Physiological changes in a woman's body during pregnancy. Changes in the body during pregnancy

All the metamorphoses that take place in the body of the expectant mother are due to one and only reason: her body is trying to provide the newly born life with all the necessary conditions for harmonious growth and development.

When do changes begin in a woman's body during pregnancy?

Changes in the body begin to occur from the very first day after conception. A woman may not be aware of her interesting position at all, since nothing changes except the level of hCG.

Reference! HCG (Chronological Gonadotropin) is a hormone that begins to be produced by the chorionic tissue on the 6-8th day after the cell is fertilized. This is one of the most important indicators of a successful conception.

The first weeks of pregnancy pass for each woman individually: some do not feel any changes at all, others suffer from drowsiness and apathy, while others, on the contrary, become too sensitive and receptive. All this speaks of the restructuring of the hormonal background.

In the first two months a pregnant woman may experience the following changes:

  • Toxicosis - is expressed by bouts of nausea and increased susceptibility to odors. Sometimes, against the background of vomiting, a woman slightly loses weight.
  • Frequent urination - the general level of fluid in the body rises, the uterus begins to press on the bladder.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands - the level of estrogen and progesterone increases, the breasts become larger and more sensitive. The halo around the nipples also darkens and grows. Sometimes the vascular network becomes visible.

In the third month the external parameters of the body hardly change, with the exception of a slight increase in weight (1 - 1.5 kg). Toxicosis subsides, health improves. Frequent urge to go to the toilet for little need is now due not only to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, but also to the formation of the excretory system in the embryo. Of the inconveniences in the third month, uncontrollable changes in appetite can be noted, from hunger to complete aversion to food. Headaches become more frequent.

In the fourth month the belly begins to round, and the expectant mother should think about purchasing looser and more comfortable clothes. The gait becomes more angular (the belly moves forward and the back bends back). The uterus begins to press on the intestines, which causes digestive disorders. The swelling becomes more noticeable, especially on the face and ankles.

Fifth month for many expectant mothers it is remembered as the time when the lack of calcium in the body is felt to the full. Teeth can begin to crumble, old fillings fall out, nails break and hair chops. In some cases, muscle cramps appear. Due to the increase in body weight, veins in the legs (varicose veins) come out.

At the beginning of the sixth month the woman happily feels the first movements of the baby inside the womb. The way her hips and belly are rounded is noticeable even to those around her.

Note! During this period, many pregnant women may begin to experience so-called training contractions (Braxton Hicks contractions). They are not painful or harmful.

In the seventh month the uterus rises so high that it begins to prop up the diaphragm. The whole body is under intense stress. Many women suffer from severe back pain and an increase in natural vaginal discharge. In some cases, stretch marks appear on the body.

At eight months the uterus becomes very sensitive to all movements of the child, and the woman feels this by the tension of the muscles. Many people get “late toxicosis”. Among the inconveniences of this period, shortness of breath, swelling, sluggishness and chronic fatigue can be noted.

Ninth, final month- this is a period when a woman's body is experiencing colossal overload. Severe back pain and a large abdomen force the expectant mother to walk strongly backward. Colostrum begins to flow from the nipples.

What changes can be observed in the body during pregnancy:

To understand what changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, it is worth breaking them down into points and considering each separately.

- body weight and metabolism

During the entire pregnancy, a woman gains weight by 8 - 18 kg. Do not be intimidated by this figure, because all the weight is dispersed according to the following principle:

  • Fetus, amniotic fluid, placental membranes - from 4 to 4.5 kg.
  • Uterus- the weight of the uterus increases from 50-100 grams to 1 kg.
  • Blood- during the carrying of a child, about 1 liter of blood is added in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Adipose tissue and interstitial fluid - about 5 kg.

Reference! In the first half of pregnancy, the weight increases by about 4 kg, in the second - 2 times more.

The woman's metabolism is being rebuilt taking into account the fact that another small person grows and lives in the womb. The production of digestive enzymes is doubled. A woman should make such a menu for herself so that, together with food, a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements enter her body.

- nervous system

The first 4 months of pregnancy are accompanied by inhibition of the nervous system. In most cases, the expectant mother becomes lethargic, sleepy, and apathetic. Thus, her body creates all the conditions for the fertilized egg to be fixed, and the embryo began to develop.

After 4 months, the situation changes dramatically: abrupt mood swings appear, and the reaction to mental and physical stimuli is aggravated. In some cases, neuralgic back pain appears.

- respiratory system

In the last stages, the growing uterus shifts the diaphragm upward, however, this does not in any way affect the volume of inhaled and exhaled air. The breathing rate remains the same. Physiological changes are minimal.

- cardiovascular system, blood pressure

Unlike the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system undergoes significant changes:

  • The volume of circulating blood increases: at about 32 weeks, it becomes 35% more than before pregnancy. This meets the increased requirements of the uterus and fetus, protects against hypotension syndrome in the supine position and critical blood loss during childbirth.
  • The composition of the blood changes. The number of erythrocytes slightly decreases, the level of folic acid in the plasma decreases, the concentration of hemoglobin and the value of hematocrit decrease. This increases the number of leukocytes, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the concentration of fibrinogen.
  • Blood pressure changes. In the first half of pregnancy, blood pressure decreases, and in the second, on the contrary, it rises. It is important to ensure that pressure surges are not accompanied by a sharp deterioration in well-being.
  • The venous pressure in the legs rises, and also compression of the central nerve highways occurs. This can provoke varicose veins, severe swelling of the extremities, and in some cases even hemorrhoids.

