The better remove the formation on the skin. Where are the estimated prices. Care after laser exposure

  • The best laser apparatus with an intelligent interface that meets the high European standards and the requirements of the Ministry of Health;
  • At the reception you are waiting for real experts in the field of dermatocosmetology, which specialize in the laser removal of skin defects;
  • In addition to skin elements only in our clinic, you can remove linden without cuts and scars, thanks to the thin laser beam of the Deka SmartXide apparatus;
  • We only have certified specialists with many years of experience, so only in our clinic you can get comprehensive recommendations and an individual approach to solving aesthetic problem;
  • The removal of moles at an experienced laser moderator is a guarantee of safety and efficiency;
  • Quick recovery without traces and discomfort;
  • Flexible discount system, bonus program for regular customers: We do everything so that laser removal of neoplasms has become affordable;
  • Care recommendations are issued to each patient, in addition, you can ask any questions you are interested in any time.

Our advantages

  1. Sterility at all stages: besides the disinfecting solution, laser beam has a bactericidal effect.
  2. Unlike: a completely non-contact procedure for laser removal of neoplasms eliminates the contact of the apparatus with the skin surface.
  3. Instant: Deleting one element takes less than 60 seconds.
  4. Without traces: there is no single track on the site of remote education.
  5. Security: Deka SmartXide apparatus is a guarantor of point removal of an unwanted skin element.
  6. Painlessness: due to the balanced work of the built-in cooling system, unpleasant sensations do not occur during the procedure.
  7. Recovery: Already on the fifth days after the procedure, a thin crust disappears and there is no single track, only smooth, smooth skin.
  8. Singleness: Removal in Lazerjazz Novomovation, you can no longer worry, the laser works at a certain level of skin, thanks to which there is no risk of recurrence - pathological tissues are completely removed.

Removal formations in the eyes

Modern technologies in cosmetology allow you to remove neoplasms even on the delicate and fine tissue, neck, neckline area. Relief from defects in these areas should only be consulting with a qualified specialist, as well as using the latest equipment to reduce the risk of scar changes.

When should you think?

Moles, papillomas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye not only affect the external attractiveness, but are able to reduce the quality of life. Permanent rubbing, discomfort, difficulties with cosmetics and moreover, due to the frequent impact of direct ultraviolet rays, a special alertness is required to the items in this zone.

Why laser?

The removal of the laser is the most modern and safe method of eliminating the defect, the thin ray is directed to excision of pathological education and does not affect healthy fabrics. Immediately after the procedure, due to the instant coagulation of the vessels, a thin pink crust is formed, which will not go off on the fifth day.

It's safe?

At the expense of fine and delicate skin of the eyelids are considered one of the difficult zones to eliminate papilloma, moles and other formations. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach the choice of a specialist and entrust your health only a professional. In Lazerjazz I work experts, whose profile is precisely highly traumatic skin skin, with which special approach needs and special skills relating to laser removal of neoplasms.

Does prepare required?

All that is required from you is to make an appointment with our cosmetologist and come at the appointed time. No specific preparation is required. The doctor will conduct a survey, after which, if necessary, ask to remove decorative cosmetics if it makes it difficult to examine the neoplasm.

Progress procedure for the removal of neoplasms

After evaluating the state of the defect, the doctor will offer you to take a comfortable position in the chair, and start the procedure. If the removed element is located in the sensitive region, it is pre-providing local anesthesia in the absence of contraindications. Then with the help of the Deka SmartXide apparatus, the cosmetologist deletes the neoplasm. You get detailed guidelines and immediately after the session is completed, you can return to everyday life.


In Lazerjazz, one of the most pleasant prices for the removal of formations on centuries in Moscow: especially for our customers has been developed a unique bonus program - specify the details of the administrators!

So you can get rid of all new formation on the skin, causing you discomfort and aesthetic dissatisfaction with your appearance.


When removing a neoplasm on centuries, the main contraindication is inflammation, redness and any eye discharge. It requires treatment of an ophthalmologist, after which it is necessary to receive and delete the defect again. The procedure is also not carried out in acute diseases, such as cold, and exacerbation of chronic pathology.

