How to surprise your husband on a typical day. What do men keep silent about in bed, what do they pay attention to? Changing intimate behavior

22 Feb 2018

Sadly, but over time, any passion subsides, and family gray everyday life, everyday life and boredom turn relationships into a routine. To strengthen a marriage, it is necessary to add notes of diversity, passion, saturate the life of a loved one and your own bright colors, new emotions.

Show attention to him and his interests

Many girls, thinking about how to surprise a man, often make the mistake of trying to make a surprise that would be pleasant for herself. In other words, when making a decision, we do not always have an idea of ​​what the husband really wants.

If a girl loves a spa, bath or sauna, this does not mean that such procedures are acceptable for a young man. Therefore, before you arrange something magical, you need to make sure whether the man will really appreciate your efforts, whether it will bring him joy or, on the contrary, disappointment.

How do you find out your partner's preferences? Everything is simple here. Have an unobtrusive conversation with him about his desires and dreams. Try to come up with an interesting idea and see how he responds.

If you still can't figure out how to surprise a guy, you can use the advice of his friends or relatives. You should not get stuck on your fantasies and dreams, as they can fundamentally disagree with the desires of the chosen one.

Another way to find out "what he breathes" is to listen carefully. The other day, your man complained about fatigue from the everyday hustle and bustle, and that he would not mind resting outside the city. Wonderful. You can safely use this information and organize a weekend in nature. He accidentally mentioned his favorite band, whose performance will soon take place in your city. This is a good reason to please your beloved guy.

Praise your soul mate more often, because it is very important for a man to understand that he is appreciated and respected.

Even small signs of attention after a hard day's work can bring a smile and give an opportunity to feel the care of a loved one.

Arrange a sexy surprise

It is unlikely that any of the men will react with indifference to an intimate surprise. How to surprise a guy in bed? Here you will have to show all your imagination and imagination. According to experienced ladies, just one passionate evening is enough to rekindle past passion.

For starters, you can organize a romantic candlelit dinner, and then everything goes according to plan. Erotic massage, costumed sex play or homegrown striptease. It doesn't hurt to find out how your spouse feels about such events so as not to look funny or ridiculous in front of your loved one.

If you are convinced that such an initiative will be accepted by your partner with joy, you can immediately start implementing your plans.

Prepare an unexpected gift

Presenting a present is a great way to do something nice. How to surprise your beloved man with a gift? Pay attention to the area of ​​his interests and hobbies.

If your faithful loves music, then a disc with his favorite artist is a great idea. Knows how to play the guitar? Then he will definitely appreciate a set of high-quality strings or beautiful picks.

Consider what gifts can surprise a man:

  • a book with your autograph and an oath of allegiance;
  • poems invented by you dedicated to him;
  • a T-shirt with your portraits;
  • photo album or collage with his best images;
  • evening with a magnificent dinner in a luxury hotel.

There are many options, but it is you who are able to choose the best gift for your beloved. If you don't know how to surprise your beloved man for no reason, give him a present on Monday and his mood will last all week.

You need to endow not only with material things, but also with emotions, which are always so lacking.

Change your look and appearance

There is another proven version of how to surprise your husband - these are cardinal changes in your appearance. V this case it is not enough to simply cut your hair or grow your nails. It is unlikely that most men pay attention to such trifles.

Therefore, it takes some effort to impress him. An unsurpassed effect can be achieved in the following way:

  • change your hairstyle, become a blonde if you are a brunette (or vice versa);
  • get yourself a new perfume that emphasizes femininity;
  • change your everyday home outfit;
  • apply a tattoo with his initials;
  • get pierced;
  • braid dreadlocks.

It is very important not to overdo it with changes in appearance, so as not to look like a caricature.

Organize a delicious dinner

As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Although this wisdom is quite old, modern young housewives often forget about it. They complain that they already spend too much time in the kitchen. But in vain! Truth be told, how often do you have a romantic dinner?

