Number series for preschoolers to print. Math games. Tricky Math Problems

Comic math problems for preschoolers

* The room has 4 corners. There was a cat in every corner, and 3 cats in front of each cat. How many cats were in the room? (4 cats)
* How to bring water in a sieve? (Water can be frozen, put a bag on the bottom ...)
* 7 brothers walked, each brother had one sister. How many people were walking? (8 people)
* What dishes cannot be eaten from? (From empty)
* The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left, 2 legs in front, 2 behind. How many legs does it have?
* How many nuts are in an empty glass? (Not at all)
* A bricklayer worked at a construction site. On the first day he built 2 twenty-storey houses, on the second - 1 ten-storey house. How many houses did he build in two days? (Not at all)
* 9 sharks sailed on the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived into the depths. How many sharks swam? (9 sharks, only they dived)
* There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in a vase. How many tulips were in the vase? (There were 3 tulips in the vase)
* 7 boys cleared 1 path in the garden. How many paths did the boys clear? (7 tracks)
* Which bird hatches from an egg but does not lay eggs itself? (Rooster)
* There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)
* How can one bag of wheat fill 2 empty bags, the same as the bag containing wheat? (It is necessary to insert another into one bag)
* Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have?
* Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess which number you have in mind. How much did you get it?
* There is a tub near the wall, and a frog in that tub. If there were 7 tubs, how many frogs would there be? (Probably none.)
* How to cut a square so that 2 new squares can be added from the resulting parts? (4 triangles diagonally)
* There are 3 pencils of different lengths on the table. How to remove the longest pencil from the middle without touching it? (Move one of those shorter)
* The first Ivan went to the bazaar, the second Ivan went from the bazaar. Which Ivan bought the goods, which one went without the goods?
* The miller came to the mill. In each corner he saw 3 sacks, 3 cats sat on each sack, each cat had 3 kittens. How many feet were there in the mill? (Two legs, cats have paws.)
* Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon. (5 birds)
* 7 candles burned. 2 candles were extinguished. How many candles are left? (2.)
* A flock of geese was flying. One goose in front, two behind. One goose between two and three geese side by side. How many geese are in the flock? (3)
* Sister is 5 years older than brother. How many years will she be older than her brother in 7 years? (by 5)
* Two went - they found 3 nails. Four will follow - will they find many nails? (Most likely they won't find anything.)
* A woman walked in and met three men. Each of them carried a sack, each with a cat. How many creatures were heading to Moscow? (Only a woman.)
* Why would a hairdresser in Geneva choose to cut two French men rather than one German? (Because it will earn twice as much.)
* Why are street hatch covers made not square, but round?
* Imagine you have a box of one match in your pocket. You entered a dark room at night, where there is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light up first? (Matchstick)
* How many ends does the stick have? Have two sticks? Two and a half? (6)
* A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
* One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes do you need to cook 6 eggs? (4 minutes)
* How many months in a year contain 30 days? (All months except February)
* A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (40)
* Can it rain for 2 days in a row? (Can't. Days are separated by night.)
* Two sons and two fathers went hunting. They killed three birds with one stone. Returning, each carried a hare. Could this have happened? (Grandfather, father and son were walking)
* One and a half fish cost one and a half rubles. How much are 5 fish worth? (5 rubles.)
* The brick weighs 1 kg and another half brick. How much do 5 bricks weigh? (10 kg.)
* There are 10 spokes in the chariot. How many spokes are there? (Draw)
* The bookworm gnawed from the first sheet of the first volume to the last sheet of the second volume, standing to the right of the first. Each volume contains 600 pages. How many pages did he chew through? (Binders only.)
* The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injections, one every half hour. How long will it take for all the injections to be made? (In 2 hours)
* There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on the oak, three apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (Apples do not grow on oak)
* Where can a small ball hide in an empty room so that it is not crushed by a large ball? (In the corner)
* Is there May 1st in Australia? (There is)
* You are the pilot of an airplane flying from Paris to Moscow with a landing in Kiev. Flight time is 2 hours. How old is the pilot?
* The lighthouse will go out then go out. How long has the lighthouse been burning? (He didn't burn)
* When the goat turns 6, what will happen? (She will be in her seventh year)
* What color is the stop valve on the train and on the plane? (There is no stop cock on the plane)
* It was raining in Novgorod at two o'clock in the afternoon. Could it be sunny in Novgorod in ten hours? (No, there will be night)
* Chickens and dogs walk in the yard, all have 10 legs. How many chickens are in the yard and how many dogs? (1 dog and 3 chickens, 2 dogs and 1 chicken)
* There were 10 chairs in the room, on which 10 boys were sitting. 10 girls entered, and they all found a chair. How could this happen? (The boys got up)
* Along the path, 10 trees grow one after another, between which there are benches. How many benches are there? (nine)
* Four legs and four legs are visible from under the fence. How many living things are there behind the fence? (Possibly 2 people and 1 dog, 1 horse and 1 cat, think of another answer)
* Father and two children rode bicycles. There were 3 bicycles and 7 wheels. How could this be? (One bike had 3 wheels)
* Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this? (Rider on horseback)
* How many ears do three mice have?
* There were 5 ducks swimming on the lake, the hunter shot and killed one. How many ducks are left? (0)
* If you eat one plum, what is left? (The bone.)
Serious tasks

