I feel guilty for taking my husband away from my best friend. Interception plan: how to recapture a married man from his legal wife

In fact, a woman capable of betrayal is not at all an evil witch - on the contrary, she is a deeply unhappy person. If you take a closer look, you will notice in her a little abandoned child who was once seriously injured. That is why most often she goes to betrayal not from anger, but from despair and self-pity.

Big sad eyes

The trauma of an abandoned and unhappy person is betrayed by large eyes full of longing and sadness - like an abandoned child. Such the eyes are clearly visible on the face, they attract attention, bewitch, admire and compliment. They usually say about them: "beautiful, but so sad." Such eyes are a characteristic feature of a woman who can lead someone else's husband away.

Long arms hanging down the side of the body

You may have noticed that your friend has weak legs and long arms hanging awkwardly along the side of her body. They create an impression of helplessness and a sense of pity. Most often, the owner of such hands is subconsciously very shy and does not know where to put them, especially if they are looking at her.

Crooked spine

Nowadays, many suffer from scoliosis, but a crooked back is just a sign that a person is not confident in himself. The spine seems to refuse to hold the body the owner evenly and directly and cries out for help. A traitor woman always needs psychological help and moral support, she just never talks about it.

Lack of lively facial expressions and scanty gestures

Take a close look at your friends and colleagues at work, among them there will certainly be one that is very stingy with emotions. She smiles through her teeth (quite sincerely, she just can't do otherwise) and even during a lively dispute remains motionless like a rock... This is not talking about calmness and self-control, but about a deeply traumatized person who put on a mask to hide his inner pain.

Done breasts or eyelash extensions

Taking someone else's man away, destroying a family is a betrayal. A girl capable of this may look great on the outside, but be terribly insecure on the inside. Often she resorts to plastic surgery, improving lips, breasts, nose or just eyelashes. Another's approval is important to her, like air, she desperately wants to please everyone, including your husband.

Hello lovely reader! Recently, have you started looking at your best friend's husband? Does he seem like the perfect man? Cheerful, handsome, generous and ready to help at any moment? Didn't all your previous boyfriends even stand next to him? And you suddenly decided that you have to achieve reciprocity? Take a man out of the family, spitting on many years of friendship? But how will the attempt to seduce someone else's husband end? And is there a future for a relationship built on betrayal?

Bad husband

The desire to hug and comfort appears due to the constant complaints of a friend against her spouse. From the outside, it seems that the man got a grumpy wife. He brings money to the family, and does not refuse to help friends. Recently, I helped you hang a wardrobe and repaired the tap for no reason. He goes to the zoo with children on weekends. But your friend constantly complains that the other half cannot learn lessons with her son, for the second month she has been assembling a shoe rack and refuses to fulfill marital duties.

Suspicions creep into my head that the unfortunate man is falsely accused of laziness and impotence. You naively think that he got the wrong spouse who does not know how to motivate and inspire to feats. But it is worth taking the husband away from his girlfriend, and he will reveal his full potential. After all, you will become his muse.

Thousands, if not millions of women have destroyed families and hoped that things would be different for them. And after two or three years, they realized that they were deeply mistaken. And it was not a friend who slandered her husband, and the man himself did not want to break away from the computer and move up the career ladder. Yes, he gladly responded to requests from friends and acquaintances that they would consider him a great guy. And then for weeks he promised his wife to fix the cistern and kept forgetting.

Try to look at your friend's husband through her eyes. Has a cheerful and cheerful girl turned into an exhausted housewife just because of the stamp in her passport? Won't you be in her place if you beat off a man? And the last question: did you really fall in love with him? Or is it a feeling of pity and an unrealized maternal instinct?

Old grudges

From an early age, did your friend get all the best? She attracted classmates, and no one looked at you? At the university, the cutest guys curled around a friend, and you had to silently observe and pretend that one is much more interesting? And her husband got an ideal and economic one, and all your relationships ended in loud breaks?

You harbored a huge grudge against a beautiful and successful friend. But one day you had a chance to take revenge on her, because your husband suddenly began to show signs of attention and unequivocally hint that the marriage is bursting at the seams. You thought a little and decided not to waste the opportunity. But will it be possible to drown out long-term envy in this way?

Unlikely. One day you will wake up next to your ex-girlfriend's husband and realize that a depressing sense of injustice remains. And it will not disappear until you deal with your subconscious. Perhaps a friend never gave cause for hatred. She tried to support you in difficult times. I consoled when another admirer went into the sunset. Helped get a good job. I came to the hospital with oranges and broth. And it is not her fault that attracts people.

When you understand everything, envy will be replaced by a feeling of shame. The man you have taken away will evoke contempt or hatred, but not love. And your relationship will end in the same way as all the previous ones. Only there will be no one to comfort you and wipe away your tears.

You will feel satisfaction only in one case. If an old friend always did everything to spite you. She deliberately seduced the guys you liked. She tripped up and lowered her self-esteem in every possible way. And you took and took her husband away. A downtrodden and quiet girl who was constantly bullied. And you will not be ashamed. Not a bit. There is only one question left: why did you spend so much time on such a disgusting person?

Secured life

If your girlfriend's husband is a parasite and a lover of beer with roach, then he is unlikely to attract attention. Why would a free and beautiful girl seduce a fan of computer games on the minimum wage? A smart and promising businessman is a completely different matter. You want to drag such a person not only to bed, but also to the registry office. Moreover, it seems to you that your friend is a little short of her Apollo.

