Autism in Children: Tips for Parents Raising a Toddler with Autism. Just be around. How to teach a child with autism everyday skills

Autism - what is this disease?

It is difficult to remain indifferent, watching as a child with autism tries to adapt in the fleeting modern world. Although the forms of these disorders range from mild to severe, many people with the disease exhibit exceptional aptitude for music or other arts. It is worth supporting them a little and their adaptation in society will become quite real. Autism is not the result of poor parenting. Autism is a disorder resulting from impaired development of the brain and characterized by abnormalities in social interaction and communication, as well as stereotyped behavior and interests. All these signs appear before the age of 3 years. Unlike all other children with and without psychophysical disabilities, an autistic child does not meet another person and does not rejoice when anyone, a child or an adult, wants, for example, to play with her.

The most common symptoms of autism

    Insufficient language development, lack of speech. Young children, as a rule, have visual impairments, speech impairments (it is difficult for them to speak), they are overly shy, they often repeat the same words several times in a row. The child does not understand the speech of other people, she herself does not seek to talk, communicate with other people, even the mother. In the child's speech, mostly echolalia are present, the child sometimes repeats scraps of elements of speech that she heard from other people or on TV. The child does not understand complex language structures. A child with autism understands only monosyllabic command words: "Eat", "Sit down." The child cannot think abstractly, analyze and generalize. Most often, the child does not understand the pronouns mine, yours, theirs, etc. At the same time, he can develop quite intensively "autonomous speech", "speech for himself."

    The child does not perceive the world around him, does not react to what is happening around him. Sometimes it is completely impossible for parents to attract the attention of a child, she does not react to her name and to the sounds of the voices of mom and dad. Moreover, over time, the child begins to actively avoid communication, hides, leaves. The child does not fix his gaze on the face of his parents, there is no contact of glances that do not appeal to the tongue.

    The visual attention of children with autism is extremely selective and very short-lived, the child looks as if past people, not noticing them and treats them as inanimate objects. At the same time, she is characterized by increased impressionability, his reactions to the environment are often unpredictable and incomprehensible. Such a child may not notice the absence of close relatives, parents, and overly painful and agitated to react even to minor movements and rearrangements of objects in the room.

    3. A child with autism cannot tolerate emotional contact with parents. Even in the first months of life, the child does not pull the handle, does not cling to the mother, but, being in the arms of the parents, resists physical contact, strains his back, tries to escape from the embrace of his parents.

    A child with autism never plays with toys, or even shows interest in them. A child with autism's play consists of a set of simple movements - she pulls on a piece of clothing, twists a rope, sucks or sniffs parts of toys. These signs of autism also appear after a child reaches the age of 1 year.

    The child does not show interest in other children, does not play with peers. The autistic person does not show interest in the games of children. In the second year of life, it is noticeable that an autistic child does not even have the simplest playing skills. The only play the autistic person can support is simple mechanical take-and-give movements. In autism, play activity has a peculiar character. Its characteristic feature is that the child usually plays himself, mainly using not play material, but household items. She can play long and monotonously with shoes, laces, paper, switches, wires and the like. Role-playing games with peers do not develop in such children. There are peculiar pathological transformations in this or that image in combination with autistic fantasies. At the same time, the child does not notice those around him, does not enter into verbal contact with them.

    A child with autism cannot learn basic self-care skills. Sometimes it is impossible for such a child to learn how to dress himself, go to the toilet, wash, eat and use cutlery on his own.

    A child with autism requires constant monitoring, she does not understand and cannot assess the dangers of the world around her. The kid cannot cross the street, because he does not perceive moving cars and can get hurt. Such a child does not understand the danger posed by falling from a height, playing with electrical appliances, sharp objects, etc.

    Despite the indifference to the world around, a child with autism can very often show outbursts of anger and aggression. Basically, this aggression is directed at oneself. The child bites his hands until it bleeds, bangs his head against furniture and the floor, punches himself on the body and face. Sometimes this aggression occurs against other people, and the child, with any attempt to contact, scratches, bites or hits the parents. On any prohibition or attempt to contact, an autistic child can suddenly show unrestrained aggression. The child does not know how to feel a feeling of regret, at the request or entreaty of the parents, she does not react, is indifferent to tears.

    A child with autism often has a compulsive movement syndrome - she sways while standing or sitting, claps her hands aimlessly for a long time, rotates and twists various objects, looks at the world, fire, a fan for a long time. Instead of playing, the child can arrange various objects and toys in neat rows. A child can jump up and down for a long time without emotion.

What advice can you give to parents and loved ones of children with autism?

If the above signs of an autistic type of development become noticeable for parents, then it is imperative to contact a child psychiatrist to make sure how much these features of the child's development have a basis. The diagnosis of "early childhood autism" can only be made by a specialist - a pediatric neuropsychiatrist after a thorough examination of the baby. If this diagnosis is made to the child, then the parents need to decide on the program for the further education and development of the baby. To do this, it is important to consult a special psychologist or correctional teacher who have experience working with such children, can provide a detailed description of the state of the child's mental development, as well as determine the forms and directions of correctional classes for the child. Parents need to be patient, firmly believe in success, and not give up hope. Today, in many cities, special courses and schools are open for parents whose children suffer from autism. The basis for successfully overcoming autism is the implementation at home and in special centers of an individual rehabilitation program for a sick child. Naturally, the main task here falls on the shoulders of the parents. Therefore, the first step should be to accept that their child has autism. After all, she is not a mentally ill person, he just has "a different way of seeing the world", it is a little more difficult for her to express her feelings. This is where you need to help, support, teach her. With a correct, persistent approach to the implementation of the treatment (rehabilitation) program, children with autism show excellent results and can largely recover and adapt to a normal life. They often have a gift or talent in some area of ​​art or knowledge. Hypersensitivity to sounds and touch, delayed speech development, imbalance. Such developmental problems of children with autism arise for the parents of special children. The intellectual development of these children is quite diverse. Among them there may be children with normal, accelerated, sharply delayed and uneven mental development. Both partial or general giftedness and mental retardation are also noted. The first age crisis occurs between the ages of two and three, when each child differentiates himself from people and differentiates people into friends and foes. During this period, the child begins to recognize himself in the mirror and talk about himself in the first person. The growth of self-awareness and the desire for independence determine the frequency of emotional and behavioral disorders at this stage. Striving for independence, the child shows negativism and stubbornness to the comments and prohibitions of adults. To prevent emotional and behavioral disorders, it is very important that adults treat your baby carefully, with great patience and respect. At the same time, in no case should a child be suppressed or intimidated, it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate and organize his activity, to form an arbitrary regulation of behavior. Particularly important in the upbringing of an autistic child is the organization of his purposeful behavior, a clear daily routine, the formation of stereotyped behavior in certain situations. Since autism spectrum disorders are cross-cutting, the positive impact on the development of the child should be comprehensive. The point is that the focus should be on the motor, emotional and cognitive spheres. In the motor sphere, it is worth getting advice from specialists (it is especially important to work out certain skills) on how to help a child in this direction. To be able to: activate the child's manifestations, perform exercises for the redistribution of muscle tension, master various methods of relieving tension, contribute to the harmonization of tonic regulation in general, since it is it that is the basis of full-fledged mental development.

