Is it okay to breastfeed my baby in a public place? Breastfeeding your baby in public

The issue of feeding a baby in public places some embarrassment for many mothers, especially those who are breastfeeding for the first time, since even free-thinking people can feel some awkwardness at the sight of naked breasts in public places, although the breastfeeding process is natural. This raises the question: what should a woman be who wants to breastfeed her baby and lead an active lifestyle outside the home at the same time? How to combine all this?

There is no need to explain that breastfeeding is best for the baby. A nursing mother does not need to worry about whether she has brought enough bottles, formula and warm water with her. Mother's milk is always available, fresh and of the required temperature at hand at any time. Therefore, if a nursing mother is not constrained by the process of breastfeeding in front of other people, then there is no need to change anything in her behavior, it is necessary to behave naturally.

However, most breastfeeding moms find it difficult to bare their breasts in public if there is no secluded corner nearby where they can hide from the prying eyes of passers-by. Unfortunately, there are people who categorically do not accept this method of feeding in a public place, considering this process to be quite intimate and completely unacceptable in front of passers-by. However, these people completely do not understand the very essence of breastfeeding, which is to immediately satisfy the baby's need for breast milk. In order not to get into a situation where the baby is screaming from hunger, and it is still far from home, it is necessary to prepare in advance for feeding the baby on the street, since the cases are different. Here are some tips.

First of all, being on the street, it is necessary to overcome awkwardness and embarrassment, since the baby's hunger is important and priority at the moment. Naturally, if a mother is just starting to feed, she feels embarrassed, but this is a matter of time. Soon, a sense of confidence will begin to prevail and there will be no trace of embarrassment.

The most common and fairly simple way to avoid the glances of curious passers-by while breastfeeding is to wear your baby in a sling (patchwork holder). It is best to choose a sling with a long flap, thanks to which it is possible to cover your baby and your breasts. If you behave directly and completely relax, then from the outside it is impossible to notice what exactly you are doing with the child. The desire to retire in a distant place, to bend over only helps to increase the attention of strangers! Before leaving the house, it is best to dress as comfortably as possible to feed your baby. Here are some examples:

  • V-neck blouse.
  • Special nursing bra.
  • A spacious shirt, thanks to which you can unbuttoned the buttons and discreetly feed your baby.
  • Choose just a non-human park, sit on a bench and, crossing your legs,) feed the child.
  • You can take a friend with you, who will block you while feeding.
Where can they always help?
There are different situations when the weather conditions do not allow to feed the child on the street - it is too cold, it started raining. In such cases, you can always run into any children's clinic located nearby and feed the child there. Since there are mostly women in such a place, so do not be afraid that they will not understand you. You can also satisfy a child's need for breast milk in a pharmacy, only if there is no epidemic at the moment and there are not a large number of people. A cafe, a restaurant, where you can choose a place that is comfortable enough for you, can also be suitable for feeding. The baby store is also a suitable option where you can still enjoy the range of baby products.

What cannot be done?
There is no need to remind that a nursing mother should feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible at the time of feeding. Therefore, wherever the mother and child are, the following should not be allowed:
Voltage. Fear and tension on the part of the mother affects the effectiveness of feeding, as milk production becomes less efficient due to a decrease in the production of the hormone oxytocin by the mother's body.
It is not recommended to tear the baby away from the breast when strangers approach, it is necessary to remain calm. Try to find a comfortable and comfortable position for both. Don't try to feed your baby from a position of being unnoticed.

Any breastfeeding mother should be aware that there is nothing reprehensible or immoral in her manipulations. This is a natural process. It is best to try to communicate with other nursing mothers, go for walks together. Working together will help you become more confident. The easier it is to feed in public, the easier it will be to discreetly meet your baby's breast milk needs anywhere. If we ourselves treat this as a natural process, then perhaps over time, a healthy attitude towards breastfeeding in public places will be formed in society.

