What to cook for children for their birthday 3. Original cheese plate. How to set the table for a child's birthday

The child's birthday is about to come. Colorful balloons are inflated, presents are prepared, the entertainment program is carefully compiled thanks to numerous thematic sites on the Internet. It remains only to think over the menu for the festive table, and this, as you know, is a very responsible matter, because the dishes should be to the taste of all young guests.

Organization of a children's party

Some negligent parents prefer to buy sodas, baby sausages, and whipped cream cakes. Is this option not for you? And rightly so! This means that you are a caring parent and are concerned about the healthy eating of children.

Do not forget about what is on the table there should be no food that contains many food additives, as well as food that contains allergens that can cause digestive upset and impaired immunity.

1 The buffet is most suitable for young children (4-6 years old). If you decide to organize a buffet-style feast, you can put together several ordinary children's tables, covering them with a common festive tablecloth. You can also use an ironing board. Do not forget that the height of the table top or board should be appropriate for the height of the guests.

2 The buffet has many different virtues. The most important advantage is that you do not need to puzzle over where to get the children's furniture. Since not every family has a dozen highchairs and tables for sure.

3 A plus is that no one forces children to eat, and this will undoubtedly delight them. And one more advantage is that few children know how to handle cutlery, in our case, we avoid this problem.

4 And, finally, none of those present will interrupt you with exclamations “I want to drink!”.

It is advisable that your program contains funny contests and various surprises. Remember to inform parents in advance that the birthday will also be celebrated with an adult cake.

Remember that a cheerful and joyful baby is the right option for any mother. It will be best if you set the table with beautiful disposable tableware, which will depict your favorite cartoon characters from children. As a rule, everyone takes it without question.

Pay close attention to the decoration of festive dishes. Even the simplest dishes, such as mashed potatoes, will delight children if they are decorated in a festive manner.

Ask the mothers if they have any allergic reactions to certain exotic fruits or cocoa.

Forewarned is forearmed. This way you can avoid various embarrassing situations. Also, it would not be bad if you included dried fruits in the holiday menu, as they are a storehouse of vitamins and iron.

It is advisable to prepare hotels for children a few days before the holiday. For this purpose, you can visit the souvenir shops where you will find the products you need. To order gifts in bulk, contact your supplier. If you need a small number of gifts, then it will be easier and faster to get them on the market. Another popular method of buying gifts is online shopping.

What to cook for the little ones?

Puddings. Cooking recipes

For the smallest children, you can make pudding. There are many ways to prepare this simple dish. For a baby's birthday, this dish is quite suitable. This dish is quick to prepare and has excellent taste. It is also affordable for any person.

Rice pudding

We need: 350 ml of milk, a third of a pack of butter, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of sugar, 250 grams of rice, half a pack of vanilla sugar, orange peel, dried apricots.

First of all, rinse the rice thoroughly, then boil it over low heat for fifteen minutes, put it in a colander, add milk, and boil it again for fifteen minutes. Put egg yolks, whipped with granulated sugar and vanilla, in cool rice. Add orange zest, crushed nuts, dried apricots, as well as butter and whipped egg whites there.

Semolina pudding

Ingredients: 150 g semolina, 250 g sugar, lemon zest, a quarter of a packet of butter, 700 ml of whole milk.

Add all the ingredients to warm milk, except semolina. Then slowly add the semolina and, stirring, cook for a quarter of an hour. If desired, you can add chopped almonds or nuts there. Next, we place the resulting mass in a prepared mold and send it to the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Oat pudding

You need to take: 500 ml of whole milk, 200 g of any oatmeal, a couple of eggs, 300 g of sugar, 40 g of fresh butter.

Cook porridge with granulated sugar and vanilla. Then beat the yolks with sugar and butter, then add everything to the porridge. Also add the pre-beaten protein there. Having done all this, put the resulting mass in a mold, having previously covered its bottom with breadcrumbs. Then we send all this to a preheated oven and bake at medium temperature. To make the pudding look more presentable, you can decorate it with berries or jam.

Vermicelli pudding

Ingredients: 600 ml of whole milk, 150 g of sugar, 200 g of durum noodles, a quarter of a pack of butter, three eggs, 100 g of walnuts, citrus zest.

Put sugar and zest in milk brought to a boil. Then we immerse a well-broken vermicelli into it. The noodles should be cooked for no more than 15 minutes. During cooking, the main thing is not to forget to stir the mixture. After this time, the mixture is allowed to cool. And add yolks, chopped nuts to the chilled mass, and also do not forget about butter.

After mixing thoroughly, add the protein. Then stir the mixture in the oven for half an hour, and the pudding is ready. A little tip: the pudding should be served at least after a few hours, this will give the taste a brighter shade, which can be supplemented with fruit.

Children's birthday menu for children from 3 to 5 years old

Pyramid of pancakes from the cat Matroskin

Pancakes for this dish should be fluffy.

Place the pancake in the pan, sprinkle with finely chopped chicken or chopped lean and ham, cover with a second pancake. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top, cover with a third and garnish with tomato slices and herbs. Bake in a hot oven for 6 - 7 minutes or 1 - 2 minutes in the microwave.

Meat ball with cheese and mushrooms

The spicy filling of the meat ball with the classic combination of cheese and mushrooms will leave few people indifferent. Adding a variety of ingredients on hand will allow you to experiment and fantasize as you cook.

For cooking you will need:

  • Minced pork or veal - 500 gr.
  • Champignons - 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 3 tbsp. spoons of grains (for decoration)
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Spices and seasonings, such as Provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
  • A small bunch of greenery
  • Lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes to decorate the dish

Cooking a dish:

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in a hot pan until golden brown. Mushrooms (can be frozen or canned) cut into small pieces and add to onions and garlic.

