his skills and abilities, doing massages and performing simple exercises.

The first three months is the starting period in the life of every baby, namely development, both physical and psychological. It is during this period of life that many skills are laid, so it is necessary to pay attention to this for each parent.

It would seem that recently your baby was just born, was so small and helpless. But time passes quickly and now he is three months old. From the moment of birth, the child grows and develops very quickly, and each month of his life is different from the previous one. The baby is acquiring many new skills. It is the third month of a toddler's life that is the period during which its rapid development takes place in all directions. The kid is developing intensively both physically and psychologically. He sleeps less, and is more awake, trying to get to know the world around him, shows his character, showing adults what exactly he likes. We will talk about this in more detail in our article.

Physical development of the child

When a baby is 3 months old, development, weight and height should be appropriate for that age. What should be these indicators? How much should a baby weigh at three months, what should be his height, head and chest circumference?

Many scientists believe that you can certainly leave the development of the baby at a later time before kindergarten and school. However, he will no longer become what he could become, i.e. the opportunities that nature gave him will not open up and something will be irretrievably lost.

You can see the norms of weight and height of a three-month-old baby in the table:

Of course, it all depends on the initial body weight of the baby at birth. The baby's weight in the third month should increase by 800 grams, growth - by 3.5 centimeters. It is the first three months that the baby grows most intensively.

The approximate height of the child by month is provided in the following table:

Child's ageRequired height gain (cm)The approximate height of the girls (cm)Boys approximate height (cm)
1 month 3,5 48,90-52,13 49,81-53,20
2 month 3,5 52,25-55,82 52,84-55,88
3 month 3,5 55,06-59,01 58,87-62
4 month 2,5 60,52 -64,54 60,65 - 64,65
5 month 2,5 62,76 -67,04 60,87 - 66,83
6 month 2,5 64,50 -69,19 65,57 – 69,40
7 month 1,5-2 66,41 -71,11 67,48 – 70,87
8 month 1,5-2 68,11 -72,91 68,90 – 72,98
9 month 1,5-2 69,43 -73,93 71,10 – 74,47
10 month 1 70,60 -74,98 72 – 76,11
11 month 1 71,86-76 73,03-77,26
12 month 1 73,34-77,71 ?4,60-78,50

To know exactly the body weight of your child, you can buy scales for babies, or at least once a month weigh the baby in a medical institution. The increase in weight should be uniform, without visible sharp fluctuations. In the event that the baby suddenly starts not to gain weight, be sure to contact the pediatrician. Most likely, the reason is quantitative or qualitative errors in nutrition. The doctor will compare the weight of your baby with how much a baby should weigh at 3 months and will make an individual menu. It is necessary to sound the alarm if the child has a body weight deficit of more than 10% of the age norm. In this case, if necessary, the baby is prescribed tests and additional studies, because sometimes weight loss is possible if there is a serious pathology in the body.

Physical development of the baby at 3 months

If parents pay attention to the physical education of their child, this is a guarantee that he will grow up to be a strong, healthy person who can easily adapt in society and withstand stress, the influence of external factors.

To assess the physical development of a three-year-old baby, indicators such as the circumference of the head and chest are also important. At this age, they increase in a month: the circumference of the chest - a little more than 1 cm, of the head - by 1 cm. It is at three months that the circumference of the head and chest should equalize. As a last resort, this should happen before 4 months. If the head circumference is increasing too rapidly compared to the chest, be sure to consult a specialist so as not to miss a brain disease.

A three-month-old child still has a large fontanelle open (an area that does not have bone tissue), but compared to previous months, it decreases in size, is not tense, soft, and its pulsation is absent. Some mothers are afraid to touch him when caring for a baby. This is a mistake, because this area of ​​the skin must be kept clean.

So, let's summarize the first three months of your baby's life, and see what he managed to learn:

  • during this period, the baby must learn to lie on his stomach;
  • must be able to lift and hold the head elastically;
  • must keep his head in an upright position, turn to the sides, considering all the surrounding objects;
  • with support under the armpits, the child should be able to rest on and push off from the support, making intermittent movements when for a moment his legs touch a hard surface;
  • the tension of the flexor muscles decreases, in other words, the physiological hypertonicity disappears;
  • in three months, the child must learn to grip, pull up and briefly hold the toy in his hands;
  • knows how to follow the movement of objects;
  • turns his head to the source of the sound.

Psychomotor development of a three month old baby

Every mom needs to know that a child should be able to at 3 months. At this age, the baby behaves more meaningfully than in previous months. His movements are more targeted. A baby at this age lies well on his stomach and can hold his head in an upright position for quite a long time.

In the middle of 3 months, he is able to turn the body a little on its side and get the toy he likes. He can fix his gaze well on an object that is in his field of vision. That is why, for a three-month-old baby, the best toys are colorful toys that spin over the bed, and rattles.

