Physical and psychological qualities of spouses must complement each other. Vice-President of the Skolkovo Foundation: Business and Science must complement each other

As a man and woman complement each other at the energy level

What is a woman who is such a woman and what does she differ from a man? The Lord God did not just create men and women - they differ among themselves. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, in us and energy moves differently.

The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental power centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main - 7. We are arranged so that men and women have energy in these centers in different ways. Someone clockwise, someone is against the clock. What gives the activity or passivity of the chakra. And it turns out that we fully complement each other.


Let's start at the bottom. The lowest chakra is Molandhara. She is responsible for survival and offspring, and it is arranged in such a way that a man has this chakra, and a woman is passive. That is, a man gives energy, and the woman takes her.

This means that this men's function is to protect. Protection for the survival of a woman. Provide basic safety. Our task is to focus on your duties. The duty of a woman in this place is to learn to accept. Most of us with this problem. As idea, we must fully trust a man, and rely on it - that he can take care of us.

We have, many of us, have any generic scenarios and other injuries. Very often we do not give a man about us to take care at all. Very often women say: "Oh, I would like a strong shoulder." But in practice it turns out so terrible to trust that it is easier to do everything.

If a woman begins to take care of survival, such as his children, then Chakra begins to work on the male type, it begins to be active. If a woman at the same time there is a husband next to him, then he does not remain anything, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to take, and a woman give. And this situation is reversed, then it is very difficult.

Because a woman, to somehow change this situation, you need to abandon it, how to jump without a parachute with a high mountain. It should be understood that if you have a husband, either a young man, but at the same time you prefer to take care of your safety yourself, then you will take a male function on yourself, and it damages your femininity and his masculinity.

Even in the Vedas it is said that a man is enjoying, and the woman is the one through which they enjoy. This suggests that our task, as women, is to create a man comfortable and cozy world. Very often, women against this item are protesting, they say - how so, why should we serve them, why should we enjoy them and fulfill all the desires? What is this injustice worldly?

In fact, everything is right here. Because of the 7 chakras - 3 active in women, 3 active men and 1, the top, works equally from everyone. Therefore, there is no injustice in this, there is simply separation of roles. It is important for us to understand that a man also gives something, and our task to give him pleasure and fulfill his desires - and then not so bad.

This includes any pleasures, including sexual pleasures, enjoying food, order in the house. That is, an ideal woman should create such a world for a man in which he can easily be, it will be comfortable, and his main desires will be satisfied. And not just satisfy, and he will experience some kind of pleasure. There is a significant difference in this.

I will give a simple example. We and your husband have a favorite restaurant, and they cook very tasty. That is, at the same prices - a stunning kitchen, where even Potatoes are amazing. And just yesterday we arrived, and it was closed. But the restaurant was opened nearby, and we decided to go to it. It turned out that there are the same prices, and the food is delicious, but there is no special raisin in it, the soul particles. It turns out, you like it was delicious, but I did not receive such pleasure.

The same in the family. You can prepare a man some simple fried potatoes or scrambled eggs in the morning, with such an attitude - "eat and leave me back." And you can do it so that it takes pleasure every time for breakfast, dinner or dinner.

Accordingly, it is also possible to do, for example, with sexual relations. You can perform marital debt and say - "When will it all end?", And it can be done so that the man really enjoyed the process. Let it be not every day, not even every week. Let it be a monthly carnival. But what!

Then we go to the third chakra - manipura. This is money, vital energy, achievements. It is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women. That is, a man gives a woman. Woman takes. And here women have a problem again.

I often come letters about that I can't take money from a man. Or I am ashamed to ask my husband's money on some shoe. Usually it often happens when the woman worked, herself provided herself, and then married, went to the decret. And it turns out, it does not work, wants to buy something and her husband ask for a shame.

And here in this place there is a very serious conflict. Because if the woman refuses to take money and vital energy, then a man either ceases to give it and goes into a slightly different position, or it becomes less. That is, one of the reasons why men earn a little also in the fact that the woman does not ask anything. A woman says that she does not need anything, "I don't need boots, I still didn't demote the skates."