A cunning plan is born in my head. Beat off, fall in love with himself and quickly ring until he changed his mind. Everything, a rich and carefree life is provided. Only you are sure that your plan has no flaws?

First, why would a promising businessman leave his wife and children? Especially if the other half was with him in those days when he worked as an ordinary engineer and received a meager salary. A husband can stay not only because of bright and great love, but because of a sense of duty.

Secondly, wealthy people rarely divorce their spouses. Business partners and superiors respect consistency. Of course, you can become a mistress, but you will not get the cherished ring on your ring finger.

Thirdly, no one guarantees that the promising Apollo will not find a replacement for you in a year or two. Young, charming, with toned breasts and inflated buttocks. And also with two honors and a hanging tongue. If a man left his first wife, then it is much easier for him to leave the second and third.

In addition, it may turn out that all apartments, cars, and even business belong to the best friend. And my husband was an ordinary manager in a beautiful wrapper. Instead of a luxurious country house and travel, you will get a rented room in a communal apartment and annual trips to his mother's dacha. After all, it is necessary to huddle potatoes and weed weeds so that the newly-made mother-in-law donates several cans of pickled cucumbers to the family.

Not all wealthy men turn out to be kept keepers. But do not forget that an offended friend can take half of the business from a traitor, if not more. Perhaps, if he went to an unfamiliar student, she would be able to reconcile. Only cheating with your best friend is a completely different matter. When close people do nasty things behind your back, they want to take revenge. An offended wife is capable of many things. She will find the best lawyer, win the trial and make her husband cry crocodile tears. And you along with him.

Old secrets

When a girl falls in love with an old friend's best husband, she doesn't think about the consequences. But in vain. Women who know each other from school or college know a lot of dirty secrets about each other. It is only in domestic melodramas that an abandoned girl resigns herself and does not even try to take revenge. In real life, things can end badly.

An offended friend is capable of meanness. She will find pictures from a student party where you striptease on the table. He will tell your friends how in your first year you did this with several guys at once. And he will confirm the story with immodest correspondence. And it doesn't matter if this information is true or not. The main thing is that they will believe her.

Don't expect your mutual acquaintances to defend you. They will support the offended and unhappy woman. And the traitors will be expelled from the company and asked not to call again. At least the culprit for the divorce. The betrayed wife is always pitying. The mistress receives only condemnation and criticism. And no one is trying to protect her honor and reputation. On the contrary, everyone will be happy to discuss the old sins that your ex-girlfriend will tell them about.

Life for two families

Taking a naive husband away from a friend is not a problem. A man is easy to seduce and lure over to his side. Offer him fresh impressions and delicious food, add a little care and affection, and your friend's spouse will be at your feet. But for how long?

Husbands, guided by animal instincts, leave the family and file for divorce. Only many, after 2-3 months, realize that they want to go home, to their beloved wife and children. Those who have not changed their minds are returned by the spouses by cunning. And only a few stay with their mistresses and propose to them.

Let's imagine that you managed to take and keep a cute and promising male. The wife cried a little, but resigned herself, and after a while she realized that it was not she who was the loser, but you. Why? Husbands perceive the girlfriends of the second half as distant relatives. Or rather, as sisters who look like their beloved in demeanor and even in appearance.

When you start living with a reclaimed man, he continues to compare you to your ex-wife. Only a friend for some reason wins. And her pancakes are tastier, and the chicken is not so tough, and the shirts are better ironed. And in sex she is more experienced.

It's good if a man compares your talents silently, and does not comment on every failure. You will hold out for a long time if your friend's husband constantly points out the shortcomings and says: “But Masha always cooked three dishes for my dinner. And didn’t ask you to wash the dishes ”? Dealing with the ghost of your ex-wife is difficult. And if your opponent is not going to give up, then in 80 cases out of 100 your relationship is doomed to failure.

A special case

It also happens that a friend herself proposes to seduce her own faithful. She either fell in love with another man, or realized that love for her husband had faded away and would not return. And she does not want to file for divorce, so as not to be left without housing and money. So I decided to turn to my best friend for help. After all, if the husband becomes interested in a new acquaintance and wants to dissolve the marriage, then, because of a sense of guilt, he will leave the second half an apartment or a car as compensation. And everyone will benefit.

Should I settle for a scam? Decide yourself. On the one hand, you can get a beautiful and promising spouse. Become a married lady and help a friend. And start a relationship with a man with a lie. You can admit your agreement, but then the friend's husband is unlikely to stay with you. Or harbor resentment until the end of his days.

On the other hand, you can lose an old friend. She will become a free and wealthy lady, but she will stop your communication because of wounded pride and unwillingness to see her ex-husband. And it doesn't matter that she herself asked to seduce the soul mate.

In addition, you yourself should feel some kind of attraction to a man. It is difficult to fall in love with a person who does not evoke any sympathy. No, good actresses will cope with the task at top five. And they will save a friend in trouble. Only the husband will remain at a broken trough, because neither the wife nor the newly-made mistress will want to communicate with the traitor after the divorce proceedings. Although, perhaps, he deserves punishment, because the right men do not go to the best friends of their beloved.