- organs of digestion and excretion

Many expectant mothers notice changes in the work of the digestive tract with the first signs of toxicosis - increased salivation, susceptibility to odors, nausea and vomiting. Unusual food addictions or aversions to familiar foods appear. Besides the obvious:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the liver begins to work in an enhanced mode, providing dehydration of decay products;
  • there is a tendency to constipation or diarrhea, due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the intestines.

- urinary organs

The urinary system works for two, which is why the expectant mother is forced to visit the ladies' room twice as often. In addition, as it grows, the uterus puts more pressure on the bladder, which also leads to frequent urination.

Reference! During pregnancy, the tone of the muscle layers of the urinary organs is significantly reduced.

- endocrine system

The endocrine system is a kind of "conductor" of the reproductive function. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries ensures the development of the egg and contributes to successful conception, and hormones produced by the endocrine gland are responsible for the formation of bone tissue and the brain of the embryo.

Changes in the functioning of the organism of the expectant mother are caused by the influence of the endocrine glands. The ovaries are slightly enlarged, and one of them contains a functioning corpus luteum for up to 4 months.

Then, the placenta takes over the production of progesterone and estrogen. The number of blood vessels that expand and encircle the uterus gradually increases.

- skin, hair and nails

As much as the expectant mother wants to look perfect while carrying a child, this does not always work out due to natural physiological changes.

Due to the hormonal surge, the skin on the face can become more oily and covered with small pimples, as a rule, this is a normal and reversible process.

Reference! There is a sign according to which damage to the skin on the face and deterioration of the condition of the hair are a sign of bearing a girl.

It is not only the face that is hit - the chest and abdomen can be covered with brown age spots. This is due to a change in the activity of the adrenal glands. If the skin is not elastic enough, stretch marks appear on the abdomen and hips.

As for hair and nails, their condition is strongly influenced by the level of calcium in the body. As mentioned earlier, its deficiency becomes especially noticeable in the fifth month of pregnancy. Hair can begin to fall out, split, and nails - break and exfoliate. The situation can be corrected by adding calcium-containing foods and vitamin-mineral complexes to the diet.

It is noteworthy, but the loss of hair on the head can be accompanied by hair growth in completely unexpected places: the chin, coccyx, "path" from the navel to the groin, etc.

- the immune system

For clarity, one can imagine that the body of a pregnant woman works in a mode of saving resource consumption, so that its reserves are enough to ensure the life of both the mother and the embryo growing in her womb.

Specific (acquired immunity) decreases significantly, while nonspecific, on the contrary, increases. This process can be traced by the composition of blood cells and plasma proteins.

Important! It is twice as easy for a pregnant woman to catch a disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, wear a medical mask before going outside during cold season.

How does a past pregnancy affect a woman's health?

If a woman carefully monitors her own condition and timely eliminates existing ailments, then only frequent, multiple births, between which her body does not have time to recover, can cause significant harm to her. But, unfortunately, not all women in labor are in good health, and therefore, even at the planning stage, it is worth considering all the possible risks and consequences:

  • Excess weight: during pregnancy, many women gain excess weight, which is quite difficult to eliminate without systematic exercise and diet correction. Not all young mothers have time and energy for this. In addition, if a woman is genetically prone to obesity, pregnancy can be a trigger for the development of obesity.
  • Breast shape changes. Breasts, especially large ones, may sag somewhat. In addition, there is a risk of nipple injury during feeding.
  • Stretch marks. If the skin is not elastic enough, dark streaks of stretch marks can remain on the abdomen and thighs for life.
  • Anemia as a result of large blood loss during childbirth.
  • Postpartum depression. It occurs in women who are experiencing difficulties in accepting their new status.

But, apart from the negative aspects, it is worth noting the positive ones. For example, a past pregnancy has a positive effect on the outcome of endometriosis and reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer.


A woman who carries a child under her heart cautiously listens and looks closely at all the changes in her health and appearance, especially if the first pregnancy. We hope that our article helped you sort out your feelings.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are subordinated to a single important goal - to fully provide conditions for the proper development and growth of the embryo (fetus).

  • Physiological changes
  • Heart and blood vessels
    • Phlebeurysm
    • Haemorrhoids
  • Digestive organs
    • Heartburn
    • Nausea, vomiting, constipation
  • Hormonal changes
  • Breast changes during pregnancy
  • The immune system
  • Muscles and back pain
  • Respiratory system
  • Genitourinary system
  • Uterus and cervix

From the moment of implantation to the onset of labor, the requirements of the fetus will steadily increase, which will entail changes in all systems of the female body and tissues:

  • endocrine system;
  • central and peripheral nervous system;
  • cardiovascular;
  • digestive;
  • excretory;
  • in the musculoskeletal system;
  • immune;
  • skin and its appendages (hair, nails).

The main exchange is changing. The developing fetus will force the pregnant woman's body to constantly adapt to the increasing load, and therefore physiological changes will be observed.

All important microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, fats will be obtained from the mother's blood, through which metabolites of metabolism and decay will be excreted. This is one of the reasons for the change in taste, appearance, changes in the color of the stool and urine.

In 85% of cases, pregnant women do not need medical intervention. All that is required is observation and psycho-emotional support. 15% - fall into a certain risk group due to the presence of chronic diseases. These women require close medical supervision.

Changes in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the changes in the cardiovascular system are most significant. Because the volume of circulating blood increases. Normally, a person's blood volume is on average 5 liters. The amount of blood begins to increase from the first weeks of pregnancy and peaks at 32 weeks, which is 35-45% more than outside of pregnancy. As a result, the number of blood cells changes.

As a result of a sharp increase in plasma volume, physiological hemodelution is observed - the increase in blood cells (erythrocytes) "lags behind" and begins.

Physiologically, there is a change in the composition of the blood. Decreases slightly:

  • the number of red blood cells;
  • hemoglobin concentration ();
  • hematocrit value;
  • plasma folic acid levels.

