Should be allocated during pregnancy and what. Selection before childbirth. What are the constant discharge during pregnancy

At the beginning of the extension of the fetus, in the 1st trimester, it is advisable to track not only its condition, but also be able to distinguish pathological discharge from normal. Some branches at the very beginning of pregnancy can speak of the presence of diseases of the fetus itself, since it is at this time that the development and development of the zygota - the future embryo and child occurs.

A threat of miscarriage will show red or browned selections, about the pathology of the development of the vaginal flora or the uterus - purulent and yellow branches with an unpleasant odor. But, in order to distinguish between other dangerous symptoms, it is worth familiar with all possible manifestations in the first periods of pregnancy.

In the early rates of raising the zygota (this is the so-called future kid), the highlight of a reddish shade or brown should not cause panic from a woman, but also independently decide on treatment is also not worth it.

At the beginning of pregnancy, hormonal restructuring occurs, the development of elements, which will further help preserve pregnancy. For this reason, only a doctor who will examine clinical manifestations and research will say about the norm or pathology.

In the first month, many women have menstruation, which lingered a bit, and last less than the previous term. Therefore, what is a normal manifestation, and what is the pathology in the development of baby or placenta, only a gynecologist should say.

What can be allocations in the first month

In the first 5 weeks, a woman often does not recognize that the egg cell is already fertilized by spermatozoom. For the reason that there are no symptomatic manifestations characteristic of all pregnant women, the diagnosis of pathologies is complicated, the ability to study the normal discharge or not, is also not possible.

The discharge at this stage of the development of zygotes and their character is largely determined by the state of the health of the woman itself, which previously suffered operations, has chronic diseases of the genitourinary system at the time of pregnancy.

The first signal is that a woman in an interesting position is the appearance of itching, irritability and swelling on the external genital lips. So the body responds to the intensive production of progesterone, which released the yellow tank after the fertilization of the egg.

The norm in the first month is considered transparent, pinkish or white discharges that are not smell. At the beginning of the fetus tool, the woman feels intense production of white, which do not bring discomfort. Such a development is due to a large concentration of hormone progesterone, which is protection for the fetus.

In the complex not only one progesterone, but also estrogen, prolactin helps to keep the fetus in the very first weeks of his life, and therefore the body at different stages independently controls the necessary concentration of one or another substance in the body of the future mommy.

The reasons for which brownish, bloody or yellow consistencies may appear in the first months during pregnancy:

  1. Consequence after sexual intercourse. There is no need to refuse a sex life, but to control the depth of penetration of a man and the painful sensations are worth it. At this time, the uterus is just beginning to grow, the neck of the uterus also increases, the cervical area, and therefore minor bleeding consistencies can talk about insignificant tissue trauma.
  2. In women, even during pregnancy, there is a mining of hormones, which before fertilization were responsible for the cyclicity of the menstrual cycle. Many gynecologists call such a feature of "individual women's biological clock." Of course, not every woman has allocations at that time, when menstruation should be followed, but if this happens, it should not panic. At the same time, it is also not necessary to scare the lungs of the vagina and in the field of appendages, this is also the natural reaction of the body to replace the biological rhythm.
  3. Fastening the fetal egg to the subtle tissues of the uterus can provoke minor pinkish or reddish discharge from the vagina over several days. It is necessary to pay attention to the consistency, smell and nature of manifestation. So, if there is a soreness, and the number of sections does not decrease, but increases, it is necessary to seek help. If the number of consistency does not change, and periodically the pinkish paste-shaped legs occur, then it can talk about fastening the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus. Such a process is considered normal, it is not necessary to worry.
  4. Bali cotton consistency or thrush - an unpleasant pregnancy satellite for almost 80% of women. In the first trimester, the Woman's vagina not only changes the qualitative composition of the flora, but also exposed to hormonal activity. The immune response of the local action is not always so high to avoid unpleasant development on the walls of the vagina fungus of the genus Candida. The spread of fungal colonies occurs instantly, because now in a weak point there is an opportunity to eat with mucous favorable components, which helps in the growth of bacteria. It is dangerous such a state is not, but control from the gynecologist will be required.

Fungus genus Candida is a common complication for a pregnant woman's mucosa. Even if a woman is not diagnosed with such a disease before pregnancy, then during the lack of a baby "Labin" in immune protection allows us to spread fungal formations. The situation is aggravated by a weak reaction of the body on pathogens, long-term treatment, symptomatic.

Selection on the second month

In the event that the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the woman knows about its position, the second month of napping is not associated with features and changes. On the second month, important bodies of the fetus are born, and the heart can already be heard using special equipment.

Also from the 7th week, a woman feels a wish to sleep, taste preferences change, the combination of flavoring qualities and the amount of food consumed. At this stage there is an active work of the body over hormonal changes. Visually pregnancy is not yet determined, but the woman can feel nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Also issued an interesting position frequent urination, often several drops.

There are no discharge, only thrush can be observed, which develops against the background of weakened organism protection, but such manifestations should not scare a woman, the treatment is symptomatic, and the state is not dangerous for the growth and development of the child. Toxicosis will also be determined by individual factors.

The norm is the following allocations on the second month of the first trimester:

  • blence with mucus;
  • transparent and mucous branches;
  • light reddish or pinking offices without pain;
  • brownish consistency at the time of the menstrual cycle without much;
  • has a thick consistency in the case when diagnosed with dysbacteriosis.

In the first months, pregnant can notice the changed character of the selection - an increase in the number of white after sexual contact. In this case, the body and in particular, the organs of the reproductive system of women negatively react to the microflora of the sexual partner. It was recommended to pass a family examination, perhaps the reason for the selection - in a man.

Allocations in the third month

The last, third month in the first trimester is a turning point, which many obstetricians consider risky for the fetus. Up to this point, the formation of the fetus was engaged in a fruit egg or a shell, further the functions of the provision of other organs, in particular, the placenta.