Initiator husband

It is customary to blame girls for the betrayal of loving males, but sometimes it is women who become victims of circumstances. You can be friends in pairs, go on picnics together, and celebrate the holidays. But when you are alone, the husband of your best friend, whom you considered almost a brother, will suddenly begin to show interest in you. And make obscene offers.

It is difficult for a lonely and tired girl to refuse courtship. But don't be in a hurry to agree. Are you sure your romance will end in divorce and a new marriage? Or the traitor will play enough, and when he gets tired, he will creep up to your friend on his knees and confess everything. The husband will be forgiven and accepted into the family, but the stumbled homeless woman will be excluded from the list of good acquaintances and sent on a long journey.

Unsuccessful attempt

Men are also devoted family men. They do not notice anyone except their beloved wife. It doesn't matter how beautiful, smart, and talented she is. The man considers her ideal and worships. If you try to seduce your best friend's husband, you are unlikely to win.

Your spouse will take your timid hints as a joke. Accidental touches and lustful glances will not make him stop loving his soul mate. And if you go on the attack, you will be left with nothing. The man will either not say anything to his beloved, but will ask you to go around their house on the tenth road. Or he will tell his wife about the strange behavior of a friend and her indecent proposals, and then you will be blacklisted.

Dirty tricks and gossip won't change the situation. A man who loves a partner will believe her, not a friend or acquaintances. And if you manage to destroy the marriage, no one guarantees that the friend's husband will look in your direction. Most likely, he will be disappointed in all the women of the world and go to a monastery or take a vow of celibacy.

Pure and bright love

A friend introduced you to her fiancé, and a spark flashed between you? Both you and the guy realized that they were looking for each other all their lives? But the man of dreams has already proposed to a friend? If you understand that this is true and pure love that everyone dreams of, the only way out is to confess. Do not meet behind a friend's back. Do not suffer for years and do not torture partners.

Yes, the friend will be hurt and offended, but the truth is always better than lies. She will definitely understand. And forgive. She may even want to renew the relationship. Over time, when he also finds his man. And he realizes that you did the right thing then.

Dear reader, it is ugly and despicable to take your husband away from a friend. Especially when you are trusted and considered a member of the family. Relationships built on betrayal, lies and deceit will never bring you happiness. The world is full of decent and free men with whom you can create a strong family. So why ruin a friend's marriage and lose a friend who was with you in joy and sorrow and did not allow anyone to offend you for a moment's pleasure?

"... There are so many single guys, but I love a married man!" The lines of a famous song are actually a harsh reality. Maybe a ring on a man's finger is a quality mark? A married man is a status denoting that a man has taken place in life, is firmly on his feet.

The article discusses the formats of relationships with married men, the types of men who create such relationships. Advice is given on how to get out of a relationship with a married person. Perhaps you will find out the unexpected consequences of such a union for yourself.

Personal experience with a married man

“For me, at that time, a married man, of course, was a taboo. I myself was married, but unhappy in my marriage. Scandals, insults, nerves - it all lowered my self-esteem, made me suffer. My marriage was in the process of divorce, I was painfully in love with my husband and decided to break the thread that connected me with him. I decided on an intimate relationship with another man.

At work, I talked with many men, and with one of them, for over a year, communication was often informal. And so, I gave the green light to flirting. The man, seeing my location, offered to meet.
I want to clarify right away that he said that he was not married and never was. I naively believed him.

We had a very warm communication. Conversations about everything. Compliments, smiles, touches. All of this put my self-esteem back in place. I got used to it and the butterflies in my stomach did not take long.
After a month of our hotel and restaurant relationship, he admitted that he was married. I already managed to fall in love and felt warmth on his part too. The man said that if not for the family, he would be with me. I listened in tears and understood that I was “hit”.

I tried to put an end to the relationship, but I didn't have enough strength. I needed a man's shoulder, because after the divorce, I felt empty and alone. The relationship continued. We didn't talk about his family. I liked this trait about him. He never complained about his wife, and I dared not raise the issue. We dreamed of a joint vacation and the minutes spent together seemed bliss.
The man confessed that by nature he was a dog and his wife had already abandoned him several times, but the child was holding the family.

So we continued to meet for a year. During this time, my lover has become not just my best friend with the option of "sex for one night", he has become a truly close person. He continued to shower me with compliments. Thanks to him, I felt like an incredibly attractive, confident woman. Of course, at night, I imagined what a wonderful family we would be.

I understood that he was not mine and would not be mine, that I needed to arrange my personal life. I got to know men and told him about them, and he expressed his opinion whether he would fit or not. Dating continued, but I remained faithful to my married friend.

After a while, the man announced the pregnancy of his wife. At that moment, it was as if boiling water was poured over me. I realized that I needed my own man, not a stranger. I wanted it with all my heart and "rushed" to new searches at dating parties.

And happiness, I found it. As soon as I started a new relationship, I stopped needing a lover. At first, our communication remained only within the framework of work, and when I quit and moved in with my husband, it completely faded away.
I can say that for some time I even liked being a mistress, I felt like a heroine of a soap opera. I thought I was such a cunning woman that I sleep with a married man. It was self-consolation. I am grateful to the man for this relationship, he taught me a lot. He gave me tenderness and warmth, I thawed from the negativity of previous relationships. It was a very emotional and bright year in my life. "

I can name this format of relations with a married man - "Friendship Sex". It's good that I was able to pull myself together in time and adequately assess the situation. It cost, so to speak, a little blood.

