Girl. An extraordinary compliments of the girl. Hit parade of the best compliments to the girl

Many men and guys are experiencing difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. Especially when it comes to beautiful girls, to such representatives of a strong half, especially afraid to approach and even more so speak with them.

As they say it is not so worried damn like his little. In this article we go to give a couple of tips on how to like a girl or a woman, what beautiful words can I say to her how to make compliments and, in the end, how to confess in love.

About love a lot of songs are folded ...

Of course, in each individual case, everything is individually and there is no universal approach to girls. But there are certain points and actions that like most of them. For example, a very good tone, and sometimes the best tool that can conquer the heart of the most impregnable lady is a subtle compliment.

First of all, you need to improvise, noticate some features and characteristic features of a particular girl and talk about it, there is nothing difficult in this. The beauty and depth of the meaning of such compliments is limited only by only your vocabulary stock.

A simple compliment beloved is an art that can be learned.

Of course, we will offer you a list of original, unusual and pleasant compliments for every girl. But you also have to be exercised and yourself. To do this, tell pleasant words to girls and women as often as possible and watch their reaction. As they say, they will be nice and you are pregnant.

Also, if you want to become a master of compliments, read more novels, better classic, verses of love, parables about love and other works anyway related to love. This will help you to know some subtleties of the emotional component of this difficult business. After all, it is no secret that women are more emotional than men.

Simple compliments - the best gift to the girl, as well as the perfect way to rod your guilt or ask for forgiveness!

On the basis of the foregoing, it is possible to highlight the main features of the perfect compliment:

  • It is better to say compliments about the internal qualities of a person, the appearance must be played very subtle, for example: "In this dress you are so beautiful."
  • Try to be as sincere and honest as possible, believe it is noticeable.
  • The win-win option will also be compliments on the taste and preferences of the girl, for example: "You always dress so elegantly."
  • If she is proud of something, praise it, for example, if she reads a lot, say: "You are such an erudite," after that you can discuss any book that you have read together.
  • The main enemy of the compliment is ambiguity, it is worth avoiding phrases like: "The girl you have such a beautiful dog, looks like you."
  • If you borrowed the phrase for a compliment from some book, try to specify it as much as possible and apply it to this case, use names, situation, environment, make your vision.
  • Do not intercept and do not overtake the stick, otherwise you can spoil everything, and it will look like flattery.
  • Speak simply and understandable.
  • Well, you need to put advice and teachings, state the facts.

And now we bring to your attention a list of compliments to any case:

"When I saw you, I forgot where I went ..."
"You're like a bright star on a clear night sky. I am attracted to you…"
"You're like a bouquet of spring colors, your smell drives me crazy ..."
"Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever ..."
"When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thank you for ..."
"You know, looking at your legs, I begin to doubt that someone has a slimmer."
"Your skin is so tender, I reassure directly when I touch her."
"It's hard to believe in it, but cook even better than my grandmother!"
"Your earrings are so sparkling like your smile."
"I apologize, are you from what model agency?"
"In this elegant costume you look like a business woman!"
"I'm trying to understand why I can't take a glance from you and I can't even imagine"
"To such a wife, like you, I would fly from work as a superman in 5 minutes."
"This suit perfectly emphasizes your sports figure."
"If the mother is nature and creates perfect forms - then it's yours!"
"You are not like everyone else, I like that you have your own opinion!"
"If I compared you with the machines, you would be Ferrari."
"You have a very beautiful voice, I can not listen, say something else."
"I think we've ever seen somewhere before, maybe in a dream?"
"If I were a girl, then the same beautiful and clever like you!"
"What dragon need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?"
"It seems to me that with every day, I love you all stronger and stronger."
"I am sure you will be a good wife!"

Make compliments more often, good luck! 🙂

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Girls love ears. Everyone knows about it. But not everyone can easily attract the attention of the ladies you like. Yes, so attract so that she also answered sympathy. Short - this is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is assessed. But how to do it correctly, so as not to look obsessive, rude or unspansy?

What you need to know before making a short compliment to the girl about her beauty?

An individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal moments, without which the verbal message can cause a completely opposite response:

  • sincerity (not quite honest there will be a statement about the beauty of the figure of a woman, if she came to a date in the hiding all the delights of the down jacket);
  • emotionality of the message (when a man shows his feelings when expressing, it is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise the flawless taste of the girl (so one statement you can kill all the hares - to appreciate the ability to dress, paint, behave);
  • laconicity (a short compliment to the girl about her beauty will be perceived much better than a long tedious story in detail);
  • avoiding ambiguity;
  • compliments in verses like not everyone (unless, of course, a man does not want to shine with his poetic talent);
  • without exaggerations (otherwise it can be perceived as a mockery).

Compliments to the girl about her beauty

Short statements may concern appearance in general, individual features, as well as the sensations of a man who causes his companion in it. In the arsenal of its general compliments can be written:

  • "I am amazed how the mind and beauty are combined in you!".
  • "I admire you / your appearance."
  • "I am proud that the dream of all men got me."
  • "You can only be yours / our daughter."
  • "You are perfection itself."
  • "You are amazing / amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are a fade for my eyes."
  • "You are incompane, because the only one."
  • "I used to think that such beautiful girls like you, soulless. Thank you for broke my stereotype."
  • "How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the most cloudy day?".

Compliments to the details of the girl's appearance

A short on her beauty can touch on individual moments - eyes, smiles, hair, shapes and other things. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they cause a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Such beautiful eyes can only be a beautiful man."
  • "You have an angel look."
  • "I always raise your mood of your perky eyes."
  • "Beauty and smell of your hair just got up!".
  • "You have very bright facial expressions."
  • "I like how you bite your lips. It is very worried / sexy."
  • "There is nothing more than your skin in the world."
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • "You have such fragile shoulders ... I want to defend you."

Compliments with humor

  • "You have not seen my head? It seems that I lost it from your beauty."
  • "Do you know how to store secrets? I will open one alone. When you're near, all men envy me with black envy."
  • "Destinating his photographer! You're better in life better!".
  • "You are so slim! Where is the soul placed?".
  • "When you recovered, I became very slim."
  • "You do not think that you are more beautiful?" After all, you really are getting worse than you. "
  • "If I were born a girl, then only so beautiful as you."
  • "Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase for acquaintance with you."

It is difficult to answer which compliment will like a specific girl. It all depends on its preferences and the level of relationship with it. After all, on the first date, it is not quite appropriate to hint about the sexuality of the lady (if there is a desire to meet again, of course). Even worse - the phrases that everyone for hearing, it seems, "I got a call from Paradise ...". The continuation of such "your mom is not needed?" - One disappointment of the companion.

Everything must be from the soul, especially the compliments to the girl in prose of beauty. Short or long, awkward or elegant - they, above all, should be individual and sincere.

Thin like Lan, proud, like a lioness,
The goddess of eternal beauty!
Your image will dream of at night:
You're the girl of my dream!