Advice for adults near and far from an autistic child

Use the systematic cooperation of the child with an adult so that he always has a reference version in front of his eyes, with which he at least occasionally tried to compare his product and other results of his activity, as well as contemplate the actions, movements of an adult, and hear his thoughts. Partnering with the child in various activities with him / her can help calm and give him a sense of security. Observe with the vast majority of autistic children their constant insurance: be ready to catch them, grab them, put your hand on a dangerous place, etc., be prepared to prevent a situation from arising, provokes the child's physical self-aggression. An effective way to minimize the child's dangerous actions is to reinforce them with your violent reactions (do not get scared, do not get upset, do not get angry). Remember that some children can provoke such reactions from an adult and still feel pleasure and joy.

    Purposefully take care of the child's objective activity and play. In this regard, it will provide a balanced attitude to the selection of toys and objects, think over the goals in terms of their degree of complexity (should correspond to the age, capabilities and interests of the child), carefully consider the organization and management of children's activities.

    Use the child with autism's greater attachment to objects than to people. On this basis, indirectly establish a dialogue with them, for example, through musical instruments, dancing, sports games. At the same time, improve the auditory-vocal, auditory-motor and visual-motor coordination of general and fine motor skills, form the level of the child's ability to synthesize them in one activity (encourage the child to search from the left to the right, from the top to the bottom of a melodic toy or an adult who sings to her or says something, etc.).

    Removing from the child's environment everything that can scare him: harsh sounds (slamming the door, clattering dishes, quarreling, loud music); harsh visual impressions (powerful, unprotected light source, sudden movement in the child's field of vision); harsh odors, rough treatment, and the like.

    Remember that the gaze of an adult, the sounds of his voice, approaching and touching can only cause a defensive reaction in a child in the form of various options for withdrawal and avoidance (prevention and withdrawal of eyes, unwillingness to listen, touch, make any contact).

    Maintain elements of communication, attempts to make contact, reactions to the appeal of an adult. At the same time, take into account in every possible way the peculiarities of their implementation by the child, because, despite the fact that the child "walks past people," she never bumps into them, she may cry when they shout at her or in front of her.

    Systematically use the possibilities of art therapy tools as a socially acceptable outlet for the aggressiveness and negative emotions of a child with autism, a safe way to relieve tension, reduce fears, aggression and cruelty. Joint participation in drawing, in music lessons, in elementary sports games will contribute to the formation of relationships of empathy and mutual support.

Tips for parents of an autistic child

The main guideline for the development of a child with autism should be varied, emotionally rich communication with parents. Parents should talk to him more than to a healthy child.

    Constantly stimulate the child's interest in the outside world. It is interested in the fulfillment of the regime moments by you and is not indifferent, the affectionate attitude towards the child, the designation of emotional states with various sound combinations, contribute to the emotional "infection" of the baby. This, in turn, will gradually induce in him the need for contact and the child's gradual change in his own emotional (often aggressive) state.

    Constantly draw the child's attention to your actions. Bathing, dressing, examining etc. child, do not be silent and do not ignore the child, but, on the contrary, constantly gently stimulate her to imitate. At the same time, remember that the child is able to imitate only what, in a general form, he himself can already do. It's good when mom sings, and it can be not only songs: despite the fact that children with autism respond better to music than to broadcasting, it is worth making speech manifestations musical, singing the child's name, your comments, your requests, stories, praise etc. And to talk with such a child - in a calm (preferably even quiet) voice.

    Facilitates the child's easier passage of the moment of physical separation from himself in order to prevent the manifestation of severe forms of "edge feeling", when the child becomes absolutely unrestrained, uncontrollable, disobedient. Constantly form a "sense of the edge" in the baby so that he gradually ceases to be afraid of new things in the environment.

    Consider that next to indifference, affective blockade (isolation) towards you, there is also a symbiotic form of contact, when the child refuses to remain without you at least for a while, despite the fact that it is never soft with you.

    At all stages of establishing contact, choose a safe distance for communication and unobtrusively demonstrate your readiness for contact, every time, always starting from the mental level at which the child is.

    During tactile contact with the child, talk to him about his feelings, including even manifestations of anger at his resistance. When doing this, keep in mind that an autistic child can understand your feelings and speech. However, the emotional characteristics of the baby are an obstacle to the process of perceiving maternal affection. It is important to continue to eliminate the child's resistance with stimuli that are emotionally oversensitive and uncomfortable for her (a long kiss, a whisper in her ear, etc.). At the same time, apply a certain transformation of relations with the child, which (the situation) is conventionally called "let go", when the child tries to avoid long-term emotional contacts, hugs, and kisses. However, given the natural autonomy of a child with autism, this opportunity must be used with caution.

    use the (As possible) method of mobilizing the child to play without any demands and instructions only for the purpose of establishing an emotionally supportive, trusting contact, even though the child may not pay attention to you.

    Constantly stimulate the child's emotional reactions to warmth, coolness, wind, colorful leaves, bright sun, melted snow, streams of water, birdsong, green grass, flowers; to polluted places in the environment (clogged, with an unpleasant odor, dirty water) and clean and comfortable meadows and the like. At the same time, repeatedly teach and encourage the child to use appropriate gestures and body movements, vocalizations, words are imperfect; approve of this behavior.

    Constantly alleviates the insufficient or complete absence of the need for contacts, as well as active, often with an aggressive manifestation of the desire for loneliness and isolation from the outside world. However, keep in mind that children feel noticeably better when left alone. However, join the child's actions, and then tactfully insist on joint actions, for example, with the object the child is playing with, with the book that they read “together”, with the matrika that they make up one by one, with the ball that is alternately rolled across the floor, and the like. ...

    Learn to Read his elementary attempts to make contact with you and smile (gentle voice, gentle look, hugs, repeated repetition of her name, etc.) encourage the child to continue this contact.