Options for developing relationships with a married man

In fact, a relationship with a married man can have the most unexpected continuation. Here's one of the incredible sequels.

Italian singer Pupo, famous artist of the 80s (song Gelato al cioccolato) has long lived in two families in his own house. His first wife, Anna, has been married to him since 1974. The second wife, Patricia, has been living with them for 20 years. Anna admits that she is jealous of her husband for another wife, but put up with it because she loves her husband. From Anna, the man has two daughters and one daughter from Patricia. Note that in Italy, polygamy is officially prohibited.

You can find many similar stories in Russia. Wives often prefer to pretend not to know about the adventures of their husbands, so as not to disturb the peace of the family. Women are afraid to be left alone with a child, or they love their spouse very much.
Here's an example, another incredible continuation of the relationship with a married man is reproduced in the play "Dad in the Web." The man has two families. And so his teenage children from different families met by chance and go to visit each other. Dad hides from them in every possible way, getting into stupid situations. To the surprise of the audience, at the end of the performance, the two wives and children meet with the papa and the women announce that they have known each other for a long time and are secretly communicating. Such relationships often happen in life. Women spare the feelings of men and solve the problem without his participation.

Types of relations between women and married men and their motives

1. Mutually beneficial

An option when both partners get what they want from each other. It could be sex, moral satisfaction, or a promotion at work. A girl can receive material, and a man can receive sexual satisfaction. As you benefit from a relationship, be aware that this is temporary. A married man can be in love like crazy, but not like a fool.

Youth and beauty have always been in demand historically. Young lovers receive various benefits in exchange for sex, humility and servility. I can not blame such women, I think that in these relationships they have enough difficulties.

2. Love

The most difficult type of relationship with a married man is love. You are in love, he is the light in the window. What is the man? He says he loves, but just can't get a divorce now. With these excuses, a man is able to feed his mistress for more than one year.

Here you need to understand that even your strong feeling has no right to destroy someone else's family. You need to understand that your sublime "love" can bring a man to bed, but rarely to the registry office.
Family life means life, about which the boat called "love" so often crashes. But the family is more than just everyday life. These are years of joy, years of hardship, illness and health. Men often forget about the woman who takes care of them on a daily basis. Every day they are a friend, a psychologist, a cook, a cleaner, a nanny and many others. Sometimes a cute skirt can push a man to cheat. But it is rarely finally possible to pull him out of the family.

Frequent examples when a man left his family and went to his mistress. After n-amount of time, he returned back to the "bad" wife.
I would like to ask women in love: “Do not ruin families. Love quietly, silently, and do not take away from the family. If a man realizes that he wants to divorce and spend the rest of his days with you, he will definitely do it himself. "

3. Revenge on a friend

You must be an insidious adventurer if you decided on such a thing. How could your friend annoy you that you decided to hit her on the back with such an ax?
This format of relations with a married man also takes place. The weaker sex is a beautiful metaphor for men. If men fight to the first drop of blood, then women to the last.
Taking a husband away from a friend is a very evil idea. You will play, raise your self-esteem, and then what? You need to understand what you can achieve:
- A man will fall in love with you, and will not give a pass
- A man will leave his wife and want to be with you
- You will lose your girlfriend, and with such a disposition you probably have few of them anyway
- Fall in love yourself, and the man will remain in the family
In any case, you will not be on horseback for long. It is easy to take your husband out of the family, but you try, find and keep your own.

4. The lady went hunting

This option looks like revenge on a friend. Only here you do not know your rival, you want intrigue and emotions. Life has become dull, mundane and boring. You think that a lover is a mysterious, sexy woman with whom a man is seen secretly in order to have a romantic and sexual relationship with her.
It is foolish to deny that there are many different emotions in relationships with married men.
- You can hide from everyone (just like in the movies)
- You will be a passionate tigress for him
- You will increase your self-esteem
But! You can always fall in love and get burned.

Motives of a man in a relationship with a mistress

In the development of relations with a married man, the motives of the man play an important role.

1. Alpha male

These personalities are confident in their irresistibility. Women have been jumping on them since kindergarten. But then came the moment when the male puts the ring on his finger. What is changing in his life?
And here are two options. For the most dissolute, nothing changes, they openly cheat on their wife, not embarrassed by her feelings.

If you've become the alpha male's mistress, you know you're just another. There are families in which a man tells his wife about his adventures and they discuss his mistresses together. Wives endure such a minus of their husband and in old age, when the husband calms down, they receive their reward. Quiet, kind family life.

There is a subspecies of alpha males who spare the feelings of their wife and hide their adventures from mutual acquaintances. Well done boys.
In any case, it is extremely rare to destroy the marriage of an alpha male. Wives know who they married.
Falling in love with such a man and then suffering is very simple.

2. Stunned (could not stand the crisis)

There are a lot of such men. The path of family life is thorny, there are a lot of crises on it. The appearance of a child, problems at work, coldness in sex, age crisis. These are the stages when a man can change if you, a potential lover, are there.

It is quite possible to take a stumbled man out of the family. The only question is, for how long?
In such a relationship, you will often listen to complaints from a man about his wife, children, and work. You will pity and comfort him. Ask yourself a question, are your problems not enough for you?

3 Casual sex

A married man is capable of casual sex in an unstable emotional state. For example, in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Yes, yes, and your story with a married man can begin with such an unromantic relationship.

