Actresses with a narrow face. How to choose a hairstyle in the form of a face: listening to the advice of star stylists



How is good that nature has created us all such different and in their own way unique. In our huge world, so many beautiful people who differ in growth, complex, hair color and eye, skin shade, etc. One of the external characteristics of a person is its face form. Someone is pleased with their form of face, and someone considers it far from the ideal. In any case, you should not despair, because with the help of makeup you can adjust any form of a person and make it more pretty. So, read the way to make the right makeup in the form of a face.

Conditionally, you can allocate eight main types of faces. Rightly determining the form of your face, you can competently disguise its disadvantages, and, thanks to this, it is more beautiful.

Oval face

If you are the owner of an oval face, then you have a reason for pride. The oval form of the face is considered ideal. This is the only type of person who does not require any special correction. It is very easy to determine this form: the length of the face must prevail over the width of about one and a half times, maybe a little less. Oval type there are no sharp corners and outlines.

Despite the fact that the oval person does not need to be adjusted, its form can be advantageously emphasized with the help of makeup. To do this, you need to apply a blush in the direction of cheekbones to the temples. For the rest, you can maximize your fantasy, because with such a form of face in make-up there are no strict restrictions.

Tip: Short strands of the person can make your face already that visually turns it into an extended that you do not need at all.

Stars with an oval face form

Jessica Alba

Candice Accola

Dianna Agron

Blake Lively

Monica Bellucci

Oblong face

The oblong form is also called extended. It seems she looks like the perfect oval type, but there is one thing: the length of the face is much larger, and more than one and a half times than the width.

For the correction of the oblong face, it is necessary to apply a blush to the chin tip, as well as on the cheekbones horizontally.

Tip: Oversized Long Face will help hide long wavy hair, bulk kara and long, hiding eyebrows, straight bangs.

Stars with an oblong face form

Liv Tyler

Ksenia Sobchak

Sarah Jessica Parker

Megan Fox

Round face

This type of person is characterized by the fact that its length is approximately equal to the width. In addition to this woman with such a face shape wide forehead and round cheeks.

If you have a round face, then your main task is to visually lengthen it. To do this, it is necessary to use two colors of the tone cream: your main shade and cream on the tone or two are darker. The base that you usually use is applied to the entire face, and the darker shade is used in the direction of the cheeks from the cheek. The blush in this case is applied in the form of an inverted triangle directed towards the corners of the mouth. Using the lip pencil, do not bother the corners of the lips, as it will make the face even wider. It is preferable to use gloss, and not lipstick. In makeup eyes it is better to use gentle, warm tones.
Tip: Refuse direct probor and combed hair back. The best hairstyle with a round face will be loose hair slightly below the chin.

Stars with a circular face form

Kirsten Dunst

Selena Gomez

Miley Cyrus

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Ashley Olsen.

Square face

So it turned out that I had the square. Previously, for me it seemed a disaster. After graduating for the courses of the makeup artist, I realized that not everything was so scary, because now I know how to skillfully hide this flaw. Although I still feel free to pick up))). A square face is very difficult to confuse with any other type. It is characterized by the following signs: the same length and width of the face, angularity, weakly pronounced chin, as well as pronounced cheekbones and jaws.

To stretch your face and smooth the angles, you need to apply the following reception: on the protruding corners of your lower jaw, apply the basis for a couple of tones darker than your main shade. Blush is better to use dark, bright colors that need to be applied in the form of an inverted triangle aimed at the temples. In makeup eyes, avoid applying a large number of different shadows, one or two colors will be enough. Black eye pencil Replace gray, it will make your image easier. As with a round face, the corners of the lips are not outlined by a pencil.
Tip: Hide a square face will help oblique bangs, cascade, wavy hair, as well as straight hair below the chin.

Stars with a square face

Diana Kruger

Salma Hayek

Jessica Simpson

Sandra Bullock

Paris Hilton

Rectangular face

The rectangular face is very similar to the square type. The only difference is that the face length is somewhat larger than the width.
As in the previous case, it is necessary to soften the corners of the lower jaw with the help of a dark tonal base. Difference in the make-up of a rectangular face will only be the fact that the blush is applied to the very center of the cheek. When eye makeup, use light shadows on the entire upper eyelid, and select the outer corner with light.
Tip: Wear long, curly or slightly wavy hair.