* Kolya sculpted 4 soldiers, and Slava - 1. How many soldiers did the guys sculpt?
* There were 6 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus mushrooms in the basket. How many mushrooms were there?
* There were 6 mushrooms in the basket, 1 mushroom turned out to be inedible and was thrown away. How many mushrooms are left?
* 5 roses blossomed on the bush. Mom cut 3 pieces, how much is left?
* There were 3 roses in the vase. Mom cut another 2. How many roses were in the vase?
* There were 5 red cups and 1 blue on the shelf. How many cups were there?
* 8 tomatoes ripened on the bush. Four tomatoes were picked. How much is left?

Math problems for “More/smaller"
* Tanya found 3 acorns, and Marina is 1 more than Tanya. How many acorns did Marina find?
* Kostya drew 4 planes, and his brother drew 2 more. How much did your brother draw?
* The boys decided to build a house. Dima brought 5 cubes, and Sasha brought 2 less. How much did Sasha bring?
* The gardener trimmed the bushes. On the first day he trimmed 6 bushes, and on the second - 1 less bushes. How many cuts on the second day?
* Brother is 9 years old, and sister is 3 years younger. How old is she?
* There are 4 cups of cranberries in a jar, and 2 more cups in a plate. How much is in a plate?
* Sasha's strip is 9 cm long, Petya's is 3 cm shorter. How long is Petya's strip?
* The student made 7 flags, of which several are green and 4 are red. How many green flags did he make?

From the very birth, the child learns the world, he studies what surrounds him. Parents play an important role in the education and formation of their child. Teaching mathematics to preschoolers is an interesting and uncomplicated process, parents can easily cope with it. Develop the child's attention.

Math exercises for preschoolers

Work with your child in a relaxed environment for 25 to 30 minutes every day. If you see that the child is tired, stop the activity. Do not scold the child, praise him, even if he does not succeed. With your severity and discontent, you will discourage your child's desire to learn and learn something new.

Teach your child math in the form of games and interesting exercises, math assignments for preschoolers, while playing the child quickly learns.

A child 5-6 years old must:

    Be able to determine the location of objects: right, left, middle, top, bottom, back and front.

    Know and distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gray, white, black, blue, orange.

    Be able to arrange numbers in order from 1 to 5 and in reverse order from 5 to 1.

    Know the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, polygon.

    To be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

    The child learns to write numbers.

1. Determine the location of objects

It is very important to form a spatial representation in children, not only in real life, but also in mathematics, physical education, and music classes. Preschoolers 5 - 6 years old should know the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

Consider the following picture.

The picture shows a house. To the left of the house is a drawing of a tree, a fence, and two jugs. A tree and a fence are drawn to the right of the house.

Above is a drawing of a roof and an antenna on the roof. Below the house is the earth. Grass is drawn in front, a cat is sitting on the grass. You can't see anything behind the house.

Exercise 1

Look at the picture carefully and tell the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

What is drawn to the left of the house?

What is drawn to the right of the house?

What's on the front?

What's on the back?

What's on the bottom?

Exercise 2

Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions.

Which toy is shown in the front?

Which toy is the back?

What toys are shown on the right?

Exercise # 3

Look at the picture carefully and tell the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back. Answer the following questions.

Who is drawn on the left in this picture?

Who is drawn on the right in this picture?

Who is the picture above?

What's on the bottom?

What toys are shown on the left?

What are the items on the right?

2. Learning colors

A child can learn all colors by visually studying different objects. Any information is easily assimilated in a playful way.

Red color

Look at each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is red. The picture shows a red apple. The picture shows a red flower. The picture shows a red tomato. The picture shows a red car. The picture shows a red ball. The picture shows a red pyramid.

Blue color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is blue.

A blue bow is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a blue bucket.

The picture shows a blue dolphin.

The picture shows blue boots.

The picture shows a blue bird.

The picture shows a blue umbrella.


Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is yellow.

The picture shows a yellow umbrella.

A yellow star is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a yellow banana.

The picture shows a yellow lamp.

The picture shows yellow flippers.

The picture shows a yellow lemon.

Green color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is green.

The picture shows a green watermelon.

The picture shows a green frog.

The picture shows a green hat.

The picture shows green leaves.

The picture shows a green sharpener.

The picture shows a green pea pod.

Orange color

Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is orange.

The picture shows an orange pumpkin.

The picture shows an orange fish.