As soon as the mushrooms are warmed up, they must be salted, seasoned with freshly ground pepper and a mixture of Provencal herbs. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown. Finely chop a bunch of greens, grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Beat the minced meat well, season with salt and pepper.

Add fried mushrooms, half chopped herbs and grated cheese to the minced meat. Stir the mixture thoroughly, and with wet hands, form a ball. You can add whole mushrooms to a bowl, and pieces of mozzarella, diced carrots and bell peppers, pitted black or green olives, green beans, peas or corn.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, carefully lay out the meat ball, sprinkle the top a little with vegetable oil and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180C., until a golden crust appears. Put the meat ball on a plate with lettuce, cut into 8 pieces, put cherry halves and pomegranate seeds on the sides.

The ball is delicious both hot and cold. For an everyday dinner, it can be complemented with a potato or rice side dish and vegetable salad.

Homemade chocolate recipe

Nowadays, children eat, there is enough chocolate and therefore you will not surprise them with chocolate. Is that homemade chocolate.

To make homemade chocolate you will need:

  • A glass of sugar
  • Half a glass of milk
  • Pinch of vanillin
  • One third of a packet of butter
  • Half a glass of powdered milk
  • Quarter glass of cocoa

So, let's proceed directly to making homemade chocolate. Gradually add vanillin, granulated sugar and butter to boiling milk. We are waiting for the butter to melt, after which we add baby powder and cocoa powder. And don't forget to stir.

When you notice that the mixture has increased in density, transfer it to a plate previously moistened with cool water. When making chocolate, you can add various ingredients to improve the taste such as raisins, coconut, walnuts, almonds. After cooling, cut the tiles into portions.

Fruit Jelly Eggs

The dish is able to surprise all the little guests. There is one important nuance in its preparation, you will need a whole eggshell with a small hole. Using some kind of sharp object, make a small hole from the blunt end of the egg.

Let's start making jelly, which will serve as a filler for our shells.


  • Gelatin Powder Packaging
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar
  • Fruit platter

Fill the eggshells with hot jelly, cool to room temperature, and then put them in the refrigerator overnight. We carefully peel the eggs - the festive dish is ready!

Royal tale salad

For older children (from ten years old), you can prepare all kinds of meat salads, and arrange them in small portioned plates.

Per serving:

  • 100 g chicken meat
  • 100 g ham
  • 80 g boiled or pickled champignons
  • 100 grams of canned pineapple
  • 60 g pickled cucumbers
  • sour cream sauce

Cut the chicken, ham, pineapple and cucumbers into small cubes. Slice the mushrooms lengthwise. Mix all ingredients, season with sour cream sauce. Decorate with pineapple slices.

Boy's birthday menu

Salad as for adults

Per serving:

  • 60 g onions
  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 60 grams of prunes
  • one boiled egg
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • sour cream sauce

Chop the onion and pickle. Finely chop the chicken fillet and prunes. Grate this egg.

Put the salad on a dish in layers. Season each layer with sour cream sauce.

The bottom layer is onions. Then chicken fillet, prunes, egg and hard cheese. Decorate with herbs with pomegranate seeds.

Desserts with berries and fruits

If you want the celebration to be a success, treat little gourmets with fruit desserts, snacks and drinks before the start of the competition program.

Fruit and berry desserts are an integral part of cheerful children's feasts.

To prepare delicious and beautiful fruit and berry desserts, take:

  • 5 yolks
  • 400g 20% ​​percent sour cream
  • Orange peel
  • Cherries, candied - half a kilo
  • some vanillin

Cooking steps: Mash the egg yolks with granulated sugar, add the zest and sour cream, as well as the candied cherries, after removing the seeds from them, add a little vanillin.

Pound the mass thoroughly, mix and whisk in a blender, put in beautiful tins and put in the freezer for six hours. Before serving this beauty to children, garnish desserts with berries or fruit slices.

  • Salt to taste
  • To prepare the filling we need:

    • 300 grams of boiled lean pork, or salami sausage
    • two onions, cut into half rings, sautéed
    • hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater 150g
    • cherry tomatoes, cut into rings - 6 pieces
    • fresh basil and parsley
    • sour cream sauce - 100 ml

    Cooking steps:

    We make a yeast dough and leave it to fit. After the dough comes up, knead and roll out into a round cake, the layer thickness of which should not exceed half a centimeter. Gently lay out the future pizza dish in a frying pan or baking sheet, lay out the filling on the dough, raise the edges of the dough so that the filling does not end up in the pan, fill it with grated cheese on top, bake the pizza in a well-heated oven.

    Cooking steps:

    First of all, you need to make mushroom caps. To do this, we roll the dough in the form of sausages, cut into pieces of different sizes, take these pieces in our hands, and sculpt mushroom caps out of them, like from plasticine.

    While the mushrooms are baking, let's prepare a sugar syrup in order to glue the components together... For cooking, take a glass of granulated sugar, pour 25 ml of water into it and cook the sugar syrup over low heat, stirring constantly.

    With a sharp knife we make holes in the hats, insert the legs there, glue them with sugar syrup. Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet.

    To paint the hats prepare a cocoa mixture. Take 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix and boil this mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. In this brown fondant we dip the caps of our improvised fungi. The hats will turn a very nice brown color. Grease the mushroom legs with sugar syrup, and then sprinkle with grated poppy seeds on top.