This increases:

  • the number of leukocytes;
  • sedimentation rate of erythrocytes;
  • fibrinogen concentration.

An increase in blood volume meets the increased requirements of the uterus and fetus, protects against hypotension in the supine position, and prevents critical fluid loss during childbirth.

During pregnancy, functional early (sometimes medium) systolic murmurs, extrasystoles (premature contractions of the myocardium) may appear.

From the third month by 10-15 mm. rt. Sat decreases blood pressure. Starting from the third trimester, on the contrary, a rise in blood pressure is characteristic. due to peripheral dilatation - a decrease in the resistance of the vessels of the hands, feet, increased metabolism and the formed arteriovenous placental shunt.

Peripheral vasodilation leads to increased secretion of nasal mucus, which leads to discomfort. This condition is called pregnant rhinitis, which disappears with the outcome of pregnancy. Complaints appear:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • nosebleeds.

An increase in venous pressure in the lower extremities and compression of the central venous lines by an enlarged uterus contributes to hemorrhoids.

Edema is common during pregnancy. noted by 50-80% of pregnant women. They are localized on the lower extremities, but may have a different localization - on the face, fingers. Because of this, there is a change in the appearance of the pregnant woman. Such edema is characterized by a gradual development, smoothly combined with an increase in body weight. Even external changes on the face appear due to the action of the hormone growth hormone. This substance awakens the remaining areas of bone growth. There may be a slight increase in the brow ridges, the tip of the nose grows, and the joints of the fingers thicken.

  1. Avoid standing and sitting for a long time. Move more and encourage vigorous exercise.
  2. Do not wear tight clothing.
  3. During sleep, the legs should be in an elevated position.
  4. Sleep on your side.
  5. You can not cross your legs while sitting.
  6. Wear elastic stockings or tights.

Discomfort from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid complaints often occur during pregnancy for the first time. To avoid its development, it is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, it is enough to slightly change the diet due to fiber. In severe cases, they resort to medicines in the form of suppositories and anti-hemorrhoidal creams.

Gastrointestinal (GI) changes and discomfort during pregnancy

Frequent complaints during pregnancy are presented by women from the digestive system. It is also caused by physiological changes:

  • a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, enzymes;
  • decrease in intestinal motility and the digestive system as a whole under the influence;
  • an increase in the reabsorption of water from the large intestine under the action of the hormone aldosterone.

The change in taste during pregnancy is the result of a decrease in the sensitivity of the receptors of the taste buds on the tongue.

Discomfort during pregnancy from the gastrointestinal tract is manifested in the following:

  • There are complaints of nausea, increased salivation, vomiting as a result of a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid and a decrease in the level of the enzyme pepsin.
  • Preferences in smells change, habitual ones start to irritate, unusual ones start to like.
  • Constipation occurs (due to intestinal hypotension caused by progesterone).

Breast changes during pregnancy begin to appear early:

  • the volume of the breast changes (by 2-3 sizes) under the influence of estrogen and progesterone - the volume of connective tissue grows and the milk ducts develop;
  • metabolic processes, blood circulation increase, which makes the breast more sensitive and painful when touched, a vascular network may appear on the skin;
  • nipples grow, the areola circumference increases (from 3 cm to 5 cm), they take on a more saturated color due to increased melatonin synthesis (from dark red to brown).

In the later stages, there is a high probability of the appearance of cicatricial changes - stretch marks (this is a consequence of the rupture of collagen fibers of the breast skin) and colostrum secretion.

By the end of pregnancy, the synthesis of oxytocin increases, which takes part in the very birth act.

Changes in the immune system during pregnancy

Consultation with an orthopedist is indicated for severe pain, if it extends to the legs, or if neurological symptoms are present.

Changes in the body during pregnancy. Respiratory system

The respiratory system is undergoing minimal changes. The growing uterus shifts the diaphragm upward, but the volume of expiration and inspiration remains unchanged. The respiratory rate remains within the physiological range - 14-15 per minute.

Physiological changes during pregnancy. Genitourinary system

During pregnancy, changes in a woman's body are pronounced precisely in the genitourinary system. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration increase by 50% (a larger volume of blood passes through the vessels of the kidneys at an increased rate), which leads to an increase in urine volume. Therefore, pregnant women begin to complain of frequent urination. There is a urge to urinate at night. 1-2 trips to the toilet per night for a pregnant woman is the norm.

Under the influence of progesterone and the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the upper edge of the pelvis.

Changes in the uterus during pregnancy

It is obvious that changes in the uterus occur during pregnancy. It grows in size. Its volume by the end of pregnancy grows 1000 times, its weight is 1000 g (for comparison - in a non-pregnant state, the weight is within 70 grams).

From the first trimester, the uterus begins to contract irregularly and painlessly - In the later stages, they can cause significant and tangible discomfort.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix retains its density. The isthmus softens, the cervix becomes more mobile.

Changes in the cervix in early pregnancy include:

  • discoloration (due to an increase in the number of vessels and blood flow, the cervix becomes cyanotic);
  • provisions;
  • consistency (loosens);
  • shape and size.

In the lumen of the cervix, a mucous plug is formed - a mechanical and immune barrier for the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity.

Normally, there is a change in the volume of vaginal discharge (under the influence of estrogen). Pathological discharge should be excluded, for example, with candidal infection, which often bothers women in an interesting position. The appearance of bloody discharge after intercourse makes it possible to suspect erosion of the cervix, which is already becoming very vulnerable.

The walls of the vagina become loose and elastic, the labia enlarge, change color to a more intense one.