The picture shows an orange carrot.

The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.

The picture shows an orange ball.

The picture shows an orange cake.

Brown color

Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is brown.

The picture shows a brown cookie.

The picture shows a brown hen.

The picture shows a brown briefcase.

The picture shows a brown pot.

The picture shows a brown bear.

Grey colour

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is gray.

The picture shows a gray wolf.

The picture shows a gray mouse.

The picture shows a gray camera.

The picture shows a gray cap.

The picture shows a gray mouse from a computer.


Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is blue.

The picture shows a blue cage.

The picture shows a blue teapot.

The picture shows a blue stapler.

The picture shows blue underpants.

The picture shows a blue saucepan.

The picture shows a blue salt shaker.

White color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is white.

The picture shows a white bunny.

A white circle is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a white bird.

The picture shows a white dress.

The picture shows a white bow.

Black color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is black.

The picture shows a black teapot.

The picture shows a black notebook.

The picture shows a black computer.

The picture shows a black umbrella.

Strengthening exercises

After learning and repeating all the colors, watch and do the following exercises. Your child can reinforce their new knowledge. After studying the colors, play with your child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention.

Exercise 1

Review the following picture and answer the questions.

What color is the house drawn?

What color is the roof of the house painted?

What color is the pipe on the roof painted?

What color are the windows drawn?

What color are the doors painted?

What color is the grass painted?

Exercise 2

Look closely at the picture and answer the following questions.

What color is the ball drawn?

What color are the stripes on the ball?

Exercise # 3

What color is the tree trunk?

What color are the leaves on the tree?

What is the color of the berries on the tree?

Exercise 4

Look closely at the following picture. Three cars are drawn here. Please answer the following questions carefully.

What colors are there on the police car?

What color is the flasher on the police car?

What colors are on the ambulance?

What color is the ambulance wheel?

What colors are on the fire truck?

What color is the fire engine flasher?

Exercise # 5

Take a look at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What flower is in the picture?

What color are the leaves painted?

What color are the petals drawn?

What color is the core of the flower drawn?

3. Learn numbers

What is the number?

How many balls?

What is the number?

How many cubes?

What is the number?

How many balls?

What is the number?

How many cars?

What is the number?

How many apples?

What is the number?

How many pears?

What is the number?

How many nesting dolls?

What is the number?

How many dolls?

What is the number?

How many flowers?

What is the number?

How many watermelons?

What is the number?

How many carrots?

Strengthening exercises

After this exercise, your child can strengthen their new knowledge. After studying the numbers, watch the following exercises and play with your child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention.

Exercise 1

Find all the fruits that are drawn one by one.

Find all the fruits that are drawn by two.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in three pieces.

Does this picture have four marbles?

Are there five daisies in this picture?

How many nuts are there in this picture?

Does this picture have 9 balls?

How many bananas are there in this picture?

How many ducklings are in this picture?

Exercise 2

Look closely at the number and draw the same number of balls.

Look at this number and draw apples in red.

Look closely at this number and draw the balls in blue.

Exercise # 3

Look at the number next to the picture and color in the same number of objects.

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the picture, there are many houses drawn on it. Now we need to answer a few questions.

How many houses are in the picture?

How many windows are there in the second house?

How many red roofs are there on the houses?

How many windows are there in the last house?

How many doors are there in the smallest house?

Exercise # 5

Look closely at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What's in this picture?

How many objects are drawn in this picture?

How many cars are red?

How many cars are blue?

How many cars are gray?

How many cars are yellow?

Exercise 6

How many vegetables are painted in blue?

How many fruits are painted green?

How many bananas are drawn in gray?

Exercise 7

Take a close look at the next picture.

How many fruits are shown in this picture?

How many vegetables are shown in this picture?

How many objects are drawn in yellow?

How many items are painted in red?

How many apples are there in this picture?

How many melons are in this picture?

4. Learn to count from 1 to 5 and back from 5 to 1

Exercise 1

Connect the numbers in order.

Connect the numbers in reverse order.

5.Interactive game - learning shapes

It is very important for a preschooler 5-6 years old to know the figures. Many children by this age know what a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, polygon and rhombus are. Consider all the figures and practice the exercises.








After examining the figures, watch the following exercises and play with the child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention, let's add counting.

Exercise 1

In this exercise, you are given shapes, look at them carefully, and answer the following questions.

How many rectangles are shown?

How many figures are shown in total?

Which figure is shown in yellow?

How many shapes are red?

Which figure is shown in blue?

How many shapes are green?

Exercise 2

Look at the next figure and answer the following questions.

What shape is shown in the picture?

How many squares are there?

How many yellow triangles are there?

How many green triangles are there?

What color are the other triangles?

How many different colors are there in this picture?

How many red pieces?

Exercise # 3

Look at the following picture there are many different shapes. Consider them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many triangles are in this picture?

How many red pieces are there?