If the fruit was formed normally, there are no genetic anomalies, unnecessary chromosomes, and the placenta has a reserve for further fetus and attached in the prescribed place of the uterus, the allocation of any nature is terminated. On the hormonal level, the woman also experiences changes:

  • chest sweeping, pillow;
  • nipples are sensitive, react to any instruction and exposure to water;
  • the belly begins to increase, even if it is not visible, a woman feels a light "peeliness", it is impossible to draw the abdominal muscles as before;
  • toxicosis passes, its full suspension can be observed until the 14th week;
  • taste preferences and odors perceived acutely, the woman hears and catches the smells of such a character that did not feel before;
  • the color of the face is changing, a blush appears, caustic rashes are possible, irritation.

The obstetrics celebrate if the miscarriage did not happen before the 12th week, the risk of such further is leveled. The main reasons that lead to complications in the form of a development of development are genetic anomalies in the development, improper division of chromosomes at the gene level.

For this reason, normally, no discharge in the third month should not be. If a woman notes the continuation of oscillation of bloody discharges, it is necessary to pass the analysis to the number of hormones in the blood, which ensure the preservation of the fetus and the normal life support of the baby throughout the entire period.

What can tell allocations at different times at the beginning of pregnancy

Since the start of the formation of the zygote, and then the embryo is associated with hormonal restructures, it is allowed to allocate a different nature. However, in any situation, only additional control and surveys will help to establish the necessary diagnosis that could cause the departments.

For allocations, an obstetrician can say a lot:

  • child disease;
  • chronic mothers diseases;
  • hereditary factors;
  • toasting;
  • risks during pregnancy.

In particular, such surveys play a huge role as the level of hCG, its concentration, ultrasound, doppler control and cardiogram. All research, analyzes and diagnostics appoint a doctor.

What can the selection can say how to identify pathology on time? It is worth paying attention to the following features:

  1. Yellow or green consistencies indicate the presence of pathogenic flora, in particular, we can talk about the presence of infections of infections by generic paths. In this case, the consequences are in this case - the fetal infection, the cessation of ensuring the livelihood of the baby.
  2. Brown abundant - The risk of interrupting pregnancy, while in most cases the roles do not play the number of consistencies, even a minor, but a constant number of brown secretions can mean risk or threat to a child.
  3. Transparent liquid discharge without pain is a sign of normal development of pregnancy. Abundant, thick, colorless without smell and impurities - the norm on any time.
  4. Blooding may indicate the presence of injury, microcracks and irritation. The nature of such manifestation should determine only a gynecologist.

The beginning of pregnancy is only the first step towards happiness and motherhood. Allocations show the normal or anomalous course of fetal development, so the first thing that the woman pays attention is regardless of the term is changes in the discharge.

Causes of bloody secretions in pregnant women

  1. Menses. It is especially relevant to such a question for those women who have heredity of bloodsmonds in the first months. To clarify the diagnosis, Doppler Diagnostics is carried out, which will show the course of pregnancy, with the norm of the fetus will be "washed" with blood, but such a flow does not harm its growth.
  2. The erosion of the cervix cervix provoke a weak isolation of dark brown or pinkish blood. With exacerbation or excessive pressure on the bottom of the uterus, bleeding or pasto-shaped cargo consistencies may occur.
  3. Detacing of a fetal egg, placenta after the 11th week. Scarlet bloodworms in terms of the first months of tooling can also cause miscarriage. This situation happens due to the detachment of the child's place, which must be attached to the uterus. Hormonal unstable state of a woman is the most common cause of such a complication. Recommended hormonal replacement therapy throughout the entire length of tolerance;
  4. Rhow conflict. It can also be caused by bloodstands both at an early period and in later rapid periods. Depending on which pregnancy in the account (the number of birth), the rezv conflict performs on the period of 7 to 15 weeks. In this case, the timely therapy of the mother's antigens will help eliminate bleeding, and as a consequence - miscarriage.

Rhow conflict arises when Mother and Fetal has different blood groups. Thus, the most dangerous situation is the pregnancy of the mother with a negative rear factor, and the fetus with positive. If pregnancy is not the first, there is the likelihood of the child's rejection as a foreign body.

First trimester of pregnancy: Natural selection or not?

In what situation is the allocation is the norm, and in which no, only the doctor defines. In pathologies of tooling, sharp pains, bright symptoms and bloodstands in large quantities do not necessarily appear. To exfoliate the placenta of sufficiently separating consistencies of a weakly generated character.

Of course, the dangerous situation is pain and simultaneous allocations with progressive symptoms, but in this case, in early terms, we can talk about the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Hospitalization, course of therapy and treatment mandatory. Deletion with the diagnosis and determination of the reasons threatens the woman with risk of infertility or death.

To determine and be able to distinguish the normal natural allocations from pathological manifestations, you can use the following tips:

  • raising the body temperature - always manifestation of complications;
  • if the basal temperature is in the range of 37-37.4 degrees, then pregnancy at this stage is not at risk;
  • bright or dark bloodstursors are almost always a manifestation of a dangerous state that threatens the interruption of pregnancy;
  • pains do not always indicate danger (Exception - Spasms, Catching or Rapid Radiant Pains, at the bottom of the back, lower back);
  • after sexual contact, inspection of the gynecologist, a minor pink consistency may appear from the vagina tests from the vagina, this is the norm, you do not need to panic;
  • dangerous symptoms in the threat of miscarriage, which are associated with the lack of heat, weakness and vomiting after toxicosis can speak of the presence of rapid development of the symptoms of miscarriage.

After pregnancy, there may also appear in the cesarean section, which indicate the deformation of the tissues of the uterus. It is necessary to use additional means of protection in the form of bandages and elastic bandages to maintain belly tissues.

First trimester and highlighting of transparent color

Transparent mucus or blenced in any quantity - this is the norm in all periods of the child's development of intrauterine. Characteristic mucous formations - the result of hormonal activity in the body of a woman. Progesterone and further estrogen cause an increased amount of mucus formation, which in its nature is similar to a period of ovulation.

Such a number of mucus is necessary at the first months of pregnancy for formation in the upper part of the cervical channel of the mucous plug, which, due to its composition, protects the fetus from negative factors and infections from the external environment. However, even such a cork will not be able to protect against dangerous diseases - rubella, windmills, smallpox and hepatitis.