Such a man suddenly realizes that men who have wives live longer, but with a mistress is much more interesting.
In the morning he will regret what happened, but understand that he liked it. Such a whirlpool is able to tighten both. Who knows what will come of it. Even if a man leaves the family for you, where is the guarantee that afterwards he will not leave for another woman.

4. Revenge of a man on his wife

Sometimes it happens. Suppose a man is cheated on by his wife, and he is determined to take revenge on her. In this relationship, you risk becoming just a tool. There is a high probability that the man will take revenge, calm down and return back to his wife. After all, if the betrayal of his wife caused such emotions in him, then the family has a chance.

5. Animal instincts

The man has problems with sex. He feels full of unspent sexual energy, and his wife is cold, and in no hurry to satisfy his fantasies.
If you have met such a man, you should know that you are a "sex substitute". There can be no talk of leaving the family here. Only instinctual satisfaction, no love.

If you are ready for this format, then you can be a mistress for a while, but one thing. You will soon get bored, because your skills in sex will be exhausted. The man will put on trousers and go to look for a new priestess.
If your heart is imbued with such a man, do not worry. He will soon leave you. You will cry and forget over time.

6. Rich daddy or lifestyle

Wealthy guys are huge fish for female hunters. Some men, according to their status, are now supposed to have a mistress. These are mainly young beautiful girls. These relationships can be considered mutually beneficial. Women leave them, often not of their own free will, but when the daddy wills.

The main disadvantage of such a relationship, in addition to the moral aspect, is that some mistresses live in golden cages, afraid to take a step aside. A man just won't pay.

7. Married woman and married man

In such a relationship, both partners try to maintain peace in their families. The couple meet to enjoy each other. But there is no friendship between a man and a woman. There is always the danger of one partner falling in love with the other. Then there will be requests to leave the family, create a new one. This is a very complex form of relationship, here a woman should be aware of who is more dear to her. What kind of man can make her happy and make choices. Often, the choice is on the side of the legal spouse.

The woman returns to the family and looks at her husband with new eyes. Feelings of guilt are mixed with love, during such a period the family can go through a second honeymoon.

How to get out of a relationship with a married man?

Time is relentless and every year spent next to someone else's husband puts an end to the personal life of a woman without a family and children.

A relationship with a married man is like a bad tooth. It must be pulled out. If you are a strong-willed person, you can stop meeting and cut off communication. Men often perceive this behavior as playfulness or flirtation and begin to swear to the woman in love and beg to resume the relationship. Over time, the pain and feelings will cool down. You will definitely meet a man who will only be yours.

Another option is to rush in search of a new passion. Look for and you will definitely meet a worthy man who will give you all the necessary emotions. After all, a relationship with a married man cannot satisfy a woman completely.

Perhaps it so happened that you gave birth to a married man. There is no need to sacrifice a child and deprive him of his father. A man should be responsible for the baby and take part in his life morally and financially.

And what should legitimate wives do?

In the matter of relations with a married man, it is impossible to bypass women who are on the other side of the barricades, legal wives.

Wives caught in triangles are not to be envied. Just imagine. The man you hug every night, kiss every cell of him, does the same with another woman.
If the wife decides to return the spouse to the family, a confrontation arises between the mistress and the wife. Who will be the wiser?

In order to keep a man by his mistress:
- you can't make scandals
- you can not take offense at short or rare meetings
- you must always be beautiful, well-groomed, fresh and healthy
- you need to invent new sexual games to whet your interest in yourself

In order to keep a man, a wife needs absolutely the same thing as a mistress with one but. When the wife begins to transform, to be fresh, with hair and makeup, the man returns his attention to his wife. Over time, the need for a mistress disappears. So, a relationship with a married man for a woman can end overnight and without explanation.

Often the wife cannot forgive her husband for adultery and breaks off the relationship. At this stage, it is not yet a fact that the man will go with his things to his mistress. The husband may realize that he has lost a loved one and wants to return the family. Then the man will say goodbye to his mistress and throw all his strength into restoring relations with his wife.

It is worth saying that often wives forgive men and go to reconciliation.

Unfortunately, it is often necessary to observe how women spend years and decades on a married man, eventually get used to it and already lose hope of creating their own full-fledged family.
Think, you risk being left alone in the most difficult moments for you. My own husband always takes care of illness, will bring medicine and kiss your snotty nose. For the sake of this, it is worth breaking off relations with a married man and finding true love.

In any case, a woman needs to remember several dangers that lie in wait for her in a relationship with a married man:

1. A lively wife can physically deal with you
2. Less lively wife can cause scandals, even in crowded places
3. Your love can remain "at a broken trough." A man can end all relationships in one day without explanation for the sake of the family.
4. You can become pregnant and become a single mother
5. You can break up a family, but you cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune.

Your relationship is only in your hands.

Alexandra Lobanova.

The desire to beat off a guy from another can one day settle in the head of any girl. Another thing is that not everyone can decide to take such a step, considering it unacceptable for themselves, fearing public condemnation, or simply doubting their own abilities.

Is it worth hitting the guy if he is already busy

Each girl decides for herself - for someone, a guy who is already in a relationship cannot be considered as a potential lover. If you are sure that you need to fight for your happiness by any means, then you can try your luck. Be that as it may, you must be absolutely convinced that you see your future next to this young man, otherwise it is better not to incur unnecessary problems, and find a guy who does not date another.