Sparkle lights in your eyes,
And mounted and attract with their Kras.
You - for me, like the sun in heaven -
So good and so warm with you!

Your fragrance I will not forget,
Your silhouette does not give me rest
You are impeccable, honey, you are a miracle!
I admire just one thing!

What did you do with me, I can not understand
Without you, I do not have peace, I can not sleep,
Your name, how to spell, repeat again,
You are the limit of my dreams, you are my love!

Oh, an angel, descended from the sky to the ground,
Light and clean, wise and beautiful.
Humbly I'll get your voice
You're captivated my soul!
You are not near - there is no rest
You are like a sun, which gives the wonderful light.
You like a flower, gentle, thin, you are a miracle.
I never forget your image!

Even if rainy,
You are insanely beautiful,
And with sunlight
Beautiful everyone in the world!

Lokonov waves on accurate shoulders,
Believe it is impossible to beautiful speeches,
Only your gaze captured forever.
Cute, you - beauty itself!

The greens of your eyes, like foliage of wondrous forests.
Your lips are like petals of wonderful lights.
The hair like waves of distant beautiful seas.
No all over the world anyone more beautiful and beautiful.

Beautiful nymph, heavenly muse
Just with a look, a gesture one
You freed from a grievous cargo
My heart, with you I became alive again!

If I were an artist,
I would draw you under the rain,
And if you got hot,
I would draw you under the rain ...

Clea, like morning flower,
Light, like a butterfly, flush.
I am flying on the light like a moth
To you, and you know about it!

You dream of me, but the morning comes,
I know that illusion melds.
But each, since you accidentally met,
I am getting happy everyone in the world!

You are like a cat,
Affectionate, honey,
Tricky little
And very beautiful!

Beauty does not go out of fashion
Well, you are the ideal of beauty.
And whatever time is the years
You're the girl of my dream!

I am glad every meeting,
Like a flower at the dawn,
I am the happiest
Thanks to you!

Such as you are in the world
Beautiful, good and beautiful!
Verne yourself, you are different,
You are in my heart a wonderful light!

I thought, but I'm not able to understand,
What is your eye to your inconceivable secret?
How did you look only with one thing Plenila?
You are just a miracle, there are no more such!

The color of the eyes of the heavenly blue
And your lips like a coral ...
And only I saw you,
In my dreams - only you.

You are a miracle of miracles, madly good!
Beautiful figure and kind soul!
You like you, it is impossible to find anywhere on this land.
From now on, the dreams will take out only about you!

You remind me of a cat:
Iriva, but intelligent,
Beautiful and cunning slightly -
So you are alone!

It is said that the mind is not friendly in women with red,
Apparently, who thinks so, you are not familiar with you.
Invulsion, you give odds to many in intelligence,
The most beautiful girl in the world!

Why are red roses?
Had your beauty.
You know, because no flowers
Do not compare with you
My sunshine is clear!

I dream every night your amazing look,
I remember every your gesture, and every your outfit.
If we meet you by chance in the evening crowd,
I will be happier all, since you will smile to me.

Lights the city of New Zarya,
I can not sleep again until the morning.
Only eyes closing, I prevent
You are my Goddess of Eternal Beauty!

Your eyes like Vasilek,
And hair - like silk shine.
And fly as a moth
On your wonderful look.

Such as you really find
On the life path.
You are the queen of my dreams
To the tips of the hair!

IMG by @yakobusan jakob montrasio 孟亚柯

There is no time and the opportunity to say even the prepared compliment. And sometimes just words are missing to express your admiration for a girl or a guy. A short compliment is a good way to praise and support. The world's shortest compliment to the girl is looking at the end of the text.

Sometimes, trying to impress, people utter long speeches. Of course, the words prepared with the soul are able to conquer not only the addressee, but also others. It happens that only a couple of good words, a short compliment from the bottom of my heart, to make someone happier, call a smile at the swapping stranger or just raise the mood to a friend!

IMG by 21tongiant

A short compliment implies several simple words or phrases. And despite the absence of beautiful speech revolutions, such compliments can be very pleasant, even touching. By and large, the main thing is attention, and not how beautiful it is expressed in words. Let's say more - the compliment can consist of just one word! Yes, yes, just one word and a girl nicely, and the guy was pleased with himself. What, in your opinion, the shortest compliment? What can I say so to express admiration in one word? The answer is looking at the end of the article.

When are we talking short compliments?

1. With a fleeting meeting. Spend priceless moments for inventing and pronouncing laudatory diffirambes illogical. But a couple of good words to the interlocutor will be more than appropriate. After all, it would be nice too if a person met a friend on the street says that you look great.

- You look great!

- And you all good!

2. With frequent communication. If you know the interlocutor well and often or see it, then regular long speeches about merits, appearance or other points will sound somewhat ridiculous. Short, but from the soul, a compliment is a good way out.

- You're always irresistible!

- You're lovely!

3. In the work environment. There are times when things are a lot, work boils. There are long speeches for anything. Briefly praise quite enough.

- You're doing fine!

- Great, keep it up!

4. When you need to say a person most important So that he understood and heard, it is better to be a few. Listening to a beautiful long compliment, you can miss the very essence.

- You are so Beautiful!

- Young with every day!

5. In a conversation by phone. As a rule, people by phone speak only the most necessary, most important information. Because if the comments are remotely reversed, it is desirable to select short and simple phrases.

- And remember you are the best!

6. Short (or first) acquaintance. If you do not know a person badly, it is quite strange to admire and make complex compliments. Most often, long praise phrases are pronounced if they know the interlocutor well and you can do about his personality some conclusions. Therefore, in the event of a short acquaintance, a short compliment is the best way out if you want to make a person nice.

- You have beautiful eyes!

- You are an interesting person!

IMG by Alaskan Dude

As you can see, nothing complicated. It is easiest to say a short compliment, expressing your attitude towards a person (his appearance, clothes, actions), saying that you like it or in it. Thus, you can not be afraid that you will say something wrong, because you express your opinion and it is always positive, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of the person himself.

IMG by 58minutos

- I like your smile!

- It's nice to stay next to you!

- You are a weathered person!

The shortest compliment in the world, at least in Russian and English, consists of only three letters. Have you ever guess?

IMG by AppleGurl ♫

Wow! - This short compliment can be expressed by the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions, the highest admiration for anyone and anything. And the main thing here is intonation. Try, practice, saying "Wow!" differently. English version of this compliment - "Wow!" (WOW!).

So, in order to please a person, it is not necessary to be a compliment master. Sometimes several sincere words that will express what you really think and feel. Sincerity and desire to give a person a minute of positive emotions can always be expressed shortly.

Print and serve!