How many squares are drawn in this picture?

How many yellow pieces are there?

How many rectangles are drawn in blue?

How many triangles are drawn in yellow?

How many blue figures are there?

How many squares are blue?

How many polygons are in this picture?

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, there are many different shapes drawn on it. Look at them carefully and tell me what you can build from the following shapes?

Exercise # 5

Look at the following pictures, they are made up of shapes. In this exercise, you will color in these shapes. Be careful.

Color any 6 triangles in red.

Rectangles in blue.

Color the five triangles with gray.

Two squares in yellow.

Seven triangles in green.

Color the five triangles in light blue.

Are the figures beautiful? Look at them and count them.

Color the rest of the shapes yellow.

What shapes are used here?

6. Learning to compare more, less and equally

Preschoolers aged 5-6 should be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

Let's take two apples and one apple separately. Look closely at the two pictures, where are the more apples? Where there are two apples, there are more, and where there is one apple there is less.

In this picture of apples, two apples are drawn equally on the left and two apples are drawn on the right.

Let's add one apple to the smaller number of apples.

The fewer apples on the left are one apple. Most of the apples on the right are four apples.

Let's add one apple to the smaller number of apples. We get two apples. More apples became one less apple, we get three apples.

Consider the following pictures and compare which objects are more in this picture, which objects are fewer, and which equally.

Exercise 1

How many birds are shown in the picture on the left?

How many birds are shown in the picture on the right?

Which picture has more birds on the right or left?

Exercise 2

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many fish are shown in the picture on the right?

How many fish are shown in the picture on the left?

Which picture has more fish on the right or left?

Are there equal numbers of fish in the first and second pictures?

Exercise # 3

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many cubes are shown in the first picture?

How many cubes are shown in the second picture?

Which picture shows more cubes on the right or on the left?

Exercise 4

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many cars are shown in the left picture?

How many cars are shown in the right picture?

Which picture shows more cars?

How many cars are there in the right picture if you add another car there?

Exercise # 5

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many bunnies are in the first picture?

How many bunnies are in the second picture?

Which picture has more bunnies?

Are there equal numbers of bunnies in these two pictures?

7. Learn to write numbers

Look carefully at the numbers there are arrows, these arrows show how to write each number correctly. Practice every day and your child will be able to write easily, beautifully and quickly.

Math games for preschoolers

These games will help your child learn math in the most interesting and exciting way, because kids love to play. Educational games are great for this.

Game "Quick Counting"

A quick score game will help you improve your thinking... The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose the answer "yes" or "no" to the question "are there 5 identical fruits?" Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Piggy bank game

I can’t resist not to recommend you the game "Piggy bank" from the same site on which you need to register, specifying only your E-mail and password. This game will be able to suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 boxes in which the amount of coins is the highest. Will you be able to show an excellent result? We are waiting for you!

Numeric Reach: Revolution Game

An interesting and useful game "Numeric Reach: Revolution", which will help you improve and develop memory... The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one by one, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such strings will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

A wonderful game with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question associated with a picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How many can you answer?

Airport game

The game "Airport" is an interesting game, the purpose of which is to show where the blue plane is flying and where the red plane is from. This exercise will help develop such qualities as: quick wits, attention, speed of thought, speed of reaction. How many points can you score at the end of the game? Let's check!

Intelligence courses

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration of attention:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with helpful tips and exercises for child development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Brain fitness secrets, train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and pumping the brain.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Money and Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deeper into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read books, articles, mailings and so on that are of interest to you very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With the synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception amplified many times! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading fast
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

Speeding up verbal counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, percent calculation, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Verbal counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Some parents puzzle their children with educational tasks "so they don't mess around," others teach the basics of arithmetic to prepare for school, or simply to reveal interest and aptitude for mathematics.

Solutions from the educational platform LogicLike

You can start with assignments and exercises to prepare for school - entertaining activities to develop attention, memory and thinking. This is an accessible format of classes "at home with mom" and free of charge.

You will also like our educational games for logic, attention, memory and thinking.

  • acquaintance with mathematics and arithmetic, basic mathematical concepts;
  • the development of mathematical abilities, the development of logical thinking and the formation of the foundations of mathematical thinking.

For the first case, children’s magazines will be enough for someone, you can find an arithmetic simulator for the child to “fill his hand” in solving the simplest examples for addition and subtraction.

The second block requires a comprehensive approach. We have created a Knowledge Base in which we publish useful materials for teaching children with their parents. Start with these materials:

  • Games and tasks that will help teach your child to count.
  • How to develop attention in a child? Games and exercises.

LogicLike has more than 3500 exciting tasks in a simple and understandable form for children - with pictures, answers and explanations.

We teach you to complete tasks yourself

In preschool age, it is important not to "go too far". If the child has no interest in solving examples and problems, do not torment him. We will leave “training” for solving certain types of problems to school mathematics.