Consultation for parents


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FULL NAME. parents


Anna Varukha

Alexandra Nikolayevna Bridgeman

Zhivotova Oksana Andreevna

Lysenko Alexey Evgenievich

Malyugina Irina Vladimirovna

Irina I. Maslyakova

Pasevina Yulia Sergeevna

Shkodina Anastasia Viktorovna

Starunova Irina Nikolaevna

Consultation for parents

" Autism - what is this disease? Recommendations for the parents of a child with autism "

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FULL NAME. parents


"Tolerance is formed from childhood"

World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated around the world on April 2. Asya Zalogina, President of the Naked Heart Children Aid Foundation, talks about the peculiarities of communication with children with autism, their education and family support programs.

People with disabilities have the same rights as other members of society. Our foundation adheres to the People first principle. This means that first of all it is necessary to see a person, his interests, needs, and only then - his features or developmental disorders. Autism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome - these are developmental features, not a disease, as was previously believed. They cannot be cured, they do not "suffer" from them, and even more so they cannot be infected. Therefore, it is correct to say “person with autism”, “person with developmental disabilities” and so on.

Asya Zalogina, President of the Naked Heart Foundation

All people with autism are very different. Someone has outstanding abilities, while others find it more difficult to learn and communicate. Autism is a spectrum of disorders in which a child develops differently. A child with autism may have difficulty communicating and interacting with others, speech disorders, and unusual behaviors such as repetitive activities or limited interests - being "stuck" on something. If the parents notice that the child is poor at contact, withdrawn or repeats some actions, these may be signs of autism. If you suspect, you need to contact a specialist (a psychologist or a neurologist who deals with autism), the exact diagnosis, if any, can only be made by him.

According to international data (CDD, 2014-2015), today autism is diagnosed in every 68 children in the world. The exact causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are still unknown. But the genetic nature of the disorder has been established, that is, they are born with autism, it does not appear due to external influences. Potential risks include both environmental pollution and the more mature age of parents. It should be borne in mind that the diagnosis system has also changed. In the past, for example, some children with autism were given “mental retardation” because they were unable to verbally answer questions. It has now been proven that a large proportion of children with autism have no cognitive impairment at all.

In Russia, the diagnosis "early childhood autism" is officially used, which has already been abandoned in Europe, the United States and other countries, because it has been scientifically proven that a child with autism becomes an adult with autism. By the way, the same thing happens with cerebral palsy: a child with cerebral palsy becomes an adult with cerebral palsy. But the diagnosis still contains the word "child".

7 common myths about autism

1. Autism is a disease. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder, not a disease. Autism cannot be cured by any means, there is no miracle pill for it.

2. Autism is associated with vaccinations. ASD is a genetic disorder, people are born with it, and not acquired due to vaccinations in childhood or improper upbringing.

3. Autism is a rare disorder. The diagnosis itself was recently recognized, in some countries it is poorly understood. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), autism is diagnosed in 1 person in 100. According to US statistics, 1 person in 68. Autism is more common than Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, so it can hardly be called rare.

4. People with autism have intellectual disabilities. If a child has intellectual problems, this is an additional diagnosis. Of course, if a child with ASD is not helped to develop the communicative abilities, then, of course, developmental and behavioral problems may appear.

5. All people with autism are geniuses. People with autism are different. Yes, among them there are those who can solve complex mathematical problems in their minds and have a phenomenal memory, and there are people with average abilities.

6. People with autism are aggressive. Sometimes their behavior can seem strange just because they cannot express their needs in any other way. When a person cannot communicate anything about himself, cannot agree or refuse, he tries in all possible ways to show what he does not like, attracting the attention of others.

7. People with autism are withdrawn, do not want to communicate and do not need anyone. This is not true. Like everyone else, they feel the need to communicate. They always have something to say, it's just hard to do it. Therefore, you need to find an alternative way of communication in time.

Family relationships

Scientists unanimously say that you need to start helping a special child as early as possible. It is not enough to take your child to a school where specialists are involved, and then return home and do nothing. Some parents need to master the methods of alternative communication (in the event that the child does not use speech at all or does not use it in full). These include communication boards, PECS, and other programs that help people with ASD communicate. According to US statistics, 10% of children who received intensive early care have no developmental disabilities at all. They are maximally adapted to social life, go to kindergartens, schools, their oral speech and communication are restored.

The World Health Organization believes that in countries where the field of knowledge about autism is poorly developed, a program is needed to help not only children, but also parents so that they can work with their child. Now, together with the Coming Out Foundation, we are translating and adapting parent training programs developed by WHO, and we will try to test them in three cities - Moscow, Voronezh and Nizhny Novgorod. But there are generally no universal recommendations for parents of children with autism. All children are different, each needs an individual approach. It is important that the family in which the child with disabilities lives has a normal everyday life with its own daily routine, and that the parents can work and go about their business. Conventionally: the child goes to school, the parents go to work, and, for example, grandparents are waiting for everyone at home.

How to behave with autistic children

It seems to me that the most common rules apply here, which we use in relation to everyone around. First, there is no need to touch anyone and violate the private space, the boundaries of another person. For some children with autism, this is one of the annoying factors (as well as harsh lights or very loud noises). Secondly, you should not use a lot of words in a conversation and rush. Especially if you do not know how a person communicates. He can do this by exchanging pictures or composing words from letters on a tablet, which is time-consuming. It is better to clarify in advance a convenient communication method for him.

About the lack of knowledge at school

Children with autism can and should attend school. And parents should have the right to choose: a special school or a regular one. The main thing is that the training does not take place at home. The social environment is very important for people with disabilities. The problem is that teachers in schools lack knowledge. Few people are engaged in the same autism in Russia. So how do teachers know how to properly teach these children? Our foundation tries to fill the knowledge gaps and constantly publishes videos of lectures and webinars with Russian and international experts, you can watch them on our YouTube channel.

The Naked Heart Foundation supports families with special children, builds inclusive playgrounds, trains school and preschool teachers to work with children with autism. Work is underway in five cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula and Tver. Our experts - psychologists, speech therapists, pediatric neurologists - don't just come for two days, give a lecture and leave. In addition to theory, they discuss with teachers specific cases of interaction with children with autism, talk about different types of communication, what behavior analysis is and how to base work on it. At the same time, some teachers have worked with special children for many years, but it turned out that they did it wrong.