If a woman has such an attitude towards himself, attitude to money and attitude towards a man, then a man will not earn a lot, because he just has no need. Men in nature are very ascetic. You probably saw the apartment of bachelors, they generally need little. There is a bed, stove, one skillet, scrambled eggs for breakfast and that's it. And nothing needs.

Sometimes in this situation a man ceases to earn and becomes Alfons. Or finds the one that will stimulate it to achieve their desires.

Therefore, this is our duty as women, learn to take money from men, gifts, take some achievements and feats that they do in the name of us.

There is another option when a woman suddenly begins to earn a lot. She begins to think that this is her main thing in life. The goal is to provide a family, feed the family, "this lipkin can not" and so on.

That is, if a woman decisively takes an activity in this regard, then the man does not remain anything. Woman took everything. He only has to take. Then he becomes a homemade, repentable and all that. And this is the responsibility of the woman - that we have taken on your own.

The next chakra is anahata-cardiac. She is responsible for love and sympathy. This is our female chakra. That is, we, as women, should give, and a man take. On the contrary, it turns out uncomfortable.

Most of you probably had such a fan that performed all your whims, which did everything you want - and the flowers to you, and that's it. And in his mouth looks, and now this is such love, and in the evening meets, and in the morning there. And you look at him and you understand, a good man, a good guy, but I can not love. And herself to drink itself for the fact that such good - I do not like.

Just because the man took over the activity of this chakra, this center. He began to give, and the woman has no other options. She can't love. And love is our female everything.

If a woman cannot love, implemented in this place, it is very hard for her. And therefore, such relationships most often do not fold. Therefore, it's just a beautiful picture - "I want the husband for me romanticly cared for me, I did it and I did it and so I loved me so much." If you had so happened, then you would not really please this.

Therefore, rejoice, if your men do not take your responsibility for this center and allow you to be implemented in it. Then you can completely disclose this, make some pleasant surprises to your beloved and somehow pamper it.

This does not mean that he will only receive all his life and give nothing in return. Most likely, he will also do something for you, but it will not be in this center. It will be, for example, at the level of the third chakra - that is, he will make some gifts, or on the first one - somehow starts to take care of you in terms of living space or some other basic things.

Therefore, do not wait for the man of unearthly romance and the fulfillment of your whim, because this is our responsibility - to fulfill desires, give pleasure and love. This is a female responsibility. The man will repay you something else. Gifts and safety sensation.


Fifth chakra Vishuddha - communication, self-expression. A man gives - a woman takes. A man is active.

A man in life is very important to express themselves, to be implemented. For a woman, the main implementation is a family. The implementation of the family is secondary.

If a woman learned to give love to the fourth center, then this energy rises in a man above, and he already wants not to just earn money, not just provide the family base level. He already wants to leave his mark in history, some heritage. Wants something to improve this world - at this level, men often begin to make great things, global exploits.

And all these feats are made in the name of women. Our task in this place is to accept. Joy and love. As princesses and queens take honors from battle knights. In order for them to be for the sake of making crusades, protect their homeland or save the planet from the environmental catastrophe.

Therefore, if you want your man to just survive and worked, and really realized and changed the world - learn to love him. The energy of your love is able to raise energy in it to the fifth center.

In addition, this is another center of communication, public relations. For example, well, if friends of the family are friends of her husband. You do not bring it to your company and make you communicate with your friends. And he introduces you to a certain circle, creates some kind of communication and builds connections between families.


The sixth chakra Ajna is clairvoyance. Woman gives - a man takes.

In theory, every wife should be the main assistant of her husband. And its main help is not to do what he does not like. And provide him with something that he does not have because of nature. Clairvoyance.

Suppose a woman always gives very good husband to her husband. She has an intuition, and she often feels and says - "I don't like this uncle, I don't like the contract with whom you want to sign." A man in perfect situia listens to her feelings. If he has enough importance on his three centers - it is implemented as the head of the family, like the minider and he has a certain mission - it will easily take note of the recommendations of his wife.