How can you surprise your loved one in this case? Better to create an unforgettable atmosphere at home, rather than go to a restaurant. Treat yourself to a delicious dinner with original new recipes or a revamped husband's favorite meal. Amaze him with a true masterpiece. And don't forget about the delicious dessert.

Remember that this is not a simple meal, but a wonderful and bright event, so be gentle and caring. At dinner it will be pleasant to remember the first movie you saw together in the cinema, and then watch a romantic comedy.

You can arrange a themed evening. Prepare foreign food. Play the appropriate music. It's good if you can get hold of traditional national costumes.

Party with his friends

How can you surprise your boyfriend so that he not only has a good rest, but also understands that you respect his personal space and interests.

An evening of friends is just right for this idea. Is your chosen one a fan of the football club and does not miss a single match? Organize men's get-togethers. Beer, shrimp, chips and snacks will please not only your loved one, but also his friends. You can order a table for them in the sports bar.

Do not limit your spouse in time and call endlessly. Let the husband rest quietly with his friends. After all, you wanted to surprise him, not spoil him.

Organize unusual leisure

If your lover enjoys cooking, take part in a master class together. This interesting idea can develop into a joint hobby in the future.

Your chosen one, born Sherlock Holmes, loves secrets, riddles and logic puzzles? Surprise your beloved man and organize a real quest for him at home. Prepare notes with clues and hide them throughout the apartment, and at the end make a final surprise.

You can arrange a "Day of Humor" for a guy not only on April 1. Make a funny breakfast, put on a bubble show in the bathroom.

Love is a very fragile feeling. So that throughout the married life she does not fade away, but only becomes warmer, it is necessary to take care of her, nourishing her with affectionate words, kind attitude, kisses and spend more time together, arranging original dates. It can be anything:

  • romantic trip to nature;
  • going to the cinema, hockey or football match;
  • boat trips;
  • travel.

Show attention and care to your soulmate, and then you will certainly be able to make him the most unique surprise in the world.

Your loved one undoubtedly deserves little surprises. After all, who else can diversify relationships by adding spice to them, if not a woman. The keeper of the hearth, in order to keep the intrigue in bed, can effortlessly make the guy and the husband happier, just showing themselves from the other side. But for this it is necessary to discard the embarrassment, as well as to get to know the temperament and taste of the partner better. If you also want to know how to surprise a man in bed, we suggest you find out a few secrets from our article.

At the moment, there are many ways that allow you not only to seduce and surprise a man or a guy, but also to conquer him by learning the art of love. It is important and also necessary to maintain the feeling of being in love in the relationship.

If a woman is in love, intuition wakes up in her, thanks to which she can subtly feel the needs of a man in bed and embody them. But, unfortunately, such feelings can dull over the years. It becomes problematic to surprise a loved one after several years of marriage. To avoid this, first try to keep yourself in shape so that the man can admire you.

Do not forget, until it comes to bed, the man will love with his eyes.

Take care of your appearance and additional attributes that will help create a romantic atmosphere, as well as surprise a man.

How to become more attractive in the eyes of your partner?

After many years together, most women are in no hurry to dress up for their husbands in the morning. But it's not right. It is necessary to constantly monitor your appearance and allow a man to admire you.

Getting up just a few minutes earlier than your beloved, tidy yourself up. Then he will give you a compliment in the morning. And before the evening comes, the image of a smiling beloved will pop up in his head. Therefore, after work, he will rush to you.

Over the years of marriage, partners need to leave shyness and shyness. Then in bed you will be able to surprise each other.

Experiments will be more successful if you are completely free. And remember that men prefer confident ladies, but at the same time they like to feel like hunters. There are a couple of tricks on how to do this.

How to intrigue a loved one?

To make the night one of the "unforgettable", take care of this in advance. First, meet your husband right after work. Tidy yourself up and wait for him at the door with a kiss and a playful look. Surrounding a man with care and comfort after a working day, you will allow him to thoroughly relax. So he will have a new burst of strength by nightfall.