Naked Heart Foundation team

Teachers are accustomed to: talk a lot, and if the children do not react or do not obey, speak even louder, and then repeat the same thing ten times. We have to explain that this does not contribute to a more effective perception of information. On the contrary, you need to say less, to the point and without unnecessary words. And school speech therapists in Russia often do not realize that their duties include not only helping to pronounce certain sounds correctly, but also establishing communication with those who cannot use speech.

About the future of special people

Depending on their capabilities, people with autism can go to university, get a specialty, and get a job. One of the most famous and inspiring examples is Professor Temple Grandin, about whose life they made a film and wrote a book. And in 2010, Time magazine included her in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world. She grew up at a time when no one really knew what autism was. But thanks to the persistence of her mother, she was able to achieve a lot.

Professor Temple Grandin TED Talk

There are not as many examples of employment of people with disabilities as we would like, but they are. In Tanzania, for example, people with autism work in a bank: they find errors in calculations and do it as well as computers. And in Seattle (USA) there is a laundry, where 40% of employees are people with disabilities. This laundry service serves all five-star hotels and hospitals in the city and is renowned for its impeccable performance. People with ASD are very detail-oriented and can do repetitive tasks for long periods of time. What requires a high concentration of attention from ordinary people is easy for people with autism. Employment is a very real task if you understand what exactly this person does best. Then his abilities can be used with maximum benefit.

How to tell your child about people with developmental disabilities

It is necessary to say more often that we all have distinctive features and our own characteristics, not all of us are the same. At the same time, you need to focus on the benefits, notice the positive aspects. Tolerance is formed from childhood.

The sooner we tell children about the diversity of people, the calmer they will grow, with the feeling that the peculiarities of development are normal, and not at all scary.

If you don't know how to start a conversation, show the children the cartoon "About Dima". It was invented by a mother who just wanted to explain to her child who people with special needs are. You need to start with yourself. Show by example how to treat such people, learn to build relationships with those who are somehow different from us.

How attitudes towards special people change

In recent years, the attitude towards people with disabilities in society has noticeably improved. For example, the Vykhod Foundation explains to cinemas, museums and cafes how to become Autism friendly, what needs to be changed so that people with autism can come to them and feel comfortable. Even if now children or adults with disabilities come somewhere, they come in a separate group and move in the same composition. We need to strive to ensure that they communicate not only with each other, but also with others, were among us. This is the essence of inclusion - not to separate, but to move closer.

Photo: Naked Heart Foundation, Wikipedia

If children with autism are supported on time, many of them will be able to avoid disabilities.

The symptoms of this disease can be seen in many famous people: Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Albert Einstein... The list of people with signs of autism is endless! It is these lists that help parents of autism not lose hope that their children will be able to live in society. The concept " autism"(From Greek auto- self) means deepening, withdrawing into oneself. So, for example, a child with autism may not react to a bee sting, but will scream in fear from fear during the rain. He can become attached to some thing, but almost not react to his own mother. Many children with this disorder are reluctant to leave the house, and some never start talking ...

The heroine of the article admitted that she does not like a film about a man with autistic disabilities " Rain Man". In the film, an autistic father bequeaths all his property to a psychiatric clinic where his son lives ... " I have no money that I could leave the clinic, and besides, I am not happy with the thought that my son might end up in such an institution!"She says. And she hopes that her story will help parents of such children fight for the right of autists to live in society, and not in a home for the disabled.

« Timur- a long-awaited child, we were preparing for his birth. But I soon realized that he was different from my eldest son. Of course, the elder was also "not a gift", but so screaming whether he is full or hungry, dry or wet... The kid grew up, and I began to notice other features: he avoids eye contact, is not interested in other children, and in general can not do anything for a long time ... But he has energy for three: even when he ate, he could not sit. Chews a pie and turns circles around our seven-meter kitchen. It was impossible to stop him ...

When it was time to go to kindergarten, we went to speech therapist... There, in the specialist's office, Timur saw a toy airplane and began to play with it. The speech therapist tried to establish contact with my son, somehow attract his attention. Where there! Timur was silent! The speech therapist gave us “ early childhood autism (EDA)"Questionable and sent to neuropsychiatrist.

Problems also began in the garden: Timka cried every morning, and the teachers complained that Timur does not obey, does not eat, does not know how to dress independently... In the group, he played only with himself, spoke to almost no one. They reassured me: they say, the boy is not "kindergarten", with time he will get used to it. Then everyone agreed that my special child could not follow the general course. But there are no child care facilities or groups for autists... There are correctional groups for children with cerebral palsy, speech therapy groups for children with speech problems, special kindergartens that children with cerebral palsy can attend ... but nothing for us.

Finally, we got to speech therapy group... We can say that they made an exception for Timka. But the speech therapy group program - systematic classes with a speech pathologist - is not very suitable for those children who have communication difficulties.

During my next visit to a neuropsychiatrist, I heard a terrible thing: “ Let's apply for a disability". Probably, every mother of an unusual child is shocked by these words: it is one thing to bring up a “special” child, and quite another thing when they write you a disability pension, free medicines and make it clear that medicine is powerless here ...

It still seems to me that something is wrong here. Well, what kind of Timur is an invalid when we swim in a large pool for three years, and in the evenings we douse ourselves with icy water according to the Ivanov system? Over the past year, my boy was ill only once, the temperature lasted for a day. Maybe too much is a luxury - to delete from the society healthy, smart, even disharmonious autists? And at the same time their young and able-bodied mothers, who are forced to take care of the disabled.

Homeschooling was recommended to us, but I decided to send the child to school. It is general education, so that he communicates with ordinary children from childhood. I went to the district education department and asked to find us the same friend, so that we would have someone to go to the integrated class with. But it turned out that my son is the only one like him in the entire Pervomaisky district.

Now that Minsk has public association of parents of autists, I know that there are about 200 families with such children in the capital... This is the official figure. There is another one, ten times more. Not every mother will find the strength to admit a child's psychiatric diagnosis. But to deal with a problem, you first need to acknowledge it. We did it, and since then we have not made a secret of our diagnosis. And I tell Timka the truth: “ You are different from other people, but I know that you will find the strength to live in our society».

There were other reasons not to stay at home with Timur. I love my job and would not want to leave it. And I have two children. I bring them up alone and I cannot allow the family to live only on a pension and state benefits.

In the district education department I was offered seat in the integrated classroom(both healthy and special children study in such classes). At first there were only two special ones - my Timur and a girl with a hearing impairment. In the classroom, a teacher-defectologist works in parallel with the teacher. The defectologist takes the "integrate" into his office for lessons that require more attention. And at breaks and other lessons "special" - together with other children. The girl, by the way, corrected her hearing and studies with the class, but Timur was added two boys. The three of them go under the program "with learning difficulties"... Again this is a good program, but not for autistic people. We have other difficulties ...