1. Beautiful
2. Smart
3. Thoughtful
4. Attractive
5. Sexy

9. Charming

10. Charming

11. Unique

12. Apospectable

13. Unforgettable

14. Reasonable

15. Chic

16. Dazzling

17. Passionate

18. Inadequate

19. Divine

20. Fascinating

21. Angelskaya

22. Rezexyar

23. Sexy

25. Fluffy

26. Wenden

27. Stunning

28. Slim

29. Solving

30. Coquetty

31. Sophisticated

32. Graceful

33. Fun.

34. Energetic

35. Creative

36. Stylish

37. Communicable

38. Tactical

39. Lubvious

40. Romantic

41. Diversal

42. Fabulous

43. Syptic

44. Dusty

45. The only one

46. \u200b\u200bAffectionate

47. Sweet

48. Skilled

49. Desired

50. Unpredictable

51. Mysterious

52. Blooming

53. Immaculate

54. Harmonious

55. Responsive

56. Perfect

57. Besta

58. Modest

59. Exquisite

60. Chalovyaya

61. Outpad

62. Spread

63. Friendly

64. Understanding

65. Extravagant

66. Dreamy

67. Aromatic

68. Sprinky

69. Pointed

70. Manyst

71. Enthusiastic

72. Disinterested

73. Immediate

74. Seductive

75. Informant

76. Cheerful

77. Adorable

78. Smiling

79. Shy

80. Ignitional

81. Honest

82. Exciting

83. Frequency

84. Playing

85. Charming

86. Auditative

87. purposeful

88. Divna

89. Women's

90. Blessed

91. Unmatched

92. Rezezarna

93. Non-chart

94. Necessary

95. Amazing

96. Fabulous

97. Touching

98. Miniature

101. I like your crazy unpredictability ...

102. I like that you could become the only and unique for me ...

103. I like that you often say: "I have become really happy with you."

104. I like that you understand me so well, like no other.

105. I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.

106. I like that I was able to conquer this embodiment of femininity.

107. I like what you think about me and believe in my strength ...

108. I like your wild seductive ...

109. I am conquered by your gentle-intriguing-mysterious look ...

110. I like your "Mu-Rr" when you get down to my shoulder ...

111. I like your inspirational smile breathing ...

112. I like your figure beautiful nymphs ...

113. I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior ...

114. I like that you can give an infinitely much warmth and smiles around ...

115. I like that you like to be beautiful for me ...

116. I like that you are so touching gentle with me ...

117. I like that you are so changeable - from the seductive devil, when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirting look, when I pick you up from work ...

118. ... and in any kind of conitual smile ...

119. I like that you can silent with me ...

120. I like that you are interested in what I think about ...

121. I like that after kisses, your fragrance remains on my lips ...

122. I like that you miss me even after my little lack of ...

123. I like how you fall asleep on my shoulder ...

124. I like that you hear the knock of my heart ...

125. I like that you are so affectionate and good night that the next morning just do not want to get up and it is impossible to break away from you ...

126. I like that therefore we do not need to wake up early on the weekend ...

127. I like those feelings that arise when I stroke you ...

128. I like to wear you in my arms ...

129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man ...

130. I like that you are my sunshine ...

131. I like what you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema ...

132. I like that after the film my clothes smells like your spirits ...

133. I like that when I dress it the next day - the feeling that you are near and hug me ...

134. I like that you are insanely delicious!

135. I like your soft and warm pillows of your fingers ...

136. I like the touch of your gentle-cool palms ...

137. I like your playful marigolds ...

138. I like that my heart participates a knock at the sight of you ...

140. I like our bet ...

141. I like it nice to amaze you and see surprise on your face ...

142. I like that you are trying to surprise me in response ...

143. I like that you want to be for me myself ...

144. I like your crystal laughter ...

145. I like the tickness of your fluffy cilia ...

146. I like the touch of your fingers to breathe ...

147. I like that you taught me to believe in happy cilia and other signs, although I am not superstitious ...

148. I like your playful bang ...

149. I like that we are able to see unusual in ordinary things ...

150. I like that you opened new writers for me and their heroes ...

151. I like that we "entered the castle from the rain" ...

152. I like that only you can kiss my palms so ...

153. I like that I smile, waiting for you ...

154. I like how you negate touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant ...

155. I like that all happy poems - about us ...

156. I like that you share my love for skating ...

157. I like that you adore when I massaging you with aromatic oil ...

158. ... And then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov smile ...

159. I like that you left traces of delicate feline legs in my soul, having closed for her with curls ...

160. I like that you appreciate me ...

161. I like to feel your body when we are lying in the bathroom ...

162. I like that you are my princess ...

163. I like that you are comfortable in my bed smile ...

164. I like that every evening I am waiting for your call ...

165. I like that you hug me with a look ...

166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers ...

167. I like that you give me a caress ...

168. I like how you touch me with cold fingers quietly approaching the back ...

169. I like that we are interested in looking together on the beauty of the northern sky ...

170. I like your unexpected parishes ...

171. I like that suspiciously I often accompany you home exactly at night ... Fate? Wink ...

172. I like that in the hourglass, which you gave me the sand stopped ...

173. ... So we are together until the end of times ...

174. I like that you do not care about the opinion of others ...

175. I like the feeling when we make a friend of massage ...

176. I like our frank conversations ...

177. I like that you learned to deliciously do my favorite cocktail from Vermut and Cola ...

178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words and promises are needed ...

179. I like your opinion on many things and questions ...

180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me ...

181. I like what you do good deeds to others ...

183. I like to just walk with you ...

184. I like that you adore the place ...

185. I like the way you send me a kiss when goodbye ...

186. I like that you believe that "everything will be not just good, but great !!!" ...

187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you ...

188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride ...

189. I like that you love to play with my hands ...

190. I like that you call, just to hear my voice ...

191. I like that you gave me the northern sky with his breathtaking white nights ...

192. I like that you dream of me ...

193. I like that you are attentive, tender, cat-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful mistress ...

194. I like that you are worried about our relationship ...

195. I like the fact that the phrase: "To the World You May Be One Person, But to One Person You May Be The World. You are the World To Me." About us...

196. I like that you seek the angel in the rays of the white night light ...

197. I like that you are - Lady !!! ...

198. I like that you are - my half ...

199. I like that you are all my life ...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're near ...

201. I like that you see me knights ...

202. I'm going crazy from romantic dinners, cooked to you ...

203. I like that I want to see only you ....

204. I like that you always try to understand me ...

205. Looking before your patience to my character ...

206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day ...

207. I like that none of us at night is trying to drag the blanket Wink ...

208. I'm crazy about the sexuality of your tummy ...

209. I like that tenderness with which you care for the films donated by me ...

210. I like that when you're near, the world around is filled with happiness ...

211. I like that people around smile when we go, hugging, down the street ...

212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive ...

213. I like how we read each other poems at night ...

214. I like the community of our literary tastes ...

215. I like that my life after our meeting has become so unusual ...

216. I like the little holidays that you arrange me ...

218. I like that your caress and love can even raise a very "cloudy" mood ...

219. I like that we are together contrary to all circumstances ...

220. I like that you are such sensually seductive Saturday evenings ...

221. I like to listen with you raining ...

222. I like our nightlife ...

223. I love to sit with you in our favorite cafe ...

224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to put our music on the phone ...