Changes in the central nervous system

The first 3-4 months of pregnancy are accompanied by inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS). Excitability increases after 4 months. A decrease in reflex excitability helps to relax the uterus, which ensures the normal development of pregnancy in a woman's body.

In connection with changes in the nervous system, complaints appear about:

  • drowsiness;
  • mood swings;
  • imbalance;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • salivation;
  • vomiting;
  • a tendency to dizziness;
  • general fatigue.

The increase in the excitability of the peripheral nerves makes you feel pain in response to irritation, which before pregnancy was simply unpleasant. There are neurological pains in the lower back, sacrum, cramps of the calf muscles.

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are physiological and are not symptoms of the disease. They can manifest themselves as discomfort and discomfort, but they do not require treatment, with the exception of pathological conditions.

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A woman's body is programmed for childbirth. The process of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical health of a woman. Many chronic diseases, disorders in the sexual sphere come to naught thanks to the birth of a child. During pregnancy, great changes occur in a woman's body, both visible and invisible. The anatomical, chemical, physiological nature of the changes taking place is designed to provide the unborn child with everything necessary for his development.

Uterus, breasts

The uterus begins to enlarge from the very beginning of pregnancy. For all the time, its weight will increase from 50-60 grams to 1 kg or more, its volume - from 2-3 ml to 4-5 liters.

On examination, the doctor will see changes in the uterus already in the first month: it reaches the size of an orange, from triangular it becomes round. You yourself visually see changes from 4 months: the silhouette changes, a tummy appears.

The chest begins to swell and become heavy with, sometimes it is accompanied by tingling and hot flashes. The nipples become bulging after a few weeks, the areola darkens, and pimples appear.

The breasts are permeated with many blood vessels, of which the veins are more visible during pregnancy. Colostrum can begin to be secreted as early as the fourth month.

Blood circulation of a pregnant woman

The mother's blood must supply the fetus with the substances necessary for its development, as well as remove waste toxins. This appears with the help of a special organ that appears during pregnancy -.

During pregnancy, everything blood vessels expand, and the volume of circulating blood increases by about one and a half liters. Red blood cells are diluted with a large amount of plasma (liquid part of the blood), which often leads to iron deficiency. Therefore, in the last months of pregnancy, mothers are often prescribed iron supplements.

The increased size of the uterus sometimes interferes with the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, legs may swell, veins may dilate... If the vena cava, which carries blood to the heart, is compressed by the uterus, you may feel unwell in the supine position. To avoid discomfort, you can try to lie on your left side, which unblocks the "venous return", since the vena cava runs to the right of the uterus.

Pulse speeded up by 10-15 beats even in sleep. With multiple pregnancies - even more than 10-15 strokes. The pulse rate fluctuates up to 90 beats per minute. Minute blood volume increases by 30-50% from the end of the first trimester to the end of pregnancy. Thus, the heart beats faster, as it needs to pump more blood, and the entire cardiovascular system adapts to the additional stress during pregnancy.

Blood pressure decreases slightly during the first trimester, as the blood mass increases and the vessels are dilated. With the approach of the due date (we wrote about the calculation in the articles Determining the day of birth by the date of the last menstruation) the pressure returns to the previous figures. It should not be higher than 140 to 90.

Breathing of a pregnant woman

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause temporary swelling of the lining of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Because of this, a woman's voice can change its tone. This should not be a cause for concern, after childbirth everything will return to normal.

In the first half of pregnancy, the tone and activity of the abdominal muscles decrease. The uterus gradually displaces up the main respiratory muscle, the diaphragm, and this significantly limits its mobility. Breathing becomes chest, upper.

A pregnant woman breathes both for herself and for her child, whose lungs will start working only after childbirth. Therefore, with each breath, you need to absorb 10-15% more air than usual. This hyperventilation is good for the fetus, it lowers the pressure of carbon dioxide.

We have already written about the problems of breathing while lying on your back. When faced with shortness of breath, you need to try to change your sleeping position: try to lie on your left side.

Digestion during pregnancy

The intestines, bladder, stomach are compressed by the enlarging uterus. Internal organs adapt to this, making room for the fetus, and the placenta.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of saliva increases. The gums become more fragile and may bleed. There is a risk of tooth decay. Right now, it is especially important to regularly visit the dentist and monitor the condition of the oral cavity.

A burning sensation beginning in the stomach and going up the esophagus to the throat, sometimes accompanied by the discharge of acidic fluid, usually appears by 4 months of pregnancy. This is Pyrosis, heartburn of pregnancy that persists until delivery and is often worse with supine position.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the stomach becomes "lazy", its tone decreases, food remains in the stomach longer, it is released more slowly, and is quickly saturated.

The slow passage of food through the digestive tract leads to constipation, but proper nutrition will help to cope with this (see article on).

As the weight of the fetus increases, the uterus presses on the bladder, so the urge appears more often. In addition, the increased blood volume increases the burden on the kidneys to filter and remove toxins. The renal pelvis and urinary ducts, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, are dilated and less toned towards the end of pregnancy.

Sometimes during pregnancy, sugar may appear in the urine, which does not indicate diabetes. The presence of sugar in the form of lactose is normal in late pregnancy, while the presence of glucose may indicate a slight impairment of filtration in the kidneys.

Hormonal changes in pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by complex hormonal processes that allow the body to adapt to new conditions. These hormones are produced by the ovaries before pregnancy and by the placenta during pregnancy, and they are also essential for a woman's sexual and sexual life. These hormones are progesterone and estrogen.

The balance of action of these hormones helps implantation of the egg into the uterus, they ensure the life of the fetus, acting on the smooth muscles of the uterus, interfering with its contraction. Chorionic gonadtropin, the only hormone secreted only during pregnancy, plays a role in maintaining the function of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy. Further in the course of pregnancy, other hormones are included: prolactin, which affects the development of the mammary glands and their preparation for feeding, and oxytocin, under the influence of which labor will begin.