The first two years were very difficult for Timur, despite the fact that we were lucky with the teacher. Already on September 1, surprises began: after the lesson, Timur fled. He was able to quietly leave the school, although I was waiting at the entrance. We found Timur on the playground in the kindergarten. The teacher then told him, so calmly and confidently: “ Timur, have you decided to attend a kindergarten? Well done. Only the next time, when you want something again, you tell me, and I will help you».

Timur is still hyperactive, used to be able to get up in the middle of the lesson without permission and go, do something. The teacher understands this too: when she saw that Timur was starting to spin, she gave him instructions: they say, open the curtain, wet a rag. Let him sit where he wanted. In the first grade, he chose the last school desk and sat alone, and today he likes to study with his neighbors. The teacher was able to explain to the kids his features- silence and ridiculous statements in the classroom, absent-mindedness, "terrible" behavior. Our kids do behave sometimes like aliens who just got off to Earth from a spaceship. Timka could pick up earthworms on the way to school and put this “gift” in the teacher’s hand in the half-dark corridor, or scatter food in the dining room and say: “ Better to die than eat cakes". You need to be a real teacher to understand the reason for this behavior: in reality, my "alien" just read a tale about the Kid and Carlson... And he quoted the words of the protagonist, who also thinks that “ better to die than eat cauliflower».

Of course, there were also very difficult periods. For example, Timur could not get used to the extended day group... Broken glasses, flowerpots, torn wallpaper, a broken toilet - this is all my Timur. Moreover, I learned about all the troubles from the mouth of a teacher or children. Autistic people do not know how to tell, I could only guess by the look “to nowhere” and sudden tears at night that something was wrong with Timka. Sometimes my head was spinning, I thought: I'll finish working for a week and that's it, I'll take it for home training. At such moments we were supported by a neuropsychiatrist: “ Wait a couple more weeks, and then maybe it will get better". So we dragged on for almost two years. I had to switch to a shorter working day and find a nanny who picks up Timur right after school. And then ... it happened little miracle.

I remember that day well - May 31st. Timur had just finished the second grade, and in the evening he told me: “ Mom, I am already an adult, I will go to the third grade, so I will not be mischievous anymore". And he still keeps his promise. Today he behaves like an ordinary boy - sincere, curious, a little naive. I think many people at school loved him. And our school # 203 can really be proud that it was able to integrate such a difficult child.

Autistic people usually have intelligence, they just need help to adapt in our world. And my experience has shown that such children the need for communication can be developed... Timur has already seen other children around him, he can run with them, go downhill ... We have a friend - though much younger than my son. It’s easier for Timka, because it’s difficult for him to negotiate. He wants to be friends with his peers, only he does not yet know how to do it. I hope to teach him.

I sometimes think that if I had not taken Timka to the kindergarten and school, then my son would be sitting alone now. Yes, we have a disability now, but the diagnosis will be reviewed every two years... We hope to someday say goodbye to him forever.

I share my experiences on forums on the internet. Many parents have lost hope that their child, with the same diagnosis, will be able to socialize. But I see my son who has changed a lot. Yes, it is still easy to offend him, to deceive him: social intelligence develops slowly. If a stranger takes his hand, he will go with him. But just because of this, it is wrong to consider a child a hopeless invalid.

I'm sure more integrated classes need to be created. They are needed not only by children with diagnoses, but also by healthy ones. Why? I will explain. My Timur is very absent-minded, he can forget his briefcase in the corridor or in the dining room forget why he came there. Classmates take care of Timur, without humiliating his dignity. They'll just bring that briefcase or put a plate in front of it. And one very correct seven-year-old boy, when he saw that I was angry with Timur for something, even rebuked: “ How can you swear at him? Timur is just an extraordinary person!»

Agree, these words are worth hundreds of broken glasses!

Ten Ways to Help a Family Raising a Child with Autism

When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents are usually preoccupied with finding the necessary rehabilitation services, doctors, schools and various child care professionals. And often what happens is what we least expect at this moment - relations with friends, relatives and neighbors change. Someone will provide support, help to the best of their ability and hug our child, regardless of the diagnosis. But there will also be someone who will quietly stand aside, or even stop communicating altogether.

What happens when you find out that your friend's, relative's, or neighbor's child has been diagnosed with autism? How can you help the child and his parents? There are many ways to help your loved ones, from words of encouragement to organizing games with other children. Here are ten ways to help a family raising a child with autism:

1. Just be around

It sounds simple enough, but the parents of a child with autism need to have a person nearby who can be asked the question “how are you?”, And who sometimes wonders about the same. You are not an expert and you may not know all the terms associated with autism, but be prepared for the fact that parents will want to talk about their child.

It often happens that being diagnosed with autism pushes us and our children into isolation. Not that we ourselves want to isolate ourselves, it's just that we are often so busy with the treatment and rehabilitation of the child that we simply do not have time for anything else. Suggesting to stop by for coffee or to meet and just talk is one of the best ways to help your friend get out of the autism dome and overcome isolation.

2. Talk about autism. How?

To speak or not to speak? That is the question. The answer is: "Depending on the situation." Most parents with children on the autism spectrum are very fond of talking about autism. However, some parents do not want to disclose the diagnosis, talk about autism and how it manifests itself in their child. Some parents may be at the stage of denying the diagnosis and do not even want to hear this word, and even more so to discuss this topic.

So what can you do as a friend? If someone you know brings up the topic of autism himself, ask how the child is doing. Even if your friend does not pronounce this word in "A", he will appreciate your genuine interest, while autism will not be mentioned. Unless your friend is hiding the diagnosis, you should undoubtedly take an interest in both your child and the topic of autism. After all, we, parents of children with autism, never take our child's development for granted, and we are proud of any, even the smallest, achievement. Friendship moments become especially valuable to us when we realize that friends are worried about our child.

3. What does a child with autism look like?

This question seems strange. But I remember the moments when someone, seeing my son, said something like: "And you can't say that he has autism" or "You can't see from him that he has autism." Interestingly, autism does not imply any outward signs. Yes, some children may have specific behaviors or communication characteristics, but all children are very different. Therefore, if someone tells me that they have experience working with autistic children, I understand that this does not guarantee the ability of this person to understand my child and find an approach to him.

If you know, observe, or educate another child with autism, it is best not to make comparisons to the child you just met. I would also recommend refraining from commenting on what you think a child with autism should look like. While it's good that you are looking for the signs of autism, the best approach is to find a clue to each child's personality.