225. I like that I learned to be gentle, without losing masculinity ...

226. I like that we successfully pass all the checks of our love ...

227. I like that my friends admire your charm ...

228. I like the way you are preparing unreacted coffee ...

229. I like that roses that I give, you have at home for many weeks, without fading ...

230. I like that I became with you "sample", for which my friends makes to equal your young people ...

231. I like that we burn one fire ...

232. I like that we ourselves chose each other ...

233. I like that I make 1000 madness for you ...

234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before separation ...

235. I like that you are waiting for me wherever I am ...

236. I like that when we are lying, hugging, our hearts knock on the tact ...

237. I like that our hands themselves are looking for each other when we go around ...

238. I like that we can even dance with you without music ...

237. I like that you are the road my concern ...

238. I am proud that you appreciate my ability to cook delicious ...

239. I like that you left everything to be with me ...

240. I like that we can be near endlessly long and not tire from each other ...

241. I like that our relationships tightened us as avalanche ...

242. ... And we did not save some of it ...

243. I like that no one did for me those things that you could do ...

244. I like that our solutions support the universe itself, giving a slight resolution of complex issues ...

245. I like that no booking romance can compare in brightness with the history of our love ...

246. I like that we always want to make something pleasant to each other ...

247. I like that we are so expensive minutes to come together ...

248. I like that the star of our love gently shines at night ...

249. I like that we can easily be together ...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than the time and distances ...

251. I like that with me you are so relaxed and peaceful ...

252. I like your trust ...

253. I like that we are so thin, we feel the mood of each other ...

255. I like that they are talking about "perfect couple" ...

256. I like that we are able to smooth out the sharp verge of our characters ...

257. I like that you love to be at me at home ...

258. I like that the flame of our love is not fading for a very long time ...

259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues ...

260. I like that you do not argue with me with regard to things that I know a little more ...

261. I like that we are understood by the language of gestures of each other ...

262. I like that you don't remove the ring I donated even at night ...

263. I like that you smile when I look at you ...

264. I like that no one in this world can dance so unlikely as you ...

265. I like to constantly take care of you even in trifles (because it is so important) ...

266. I like that we are stronger than all obstacles to those who give us ...

267. I like that we can just listen to music ...

268. I like that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day ...

269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our shower to each other ...

270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other ...

271. I like that you do not make me give promises, but you believe that I myself will do everything as it should ...

272. I like that you consider our meeting with the destination ...

273. I like to see - what lucky you come from work ...

274. ... And what you realize how important my work is important to me ...

275. I like that our warmth is mutual ...

276. I like that we read some books in childhood and so we understand each other ...

277. I like that with you, I began to write very beautiful poems ...

278. I like that the touches of our hands are given in my soul ...

279. I like that we were able to see the wings of each other ...

280. I like that our "honeymoon" smile (as you called a mad month after our acquaintance) still continues very and very long ...

281. I like that you become so lazy after our favorite cocktail ...

282. I like that we both laugh at the word pianist ... and only we know why ...

283. I like that our relationship is not closed with any suspicions ...

284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you and the hundredth of the lobe of love and tenderness that I try to give me ...

285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale ...

286. I like that we do not fall asleep until the dawn ...

287. I like that you could tame me ...

288. I like that you chose me ...

289. ... And still believe that I was not mistaken ...

290. I like that passion with which we discard clothes ...

291. I like that we do not have sex, but love ...

You are the beauty of your dope,
And you drive all the men.
Even in a gentle way and many,
But you are for all one dream.
Beautiful you not only externally,
Charming and your soul.
With you, life has become sinless -
After all, the world rules beauty.

Eushes Beauty Wonderful Light
And there is no large in that very secret.
Everything should be perfect in you
And love, hope, faith - in the heart of living.

In the eyes - Lakes and sky blue,
Become, walking to, like the goddesses.
Tender fingers to caress,
Handles strong - fatigue did not know!

Oh! These forms, these eyes
I'm not allowed to sleep peacefully,
I wake up among the night,
To caress you yourself.

And we do not need Light Torcecher,
To feel love
Just only affection, only faith,
What will come back tomorrow again.

Oh! These forms, these tears,
As if the mirror of dreams,
And on the bed only roses,
Gray night, and me, and you.

I admire your beauty.
Your charm air and unique.
I did not meet in my life earthly
Similar Woman irresistible.
You are very cute, kind, gentle,
You are dazzling like a star.
You like a dream constant, sinful,
What settled in the soul forever.

Can not be so beautiful
To girlfriend dyras
And from envy of immense
And Besalie suffered so much
It is easier necessary to be native,
You're coming over male
You are the corpses stacks
Leave in passing ...

You are not fired to admire you:
In incomparably good!
You - balm on a sore wound,
You are a painful eye. Don't breathe
Admiring your Krasoy
I look at you and see.
You are comparable to wonderful spring!
Before you, like a candle, grief!

Dreams are hiding in your smile
Krasya Your Flowers are jealous -
Pearl smiles, shine eye!
No in this world so worthy phrases,
To describe you in detail!
And because I repeat again:
You are more painful than the dawn over the garden of roses!
You are the most distant stars in the sky!

Transparent leather gentle jasmine,
And roses envy scarlet lips,
Loose from under the roof of your long eyelashes
The eyes are great as the Greek temple!
Bending Your Waist Heart is worried
Anyone who appreciates more beauty.
And the voice is lovely magicly!
And next to you - daisies bloom!

You are the beautiful angels, to her God!
You are difficult to compare them with you!
And tenderness smile strict
You can conquer anyone!
Your hair Cascade Adorable -
Like a nettle river.
Rushes shy, and glitter wonderful
In the eyes, like a flap of a light.

Hands are elegant bends,
And posture - Queen!
We could envy
All beautiful devies
Beauty of your indiscreet
Bright, festive, rich!
And in your eyes huge
It can be seen that the shower of the coverage.

Perhaps the Moon itself
You borrowed whiteness
For decorated thin hands.
Beautiful medium girlfriends,
Pride is not sick you,
Like meadows modest flowers
You will decorate any wreath!
The God himself admires you!

What nice gait,
What a sensual one!
You will become for the find,
Who can read in the eyes.
After all, in them - the history of the universe,
In them - just the vital essence.
You are just for the fact that now
You, I will not hope me.

Beauty, tell me: where
Did you appear on Earth?
You're just an angel, just a miracle,
Did not see the girl mile!
Smiles glorious charm
Hair heavy gentle silk!
You are sweet charm,
Capable to fight at least the regiment!

Beautiful, nice girl,
Perfectly smell, taste have a thin,
You eyes all men eating
What are you mine, they don't know yet.

I want to honestly admit me:
No one more beautiful than you!
You blind and you are crazy!
You are so alone in the whole world!