Hormones affecting the mental and mental state of a pregnant woman:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin: pregnancy hormone, causes a vague miraculous feeling of "I'm pregnant";
  • Progesterone: soothes the psyche, its effect is enhanced by childbirth;
  • Estrogen: awakens ancient instincts, for example, the nest instinct, and related cares and worries about the child;
  • Prolactin: stimulates the development of the mammary glands, the formation of milk, forms the maternal instinct;
  • Endorphin: Pain reliever produced by the body, affects the emotional state. Most endorphins - the hormone of happiness - are produced during pregnancy.

Adaptation of Metabolism - Metabolism - to Pregnancy

The chemical changes that allow the body to meet energy needs during pregnancy, regenerate and form new tissues, and produce essential nutrients during pregnancy are very important for both mother and baby.

It is very important, since the intake of proteins, fats (lipids), vitamins, calcium, iron and other substances necessary for an unborn child depends on it. Water, salt, fats, carbohydrates and proteins are altered to provide the fetus with the nutrients it uses in its metabolism.

Water and salt... To compensate for the salt loss caused by progesterone during pregnancy, the body retains more water and sodium. This can lead to swelling. If the edema is not of a common nature, it is generally not dangerous, but you should monitor it and try to eliminate it with creams that increase the tone of the veins, compression stockings. A diet poor in salt is useless and can be harmful.

Fats... The amount of fat in the blood increases during pregnancy. Cholesterol is transformed in the placenta and serves to form progesterone and is also used by the fetus to form other hormones. In the first months, the mother's body accumulates a store of fat, which will then be consumed to meet the increased energy needs.

Sugar... During pregnancy, everything in the body is aimed at obtaining glucose and delivering it to the fetus, as it needs it to participate in energy metabolism.

Protein... They are necessary for the formation of new tissues, they are involved in all stages of metabolic changes in the body of the mother and fetus. During pregnancy, you need to get about 25% more protein from meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.

As they write in all articles about pregnancy, first of all, the expectant mother's taste preferences change. In fact this is not true. Many women during pregnancy give up their favorite foods and begin to actively consume what they have never eaten. Some pregnant women combine incongruous (herring and jam, ice cream and cucumbers, etc.) and enjoy it. But there are also those who adhere to the usual diet.

One of the most noticeable changes during pregnancy is weight gain and abdominal growth. Normally, a woman gains about 10-12 kg during pregnancy, of which 4-4.5 kg falls on the fetus, amniotic fluid and placenta, 1-1.5 kg - for an increase in the uterus and mammary glands, 1.5 kg for an increase the amount of blood and 1 kg of intercellular fluid. As a rule, the body of the expectant mother also stores adipose tissue, which is necessary for successful breastfeeding.

Bones, muscles, skin

During pregnancy, a woman's body produces a special hormone - relaxin. It is he who provides a safe and physiological divergence of the pelvic bones during childbirth, which is necessary for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

In late pregnancy, a woman may feel an increase in joint mobility, and some expectant mothers even complain of pain in the hands, knees and elbows. these problems disappear.

Many women notice that in the second trimester of pregnancy, the line from the navel to the pubis darkens, becoming brown; areola darkens and increases in diameter. The pigment produced by the adrenal glands during pregnancy can cause freckles or age spots.

While waiting for the baby, the skin on the abdomen is very stretched, stretch marks (striae) may appear. With high skin elasticity, stretch marks may disappear a few months after giving birth. If the elasticity of the skin is reduced, stretch marks remain on the woman's body for life.

Respiratory system

During pregnancy, the content of the hormone progesterone in the blood increases, which provides additional relaxation of the muscles of the bronchial walls. This causes the airway to dilate, which is necessary to increase the amount of air inhaled by the mother by 40%. Interestingly, 30% of them go to the needs of the fetus, and the remaining 10% are used in the body of the expectant mother.

Heart, vessels and blood

The cardiovascular system, without exaggeration, takes on the main load while waiting for a child. To deliver all the necessary nutrients to the uterus, hypertrophy occurs, that is, an increase in the left ventricle, an increase in heart rate and an increase in the minute volume of blood.

Blood pressure in the first trimester may even decrease slightly, which causes lethargy, weakness and drowsiness (pregnant women often complain about them at the beginning of their journey). Somewhere in the middle of the second trimester, each woman's pressure increases by an average of 10 mm. rt. Art. However, in pathological cases, these numbers can increase significantly. In such situations, we are talking about gestosis - a complication of the second half of pregnancy, fraught with such dangerous conditions as eclampsia. Blood pressure spikes to high numbers are known to cause or.

A pregnant woman provides food not only for herself, but also for the baby. And despite the fact that the blood of the mother and the fetus does not mix during pregnancy, the woman needs increased volumes of this fluid. As a result, during the period of waiting for the child, hematopoiesis increases, the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increases. By the end of pregnancy, the total amount of blood increases by 40%.

Urinary organs

The problem of an urgent visit to the toilet is quite acute for almost every pregnant woman. By the middle of the second trimester, the increased exerts noticeable pressure on the woman's bladder. This situation is quite physiological, but it makes the expectant mother "run to the toilet" quite often. Moreover, the more, the stronger the pressure, and, consequently, the more frequent trips to the toilet.

The growing uterus presses not only on the bladder, but also on the intestines. However, in this situation, it does not work as a plus, but as a minus. Compression of the intestines interferes with normal peristalsis, which ensures the movement of food. As a result, constipation occurs - a rather unpleasant condition, especially during pregnancy.