There is another approach to children - to interest, captivate and allow them to develop their abilities with pleasure!

Topics: counting objects up to 10 and 20, subtraction with pictures, comparing objects by height and weight, comparing geometric shapes, adding numbers up to 5 and up to 10.

Additional materials on the topic
Dear users, do not forget to leave your comments and wishes!

Developing and educational games in the Integral online store:

What a 6-year-old child should know

1. Direct and reverse counting from 1 to 10. It is desirable that he be able to count up to 20 and further, this will greatly facilitate the learning process.
2. Solve the simplest problems in one step using arithmetic signs.
3. To have an idea of ​​such concepts as longer - shorter, higher - lower, wide - narrow, more - less.
4. Know the basic geometric shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, oval, rhombus, as well as three-dimensional bodies: ball, cube, cylinder.
5. Divide a circle or square in half or 4 parts.

It is desirable that the child knows:
1. Your last name, first name and patronymic.
2. Names of parents and their profession.
3. Your home address and preferably phone numbers of your parents.
4. Days of the week and the name of the current month.

Test for a count of up to 10

Continue the series.
5, ___, ___, ___, ___.

Complete the number series.
___, ___, ___, ___, 7.

Four ______

What number is missing in a number row?

1, 2, ___, 4, 5, 6, 7.

9, 8, 7, 6, ___, 4, 3, 2, 1

Test for a count of up to 20

What number is missing?

Write the number that is pronounced:
Fifteen ______

How many circles are there in the picture?

How many squares are there in the picture?

Subtraction test

Solve examples.

Comparison test

Which is easier: a teddy bear or a live dog?

Which is heavier: a brick or a live cow?

Which watering can is bigger, right or left?

Which tower is lower, right or left?

Geometric Shape Test

Which shape has more sides?

Which shape has fewer sides?

Which shape has fewer corners?

Show the ball in the picture.

Is this figure symmetrical?

P. 1.
0 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __

3 - 1 = __ 1 + 4 = __ 3 - 2 = __

4 + 0 = __ 2 - 1 = __ 2 + 3 = __

4 - 4 = __ 0 + 4 = __ 0 - 0 = __

4 + 0 = __ 3 - 1 = __ 3 + 1 = __

2 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 4 - 1 = __

4 + 0 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

0 - 0 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 3 - 3 = __

1 + 3 = __ 3 - 3 = __ 3 + 2 = __

2 - 1 = __ 3 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

0 + 4 = __ 5 - 0 = __ 1 + 0 = __


P. 2.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

Add or subtract two single digits. Numbers up to 5
4 + 1 = __ 3 - 0 = __ 1 + 4 = __

0 - 0 = __ 0 + 2 = __ 3 - 3 = __

4 + 0 = __ 5 - 5 = __ 1 + 0 = __

3 - 3 = __ 4 + 0 = __ 2 - 1 = __

0 + 4 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 2 + 3 = __

3 - 3 = __ 1 + 3 = __ 1 - 0 = __

3 + 2 = __ 5 - 2 = __ 2 + 0 = __

3 - 0 = __ 2 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __

4 + 0 = __ 4 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __

2 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 3 - 3 = __

3 + 2 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __


P. 1.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

7 + 3 = __ 10 - 6 = __ 6 + 4 = __

2 - 0 = __ 6 + 1 = __ 2 - 1 = __

5 + 5 = __ 8 - 8 = __ 8 + 2 = __

6 - 1 = __ 5 + 3 = __ 2 - 0 = __

6 + 3 = __ 8 - 6 = __ 1 + 3 = __

4 - 3 = __ 10 + 0 = __ 5 - 2 = __

4 + 2 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 10 + 0 = __

8 - 8 = __ 8 + 2 = __ 2 - 0 = __

6 + 4 = __ 5 - 3 = __ 7 + 3 = __

4 - 1 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 5 - 0 = __

2 + 0 = __ 5 - 4 = __ 0 + 4 = __


P. 2.

Date: __________________ Full name: _______________________________ Evaluation: __________

Add or subtract two single digits. Numbers up to 10
0 + 4 = __ 6 - 3 = __ 2 + 7 = __

10 - 6 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 7 - 2 = __

6 + 4 = __ 9 - 7 = __ 8 + 2 = __

4 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 4 - 3 = __

9 + 1 = __ 5 - 1 = __ 7 + 1 = __

1 - 1 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 1 - 0 = __

1 + 7 = __ 9 - 6 = __ 3 + 4 = __

2 - 0 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 10 - 4 = __

8 + 1 = __ 8 - 0 = __ 2 + 8 = __

7 - 2 = __ 1 + 8 = __ 2 - 0 = __

10 + 0 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 9 + 1 = __

Collection of math games

(for preschool children)

Pavlodar 2016 w

Compiled by: Romanevich T.F.

teacher I / s No. 86



    Explanatory note ……………………………………………… ..3

    Games with numbers and numbers …………………………………………… 4

    Games with geometric shapes …………………………………… .11

    Games by section size ……………………………………………… 18

    Logic games …………………………………………………… .. 20

Explanatory note

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. "
Comenius J.