You are wonderful, you are beautiful.
Words do not exhaust, worst.
My bird is blueberries.
Cute, you like the queen.
Words do not count.
Let the bad weather disappear
There is no place here.
I kiss your hands
My eternal friend.
There is no ternsage here shelter,
My dearest.
Get my arms.
Everything is here for you.

Such a girl, of course
In the crowd, see each glad:
Snow-white shining
Deep, kind, intelligent look!
Swim the dancing gait,
All gestures are full.
And all your name is beauty,
And you all amazed!

Ladies compliments
Love to receive.
We will create them yourself -
Compliments to rail.
I will answer you:
You like star light.
Immediately becomes easier,
If you are near you.
And let the envy
All flowers are dew.
We are your eyes lubricate
Although half an hour.


Give pleasant and best compliments to the girl - they are able to raise the mood and make her blush from pleasure.

Thanks for adding in:

As soon as you appear on the horizon, the guys spread shoulders, roll out the chest and draw the stomachs. They are ready for you.

You have such eyelashes that the light gets stuck in them and cannot get to the depths of your eyes.

Would you see how men wake up to you. Regardless of age, from 15 to 90 years.

Wow, you have a smile! Stunning. At the same time, I want to smile in response and grab the camera.

You are so thin, fragile, gentle. But for some reason you are constantly on the blades.

It turns out I have wings. While you did not appear in my life, they firmly fit to the body, were cooled and invisible. And now they dealt and I'm learning to fly.

The best compliments of the girl

I can not think about anyone except you. Everywhere I see your face, in all the words I find the letters of your name and remember every word that you told me in the last meeting. I wrote it and realized that you brought me crazy.

You have a smile as a searchlight. It becomes lighter, even if you stand back to you. Smile more often!

You are joy! Next to you be serious and focused simply indecent.

My fantasy and I always thought that I had a nice dream of a dream. But forced to capitulate. Such as you, I did not meet and did not even know that such beauties are there.

I have not yet seen a single guy who, after meeting you, would not ask, what is your name.

Believe you - such a gentle, feminine, sweet - men feel like Gerkla. Or at worst, Hercules.

Even when you stand, the view will grow to your figure. And when you start moving, at least your eyes cover your hand, they yourself are not able to tear away from you.

Speak compliments to girls is a very thin and effective tool with which you can make it very nice. The ability to use this is not given to everyone, and the line between the easy admiration and gross landing is very simple. It is an important tool in the relationship of man and women.

We present 40 original compliments to girls.

But to begin with, we will remind what kind of initial value is this French word.

"Compliment" is a slight exaggeration of the dignity that would wish to see in itself.

Comparing phrases "This dress is very much going to the color of your eyes." And "You are the most beautiful", the second statement clearly does not apply to the compliments, but will come down for ordinary flattery. Because it is easy to challenge, and most likely, your praise will not be perceived seriously.

Of course, there is no compliment-panacea in the form of any universal statement that will suit any girl, at any time and anywhere. We'll have to break your head or open the heart so that your words cause really pleasant emotions. Compliment - exclusive gift to the girl.

But, nevertheless, you can highlight the basic requirements for a beautiful compliment:

  • focus on the internal, not external, advantages of the girl,
  • be sincere, or at least try to make such an impression
  • speaking about the external beauty or qualities of the girl, emphasize attention precisely on the comparison,
  • pay attention to the nuances that testify to the flawless taste of the girl,
  • praise what she is proud of
  • avoid ambiguousness
  • persoteize and specify your words
  • build a speech on the facts known to you both
  • do not exaggerate your chosen positive quality, otherwise it takes how mockery,
  • let the thought be simple, do not bore the design of your statement,
  • do not include any teachings, just characterize.

40 compliments Girl

So, we offer you 40 beautiful and original compliments for your (or not yours) girls:

"You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why I was going, as soon as I saw ..."

"You're like a ringing spring stream in a quiet steppe night, when everything around shifts from the radiance of stars. And I get simping from you ... "

"The thin smell of your hair will drive me crazy, I'm not kidding."

"But do you know what your bribing, a charming smile? Well, no, however, you have such a beautiful, the most radiant smile. So smiling only very good and happy people. "

"Girl, I admired all the way. I saw and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for it. "

"Compared to you, the current Miss World - Ducheus!"

"As you just manage to stay so young among these pensioners!"

"Who said that Masha (any other long-legged tanks, Anki, Olki) legs are long? Did you see yours? "

"Even the petals of the May rose will not compare with the tenderness of your skin!"

"Have you ever decided that the best? .. In fact, it's just all really worse than you ..."

"It's time that like a girl is so a star. By the way, by the way, too, only you for me - a guide, polar star ... "

"It's just impossible, but you are preparing even better than my mom!"

"These new earrings are very successfully combined with your ringlets!"

"I apologize, and what model agency do you imagine?"

"Oh, with this magazine in your hands you look like a real business lady!"

"Madmoiselle, in you there is something such a mysteriously beautiful that I can't tear away from you ..."

"Looking at you, I began to understand why your spouse always hurries home (a pretty girl will think about beauty, economic - about comfort)."

"I like your costume, very successful cut!"

"You have an aristocratic profile, you need to pose for sculptors."

"If nature ever created perfect forms, so it was yours!"

"You are very confident girl - it is understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, funny, smart, kind ..."

"You and the truth, special - you have your opinion on everything, and I like it!"

"Lydia Ivanovna, you are an excellent doctor, because you pay for every patient so much attention. How do you manage it? "

"I will spend an analogy with the machines ... So you are the latest Ford Mondeo model!"

"Yesterday I bought your favorite perfume and spathed them all the apartment so that I smelled with you ... (in separation)"

"You get this romance is much better than that singers."

"You look also charming like on our wedding day."

"I'm so hungry that life would have given now for your marinated patissons! (specialty of the house)"

"I saw you before ... and it seems to me that it was in a dream ..."

"Happiness? .. that's you!"

"I love you what you have ..."

"Here, if I was born a girl, I would like to be like you!"

"What dragon do I need to go to become worthy of such a princess?"

"I fell in love with your sunshine: in your smile and freckles."

"You're somehow you look more special, something has changed in you ... so you didn't give up!"

"This is unbearable, I can't stay with you next to you! I just blind from your beauty! "

"If you always be so charming and beautiful, I will begin to jealous you. You yourself say that jealousy is a bad feeling! "

"I hate you, for loved you so much!"

"I am sure you will be a good wife! (about home contact). "

The girl with listened compliments, in addition to pleasant emotions, the psychological phenomenon of self-sustaining will arise, self-esteem increases. And even, if the advantages are a bit exaggerated, after such words, she wants at least to match them. So, besides the feeling of gratitude, for the attention rendered to her, you will push the girl to improve.

Therefore, dear men, do not skimp on beautiful compliments! Praise and appreciate women, because, as you know, "women love ears."