Think about the image in advance. Let it be a lace lingerie set or a sexy negligee. Change your bed. You can buy silk bedding for such cases. Don't forget about:

  • suitable lighting - light candles, you can use scented ones;
  • musical accompaniment - turn on soft romantic music;
  • a relaxing drink - a pair of glasses of champagne or wine will perfectly complement the evening.

Such an environment will not only tune your beloved man to an intimate mood, but also allow him to experience emotional and aesthetic pleasure.

As a prelude to love pleasures, you can give your partner an erotic massage. It is best to learn the basics by watching a video on how to surprise your husband in bed with this technique. But in general, you just need to reveal your individuality and, knowing the "weak" points of your man, please him. Erotic massage can also increase attraction.

Love game scenarios

As many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think, for comfort in bed, you must first visit a sex shop. However, you don't have to do this to surprise a man. You can independently ignite a volcano of passion in it, armed with imagination. To do this, you can use several script hints.

Dress up game

Every real woman should have a pair of stockings in her wardrobe. Wearing them, you can create the image of a nurse or maid, complementing it with an apron or a short white shirt.

No man can resist such a picture. Especially if this is the first time you appear before him in such a guise. You can transform into a seductive waitress by escorting your husband from the doorway to the bedroom, where a romantic dinner will await him. But believe me, you will no longer have time for it.

For this method, it is not necessary to attend strip plastic lessons. Turning on smooth music and dimming the lights, with light and erotic movements, you can not only surprise your partner, but also drive him crazy. The main thing is to try to perform body movements to the beat of the music and everything will work out.


Add ice, ice cream, or hot chocolate (for the most daring) to games in bed. Taking in hands, for example, a piece of ice, you can draw a path on it, which you then shower with kisses. If this is an ice cream lane, you can barely touch your beloved's body language and lick it off. To surprise and turn on a man in this way, it is best to start from the neck, going over the chest and abdomen, completing the "maneuver" in the genital area.

Strip your partner

Among all the variety of love pleasures, undressing a partner is by no means the last. At the same time, it is important that the procedure itself does not take place in a standard and fast manner.

Take the initiative and start with a T-shirt (shirt). It must be removed carefully and slowly until the wardrobe item fixes the hands of your intrigued husband. Remember to cast a playful look the entire time. Open your torso and shower it with kisses. When you feel the "burst of energy" from the dear one, take off the T-shirt completely and proceed to the trousers. There is no need to rush, it is enough to lower them to the genitals, continuing to caress the torso of your beloved and kiss him. Having removed this piece of clothing completely, put it on the bed and start undressing yourself. You can listen to a pleasant light melody.

It is not at all difficult to surprise a man in bed. For some, you can apply pressure and affection, for others - try on the image of a light and windy girl. The main thing is to understand what turns a loved one on.

The tips above are for couples who are married. And they are not quite suitable for those who are dating. Especially those who have recently started to get to know each other.

Surprising a lover correctly

Do not rush to surprise a guy in bed in the first month after meeting. First, you don't know your partner enough. As he does you. And trying to add variety can give him the idea of ​​defiant behavior. As strange as it may sound, men are very careful. Therefore, it is better not to risk it.

Secondly, ignorance of his taste and preferences can lead you both to a dead end. Try to identify your partner's interests during the first weeks of dating. Unobtrusively find out his wishes so that the attempt to surprise the guy in bed will be successful.

In general, in order to surprise your husband or boyfriend, it is enough to avoid monotony in bed. If the man is not bored with you, he will also try to please you.

Every woman wants a man to surprise her as often as possible. Thanks to this, the relationship persists for a long time. Most women prefer attention. If in a partner a lady sees a desire to make her life more romantic, then she flies on wings. But in the case when a man does not consider such manifestations of tenderness to be appropriate for himself, his companion may think that he has become uninteresting to him.

How can you surprise your wife?