    • 1 pack of gelatin powder
    • 1 glass of water
    • 650 g granulated sugar
    • a teaspoon of citric acid
    • 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda
    • 100 g icing sugar

    Cooking steps:

    Gelatin powder and water mix(until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved), set aside for half an hour for the swelling process. After that heat up over low heat until boiling, with constant stirring, pour out granulated sugar (650 g), pour in 200 ml of water and boil this mixture for 10 minutes, after which we combine with the swollen gelatinous mixture. Whisk all this mass with a mixer, put in baking soda, continue beating.

    In five minutes active whipping dose citric acid, beat again at the highest speed. The resulting lush mass is needed place into a food syringe and squeeze out with beautiful roses on parchment paper, put in the cold for 60 minutes. After the marshmallow has hardened, roll it in powdered sugar, put it on a beautiful tray, decorate sprigs of mint and berries, and serve to guests.

    Every loving mommy every year puzzles over what to cook for the birthday of the children. Fidgets, capricious to food, often refuse the usual dense table, therefore, when choosing a menu, you should be based on children's preferences. It is necessary to involve the birthday person in the discussion of dishes, so the connection between generations will be strengthened, and the holiday will be held at the highest level.

    Important rules

    "Adult" food can lead to heaviness in small stomachs, overeating, which will undoubtedly ruin a child's birthday. What to cook for sensitive tummies? Several rules will help you decide:

    • it is necessary to inquire about the presence of allergic reactions and possible dietary habits from the parents of the guest children;
    • smoked and highly seasoned foods are strictly prohibited, excess fat and chemical additives will lead to heaviness and irritation, so salami and all smoked foods are left without an "invitation" to the holiday;
    • too loaded sauce - mayonnaise - also falls out of the white list, a heavy composition even for adults can be replaced with good sour cream or unsweetened yogurt;
    • spicy garlic and onions should be minimized, since baby tummies can suffer from gas;
    • excessive concern for healthy eating is also not appropriate at a children's (especially boy's) holiday - dishes in multilayer foil are inconvenient to eat, therefore, you need to take risks only with the approval of the birthday person;
    • exotic or untested products should be excluded;
    • Soda, favorite by children, is also excommunicated from the children's table - you can replace it with good juices (apple and grape juice is the very thing);
    • desserts are the main guest of the celebration, so the choice of food should be approached with Carlson's scrupulousness;
    • small toys on glasses for juice will look mischievous and attractive - each child will be able to take with him a piece of the celebration.

    The main components of the children's table

    The festive menu for a children's birthday must consist of an acceptable trio - bright appetizers, a main low-fat dish and a delicious dessert. You can choose canapes, portioned light salads or original sandwiches as an appetizer-instigator.


    Canapes in the form of rolls with ham look colorful. To create them you will need:

    • 500 g lean ham;
    • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese (or hard unsalted cheese);
    • 200 g of high-quality sour cream;
    • a bunch of dill (at the request of the birthday boy);
    • olives (or olives, if the kids love them more).

    Making canapes

    1. The ham must be thinly cut into leaves. Cottage cheese (cheese) must be mixed with herbs and sour cream (for lovers of spiciness, chopped garlic can be added, but very little).
    2. Each leaf of ham must be filled with curd filling and rolled into a roll. It is necessary to secure the divo-snack with a plastic skewer with a safe tip, olives will be the top of the roll, they should be strung before the sausage itself.
    3. The rolls can be served on small plates with lettuce and olives scattered around.

    Canapes with tomatoes

    Signor tomato will tell you what to cook for children’s birthday. For example, tomato-based canapes will perfectly dilute a children's table. For a noble snack you will need:

    • 300 g fresh cherry;
    • 2-3 pieces of processed (homemade or good commercial) cheese (feta cheese for salty lovers);
    • 150 g fresh basil.

    Cherry must be cut in half, put a piece of cheese (feta cheese) between the halves. Before pricking the "head" of the tomato onto a skewer, it is worth decorating with a leaf of basil. These skewers can be laid on toast with leaves of the same salad.


    What else can you cook original dishes for a children's birthday? For example, rainbow canapes. They will decorate the festive table. For cooking you will need:

    • 400 g of small homemade strawberries;
    • 500 g of sweet peeled tangerines;
    • 300 g of a good ripe kiwi;
    • 500 g fresh (canned in slices) pineapple;
    • 300 g of blueberries, grapes and sweet raspberries.


    1. On a well-polished wooden skewer, it is necessary to string bright lumps - raspberries, fragrant blueberries and grapes begin a rainbow. The berries should be laid out from the darkest to the lightest.
    2. Next is the turn of kiwi in cubes, pineapple is the central figure, its slices must be the largest and most noticeable, strawberry, as the densest and most charming, will become the closing one.
    3. Serve juicy canapes on a pure white plate in several pieces. The colorfulness of this dish will attract little gourmets in a matter of seconds.

    Mini pizza

    What can you cook for a birthday for children, your own baby will tell you. If your child loves pizza, you can easily decorate the table with mini pizza. For cooking you will need:

    • a glass of low-fat but high-quality kefir;
    • a teaspoon (incomplete) of soda and the same amount of fine salt;
    • a tablespoon of fine white sugar;
    • half a glass of filtered vegetable oil from a trusted company;
    • 3-3.5 cups of good flour;
    • 500 g chicken breast;
    • hard unsalted cheese;
    • tomato paste without bitterness (it is better to cook it yourself);
    • greens;
    • pitted olives;
    • broccoli.