Dangerous allocations in the first trimester

Dangerous allocations for the first time pregnancy weeks are associated with the threat of miscarriage, with the peculiarities and anomalies of the fetal development. Genetic features do not allow the child to survive outside the body of the mother. Therefore, the body does not give a chance to survive such a fetus, there is a reduction and arbitrary miscarriage.

About how the body defines such anomalies, and why until a certain point it was unknown, even scientists can guess today. Hypotheses are put forward, but in some cases all such assumptions remain as assumptions.

According to statistics, 15-18% of all pregnancies end in arbitrary miscarriage, fading pregnancy. Such a figure is laid at the genetic level when nature laid a natural natural process for the birth of healthy representatives of the genus.

The most dangerous discharge in the form of blood may also be associated with abnormalities of development, possibly congenital pathologies of the internal organs of the mother. What caused the discharge and what their pathogenesis can say only the doctor.

The danger to the life of a woman in the period of tooling the fetus represents such discharges as brown paste, blood scarlet or dark color with clots, mucus with streaks or blood clots, yellow and green branches at any stages of pregnancy.

Waiting for the appearance of a baby - always joy for a woman. But, in some situations, such languid waiting is overshadowed by negative consequences, which it is important to identify on time, eliminate and eliminate the causes. Allocations on the first three months are the criterion for estimating the norm and pathology in the development of the baby. In some cases, it is not worth worrying, but in the presence of a change in the consistency, the intensity of the discharge and their quantity it is necessary to seek help.

The discharge from the vagina has always been and remain the diagnostic criterion for the health of the sexual sphere of any woman. Normally, they are transparent, liquid or mucous, do not smell. During the tooling of the fetus, they change depending on the term. Changes occur under normal course of pregnancy. But allocations can become pathological depending on the state of a woman or fetus.

The normal composition of the selection and their functions

Vaginal secret has a complex composition. Its components:

  • mucus, which produces glands of the cervical cervical;
  • demunning epithelial cells of the walls of the vagina;
  • microorganisms (mainly lactic acid bacteria).

It varies in color, consistency, smell. There is no smell. Color and viscosity depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle (from the released genital hormones) or the period of pregnancy.

Vaginal allocations perform important functions:

  • protect from pathogenic microbes;
  • moisturized during sexual intercourse;
  • clean the vagina.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the white secretion increases due to hormonal changes occurring during ovulation. Isolation resemble liquid protein. This is a favorable time for conception: the most comfortable conditions for spermatozoa are created. Thanks to such a mucus, they easily reach eggs. At this time, with an increase in the amount of selection, linen is more dirty.

There is a sharp increase in secretions with unprotected interchange. Their secretion increases in the first days - after conception, and in recent days - on the eve of childbirth.

Normal allocations during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the microflora of the vagina changes, and the amount of antibacterial substances increases in the lubricant. The body is preparing for a long period of fetal development process.

During pregnancy in the body, significant changes in the hormonal background occur: if a hormone of estrogen responded to pregnancy for the state of the woman, then after her offensive - progesterone. This is a hormone of pregnancy, which helps to keep the embryo in the uterus, preventing the reduction of the uterus. Progesterone forms pregnancy throughout the first 12 weeks -. Under its influence, dense opaque discharges in a small amount appear. They are formed about two weeks after conception.

A few words about which discharge during pregnancy are considered normal. The physiological is considered to be the discharge, which do not have a sharp smell, do not create discomfort or irritation. Their consistency is important to pay attention to. From the thick vaginal X secrets, the cork formation takes place in the cervical canal. It becomes a protective barrier for the embryo (fetus) from pathogenic microorganisms up to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

After the first trimester, when the fruit was firmly strengthened in the uterus, and almost ripens the placenta, estrogen again stands out in large quantities. There are transparent abundant allocations that are not smell and colors. They should not cause anxiety, because they are the option of the norm. The body is prepared for childbirth and lactation.

Curl discharge - urogenital candidiasis

If the consistency and density changed, the release became white and have a kind of cottage cheese with sour smell, it indicates urogenital candidiasis (thrush). Disease develops on any period, can often recur. But most often it happens in the early time, shortly after conception. Candidia development rate during pregnancy is high. This is explained as follows:

  1. Under the influence of hormones, which begin to stand out in large quantities, the secretion of secretion increases. They, as indicated, perform a protective function, leaning pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina, including useful lactic acid bacteria. This leads to an increase in pathogenic fungi - thrush appears.
  2. After strengthening the egg in the uterus wall, immunity is sharply reduced - immunosuppression states: the body is trying to rejected the foreign body as a fetus. Against the background of the depressed immunity, the yeast-like mushrooms are reproduced, which leads to candidiasis.

The resulting thrush must be treated in a timely manner. Therapy is appointed by both partners. It is especially dangerous for the future child in the last weeks of pregnancy: it can lead to a child's infection when the generic paths are passing during the delivery process. The disease leads to serious defeats of the child's organs.

Bloody issues

Footprints in the discharge often arise from the first weeks of pregnancy. This is due to several reasons:

  • threat of pregnancy interrupt;
  • pseudo-erosion of the uterus;
  • bubble drift.

Threat of interrupting pregnancy

The threat of interrupting pregnancy develops when the miscarriage began. Bright decisions appear in the discharge. This happens as a result of a detachment of an implanting egg. At the same time, there is a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lumbosacral region. When not evidence of emergency care at this stage, the spontaneous abortion goes into the abortion in the go.

The process becomes irreversible, it is impossible to stop it in this phase. The nature of the pain is changing: they become intense bredity due to sharp cuts of the uterus. The selection increases sharply: they can turn into profuse bleeding, which is sometimes difficult to stop. Due to the massive loss of blood, death is possible.

Pseudo-erosion cervix

If the pseudo-erosion of the cervix cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed, they are accompanied by bloody secretions. Such bleaves are contact: appear after sinking (during pregnancy it is strictly contraindicated), after koitus or gynecological inspection.