Compliments to the girl about her beauty

And God created a woman ... and since then there is no rest to a man nor God.

At the first meeting with the girl you are a man, first of all pay attention to its appearance: face, clothes, silhouette, gait, posture. If you have liked the girl and you have an insurmountable desire to get to know her closer, you should seek the brains to make an impression on the girl, for example, with the help of a compliment on her beauty, since with the character of the girl you are not yet familiar. Do not know how to make it competent? Then this article is for you! I will boost the veil of the mystery to questions what kind of compliments of the girl love and when them It is appropriate!

An important rule of expression of complimeters: compliments must be relevant and honest. All girls are different, so the approach to each should be special. Good compliment to the girl about her beauty It will require you some knowledge of psychology, attentiveness and, of course, your imagination. In this case, you should follow clear limitations and recipes. It is important not to overdo it and do not bother with compliments. Below, I offer you a list of top compliments, but remember that a certain compliment is appropriate in a certain situation. Therefore, read the article to the end, because After a small list of compliments, I will tell about basic rules of their expression!

Top 10 compliments Girl about her beauty

  • It is difficult for me to control myself when I look in your eyes.
  • You can not fall in love with you.
  • Your beauty drives me crazy.
  • What a pity I did not meet you before. I do not even know how I lived without you.
  • I fell in love with you at first glance.
  • From the smell of your hair I am going crazy!
  • I have never seen such a dazzling beauty.
  • Your eyes shine more than ever!
  • This pendant (scarf) emphasizes the color of your eyes.
  • I like being with you so much.

"An intelligent woman compliments serve to assess men, stupid - for self-esteem."

Do not worry, even if you are rejected after your recognition. Be sure to find a girl who will appreciate your efforts !!! Although, read this article, You will be grounded enough to hit almost any girl !

So, consider several situations in which you can be as well as basic rules for expressing compliments to the girl about her beauty

Studying these rules plus a little practice and you get understanding control (Does it sound like fascinatingly, is it not true?) Over the mental state of the girl! Unless of course she wants it! So let's go up!

1. It is necessary to carefully study the girl

Before entering the light, almost every woman is carefully going: chooses clothes, accessories, makes makeup, makes hairstyle. At the same time, it necessarily focuses on one some detail that would emphasize its originality and individuality. It will be great if you notice this item. What is your eyes most attract? How do you think it would like to notice the surrounding?

Of course, B. each girl has its own highlight , That feature that decorates it and highlights among the others. Eyes, hair, lips, legs, chest, style of clothes can cause a male admiration. If you meet not the first time, it is possible that the style of behavior, the manner of communication, character trait. You must express sincere girl all compliments, of course that she deserves.

Well, if you can't tear your eyes from her beautiful eyes, then these eyes just crave a compliment. Do not spare the most gentle and pleasant words to these women's char. By the way, you can use my list of epithets.

Eyes - bottomless, mysterious, radiant, azure, sea waves, blue haze, radiant, black and burning, teasparce eyes; sight - hypnotic, mystical, clean, sincere, fascinating, intriguing, gentle, sincere, outdoor, gullible, light, drowning, drowning, dramatic, daring, witchcraft, mysterious, happy.

I am not in vain allocated epithets, which describe the view of the girl. Eyes are generally a man's soul mirror. Even without words, you can define the mood of the girl. Many women thanks to their fascinating, Magic look fought men to the fowl.

Smile is a decoration of a female face. Do not forget to remind the girls what a charming smile they have and how she goes it! It is actually very nice, I know by myself!

You can safely tell the girl: " You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where". This compliment inspires the girl that she has a magical attractiveness that captures men's eyes, breaks the heart and deprives them of the mind. Woman should feel that she is a goddess, except when the girl has too high self-esteem (it already feels goddess). In this case, other methods of expressing compliments will be required.

Smile - dazzling, radiant, Hollywood, shining, charming; laugh - inappropriate.

You can just say: " Your eyes (smile) drive me crazy«.

Hair Depending on the color, density, structures can also cause admiration and compliments.

Red-haired - fiery, brunette - burning, natural blonde, wheat hair, chestnut; Soft, silky, light, natural, natural, curly, smooth, lush, long, well-groomed.

Figure - flexible, slim, sophisticated, plastic, state, fragile, perfect, sexy, appetizing; gait - feminine, sexy, smooth, exciting, soft, light; leather - small, tanned, snow-white, gentle, soft, perfect, velvety, clean, flawlessi.

General phrases about the beauty of the girl who are suitable in any situation - Whether it is acquaintance, the first date, or a long marriage life: charming, stylish, fashionable, luxurious, extravagant, delightful, wonderful, elegant, charming, beautiful, perfect, stunning, stunning, pretty, angelic-beautiful, immaculate, expressive, inimitable, luxurious, adorable, irresistible, amazing, unsurpassed, immaculate, Perfect, beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, exquisite, amazing, graceful, indescribably beautiful, perfection itself.

With a closer acquaintance when your relationship switched to an intimate level when the girl trusts you completely and understands you, you can use compliments are more frank, which will talk about her sexuality.

Sexy, sophisticated, erotic, feminine, sultry, straded, passionate, very dangerous, captivating, relaxed, drinking, fiery, dramatic, burning, having, hot, sexy, exciting, seductive.

2. Full surprise

This method of filing compliments is to make an emphasis on that feature of the appearance of a girl who would have become a complete surprise for it. The girl simply does not expect from you to admire this particular detail and, perhaps, she has even some complexes on account of the feature that you noticed. Here you have to be very careful not to offend the girl. Your words should not contain false and flattery. For example, if a girl has a long nose and she has a complex about this, but still he did not embarrass you, but on the contrary, you noticed that he emphasizes her identity, you can say: " Girl, you have such a sexy nose

I think this compliment will be absolutely unexpected for the girl. Although the outcome may not be in your favor, depending on how much the girl is complex about this - she might think that you mock it. But on the other hand, if you are not indifferent to her, she will like the conversation with you on the contrary. After all, in fact, girls are very interested in what others think about them. Thus, the girl can learn something new about himself, it is possible to get rid of its complexes.

Everyone used to say compliments about the eyes, hairstyle, smile, but few people talk about the nose, wrists, feet, ears. These are completely non-bunny compliments. Boldly, but you can be able to rejoice with them. The girl will be discouraged by your originality. But do not forget - the compliment must be sincere, or at least he should look like!

Recently familiar guy told me: "You have a beautiful nose." I never considered my nose to be most advantage, but I was very nice - I never said that I had a beautiful nose. Nose like nose.))))

Be careful, beware of ambiguous compliments: « You are solution this dress! " (hint of extra kilograms), " You today came in a beautiful dress"It means before that she went to the ugly)," You are so good with straight hair. More often do such a commonu "(a compliment should not sound as instruction, the girl itself will understand how it is better).