There are many ways to surprise your wife, to please her. It could be in bed. Despite all the banality of such a manifestation of attention, this method is always appropriate. You can also set her favorite song or romantic song, which is a declaration of love, as an alarm clock. The other half will wake up in the morning to her sounds and will be in high spirits for a long time.

And you can also go to some picturesque place together. It can be the bank of a river or lake. It is also nice to admire the view of the city at night from a high roof. And if you don't want to go anywhere, then you can always just show attention. surprised and highly appreciated if the chosen one unexpectedly brings something tasty that she has long wanted. For example, peaches, strawberries or a chocolate bar.

Show of tenderness

But a man should never forget that the smile and good mood of his companion are inextricably linked with how gentle he is with her. A girl who lacks love and affection, feels unnecessary, can be nervous and offended by trifles. Therefore, do not forget about the importance of good sex.

Showing affection during intimacy is a must and win-win. It is very important here not to think about how to surprise your wife in bed, but just try to be affectionate with her. Of course, you can try the opposite option too. In this case, the other half will surely be surprised. But this should be done only if the couple has been together for a long time and a very trusting relationship has developed in it. Otherwise, everything can end in grievances and tears. And a man will not see the proper effect and admiration emanating from his companion.

If a couple have been together for a long time

A man and a woman who have been married for a long time know their common attachments very well. In this case, a man should remember what his chosen one has ever told about sex. Perhaps she looked at some toy with interest, commented on it. Or she discussed the scene she saw in the film. Often it is enough for a man to show very little attention, and the question of how to surprise his wife in bed will be resolved.

It is much easier when the wife speaks directly about what she would like. If the couple managed to create such an honest and open relationship in which mutual understanding reigns, then this option is more than ideal. But you should not do any independent experiments that may seem harsh.

Beautiful lingerie

Every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable. And what can emphasize her charms more favorably than high-quality lingerie? It is noteworthy that men and women can choose completely different sets. When buying lingerie, a girl looks at its practicality. And the man is more interested in elegance and sex appeal.

If a partner proposes to change his chosen one in the evening, putting a novelty in front of her, then she will be very interested in this. Rather, it will not come to a complete change of clothes. But the idea of ​​how to surprise your wife with sex will be more than achieved. If a man has chosen a similar option, then he needs to first study the tags from his wife's underwear. You should write out the names of the sizes and firms. Only then can suitable lingerie be purchased.

It is not uncommon for men to buy small bras, and panties, on the contrary, are larger than necessary. In this case, the girl may simply be upset that her chosen one does not treat her carefully. If the kit fits perfectly, then she will be amazed not only by her appearance, but also by the attention.

Offer a massage

If a man is thinking about how to surprise his wife in the evening, then you can do an erotic massage. This is just a wonderful option, every woman will be happy to relax from the touch of a loving person.

Also, do not forget about all the romantic paraphernalia. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a candlelit room. But if a man considers this option a commonplace, then it is quite possible to take care of soft electric lighting. The main thing is that beautiful music sounds and pleasant smells are present. For this, it is best to take care of the availability of aphrodisiac massage oil. Therefore, if a loving husband decided to surprise his wife, then the named method is more than successful.

In particular, geranium oil adjusts to gentle and romantic caresses. But from vanilla sensuality and instincts awaken. Cloves increase the duration of orgasm. Jasmine liberates, gives confidence in personal attractiveness. That is, a man needs to choose an oil that awakens exactly those qualities that he wants to receive from his wife in the evening.

High quality hair removal

Representatives of the stronger sex do not always think about how to epilate the intimate area. And in vain, because the chosen one will highly appreciate such a gesture. And if a man thinks about how to surprise his wife, then using this method it will work out in any case. You can also be guided by how well-groomed the girl is. Usually, if she carefully monitors the absence of hair in the deep bikini area, then she wants to get the same from her partner.

Of course, it will be quite interesting to look at the girl she will surprise in any case. But not every man will agree to do it. Although the wife will be amazed at the courage and grooming of her beloved. In any case, everyone has the opportunity to use the bathroom at home. But it is preferable to do this not for some holiday, but to “surprise” the lady of the heart in this way constantly.