Bubble drift

The appearance of blood in the discharge occurs with bubble drift. This is a rather rare disease at which the placenta is greatly growing, and the embryo develops with deviations. The chorion naval is reborn into cysts, while the death of a fetal egg occurs. The danger of the state is in the development of a malignant tumor. Treatment operational - produce bubble drift. For this purpose, the scraping of the uterus is made.

Other reasons

There are some other causes of bloody discharges. These include the following:

  • polyp cervical canal of the uterus;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • pathology of the blood flowing system;
  • various injuries.

Selection of yellow color

Pathological includes highlighting of yellow color. If the mucus and a specific smell appeared, it is necessary to urgently appear to inspect the gynecologist to determine the causes and treatment.


The main reason for such discharge is available sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If earlier they had a hidden or sluggish character, then when entering the child, inflammation is sharpened. Urogenital diseases cause chlamydia, ureaplasm, gonococcus, cytomegalovirus and others. Such diseases are dangerous to spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.


Yellow Belie appear in the irritation of the mucous membranes in the form of allergic reactions to:

  • pads;
  • synthetic linen;
  • the use of soap for intimate hygiene instead of special gels.

Implanting bleeding

Scooty light brown discharge is an implantation bleeding option. Appears about the 10th day after. It indicates that the fertilized egg strengthened in the uterus wall. In this case, damage to the uterine vessels and the allocation of a minor amount of blood occurs. The duration of such bleeding is no more than 2 days. If the selection with blood continues - this is a reason for urgent visits to the gynecologist.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, small yellow discharge can be the result of a minor urinary incontinence.

Isolation of brown color

The causes of dark brown discharge are considered:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • placenta bundle (late dates);
  • inflammatory pathology;
  • birthdays.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark brown discharge can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Normally fertilized eggs develops in the uterus. In 2% of cases, it is attached outside the uterus. Most often, this happens in a phallopyan tube - a pipe pregnancy develops. But in some cases, the development of an egg can occur in the cervix, in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity. It is difficult to determine the pathological ectopic pregnancy in the early stages - its signs are no different from normal:

  • menstruation stops;
  • there is toxicosis;
  • swelling and increasing milk gloomy;
  • pregnancy test becomes positive.

To suspect an ectopic pregnancy is possible only on ultrasound, starting from 4 weeks. On this period, a small amount of uterus, thickened pipes may be alert. From 6 weeks you can already see the embryo, located in an atypical location.

If there are all the listed features of pregnancy, but at the same time brown discharge appear, accompanied by increasing intense pain, this indicates a high probability of ectopic pregnancy. With ultrasound, not only the cavity of the uterus will be carefully visible, but also the zones of the presumptive location of the fetus. If the pregnancy is a pipe, then the earlier it is detected, the greater the chance to maintain a foolopiev pipe. With large sizes of the embryo, the pipe is removed. Sometimes when untimely diagnostics may occur.

Yellow-green discharge

Yellow-green allocations appear in trichomoniasis (usually in the first weeks of pregnancy). They stand out in large quantities, paradose, have an unpleasant specific smell. Accompanied by itching, burning, sometimes pain in the vagina.

In the early stages, this pathology is especially dangerous: a miscarriage or a failed abortion may occur. The disease requires therapy, but self-treatment is dangerous: drugs used for this purpose have a toxic effect on the embryo. Therefore, the selection of medicines can only make a narrow specialist.

The discharge of beige color does not relate to the pathological, rather - to physiological. They may indicate a lack of progesterone's body. If the diagnosis during the examination is confirmed, the state is regulated by the admission of special preparations.

None at any stage of pregnancy is unacceptable self-treatment. It is dangerous for the future child, and for the mother. In addition, it may be ineffective, since pathological discharge can be confused with normal. Timely setting at the dispensary accounting at the gynecologist and visit it on the designated deadlines will help identify the beginning of any pathology and preserve pregnancy.

The occurrence of pregnancy is a significant reason to take care of your health. In the process of carrying a child in the body of a woman there are deep hormonal changes that affect immunity and become the cause of various symptoms. Selection can be an indicator of certain problems. To understand this issue, it is necessary to study the mechanism of their appearance and possible consequences for the body of a woman.

Non-empty women, the neck of the uterus continuously produces mucus. These selection differ depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, the mucous membrane produces a liquid secret that contributes to the promotion of spermatozoa and fertilization. In the next half of the cycle, the mucus acquires a more dense consistency and becomes opaque. This is necessary to protect the input of the uterus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The first half of the cycle is controlled by hormone estrogen, then progesterone plays the main role before the end of the first trimester. With the beginning of the second trimester, estrogen prevails again, under the action of which is liquid and abundant.

Normal selection during pregnancy

The characteristic of normal discharge during pregnancy is the lack of discomfort, burning, itching and unpleasant odor. It is also necessary to pay attention to their coloring.

The prosperous course of the first 12 weeks of gestation is determined by a sufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is first produced by a yellow ovary body during ovue, and then contributes to the holding of the zygotes inside the uterus cavity using the formation of the mucosa in the cervical cervical channel. In addition, it suppresses the contractile activity of the muscles.

Under the influence of progesterone in the first trimester, normal thick vitreous, transparent or whiteways are usually observed. In the event of a feeling of burning, unpleasant odor or any discomfort, you need to contact the gynecologist.

After the embryo firmly fixed in the uterus cavity and formed a placenta, the woman's body begins to strengthen estrogens. These hormones stimulate the growth of the uterus and the formation of ducts and iron fabric. From this point on, the isolation is acquired, they become abundant, colorless or with a white tint.

White discharge

The appearance of white sections during pregnancy is most often optional. In exceptional cases, they are related to the development of the pathological process. Sometimes the appearance of white mucus may indicate conception.

The composition of normal white discharge usually includes a mucus, which is produced by sexual glands and the inner sheath of genital organs, lactic acid bacteria, as well as epithelial cells that cover the surface of the generic paths.