Stars with a rectangular face form

Demmy Moor

Angelina Jolie

Katie Holmes.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Keira Knightley


This form of the face has the following signs: a low forehead, which is already the bottom of the person, pronounced, wide lower jaw.

The correction of the face form in the form of a trapezion looks like this: on the corners of the lower jaw appline a dark tonal basis, use a light shade of the base or powder on the temples. Blushes in this case are applied horizontally. For such a form of a face, classic arrows are ideal, with a slightly curved upwards.
Tip: Make sure your hair always have the length below the chin.

Stars with a trapezoid form face

Kelly Osborne

Olivia Wilde

Mia Vasikovska

Triangular face

The triangular face is still affectionately called the heart-shaped. The triangular form of the face is distinguished by the predominance of the upper part above the bottom. Wide forehead and acute, elongated chin - explicit signs of this type.

To adjust such a form, it is necessary to apply a dark tonal basis in the form of triangles to the corners of the forehead, as well as the sharp, partitioning part of the chin. Side sides of the mandible, cover with a light base. Shadows and eye pencil are applied only on the most mobile eyelid, without going beyond its borders. Pencil very clearly highlight the corners of the lips, you can even make them a little darker than the rest of the outline.
Tip: Refuse high hairstyles, give preference to long loose hair.

Stars with a triangular face form

Reese Witherspoon

Christina Ricci

Scarlett Johansson


Amanda Seyfried

Rhombid face

A diamond face is characterized by pronounced, wide cheekbones, but at the same time a narrow forehead and chin.

To bring such a form to the ideal form, it is necessary to apply a dark tonal basis to a protruding part of the cheekbone or powder. The temples use a light tone. Rushes are applied horizontally. Using eye shadow, pencil or eyeliner, try to extend the line, slightly raising it up.
Tip: Discard the hair and short bangs combed. Kosya bangs will help you hide the diamond shape of the face.

Stars with a diamond form face

Jennifer Aniston

Sophia Loren

Michelle Pfeifer

Naomi Campbell

I hope that in this article you found something useful for yourself! Good luck!

Kruglitic representatives of beautiful sex are usually unhappy with their chubby cheeks. Coming to the hairdresser's salon, they ask the masters to visually pull out the appearance of faces, bringing it to the perfect. Fortunately, in the arsenal of stylists there are several universal secrets to help winners of a round face look even more attractive!

So, what are their taboos for a round face form?

  • Direct volumetric bangs
  • Direct symmetric sample
  • Clear slice lines in cheek / cheek / chin / chin
  • Short haircuts on fine curly hair
  • Rounded styling elements in the area above the chin (curls and curls)
  • Clear contours
  • Monophonic staining (especially dark monotonous hair give an unwanted person to face)

Useful tricks

However, it should not be upset because there is also whole list of useful recommendationsallowing you to smooth the problem areas of the round face:

  • Easy oblique profiled bangs
  • Spit sample
  • Hair length below chin lines
  • Short haircuts on straight hair with volumetric stacking on top
  • Hollywood curls and waves at the ends of long hair (new chin levels)
  • Multilayer haircuts with ribbon tips, playful "creative mess"
  • Creative staining, timing, coloring - to create a multifaceted color and easier image

As you can see, the list is not so small and reveals the whole field for creativity and variations when creating your unique image. Next, we consider the options for correctly selected haircuts for a round face on specific examples.

Fashionable images in faces

Stylist actresses Emma Stone. I am convinced that for her perfect haircut are hair to shoulders or just below. Riping tips, asymmetry, braid sample, volumetric ballet on top, light careless waves - all this not only gives charm and femininity to the image, but also visually smoothes the roundness of the face, making it more elongated.

For comparison, straight thick bangs, a clear cut in the cheek area and the hair cleaned back, on the contrary, only emphasize the plump cheeks of the actress.

Another round-line owner is American film actress, beauty Mila Kunis. And there is nothing surprising in this, because Mila has Ukrainian roots! It also prefers elongated haircuts, they cover the cheeks and do not add the extension to the face as a whole. Personal stylist Mila, Chris McMilan, considers a good tool to smooth round face "Lestenka" on the front strands. But at the same time, the haircut should be started at length not higher than the level of chin.

Of course, a beautiful face is difficult to spoil something, the actress go both straight and wavy hair, both flowing falling on the shoulders and the cramped in the tail. However, the direct probor, one-photon darkness or lack of volume hairstyles can only emphasize the face form.