Comment on the article "Pregnancy: changes in the body. In what trimester?"

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. this organism begins to rebuild. For being clever, beautiful, I love - kiss, I rejoice at all the changes, I rejoice at how it changes and I love for the fact that Centimeters of life What the size and shape of a pregnant belly speaks about Why does a stomach ache during pregnancy.

Pregnancy: changes in the body. Many women notice that in the second trimester of pregnancy, the line from the navel to the pubis darkens, becoming intimate not to offer? ... the psycho-emotional sphere is changing: a woman can become irritable, she appears ...


everything is fine with you! sleep is good;) I have been sleeping right from the beginning of pregnancy. Now it's already 13 weeks, and where you put me, lean against me, I sleep there;) and the pressure is low (90/60). It's only hard when the weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure jumps. My doctor says that the main thing with coffee is not to overdo it. If you like, you can green freshly brewed tea - there is also a lot of caffeine. Grow to health!

There is no need to be ashamed, especially if the husband does not complain :)
Hold on, everything will pass, it will pass, too :)
I only felt like a human after 13 weeks.

Some women experience multiple orgasms during pregnancy. During pregnancy and lactation, the external structures of the mammary gland also undergo changes. The nipple and areola are enlarged, changing their color from pink to dark.


In the first B. has grown exactly by size. From 38 to 39. Now is the eighth month already, and the paw is the same, I hope that it will remain so.

My 40-41 stayed with me after 4 full-term pregnancies. It probably increases in those who have not yet matured ...

During pregnancy, the hormonal balance of a woman changes, and blood rushes to the genitals. Some women who previously found it difficult to get an orgasm, being "in position", achieve it with ease and more often want sex, to mutual pleasure ...

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body. Why We Overeat: 10 Good Reasons. Hyperphagic reaction (overeating) to stress, or emotiogenic food, as food - information project on family issues ...

The nutrition of a pregnant woman affects not only the state of her body, but also the full development and health of the future.As the functional load on the mother's body increases during pregnancy, the ratio of nutritional ...

The second pregnancy of the Italian came during the first. The good news for women who like to carry babies is that you can walk pregnant for at least a whole year if you wish and with a fortunate coincidence.

IMHO If during pregnancy a woman suffers prolonged stressful situations, it all depends, in my opinion, firstly, on the type of nervous one.My baby developed during pregnancy also during terrible stress (my mother suddenly died ...


I am an expert, so my opinion is amateurish, but I have my own experience. The first pregnancy was very nervous, it was necessary to hide the pregnancy, the husband could not file a divorce from his first wife and the father kicked out of the house. The child was born normal, as I later realized, not even very loud. The second pregnancy proceeded in absolute peace of mind, there was not even anxiety at work, since I was sitting at home. And the baby was born restless, never-to-go.

The child has the type of nervous system that he inherits from his parents. After all, it often happens that the same parents have completely different children: one is completely calm, the other is hyperactive with scattered attention. That is, what is laid down is laid down. So it doesn't depend on stress. IMHO If, during pregnancy, a woman suffers prolonged stressful situations, everything depends, in my opinion, firstly, on the type of nervous system of the woman herself, secondly, on her state of health at the moment and, thirdly, on the attitude of the woman herself. women to what happened. And since any stress can cause unpredictable consequences for human health (from headache to heart attack), it is the particularities of the course of these consequences in a pregnant woman that will affect the fetus. The consequences can be different and are known, probably, to everyone. These are mainly vegetative-vascular disorders: increased blood pressure, panic attacks, palpitations, headaches, lack of appetite, insomnia, depression, etc. This, in turn, can cause (as in a chain reaction) complications of the course of pregnancy and even the threat of miscarriage. It seems to me that mother nature has tried to protect the woman's nervous system from such things during pregnancy. If pregnancy is desired and the child is long-awaited, then this is such a positive emotion for a woman that she can endure many stressful situations much easier. So, I think there will be no pronounced pathologies in a child born to a mother whose pregnancy proceeded in stressful situations, but without complications and consequences for her health. If, as a result of these stresses, the mother's health has deteriorated and, as a result, complications of the course of pregnancy have arisen, then the answer is obvious - there will be deviations, but not necessarily in the development of the child's nervous system. Here, everything will depend on at what stage of pregnancy were these stressful situations that led to the mother's illness.

With the onset of conception in a woman's body, everything changes dramatically. The body begins to prepare for a new period. The body is tuned in to ensure the correct development and proper nutrition of the newly born little man. Some changes in the body of a pregnant woman are perfectly visible. They are seen by others, and the expectant mother feels. There are also those changes that are not felt or noticed at all. Let's see what changes the body of the fair sex, who is in an "interesting position", undergoes.

From the moment a new life begins, the heart begins to experience a serious burden. This is due to the appearance of the placental circulation. The body begins to adapt to new conditions. There is an increase in the mass of the heart muscle. During the period of "interesting situation", the volume of circulating blood increases by about 40-55%. In absolute terms, this is 1.5 liters.

In 80% of healthy women, systolic murmur is heard from the second trimester of pregnancy. It occurs due to an increase in heart rate, stroke volume of the heart, and circulating blood volume. This is not a deviation. This phenomenon is completely normal.

The increased blood circulation causes changes in the venous network. Many pregnant women experience varicose veins. This problem can arise due to an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the veins, an increase in total blood volume, and an increase in pressure in the veins of the lower extremities.