Don't skimp on compliments

Do not forget that therefore do not skimp on compliments. These can be both clever and florid phrases, and ordinary ones. The main thing is that all words are uttered completely sincerely. In this case, the seemingly difficult question of how to surprise a wife in bed is solved quite easily. You just need to prepare a little in advance.

Although the bed is not the place to be clever. An intellectually developed man who looks a little silly is very sexy. Therefore, there is no need to memorize compliments in a foreign language in order to say them during sex. Such words spoken in Turkish or French will be appreciated by the partner during a preliminary light dinner. But during sex, complex phrases are not needed.

It happens that people again decide to get back together after a divorce. If the thought arises of how to surprise your ex-wife, then you need to say a large number of compliments and, again, be attentive and caring. After that, it would be quite reasonable to invite her to become a real life companion again.

A little dressing up

Perhaps the wife has several dresses from the sex shop. Moreover, this option is not at all surprising. But if a man comes up with some kind of costume, it will look bold and unusual. The chosen one will definitely appreciate such a gesture. After all, a creative man is able to really awaken desire.

Here you need to focus on the tastes of your partner. Perhaps if her chosen one wears a Santa Claus fur coat, or she will like it. But there is a risk that she will not want to have anything to do with, for example, a bunny. Therefore, it is not necessary for a man to purchase a special suit if he is thinking about how to surprise his wife. This option also takes place, but not every woman will like a husband dressed in a suit from a sex shop.

Change of place and time

The wife can be surprised by making some changes in lovemaking that have become traditional over time. If the sex usually took place in the bedroom, changing the place is a very good option. When you have thoughts about how best to surprise your wife in bed, the latter, as such, is not always needed. It's a good idea to add spontaneity to intimacy on the kitchen counter or hallway floor. But the first option threatens the cold coming from the countertop, and the second - lack of hygiene. Therefore, if a man provides for some kind of veil, then such an option will also amaze his wife.

If the lovemaking took place before bedtime, you can change the time to earlier. A great option is to spend the whole day in bed. Only for this you need to take care of food in advance. The wife should not cook that day. And if it is fruits, sandwiches or food from the delivery service, which the man takes care of, then it will be more than successful to surprise the lady of the heart.

The bathroom is also interesting

The wife will love it if the bathroom is used for foreplay. In this case, the idea of ​​having a wife will certainly be successful. It is also best to include soft light and aphrodisiac oils. It can also be a nice-smelling shower gel. The wife can be gently bathed and then wrapped in a large towel. After which it is better to move to the bedroom. The girl will be relaxed and in any case will be amazed at the attention and care of her beloved.

Taking a shower together is also a wonderful way, the more you can wash each other. But it is necessary to ensure that the room is constantly warm. And if your wife has long hair, then you shouldn't wet it too much. After all, then a touch of cool strands will have more than a sobering effect.

To surprise a wife, a man needs to show quite a bit of creativity and imagination. To do this, you should only set yourself up to make the lady of the heart pleasant. In this case, everything will definitely work out, she will appreciate the tenderness, care and attention. If a husband is thinking about how to surprise his wife, then this already says a lot. After that, the relationship will regain freshness. But you shouldn't make such surprises only on holidays. It is very important that they occur as often as possible, then the wife will try in every possible way to please her man, to make him happier.

You can tell your man “I love you” without words. I believe that there is nothing supernatural in the unexpected signs of attention from the girl. As the saying goes, "a relationship is the work of two."

Next, we'll talk about effective ways that a guy will love you even more. Surprising a guy is easy and you need to do it all the time. From my own experience, I will say that relationships will never turn into routine everyday life if you always surprise a man with your behavior, habits, and little surprises. Naturally, we will surprise our beloved in a positive way.

Do you both spend a lot of time at work and only see each other in the evenings or on weekends? Maintaining such a relationship is always more difficult. Give your loved one even minor signs of attention. They will make him smile during a hard day and remind him of his soul mate.