Many people think that public breastfeeding is vulgar and indecent. Breast milk is known to be the best food for an infant. Only it 100% satisfies the needs of a small child, contributes to normal mental and physical development. It has been proven that breastfed babies have stronger immunity and are less likely to get sick. Read more about the benefits of breast milk for babies.

But what if the baby is hungry outside the house? How to breastfeed your baby so as not to provoke the outrage of others?

First of all, we note that if the baby is hungry outside the house, be sure to feed him. In addition, the breast will help calm the baby if he is very capricious on the street or in another public place. If breastfeeding is too intimate for you, take a bottle of expressed milk for a walk. However, be aware that frequent use of the nipple bottle will result in the baby refusing to breastfeed and breastfeeding.

If you decide to breastfeed your baby on the street or in a public place, consider the specifics of such feeding so as not to shock or anger others. Let's take a closer look at the rules of breastfeeding in public and find out how to organize public breastfeeding.

Features of public breastfeeding

First of all, choose the right clothes. It should be simple and easy to use. Today there are special nursing clothes and bras that are easy to detach and fasten. Do not forget about special linen pads, which will save clothes from leaking milk and excess moisture. In addition, these inserts will ensure the hygiene of the nursing mother, protect the nipples from chafing and cracking, and the mammary glands from irritation and pain. How to choose the right breast pads during lactation, read.

Bring a blanket, a small blanket, or a wide scarf to cover your baby while feeding. In addition, you can use special tools that will simplify the procedure. For these purposes, slings are used. Such devices are convenient for walking and shopping, traveling, visiting and at home. In the sling, you can feed your baby anytime, anywhere. At the same time, no one will guess what you are doing.

In order not to cause a negative reaction from others, it is better to go to a deserted corner for feeding. In addition, in many institutions, there are special rooms for mothers and babies, where you can safely breastfeed your baby.

Breastfeeding Slings

Sling feeding is ideal for mums whose babies are hungry outside the home. For newborns, it is important to choose a sling in which you can position your baby in a natural position. These are ring slings and scarves. The ring sling is easy to adjust, take off and put on. But keep in mind that it gives an uneven load on the shoulders and back of the mother, so the ring sling should not be worn for more than two hours. It is recommended to use such a carrier from birth to three months.

May sling and fast sling are used for a child from 3-4 months. They are comfortable and easy-to-use carriers that distribute pressure evenly. However, it is possible to carry a baby in such slings only in an upright position, which is not always convenient when breastfeeding. In addition, in such a sling, you cannot rock and put the baby to sleep.

The best option for feeding is a sling scarf. It evenly distributes the load on the mother's back and securely fixes the baby in the carrier. The long flaps of the attachment are convenient to use to cover the breast and baby while breastfeeding. The scarf is suitable for children from birth to two years old. The only drawback of the product is the complex rules of putting on and wearing. At first, until the skills appear, it will be difficult to wind the scarf without a mirror and without instructions or video tutorials.

Outdoor breastfeeding rules

  • Sit on a bench when feeding outdoors. To keep the child taller and not have to bend over too much, cross your legs. You can cover your chest with a diaper, scarf or even your palm;
  • Some mums find that feeding outdoors is negative for breast health and wellbeing. However, it is not. It is impossible to "catch cold" mammary glands, and infectious diseases get in other ways. Mostly through cracks and abrasions on the nipples;
  • Do not walk for too long without the baby's nesting. During long outdoor walks without feeding, the breasts are heavily poured, as a result of which milk stagnation forms. To avoid such a problem, it is important to apply the baby every two to three hours or on demand, even outside the home;
  • During the cold season, go to a store, cafe or other place to feed. An excellent place for feeding will be a large shopping center, where there is always a mother and child room, a pharmacy or a children's clinic;
  • Choose nursing clothes carefully. This is a blouse with a matching neckline or a spacious shirt, special underwear for nursing. Choose lightweight and comfortable clothes;

  • When breastfeeding, mom should feel comfortable. Stress and anxiety will worsen lactation and reduce breast milk production. Remember, there is nothing immoral about breastfeeding !;
  • On your first walks, take a loved one with you who will support you and help you remove the psychological barrier. In addition, he will be able to close you and the baby during feeding so that no one sees the process;
  • Do not forcefully pull your baby off and stay calm if someone approaches you. Fear, stress and abrupt weaning will negatively affect the well-being of the baby and the course of lactation.