Most often, varicose veins are observed in those women whose relatives suffered from this disease. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, then you need to try to minimize the likelihood of this problem. To prevent this physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to observe the following simple rules:

  • monitor weight gain (kilograms should be gained gradually, and not abruptly);
  • not be in one position for a long time (for example, lying or sitting);
  • while lying down, put something under your feet (for example, a pillow). You can just put your feet on the back of the sofa. You need to get used to this position;
  • do not lift weights;
  • wear special elastic tights (put them on in the morning after waking up, and take them off in the evening before going to bed);
  • do not wear tight clothing and tight shoes;
  • quit smoking;
  • exercise and be outdoors more often;
  • introduce into the diet foods that are rich in vitamin C.

Respiratory system

The fetus growing in its mother's tummy needs oxygen. In this regard, significant changes occur in the woman's body on the part of the respiratory system. Progesterone, called the pregnancy hormone, helps relax the muscles in the walls of the bronchi. The airway clearance is increased. The tidal volume also increases (the amount of oxygen entering the lungs as a result of one respiratory movement).

In general, a woman's oxygen demand increases by 15-20%. The fetus needs 30% of this volume of air. Another 10% is needed by the placenta. The remaining amount of oxygen is needed by the female body for the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

Digestive system

With the onset of pregnancy, many women experience morning sickness and vomiting. Such "symptoms" arise in connection with special changes in the organs of the digestive system. There may be an aversion to certain foods (eg, meat). New tastes arise. Some women even start using chalk or some other unusual "food".

Heartburn makes you experience very unpleasant sensations. It occurs when the muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach begins to contract. As a result of this, gastric juice enters the walls of the esophagus. The liquid irritates the mucous membrane and contributes to discomfort. You can avoid heartburn if you follow these simple guidelines:

  • do not wear tight clothing that squeezes the stomach;
  • eat food in normal quantities;
  • exclude from the daily diet food that causes gastrointestinal discomfort (spicy, hot, fried foods, alcohol, coffee, chocolate);
  • move more.

The intestines during pregnancy declare a "boycott". Some women note the occurrence of bloating, problems with stool. Constipation can continue to torment until the very birth. These changes are explained by a decrease in intestinal motility, a decrease in tone.

Another very unpleasant problem is hemorrhoids. It occurs due to frequent constipation, excessive exertion. It can also appear due to the use of preparations containing iron.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include burning, itching, rectal bleeding, pain during bowel movements. If this problem occurs, it is recommended to see a doctor. However, one must also remember that any disease can be prevented. Here are simple tips, thanks to which you can not face such a physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman as hemorrhoids:

  • emptying your bowels regularly (about once a day);
  • if constipation occurs, take warm sitz baths twice a day;
  • do not strain when emptying the intestines;
  • sleep on your side so that there is no strong pressure on the rectum;
  • after emptying the intestines, wash the anus with cold water and soap;
  • drink more fluids during the day;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • introduce into the diet those foods that contain fiber (for example, prunes, coarse bread, porridge from coarse grains, various vegetables, salads);
  • eat a little, but often;
  • chew food thoroughly.

If hemorrhoids can be avoided during pregnancy, then the likelihood of its occurrence after childbirth is significantly reduced.

When women are in an "interesting position", such an important internal organ as the liver is in a state of intense tension. However, its functioning is not disturbed. There is only a slight increase in volume and a decrease in antitoxic function.

During pregnancy, women may experience petechial hemorrhages, palmar erythema. They are not considered signs of liver damage. Such changes in the body only indicate an increase in the concentration of estrogen. About 1-2 months after giving birth, these symptoms disappear completely.

Excretory system

During pregnancy, the excretory system does not remain unchanged either. The kidneys are under double stress. Now they are displaying the products of exchange not only of the expectant mother, but also of the baby.

From about 10-12 weeks, a woman begins to expand the systems of cavities that collect urine in the kidney (cup-pelvis complex). In the future, they continue to expand due to the increase in the size of the uterus and the pressure that the organ exerts on the ureters. The increase in bladder capacity is influenced by progesterone. In the later stages, there may be signs of urinary incontinence.

All these changes in the body of a pregnant woman, occurring in the excretory system, make the expectant mother vulnerable to an ascending urinary tract infection. If a woman had inflammatory changes in the kidneys before conception, then exacerbations during pregnancy can hardly be avoided.

The expectant mother should consume at least 2 liters of water. If there is less fluid, then the kidneys will be in a sufficiently stressful environment in terms of urine concentration. They will need to isolate not only toxins formed in the mother's body, but also toxins that are filtered through the placenta. Dehydration is dangerous for both the woman and her baby.

Reproductive system

The outer labia during pregnancy take on an edematous appearance. There is cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the mucous membranes. The vagina lengthens and widens slightly. The uterus undergoes the greatest changes. Its mass, length, volume, transverse and anteroposterior dimensions increase, shape and position become different.

During pregnancy, the receptor system of the uterus changes. The sensitivity of the organ to excitatory factors is significantly reduced. The opposite situation is observed before childbirth. The excitability of the uterus increases.

Breast health

Changes in pregnant women in the mammary glands represent the process of preparation for feeding the baby. They start early in pregnancy. The glandular cells that produce milk begin to grow. This is facilitated by two hormones: progesterone and prolactin. Then, due to the influence of estrogen, milk ducts begin to grow, supplying milk from glandular cells to the nipple.

The increasing cell mass requires a good blood supply. In this regard, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. That is why some women notice a pronounced vascular network in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

At the end of pregnancy, a precursor of milk called "colostrum" is released from the nipples. It is a light colored liquid. When you press on the nipple, only a few drops are released.

Skin condition

In a woman's body, with the advent of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes. Some hormones begin to be intensively produced, while others, on the contrary, are blocked. Outwardly, this is reflected in the condition of the skin. She can become healthy, clean, elastic. In some women, the opposite changes are observed. Skin becomes oily or dry during pregnancy.