I recommend just writing nice words to the young man in an SMS message. Don't write a memoir. It is enough to describe your feelings for him, wish him a good day and ask about his success. Put care and understanding in a few lines of text. Such a gesture will surely surprise the guy and make him think about the girl all day.

During my practice, I have consulted various men. Each of them has their own problems, type of temperament and character. However, all guys have pretty basic relationship needs. Take care of your beloved and he will love you even more.

I advise you to analyze your behavior. Yes, no one is perfect, but we can always control the negative aspects of our character. If you allow yourself to make trouble or be too demanding, get rid of it soon. The young man will be surprised when he sees that there are fewer disagreements and you are making concessions to him.

Amaze the man with external changes and skills:

    Get yourself a new good perfume. A pleasant floral or sweet scent will only emphasize your femininity. The young man will notice your changes and will be surprised at the positive changes;

    Swap your usual attire for a sophisticated silk robe. He should not be vulgar, but overalls smeared with food are useless;

    Learn to cook. I am constantly improving my culinary skills, but do not forget that the relationship does not end with delicious dishes;

    Change your hair. I have heard many times how girls complain that the man did not even pay attention to the new haircut or hair color. They all notice, it's just that men don't always focus on this. Do not forget to add light makeup to your new hairstyle;

    Manicure. I'll tell you a secret, all men pay attention to the girl's hands. Well-groomed marigolds are a sign of your self-care. And everyone, as you know, pays attention only to well-groomed girls. It is not necessary to do your own vampire nails too long manicure. Even a simple jacket will accentuate your femininity.

Go to the movies, go to the skating rink, or just go cycling in warm weather. Even such banal ways to diversify leisure really help to surprise a young man.

Go for a walk with him, find a cozy meadow and surprise your loved one in the form of a pre-prepared treat.

A good gift is another way to surprise a guy. The present should be in the interests of the man. Take a closer look at what he spends the most time on. Listening to music? Present a CD of your favorite artist. Plays the guitar? Then a set of new strings or nice picks will do.

I recommend that you learn to listen to your man. This will help you make the right decision with the gift. He will be glad when he sees the manifestation of your attention in the form of the right gift. Give the guy not only material gifts, but also emotions! Sometimes they are so lacking in a relationship. Do not forget to please your loved one, listen to him and enjoy the process of choosing a gift.

A man's hobby is the key to his heart. Share the guy's interests. You can surprise him by gifting two tickets to a game of his favorite team or to a band concert. Many men go to the gym. If you don't go there with him yet, I recommend that you buy two season tickets and give one of them to the guy. He will be glad of your desire to spend time together and improve his body.

Talk to him about interesting topics. Feel free to express your point of view and talk to him about everything in the world. Support the guy in his aspirations of goals.

If it is not possible to buy a ticket to the game or a subscription to the hall, there are other ways to share the interests of a loved one. I often advise girls not to get upset about a lack of finances. You can always buy a guy a few bottles of his beer or other drink. Find out when the game of his favorite team will be broadcast on TV.

The young man will be pleasantly surprised when he sees that you have prepared for him a small but such a good surprise. Watch the game with him, try to understand what is happening, but it is better not to ask too many questions. This will distract him from watching. Just be happy with him and show your concern

You've probably heard this platitude more than once, but let's face it. How often did you and the young man arrange a romantic dinner for each other and watch your favorite movie in the evening?

The beauty of this sign of attention is in creating an unforgettable home atmosphere. Yes, yes, dinner should be arranged at home. Don't go to a restaurant, just give each other a little attention in a relaxed atmosphere. Your task is to cook a delicious dinner that will be remembered by the young man. Don't use boring recipes that you eat every day.

Serve your boyfriend's favorite dish by improving the recipe. Don't forget to bake a delicious dessert and buy some good wine. It is important that dinner becomes not a banal meal, but a beautiful and bright event. I believe that it is your concern and tenderness that will surprise the guy, and not vulgar behavior.