To overcome the psychological barrier when feeding on the street and in another public place, you can not only take a loved one with you. Communication and joint walks with other nursing mothers will help. In addition, you can always seek help from breastfeeding counselors who will provide psychological support and advice on organizing feeding in public places.

Good day, everyone interested in our story contest. Today is Monday, it's time to start a new life, but first we will find out the results of the competition that took place last week.
You chose the best out of 15 competitive stories and here they are, the winners. There are many of them today.
Bronze goes to the story "People Can't Always Be Near ...", written by Some people are such fools, and 32 people voted for it
Today Yuka and her story "To those who remember" are in second place with 38 votes. Also 38 votes were won by Lizard, her story "Almost Robinson", and she is also in second place.
And she won today Arsalan. The 56 votes cast for her story "A Day in the Life of Mars" speak for themselves.
Hurray for Arsalane, hurray for all the winners, writers and readers.
Now I'll lay out and declassify everyone.



The Kingdom of Scotland is an independent state of northern Europe that existed from 854 to 1707. Its borders changed throughout history, but eventually it began to occupy the northern part of the island of Great Britain and had a common border with the Kingdom of England.

I will make separate topics about Mary Stewart and Braveheart.


Tatiana Timofeeva

Today I received a comment from a close friend, as I thought earlier. For neatly sewn thermal patches on the knees of the jumpsuit. In the form of animal figurines from cartoons (I buy it specially, because on my knees, holes are constantly being wiped, even on Reima).
And it turns out that such patches are fuuuu. And you have to go right away and buy a new suit. I said that my children's home clothes are also sewn up, sometimes with small stains that do not wash well, mainly from all kinds of dark-colored juices. This is also fuuuuu! children, as a friend said, from infancy should be taught to be neat and to the fact that the clothes are always whole! Not sewn or patched! This forms the worldview of a rich person, and patches and seams - the consciousness of a rogue in a child grows from childhood.
I also asked this: you probably sew up tights on your heels? I was at a loss and answered that yes, I sew on both heels and socks. A friend said sadly: you see. Your children will not be rich. From childhood you prepare them for the fact that all their life they will walk in tatters.
And I really sew up tights and socks! True, I don't know how to darn.
Do you sew up children's clothes or throw them away? Are you trying to remove the stains, whiten or do something else with them, or also immediately to be discarded?
Something I was directly upset by this approach from above. I never thought that I was raising rogues. I don't want to communicate with a friend after this at all.


Sofiko Sofiko

Good day everyone!

I decided again to create a photo theme, I hope it will turn out with illustrations and informative

In late October - early November, my husband and child took the risk of fulfilling my old dream: to go to Murmansk and capture a little of the surrounding area. There was a very limited amount of time, but the trip left very vivid impressions and emotions.

So here we go ...

Past photo and informative topics:

Belarus, photo guesses


City Photo Guess


Bridal bouquets

The Pokrovsky Gate


Bella Akhmadulina


Maria Sukhova

Good day! Need some advice. Now the family (mother with child and grandmother) lives in a three-ruble note of 65 sq. M, of which there are 9 kitchens and 3 rooms (10, 12 and 21 sq. M.). At the same time, there are no normal walls for placing cabinets and there is no dark one. With a separate bathroom, the washing machine did not fit there (it also had to be installed in the kitchen)! In short, everything is very inconvenient for life. In the kitchen, all priests knock, access to the refrigerator is inconvenient, the kitchen has the shape of a 6-gon and it was not possible to organize the space in any other way. And if 1-2 people come to visit, then there is a guard in the kitchen. At the same time, the living room is full of space (it is far from the kitchen) that is not used at all. And yet, the grandmother lives at home only for six months (the rest is in the country). I like the area, there are no three rubles, or rather, there is not enough money. Now the grandmother lives in a room of 10 sq. M, a mother with a baby in 13 sq. M. The child will grow up and become completely uncomfortable ...
There is an alternative - eurotrash. Kitchen-living room 17 sq., 2 bedrooms (10 and 12 sq. M.), A good corridor (you can place a huge wardrobe on the whole wall). Well, a separate bathroom is more adequate (the washing machine can definitely be placed and you can also make an additional closet to the entire wall behind the toilet). The total area will be 55 sq.m. It is 10 square meters less, but some kind of eurotrashka is more rational for life. In a bedroom of 10 square meters to place a grandmother, in 12 square meters to place a mother with a year old (there is also a loggia of 3.5 square meters, all in glass). Well, the gathering place for everyone is a large kitchen.
The first question is, what are the disadvantages, in your opinion, of such a eurotrack? It is for this family.
And the second question, is it profitable to pay for heat meters? There is a heat meter in Eurotrashke, but the verification period has expired. Is it worth it to do the verification (6 thousand rubles) or is it more profitable to pay according to the average standard? How are you with heat meters?


Not ... what a feijoa ...

Good day. They offer me a part-time job here. Sitting with the child of a girl with whom she is familiar noddingly. The boy is 2.5 years old. You will not need to sit every day, but only during the illness for several hours, until the baby's grandmother or mother comes from work. In principle, it's not difficult, I love children. But. Confuses me two things. The schedule is unclear, that is, it may turn out that I will plan something for tomorrow, and in the evening they will call me and say that I need to sit. Well, the payment. 100 rubles an hour. We are not far from Moscow, but to my mind, this is not enough even for us. Most likely, you will need to sit on their territory. Would you agree to such a "part-time job"?


A grandiose scandal broke out around the mammary glands of the remaining unknown lady. And all because the woman was feeding her child right in the Congress Center of Astana during the conference "Carbon-free energy - the energy of the future."

Journalist Yuliana Zhikhor took a picture of the unknown woman and posted her photo on social networks, writing an outraged post. Eroticism in this photo is completely absent, nevertheless, Yuliana Zhikhor saw in the act of breastfeeding a challenge to public morality.

Instagram photo

“My God! Modern women are latent exhibitionists! They are fighting for showing bare breasts!” Juliana Zhikhor wrote on her Facebook page. feminism ... Eh ... sadness ... Soon we will have our own Femen. Bare breasts as a tactic of struggle. "

To feed or not to feed

Juliana's post divided the public into two camps. On the one hand, those who believe that women's breasts, even in the context of feeding a baby, are taboo in a public place.

"To feed - definitely yes. But you could hide behind too. With a handkerchief, for example. It is not necessary to dump the whole economy outside," Korlan Bek wrote in the comments to one of the posts on this topic.

"You are using the wrong terms. Here, as I understand it, we are talking about simple human etiquette, behavior. Feeding a child is the mother's duty, no one argues with this, the question is not about that, the problem is where this feeding takes place, in public places, in public, at meetings, etc. The question is, why? You can retire to a deserted place, feed and return back, "writes another commentator.

“Since she has so many problems, let her sit with them outside public places. The decree was given for that,” Juliana Zhikhor expressed her opinion.

"Now there is a new headline for the tapes: the media adviser to the head of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan strongly recommends that Kazakhstani women who are maternity workers stay at home so as not to annoy in public such non-mothers as she is," Yuliana Aigul Sultanova replied.

On the other side of the barricades, those who believe that condemning a breastfeeding mother is a manifestation of intolerance. In support of the unknown, they even organized a flash mob. Photos of women appeared on social networks, without any hesitation breastfeeding their babies. For example, the lead singer of the "Kino and Germans" group Eva Becher joined the flash mob.