In addition, at 3 months old, a baby is looking at not only toys, but also his pens or items of clothing with great interest. At this age, the child is no longer clenching his fists very tightly, because the muscle tone is not as tense as before. Often he grabs the surrounding things with a pen or touches them with his finger. At this age, hand motor skills and tactile sensations develop.

At three months old, the baby's emotions take on a social character. For example, at the sight of a mother's face or a toy, the child begins to smile, and sometimes laughter may appear. It is during this period that the basis of emotional communication is formed.

By the age of three months, it is necessary to teach the baby to establish a connection between visual and auditory, visual and skin reactions. For example: saw-heard, saw-touched-heard.

A three-month-old baby rests well on his legs with the support of his armpit. You can test this skill by turning the baby to face you and fixing its torso with both hands, touch a flat and hard surface with your feet. But in no case use such a "skill" of the baby as physical exercise, because the musculoskeletal system is not yet ready for this kind of stress.

At the age of 3 months, the child captures the mood of the adults who are near him well. If the parents are in a good mood, then their child begins to smile in return. And if mom and dad are annoyed with something, then the baby's behavior will be restless.

At the end of the third month, in communication with adults, the child manifests itself so clearly that these actions can be characterized as a chain of positive manifestations:

  • moves vigorously;
  • smiles meaningfully;
  • looks into the eyes;
  • vocalizes.

Previously, these manifestations arose separately, in isolation from each other. And from this period they are united in an alliance called the "revival" complex.

Psychologists believe that from three months, thanks to the "revitalization" complex, the child enters the path of intensive communication with the outside world.

At three months, this complex of "revitalization" reaches the highest peak of manifestation and remains for the first six months of the baby's life, then a more perfect form passes, namely, facial expressions, speech, movement.

What are the other skills of a child at 3 months old?

It is at this age that active preparation for speech takes place - the child begins to walk, sometimes reproducing sounds that are similar to syllables. Therefore, try to play educational games with a three-month-old baby, voicing all the actions.

Introduce the child to the world of various sounds. On the way, during the day, he hears phone and doorbells, the clink of dishes, the sounds of a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, TV, kettle, etc. Introduce the baby to the music. Three-month-old children like to listen to it, especially the rhythmic one. Find special pieces for toddlers. Classical music and nature sounds are also great options. Clap your hands, dance with your child to music, sing songs. Such games promote the development of a sense of rhythm, auditory perception and thinking.

So what should a three month old baby be able to do? At this age, he should have the following skills:

  • follow a slowly moving object;
  • turn the head towards the sound;
  • be able to distinguish different sounds from spoken language;
  • when taken in hands, must hold the head and body;
  • stand on their legs when held by an adult, while not tightening their fingers;
  • raise the head and torso in a prone position;
  • smile and laugh for a long time;
  • listen carefully to the speech addressed to him and walk in response.

Verification of the "certificate of maturity" of three months

So that you are not tormented by vague doubts about the incorrect development of your crumbs, we offer several tests.

Test number 1

Lay the baby on his tummy at a distance of 40 cm, place a large toy - a rattle. While rocking it, talk to your child, while he should see your face.
Baby's response: normally, the child should peer into the toy or your face, listening to the voice, to the sound of the toy. At the same time, leaning on the forearm, he raises his head high, holding it well. All this is accompanied by a meaningful smile.

Test number 2

This test will require both parents to be present. Daddy takes the baby in his arms, holding him upright. At this moment, mom takes the rattle, slightly shaking it at a distance of 40 cm, shows it to the baby.
The baby's response: holds his head for 1-3 minutes, listens and focuses his gaze on the mother or the toy.

Test number 3

Take the baby in your arms, keeping it facing you under the armpits, lower the baby with your feet on a hard surface.
The baby's response is: he should straighten the bent legs and rest on the entire foot. This movement must be repeated several times. Don't let your child get out of hand! Follow your action with gentle conversation.

Test No. 4

Lay the baby on his back, alternately at a distance of 40 cm, move the toys in different directions.
The baby's response is: he should turn his head to follow your actions, watch carefully, may smile.

Test No. 5

Lay the child on the back, sing a melody to him, ring the bell, rattle.
The baby's response: the baby listens to each auditory stimulus, freezes, tries to find the source of the sound, turning his head towards the outgoing sound.

Test number 6

At a distance of 40 cm in front of the baby lying on his back, move medium-sized toys, at this moment the child should not see you.
The baby's response: he focuses his gaze on the toys, smiles, gives a voice, then makes active movements.

Test number 7

Pull the toys over the child on the braid, in such a position that the child can grab them. Draw his attention to them.
The baby's response: bumping into toys, throws out the arms, picks up and bumps again. He unclenches his fingers, tries to pull the toy to him.