Tip: After dinner, you can move to the living room to watch a romantic movie or comedy. Think about the first movie you watched together in the cinema. Watching it again is guaranteed to take you to the first date.

I always say that a woman should not be an open book. Let this phrase be banal, but it is so. By discovering new facets of each other, you build strong relationships. It is always interesting for a man to learn new things about you. Showing signs of attention will not only surprise him, but also confirm that you are the best girl.

Surprises refresh relationships. This is one of the most enjoyable ways to show your husband how much you love him. In addition, unexpected actions diversify the gray everyday life, make life more interesting and brighter. How to surprise your husband? There are many specific ways, it all depends on fantasy, desire and available means. But there are general principles that make a surprise a surprise.

You can book a table in the restaurant if you are going to celebrate the anniversary of your acquaintance, etc .;

Consider preparing a vocal or dance number. This is in case you have such talents. Perhaps even involve your friends with him in such a production, if there is one among them who plays the guitar or sings.

And when he returns home, give him such a party - a surprise. An easier option is to contact an art agency that can arrange a room party and other entertainment;

You can contact an agency or organize a holiday for you and your lover in a club or on some public territory;

Play Roulette. Go to the casino. Just do it together so that you can follow the progress of the game and stop the man in time. But look at the kind of entertainment so that it does not go sideways for you, since men who are too reckless do not control themselves and will be able to get hooked!

Buy tickets for a game of his favorite sports team or a concert of your favorite band or artist;

Try to surprise your husband with your own hands or an entertaining surprise - a prank. It is not necessary to knit or embroider his name with a cross, it can even be a verse;

You can go on a trip or go out of town. Men are very interested in the rest of the savages, with extreme conditions. When you decide to go with tents somewhere far outside the city, where there is beautiful nature, where there is fresh air, sea, river or lake, only you will be near; however, make sure that such a vacation appeals to your loved one, and he would like to spend time like that;

You can arrange a romantic dinner somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building. Warning: this is only for warm seasons so that the roof is not slippery;

Prepare something unusual, especially if your husband is cooking in your pair. It will certainly be a good surprise indeed.

In the end, I would still like to say that, probably, the best surprise for a guy will be an invitation from his friends, whom he has not seen for a long time, but really wanted.

But situations developed in such a way that he did not find time for them or tried to spend time with you in order to please you or not to offend you. The main rule of surprise is to use what your loved one loves very much. A well-planned and prepared surprise with your love will be the most pleasant thing you can do.

The guarantee of the effect from any surprise is originality. A romantic postcard on Valentine's Day or eau de toilette for the Defender of the Fatherland Day is, of course, very nice.

But such gifts cannot be called a surprise - your boyfriend expects something similar from you, he will not be surprised by these signs of attention. And here's a different situation for you, for example.

He is late at work, which he warns about in advance by phone. Returning home, the guy quite logically assumes that you are already asleep - he honestly said that it is useless to wait for him before midnight today.

Your favorite workaholic has already tuned in for a quick snack with a cold dinner, when suddenly, opening the door with a key, he finds himself ... in a restaurant. Mysterious twilight, candles, exquisite treats and you are all such a beauty with a promising languid look. This is what we call a surprise.

The main component of any surprise is the surprise effect. Then the surprise surprises, delights and brings a smile. Let's say your husband is a passionate football fan. And arguing over whether to give preference to your TV series or its match is a common thing for you.

You do not hide your contemptuous attitude towards adults who drive the ball across the field in a crowd. He is sure that the stadium is the very last place you would like to be on your free evening.

And suddenly ... one day you present a surprise to your husband - two tickets to the match. Not only would that in itself amaze him to the core. You will also show a genuine interest in the game by showing amazing knowledge of player names and functions. For this, of course, preparation is required, but the game is worth the candle.

Talking about how to surprise your husband, it would be unfair to ignore such a powerful technique as playing on contrasts. A sharp transition from one emotion to the completely opposite will make the surprise truly unforgettable. But here it will take some time to get ready.