Founder of the PIPL networking bureau and feminist community of extraordinary people Merey Mustafina wrote a post in support of a nursing mother.

“Many women, not to mention men, have completely forgotten that, in fact, the main natural purpose of breasts is to feed offspring, and not a sexual increase for male pleasures and fantasies. Marketing has eclipsed the mind of public morality. We are not at all surprised by naked female bodies and cleavage to the navel in advertising posters of absolutely everything, starting with bras and ending with a car service. - writes Merey Mustafina.

I am not a feminist

We asked Juliana Zhikhor to explain why the sight of a nursing mother seemed so indecent to her. The journalist told us that she was outraged by the context in which everything happened. They say that the conference room is not a room for a mother and child. She also likened public breastfeeding to public relieving of natural urge.

“It was a conference on a carbon-free world, which took place within the framework of EXPO, it was hosted by Rosatom, Kazatomprom was also there. A plenary session began on the third floor of the Congress Center,” says Juliana. “A woman with a child came in, fed and left. It surprised me : a person came to specially feed. What was it? Firstly, on the third floor in the hall there are benches where you can quietly and calmly feed. A public place is a public place. And if you came to the conference only to feed, this is a challenge Like, where I want, I feed there. What is it? Such energy of the future? "

Juliana says she has been censured by those who support a nursing mother. She considers it unfair.

"And so everyone began to scream because of this. The question was no longer that the child wants to eat, but that I will feed wherever I want. Voices of reason sometimes sounded in the comments. They wrote that after all it was An intimate process. Basically, they wrote that it is natural, that this is the body's need. But then the body's need not only is, but, excuse me, to relieve need. We are not fighting for the right to defecate in the middle of the hall. But this is also a natural process. and fight for it ", - Juliana is indignant.

Yuliana Zhikhor / Photo from Yuliana Zhikhor's Facebook page

From the words of Juliana, it becomes clear that the root of her indignation is that a mother who is freely feeding a child in a public place associates her with Western values ​​and feminism. This tolerance, according to her logic, ultimately leads to the legalization of same-sex marriage.

"This is, in fact, a manifestation of feminist movements. Such an active movement for the right to feed in any public place was in the West in the 30-40s. It all ended with what we see - same-sex marriages. Such tolerance. For what they are fighting "For feeding? Or for feeding demonstratively in public places? I'm not a feminist, I say right away," Juliana Zhikhor clarified.

Feed anytime, anywhere

Director of the family support center "Aist" Elena Nikitina has been at international conferences in support of breastfeeding more than once. She actively advocates that a woman not only can, but should also feed a child in any conditions without any hesitation.

“Definitely need to feed when the child asks for it. If a woman skips feeding, this will affect the psyche of the child, who until two years old feels a strong connection with her mother’s breast,” Elena Nikitina commented. “Then a psychologically healthy person grows up, he knows, that it is protected by the mother.If a woman skips feeding, the breast is not emptied in time, she may develop edema, bacteria will begin to multiply. All this can lead to inflammation of the mammary gland. Feeding should be carried out often, for a long time. Female milk is digested in the baby's stomach where- then within an hour and a half. Therefore, every hour and a half, the baby can ask for a breast. "

Elena Nikitina also recalled that in all advanced countries they strive to create conditions for lactating women so that they can breastfeed on the beach, in the office, and even in the parliament building. In addition, there is now special clothing that allows you to bare only the nipple, leaving most of the breast closed.

“I worked a lot in the WHO commission, I was at an expanded meeting on breastfeeding,” says Elena Nikitina. “During one of our international meetings, which was attended by famous professors, WHO representatives from all over the world, one woman doctor brought her baby directly to the audience. She said "Sorry, breastfeeding" and began to feed. During the breastfeeding, she continued to participate in the discussion. It is promoted and supported all over the world. It is natural and normal. One doctor from London gave a talk on the benefits of breastfeeding in Kazakhstan. ”Instead of ranting, she just fed her baby in Kazakh clothes right on stage in front of an audience of several thousand people and said:" Here is my report. "

The modern rhythm of life is changing everyone, including nursing mothers - they have become active, often go for walks and travel, chat with friends, go shopping. But how do you feed your baby? It's very simple - we breastfeed the baby on demand, that is, as soon as the baby wants, and this can be done almost anywhere. Therefore, breastfeeding and shopping, vacation trips and other pleasures of life are quite accessible to a woman - no need to think that breastfeeding will bind you hand and foot. You are not doing anything reprehensible and therefore, you can afford almost anything.