Due to the action of certain hormones, the pigmentation of some parts of the body increases: the halos of the nipples of the mammary glands, the midline of the perineum and abdomen, the area of ​​the skin around the navel. Pigmentation of birthmarks is stimulated. That is why women in position are not advised to sunbathe. Visiting tanning salons is generally contraindicated. Learn more about how to prevent or combat pigmentation

It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid such changes in the body of a pregnant woman, but it is quite possible to reduce them to a minimum. First, you need to review your diet. For the sake of their beauty and health, the baby will have to give up many modern products (for example, instant noodles, chips, carbonated drinks). The menu should include natural products that contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

You shouldn't use makeup every day during pregnancy. Fatty creams can only worsen the condition of the skin. The body must "breathe" because oxygen enters the body not only through the respiratory tract. Pores play a huge role in this process. If they are clogged with cosmetics, then oxygen will not flow through them, and sweat secretions will be difficult to remove from the body. Don't forget about hygiene. Women in position should shower more often.

Other changes in the appearance of pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, many women notice unusual changes. For example, the proportions of the face are violated. The nose, lips, chin, and thyroid gland are enlarged. A slight enlargement of the limbs is also possible.

Almost all the fair sex in the position changes the state of the teeth for the worse. Pregnancy also affects the hair. In some women, they begin to fall out, while in others, on the contrary, they acquire shine, become beautiful and strong.

At about 6-7 weeks, some women already notice slight weight gain. This is completely normal. The baby gradually grows in his mother's tummy. During pregnancy, a woman's weight increases by about 10-12 kg. Of this total value, 4-4.5 kg falls on the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and membranes, 1 kg - on the intercellular (tissue fluid), 1 kg - on the uterus and mammary glands, 1.5 kg - on blood, 4 kg - on the adipose tissue of the mother's body.

Many women are interested in the question of which weight gain is considered normal and which is excessive. There is no specific answer to this physiological change in the body of a pregnant woman. Here you need to take into account individual characteristics. For example, if a woman was underweight before pregnancy, then she can gain 15-18 kg. This will not be considered a deviation. For women with a normal physique, the optimal weight gain is 10-12 kg. For women with a tendency to obesity, weight gain should not exceed 10 kg.

Stop smoking during pregnancy. It negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Women who smoke tend to have less than normal weight gain and babies are born underweight.

Psychological changes

The new state provokes the emergence of various emotions in women. For example, a representative of the fair sex may experience an emotional uplift, then anxiety, then joy, then fear. The sooner you get used to your new role, the faster your mood will return to normal.

In general, anxiety is not dangerous, if we are not talking about insomnia, excruciating and obsessive feelings, constantly in a bad mood. Defeating negative emotions can be very simple. Here are the main ways:

  • start learning special relaxation techniques (for example, auto-training, swimming, breathing exercises);
  • maintain a sense of humor. Thanks to him, you can defeat a bad mood in absolutely any situation;
  • resting during the day and getting used to the idea that mood swings are part of the "interesting situation";
  • try to do everything possible for the sake of raising the mood (meeting friends, doing interesting things, looking for other wonderful aspects of life);
  • give vent to emotions (if you want to cry, then you do not need to keep tears in yourself);
  • try not to drive all your grievances and gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul (pregnant women have long been advised to share their thoughts with loved ones, talk about their problems);
  • do not forget that psychological changes in the body of a pregnant woman are temporary. After giving birth, they will no longer bother, since a small miracle will be born that will bring happiness and joy;
  • tell your doctor about your fears (the specialist will explain all the nuances of pregnancy);
  • start preparing things for the baby, or at least make a list of everything you need, look after certain products.

It must be remembered that pregnancy is a period of change. Contradictory feelings can still visit a woman in position. The challenge is to significantly reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones. Don't worry about external changes (for example, extra pounds, poor hair or skin condition). All these phenomena are temporary. When a woman accepts her new state for real, she will become very charming no matter what.

If negative emotions do not go away, a bad mood is constantly observed, accompanied by a decrease or loss of appetite, insomnia, physical weakness, apathy, melancholy, a feeling of hopelessness, then in such a situation you cannot do without the help of a doctor. All of the above are signs of depression, which is not a harmless condition, but a serious illness. Long-term depression definitely needs treatment.

Behavior of the expectant mother

The main task of a woman in a position is to protect her baby, not to harm him, to maintain her health. That is why you need to take into account your internal and external changes and, based on this, build your further behavior.

First, you need to study your body, listen carefully to its needs. It is very important for a woman to always be comfortable walking, lying, sitting. She shouldn't be uncomfortable.

Secondly, body care is required. Thanks to the observance of the rules of hygiene, you can avoid encountering the occurrence of various health problems, and the child will develop correctly.

Third, there is no need to ignore safety measures and precautions. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman, such as an increase in the abdomen, weight lead to a shift in the center of gravity. From the first days you need to adapt to the new state, be always attentive and try not to lose balance. It will be very difficult to get used to it in the later stages.

To protect yourself from all accidents, you need:

  • give up inexpensive and low-quality shoes, high heels;
  • adequately assess all hazards (eg slippery floors, low lighting, steep stairs, icy steps). Take a shower with extreme caution. It is recommended to lay a special rubber mat on the bottom of the bath;
  • do not climb stepladders, stairs, table or chairs;
  • use seat belts on airplanes or cars.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that at present not all the fair sex are aware of what changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, how the baby grows in the tummy, which affects its development. It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge and lack of understanding of the importance of the ongoing process that women lead the wrong way of life, experience any fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

Don't be lazy to look for useful information. You can find special books and films, sign up for courses, or just talk to your doctor. New information will only be beneficial. And then you will not have to worry about your condition and the development of the child, and pregnancy will indeed become the happiest period in your life.

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