Benign tumors can squeeze the nerve endings and blood vessels, cause pain and provoke failures in the work of the patient's internal organs. Pathology data does not constitute a serious danger to the lives of people, but with aggressive growth, doctors prescribe operations to remove benign neoplasms.

Removal of face-formations of the skin of the face in the plastic clinic Mediller in St. Petersburg is a common procedure and can occur in various ways. The most frequently used methods include:


The removal of benign neoplasms on the skin of the face and other parts of the body by the method of electrocoagulation are carried out under local anesthesia. The tumor is cut by high frequency current, and skin cover is soldered. Such removal of benign formations leaves behind a small crust, which will independently disappear a week after surgery. This method does not allow infection and bleeding into the wound. In contrast to the laser, this method has the opportunity to provide material to confirm the benign character of the tumor. In some cases, a laser grinding may be required, which will smooth the edge and lines the skin.


The removal of benign neoplasms on the face like this method is possible only in the pathology of the upper layers of the epidermis. The cryodestruction procedure lasts about 3 minutes and is characterized by wetting the tumor with a cotton swab with liquid nitrogen. In some situations, the removal of benign neoplasms of the skin of the face is carried out using a special superfine needle with a thermal sensor, which is introduced into the deepest tumors. For several days after surgery in the patient's body, the reaction of the treated tissue begins. Delete benign neoplasms by cryodestruction by patients who do not tolerate cold, as well as in the exacerbation of infectious diseases.

The removal of benign formations in the Mediller clinic in St. Petersburg using liquid nitrogen has the following advantages:

  • lack of bleeding, scars and scars;
  • minimum risk of injury;
  • ease and speed procedures;
  • the absence of the need for special training and postoperative care;
  • lack of relapses.
Laser removal

Laser removal of benign formations on the skin of the face is most often done with the help of a laser. The powerful beam of light layerly processes the affected area, destroying and evaporating unhealthy cells. The procedure for the removal of benign neoplasms is carried out under anesthesia, and the parameters of the laser beam are selected individually. The postoperative period does not require being in the hospital. About 7-10 days, swelling and minor redness remained, but it all passes on its own. For the speedy recovery and the contusion of the scars, the plastic surgeon can assign a special rehabilitation program to the patient.

Do not remove benign neoplasms using laser to pregnant women and patients suffering from:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • herpes during exacerbation;
  • different autoimmune diseases;
  • colds;
  • oncology.
Radio wave removal

The removal of benign formations using radio waves is a non-contact and non-immractive method. In the process of operation, the device is used, which radio waves of high frequency increases the temperature of the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and evaporates the affected cells. In most cases, the removal of benign neoplasms by the radio can be carried out in pathologies on the skin of the face, since the operation does not leave burns, scars and scars. In addition, the positive qualities can also be attributed to:

  • rapid healing;
  • intact healthy fabrics located near the tumor;
  • lack of bleeding and feeling pain;
  • the patient does not need postoperative care, since sterilization is also carried out under the influence of radio waves;
  • ability to remove benign neoplasm in a hard-to-reach place.
Surgical removal

The chemical method of removing new formations in St. Petersburg is carried out quite rarely, but still takes place. Most often nitrogen, salicylic, trichloroacetic acids and preparations of the subophylline group and 5-fluorurocyl are used. The impact of these drugs causes necrosis of tumor tissues, which over time completely disappear.

Removal of neoplasms can be performed in various ways. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor will select the optimal method that will help get rid of non-welltic neoplasms on the skin of the face with minimal negative health consequences.

Moles, warts and other types of benign formations often deliver to a person discomfort. They interfere with wear outdoor clothing, are easily injured in mechanical exposure, and in certain cases they may be reborn and cause the development of cancer. Removal of skin neoplasms allows you to solve the designated problems, the main thing is to correctly select a way of exposure.

Types of neoplasms

Benign neoplasms on the face and human body can be both congenital and acquired during life under the influence of a number of factors, such as natural age-related changes, viruses or ultraviolet. Some of them are not dangerous, but it causes aesthetic inconvenience, others can be reborn into malignant education and provoke irreversible changes in the body. We will deal with more details with the causes of the occurrence and features of each.