    Making pizza

    The first step is to make the dough:

    1. In order for little critics to easily accept the pizza dough (namely, it often spoils the taste), you need to knead it in a great mood and completely surrender to the process.
    2. Kefir at room temperature should be combined with soda, this cocktail should be set aside for 12 minutes so that the soda fully reacts with the kefir particles, then the dough will become captivatingly soft.
    3. After a break, it is necessary to gradually mix sugar, salt into the kefir mass and pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream.
    4. The whole mixture should be scrupulously mixed, then you can begin to introduce flour. Don't empty it all out at once. A respectful attitude is necessary for flour. It is better to introduce in small handfuls, without stopping to stir the mixture. After kneading the dough well (when it no longer sticks, but remains fluffy), you can let it cool in the refrigerator.

    The second step is to make the filling:

    1. The filling of pies or pizzas is often a sticking point. Mothers often think about what to cook tasty and healthy for their children’s birthday. A tandem of chicken and broccoli is the perfect solution to the problem.
    2. For the filling of mini-pizzas, you need to boil the chicken breast well (then it will get rid of the fat) and cut it into small pieces.
    3. Broccoli and olives should be cut into small pieces. Olives should not be cut into rings, it is more convenient to eat half rings.
    4. The cheese should be grated on a fine grater. Since the pizza is quite small, large pieces may not melt well.

    The final stage:

    1. The dough must be rolled out thinly and evenly and, using the space optimally, form areas for pizza cakes on it. Small half-portion bowls or large cups will help in this - it all depends on the appetite of the children.
    2. Then you should lay out the filling and send the pizza to the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

    Strawberry puree

    And what to cook for children’s birthday as a dessert? This issue affects not only the tastes of the kids, but also the weather conditions during the celebration. In hot months, light meals should be preferred. So what can you cook for a children's birthday? Dessert "Strawberry puree with white chocolate" will be an excellent option for summer gatherings. To prepare it, you will need:

    • 2-3 drops of vanilla essence;
    • 300 g of Mascarpone cheese;
    • 240 g of white quality chocolate;
    • 200 g of fresh selected strawberries;
    • 120 ml of natural (preferably homemade) yogurt;
    • lime or lemon juice (1 tablespoon);
    • 6 half tablespoons of powdered sugar.

    Dessert preparation

    1. Initially, melt the most delicate white chocolate. You can heat it in a water bath.
    2. It is necessary to add cheese to liquid chocolate in small portions and stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth (the color should be milk-cream, without a golden grain).
    3. Now it's the turn of yoghurt and aromatic vanilla essence. The resulting mixture must be carefully mixed again so that the essence is evenly distributed. The finished chocolate cheese cream should be laid out in portioned bowls. Then it is worth covering them with high-quality food wrap and refrigerating.
    4. Now it's worth tackling the sweet berry. To make the strawberry puree airy and aromatic, you need to combine the strawberries (washed) with powdered sugar and half of lime juice. Next, slowly stir the mixture with a blender or whisk. Pour the rest of the juice into the finished puree and mix well.
    5. The finishing touch of the dessert: the chilled bowls must be removed from the refrigerator and filled with strawberry puree. You can decorate the dessert with small mint leaves.

    Broken glass cake

    What else can you cook for your child's birthday? An unimaginably colorful Broken Glass cake would be an excellent option. To prepare it you will need:

    • 600 g fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 0.4 liters of milk (also not very fatty);
    • 6-7 st. tablespoons of white sugar;
    • a teaspoon of vanillin;
    • 4-5 packs (large) of multi-colored jelly;
    • 20-25 g of quality gelatin.

    Making dessert

    1. Having figured out what can be prepared for the birthday of children, now we will describe how to create the selected dessert.
    2. The base of the cake will be dissolved gelatin - the powder must be poured into warm milk (250 ml) and left to swell. Each color of purchased jelly should be poured into a separate container (this will simplify the cutting process). After hardening (an hour and a half) on the jelly, it is necessary to create a grid measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm, so the crystals will be amazingly beautiful.
    3. Cottage cheese, the rest of milk and sugar should be rubbed in a blender, after which gelatin dissolved in milk should be poured into the mixture (it is worth diluting the gelatin mixture with water).
    4. The colored jelly cut into cubes must be folded into a large cake pan and filled with the curd mixture. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The curd mixture grasps well with the colored one and creates the effect of a whole stained glass cake.


    We have described to you some delicious dishes for a children's birthday, recipes are presented with a photo, so you will understand what you should get as a result.

    Children are always non-standard personalities. As a rule, they:

    • prefer sweets to other foods;
    • delighted with beautiful food, which is like from a fairy tale;
    • they love to have fun and learn new things more than to eat;
    • will not pretend that they liked something if they did not.

    Based on these points, we will create a menu for a children's birthday.
    Of course, parents and other adult family members want, first of all, to feed the child healthy and nutritious food, and sweets after that. And this also has its own conditions, because no one will deny that food should be:

    1. from quality products;
    2. if possible, not fried;
    3. with a minimum amount of various spices.

    In addition, when children gather in a company, they will not behave like adults in such situations: they will talk peacefully (or not), serving each other the dishes that are on the table. Because of this, it is best to serve food, which you will treat little guests, divided into portions. Menu for a children's party with a photo

    Children's menu for the holiday recipes

    Pizza for childhood

    Pizza is perfect for the main course! Is there anyone out there who doesn't like pizza? It is unlikely that there will be such! Therefore, pizza is the best option for a children's birthday. It can be cut into all sorts of pieces and then spread out to the children whoever they want. Vegetarian pizza may be a good option. She must be:

    • no mayonnaise;
    • with good quality cheese;
    • with colorful vegetables.