The most popular and proven methods

1 - friendship In the early stages of seduction, friendship may be the only way that you will get closer to the object of your sympathy. Take an interest in his affairs, tell about yourself in a favorable light, support him in any endeavors, always be in touch with him. 2 - praise Always find a reason to compliment a young person, even in small things. If he is fond of creativity or sports, then admire his talents - tell him that you told your friend or friend about his achievements (drawings, songs, sports results), and they were also delighted. You must make it clear to him that you are practically his fan in one area or another. Of course, if he has no special hobbies, then praise him for some actions, decisions. 3 - sympathy The guy should clearly understand what you like, but it's important not to overdo it - a non-free guy, most likely, to avoid problems in the current relationship, will try to pull away if you show your interest too clearly. Therefore, it is important to act discreetly, but not ambiguously. For example, you can casually, and, as if jokingly and jokingly, drop it: "Now, if you are free, I will take on you!" He will remember this and subconsciously fix that as soon as he breaks up with his girlfriend, he may start an affair with you. 4 - care Many girls in relationships forget to take care of their chosen ones, and as a result, guys often complain of inattention to themselves. You can show your potential boyfriend that you are worried about him. If you periodically see each other at work or school, treat him with some goodies, noting that you do not want him to get hungry. Pay attention to his clothes - if the guy is lightly dressed in cool weather, then advise him to dress warmly, if possible, offer some hot drink. 5 - trust Show your guy that you trust him and that his advice is important to you. Ask him to take some time and give you advice in a given situation - over a cup of coffee, by phone or by text. At the end of the conversation, tell the young man that he helped you a lot in the current situation, suggested the right thought, and now you are sure of how to proceed.

Is it possible to take a guy away through correspondence

In general, if a guy is not completely confident in his current relationship, then it will not be difficult to take him away, including through correspondence. Here the rules are about the same as in ordinary "real life". Take good care of him, ask for advice, pay attention to what he is adding to his social media, and share your opinion with him. In this case, regularity is important. You need to be in touch without much interruption. Share with him in private messages interesting entries from various groups, funny pictures, selfies from interesting places. You have to become a part of his life, even virtual. You need to subtly feel the guy's mood. If he's in trouble in a relationship and is not in the mood, then invite him to unwind, but position it as if you are asking him out on a date. You can write: "I will go to the cinema today, you can join, maybe it will distract you." You can also agree to go somewhere with friends to an event. So that neither the guy nor his friends have any suspicions, immediately buy one more ticket, saying that it is intended for a certain friend. A couple of days before the event, inform that your friend will not be able to go, and invite the guy to take her place. Previously, it would be nice to tell the young man how cool it will be at this event.

How to steal a man from another girl

Beat the guy off the girl he loves

This is the most difficult case, and, perhaps, you should not count on any positive result for yourself. Anyway, think about whether you need to be a lovemaker in this situation. You can call an exception the option when the guy's beloved clearly does not appreciate him, shamelessly uses him for his own purposes or cheats on him. Then you can ensure that the young man is disappointed in his girlfriend, and their relationship comes to naught. For the sake of this, you will have to try and find compromising evidence on a rival or witnesses to her unfavorable actions. You can inform the guy anonymously about the missteps of the chosen one, or tell yourself, having done everything to make it look like you accidentally found out about it. If in their relationship there is harmony and mutual love, then the guy is unlikely to leave his beloved for you. You can try to seduce him and make your rival know about it, but this will only alienate the young man from you. Yes, for some time your relationship may still last, but in the end, most likely, he will write you down in his mistakes, even if he does not know that you have rigged his exposure.

If they live together - to captivate using her flaws

The ability to attract a guy also depends on how reverent his relationship with the girl is. Often this happens when a couple lives together out of habit, and there are no special feelings in the relationship. If you have achieved friendship with a guy, you can find out roughly what problems accompany his living together with the chosen one, and "play in contrast." For example, your target girl doesn't like cooking - in contrast, you can talk about what amazing buns were baked the other day. You can even send a “friendly” photo of your culinary masterpieces, asking: “Do you think your mom (friend) will appreciate it?”. If a young man's beloved is a homebody, and he doesn't like it, then tell us what interesting places you are in, and vice versa - if the girl is a party girl, periodically mention how you spent the evening reading a book or cooking. there should always be a wonderful mood and a blooming appearance - when living together, it is not easy to constantly keep all this.

Take the boyfriend away from the best friend

If you decide to take such a step, then your love for a guy should be truly insane. You must understand that you will not be able to find love and maintain friendship. Once you start seducing your friend's beloved, understand that from now on, your relationship with her will decline. Think carefully about whether you need this young man so much, what a friend will feel, and whether it will be difficult for you to realize what you have done. If you are determined to act, then you have the opportunity to beat the guy off. Firstly, you know all the weaknesses and secrets of your friend, and if you know some secret that her chosen one will definitely not forgive, then you can tell him about her. Tell him that you have serious feelings for him and that you are tormented by the fact that he is forced to live in ignorance. There is also the opportunity to seduce a young man by regularly being in the company of him and a friend. Try to look as profitable as possible, flirt unobtrusively with him until his friend sees, and in the end he will certainly pay attention to you.

Take a young man away from a rival

Surely, you know about many not the best sides of your rival's life, and you can make the guy know about it. Try to find out about the problems in their relationship, and let him know that in alliance with you this would be impossible. Since you do not feel any warm feelings for your opponent, in principle you can use all the methods that you see fit.