The rules serve to break them!

It was believed that short haircuts are not recommended to wear women with a round face. but Cameron Diaz His example proved the opposite! The secret lies in an elongated oblique bang, which visually changes the shape of the face of the actress, adding to it the missing corners. Easy negligence hairstyles only gives playfulness and sexuality image.

For comparison, we give a few examples, clearly showing why you should not forget about the main tricks designed to hide the roundability of the lyrics. Still, length and shape hairstyle plays an important role.

Haircut a-bob

Haircut A-BOB is also an excellent option for a round face - the front hair will be cut longer than the rear, and oblique light bangs will visually smooth unwanted roundness. A haircut, complemented by wavy styling, will give the image of incredible lightness and romanticity. In our case, A-Bob is an excellent alternative to the usual haircut Bob, which, as a rule, visually, curves the face.

Daring Pixie

There is an opinion that girls with a round type of face should be feared by a short haircut type "Pixie", because She makes the face very open and exposes all roundness. But is it really?

Slightly explain. "Pixie" is an ultra-screwing haircut, in which the hair on the back of the head and temples are being made shorter than on the top of the top. There was a name from the English word "Pixie", which means "elf" or "Fairy". On such a fabulous fragile creature, girls become similar to those who risked to say goodbye with long curls for the sake of a short haircut. "Pixie" gives the image of the priest and squeezing. And although the story of the haircut is rooted by the middle of the 20th century, its popularity continues to gain momentum and to this day.

For beauties with rounded cheeks, resolved to change the image with this haircut, we we offer some simple and practical tipsthat will help make your hairstyle perfectly suitable for your face.

The rules are needed to break them! 🙂 Indeed, in our time to share the same makeup on "you can" or "it is impossible" is already stupid. Red-haired ladies may well afford the shades of lipstick and cold, and warm tones. Blondes have the right to apply bright, Gothic makeup - and that's fine! But when it comes to the face form, the rules for choosing a haircut and makeup can be very useful, since your face form affects your entire image as a whole.

Take advantage of the step algorithm below, with which you determine your face form.

Step 1: What part of your face is the biggest?

Forehead: If the widest part of your face forehead, tapering down to a narrower jaw, then probably your face form is a "inverted triangle". Go to Step 2, to clarify the face form.

Cheeky: If your cheekbones are the widest part of your face, then most likely you have either an oval face form, or a round or diamond-shaped, or a face in the shape of a heart. Go to Step 2 to clarify your face form.

The chin: If your jaw is the wider part of your face, while the forehead is narrower, then most likely your face form is pear. Go to the section: "Pear-shaped face" below.

"Everyone is equal": If your foreheads, cheekbones and jaw are about equal in width, then most likely your face form has a rectangular or square shape. Go to Step 2 to clarify your face form.

And elongated?

Step 2: Your chin shape

  1. Round chin. If you have rounded the form of the chin, most likely, your face form: round, elongated or oval. Go to Step 3, for clarification.
  2. Pointed chin. If you have a pointed narrow chin, a narrow forehead, and at the same time your cheekbones are the widest part of the face, then most likely, your face form is a diamond. Go to the "Form of the Almaz Face" below. If you have pointed chin, while the forehead and cheekbones are the wider parts of your face, then most likely, your face is the "inverted triangle" face, it is the form of the face "Heart". Go to Step 4 to clarify your face form.
  3. If you have a square shape of the jaw, while the width in the forehead, cheekbone and lower jaw is about the same, then most likely your face form is "square".

Step 3: Determine the proportions

  1. If the length and width of the face are approximately equal, and the chin is quite round, then your face form is round. Go to the item "Round face form."
  2. If your face is longer than in width, cheekbones are the wider part of your face, and the chin has rounded outlines, then your face form is perfect! Or rather oval. 🙂 Go to the point - oval face
  3. If your face is a little shorter than in length, and the chin is pointed, then the face form is "an inverted triangle." Go to the required item below.
  4. If your face in the width is noticeably less than in length, and at the same time the forehead and cheekbones have a rounded shape and are approximately equal in width, then most likely your face form is "elongated". Go to the item "Extra Long Face Face."

Remember that some people are a combination of several types of person, such as: an extended square (rectangle), rounded heart, etc. If your cases are exactly the case, then focus on the dominant form of the face.