Is it possible?
Young mothers often ask themselves this question. The correct answer is not possible, but necessary. After all, we allow ourselves to have a snack on the go with ice cream, a bun or something else, sit in a cafe for dinner or lunch, eat in a store between shopping. This means that the baby has the right to eat on the way where he wants it, just his food is always next to him ready-made, in his mother's breast. On-demand feeding is useful for both participants in the process: for the mother, it is the prevention of milk stagnation and excellent stimulation of lactation, and for the baby, he behaves calmer, adds weight and sleeps better. This means that it gives the mother the opportunity not to fall out of the social troika and to engage in her direct work, personal affairs and purchases.

Why do many consider it shameful, but not walking half-naked on the streets? Is a woman's breast tenderly hugged by a baby so ugly? A mother breastfeeding her baby is depicted in the paintings of great artists, and often in the image of the Virgin Mary feeding Jesus, sung in the works of poets, can this be shameful or blameworthy? Therefore, we will discard all false constraints - the main thing for you is the health and well-being of your baby, and your peace of mind. The sight of a naked breast, which is sucked tenderly by a baby, is only admirable!

Help Mom.
In order to help the modern nursing mother to continue to lead an active lifestyle during breastfeeding, many convenient things and accessories have been invented. This allows you to feed your baby in any convenient place quickly and almost invisibly to the eyes of others. Therefore, we will arm ourselves with a bag with accessories and a couple of useful tools.

It is convenient to have a bag or a backpack with you, today they are sold specifically for a nursing mother in this bag, light and roomy, you can put some things that you may need. First of all, put a couple of diapers in it to spread it on a bench or in a park and cover your baby if it is cool or crowded. In addition, just in case, put a pack of wet wipes to wipe your hands if you cannot wash them, and bra pads, since milk leaks in the first months, and it is better to change them after each feeding. In the early months, because of the strong oxytocin reflex during feeding, you are very thirsty - put a small bottle of water in your bag.

In order to comfortably feed on the street, among other things, we will think in advance about comfortable clothes and underwear. It is better to take care of a special nursing bra - it supports the breast, does not put pressure on the shoulders, adapts to the changing breast size, but, most importantly, it unfastens the cup, exposing the nipple and halo, allowing you to feed comfortably without undressing much. I made do with an ordinary bra with a detachable shoulder strap and clothes with a zipper or buttons, a deep cut.

Many mothers experience discomfort from periodically leaking milk; these women are saved by special breast pads. If you change them regularly, about once every 2-3 hours, and they are made of high-quality materials, have several layers, and a waterproof base, are attached with adhesive tape to the linen, they will reliably protect you from milk leakage and wet clothes. In addition, if the milk collection is sufficiently active, the milk collection plate can be used. It is silicone, soft and forms the nipple well.

Special nursing clothes (dresses, blouses, shirts, and even jackets) will be very convenient for a nursing mom - they are sewn in such a way that it makes it easy to give a breast to a baby without removing it, and is practically invisible. Its essence is in a combination of smells, cuts and details of clothing, making it possible to bare the breast without attracting attention. However, it is more expensive than ordinary women's clothing, if there is no opportunity to purchase such, you can sew it yourself, or pick up clothes from your wardrobe that have a smell, elastic straps, a wide neckline with an elasticated edge in the front, or buttons or zippers. You can take a stole or a scarf, a loose blouse with you on walks - and cover yourself and your baby with them while feeding. Then there will be a feeling that you are not feeding, but simply closed the sleeping baby from the light.