3. Negative compliment

If you are dealing with a very beautiful, self-confident girl, you will need completely different methods of attracting her attention. Beautiful women know their price. You are unlikely to surprise her, saying how beautiful it looks and how Divinely beautiful. She heard these words from each counter-man and believe me, everyone who gave it to the compliments, she sewed. She is very good it turns out. Therefore, you will have to act in relation to it ruthlessly, I do not mean offensive in any way.

First of all, you need to break through the shield of the bitch, i.e. It is completely discouraged. I do not want to say that beautiful girls bitch. But they do not have another choice, how to behave like this. Rough teaching of men acts as a protective response from increased attention. And at the same time, she likes to feel power over men.

But in fact, this girl wants to be weak and defenseless only with the man who can resist her beauty or at least it will not be able to issue his true feelings. A compliment comes to the rescue - negative kick. Tell her that she has long nails, which are most likely overhead.

Imagine the situation. The guy is coming to the girl and says: " Beautiful long nails. Most likely, overhead?"- He will plunge her wild confusion. Next, he can add: " Yes? But look awesome". Then he turns away. Such an appeal to it could not even imagine in the most terrible dream. Although he did not insult her. But he hurt her for living and struck the queen's armor. These words will be discouraged and intrigued. So not one man did not appeal to her. So this special, it has a delicate taste.

I can continue a list of negative compliments:

- Girl, your spirits have a very pleasant fragrance, but a little rescued.

-Girl, you look very luxurious. It is difficult to not pay attention to you. You sit in a short dress, spreading the legs. You do not think that it is too frank? ...

- Girl, you have a very interesting drawing on a T-shirt. I have exactly the same house on the tablecloth.

- You are very beautiful from nature. Why do you hide your natural beauty under the cosmetics layer?

"Judging by you, you love bright clothes." I used to think that the red color does not combine with blue, but looking at you, I realized that I was wrong!

The second way to conquer beauties is the expression of compliments not related to its appearance. Perhaps the beautiful shell is hiding very soulful, dreamy, intelligent, creative, active, simple girlfriend. Your task is to consider what is hidden by the unappreciable cold queen.

I wish you good luck in the conquest of female hearts!

How to say beautiful girlfriend compliments, ready phrases

Everyone knows that it is always known to say the compliments to the girls and everywhere, in fact this is an immutable rule. However, not everyone knows that if they reconcile it with praises, the effect risks to be quite reverse, the label of the Podlisa and the Lysta will forever stick to you, and your further courtesy will begin to cause a suspicion or mockery. By topic, read the article how to learn how to flirt with girls, it will help better feel the situation.

How to say compliments correctly?

The main thing is to find the golden middle, because many of the best and beautiful compliments of the girl - it is clearly busting, but also the almost complete lack of them is also not the best approach.

Is there an ideal compliment to a girl who is appropriate in all cases and always causing only positive emotions? Of course no. But why not try to develop it, or at least eliminate the likelihood of the emergence of a negative reaction? First of all, it should be open and sincere, without any signs of improving. The girl will receive a lot of pleasure from praise confident man, it sounds more naturally. If with the help of compliments try to achieve something from it, she probably will like your game very quickly, and nothing will come from you.

Let the compliment benefit and you.

The girl will impress the word approval, said correctly and on time. Pay attention to those of its features and features (makeup, hairstyle, clothes), over which she worked, thoroughly thinking and making a lot of effort, as well as those that other guys do not notice.

She has an unusual hairstyle? Or maybe she acquired an elegant brooch? Show observation, make the appropriate topic and make a girlfriend compliment on this. And do not forget about the smile! If you are unable to come up with anything - admire its energeticness, will of the will. It is important to remember that it is better to stick to a calm tone, sometimes several playful, as for the intention of please - exclude it.

Is it worth praising the beauty of girls, their external data? Many do this, but this is an incorrect tactic. For example, hereby such words have no such words. They already know about their attractiveness, and they hear such compliments from day to day. You will remember as another dull fan. So why try in vain?

Spontaneity of a good compliment to the girl is the key to success.

Expressing approval and trying to praise, your chances to please the girl will increase significantly if everything is uttered unobtrusively, as if by chance.

The best and beautiful compliments of the girl still need to be able to speak, so that it does not look like and not natural.

What should be done? Make only one compliment to the girl (do not try to continue) about her charming dress or hairstyles, and immediately go to the other topic, in every way distract the girl. No need to demonstrate that you are in a wild delight.

How to make a compliment to the girl correctly.

The most effective compliment for the girl will be the one that you immediately will be slightly refuted, let's understand that in general everything is fine, but still not perfect. Suppose "I can not suck your amazing smile! True, I just noticed that you had a Syrinka knuckle, she was here (remove the non-existent patrol). " It turns out that you simultaneously praise this or another line and say that there is still something to work on, pointing to a small flaw. However, remember that it is impossible to overdo it. For example, your phrase: "You have an extraordinary hairstyle, but I am sure that she has long come out of fashion," it is unlikely to be successful.

Curious fact: it is best to talk about the right ear. But you should not think that you need something to be chispporn right in your ear, just know that when you're going to tell the girl a compliment, or something to talk about something with her, try to sit so that the bulk of information is not perceived left, but right ear.

In spite of everything, it is important to remember the main rule - beautiful compliments of a girl need to do unobtrusively and naturally. And if the girl does not agree with your words, do not try to dissuade her in the opposite, you will die beautifully. Feeling that a pre-prepared compliment, most likely, it will sound a pity and will put you in an awkward position, or you will show what you are improving and needing - leave it with you.

The best beautiful compliments of a girl, a ready-made list of compliments. Girl.

And finally, you are offered to you some of the most interesting examples of compliments for the girl. After reading them, you will enrich your knowledge and will not be "without weapons", and you can also have your own ideas. Read the topic of the article as you like the girl and how to get acquainted with the girl on the street for general development, it can handle something new, because one compliments can not cope, but a list of compliments to the girl:

  • "I did not want to say that you were best. In fact, this is another worse than you. "
  • "Happiness? It is before my eyes! "
  • "It's just incredible, your judgments and glances are even better than my mother!"
  • "If you compare the current Miss World with you - it definitely loses!"
  • "I am breaking the hatching hatred for the fact that I adore you so much."
  • "I saw you earlier ... Perhaps you dreamed."
  • "Today you look different and I like this change ... Waiting for, yes, you are not painted, that's what's the thing!"
  • "I could not not fall in love with your sunshine: in these trigger freckles and carefree smile."
  • "What kind of dragon do I need to fight to conquer such a fabulous princess?"
  • "Be I'm born by a girl, I would like to look like as you."
  • "Looking at you, I realized why your spouse is always in a hurry home ..."
  • "With such an aristocratic profile and languid cheekbones, like you, should be posted for the artist."
  • "Even the petal of May roses is not so gentle and velvetyist, like your skin."
  • "How it happened that I completely forgot, where was going to go? For sure, I saw you and could not resist such a wonderful beauty. "
  • "I am delighted with your costume, very successful cut!"
  • "I know why you are completely confident in yourself - otherwise you can not be, you are surprisingly beautiful, smart, energetic, sensual and good ..."
  • "I can not believe your culinary abilities are significantly superior to the mother's!"
  • "Girl, I have admired you throughout the road. It was worth seeing you, as I immediately forgot about all the problems, and I want to thank you for it. "
  • "I apologize, and the representative of which model agency you are?"
  • "This is unbearably, I can not be near you! I should be blind and the little of your beauty. "