Round face face

If you have a round face form, then the length and width of your face are approximately equal, and the chin and forehead have a rounded form. To balance this form, choose hairstyles and makeups that will help a little lengthen face and bring it closer to oval.

Makeup and hairstyles for a round face shape:

  1. Love the forehead under the eyes and the middle of the chin to attract attention to the middle of the face.
  2. To create an oval form, apply the contour on whiskey, cheeks and jaw line bronzing or any other, on tone or two darker skin.
  3. For a round shape of the face, high hairstyles are perfectly suitable, as well as hairstyles with oblique surgery or oblique bangs.

Celebrities with a round face: Elizabeth Olsen, Mila Kunis, Kate Appon, Ginnifer Goodwin, Selena Gomez

An extended face form

If you have an extended face form, then your face's length is more than its width. At the same time, your forehead, cheekbones and chin are equal in width, and the chin has a rounded shape. To balance this form of person, choose hairstyles and makeups that create an illusion of widths.

Makeup and hairstyles for the elongated face form:

  1. Apply a little brush a little bronzer on the chin, to visually shorten it.
  2. Apply a blush on the roundness of the cheek - this will help visually expand and shorten the face.
  3. One of the most suitable hairstyles for such a face form is a bang, which will see the face in short.

Celebrities with an elongated face form: Alex Chang, Molly Sims, Joan Smalls, Liv Tyler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Maggie Que

Form "Inverted Triangle" or "Heart"

If your face is in the form of a heart, then you have pointed chin and at the same time your forehead and cheekbones are the most wide parts of the face. To balance this form, choose hairstyles and makeup, which will not emphasize a wide forehead, and create the illusion of the width of the chin.

Makeup and hairstyles for the face form "Triangle":

  1. Eat chin to visually expand it, as well as forehead and area under the eyes to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  2. Apply the contour to whiskey and cheeks to reduce their width.
  3. High hairstyles do not fit. Choose the hair length before the chin or below. To balance the narrow chin will help curled strands.

Celebrities with face form "Inverted triangle" Alison Hannigan, Blake Lively, Courtney Kardashian, Kerry Washington, Scarlet Johanson.

Square face form

If you have a square face form, then your forehead, cheekbones and jaw are approximately equal in width. At the same time, the jaw has a square, angular shape. To balance this form, choose hairstyles and makeup, which will soften the chin line.

Makeup and hairstyles for a square face form:

  1. Dimin the hair line through the corners of the temples and the jaw also at the corners.
  2. Rushes apply on the roundness of the cheek to distract attention from the corners of the square and visually expand this zone so that the face looks more oval.
  3. If you have a square shape, you will fit high hairstyles without volume on the sides, long straight hair, or slightly wavy and medium length hair below the chin line.

Celebrity with square face: Keira Knightley, Rosario Dawson, Angelina Jolie, Olivia Wilde, Lucy Lew.

Form of the face "Almaz" or a rhombid face

If you have a diamond form face, then the cheekbones are the widest part of it, with the corresponding narrow chin and forehead. To balance this form of a person, choose hairstyles and makeup, which will create the illusion of a wider forehead and chin.

Makeup and hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face:

  1. Dark the cheekbones with a darker contour, and on the forehead and chin, apply a light powder or highlight.
  2. Do not apply a highlight to the cheer's line, it will make them even more outstanding.
  3. Holders of this type of face should avoid hair volume in the cheekbone area. Create this volume in the chin area. You also do well.

Celebrities with a diamond form:Camila Alvis, Frida Pinto, Holly Berry, Ashley Green, Vanessa Hudgens, Selma Blair

Pear-shaped face

If the pear-shaped face form, then your face is narrow in the temples and forehead and wide in the field of cheekbones and lower jaws. To balance this form of the face, choose hairstyles and makeup, which will soften the chin line and create the illusion of a wider forehead.

Makeup and hairstyles for the pear-shaped face:

  1. Eat the forehead to create an impression of a greater width.
  2. Apply the contour to the lower jaw and cheekbones to visually reduce their width.
  3. This type of face is suitable bangs that will create the illusion of wider forehead. Long hair or texture long haircuts will also look good.