Take the husband away from the legal wife

In family life, admiration is not the first place, and often a couple gets bogged down in everyday life. However, it has long been known how men love praise, so admire the achievements of the guy you like with enviable regularity. Unfortunately, many wives do not always have enough time for themselves and their hobbies, which is why husbands gradually begin to get bored in family life. You will look in a winning light if you sign up for dances like pole-dance, start traveling more, filling your page on the social network with bright photos, you will always be interested in the affairs of the chosen one, support him and ask him for advice. In doing so, it is important to always maintain a friendly mood.

How to return a beloved husband, having beaten off from a mistress

If there are children in the family who are dear to the husband, then this is easier to do. A son or daughter may periodically call dad, telling about how they miss him, sharing their successes and asking them to visit them more often. If the child is still very small, then you yourself can ask your spouse to take you to the clinic, help with the transportation of the crib, and the like. This will help you see your husband more often and sow a grain of discord in his relationship with his mistress. When you meet your husband, you should always look perfect. Do not expect that if you meet him with a lost and unkempt look, he will feel pity for you. He will be much more impressed by a woman who is pleased with herself and her life. Joke with your ex, tell funny stories about children, be positive, and if there were no children, find other reasons to meet with him. You can ask your friends to invite you to one event. You can also make it clear to your husband that you have a worthy admirer. Let there always be bouquets of flowers in your apartment or in a photo on social networks (it doesn't matter if real admirers give them or you buy them yourself). Also, you must eliminate the reason why your marriage fell apart. It is naive to think that it is only a matter of a mistress. The husband drew attention to another woman because he was missing something in his marriage, and you should let him know that this problem is no longer there.

How to discourage an ex-boyfriend from his new girlfriend

It will be easier if you have managed to maintain a friendly relationship. Then in conversations you can periodically mention some moments that were of great importance to both of you: “Do you remember that picnic? My sister and I thought to get out to a similar place. "," I often remember that concert, I wish I could still attend a similar one! "," Do you remember how we walked in that park? It turns out that everything has changed there. " With such phrases, you will not only push the guy on pleasant memories, but also remind him once again how much good was in your relationship. Often, all the negativity is erased over time, and there is only a place for light sadness - you can play on this. If you do not maintain a relationship, and the separation was your fault, then find a way to contact the guy, for example, through a social network. By this time, there should be a lot of attractive photos and posts on your page that, for sure, he would like. Write that you had time to think about everything that happened, and you realized that you made a big mistake. Note that you would never do that now. At the end, summarize: “Anyway, now you are not free, and I sincerely hope that you are doing well. I also hope that I can find my happiness. Thank you for the unforgettable moments! " If you had a long-term relationship, and the guy did not want to break up, then there is a high probability that you will be together again.

Top most common mistakes

1. Excessive head. Obsessed with the idea of ​​how to beat the guy off, some girls start acting like the guy is already free. This approach can embarrass a young man or attract the attention of his chosen one. In cases where the object of sympathy is not free, you need to act more carefully, and understand that it will take more time to seduce him than if he was himself. 2. Haste. Before trying to interest an unfree young man, it is worthwhile to study both him and his girlfriend well. Understand what problems there may be in their relationship, in order to use this to their advantage. It is better to study the tastes and preferences of the chosen one in order to behave in accordance with them, rather than relying on your own ideas about what an ideal lover should be. 3. Wrong assessment of the opponent. The roots of this problem can partly grow from the previous point. Perhaps you have studied a rival's page on a social network and formed a definite opinion about her - “arrogant doll”, “housewife fixated on recipes”, “party girl” and so on. In fact, you may not even be aware of any of her important virtues that go a long way towards the guy you like. Even a guy's complaints should not always be taken seriously, because, despite them, he still stays with her, which means there is something in her that compensates for these shortcomings.

Readers of the site consider an affair with the ex (ex) of their girlfriend (boyfriend). At first glance, everything is logical: such an act is equated with betrayal and theft. But there are some nuances in which we will try to figure it out.

How are they?

Men who are so proud of their friendship have an unwritten code: it is better not to make friends with sisters, nieces, aunts (or God forbid, mothers) and ex-girls in order to avoid further serious problems. That is why a normal man, even if he likes someone from the presented list, will prefer to hide his sympathy as deeply as possible. Or right off the bat - immediately a serious relationship: a wedding, children. Just "twisting tricks" in front of (already, perhaps, a former) friend is more expensive.

In most cases, this is justified. How else can you relate to a person who was aware of the twists and turns of the relationship with this girl? You have repeatedly complained about her or bragged about her, maybe he (a friend) is aware of some side affairs or intimate details. And now, armed with this knowledge, he takes her literally "lukewarm." Well, isn't it a goat? Now you are a bastard who offended or did not pay due attention to her, and he is a subtle feeling and deeply understanding all her desires. Of course!