Separate types of tumors are formed in babies in the womb, as a result of violation of natural development processes. Most often among them are found hemangioma. They represent a benign tumor formed by the born blood vessels. Hemangioma is slightly towers over the skin and have a shiny, crimson or crimson tint. The reason for their occurrence is most often the pathology of the development of the vascular system.


Acquired under the exposure of external and internal factors

Of course, most pathologies arise in humans during the life under the influence of external and internal factors. Most often there are such:

  • Moles Known to everyone and represent the accumulation of melanin, the natural pigment of the skin of the dark color. They can be absolutely flat or slightly rise above the skin surface, have different sizes. The reason for their appearance is the hormonal changes or the constant impact of ultraviolet rays.
  • Wen or lipoma. Consist of connecting and adipose tissue, do not pose health hazards. Visually, they look like slow-growing cones, when palpation may be accompanied by soreness. The cause of their formation is the pathological growth of subcutaneous fatty tissues.
  • Keratoma. People aged from 35 years old and are large, peeling dark spots that have arisen under the influence of ultraviolet.
  • Atheroma.On the scalp can form a cyst filled with skin fat. It appears due to blockage of the row and often accompanied by discomfort or painful sensations.
  • Fibroma. The formation consisting of connective tissue can be located on the skin and on the mucous membranes. It has a rounded or oval shape, more often than yellowish or bodily shade. The most likely cause of hormonal pathology or diseases of the endocrine system are the most likely.
  • Xantellasm. Benign education resembling a flax of yellowish color. It is formed on the centuries, it may be isolated or observed by groups. Among the possible causes of appearance is a metabolic disorder, diabetes.


Acquired due to infection with the virus

  • Warts and their subspecies, papillomas and conglishers. The reason for their appearance is the various stamps of the human papilloma virus. In appearance, they are nipples with a ribbed structure. They are considered extremely infectious and are not found alone, but by groups.
  • Contaching mollusk. Arises due to infection with an abscess virus. Do not have significant sizes, but very numerous and quickly affect the neighboring healthy fabrics. Visually resemble tiny blessed or bodily color knots, not painful. The location of localization is most often the feet and hand of hand, the transmission method is close domestic contacts. It is possible to distinguish the mollusk from other formations in appearance, it resembles tiny whiten knots with a depression in the central part.

Ways to remove neoplasms and their features

The term "removal of neoplasms" implies the physical elimination of a benign tumor. The specific method of struggle determines the surgeon, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient. At the moment, the following methods of eliminating pathologies are practiced in aesthetic medicine.


It is considered the safest of all possible. It is carried out using a special electrode emitting a high-frequency radio wave (about 4 MHz). They literally cut off the tumor by heating and destruction of its cells, while the formation itself remains intact and, if necessary, is transmitted to further research. This method does not cause swelling and inflammatory processes.


The most popular way of exposure. Education evaporates due to light pulses, reborn into thermal energy. They also contribute to the seating of vessels, which prevents the risks of bleeding, and disinfect the wound. The restoration of the skin after the laser passes in a short time, the visible complications are not observed, however, the cons of the procedure still have. So, the neoplasm during the processing is completely destroyed and cannot be transferred to histology in the future.


Destruction of tissues of tumors due to the use of aggressive chemicals. Most often, various acids are used for this purpose: salicyl, nitrogen and others. Control of the depth of impact in this case is significantly difficult, and therefore the method is urgent is extremely rare, belonging to the same traumatic and aggressive.


The popular and affordable method of eliminating pathologies based on the variable or direct electric current of high frequency. The high temperature created during the exposure to them destroys education. The process is often accompanied by the scarring of the skin, and therefore electrocoagulation is not carried out at open areas of the body and face.


The procedure is to use liquid nitrogen to eliminate neoplasms. Having a temperature of about minus 195 degrees, he literally freezes pathology, thereby destroying its structure. Unfortunately, with this method, it is impossible to control the depth of exposure, and therefore there is a chance of incomplete destruction of education or injury to healthy soft tissues.

The use of methods of laser carbon dioxide removal of skin pathologies in the field of dermatology and cosmetic medicine makes it possible to save the patient from a defect without pain with minimal skin damage and complete sterilization.