Test number 8

Leaning towards the baby, pronounce vowel sounds or individual words clearly. Stop communicating for a moment.
Baby's response: manifested by a reciprocal hum and an attempt to repeat sounds. After the child has answered you, continue the dialogue.

Test number 9

After sleep, when your child is in a good mood, start talking to him, smile.
The baby's response: begins to peer at you, listens to your voice, freezes, smiles happily, tries to respond with a hoot, energetic movements, which is proof of the child's communication with you in his own language.

Test number 10

If you will be near your child, but will take the position of an ignorant, namely, you will not talk to him.
The baby's response: he will begin to draw attention to himself with all his might, will actively move, gag, smile, scream. As soon as you approach him, the little one becomes silent and will wait for communication, if the dialogue does not happen, he will begin to demand communication from your side with a cry.


In conclusion, I would like to note that by the age of three months the baby can already do a lot, namely:

  • examines objects;
  • turns his head towards sounds;
  • makes attempts to reach the toy and grab it;
  • starts making sounds;
  • reacts to the appearance of adults;
  • smiles meaningfully;
  • a complex of "revitalization" appears;
  • centralized movements appear.

Thus, your child is very interested in the world around him and he actively lives in it, enjoying every moment. Although he is a little man, he has a good and bad mood, like our adults, but he expresses it in his own ways: crying, screaming.

Initially, with his cry, the baby announced to the whole world about his birth, by three months this skill acquires a more complex expressiveness, which has different shades depending on situations: hunger, dirty diaper, pain, loneliness, resentment, etc.

By its nature, the cry is differentiated at the age of three months: hungry, demanding, unhappy, calling, aching, etc. An alarming sign is the absence of a cry, such a manifestation should alert parents, this may indicate serious pathologies, therefore, it is necessary to inform your doctor about this.

It is you, dear parents, who, like sculptors, create the future of your baby. The more attention is paid to the child, the better the psychological development of the baby. Caring for a baby includes not only feeding, changing a diaper, etc., but also communication, which develops many qualities in the little miracle.

Nutrition for a 3 month old baby

By the end of the third month, the total amount of food becomes 1 liter per day, and it remains so for almost 1 year. The ideal food for your baby during this period is breast milk. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antibodies, which provide reliable protection against infections. There is no need to supplement the baby with water, he can quench his thirst with breast milk. This can be done only in extreme heat, when sweating increases.

At the age of three months, the baby does not need any other food except breast milk. There is no need to introduce juices, purees and other food. This is because the digestive organs of a three-month-old baby are not yet mature enough, so it is difficult for him to cope with the digestion of other food.

The mode of feeding a child at 3 months should be as follows: the frequency of feeding is at least 6 times a day, after about 3.5 hours, if necessary, it can be increased. Many modern mothers adhere to the principle of feeding the baby on demand. But this must be approached competently - not to give the baby a breast very often, because if he begins to be capricious, this does not mean that he wants to eat. The baby should be near the chest for 15-20 minutes. For mothers who neglect this rule and keep the baby near the breast for a longer time, an unpleasant phenomenon occurs - cracked nipples.

If a nursing mother does not have milk in the required volume (most often this happens with her improper diet, insufficient rest or stressful situations), it is necessary to take care of the rational nutrition of the crumbs. After all, its harmonious development depends on this. The way out of the situation will be mixed feeding - nutrition, in which the volume of breast milk should be at least half of the daily diet, the other half or a smaller part is supplemented with mixtures, the choice of which necessarily depends on the age of the baby. The need for a mixed diet also arises when the nutritional value of breast milk is insufficient or when feedings are forced to decrease (for example, a woman's illness or her going to work). For mixed meals, offer the baby the breast first, then the formula. If a woman's milk completely disappears, the child is transferred to artificial feeding with milk mixture.

There are several advantages of artificial feeding:

  • freedom for mom - feeding a baby from a bottle is not difficult for any family member;
  • you can easily control the amount of food that the child eats, and this excludes the possibility of overfeeding;
  • the possibility of a clear feeding regime.

But despite all these benefits, even the highest quality infant formula will never replace breast milk. Therefore, transfer your baby to mixed or artificial nutrition only if absolutely necessary. Remember that no matter what kind of feeding the baby is on - breastfeeding, mixed or artificial, it must be rational.

Caring for a three month old baby

Three-month-old babies are already developing their own daily routine. It is very important for every mother to monitor the systematic actions. The child's day regimen at 3 months must necessarily include the following points:

  • wakefulness (communication, games);
  • feeding;
  • stroll;
  • hygiene procedures and massage.

Sometimes it happens that they overlap. For example, daytime sleep is often combined with a walk. Many mothers have a question: how long should a baby be awake at 3 months? At this age, it is 6-7 hours a day. But every kid is different. If the waking time slightly increases or decreases, and the child feels good at the same time, there is no need to worry. When the baby is awake, try to communicate with him as much as possible, play, perform the necessary hygiene procedures, gymnastics and massage.