A woman very often feels some things, and she says - "Listen, I don't like this person here, let's not work with him, or I feel good it will not end." It takes for a while - and so everything happens.

I often have it so - when I don't like a person, although there is no visible reasons for it. I did not tell my husband before. And then the situation occurs - and the person is revealed with not the best side.

I realized that my task is to protect your husband. And I began to talk to him. At first he shouted. But after a couple of serious situations - began to ask my opinion regarding people. Especially about the partnership and joint cases with anyone.

The seventh chakra works for everyone equally - this is our connection with God. And no matter, men we are or women. First of all, we are the souls, and the soul does not have sex.

Sexual differences are important here, on Earth, in order to fulfill the mission for which we were born. Sexuality creates a framework for us, which we can already fill out as we like. We can say that giving us a female body, the Lord narrowed the circle of throwing and more clearly identified the role we should play here.

The biggest breaks are usually in our four lower chakram. They create a base for harmony at the highest levels. Therefore, we have a big task in this life - learn to take from a man on the first chakra and on the third. And besides - to learn to give the second and fourth. Just what we most often do not know how.

"We perfectly complement each other, and therefore we are the best team In the world, "this is what lovers in the perfect world should speak to each other.

Some people all their lives seek to find a soul mate, which would share their tastes, addictions and habits. In fact, it is much more important to be able to work in team.

It does not matter what you want to stay at home, and your partner wants to go to a party that one of you like to go sports, and the other is to watch romantic films.

The secret of a happy relationship is in mutual respect, and understand another person, take his point of view.

Being in a pair - it does not mean to look at the same eyes and feel the same heart.

It means weaving the motley, durable, durable and wonderful carpet of your relationship from the threads of different colors.

In this article, we will tell about how to make the excellent team from you and your partner. The best in the world!

Despite the fact that we are different, we still have an excellent team

Do not despair only because you like completely different things: Different books, movies and food.

What needs to disturb you really is the inability to achieve consent. If you do not know how to make compromises, you will impose your opinions and desires.

Let's think about it together.

The most important thing is what values \u200b\u200byou share

A good team can consist of people with completely different political views and not even coinciding by the type of personality. The introverts perfectly complement the extroverts, and vice versa.

Nevertheless, it is very important that we share the same values \u200b\u200band our idea of \u200b\u200bthe family and relationships were approximately similar.

  • If we have the same value system, we will respect and understand each other. In addition, then we will take into account other points of view or at least try to understand them.

Think differently - does not mean in different ways

If your partner adores cats, and you are dogs, it does not mean that he loves you less. If he is a vegetarian, it does not mean that he will hate you for the fact that you love meat.

  • Think differently - this does not mean to love each other less. This means that we respect each other and let each other be free and, above all, give each other the opportunity to be ourselves.
  • Just do not forget that another person has no right to force you to change its point of view or, ideals and feelings.
  • If you do not respect each other and do not appreciate your differences, you will not be able to form a reliable union.

Our differences enriched us

  • We live your day at different scenarios. When we come home, the only thing that is important is that we are two people who love each other.
  • We are all different and moving in different directions, but it can be a plus: We like to learn from each other, see another perspective.
  • It is not so important that there are things for which we will never be able to look equally. It is possible that your beloved will never buy a country house, but he is not averse to ride the city breathing with air every weekend.

We know how to achieve consent

To be a good team, we must learn to come to a general agreement. It is very important to know how faster everything learns to understand each other:

  • Listen to the partner carefully and with respect: listen to to understand, not only to answer.
  • Try to understand the point of view of another person. We all have their own opinions about certain things, but we need to learn how to empathize, put yourself in place of another person and understand what he feelsand why protects its position.
  • To give - this does not mean to lose, it means finding new features. To become a good team, clearly define one thing for yourself: no one can only lose or only acquire.
  • we

Some things are simply created for each other: birds and sky, shoes and socks, peanut butter and jelly. When it comes to human relationships, everything is much more complicated here and confusing. Some people for many years unsuccessfully looking for a suitable satellite of life, but when they find, just can not believe it. In fact, this is not a dream and not a fairy tale in the Christmas night, but the ideal partner is delayed for each person, you just need to reveal the eyes. Do you think this is too good to be true? Then take a look at our list compiled from 12 positions that will indicate whether you come to each other with your partner.