    That being said, if you have organizational skills, it would be a great idea to cook pizza with the kids! Most likely, little cooks will get themselves dirty, so you should inform your parents about cooking and stock up on small aprons.

    children's party menu at home

    Impressions about after such a master class will be indelible! So:

    Of course, what the child has done himself, he will eat with pleasure.
    And also a great solution would be small pizzas that look like flowers! They look impressive, and the size is also suitable for children's pens. To find out how to cook such a delight, you need.

    A la pizza

    Many kids love pasta. And they can also be used to make portioned pizzas! This dish looks like pizza because of the cheese and vegetables, and not because of its preparation, but it tastes very similar! The preparation is as follows:

    All this must be done without slowing down so that the cheese can melt from the hot spaghetti and make the dish whole.

    In this version of pizza, you should use ready-made products, since the formed dish will not be subject to heat treatment:

    • fried or boiled mushrooms;
    • cut sausages into circles or boiled sausage cut into thin strips;
    • pickled cucumbers (you can take baby cucumbers) and everyone's favorite corn;
    • rings of tomatoes (cherry tomatoes will look good) and bell peppers.

    Baked vegetables in a pot

    Easy to prepare. At your discretion, you can bake vegetables with or without meat. But the design should be as unusual as possible! Form a circle from the dough and thin sausages - this will be an octopus, which should be used as a lid. For such a dish, it is better to use small pots - the children are unlikely to eat everything. This meal option is perfect for the Sea Pirates theme.

    Another option for decorating baked vegetables is with a cheese-creamy sauce. You can lay out the top in the form of faces from fresh vegetables - here you should try and turn on your imagination. In order for your art to remain the way you intended it, you should decorate the ready-made dish.

    Side dish and sausages

    Definitely, the side dish also needs to be made festive. For example:

    • deep-fried potatoes;
    • colored pasta;
    • boiled corn and green peas from a can;
    • mashed potatoes.

    To make it interesting, we don't just boil the sausages, but serve them in the form of octopuses. Making them is very simple, you just have to look at the photo. Of course, you need to buy the highest quality and freshest sausages!

    Mashed potatoes

    Basically, children love mashed potatoes. And if it is prepared according to all the rules with good butter and natural milk, then even more so. And of course, you also need to serve it beautifully and with imagination!

    Train vegetables

    It might be a good idea to cut a bell pepper train into the carriages. Children are unlikely to eat the trailers themselves, but it doesn't matter - after the holiday, use them for cooking either.

    Fly agaric eggs

    Such "fly agarics" can be served both on skewers, and simply by placing them on a plate, as an independent dish, or even as a decoration for mashed potatoes or the same trains. To compose these mushrooms for children, quail eggs will be preferable - and there are more benefits and look more childish.

    Stuffed tartlets

    There are a myriad of fillings for these dough baskets, both sweet and savory. The most important thing is that the dough in the tartlets is very tasty and tender. Here is an incredible assortment of fillings at the link -!

    Baby sandwiches

    There is already where fantasy roam! But in order for the sandwiches to be beautiful, you need to cook them slowly and carefully.

    Consider the types of canapes that children are likely to enjoy. A good option would be to put the sandwiches separately as a buffet table.
    Sandwich "ladybug": loaf, spread-paste, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, black olives. The spots on the back are also from olives.

    This option is best offered to older children to make sure they don't drop their food.
    For the birthday of the little princess, heart-shaped sandwiches will be wonderful. The girls will love it!


    These boats are just super!

    Option 1: Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise. You need to scoop out the pulp with a spoon and fill the cucumber with the prepared salad (at your discretion). Cut thin slices from a whole cucumber with a vegetable peeler (or on a grater with the appropriate side). After that, we attach the slice-sails with skewers to the base of the boat. Such boats look great!

    Option 2: Here you need a bread with a dense texture. Butter is spread on it, cheese is on top, and on it is red fish. We fasten the sails from cheese to skewers.

    You can also put a cheese and sausage plate on the table, where the products will be laid out in the form of an animal or something else on the theme of the holiday. Of course, parents who take care of their children should be careful when choosing cheese and sausages for their child. And, of course, this idea will not work for toddlers.

    Original cheese plate

    These trees can be built more than one, using different types of cheese. But keep in mind that children do not always like cheese, so do not overclock too much if your holiday is for young children.

    Puff salad with mice

    Puff salad will also be interesting for children, and we will decorate it in a childish way too! You can lay out any salad in the form of a cheese head, which is laid out in layers - just keep in mind that all products must be suitable for children. And mice of different sizes will delight your guests!

    Fruit for a children's birthday

    Serving sweets should be approached in a special way. After all, it is a well-known fact that sweets are of particular importance among children. No one will argue that fruits are much healthier than cake, pastries and other industrial sweets. And the beautifully served fruit wants to be tasted faster.

    Bananas in the form of pirates. You can make a bright bandage from large paper napkins or from small pieces of thin fabric. Draw faces, eye patches and various vegetation on the "face" with a marker. This drawing will be absolutely safe - after all, it will be on the peel.
    The pirate theme is the simplest one because you can play almost anything in it.

    For contests, you can use the following games:

    • draw an SOS signal on a surface strewn with semolina (as a rule, this idea works out with a bang);
    • pick bananas tied to the "palm" (without hands), so as not to starve to death on a desert island;
    • look for a treasure with a bowl of flour, semolina (or something else suitable for this, turn on your ingenuity).

    Homemade ice cream on the children's table

    Making ice cream yourself takes a little work, but the result is worth it. There are also different options for decorating it.

    A butterfly cake would be perfect for this scenario. The base should be cut out of a biscuit, covered with your favorite cream on top and various fruits should be laid out beautifully on it. Very bright, beautiful and original!