In the event that the blessed mucus acquired the form of cotton clouds, beer smell and accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the field of genitals, this is a symptom of candidiasis, or thrush. The reason for the development of the disease is a conditionally pathogenic fungal microflora, which begins rapid development against the background of the decrease in immunity. A mucus, which has a more transparent hue, a watery structure and an unpleasant smell may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Treatment of these diseases is appointed only by a doctor. For these purposes, safe preparations allowed by pregnant women are selected.

White mucus may appear in late dates. Its consistency serves as a signal about the facility of the oily water or ripening the cervix. Too abundant, thick secretions with strengths of blood on the last weeks of pregnancy point to the outlet of the mucous plug, which indicates the imminent beginning of the delivery process.

Yellow selection

The appearance of yellow and viscous discharge may indicate infection or aggravation of genital diseases. If these signs are not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant smell, then a woman may not pay special attention to it. In the case when on their background, the secret acquires a dark yellow color, this signal must be regarded as a problem in the sexual sphere.

Such pathological signs may appear for a number of reasons:

  1. inflammatory process arising against the reduction of immunity;
  2. allergic reaction to hygiene, cosmetics, linen;
  3. venericual diseases - special attention should be paid in the event that the release of steel greenish, burning, itching, and pain during urination appeared.

The bright yellow color of the vaginal secret often indicates both phallopy pipes, as well as the presence of a bacterial infection in the vagina. This state may not arise due to the pregnancy, but be the exacerbation of chronic diseases. To avoid similar unpleasant manifestations, it is required at the stage of pregnancy planning to identify hidden illnesses and go through an effective course of treatment. During pregnancy, the infection can spread up, cause intrauterine fetal infection and contribute to the development of endometritis after delivery.

The following infectious diseases are given to the development of inflammatory processes in sex, which can manifest themselves with characteristic yellow discharges:

  • nonspecific;
  • candidose colpit;

In the later period of pregnancy, urinary incontinence may appear. Normal physiological selections are mixed with a small amount of urine and acquire a yellowish color.

Brown and bleeding

Practically all women who are in a state of pregnancy can suddenly appear the selection of brown. The causes of such symptoms are different at different deadlines. Often they are a significant reason for concern about future mothers.

After conception, during implantation of the embryo, a violation of the uterus mucosa is observed, with minor capillary bleeding. The appearance of several droplets of brown occurs once and does not progress. Usually, on such an early, a woman does not recognize about the coming pregnancy, so they do not pay much attention to this phenomenon.

The appearance of the secret on the 5-8 week of pregnancy, painted in brown in moderate quantities, can be a signal of ectopic pregnancy or the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In the second case, these discharge, as a rule, dark, with strengths of blood and accompanied by pain in the stomach. With ectopic pregnancy, pain occurs, usually it is localized on the one hand, depending on which the uterine tube began the development of the embryo.

Hormonal changes in the body of a woman can serve as a change to change in the structure of the cervix membranes and the appearance of erosion. Treatment of the disease is not carried out in pregnant women, but begins after a certain time after delivery. Such violations of the integrity of the cervix, as well as sex tract, the development of myoma, carrying out the vaginal ultrasound and the consequences of sexual intercourse can also cause secretions.

Bleeding and brown discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy often become symptoms of the polyps of the cervical canal. At the same time, blood loss is insignificant and not accompanied by pain in the stomach. In addition, such signs occur in varicose expansion of blood vessels in external genital organs or with various infectious processes.

One of the extremely unpleasant complications of pregnancy is bubble skid. The reasons for this pathology were not studied to the end, but there is a theory according to which deviations in a chromosomal embryo set lead to improper formation of the placenta. Instead, a benign swelling on the walls of the uterus is formed. With a partial bubble drift, the likelihood of fetal death in the second trimester, and with full - embryos dies in the early development time. Tumor bubbles sometimes fall into the blood and give metastases in the vagina and lung tissue. Such a state is manifested in the form of blood secretions, in which there can sometimes observe tumor bubbles. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of ultrasound examination and blood test.

In the middle of the first trimester, brown mucus can be a sign of a failure in a hormonal background of a woman. Most often, these changes do not carry threats, but the doctor must be aware of such symptoms. After the 28th week of pregnancy, the release, which are accompanied by the advent of blood, may indicate sudden complications of pregnancy. Most often it is associated with the placenta, it is possible to preview, detachment or radius. Such states threaten mothers and fruits. The child does not receive the required amount of oxygen and the necessary substances, which is extremely negatively affecting its development and livelihoods. With the appearance of brown discharge of various intensity, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care.

In the last weeks, brown allocations are often harbing emerges. And after their offensive, regardless of the method of delivery, there are bloody discharges, or lohi. Their cause is healing the inner surface of the uterus in the place of attachment of the placenta. Lochi with time change their intensity and painting. After 5-6 weeks, they take place independently regardless of breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman needs to closely monitor the signals that the body sends it. The quality and amount of selection is an important diagnostic sign of probable problems. They can be both normal and being symptoms of pathologies, therefore, with any changes in the selection, seek medical help. Yellow, brown and, especially blood discharge, are a mandatory reason for the survey. Even a colorless and white secret, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or pain requires a serious approach during pregnancy.

Selection during pregnancy

According to the allocations from the genital organs, a woman can be judged on the state of her health. During pregnancy, changes occur throughout the body of the future mother, change and allocations are changed, which causes a number of questions in a pregnant woman: is everything in order? So should be?

Selection if a woman is healthy ..

All women, like pregnant women, and not in the glands of the cervical channel, is produced transparent, having a smell, not a heavy mucus, which does not cause skin irritation. The ovarian hormones regulate the frequency of the selection, which corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning of the first phase, on the first day of menstruation, the number of mucus allocated in the body is 50 mg, gradually increasing to 70 mg. On the day and by the time of ovulation, reaching a maximum, in this period, the structure of the mucus changes, it becomes liquid and hard, easily rotten for spermatozoa.

During the second phase of the cycle, the mucus becomes viscous and opaque. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of the cervical cervical channel. Hormone acts on it.