You both find stupid things funny

If you started to forget how your own laughter sounds, because he sinks in her sleeve laughter, you are extremely lucky. Agree, it would be sad if the girl did not understand the tenth shares of your jokes. But if it amuses each your statement, you found a kindred soul. No matter if you are watching a comedy or discuss funny situations from life. You feel that you are on the same wave.

You finish each other's offers

Lovers are incredibly lucky if their thoughts agree. The man just began to speak the phrase, and the woman already knows what this statement should end. Perhaps someone will seem too boring. However, the lovers themselves adhere to other opinions. For them, it is akin to the fulfillment of the dead loop as airspace asams. The highest aerobatics is when you begin to simultaneously speak the same phrase. Do you really can read each other's thoughts?

Her problems instantly become yours

Relationships can not be happy if the girl is constantly sad. She cares about something, maybe she fell into trouble. But you will not leave this so much. You are moving sympathy. You do not understand how you can leave a close person in trouble. Moreover, it is much easier to overcome difficulties. Up or down, no matter! The main thing is that together.

Reusual self-improvement

Some people confuse the perfection for the sake of the beloved and partner's selfishness. When you decide to be for the beloved the best man on Earth, she does not ask you about it. You just want to make her pleasant. Let it pride in its chosen one.

Some happy couples are similar to each other even outwardly. There is nothing surprising. Moreover, there is nothing casual that your interests are inexplicably intertwined. It seems originally you chose each other by some criteria. And now everything came out: you like the same music, movies, football team and even ice cream variety. You are reading the same books and confess the same beliefs. You even coincide with dreams and aspirations.

In the shortcomings you see dignity

Now let's talk about differences. People can have absolutely different temperaments or different skills. Happy couples do not see anything galloping in the fact that the husband does not know how to cook, and the wife does not drive the car badly. When a girl acts on emotions, and a young man is absolutely calm, calm is transmitted to her. They complement each other, so they have the ability to improve their skills or character. In any case, there is nothing like that it was impossible to do not fulfill.

Settlement conflict

No marriage costs without quarrels and conflicts. The difference of ideal partners from all the others is that they are quickly trying to resolve the conflict and together find a way out of the current situation. You are not accepted to bring a quarrel to the absurdity, as it is not customary to declare a three-week boycott or an open war. Each partners contribute to the conflict settlement.

Adore in each other all

If for some girls funny habits of a young man become an annoying factor, then for others the same habits may seem very cute. Do you feel the difference? In perfect couples, people adore each other to the very last little things.

You can feel comfortable with each other and without words.

You are so easy and comfortable with each other that you can afford to be silent. Silent silence will never cut your ear. You can afford in the presence of each other anything, even aimlessly led your finger on the table. You are good from only one presence of the second half.

You openly talk to each other about everything

Ideal couples do not have secrets from each other. There is no such thing as a mystery at all. You will definitely tell about how the day went, tell about the problems and achievements. Who, how not to be loved, tell about the darkest sides of your life? In any case, he will understand and will not condemn. Thus, you both cultivate a strong sense of trust and respect. You both confident that all your thoughts and problems will be heard and never go beyond the family nest. Each of you is experiencing confidence that in the future, in the case of foremuting circumstances, it will have support, support and a strong shoulder.

Your partner is the best friend.

If you share your experiences first with your old buddies, it means that your pair is still far from ideal. Agree, everything we talked about above, already makes your partner with the best friend.