However, any coin has two sides. I have a friend who, because of such a code, lost his possible happiness. The relationship between a friend and his girlfriend did not work out - even a blind man could see it. He periodically cheated on her, she “ate his baldness” with scandals and prohibitions. Then they made up, but not for long. And my friend (let's call him Alexey) saw all this. Moreover, the girl found a "vest" in him and more than once wept her insult on his shoulder. There, on his shoulder, she chose to ease her pain after the final break. After a couple of months of such "psychological sessions", Alexey realized that the desire to hold the girl closer to him was not at all due to pity and sympathy. He tried to nullify the meetings and distance himself from her as much as possible. When asked why? answered: “You know, I studied with Seryoga in the same class, we live side by side, we have been friends all our lives - well, how can I take a girlfriend away from him, even a former one? This is a betrayal, and indeed ... "Apparently, in this" and in general ... "was the secret of real male friendship, which the" woman "would not destroy.

Like we have?

It is not for nothing that men are biased towards female friendship. Of course, women can sacrifice their interests and sympathies for the sake of happiness. But much less often. And it’s not a matter of innate bitchiness and meanness. It's just that women are smart enough to understand that personal happiness is more important. Of course, we do not take into account the deliberate "withdrawal" of the groom or husband from a friend - it is unlikely that such an act will be approved by at least someone, even "for the good." But to start a relationship with an already former friend of the heart - why not? Or is it still not? Let's figure it out.

You are not right!

Let us repeat that you will be wrong from all sides if you try to destroy the current relationship between your girlfriend and her boyfriend, groom, husband. You can shout as much as you like that “she does not appreciate him, changes and cooks borscht incorrectly” - they will not understand you, they will not forgive, they will not acquit and they will be right. You are now climbing into someone else's territory with your feet, interfering in other people's lives. You have no moral right to that. Fell in love - it happens. But, I'm sorry, even love is not an excuse here. You need to learn one simple truth: people themselves must make decisions about parting, and there should not be any "well-wishers" here.

The agony of choice

If a friend broke up with a young man, but still loves him or is just going through a hard break, you will also have to give up a relationship with this man. Bye. At least for that time, until the friend stops suffering. But the stronger the feelings of a friend, the more likely it is that even after many years she will not forgive you for your relationship with your former lover. Unfortunately, here you have to choose between friendship and love.

There is a chance!

The average age for marriage in our country is slowly but surely rising. Rarely does anyone jump out to marry, barely leaving school or university. Therefore, before going to the registry office, most of us accumulate our own small army (well, at least a platoon) of fans and former. And if you are not yet married or divorced, then that very Prince was not among them. This means that the former are also in search of their soul mate. The same applies to your girlfriend. Anything can happen in life: yes, your friend once met this handsome man. Yes, they broke up. She may already have a replacement. But even if not, she clearly does not open her veins, carving his name on her arm. This can mean one thing: their relationship has exhausted itself. So you have a chance?

Through hardship to the stars

But wait, rejoice! You may have a chance. But do not flatter yourself that everything will go smoothly. Choosing your girlfriend as your beloved ex-boyfriend, you are 99% likely to enter a war: open, cold - depends on your friend. You can win in it only thanks to considerable patience, virtuoso diplomacy and knowledge of the basics of psychology. Therefore, we advise you to fight only for truly worthy goals.

We are waging a war. More precisely, we do not allow it

The first thing you will have to do is talk frankly with your friend. And it is better to devote a few hours to this conversation. If you think that everything "will resolve by itself" and your friend will understand everything herself and will not be offended, then you are most likely mistaken. Put yourself in her place. You would be furious to learn that she bought the dress that you put your eyes on (after all, she knew that you liked it, you told her yourself!), But here it is! Give her the right to be negative, even to be offended. Then you will conduct the conversation. Of course, it is impossible to predict its consequences, but firmly follow a few principles.

- Don't take the victim position. If you are not the reason for their separation, be calm. Yes, they were together, but they fled due to circumstances unrelated to you. You can once ask your friend for forgiveness for this whole situation, but not lament and cry that it happened.

- Find out how your friend feels about her ex Are there any attraction, resentment, pain? Explain that this is very important to you. Ask her to honestly describe her feelings about this story. Is she mad at you or him? For what? Try to calmly understand the situation.

- Be honest about your feelings. In front of you is the same woman who understands what love and being in love are. And that fighting this is useless.

- Carefully but firmly make it clear that your relationship with him is only your business. The careless phrase "If you are against, I will leave him" may be suitable for a teenager, but not for an adult. No matter how much you love and respect your girlfriend, she should not influence such serious decisions as no one else should influence them except you.

- Explain how important she is to you. You understand her feelings. If necessary, you will give her time to think and disappear from her life for a short while. But you love her too much and will try to improve relations in any way. It just so happens - you love both of them.

But even this conversation will not solve all the problems. In this case, time will work for you. If a friend is an adult and intelligent woman, she will understand that there is no point in being angry with you and contradicting the arrangement of your personal life. But you should also understand that at first it will not be very pleasant for her to look at you holding hands.

Slowly, without sudden movements and unnecessary revelations, begin to build friendship with her anew. At first, it is better not to touch on the topic of “your man” at all. Answer rare questions about your relationship: “Okay, thanks” and save her from stories about how you almost got kicked out of an amusement park for indecent behavior, and on March 8 he gave you 101 roses and composed a song. Especially on the condition that he did nothing of the kind for his girlfriend. Water wears away the stone - very soon she will have her own half, and she will go headlong into her own relationship.

So, if you wish, you can feed the wolf and save the sheep. Although this path can not be called easy. In one of the series "Sex and the City" there is an episode with the party "Bring your ex", which takes place under the motto: "What is garbage for one, is a treasure for another." Perhaps it's time for us to adopt this experience too?