Since during pregnancy in the body of the future mother there is a large amount of progesterone, ensuring the preservation and development of the fetus at the initial stages of the nose, we can say that a pregnant woman has a condition similar to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the mucus in this period is viscous, opaque and its little, the same as a pregnant woman during the second phase of the cycle.

But it happens that some pregnant women have enhanced selection from the genitals. Causes can be a variety of:

Possible problems

White abundant cottages with an acidic odor very often bother to future mothers, these symptoms are a consequence of such a disease as vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition, with such a disease, sometimes itching and burning in the crotch area, which increase after sexual intercourse, water procedures and at night. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, in connection with which the acidity of the vagina environment changes, the immune system is oppressed, all this leads to the fact that the fungi that live in the vagina begin to actively develop, thrush develops. Very often, vaginal candidiasis is observed in a woman during the whole pregnancy and is practically not amenable to treatment.

Treat the thrush follows in the following cases:

1. If the disease delivers a woman anxiety (strong itch in the vagina)

2. There are complications of pregnancy for example, the threat of its interrupt, the intrauterine delay in the growth of the fetus, and the like.

3. Since the thrush causes significant inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the genital organs, its treatment should be carried out at about the 36th week of pregnancy. The mucous membranes becoming wounded can be easily injured during childbirth. In addition, if the pathogen is in the sex paths, during childbirth, the child can get infected and obtain candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

These medicines can be used without restrictions on the treatment of a partner, in the treatment of the same future mother there are certain contraindications. Pregnant in the first trimester you can use only those drugs that will not affect the development of the child. This is a boome in glycerin and a solution of diamond greenery ("Zelenka"). They need to lubricate a gauze tampon and enter it into the vagina. You can also use and candles (). Thanks to these medicines, you can reduce the number of fungi in the vagina and they will stop multiply. But it may be a temporary effect, as in the future, the disease can again exacerbate.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy for the treatment of thrush, local complex drugs can already be used, which are not only antifungal, but also a sketching effect: - D, Ginopevaril, Lolizhinaks, -complex. In order to restore the vaginal microflora, which is broken after treatment with antifungal drugs can be used.

Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor and it will pick it up for you exactly, which is suitable for you

What can cause bleeding during pregnancy?

Do not worry if the allocations associated with the fact that the small details of the placenta, under which the blood accumulates, which is subsequently allocated to the outside lasted for a short time and quickly ended.

It is also considered to be the small allocations of brown, on another mastery, which occur in those days when you had to have menstruation before pregnancy. In addition to the selection, the woman may experience pulling back pain and below the abdomen.

When injuring the mucous membrane during sexual contact, especially if there is a polyp vagina or erosion can be the discharge that proceed not from the uterus

With some genital infections there are various allocations, in order to exclude them, it is necessary to make a smear.

But most often, the cause of bloody secretions in early pregnancy is the threat of pregnancy interruption. If, the gynecologist has determined this threat to you, it should be strictly performed by the instructions. Do not get upset because the possibilities of modern medicine are now very large.

But unfortunately, about 20% of pregnant women, with a threat it is impossible to endure a child.

It is hard to accept it hard, especially if it was not easy. There are pregnant women who categorically refused to interrupt pregnancy and before the prizes of the fetus - up to 28 weeks - lay the layer and even periodically stood on their heads. And some managed to give birth to a viable child. But this heroism makes sense only in a situation where pregnancy develops - you can learn this in the dynamics of hormone hgch, and later - on ultrasound and palpitations of the fetus. Otherwise, the body is getting rid of the foreign bodies, and to resist this - not only unnecessary labor, but also the danger to the life of the mother.

Monthly during pregnancy

If the female egg is found with sperm, then the conditions created in the uterus are not rejected in the uterus, as the new process starts - pregnancy. How does it fit into this picture monthly during pregnancy, which sometimes come from some women?

It should be noted that menstruation during pregnancy is not a menstrual natural rejection, which occurs every cycle in all women, and another bleeding, and other nature. So, the consequence of which factors can be monthly during pregnancy, which we can already boldly take in quotes?

The first cause of the emergence of uterine bleeding during pregnancy, which, by the way, is most often taken for menstruation during pregnancy, is associated with the correct implantation of the fertilized female genital cell through the wall of the uterus. Features of such bleeding: no abundance, short-term, painlessness. In this case, there is no risk of developing pregnancy.

The second reason for which the so-called monthly periods may be caused by hormonal changes associated with the expected monthly. Such bleeding is also considered normal, do not threaten the fetus if there are no related problems. Usually, the allocations in these cases are moderate and everything passes "as usual", without pain and severity at the bottom of the abdomen.

Another non-hazardous for the mother and the fetus causes the appearance of bleeding in the early period of expectation of the kid is not enough high levels of hormones synthesized by the placenta. In this case, the woman needs to observe the doctor, although this bleeding itself does not represent much danger.

It should be remembered that in many cases, monthly during pregnancy is nothing but uterine bleeding in the mind of the rejection of the placenta, indicating the threat of abortion. Since it is almost impossible to distinguish one type of bleeding from another at home, it is almost impossible to immediately visit the gynecologist, to make a detailed diagnosis.

Selection of nonspecific inflammatory processes of female genital organs during pregnancy

Nonspecific such inflammatory processes are called because they are characteristic of many infection pathogens. Most often it happens staphylococci, intestinal wand, protein, etc. Such inflammatory processes are rarely acute, most often the inflammatory process has already been before pregnancy, and with its occurrence aggravated. Therefore, it is so important to treat all possible foci of infection before conception.

During the exacerbation of the inflammatory process, a yellow color and an unpleasant smell may acquire, which indicates that the pathogenic microflora appeared in them (infection pathogens). Such an inflammatory process in the early periods of pregnancy can end with spontaneous miscarriage, since the uterine mucous membrane may suffer in inflammatory processes, in which the germ is introduced.

Currently, clear techniques for the treatment of inflammatory processes at different times of pregnancy are developed.

Selection in sexually transmitted infections

The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections can get into the body of a woman during pregnancy, and may be there for a long time, with a hidden course of such an infection. This happens with improper late treatment without laboratory control: infection under the influence of antibiotics hidden until time, and during pregnancy, when the woman's body is weakened by sharp shifts of the hormonal background and metabolism, the pathogenic microorganisms "come to life" and cause aggravation.