How much should a child sleep at 3 months? It is about 15-17 hours a day. The longest is the night's sleep (about 10 hours). During the day, a three-month-old baby sleeps 3-4 times for about 2 hours.

The approximate regimen of a child's day at 3 months looks like this:

6.00 First feeding
6.00-7.30 Wakefulness
7.30-9.30 Dream
9.30 Second feeding
9.30-11.00 Wakefulness
11.00-13.00 Dream
13.00 Third feeding
13.00-14.30 Wakefulness
14.30-16.30 Dream
16.30 Fourth feeding
16.30-18.00 Wakefulness
18.00-19.30 Dream
19.30-20.30 Wakefulness
20.00 Fifth feeding
20.00-21.30 Vigilance
21.30-23.30 Dream
23.30 Sixth feeding
23.30-6.00 Dream

Caring for a baby at 3 months is no different compared to previous months. In the morning, it is imperative to toilet the eyes, ears and nose. Bathing, massage and gymnastics are also extremely important. Each mother can choose the most suitable time for her baby for such procedures. For example, some children like to swim more in the daytime, while others - before going to bed. The main thing is that the baby is calm before this. A preliminary massage is performed, which at this age includes stroking and kneading movements. Then a short gymnastics is carried out, which consists in bending the legs and arms. Be sure to make sure that the baby does not get tired during these procedures.

Does a 3 month old baby need a dummy? Or is it better to do without it after all? It is the dummy that satisfies the sucking reflex, which at this age is so developed that it may miss a bottle or a breast. It is sucking that allows the baby to calm down. Many mothers are worried that their child will get used to the pacifier, so they do not give it at all. But in this case, for sucking, the child will look for other sources - his finger, a blanket or a toy, and then it is much more difficult to wean him from this. Sometimes, with prolonged use of a pacifier, a baby may have an incorrect bite formation, impaired growth of milk teeth, which may cause problems with speech in the future. But if used correctly, there will be no harm.

Almost every mother, regardless of whether a baby is bottle-fed or breastfed, has a baby bottle. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to properly handle it. The bottle should be washed regularly. For this, soda or salt can be used. The bottom and neck of the bottle must be washed very carefully with a special brush, because food can often remain there. The bottle and teat must be sterilized after each use. The most common method is boiling. In this case, the bottle is placed in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then wrapped in a clean towel. The treated bottles should be used immediately, because sterility does not last long.

Walking is extremely important for a child's development. They allow the baby to get acquainted with the world around him, are part of tempering, and will enrich the blood with oxygen. Their duration is about 2-4 hours a day, in good weather you can walk with the baby for up to 6-7 hours. Dress your child like yourself, only one more layer of clothing. In order to find out if the baby is cold during a walk, try his nose: if it remains warm, then everything is fine.

You will need a stroller for a walk. It is very important to choose the right stroller so that the child is safe and comfortable. A good stroller should have good springs to mitigate bouncing on bumps. It should have a flat bottom for comfortable lying of the little one. Protective capes and hoods, as well as a sufficient depth of the basket, will protect the baby from external influences (bright light, gusts of wind, etc.). The stroller must have good maneuverability. Also, during the walk, you can use a kangaroo or sling.

What kind of clothes does a baby need at the age of three months? If before that time he grew up in diapers, be sure to change them to sliders. If you continue to swaddle your baby after 3 months, it will interfere with the development of physical activity. You will also need several shirts with buttons or buttons, a jumpsuit or a warm envelope.

If the room temperature is 21-22 ° C, do not wear woolen socks on the sliders. Excessive wrapping of the child contributes to the fact that it sweats and can easily catch a cold in drafts.

Dear mothers! Here are some tips that you might find useful:

  • A child who is three months old must be examined by a pediatric neurologist, ophthalmologist and orthopedist.
  • In order to prevent rickets, the child should be given vitamin D (with the exception of the summer months, when this vitamin is produced under the influence of sunlight).
  • Many mothers have a question about what temperature a three-month-old child should have. Normally, it is 37.0 to 37.4 degrees. Therefore, if the body temperature of a baby at 3 months is higher than 37 degrees, do not worry, this is quite normal.
  • Temper your baby. But do not forget about the principle of gradualness and regularity. After the main bath, rinse the baby with water, the temperature of which is 0.5-1 degrees lower.

In the third month of a newborn's life, its development occurs very quickly. You clearly see how the baby grows and develops, you rejoice at his first achievements. He already consciously contacts you, distinguishes voice, facial expressions, greets you with an aguk and a cheerful smile, grabs rattles and tries to touch the hanging toys. And this is just the beginning. Every day, every month, he will delight you with new achievements. Your main task is to provide proper care at this time and to promote knowledge of the world around you. Health to you and your baby!