    The day comes when your child is one year older. Birthday!

    If everything is relatively clear with the parents who will celebrate this celebration (they are no less involved in this), then with the organization of the children's event it is somewhat more difficult.

    The question arises of what to cook for the children for their birthday.

    Not every dish can be put on the table, and the age of the guests must be taken into account. How to decorate dishes so that they are interesting and like little guests.

    Therefore, you will have to sit down at the table and draw up a menu for a children's birthday.

    The menu should consist of small dishes that are readily and quickly absorbed.

    Of course, you need to take into account the age of the guests, not everything that can be put on the table for 7 - 10 year olds may be suitable for 3 - 5 year olds.

    Children's menu for birthday

    Let's start with the simplest, most beautiful and readily eaten canapes, these are small sandwiches held together with a skewer and consisting of fruits, vegetables, meat or fish products.

    Fruit canapes

    Prepare 6-7 types of fruits and berries, note that some fruits may be allergens for small children

    Rinse them well, cut them into small pieces and put them on skewers (you can choose and purchase a variety of canapé skewers in stores), in different options, lay them out or place them on a plate

    Fish and meat canapes

    These canapes are made with small pieces of bread, thin slices of sausage, fish or seafood.

    Add pieces of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, olives

    Why such sandwiches are convenient - they are easy and quick to prepare and there is a wide range of different options.

    Another type of sandwiches on cookies or biscuits

    Take biscuits or cookies, better not sweet, spread the pate (liver, chicken) on top, cover with a small leaf of lettuce

    Cut the cherry tomato into four parts, place two on a butterfly-shaped salad, cut the head out of olives, dot the wings of mayonnaise

    Very original and delicious sandwiches "boats running on the waves"

    Made from halves of egg whites stuffed with grated yolks with cheese and sour cream, and use potato chips as sails.

    What else can you offer on the menu for a children's birthday?

    Watermelon Slice Salad

    This salad contains:

    • chicken fillet - 300 g
    • cheese - 100 g
    • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
    • champignons - 300 g
    • fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces
    • fresh cucumbers - 3 pieces
    • mayonnaise - 200-250 g
    • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • pepper, salt

    How to prepare such a beautiful and delicious salad?

    Boil the chicken fillet in salted water and cool it in the broth

    Cut the washed mushrooms, fry them in oil, salt and pepper

    This salad is stacked in layers, the first layer will be finely chopped chicken fillet, spreading the layer, give the shape of a chopped piece of watermelon and brush a little with mayonnaise

    The next layer consists of fried mushrooms, smeared with a small layer of mayonnaise

    The next two layers are grated egg yolks and grated egg whites, also greased with mayonnaise.

    On a coarse grater, grate a fresh cucumber, squeeze lightly, put along the edge in the form of a watermelon rind, put an imitation of the white part with grated cheese

    Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, let the juice drain, put the last layer, cut into small pieces of olives as grains

    "Tiger" salad

    The following products are used in this salad:

    • boiled sausage - 200 g
    • potatoes - 400 g
    • fresh cucumbers - 200 g
    • onions - 100 g
    • carrots - 400 g
    • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
    • mayonnaise, pepper, salt

    This salad is also laid out in layers, smearing each layer with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

    The first layer consists of boiled potatoes grated on a grater, arrange them in the shape of a tiger cub's head.

    The next layers consist of finely chopped boiled sausage, coarsely grated cucumber, chopped green onions, grated egg.

    Make the top layer of grated boiled carrots.

    From the grated protein, make the cheeks, eyes of the tiger cub, lay out the nose, eyelashes, ears, stripes with chopped olives.

    Use a small plastic of the sausage to stick out your tongue.

    In my opinion, it turned out very nice and tasty.

    Fruit and berry salad

    You can decorate a salad of fruits and berries in a very original way.

    The composition can be absolutely any.

    Cut the pulp in the watermelon, rinse the berries, peel the fruits, chop finely, mix with pieces of watermelon, put everything in the cooked watermelon. Prepare hot or melted chocolate for the salad.

    Chicken rolls with pineapple

    Delicious recipe

    Take 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into layers, beat off, salt, pepper

    Put 2 tbsp on each layer. l. grated cheese, cut pineapples and mushrooms into small cubes, roll up and tie with threads or prick with wooden skewers

    Grease them with oil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes

    Sponge cake on skewers

    Grind three ready-made biscuit cakes into crumbs.

    Mix each one separately with condensed milk, jam, chocolate nut spread.

    Blind balls, string them on long skewers and dip them in hot chocolate, decorate with pastry sprinkles and refrigerate.

    Children will be delighted with such a dessert.

    Strawberry ice cream

    Ice cream dessert will bring children great pleasure.

    You can come up with a lot of options from ordering an ice cream cake to making this dish yourself.

    I can suggest the following recipe, a frequently used hit of desserts.

    Freeze a kilogram of strawberries, chop them in a blender, mix with half a kilogram of ice cream (vanilla, ice cream, butter can be used), add 200 g of strawberry jam or jam, 50 g of honey.

    Whisk the mixture, arrange in the tins and freeze.

    Sprinkle with chopped nuts or chocolate chips before serving.

    If you want to make ice cream yourself, you can read the previous material.

    Berry jelly

    Fruit jelly is very popular with children.

    You can cook it from various berries.

    I will suggest this recipe for fruit jelly, consisting of one glass of berries (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.), 3 glasses of water, half a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, 1 g citric acid.

    Soak gelatin in a glass of water for 1.5 hours. Rinse the berries and squeeze the juice. Pour the pulp with hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes, strain, add sugar, citric acid, bring to a boil.