In such cases, they are talking about a specific infection: for each causative agent, infection is characterized by their own signs. So, for gonorrhea is characterized by purulent release of yellow with an unpleasant smell, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the field of genital organs.

Treatment of infections during pregnancy is a rather complicated process, however, there are drugs that can affect the causative agents of an infection without causing complications from the fetus.

Allocations during pregnancy should alarm, but not frighten the woman. It must clearly know that the female consultation doctor will always help her understand whether it is normal or not.

The willingness of the body to childbirth.

An explicit feature pointing to childbirth is considered to be the discharge of the mucosa, which is in the cervix. A piece of bloody discharge can come out with mucus and this is a completely normal phenomenon indicating the preparedness of the body to childbirth. Therefore, "rushing to panic" is not necessary. It can exit parts or at once with one portion. The total number is 20 ml.

Another, an even closer moment to the birth of a child is an influence of spindlewater waters. They are colorless and although they have an ammonia smell, are completely distinguishable from urine. A woman can feel the complete streaming of them, approximately 200 ml component or partial, or rather even "drove". In order not to confuse with simple secretions and be "ready," it is best to put a white napkin and watch. After 15 minutes, carefully looking at the result, it will be visible if the water stain increased, it means it is time to call in ambulance - you will soon become mom!

Alsolation at an early stage of pregnancy observes almost every future mother. The emerging secret is a kind of body reaction for hormonal and physiological transformation. The body of a pregnant woman adapts to the new role, the woman's body begins to function differently - the immunity becomes more sensitive.

Start of pregnancy - how are things?

The discharge from the vagina is designed to protect the mucous membranes and organs in a small pelvis from infected particles and damage. As part of the secret: generated by the cervix mucus, fluid of the floor glands, measured skin cells. This also includes lactic acid bacterial organisms. They are responsible for the function of protection, in the body of a healthy woman is not too active. The secret of the genital paths eliminates the conditionally pathogenic flora of the vagina, supports a favorable internal environment.

The entire menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases. The beginning of the cycle is characterized by the ripening of the egg and the rejection of the functional layer - menstrual blood appears. Then the endometrium increases again, the secretion becomes liquid under the influence of estrogen, sometimes watery consistency becomes. In such conditions, the sperm will be much easier to achieve "goals".

For ovulation "progesterone enters" into battle. If a woman becomes pregnant, the hormone concentration continues to grow. Result: The secret acquires a dense consistency. Thus, the body provides the best protection of the parent organ from infections. This pattern defines the appearance and structure of the vaginal discharge during early pregnancy.

What is the allocations are called normal?

Completely normal, if during pregnancy in the early selection of transparent, not too abundant, do not have a pathological smell. Such secretion is similar to the discharges that the woman notices during the 2nd phase of its cycle.

Allocations in early pregnancy should not disturb the patient if they have a mucous membrane, similar to egg protein. This character of secretion is explained by its main function for the current period - protection of the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms.

The nature of the selection may not alert the doctor at all, however, not always normal in the species species is really safe. A woman can experience discomfort, feel burning, itching, even in the case of a transparent, non-secret secret.

During this period of time, with abundant secretion, a woman can use a hygienic gasket, but not a tampon.

Under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal mucule acquires white color, becomes viscous and thick. At this time, the embryo is fixed in the uterine wall, the placenta begins to form. In addition, thickened discharge during pregnancy in the early deadlines form a special mucous tube, it blocks the entrance to the Children's Organ, protecting the embryo.

When do you need a doctor?

The main "indicator" of the state of the future of the fetus development of the fetus is to allocate in the early stages. For this reason, you should not ignore the changes in color, structure, the volume of secretion in a special time for a woman.

Under no circumstances should be abandoned to the gynecologist, if observed:

  • itching and burning in the zone of external genital organs;
  • changing the color of the mucosa secret;
  • painful syndrome at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • brown mucus with blood and pus;
  • dark red vaginal secretion;
  • blood clots for a long period;
  • uncharacteristic shade of secret.

Ignoring disturbing symptoms is harmful not only to the health of a woman, the fruit is also experiencing the effect of pathology, which adversely affects its development.

Characteristics of discharge

The table below shows the possible options for normal, pathological discharges in the period under review, presents the list of probable causes of the state of the woman:

Also green, foam mucus, as well as a gray-colored secret also applies to the alarming secretions during pregnancy.

Implantation of a fetal egg - a natural and non-hazardous phenomenon

Blood discharges in the early periods of pregnancy often appear during the first 7 days after conception or a little later. A similar symptom does not refer to the category of serious. The released mucus of heterogeneous can be browned or with several small blood formations.

At this point, the likelihood of a favorable course of pregnancy is determined, namely, whether the embryo will be able to fix in the uterus.

Safety of such discharges during the baby tooling are considered only in the case of their single or episodic appearance.

Wine hormonal failure

So, a pregnancy has come - allocations appeared in early terms, namely, during the alleged critical days. The body has saved information about the cycle and could not be quickly rebuilt into a new way.

In such a case, experts speak of a natural hormonal restructuring in the body in pregnant women. Under such circumstances, the future mother recommend:

  • abandon physical load and raising heavy;
  • not nervous, abide by the psychological peace;
  • do not take a hot bath;
  • exclude sexual contact.

Ignoring these Soviets can be a consequence of abundant discharge in the early periods that are able to grow into bleeding.

Maja after sex or campaign to gynecologist

Often, secretion in the first trimester appears due to damage to the mucous membranes of the sexual system. By provoking factors in this case can be:

  • sexual contact;
  • examination of the gynecologist;
  • injury mucous in the process of introducing candles;
  • unsuccessful attempt to scrust.

In the early pregnancy, a small blood extraction or a brownish mastery is sometimes unreasonably worried about a woman. The cause of such a symptom can perform erosion of the cervix. Very often it is this pathology leads to insignificant discharge after the oxygen fertilization. As a rule, they do not cause anxiety from specialists.