Regeneration of tissue tissues occurs quickly without scars and scars, since when exposed to the laser, an additional effect of accelerating the division of epithelial cells and increasing the activity of endocrine and immune systems is achieved.

Very many skin pathologies are amenable to laser. These include:

Purpose of the procedure

The laser method for removing tumor-like defects is possible in hard-to-reach places, the intimate area, on the mucous membrane, on centuries, in the mouth and the nasal cavity.

The purpose of laser removal of the neoplasms is to solve the following tasks:

  • effectively, as much as possible and for one visit to rid a patient from skin pathologies;
  • prevent rebirth of benign education into cancer;
  • get the best cosmetic result without scarring and scar formation;
  • to a minimum reduce the number of complications, relapses, reduce the recovery time of the epithelium.

Methodology and process

The removal of the neoplasms with the CO2 laser is based on the evaporation of the fluid in the cells of the moles, anegiom, warts of the laser beam, which at the point of destruction of the fabric has a temperature of about 100 ̊ C.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe skin around the formation briefly heats up to a temperature of 70 ̊ C, at which all bacteria dying.


A carbon dioxide laser with a high degree of accuracy is painlessly removes vascular education in layers without affecting the fabric around the processing place. During the process, the depth of exposure occurs.

It is conducted for 1 session with local anesthesia for 5 minutes. Full recovery of epithelium 7 days. Bleeding does not happen. This method of getting rid of angioma is most safe and effective.


For small formations, the method of layering vaporization is used. First, the content is removed, after which the capsule itself is removed to avoid relapse.

For large atters, a combined method using a surgical and laser scalpel is used.

The process lasts 10-20 minutes and shows the best cosmetic result in the absence of scarring. If the atheroma is eliminated on the head, then unlike the surgical deletion does not require the elevation of the site. The method is bloodless and painless. Recovery period up to 10 days.


Recommended carbon dioxide laser, which fully eliminates basaloma by layered evaporation. The laser beam does not contact the skin and does not hurt healthy sections. Local anesthesia is performed using special anesthetics and cold protection creams.

1 session is held (about 20 minutes). At the place of treatment, a crust is formed without subsequent scarring. The processed area is not bleeding. Recovery period 10 days. The method is recommended for the elderly.


The procedure is carried out under an anesthesia, with high accuracy, without affecting healthy sites. The wart is removed with the root by evaporation. 1 session is recommended for a duration of 5 minutes. Tissue regeneration is 7 days.


The most effective way to get rid of the Botriomik is a laser beam. When removing the laser in it occurs instant evaporation of water molecules. Duration 1 session 15 minutes. Recovery period 10 days.


For small single kerats, a carbon dioxide laser is used, which is carried out by cell vaporization. When removing large formations, the laser beam is used as a scalpel with the subsequent shipment of tissues to histological examination.

The session is carried out 1 time and lasts only 5 minutes, does not leave scars and scars, gives a wonderful cosmetic effect. Recurrements are practically absent. The period of rehabilitation is 5 days.

Skin Rog

Apply laser layered evaporation under local anesthesia. The cooling system is used for anesthesia. 1 session for 5 minutes. The period of rehabilitation is 5 days. Scars do not remain. The method is especially effective at an early stage of the development of the skin, in this case, relapses are completely excluded.

Kondyloma, Papilloma

A carbon dioxide or neodymium laser and evaporation method under local anesthesia is used. It does not leave the possibility of transferring a virus into healthy fabrics. The process takes 10 minutes, recovery takes 7 days during which the skin tone is aligned.

Contantagious mollusk

The method of laser carbon dioxide evaporation with the full destruction of infection is used. The cooling system is used for painless deliverance from the nodules. It is conducted under additional local anesthesia. Just 1 session is required (5 min), which guarantees the absence of scars. The possibility of subsequent relapses and inflammation is minimal. Epithelium recovery 7 days.

Nets, Moles

Removal of non-units and moles of any size and localization is carried out quickly and painlessly.

The procedure takes 5 minutes, eliminates contact with the processed area, which helps to avoid damage and infection.

Thin crust drops 5-7 days after a session, leaving a clean smooth surface.