Celebrities with a pear-shaped face: Ellie Ceper, Kelly Osborne, Sophie Ellis-Beckstor, Ashkovitz, Ali Larter, Minnie Driver

Oval face face

If you have an oval face form, then accept our congratulations - your face form is ideal! 🙂

Oval for a person is considered the most advanced form. Such a face is usually wider than in the cheekbones, and slightly narrows to the forehead and chin. Symmetry allows you to do without applying a circuit and highlighting individual areas of the face. You can experiment with any kind of makeup and hairstyles, dare!

Makeup and hairstyles for oval face form: everything is allowed! 🙂

Celebrities with an oval face form:Paula Patton, Sienna Miller, Camilla Bell, Jessica Bill, Jessica Alba, Katy Perry.


Let's hope that detailed steps to determine the face form, examples of celebrities and "instructions for use" helped you deal with what type of person you treat. And for sure these small tricks will help you turn small flaws into charming dignity!

But the main thing, remember, even if your face form is ideal, this does not mean that you are not beautiful. Round, square or pear-shaped form - all this does not matter when your face lights a smile! 🙂

If you have a round face, then your main task is to visually smooth out the circuit roundness. In this article, consider the best haircuts for this type of face on the hair of any texture. Kruglitis girls do not have to give up fashionable new products and trends of the season. All fashionable haircuts are fully rushed with such a form of a face, but there are nuances here.

Fashionable haircuts for a round face

Girls with a round face type need to know several nuances that will help in choosing a good hairstyle. In fact, almost all haircut variants will be well harmonized with your proportions, if you know how to perform them correctly. Next you will find tips of stylists who should pay attention before going to the salon. In the photo gallery to the article, we tried to fully reflect all the variety of haircuts and styling for representatives of the beautiful floor with a round face type.

extended Bob on Wavy Hair

long Hair Cascade

assymmetric Bob without bangs

graduated Care with Discharged Long Bang

cascade on medium length hair

cropped graduated bob with asymmetric probor

cascade for long wavy hair with bangs

Haircut on medium hair with bangs

Why the haircut Emma Stone is so suitable for her round face? The hair of medium length is perfectly smoothing the roundness of the face, making it longer. Bron-blooded girls are better to choose haircuts starting with chin and lower. However, there are exceptions, we will tell about them below. Stylist actresses says that the best haircut for Emma is the hair that dopes to the shoulder. However, the tips of the hair should not be smoked too much, it is necessary to give the hair "torn" effect. This technique will visually make hair light. Best of all, if you make a cut cascade when one hair layer is a bit shorter than the other. Starting the ends should be from the level of the ear of the ear, not higher. Otherwise, you will get a "cap" on the painter, which will only make your face more round.

Laid on one side, also visually hides the roundness of the face. Bang can be bought before Emma Stone made. Direct bangs rooted the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, which is exactly necessary to avoid in this case.

Light waves on hair also help brighten the features of a round face. If you are from nature wavy hair (like most women), do not straighten them, let them go natural way. If you do not have curls, then after washing your head you can not comb your hair and apply a small amount of mousse on them. After that, "fly" the hair in hand and let dry. Fashionable styling is ready without much effort.

Emma Stone

Long straight hair haircut

Mila Kunis is also the owner of a round face. Very often, the actress can be seen with long straight or slightly curving hair. The length of the hair is very important for this face form. Long haircuts do not add the excess "volume" to the face, on the contrary, they are visually pulling out.

The sample is recommended to do strictly in the middle. Make sure that the front of the hair slightly falls on the face to cover the roundness. No need to lay the hair back. Stylist Mila Chris McMilan says that the best way to brighten the features of a round face is a ladder on the front curls. But do not forget that starting to strive the first strand is not higher than the chin.

Mila Kunis

Bob haircut for short hair with bangs

Cameron Diaz ruins all the rules. Not very suitable for girls with a round face, but Cameron proved the opposite. Why does this haircut so go actress? It's all about the bangs long falling on his side. It gives the face an additional corners that are necessary in this case. Impeccable straight hair also looks great on Cameron. They do not give the face an additional volume, as often happens with short haircuts. Light hair color plays a last role in this image.

Cameron Diaz

Haircut to shoulders

Perfectly work with a round face of a haircut before the shoulder. Olivia Mann chose an excellent option that perfectly hides the extra roundness on the face.

Light hair waviness also contributes to the visual effect. Long bangs can be put on different directions. But make sure that the cheekbones "are not taken out". Place the front strands so that they cover the side of the face.

Olivia Mann.