absolutely unpredictable
adventurist deft
amazon captivating
infinitely new
unlikely dancing
besshasha and severe
vanilla chocolate
forever young
in love
not pompous
we all very necessary
all gifts are worthy
all in the light of the conquering
flexible and slim
losing head
languard lungs
the only one
to the stars fascinating
to the praise of the usual
to the kisses are called
how the picture came out
cunning tempter
coquetty-ignor and not exactly
colossially magnetic
beautiful East
caressing heating
moored love
consciously toastful
the world is decorated
men inspirational
for strength time verified
incredibly sociable
uniquely interesting
recomplying contradictory
optimist of nonsense
from others is excellent
open and kind
hearth keeper
very popular
nature Odar
simple and challenging
just delightful
against false rebuilding
right in the heart wound
the joy emitting
wounds healing and in love playing
speeches are voluptuous
risk and prepared
most most
the most-most favorite!
selfless-hardworking and ambitious
secular and noble
hardochka famous
consonant and proud
crushing erotic
tranquility Ogruty.
the fate is satisfied
creatively passionate
smile radiant
favorite named
fantasy tireless
often sinning
damn artistic
wonderful and brave
miraculous Savior
slightly egoistical

I have never seen such as you!

For me, you are the most special girl!

I admire your femininity!

I like the smell of your hair so much!

You are beautiful, like a beautiful flower!

You are just charming!

You are the only one in the world, about whom I think every minute!

Your beauty struck me out!

You are always irresistible!

Next to you I feel a real man!

The smell of your spirits are unforgettable!

You are a girl from my dreams!

You're like a girl from a fairy tale!

I still can not believe that I met such a wonderful girl!

I am delighted with your Divine Beauty!

I loved your mysterious smile!

No girl in the world, more beautiful than you!

You are the only one who conquered my heart!

You're like scented spring flower!

You have a stunning tan, as if dark sunset flame!

Corners of your lips are full of joy!

Every evening spent with you - stunning. You know how to surprise!

This unmatched smile is very good!

Seconds without you - last for hours, but the clock is with you - only moments!

When the wind develops your hair, they look like a beautiful waterfall!

You have indescribable eyes in the color of the cornfield!

You are my sweet unforgettable morning!

You smell a beautiful fresh rose!

Your blue eyes - like the sky, your golden hair - like the sun! You are more beautiful than all women living on Earth!

Extrainarized compliments of the girl

You often make me happy! Like a mixture!

Newest extraordinary compliments to the girl

You look great!

You have an emerald's eyes! Only goddess are worthy of such eyes!

You have an excellent rumor and a rhythm feeling!

I love to sort out your hands soft, exciting hair!

How can I be wondering!

Your good word, like a lifebuoy for a drowning. Thank you for this!

I have not met any more hostess hospitally!

You are an amazing person: I taught me to be gentle, affectionate, and not lose courage and stiffness!

You have an unusually attractive look!

Your radiant smile dazzling the brightest sunny day!

Your hands are designed to kiss their men!

When you're angry, I see the summer thunderstorm in your eyes!

You are the most ordinary girl. And I like you!

You are my fragrant flower. Your fragrance I recognize from millions of others!

At high heels you look more slimmer!

I will take an honor to kiss your delicious handle, lady!

Shed the look of your eyes speaks about a lot!

New extraordinary compliments to the girl

You need to carry a road iron with you to smooth the indelible impression that you produce on others!

You really go this color!

In the corners of your expressive eye, magic dreams were attached!

You are a real angel! I even hear the rustle of your beautiful wings!

Thanks to its low growth, you look like a charming thimble from a fairy tale!

For such girls like you are shooting a man in the old days!

If you print all compliments and beautiful words on the printer, which you are worthy, the world will remain without a forest!

I can listen to your awesome clock and a cute voice!

You are a sofa of rare beauty!

Look smart! Five and a half million dollars!

Your loving is no limit!

Have you ever said that you have a queen posture?!

Your incomparable look clings me every time I see you!

People stopped believing in miracles, and I am not. And here is one of the wonders in front of me. You are a real miracle!

You can solve the most difficult tasks with your flexibility!

I taja in your eyes like a ice cream in the warm lake!

You like a kind fairy - turn my life into solid happiness!

Stylishly look! How do you manage to pick up such original decorations to your daily image?!

You have a smile like a mona Lisa - easy and relaxed!

You are walking clothes! Have something to show!

You have such sweet honey sponges!

You have charming leather - gentle, velvety, like a small child!

I look at you and I understand that it keeps me at all at all, and you, mine!

Your outfit and gait can be combined into one slogan: "tremble, men!"!

You are a stunning goddess! Just a gift over!

Silky, shiny strands of your hair are beautifully developing on the spring breeze!

Optimistic extraordinary compliments to the girl

In your eyes, a charming dance of passion is visible!

When you pour on me, you have a cute and touching look!

A striking insight with you! You always know what I want before I wanted it!

In your eyes sometimes lights such a crazy spark!

You have an unmatched manner dress!

How much I know you, are always impeccable in matters of clothes and fashion!

You have a brilliant erudition!

I don't know anyone talenter than you!

Where in you so much grace, grace and sophistication?!

Your bright temperament drives me crazy!

Your justice is worthy of admiration!

You give me confidence in tomorrow, confidence that I will succeed!

Your mouth is pretty! And cheeks, which cheeks - natural blush!

You have a very nice skin. Probably you bathe every day in a lake filled with lunar silver!

You have amazing and pleasant features!

You have such cool holes formed when you smile. Give this smile to the world more often, please!

You like Kinder Surprise - you can never guess what you have on your mind!

You are very flexible, just like a young fluffy and playful kitty!

Original extraordinary compliments to the girl

Your charm overshadows a beautiful spring morning!

Time without you - just just ticking hours! Only you fill it with meaning!

Yes, you are slimmer birch!

You fill my heart with immeasurable happiness!

From morning to evening, you flush like a butterfly. How do you manage to be so energetic?!

You are the most charming person I just met in life!

Your childish clean and naive eyes are unmatched!

In this dress you like a revived spring mood!

I was pleased to spend the evening with you, can somehow repeat?!

It seems to be changed in you much, but you manage to look always different! How do you do it?!

Silk Sharfi waves around your swan neck entertainment!

The movements of your hands are elegant and unique, full of femininity!

You perfectly get to speak in public! Real speaker!

You have a catchy! So you will see - I will not forget for a long time!