For example, let's say you agreed to go to a party with friends of yours he doesn't know. A long trip to the other end of the city, then a half-hour hike through unfamiliar streets past garbage dumps and marginalized individuals in the pouring rain - and now, finally, you are at the right entrance.

But what is it? Nobody answers the call of the intercom. Your attempts to get through to your friends by phone are also fruitless. Have you mixed something up again? The guy is tired, he starts to get angry, and suddenly a man with a dog comes out of the entrance. You slip inside, go up to the required floor - the door of that very apartment is for some reason ajar.

The man is alarmed - something is wrong here. You boldly go inside, he is behind you, and there ... There can be many options - from classic candles to decorating a room in the style of a horror movie. It's closer to someone. Such a surprise for your husband, for example, can be timed to coincide with the anniversary of some of your dates - the wedding day, the day of the first kiss, the day of acquaintance, etc.

It's nice to receive surprises. Making them, perhaps, is even more pleasant. Surprise your loved one as often as possible, you will see - he will not remain in debt. And then, to paraphrase a well-known expression, it will be safe to say that the boat of your relationship will never break on the rock of everyday life. Routine and gray days are not scary for you - you yourself will make your life interesting.

How to please your husband in bed

Do you only make love in a missionary position? So flip through the Kama Sutra. The book of love will tell you a lot and even show you. You will see what surprised eyes your man will have.

For a change, go to your nearest erotic store. There are a lot of different things for sale there. For example, erotic costumes. Few people know that they excite men very much, but the main thing is to choose something special.

If you know your man's hidden fantasies, it will be easier to surprise your husband. And if not, then use your imagination. When your husband comes home, wait until he goes to the shower. In the meantime, prepare everything you need for a theme evening.

To surprise your husband, learn to strip dance. To do this, it is not at all necessary to install a pole in the middle of the room, just take a chair. To make your dance work, try rehearsing it at home while your husband is away. Play beautiful music, put on seductive lingerie and surprise your husband with your ability to move beautifully. Believe me, he will certainly appreciate it.

Make an appointment with him. Play the mini-game. Here he comes home from work, and you are no longer there. On the table, instead of dinner, there is a note with the place and time of the meeting. Meet in your hotel room. Buy brand new underwear for this, not typical for you.

Change your sex image. This surprise to my husband always works. Men admit that when their woman changes, a feeling of change is created and there is absolutely no desire to go to the left.

In order to find a way to surprise a man, you must first of all know what your man loves and what he expects from you. Believe me, the more often you surprise your man, the more he will be interested in you.

How to pleasantly surprise your husband

Surprising your husband will not be so easy, but quite easy. Remember how it all began for you, and to which he reacted with surprise. And it is with such actions that you can surprise him;

Do not surprise your husband to coincide with any date. You can do this every day. Send a message with a declaration of love, order your favorite song on the radio for him, slightly change the decor in the room. Even such small trifles will make your husband pay attention to you;

Always remain mysterious. Do all your female affairs separately from your husband;

Take him by surprise. An unexpected visit to work, or maybe even a kiss in an argument. The most important thing is to surprise and so that he does not think that he knows you and your behavior in a given situation very well;

Spend your weekend in a variety of ways. It doesn't have to be the same every time. Go to the theater one weekend, and go out into the countryside with the whole family on other weekends. All this will be interesting not only for both of you, but also for your children. After all, they feel well and notice all the changes in your relationship;

Diversify your knowledge of sex. After all, for every family it is an inalienable honor in relationships. It can be new underwear, or maybe watching an erotic movie before sex, etc.;

To surprise your husband, change your appearance. Hair, clothes, makeup - change is always interesting. But you should not radically solve such a problem. The main thing is that it suits you. Then you also need to show yourself to people ... And it is precisely this kind of change that will not ignore your loved one, and it will become much more interesting for him to live with you. Perhaps even he will want to change something in himself.

It is especially pleasant to do different things for your beloved when you are on the rise of your love.