It is difficult to explain how this happens and why autism manifests itself differently in every child. But when your autistic child has 10 friends with Asperger Syndrome, it becomes obvious to you that each one is unique in their talents and interests.

4. Forecast

If you asked me, when Tyler was diagnosed at 2 years old, what would happen to him at 12 years old, I would not be able to answer you anything ... and the doctors would not be able to. Many times I was asked: “What is the forecast? Maybe he'll outgrow autism? Will he go to college? In fact, in most cases we do not know what the forecast is, and this is a very delicate topic for us. After all, we do not know what will happen next. The future is uncertainty and it can be daunting.

Unlike parents of neurotypical children who make plans for college or vocational education, we often don’t know what educational, social, and behavioral level our children will be at when they grow up. Can we plan for the future? Yes, but we also take into account unknown variables. In the future, our child may go to college, continue his education, or maybe not. We are often not even sure if our child will be independent enough to live independently. We hope for independence, but the reality in the future may be a home for living together. Or our child will live with us until the end of our days.

Many of us worry about what will happen to our child if something happens to us. And this is also a difficult topic. Therefore, if your friend himself spoke about the forecast for the future, discuss it with him. But keep in mind that some parents are not ready to discuss this issue.

5. Information

Recently, stories related to autism have been on the news with increasing frequency. As a parent of a child with autism, I am very grateful to friends and family when they find some information about autism and send it to me. If your friend is willing to openly discuss autism, send him information that comes across to him, and he will appreciate this manifestation of your concern. If our child is diagnosed with autism, this does not mean that we know all the latest news from this area.

My only caveat on this point: keep in mind that parents may have different views on treatment or the causes of autism. As a result, parents sometimes overreact to articles, studies, etc. So I advise you to be careful. If your friend is positive about the new information, don't hesitate to share it, but don't be too persistent.

6. Games with friends

I remember when my son was diagnosed with autism, my friends had children the same age as Tyler. It was important for my son to be in the company of neurotypical children. However, some friends acted as if autism was contagious and did not want their children to play with my son. I remember how the husband of a good friend of mine expressed his displeasure with my son and his autism. After that, I never invited them with the children, as I felt that my friend's husband did not want my son to play with them. I was faced with a brutal reality - while some people accept our children, others clearly do not.

What can you do? If you have a friend raising a child with autism, invite her and the children over to play together. Will this be a regular meeting where the kids play together? Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on the children themselves. Even if the usual play together does not take place, such an encounter will provide an opportunity for a child with autism to adopt social behaviors and skills from other children. For some neurotypical children, such a meeting can be a lesson in acceptance and tolerance towards people who are different than others. The easiest way to learn acceptance is through practice. So there is a benefit for the neurotypical child as well. This can be a good experience for both families.

7. Games with the neighbour's children

When it comes to autism, being a good neighbor means more than keeping your yard clean or borrowing a cup of sugar. If you and your neighbors have children of the same age, invite them over so the children can play together. It is better to invite the child with the parent to find out how autism is expressed in this particular child, and how you can help to establish joint children's play.

It is important to note that many children with autism do not know how to make friends and maintain friendships, maintain conversation, and engage in group activities. This means that you will most likely need your help to build friendships and communication between your child and the child with autism. In addition, many of our children function better in structured environments. Organizing the meeting well, developing a specific action plan, will help both children have a good time.

8. Opportunity to relax

Regardless of the age of a child with autism, it is difficult for parents to find a way to rest. Many parents of children with disabilities are preoccupied with their daily responsibilities. Some children with autism spectrum disorders do not sleep well at night, further exhausting their parents' strength.

That being said, when you have a child with special needs, it can be difficult to find someone to trust in caring for him. For example, I had no trouble finding a teenage girl next door who was looking after my 4-year-old neurotypical daughter. But when my son with autism was at this age, it was absolutely impossible to leave him under the supervision of an unprepared young girl. At that time, my son spoke only a few words and had many behaviors, so I could only trust him to my parents or another adult.

What follows from this if you are a friend or relative? The offer of a short break while a trusted friend or relative who knows how to properly interact with the child will sit with the child will be greeted with delight. Whether it is one hour or one evening, any suggestion will be an invaluable gift for your friend. It seems like a simple courtesy, but for exhausted parents a few hours to go shopping or just spend time together is a luxury.

9. Don't judge

A disapproving look in a store, a relative's remark that “you need to raise your child better” - most parents of children with autism become the object of condemnation in one way or another. Just imagine: we live like in an aquarium - countless speech therapists and therapists at home, endless visits to doctors. Therefore, often the "advice" of people who do not have a child with autism can make us lose patience. Even if you are confident in the constructiveness of your criticism, keep in mind that such statements can easily destroy your relationship with a friend.

Until you get into our shoes, you will never understand what it is like to raise a child with autism. Most people instinctively understand not to be judged, but it still happens. Once this has happened, the damage can be irreparable.

10. Confidentiality

Some parents, like me, are open about their child's diagnosis. Others are reluctant to discuss this with anyone, except perhaps close friends and family. At the opposite end of the acceptance scale are parents who may deny the diagnosis and will not discuss it with anyone.

But regardless of whether we talk about our children and autism, we expect confidentiality. Being honest with friends and family doesn't mean we want them to tell others about our children and our other affairs. Confidentiality is especially important for parents who choose not to share their child's diagnosis. It would seem that common sense suggests that you should not gossip about other people's children, but it is worth reminding that if we tell you about something, please do not tell anyone about it without our permission.


You may meet many people with autism and families with this problem throughout your life. If your choice is to be part of the solution to a problem by supporting a friend, relative, or neighbor, then try to study a particular child, not autism in general. Choose to accept children with disabilities and encourage your children that they can help a child with autism by becoming a friend.

After my son was diagnosed with autism, I realized that friendships can be very fragile. It's easy to be a friend when all is well. And only in difficult times can we understand who our real friend is. I am endlessly grateful to those of my friends and relatives who supported our family after we learned about my son's diagnosis. They made a decision that they will accept my son as he is and help us in any way possible. Making the decision to support a family with autism is a great gift. And perhaps your kindness and nobility will be an invaluable reward for yourself.

“The biggest challenge for a friend is being understanding when you don’t understand.” - Robert Brault

Thanks to Tatyana Skripko for the translation.

Sad as it may be, there are more and more children diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorder every year. According to American statistics, today every 68th child has such characteristics. Despite this, the cause of autism has not yet been found: children live in very different families, the geography of residence is different, often there are healthy and special children in the same family. That is, it cannot be fully asserted that the cause of the disease is heredity, place of residence, lifestyle of parents, the presence or absence of vaccinations, the nutritional system.