Acquaintance with the amazing world of mathematics begins at preschool age. Children with interest and desire get acquainted with numbers, learn to operate them, compare objects in size, study geometric shapes and master the skill of orientation in space and time. Mathematics provides tremendous opportunities for the development of thinking, logic and attention.

For the successful mastery of knowledge in the sections of the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP), a large role is assigned to didactic games. Play is the leading type of activity for children; only in play does the child subtly acquire and successfully consolidate knowledge.

Each of the FEMP games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of FEMP lessons as one of the means of implementing program tasks, as well as for individual work to consolidate children's knowledge in the afternoon. Didactic games in the structure of the FEMP lesson are determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson.

I bring to your attention the author's didactic games.

Games with numbers and numbers

1. Didactic game "Collect flowers"

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Equipment: petals with examples for the composition of numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, middle with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


The teacher invites the children to collect beautiful flowers. He lays out the centers of flowers on the tables, petal cards are handed out to children. At the signal, children must find the right center and collect the flower. The winner is the team that correctly and quickly collects its daisy.

2. Didactic game "Sleigh"

Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the neighbors of the number.

Equipment: cards- sleighs with numbers, cards with numbers.


The teacher suggests going on a winter sled ride. Children choose any cards they wish: some with numbers, some with sleds. After that, the teacher arranges the children in two ranks: with sleds in one, and with numbers in the other. Draws attention to the sleigh to go: you need to find your rider. The children carefully examine their cards and look for their match: the child with the missing number card. Those who have found each other form a sleigh and are waiting for all the children. As soon as everyone gets up in pairs, they go for a winter walk in the group, after making a circle, they lay out the cards again on the table and the game continues.

The game can be played up to three times.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fixing forward and backward counting within 10.

Equipment: cards in the form of nuts and mushrooms with numbers from 1 to 10, two multi-colored strings, a picture or a toy squirrel.


The teacher makes a riddle about the squirrel:

From branch to branch

I can fly.

Red-haired tail

No one to catch.

Once upon a time in the summer

I play in the forest

Need mushrooms

Collect for winter.


Demonstrates a picture or a toy of a squirrel, asks to help the squirrel: collect nuts and mushrooms. Gives the task to collect nuts from one to ten, stringing them on strings, and mushrooms from 10 to one.Checks implementation, asks the child to name the numbers in forward and backward order.


You can collect even numbers and odd numbers in forward and reverse order.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 6,7,8.

Equipment: three baskets with cells, cards carrots and cabbage with examples for the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8.


The teacher makes a riddle about autumn:

I carry the crops, I sow the fields again,

I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I don’t touch the pines and trees, me.


Conducts a conversation about the concerns of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Offers help to collect carrots and cabbages by arranging them correctly in baskets.

Checks the completion of the task (you can offer counting sticks for verification).


You can offer children a competition: who will harvest the harvest faster and correctly?


Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to compare numbers using signs more, less and equal, to distinguish numbers from 1 to 12.

Equipment: a picture of Baba Fedora, cards with a picture of dishes, small white sheets of paper, paper clips, simple pencils.


The teacher reads out an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. I Chukovsky "Fedorino grief":

"And the pan on the run

Shouted to the iron:

"I run, I run, I run,

I can’t resist! "

So the kettle is running after the coffee pot,

Chatters, chatters, rattles. "

Guys, what kind of fairy tale are the dishes from? What happened to her? Who offended her? How can we help Fedora?

To return the dishes, you need to correctly place the signs: more, less or equal!

Invites children to carefully consider the card and complete the task.

6. Didactic game "Fishing"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Equipment: fish cards with examples for the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8; 3 buckets with cells.


The teacher invites the children to put the fisherman's catch in buckets.

Guys, we need your help - we urgently need to feed the inhabitants of the water park: a polar bear eats fish only 8 kg, a seal - 6 kg, and a dolphin - 7 kg. You can't make a mistake, be careful.

Children choose a fish card and put it in the right bucket.

The teacher checks the correctness of the implementation. You can choose a captain who will check all the folded fish in the bucket.

7. Didactic game "Big wash"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 8, 9 and 10.

Equipment: cards of things with examples for the composition of numbers 8, 9 and 10; three washing machines with cells.


Invite the children to put the laundry in the automatic washing machines.

Guys, the holiday on March 8 is approaching, in order to make a gift for mom, let's help her do the laundry.

8. Didactic game "Help the bees get home"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

Equipment: bee cards with examples for the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8; three pieces of evidence with cells.


The teacher pays attention to the houses attached to the board, specifies whose they are.