    Stir in the swollen gelatin until it dissolves. Bring to a boil again and add juice, stir, pour into molds and refrigerate. Before serving, immerse the jelly mold in hot water for 1 - 2 seconds and put the jelly on a dish.

    Crispy sticks cookies

    Make a dough by mixing 2/3 wheat flour, 2/3 sugar, 100 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest and salt to taste until smooth and refrigerate for 1 hour.

    Form the dough into flagella about 1 cm thick and 5 cm long, place on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven at 200 degrees, bake until golden brown.

    When serving, sprinkle the sticks with powdered sugar, crushed nuts or seeds.

    As drinks, you can offer various teas, juices, fruit drinks, soft drinks, how to make various soft drinks.

    You can make delicious tea according to the recipes that you will read.

    Of course, do not forget to include in the menu for the children's birthday, in which there will be candles by the age of the birthday person.

    Unusual cake for children's birthday

    You can prepare a wide variety of snacks for a children's birthday. When choosing recipes, it is worth combining fruit, vegetable and meat dishes.

    The main emphasis in recipes for children's snacks is made on the decoration of dishes. You can make sandwiches depicting cartoon characters, food in the form of birds and animals. A variety of recipes are worth trying. After all, children love the unusual presentation of food so much. You can get creative and experiment by adding your own ideas to recipes.

    Simple recipe snacks will help you set a festive, unusual and delicious table for the birthday boy and his friends.

    Baby snacks should be healthy. You should not use fatty and unhealthy foods when preparing snacks for children's birthday. It is not recommended to offer children specific delights that they have not tried yet - some seafood, cheeses, meat and fish delicacies.

    How to Make Kid's Birthday Snacks - 15 Varieties

    Amanita is a poisonous mushroom. But you can serve edible fly agarics on the children's table. A bright and light snack is sure to attract the attention of guests.


    • Cherry tomatoes
    • Quail eggs
    • Sour cream or mayonnaise
    • Greens


    Boil and peel quail eggs. They will be the "leg of the muhamors". We make hats from tomatoes. Cut them in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon or knife. We connect parts of "fly agaric", put white dots with mayonnaise or sour cream.

    We decorate the mushrooms with herbs. You can serve on a platter (for this you should cut off a convex piece of egg from the bottom for stability) or on a wooden skewer.

    This recipe is very simple. Every child will love this dessert.


    • Bananas
    • Crushed nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts) or coconut
    • Chocolate (no filler)


    You need liquid chocolate. Therefore, we melt the tiles in a water bath. We cut each banana into 4-6 equal parts. The lobules should be fairly large. We prepare a large, shallow plate or dish, lay out the parchment on the surface.

    We pierce a piece of banana with a toothpick or skewer and dip it into melted chocolate. You can immerse the slice in chocolate completely, you can only half. After that, immediately roll the banana in nuts (or in coconut). We put it on a dish.

    We put the dessert in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours. Serve chilled.

    A simple recipe for a cute dish. Bright "ladybugs" are a light snack for a festive table.


    • Cherry tomatoes
    • Pitted olives
    • Green onions
    • Cottage cheese
    • Cracker round


    Spread curd cheese on a cracker. Cut the tomatoes into 4 slices. We place 2 parts of tomatoes on each cracker, spreading them a little to make the wings of a ladybug. We put olives on the cracker - they will be the "head". We make "antennae" from onions, stick them into olives. Black dots on the "wings" are made from small pieces of olives.

    The dish is ready for the children's party!

    A funny appetizer will decorate the festive table: the kids will definitely like bright and cute chickens.


    • Quail eggs - 4-5 pcs.
    • Sour cream - 3-4 tablespoons
    • Grated cheese - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
    • Boiled carrots and fresh herbs for garnish


    Boil eggs, peel. Using a small zigzag knife, cut each egg in half. Remove the yolks and put them in a bowl. On the squirrels, cut a small piece at the bottom to stabilize the shapes.

    Add cheese and sour cream to the yolks, mix. You should get a homogeneous mass. We sculpt small balls from it. We put them in squirrels, which will be "shells" for the chicks.

    We cut out the scallops and beaks of their carrots for the "chickens". Put finely chopped greens on a dish. And we launch our chicks on the "grass".

    Chickens' eyes can be made from small balls of brown bread or olives. If you prepare such a dish for an adult table, then peppercorns can be used for the eyes.

    If you have to prepare a festive table for a young fan of "Harry Potter", then this original recipe is simply a must!


    • Soft cheese
    • Salty bread sticks
    • Natural yoghurt
    • Green onions
    • Fresh cucumber


    You need to cut off very thin square slices of cheese. Or buy a product cut in this way right away. Fold the square in half, make cuts in strips about 2/3 long. Wrap the resulting piece around a bread stick, tie the "panicle" with green onions.

    Add grated cucumber to yogurt, salt to taste.

    Serve the panicles with the sauce.

    This edible animal will decorate the festive table and give children some benefit - after all, it contains only fruits.


    • Pear
    • Carnation and olive for decoration
    • Green grapes


    Peel the top of the pear. We pierce each grape with a toothpick. Then we stick toothpicks with berries into the unpeeled part of the pear.

    We make eyes for the "hedgehog" from the flowers of the carnation, and the nose from the olive.

    The funny fruit guest is ready to meet the kids!

    Small desserts are always welcome at a children's party. Tartlets are a neat and cute dish.


    • Ready-made shortcrust pastry baskets - 10-15 pcs.
    • Condensed milk - 1 can
    • Cream - 1 glass
    • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons. spoons
    • Nuts, chocolate, fruits for decoration


    Soak gelatin in cold water. Then combine it with condensed milk and cream. Fill the tartlets with the resulting mass. We leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until the cream completely solidifies.