Life loses the meaning of a friend without a friend

You are planning to rest, fascinating trips, hikes in a restaurant, only if there is a second half next to you. Now do everything the same without him seems empty and meaningless to you. You understand that it has the meaning of your existence: pain and pleasure, heart and mind, happiness and whole universe.

Inseparable signs of the zodiac. They will always complement each other! Many people believe in astrology, and this concerns both men and women. Often the astrological forecast for the day becomes not just a guideline, but asks the mood of man and his attitude towards the world around the next 24 hours.

Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics, positive and negative sides, based on which people often look for a couple. There is a certain meaning in this, because the same lack of Taurus Aries will easily close his eyes, and Scorpio will not be able to live with him and day.

Therefore, astrologists have compiled a few pairs from the signs of the zodiac, the most suitable to each other to create a family and long-term strong relationships, in which each of the partners will be happy.

Capricorn and Taurus

Almost every of us is familiar with the expression "Chemistry between a man and a woman." The best demonstration of this phenomenon will be the relationship between the Taurus and Capricorn. Such chemistry, both between them, will not be any other pair of zodiac signs. Their common features are:

  • devotion;
  • tenderness;
  • patience;
  • dedication;
  • hardworking.

Complete understanding in the intimate sphere, constant admiration for each other, sincerely adee on both sides make such a couple truly perfect. About such unions it is customary to say "related souls."

Aquarius and scales

Interest in each other, representatives of these signs of the zodiac show at the first acquaintance. They are able to speak with each other clock, finding more and more new topics for exciting discussions. The feelings that arise between weights and aquarius are often incomprehensible to others, but it does not prevent in love enjoy each other and their love.
Representatives of both of these signs of the zodiac throughout their lives are trying to be independent and unlike others, but when they conclude a union with each other, everyone can compromise, give way to the partner to preserve mutual understanding and harmony, which makes their relationship only hard.

Fish and scorpion

About a pair of fish and scorpion can be said that they seemed to be created for each other. They stretch to each other intuitively on some mental level. Only a person can understand these feelings, at least once experienced something like that. Representatives of this pair can have different addictions or interests, but similar views on the family and the common values \u200b\u200bmake their unions happy for a long time.
In the relations of scorpions and fish there is no concept of excessive sentimentality or romanticity to each other, they feel very well feeling their partner and even think sometimes equally.

Taurus and cancer

Cancer and Taurus may have a very strong emotional and physical connection. To achieve a complete understanding of his partner, it helps his absolute adoption - external and internal. Thanks to such qualities, representatives of these signs of the zodiac easily reduce the conflict to a simple conversation, and the passion in relationships can save years. The basis of a strong marriage between the Taurus and Cancer, as a rule, becomes unconditional support for each other in any situation and sincere thanks for the creation and development of these relationships.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs can be not just a good pair, but an excellent team. Not drying enthusiasm and thrust for adventures make their relationship with bright and unique. In addition to discoveries that can be performed every day in bed, such a couple can travel around the world, they will not be bored with each other, even if they hold together 24 hours a day. What is interesting, the coherence of the team consisting of Aquarius and Aries is distributed not only for family relationships, but also on workers. They can be both excellent partners and build a family business without fear that the work will be able to destroy personal life.

Gemini and Aquarius

If anyone can happen at first glance, it's in Aquarius with twins. At the same time, the wedding is likely to be postponed for a year or another, but will be held immediately after a couple of weeks or months after dating. The inexhaustible creative potential of both of them allows you to constantly share ideas that will in no way be rejected or, even worse, ridiculous. The twin will always understand the subtle promise of Aquarius, it may be addressed or evaluating its idea.

It is noteworthy that the participants of such unions are not tied to each other, they value their independence and the independence of the partner, can have a good time in different companies, without feeling abandoned or offended by the second half.

Cancer and Scorpio

Both of these signs of the zodiac have a passionate fondant nature. People with such qualities often can not get along, constantly competing with each other, but if they belong to such signs as scorpion and cancer, the likelihood of creating a harmonious union is quite high. The fact is that it is these two signs exactly equally look at the world around the world and many things from an emotional point of view. They are similar and interests, plans for life, aspirations.