Multilayer haircut Pixie with bangs

Jennifer Goodwin has a classic round face. The actress was not afraid to experiment with hair length, although he always preferred long hairstyles before. In order not to make the face more round, the stylist actresses removed all her hair on the back. The layered structure of the haircut allowed to beat a completely "open" face. Even bangs and that are made by layers. Be sure to lay a bang on the side, even if it is an easy corner, it is very necessary for the roundabit girls. Avoid haircuts with a length of chin. They will make an unwanted focus on the rounds of Skull and neck. Especially if you have a short, as in the case of Jennifer Goodwin. However, the haircut of Pixie in the performance of the actress looks simply great with a round face.

Jennifer Goodwin

Long hair haircut with bangs

As mentioned earlier, the length of the hair plays a huge role in the "lengthening" of the person, which is extremely important for the chicken girls. Jennifer Lawrence chose a long haircut cascade for himself. Light waves cover the cheekbones, and short bangs, slightly laid on the side, gives the face an extra corner.

Jennifer Lawrence

Haircut a-bob with bangs

Another type of haircut for a round face is A-Bob. With him you do not risk rounding your face, rather than a simple haircut bob. In this case, the front curls will cut longer than the rear. Make sure the front strands are longer than the chin line. Falling on the side of the bangs visually screens out unnecessary roundness of the face. Wavy styling, covering cheekbones, perfectly suitable for girls with this type of face.

Tori Spelling

High haircut pixie

Not all haircuts in Pixy styles are suitable for girls with a round face. Be careful in choosing the hairstyle. Why is this option working for a round face? The raised macushkin (due to the length and layers) visually pulls the oval faces. In addition, the lateral bang adds the required angle.


Round face haircut options

Here are some more examples of haircuts for a round face.

pixie with oblique bangs

graduated Bob without bangs

graduated Care with bangs

creative Bob

kare without bangs on thin hair

pixie with elongated bangs

with a layered structure

Garson with asymmetric surgery

cascade with oblique bangs

A-bob with bangs

on average wavy hair

asymmetric cuts

cascade without bangs on wavy hair

assymmetric Bob

cascading Haircut On Medium Length

Kirsten Dunst

extra long bob with oblique bangs


Kelly Clarkson

Jennifer Goodwin

Determine the form of a person is the same achievement, as they draw perfectly smooth arrows or lay the hair into a slightly sloppy beam.

What are the face forms

There are several classifications of face forms, so we decided to stay on the most popular. So, specialists allocate faces in the form:

Why should I define your face

Thanks to new knowledge, you can emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of the face with: 1) hairstyles, 2) eyebrows, 3) makeup. For example, girls with a round face should avoid bob with a straight bang, rounded eyebrows and makeup with a clearly traceable geometry.

Form of the Face "Square"

The main characteristics of the "squares" are approximately the same relationship between the length and width of the face, as well as a practically even chin line and a massive jaw. Other owls, you can measure the distance from the highest point of the temple to the point with which the jaw begins. It will equal to your jaw width.

Celebrities with a square face form: Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock

Form of the face "Brilliant"

If you view the line, connecting the point of the center of the growth line of hair, cheekbones and chin, you will get a diamond - from here and the name. Girls possessing such a form of face have acute chin and high cheekbones. The main difference between the face-diamond and face-heart is a line of hair growth - for "diamonds" it is already.

Celebrities with the form of the face "Brilliant": Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Green

Form of the face "Rectangle"

Rectangular faces are sometimes called "oblong". In terms of its characteristics, they are very similar to the "squares", but have a different length and width. Your forehead, cheeks and jaw are approximately the same width, and the chin is slightly elongated.

Celebrities with a rectangular face form: Joan Smalls, Sarah Jessica Parker and Alex Chang

Face form "heart"

Here everything is very simple: if you have a pointed chin, and the forehead is the widest part of the face, then you definitely "heart". Interesting observation: girls who have the so-called "peak widow" (the hair growing by a triangular protrusion on the forehead) often just such a form of a person, which further emphasizes the similarity of the heart.

Celebrities with face form "Heart": Sarah Hyland, Reese Witherspoon and Chloe Grace Moretz

Form "Circle"

The round face is like a square face, only with softer angles - the parties of your face are rounded and do not have straight lines. Another couple characteristics: you have chubby cheeks, poor chin, and the widest part of the face - cheekbones.

Celebrities with a round face form: Elizabeth Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence and Jinnifer Goodwin