The high performance of the removal of fibromes is proved by a carbon dioxide laser with a cooling system for anesthesia. In addition, local anesthesia is carried out. At the first stage, the leg of a soft fibromy or a firm bed is excised. In the second stage there is a laser processing of the wound.

It requires 1 visit for a duration of 5 minutes. For 4-7 days, the crust disappears. The skin color, first different in the processing site, is very quickly aligned. There are no scars, recurrences and contraindications.


The excision of the freezion is carried out by a carbon dioxide laser by evaporation of the upper layer of the epithelium, the contents of the halazion and the capsule. At the same time, the laser sterilizes the processing site, excluding infection, bleeding, damage to the adjacent tissues of the century.

1-2 procedures are required for up to 20 minutes. Time of complete epithelization 10 days.

(Cooperose mesh) is also a very popular procedure in cosmetology. Read about it in a separate article.

And non-involuous laser biorevitalization contributes to the gel containing hyaluronic acid, in the deep layers of the skin.

If you are interested in how the laser liposuction of the abdomen passes, we suggest to go.

Indications and contraindications

Before any procedure to remove the neoplasms, a doctor is needed to consult a doctor who, after a brief examination and, taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of the patient, will allow laser deletion or postpone it.

Unconditional contraindications are:

  • the presence of any bleeding;
  • damage to the nervous system and increased excitability;
  • diseases in the period of exacerbation;

Relative contraindications:

  • sugar diabetes requires careful attitude to the procedures in which the integrity of the skin is disturbed, in order to avoid the formation of trophic ulcers, infection and taking into account the slow healing of any damage.
  • pregnancy, in which many procedures in the abdomen provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and can cause miscarriage or premature labor;

Prior to diagnostics, no pathological skin growths cannot be removed under the following states:

  • if they grow unnaturally quickly;
  • suddenly change the color;
  • compacted, especially in the center;
  • current are covered, change the structure, become rough or, on the contrary, smooth;
  • bleeding;
  • they are inflamed and look hyperemic (redden) if there is a getting and burning.

Any formations under certain conditions may be reborn in a malignant tumor. Therefore, their permanent rubbing, damage, independent getting rid of them and the foundation under ultraviolet irradiation are unacceptable. Particular attention should be attracted to moles, kerats, condylomas and papillomas, skin horn, which tend to reincarnate.

Important! If the tumor is suspectedly, dermatoscopy (inspection under a dermatoscope) or histological examination is carried out.

  • Get rid of neoplasms yourself.
  • Use recipes of traditional medicine.
  • To conduct a biopsy even during the direction of a specialist. When the tissue of the cells of the epidermis cell is damaged, which can lead to the reincarnation of the defect in the cancer tumor.

We offer to see photos before and after removal:

Preparation and care

Preparation for laser removal is only in consultation with a physician, which, depending on the type, state of the neoplasm and the history of the patient, will give an opinion on the implementation (or prohibition) of the procedure.

After the laser procedure, dermatologists advise to care for skin to use special hydrophilic medicinal cosmetics, with which the initial wounds are healing correctly, not leaving no scars, no scars, no spots.

After a laser procedure, it is not recommended for a long time in the open sun, ultraviolet irradiation, sunbathing and visiting solariums.

Possible complications and consequences

The removal itself usually flows without complications. Very rarely on the skin area, which was exposed to the laser beam, short-term swelling and hyperemia may appear. But all these manifestations disappear in 4-5 days.

If the neoplasm was large, then such symptoms are observed longer (up to 10 - 14 days).

The skin area where treatment occurred cannot be touched during the day, rub, water or scratch, especially for children.

Benefits of the Fashion

Compared to a surgical scalpel, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, electrodestruction, chemical moxy, the removal of neoplasms using a laser beam has many advantages:

Myths and reality

Myth 1. It hurts.

Reality: It does not hurt. First, when exposed to the laser uses cold anesthesia, secondly, local anesthesia is placed during a very short time.

Myth 2. Benign neoplasms are better not to delete. Otherwise, they can grow into a malignant tumor.