They are combined by such qualities as softness, sensitivity, often attractiveness. The depth of the soul of cancer seems to be charming Scorpio, and the creative beginning in scorpion admires cancer. For this couple, a completely comfortable phenomenon will simply be silent next to each other, it only happens when the shower is uniform and complete mutual understanding, which is further reflected in all areas of their livelihood.

Lion and Sagittarius

These two fiery signs associate passion. They enjoy life, they know exactly what they want from her, and are able to irrevocably surrender to love for a person with a similar worldview. Creating an alliance, Sagittarius and Lions help each other not just to achieve their goals, but also to perform any dreams. Supplying and maintaining each other, these signs begin to look more positively to the world, inspire movement forward to new achievements only being together.

General for Lviv and Sagittarov are the qualities and unlocking, and together with their brightness and cheerful temper, such pairs become beautiful friends with whom they never get bored.

Virgo and Taurus

Such signs of the zodiac as Taurus and Virgo unites first of all what they belong to one element - the Earth. Such an alliance will be deliberately good, regardless of whether the relationship will turn into romantic or will remain friendly. Representatives of these signs are equally simple in their desires, which, as a rule, coincide.
Despite the fact that relations such a couple from the side may look like a marriage for calculating, in fact this is the collence, practicality, the lack of habit of worrying on trifles. This union is based on sincere deep feelings.
In a pair of the Virgin and Taurus, the role of ideological inspirer should be taken over to the calf, then Virgo will be able to decide how to achieve one or another goal. For both partners, this will be the best distribution of responsibility, from the execution of which everyone will receive pleasure and satisfaction.

Scales and twins

The general for representatives of these signs is love for the development of intelligence and persistent mental work. They are always ready to develop his brain and everywhere, constantly improving their skills and learning something new. It is about them that we can say that they are the most sexy, they consider the games of the mind, and not muscles, for example.
Twins and scales fall in love, as a rule, not to appearance or figure, but in the charisma and sense of humor partner. Relationships in such a pair are based on full mutual trust. It doesn't matter whether they are lovers or spouses, first of all they will always stay for each other with the most close friends.

Sagittarius and Aries

The inexhaustible source of energy of the two these fiery signs can be compared, except that, with a warehouse of explosives. Energy, optimism, enthusiasm - here are common for the Aries and the firmware, which every day feed their relationship, making stronger.

Partners admire each other's attitude to tests, resembling the desire of the gamer to go through the next fascinating quest. The spiritual forces of the Sagittarius and Aries draw in support of each other, they are confident that there is a reliable support in the form of a second half, which will not submit under any circumstances and will not leave alone with difficulties.

Fish and cancer

The emotional perception of all this is what is happening and dreaminess makes representatives of these signs very romantic. The connection between such people can sometimes be called cosmic - so easily they manage to guess the thoughts and desires of each other. Both crayfish, and fish are able to compete, give way to each other and sincerely rejoice in the success of the partner.

These signs are very comfortable with each other in everybody: they are not only in many ways resembling among themselves, but also easily adjusted by taking partner as it is. In P * Fish and Cracks, there are excellent compatibility, since both sincerely wish not only pleasure, but also to deliver it to a partner, both seek to give proximity to the aesthetic and both without tired ready to betray erotic games.

One of the main tasks of his new presidential term, Vladimir Putin declared a reduction in the technological lag of Russia from leading countries.

How big is this lag and at the expense of it can be reduced? About this "AIF" told vice-President of the Skolkovo Foundation Kirill Kam.

Who does not give money to science?

Gleb Ivanov, "AIF": Kirill Vladimirovich, what do Russia have problems in developing new technologies?

Kirill Kai: There are three main problems. The first is an insufficient number of scientific and technological nestings to produce the right amount of technology. What does it mean? Before introducing into production, any technology must pass several stages of dropout. The percentage of successful projects depends on the industry. For example, the average percentage of success in biotechnologies is only 2-3%. That is, that two projects come to the market should be about hundreds of projects. Unfortunately, while Russia has no such pace.