And no matter how much one would like to know the cause of this disease, the main question for autistic parents is the following: what to do?

What if the child

  • does not respond to his name,
  • does not look into the eyes,
  • does not speak (or does not enter into dialogue),
  • walks on tiptoes, strongly strains the muscles of the arms and legs, does not know how to control them,
  • does not participate in peer games and family life,
  • does not watch cartoons, is not interested in books and pictures,
  • does not play with toys - throws, breaks them, uses them for other purposes,
  • does not imitate others,
  • does not have a forefinger gesture,
  • does not learn to potty for a long time (or not at all),
  • has no concept of "I" - does not recognize himself in the photograph and in the mirror,
  • has a tendency to stereotyping: jumping, waving his arms, blinking often, shaking his head, can squint or roll his eyes in early childhood.
  • vocalizes - makes spontaneous sounds, often quite loudly.
  • has a penchant for certain rituals: puts chairs, toys, bottles in rows in the bathroom, walks only on special routes.

However, each authenok is different. There are those who practically do not need anyone. There are children who need to communicate with loved ones, but express this in an extremely non-standard way: they bite, pinch, fight, throw various objects at them, shout, commit acts of self-aggression - they beat and bite themselves.

Finding themselves on the street or in a public place with such a child (as a rule, with an intelligent look that does not betray the child's mental retardation), parents generally face a rather logical superficial reaction of those around them: people begin to scatter from the playground, grandmothers in line begin to give advice to the negligent “The mother of a capricious child”, relatives begin to reproach for the fact that “the child does not speak because they do not read books to him”.

Autism is not a disease, it is a developmental disorder. Autism cannot be cured. In other words, there are no pills for autism. Only early diagnosis and long-term qualified pedagogical support can help a child with autism.

What are these parents doing wrong?

  • Don't read books. In preschool age, autistic children do not understand well the speech addressed to them. There are those who do not pay attention to the reader, ignoring him. That is, again, without listening or delving into the text. There are those who are so annoyed by reading that they pull the book out of their hands, shout, rip out the pages, throw it at the reader. They express their protest against the painful imposition of words for them, which they do not understand and therefore are not interesting and unnecessary.
  • They don't talk. From the outside, indeed, it may seem that parents talk very little to such children. In fact, the opposite happens. Only instead of a dialogue, a monologue takes place, where the parent carefully selects words and a kind of short "commands" so that the child understands it.
  • Do not walk with other children. Often this happens by itself, because a child may not be interested or even irritated by the presence of other children for a very long time.
  • They are not involved in education. This delusion occurs due to the fact that a non-speaking child cannot formulate his desire, does not show with a gesture at an object, but simply starts crying or screaming.

For example, he may not understand for a very long time and not let others understand that he wants to drink or take a toy. Parents can go through all the options without finding the reason for such a child's reaction. The kid will already go into hysterics from misunderstanding and the need for something.

Children with autism often do not have the concept of “shame”. And the concept “you can't do this” for a kid with special needs simply does not exist.

Such children do not know how to wait. A tantrum can begin almost immediately in line at a store, clinic, and other organizations. In doing so, they can pounce on their parents with fists or beat and bite themselves. This is a protest against a system they do not understand. Usually, such outwardly "normal" children are not allowed to enter the queue, and the actions of the child and parents are considered with curiosity and a slight smile. People will have something to tell at home and at work.

Children with autism spectrum disorder tend to stereotypically to varying degrees:. Thus, they calm down, normalize the lack of vestibular sensations, move away from external influences that are unpleasant for them - light, noise, etc. this sound or illumination is painful. A child who waves his arms, jumps, shakes a stick, a piece of paper or other object in front of his face, hangs upside down from his mother’s lap or chair, sits and sways strongly back and forth in the chair - he puts his vestibular sensations, the sensations of his body in order.

And this is normal for such children! It is impossible to "wean" from this, it is possible only through lengthy trials to bring one version of stereotypy to another, more socialized. For example, one child calmed down and concentrated on the task only when he rolled a sock on his finger near his face. The fate of the school, this is not entirely correct behavior, he hid from classmates and teachers. I locked myself in the toilet, twisted my sock and thought about the problem. When the teacher told the mother about the child's frequent absences, she found out "what is he doing there." As a result, a version adapted for society was found. A beautiful keychain was bought, and the child, during mental stress, sat at his desk and twisted it on his finger. Mom found the best solution.

But this solution is not possible for all children diagnosed with ASD. Unfortunately, there are children who will remain incapacitated for life: they will never speak, they will not learn to potty, they will not go to school, someone will never learn to eat on their own, etc. Believe me, this realization is very difficult for parents. If you see a child with these characteristics, imagine how difficult it is for him.

Often, parents are faced not only with a lack of understanding of relatives and others, but also with the fact that specialists do not want to work with such children. They are too complex and problematic: they shout, bite, do not engage in dialogue, progress is very weak. So, a very good speech therapist can simply refuse to study, only after hearing the child's diagnosis. Why complicate your life if there is a queue of "normal" children for him? And such children really need classes with a speech therapist, psychologist and defectologist.

With a competent specialist at an early start of classes, you can achieve good behavior correction, teach a child certain household and social skills. Long and hard. So, an ordinary child can immediately blow on a dandelion or make large bubbles in a glass of water. Teaching a child with autism spectrum disorder to blow (this is an important speech therapy step) takes about six months of classes. By no means every such kid at the age of four will be able to blow out a candle or blow bubbles in a glass of water.

Needless to say, classes with special children are often expensive. And one of the parents (usually the mother) does not work.

According to statistics, families with such children are considered the most depressed. The help of a family psychologist is often needed here.

Nevertheless, history knows many examples when people with such features became the best footballers of our time, famous sculptors and artists, musicians, scientists. These children have a special vision of the details of objects, they are able to observe the process as if from the side. These features help them become innovative programmers (children who have a special interest in letters and numbers), discover new laws in physics (interest in causal games, mechanics). It is worth saying that many of these successful people experienced big problems during their school years, and having taken up a narrow specialization, they were able to overtake their colleagues.

If we talk about everyday life, then autistic children can better than others perform the order of simple actions that they understand, which is repeated from day to day. So, one guy first watched and helped his father, who worked as an installer of plastic windows, and then, having mastered the repetitive algorithm of actions, began to work independently.