    We decorate the tartlets at our discretion with chocolate, fruits and nuts. You can post pictures or compositions.

    You can improvise this sweet snack by matching any fruit ingredients you like. This recipe is simple and versatile.


    • Marshmallow
    • Strawberry
    • Grape
    • Cherries
    • Or any fruits and berries


    You will need long wooden canapes. All ingredients must be strung on skewers in any order. If the dish will be served to small children, you can first remove the seeds from berries and fruits so that the little ones do not accidentally swallow them.

    Put ready-made kebabs on a large dish.

    Skewers can be poured with melted chocolate or icing.

    The dish will appeal to all children without exception. Kebabs are convenient to eat, they are sweet and fruity.


    • Small Viennese waffles
    • Banana
    • Strawberry
    • Blackberry
    • Or any other berries and fruits
    • Greek yogurt (or ordinary natural) - ½ cup
    • Maple syrup - 1 table spoon
    • Cinnamon ¼ - teaspoon


    We string waffles, berries and fruits in any order on multi-colored tubes or wooden skewers. Mix yogurt with syrup and cinnamon.

    Children can dip kebabs in the sauce - it's delicious!

    The appetizer is prepared quickly - the children will also cope with the recipe. Unusual sandwiches are made in the form of cartoon characters - mischievous minions.


    • Olives
    • Cucumber


    Cut out the mugs of bread and cheese using a cup. We make sandwiches out of them.

    Cut the olives into rings and half rings. We put them on sandwiches like glasses and a mouth. Cut the cucumber into thin strips, which will become the bow of the glasses.

    The cute minion sandwiches are ready!

    Angry Birds are extremely popular among children and teenagers. Therefore, their appearance on the table will delight the young guests.


    • Butter
    • Round buns
    • Sausage
    • Olives


    Spread butter on the halves of the buns. You can replace it with curd cheese if desired. We make "bird plumage" from cheese and sausage, which we spread on sandwiches.

    We make eyes from oil and olives. Don't forget to tick black eyebrows - this is the main thing in the Angry Birds look.

    You can experiment and cook "angry birds" from different foods. For example, there will be by the way red or green cheese, tomatoes, boiled beef or any other yellow, red or green products.

    Bright and cute "pigvins" are very easy to make. These birds will decorate the festive table.


    • Pitted olives large and small
    • Carrot
    • Cream cheese or curd cheese


    Cut the carrots into slices, but not too thin. Cut out a triangular wedge (in the shape of a piece of cake). Most of it will be "penguin legs", and the smaller part will be "beak", we stick it into a small olive tree - "bird's head". Fill a large olive tree with cheese so that the “white breast” is visible on the “penguin”.

    We take a skewer of medium length and use it to connect all the parts.

    Penguins are ready to serve!

    Rodents on the table - a place. If only they are prepared according to our recipe.


    • Chicken eggs
    • Garlic
    • Lettuce leaves
    • Mayonnaise or sour cream
    • Carnation
    • Radish (or cucumber or carrot)


    Cut boiled eggs in half. Set aside the yolk. Mix the grated cheese with garlic, sour cream (mayonnaise) and yolks. Fill the halves of the eggs with the mixture. Place them on the lettuce leaf with the filling facing down.

    We decorate "mice". We make eyes and a nose from a carnation. We make two cuts on the egg, with the help of which we fix round thin "ears". We make them from radish (cucumber, carrot). We make the "antennae" and "tail" from greenery.

    Mice are ready for the holiday!

    Everyone knows that kids just love pizza. This dish is sure to be a success! The mini pizza recipe is specially designed for children.


    • Yeast - 1.5 tsp
    • Flour - 3 cups
    • Salt - 1.5 tsp
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons. spoons
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons. spoons
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Tomato juice - 1 glass
    • Tomato paste - 1 table. spoon
    • Boiled Shredded Chicken
    • Grated cheese
    • Quail eggs
    • Sausage
    • Olives
    • Tomatoes


    Prepare the pizza dough in a bread maker. We put yeast, flour, salt, sugar and vegetable oil in it. We turn on the program "Kneading the dough" for 1.5 hours. 3 minutes after the start of the kneading, add 150 ml of water.

    If you do not have a bread maker, you can use ready-made yeast dough or replace the mass yourself.

    Fry finely chopped onion and garlic. Add tomato juice. Then tomato paste. The sauce should sit over low heat for 10 minutes until thick. Bring the mass to homogeneity in a blender.

    Divide the finished dough into small balls. We roll them out. We sculpt "muzzles" and "ears" from small pieces of dough. Lubricate the pizza base with sauce.

    Put chicken and cheese on the pizzas. We put in the oven for 20 minutes.

    Now all that remains is to show your imagination: decorate the faces of the "animals" with eggs, sausage, olives, tomatoes. You can add herbs or any other ingredients.

    These delicious boats will come in very handy at the boy's birthday celebration. However, girls will also like bright and tasty sailboats. When preparing this dish, you can show your imagination.


    • Bell pepper
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumbers
    • Hard cheese
    • Pate
    • Finished minced meat
    • Curd or cream cheese
    • Lean waffle cakes


    Cut the peppers and tomatoes in half. Fill the pitted peppers and put the minced meat, pate or soft cheese on the tomatoes. We make sails from thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, shortbreads or hard cheese. You can fix the cucumber sails with a toothpick.

    When preparing these sailboats, get creative: you yourself can come up with which vegetables and filling to use.