Brown Maznoya - 100% Chorione detachment?

Maching blood discharges in the early dates are not in all cases confirm the fact of detachment of the placenta, the fetal egg. Such a condition of a woman can be caused with excessive exercise. The voltage leads to donkeys, which are accompanied by minor blood loss.

The situation is as follows: the mucus with minor blood clots begins to stand out, which over time may increase.

In such circumstances, you should not hide a visit to the doctor. The patient does an ultrasound and, in case of confirmation of concerns, they discharge peace and appropriate drugs.

Blood on a gasket as a sign of frozen pregnancy

With a voiced diagnosis of hopes for salvation, there is no child. For certain reasons, the fetal life is terminated. Pregnant woman observes a sharp disappearance of symptoms:

  • bad well-being;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the chest glands.

However, only characteristic secretion can be an accurate feature of this state. Brown allocations stretch, quite abundant. Most often, the woman complains about pain in the stomach and lumbar region.

The real problem can be solved only by a surgical way. Medicinal manipulations precedes ultrasound.

At the threat of miscarriage will indicate blood secretion

If, with an early pregnancy, the release is expressed in the red color, first of all, eliminate the likelihood of premature interruption of pregnancy. Allocations are accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, lower back and region of the sacrum.

In the absence of timely preserving therapy, the starting abortion progresses - the process becomes irreversible. The observed pains change in nature: they become grapple-shaped, large blood clots are distinguished, sometimes profuse bleeding is observed.

The chance of preserving the child in the case of the started spontaneous abortion is 50/50. Such is observed in 2 women out of 10.

Is it not accustomed to pregnancy?

Often with uncharacteristic discharges (during pregnancy in early terms) it comes to the development of the fetus outside the region of the uterus. This means that the fruit egg was fixed in the wrong zone.

Such an expiration of circumstances is one of the most disturbing. For a woman, being on the 6th week of pregnancy, may not suspect a "interesting position" and take the blood that appeared for the first menstrual discharge.

In the absence of appropriate measures, the embryo is developing in a wrong place, provoking bleeding, which threatens the ability of a pregnant woman to again give birth to a child. Threat also is the life of the patient.

Just's mucus - what is it?

Yellow secretion on early pregnancy points to failures in the reproductive system of the future mother. Abundant yellowish allocations (sometimes with an unpleasant odor) are associated with the development of the inflammatory process. Usually it comes to the STD. In this case, they are talking about a hidden course of illness to pregnancy and the "flourishing" of symptoms during the period of fetus wearing.

Among the causative agents of infection may be chlamydia, ureaplasma and a number of other bacteria. The development of such diseases harms the embryo, the probability of miscarriage increases.

The risk of yellow-white discharge increases in the case of the presence of additional provocative factors: allergies for everyday gaskets, synthetic linen, the frequent use of unsuitable intimate soap.

Curly secretion - sign of candidiasis

What isolation during pregnancy point to the thrush? Vaginal secretion becomes cottage, quite abundant, it smells unpleasant, causes itching and burning.

The disease can develop on any of the pregnancy stages. It is during this period of life a woman's disease is most prone to relapses. However, candidosis debuts in the first days after conception. The high probability of aggravation of fungal illness can be explained as follows:

  • Immediately at the emergence of a fertilized female cell in the field of a childbearing body, the woman's immune system "slows down". It is necessary for the body to accept the embryo for an alien body, not spinning it.
  • At first, after conception, an increased amount of vaginal white is observed. Isolation promotes the washing of pathogenic microorganisms. Together with microbes, the vagina leaves and useful bacteria, which leads to the development of candidiasis.

Green, foamy secret - trichomonas settled in the body

The selection with trichomoniasis is greenish yellow, gray, they will face and smell badly. Usually secretion is quite abundant. In addition, pregnant marks itching outdoor genitals, a feeling of burning in the vagina.

The disease described is very dangerous for the female organism and the fetus. It can lead to miscarriage or failed abortion. There is a fact of the need to appeal for medical care, self-examination at home is fraught with the development of complications.

What if there are no allocations?

When a pregnant woman has no special secretion at first after conception, it should not become a reason for concern. Any organism is a unique system that responds in its own way to an occurring process.

Abundant thickened mucus at first may not be available and appear a little later. In this case, it is important to draw attention to secondary symptoms: the presence or absence of nausea, dizziness, general ailment, burning and itching in the field of genital organs.

Healing procedures

Depending on the specific factors that caused the appearance of specific secretion at the beginning of pregnancy, various therapeutic measures are used:

Diagnosis Used measures
Pulling placenta. Operational hospitalization, holding preserving and hormone therapy.
The threat of spontaneous abortion. Hospitalization, conducting preserving therapeutic measures (reception of hormonal drugs, compliance with the semi-noar regime). Appointment of hemostatic means (in case of need).
Erosion changes of the cervix. Conducting medication, elimination of the erosion ignition procedure.
Measuring pregnancy. Hospitalization in the hospital, resorting to medication abortion, mini abortion, vacuum, artificial delivery or scraping.
Ectopic pregnancy. Hospitalization, surgical intervention.

In addition to the prompt visit to a specialist, a woman who observes uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, it is recommended to comply with full physical control.

Features of pregnant hygiene

With a small or significant number of secretions during early pregnancy, a woman is important to comply with the following recommendations:

  • It is strictly observed personal hygiene rules (to regularly be used using a special intimate soap).
  • Exclude soaps with flavors, gels and body lotions.
  • Limit the amount of sugar in the diet. Even if the proportion of sweets in the daily menu is very small, contained in them glucose stimulates the development of harmful microflora.
  • Preferred underwear made from natural tissues (mainly cotton).

In conclusion, it should be noted that often a change in the nature of the selection in the first trimester of pregnancy is an indicator of the norm. This is due to the hormonal perestroik observed in the female organism. The secretion of red, yellow, brown, green, gray color becomes a reason for excitement in a patient. Similar allocations, especially if they are observed against the background of concomitant unpleasant symptoms, indicate the need to appeal to a specialist.