The second problem is for us while business itself, and science is in itself. Ideally, they must complement each other. Science should help business develop, and business is to help science financing. Scientists themselves are hard to look for investors for their research. This requires the help of specialists.

- That is, science is missing money?

This is the third problem. I'm not talking about the level of state support, because the state is just doing a lot. But in the development of technologies, our major business is not invested. There are very few patrons and foundations in Russia who are willing to invest in P-Region at an early stage. Historically, it has so much that in the 1990s and the 2000s our average business grew around trade, financial transactions and then began to concentrate on real production. Only now understanding is beginning to come to entrepreneurs: so that their production has been successfully developed and competed with Western products, new technologies are needed. I think the solution of this task is the case of the nearest future.

What to learn from China?

- How quickly can I compensate for our technological lag?

It all depends very much on a particular Industry. China, who committed over 20 years, stunning technological jerks, used different strategy in different industries. Let's say, in the production of software, the Chinese enough violated patent rights and copied other technologies. Then they earned money on the sale of inexpensive high-quality copies and purchased the company itself, which was copied.

Russia can quickly overcome the lag in IT and other industries associated with mathematics. We are traditionally strong in this and are quite capable of jumping in several levels of development.

In more high-tech industries, they came in cunning. The authorities did not object to Chinese scientists to leave abroad and did career in the West, led by Western scientific laboratories. But in the past 10 years, the Chinese have seriously increased funding for their own science, discovered many new scientific centers. Scientist from the PRC, for many years worked in Stanford, Harvard, etc., offered very good conditions so that they returned back. Thanks to this, many specialists returned from abroad, which in a short time seriously advanced projects in their native industries. For example, in biology and molecular genetics, such a strategy allowed China to reach the first place in the world, although it used to be believed that the United States is a non-alternative leader in this industry for many years ahead.

- In Russia, will it work?

Russia can quickly overcome the lag in IT and other industries associated with mathematics. We are traditionally strong in this and are quite capable of jumping in several levels of development. For example, 3D printers are now in a wide use. What it is? I will give a specific example of the nozzle for the engine. If you do a product on a classic machine, then for its production you need an average of about 90 parts. Each of them is created with a certain possible error. The 3D printer will print only two details. That is, we have an advantage at speed, reliability, security. So gradually will decrease the relevance of the technical re-equipment of the production base of classical machines - they are already obsolete.

In biotechnologists, the lag is played for a longer period - long-term clinical studies are required. We have good cellular, molecular biologists, but many of them do not work in Russia. To return them, you need money, as in China. It is in this area that there are powerful state support, the development of state programs for the return of our scientists and the creation of the latest scientific laboratories.

The horns associated with the atom came from the 80s. last century. All these years, technology has been improved, and in terms of security, and in terms of expanding the possibilities of using this type of energy.

Nuclear engine under the hood?

And how are things going with atomic technologies now, in which we were traditionally leaders? After a series of disasters, many countries began to abandon atomic energy. Does she have a future?

No matter how much they spoke about the risks that she carries, while there are no alternatives. The world need for energy is growing, and humanity has to choose, in fact, of several angry: almost any energy getting is the destroying process. Or burn oil, gas, coal and pollute the atmosphere, or build hydroelectric stations that strongly affect the environment, or take risks associated with nuclear power.

Of course, in many countries, projects of non-traditional energy sources are growing rapidly - wind turbines, solar panels. But in its capacity, they are far from nuclear power.

It is necessary to understand that the horns associated with the atom came from the 80s. last century. All these years, technology has been improved, and in terms of security, and in terms of expanding the possibilities of using this type of energy. Now it is already about the fact that the sources of atomic energy will become more compact and we will be able to use a "peaceful atom" in household processes. And if, say, cars on nuclear engines are still too much, then the reactor with a locomotive for the railways is quite real in the near future.