Reality: In practice, on the contrary. Fast growing, large, ugly, convex nevys, moles, papillomas, warts, skin horn is better removed right away until they are damaged.

Of course, after examining and consulting a dermatologist. Statistics prove that with constant friction and damage, the likelihood of their rebirth in malignant reaches 68%.

Especially if the neoplasm is located on the open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and is subjected to solar irradiation.

Myth 3. Bleeding can begin, which is impossible to stop at home on their own.

Reality: With a laser method, an instant soldering of affected vessels and coagulation of blood with the formation of a dry crust occurs. No bleeding happens.

Myth 4. Healing will be long and looks ugly.

Reality: Thin crust, covering the wreck itself disappears in 5-9 days, leaving clean smooth skin. Watering is allowed from the second day. There remains a pink spot on the place of the sneezer, which is very quickly aligned with the skin tone.

Myth 5. Removing neoplasms is expensive.

Reality: not true. Prices on price list in professional dermatological clinics are quite accessible to state employees.

and the procedure is described in detail and described in a separate article.

About the types of laser grinding procedures of the face, what it is and to whom it is recommended, read.

Diamond dermabrasion is considered one of the most gentle and safe methods of mechanical skin grinding.

Where are the estimated prices

Similar laser procedures are carried out in almost all regional centers of the country.

The cost of removing neoplasms in the intimate zone is a bit more expensive.

Results and reviews

The laser copes perfectly with the removal of such unpleasant neoplasms, like moles, warts, papillomas, not allowing them to be reborn in malignant tumors.

In this case, the possibility of accurate calculation of the impact depth of the beam prevents infection and damage to healthy tissues.

Laser removal of neoplasms - the method is so fast, bloodless and painless, which is recommended even for people of old age. In addition, the re-emergence of skin pathologies in this method is reduced to an absolute minimum.

New formations on the face absolutely do not paint the appearance of man. All sorts of warts, papillomas, moles on the nose, the lip and the rest of the persons attract unwanted attention, and sometimes become the subject of jokes or ridicule of others. In addition to psychological discomfort, such education gives many problems when making familiar actions - they can be injured during dressing or cosmetic procedures.

Removal of neoplasms with a laser on the face is a fast and effective way to get rid of the growths without scars, scars and bleeding. Light impact allows one to clean the neoplasms of different shapes, size and color.

Skin neoplasms - what is it?

Under the neoplasm in cosmetology is understood as benign tumor formations that appear as a result of increased growth of tissues. These include: warts, angioma, moles, lipomas, papillomas, adenomas. Doctors recommend to timely remove similar growths, since when injured or exposed to sunlight, they are able to reborn into malignant tumors.

How to remove skin formations on the face?

Modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of neoplasms:

    Cryodestruction is an ignition of growth with liquid nitrogen. Depending on the characteristics of the neoplasm, more than one procedure may be required. Unfortunately, with this method, it is impossible to fully control the area of \u200b\u200bpropagation and the depth of the penetration of liquid nitrogen, therefore burns and scars may remain as a result.

    Electro-generation is a method of getting rid of neoplasms based on electric shock. The technique is quite universal and can be used in the face. Efficiency is high, but the risk of scarring remains even subject to the procedure of an experienced specialist.

    Chemical ignition - with the help of specially selected acids, the knees occurs, as a result of which skin education disappears from the face. The method is not safe: in the process there may be allergies to chemicals, and at the end of the procedure - burns and scars.

    Surgical excision - the method is suitable for removing large neoplasms. Requires the use of anesthesia and the imposition of seams. After excision, we often remain ugly scars and scars.

Laser removal is an efficient and safe alternative to all the above methods. Thanks to the carbon dioxide, Lanzet, the neoplasms are removed by layer on the layer, along with the root, which eliminates the possibility of re-appearing the growth.

The laser beam during the exposure "gluits" the vessels due to the coagulating property, which eliminates the bleeding during the procedure. The thermal impact disinfects the wreck, reducing the risks of infection to zero.

An experienced specialist knows how to choose the optimal settings to achieve the best results. That is why after removing the neoplasms in the clinic "Laser Doctor" on the skin there is no trace. The procedure itself is painless, takes about 5-10 minutes and does not require repeat.