A very convenient accessory for feeding and carrying a baby are slings - fabric carriers for babies almost from birth. There are a lot of them now, there are different types - on rings, scarf, may-sling and others. These adaptations, unlike their kangaroo counterparts, position the child in a physiological position, without crushing his joints and supporting the back and head. In a sling, the baby can eat unnoticed, and the mother will have free hands for her business, while the baby is calm and comfortable around the mother.

Where is the best place to feed the baby?
This is also one of the main questions that breastfeeding mothers have when going with babies to various places and public institutions. In fact, you can feed your baby almost anywhere - from a park or street to a huge supermarket. If it's warm outside, you can find a secluded courtyard or a bench in the park and sit on it with your baby. If there is not a single bench within sight, you can even sit on the lawn, if you have something to spread under your ass, or look for a gazebo or even a swing in the park, sit there and calmly feed your baby, enjoying the rest and fresh air.

In cooler times or in the absence of a park nearby, you can sit at the far table of a summer cafe, away from prying eyes. Ask the bartender or the waiter for help, usually everyone goes to meet the young mothers and help, showing where you can wash your hands and even change your baby's clothes. But if it's rainy or cold outside, or if it's uncomfortable for mom to feed outside, what to do in this case? There are always options - you can go to a quiet stationary cafe or restaurant, now it is forbidden to smoke in them and therefore you can go with a crumb, and during the day there are usually few visitors. You can have a snack or tea, and feed the baby in peace. But most likely, you will be met, even if you do not order anything - just ask.

The most suitable for feeding babies are medical institutions and children's stores - pharmacies, clinics and antenatal clinics are usually equipped with either a special room for nursing and children, or have a table and chairs, and the staff can help you get more comfortable. Therefore, if there is absolutely no place to feed your baby, go to the nearest pharmacy.

And if we are on a trip or in stores?

Large stores and supermarkets usually have secluded and quiet shops, or hygiene rooms, children's rooms. In addition, you can always use the fitting room in the clothing departments. Most of the women who work in the shops are the same as you, they will understand you and will meet you halfway.

If the baby burst into tears in various reception areas or in the mail, just ask for a chair and sit in a corner with your back to the people and covered with a diaper, so you can safely feed the baby. The most important thing is that you do not need to be ashamed to ask for help, and sometimes even demand this help - this is your absolutely legal right, a nursing mother has statutory rights, just like a child. The child has the right to eat when he wants, and you are not obliged to stay at home, just because he is still quite baby and eats only the breast.

Airports, train and bus stations usually have a hygiene room or a mother and baby room, just find out where it is and use it. If it is not there - do as described earlier - find a secluded place with a bench and feed.

We will arrange a snack on the way.
Most importantly, do not bring it to the point where the baby starts screaming heart-rendingly from hunger, then the chance for calm feeding without attracting too much attention will be missed. At the first signs of the baby's readiness to latch on (smacking, pulling out the tongue, sucking movements), quickly organize a place for feeding. Imagine your entire route in your mind and choose the most convenient and closest place in it. By the way, you can make yourself a travel plan and stops for food in advance - then it will be easier for you, and you will feel calm.

The most important thing is to be relaxed and calm - the child subtly feels your condition and will worry with you, and the milk will be separated during stress worse. You are not doing anything illegal or immoral, you are just feeding your child. Be natural, cover yourself with clothes, turn away from the flow of people - many will either not notice your actions, or think that you are just pumping the crumbs. Talk to your baby, tell him where you are and what you are doing. This will distract you from thoughts of inconvenience, and the baby will give a feeling that everything is in order.

Do not wean your baby, even if someone comes up to you, sudden movements can scare the baby and injure your breast. You do not need to react to comments or statements from the outside, keep silent or answer with a joke, ending an unpleasant conversation, and most importantly - do not be nervous and do not worry - you are doing everything right! There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a woman with a baby in her arms. And if she also breastfeeds him - it's just wonderful!