Creates a problematic situation:

The bees need to get home, but they cannot do this, because they do not know which house is theirs.

The children agree to help, choose a bee card and put it on the right piece of evidence.

As soon as all the children cope with the task, the teacher checks the correctness of the task and thanks the children for their help.


You can offer the children a competition: who will help the bees get home faster.

You can play individually and in subgroups.

The test can be performed by a child who has mastered the composition of numbers well.

9. Didactic game "Sea voyage"

Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to solve examples on + and - within 6 - 11.

Equipment: boat cards with examples for + and - ranging from 6-11; four berths with cells.


The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage, choosing a boat, and disperse in a group. Children choose a boat card, walk around the group, carefully examine it, consider their example. At the signal of the teacher "Moor!": The children choose the desired berth and moor their boat.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Geometric Shape Games

1. Didactic game "Portrait"

Age 4-5 years


* Teach children to see familiar images in a schematic representation of objects.

* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the concepts of magnitude: large, slightly smaller and smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes.

* Develop the skill of orientation on the sheet.

Equipment: "Magic box" with toys or pictures: bunny, cat, bird, snowman; frames, sets of geometric shapes circle, oval, triangle of different sizes: large, slightly smaller and the smallest.


The teacher draws attention to the "magic box".

Today guests have come to us, but to see them, you need to compose their portrait from geometric shapes.

Put a frame in front of you, listen carefully:

Put a large circle in the middle of the lower edge of the frame, a slightly smaller circle on top of it, two small ovals on it, and to the right of the large circle put the smallest circle.

Who turned out?

Well done, guys, you guessed right - it's a bunny!

The teacher takes it out of the box and shows the bunny.

Children remove the pieces, the game continues.

The teacher gives instructions to the children, they lay out the figures.

"Bird" "Cat"

The game can be used for individual work, as part of a class for subgroup work.

2. Didactic game "The Adventures of a Kolobok"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between round shapes in vegetables, fruits and berries.

* Exercise in the ability to name distinguish between primary colors.

* Develop logical thinking.

Equipment: pictures - a bun and a rainbow, pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries in the colors of a round rainbow.



Today a fairytale hero has come to visit us: he is round, he left his grandmother. Who is this?

That's right, bun!

Places a picture of a kolobok on the board.

Kolobok invites you on a journey. The bun was rolling through the forest and suddenly saw a cloud fall into a clearing, and from it a magical multi-colored path appeared. What kind of track is this?

That's right, it's a rainbow!

Puts a picture on the board: a cloud with a rainbow.

Our kolobok wanted to take a walk on the rainbow. He jumped onto the red strip of the rainbow and suddenly turned ...

What do you think our gingerbread man on the red carpet could have become? What vegetables, fruits or berries are round and red?

Tomato apple radish raspberry

Well done boys. And our kolobok rolled further onto the orange strip.

Orange persimmon pumpkin mandarin

And our kolobok rolled further onto the yellow strip.

What vegetables, fruits or berries could our gingerbread man turn into?

Tomato apple apricot turnip

And the kolobok rolled further - on which path?

That's right, green.

The game continues by analogy.

Green rainbow stripe

Green apple peas watermelon cabbage grapes gooseberries

Blue rainbow stripe


Blue rainbow stripe

Blue grapes

Purple rainbow stripe

Plum cabbage potatoes


So the adventures of our kolobok are over!

3. Didactic game "Fix the dress"

Age 5-6 years


Equipment: silhouettes of dresses with "holes" and details for mending dresses.


The teacher offers to help Cinderella fix dresses for her sisters. It is necessary to put every detail in the right place. The child should name what geometric shapes he fixed the dress with.

Complication. You can split the parts in half, suggest cutting out the patches yourself.

4. Didactic game "Fix your boots"

Age 4-5 years

Target: be able to correlate geometric shapes with "holes".

Equipment: silhouettes of boots with "holes" and geometric shapes: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to the boots: the shoemaker needs help, the boots are worn out, they should be repaired: find the necessary patch and put it on the corresponding hole.

The child takes a geometric figure, names it, selects: where it fits. The teacher checks the correctness of the implementation.

5. Didactic game "Russell guests"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

Equipment: diagram card and a set of small toys.


The teacher offers to resettle the guests in a new house. Children, at the direction of the teacher, put toys on the corresponding figures.

For example, a frog lives in a room with square windows, a child has to put a frog toy on a circle, etc.

6. Didactic game "Tell me what is shown in the picture"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to see geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) in the image of objects of the surrounding reality and name them.

Equipment: picture with the image of objects from geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to look at the picture and tell what he sees in the picture and what geometric shapes the object consists of.

For example, a yellow sun is round, clouds are oval, etc.

7. Didactic game "Pick up a pair of mittens"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

Equipment: cards-mittens, with the image on them of an ornament of geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to help pick up a pair of mittens and tell them what patterns they are decorated with.

8. Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Age 4-5 years



* Develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze.

Equipment: picture card; set of geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle.


The teacher invites the child to look at the card and name which figures are shown on the card. Draws attention to the fact that geometric figures are arranged in rows, some are hidden. The teacher offers to put geometric shapes in their places.

9. Didactic game "Decorate a napkin"

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

* Develop logical thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card 15x15; set of geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and ovals.


The teacher invites children to decorate napkins for their mothers with geometric shapes: whoever wants to. After completing the task, the child should tell: what figures he decorated the napkin and where he placed them.

Games by category size

1. Didactic game "Assemble the pyramid"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to compose an image of a pyramid from ovals of different sizes in descending order.

* Clarify the names of the colors.

Equipment: ovals of different colors and sizes.


The teacher invites the child to name the size of the ovals laid out on the table and their color, to make a pyramid.

2. Didactic game "Collect apples"

Age 4-5 years


* Exercise in the ability to correlate objects with the desired size.

Equipment: picture depicting an apple tree, apples of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest, 3 baskets of different sizes.


The teacher makes a riddle:

Take a look into the autumn garden
Miracle - the balls are hanging.
Reddish, ripe flank
To the kids for a tooth.


On the table in front of the child, he lays out a picture of an apple tree with apples of different sizes, specifies whether the apples are of the same size on the apple tree.

Demonstrates to the child the baskets, specifies which ones are in size, offers to collect the apples in the desired baskets.

3. Didactic game "Clean up the kitchen"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the size of objects: large, smaller, smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to arrange objects from left to right in ascending and descending order.

Equipment: cards depicting dishes of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest.


The teacher invites the children to consider the dishes that lie on the table in front of them, specifies the names, color and size.

Suggests to put things in order in the kitchen by arranging the dishes in descending and ascending order from left to right.

Children arrange dishes, name them in descending and ascending order.

Logic games

1. Didactic game "Tale of the cells"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in the cells.

Equipment: card with cells, chips - pictures with the image of objects.


The teacher offers to consider the child a card, clarifies the location of the numbers on it, and chips with the image of objects, offers to name: who is depicted on them. The teacher explains the task, in order to get a fairy tale, you need to listen carefully and put chips on the right cell.

The teacher begins to tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a girl Masha (4.3), she went for a walk in the forest (4.2). A bird hovered high in the sky (1,2). The sun was shining affectionately (1.4). In the meadow Masha saw beautiful flowers (3.5). Soon Masha saw a beautiful butterfly (2.1). It's good in the summer in the forest. "

If the child performed the task correctly, then you get such a fairy tale in the cells.

There can be a lot of options for fairy tales, it all depends on you!

2. Didactic game "Dreamers"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to build according to the scheme from the details of the game.


Equipment: schemes, the game "Columbus egg".


1 version of the game.

Educatorinvites children to go on a sea voyage, but for this you need to build ships according to the diagrams from the details of the game. Children build ships according to diagrams.

2 version of the game.

Educatorinvites children to go to a magical forest and build animals and birds that can inhabit this forest from the details of the game.

Children come up with images of animals and birds.

3. Didactic game "Grow flowers" (Blocks of Dienysh)

Age 5-6 years


* Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes.

* Exercise in the ability to "read" the instructions.

* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card-scheme - "Clearing with stems", sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, 5 pcs. red, blue and yellow; schemes for the centers and petals of flowers, a ready-made sample.


The teacher shows a diagram of the clearing:
- Guys, look, a trouble happened on the flower meadow: an evil sorceress enchanted the flowers - made them invisible. The magic country urgently needs your help, it is necessary to disenchant flowers.

Carefully consider the diagrams for the middle and put the right geometric shapes in the right place. Now consider the patterns for the petals, be very careful, and lay out the petals with the desired geometric shapes.

The teacher offers a ready-made sample for verification. Evaluates the activities of children in the game, praises those who completed the task correctly. With those who find it difficult, he plays individually once again.

Schemes for the middle of the flowers.

Schemes for the petals.

Ready sample:

4. Didactic game "Riddles and answers"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out objects from the counting sticks according to the scheme.

Equipment: counting sticks for each child and card-schemes.


The teacher reads the riddle and invites the children to build a solution from the counting sticks according to a map-scheme or according to their personal design.

The palace floats on the waves, I will spin, I will wrap it up, I will fly to heaven.
People are lucky on themselves. (helicopter)

Shines in a clean river

The back is silvery.


5. Didactic game "Solve the problem"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out numbers from beans.

Equipment: beans in a plate for each child.


The teacher offers to solve a poetic problem, and put the answer on the bean table.

*** ***

One night, under a bush, Five crows sat on the roof,

The mushrooms have grown again. Moreover, they flew to them.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. Answer quickly, boldly

How much will? Exactly ... (five) How many of them flew in? (seven)