Each child has its own favorable prognosis. There are children who speak at the age of two or three, for some it is very good to speak at the age of four or five, while others will remain non-verbal autistic (who can be taught to read and write, but not speak). Someone will not be able to study at school, others will study at home, someone will study in a special school, someone in a regular school and will be able to complete nine classes, someone will graduate from college, someone will prove themselves in sports, to whom Something better luck. But for this, experts say, the parents of the child will have to put their lives on it.

To get a better understanding of the problem, we have prepared a list of books related to autism and useful manuals for teaching "learning-disabled" children.

Autistic Parents Library

  1. Ayres EJ. Child and sensory integration. Understanding hidden developmental issues. - 2nd ed. - M .: Terevinf, 2010 .-- 272 p.
  2. Auer V.M. The practice of awakening the senses. Games and ideas for kindergartens and preschool groups. -K .: Publishing house "NAIRI", 2014.- 144s.

3. Barbera M.L. Childhood Autism and The Verbal Behavior Approach: Teaching Children with Autism and Related Disorders. - Yekaterinburg: Rama Publishing, 2014 .-- 304 p.

4. Bern Eric. Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy / Eric Berne; (translated from English A. Gruzberg) .- Moscow: Publishing house "E", 2015.- 368p. - (Legends of psychology. Eric Bern)

5. Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Miracles in the sand. Sand therapy workshop. -SPb .: Rech, 2007.-340s.

6. Grandin Temple, Scariano Margaret M. Opening the Doors of Hope. My experience of overcoming autism / Grandin Temple, Scariano Margaret M. ed. Yakovleva A.G., Dimenstein M.S. (translated from English by Kholmogorova N.L.) .- M .: Terevinf, 2012.-184s (Series "Popular Psychology")

  1. Greenspan S. On You with Autism: Using Floortime to Develop Relationships, Communication and Thinking. - M .: Terevinf, 2013 .-- 512 p.

8. Green RV A new approach to education and understanding of easily irritable, chronically intractable children - ed. 5th. - M .: Terevinf, 2012 .-- 264 p.

9. Delaney Tara. The teaching of basic skills in children with autism: An effective method of playing activities with special children / Tara Doing; lane from English. V. Degtyareva; scientific. Ed. S. Anisimova. - 2nd ed.-Yekaterinburg: Rama Publishing, 2016.-272s.

10. Diligensky N. Word through the silence. - M .: Center for curative pedagogy, 2000, - 96p.

11. Doman Glenn. What to do if your child has brain damage / Doman Glenn, trans. Kalinin S.L ..- Mediakit, 2007.-330s.

12. Zarubina Yu.G., Konstantinova I.S., Bondar T.A., Popova M.G. Adaptation of the child in the group and the development of communication in the game lesson CIRCLE. - Terevinf, 2009 .-- 56 p. - (Curative pedagogy: methodological development of development).

13. Kiphard E. How is your child developing? / Ernest J. Kiphard. Per. from German L.V. Kharina. - M: Terevinf, 2006 .-- 112 p.

14. Kisling Ulla. Sensory integration in dialogue: understanding the child, recognizing the problem, helping to acquire balance / Ulla Kisling, pod. ed. E.V. Klochkova; (translated from German by K.A. Sharr) .- 6th ed. -M .: Terevinf, 2016.- 240p.

15. Kozlov V.V., Girshon A.E., Veremeenko N.I. Integrative dance movement therapy. - Edition 2 - expanded and supplemented - SPb .: Rech, 2006.-286s.

16. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children / N.V. Krasnoshchekov. Ed. 3rd - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2008.- 251s .- (School of Development).

  1. Krotova T.B., Minina O.A., Saranchin N.N., Chernyshova V.M., Mozheiko A.V. Sinelnikova I.Yu.-ARKTI, 2016 - 40p. (Series "Growing Smart")
  2. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Logopedic massage and gymnastics. Work on sound pronunciation. -M .: Iris-press, 2010.- 112.-ill .- (Popular speech therapy)

19. Mesh E., Wolf D. Children's pathopsychology. Mental Disorders of a Child - SPb .: PRIME-EUROZNAK. 2003. -384s. (Project "Psychological Encyclopedia")

20. Nikitin B.P. Mind games. - Ed. 6th, rev. and add. Obninsk, "Svetovid", 2009. - 216 p., Ill.

  1. Nikitin B. P. Steps of Creativity, or Developing Games. — 3rd ed., Add.— M .:

Education, 1990. — 160 s: ill ..

  1. Nikolskaya O.S.; Baenskaya E.R .; Liebling M.M. and others. Children and adolescents with autism. Psychological support. Ed. 3rd. - M .: Terevinf, 2011 .-- 224 p.
  2. Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R., Liebling M.M. Autistic child. Ways to help. Ed. 10th .- M .: Terevinf, 2016 .- (Special child) .- 288s.
  3. N.V. Nishcheeva The program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years old) .- SPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2006.-352s.
  4. Nurieva L.G. Speech development in autistic children: methodological developments / L.G. Nureyev. - Ed. 9th- M .: Terevinf, 2016.- 106.- ("Special child")
  5. Newman Sarah. Games and activities with a special child. A guide for parents / Per. from English N.L. Kholmogorova. - Ed. 5th, stereotypical. - M .: Terevinf, 2011 .-- 236 p.
  6. Polinski L. PEKiP: play and movement. More than 100 educational games for children of the first year of life / per. with him. O. Yu. Popova. - 5th ed. - M .: Terevinf, 2010 .-- 240 p .: ill.
  7. Williams Donna. Nobody anywhere. The amazing story of an autistic girl. / Williams Donna ed. Lipes Y., trans. from English Kholmogorova N.L ..- M .: Terevinf, 2016.-238s.
  8. Fadeeva Yu.A., Pichugina G.A., Zhilina I.I. Clothespin games: create and talk. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.- 64s (Library of speech therapist).
  9. Filicheva T.B. Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children: ipract. Allowance / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin. - 5th ed. - M .: Airis-press, 2008.-224s. (Library of speech therapist-practice)
  10. Frost L. Flashcard-based Alternative Communication System (PECS): A Guide for Educators. - M .: Terevinf, 2011 .-- 416 p.
  11. Shargorodskaya L.V. Formation and development of subject - practical activity in individual lessons - M .: Terevinf, 2006. - 56 p. - (Medical and pedagogical programs).
  12. Shipitsina L.M. "Uneducated" child in the family and society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - SPb .: Rech, 2005. - 477s.
  13. Shirley Cohen. Living with Autism / Translated from English. Igor Kostin.-M .: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2008.-240p.

We hope these books will help you and your loved ones!

Photo - photobank Lori