Chemical peeling. What, to whom when? Modern trends and personal experience of a beautician. Sensitive leather and peeling. How to cook peeling for sensitive skin

Quite often, women have to use peeling for dry skin to get rid of various impermis defects. Procedures can be made not only in professional salons, but also home. The process is very simple, but for the successful execution of peeling, you will need to learn about some features, as well as purchase certain skills. The fact is that dry skin is very easy to damage, that is why it requires special care.

There are several peeling varieties for dry sensitive skin. Many believe that dry skin must often be moisturized, and the top layer will receive an exfoliating effect automatically. This opinion is mistaken. For competent skin care of this type, it is necessary to use peeling. With the help of it, buried parts of the epidermis are removed.

The skin becomes dry due to the fact that it lacks skin salary, which is produced by the body. Problems also arise due to the fact that the skin cannot fit because of the damage cells of the skin - nutrients simply do not go to the epidermis. As a result, it turns out an unbreakable circle: the upper layer begins to crack due to dehydration of the body, but the sebaceous glands can not be released due to contaminated leather - the aleis aggressive impact causes a traumatic effect.

If you use various mechanical impacts, the epidermis will be injured. That is why it is necessary to use non-aggressive chemical peels, but very soft. Such a procedure will help a person get rid of the old skin scales, and release a healthy fabric. Such a procedure will give high-quality care for dry skin.

  1. Moisturizing is used if there is a feeling of depth and constant peeling of the skin. Use the drug immediately after washing, or after cosmetics will be removed from the face. When the epidermis occurs, the face will be filled with moisture, dehydration will eliminate. Such sessions are desirable to exercise before the heat of heat, that is, in the late spring.
  2. Cleaning. With this, the tool is getting rid of the old burner skin, which is mixed with cosmetics and dust particles.
  3. Grinding. Such a version of peeling is recommended to use if the outer layer of the epidermis is peeling, or there is a large pigmentation. As a result of the procedure, the defects will disappear.

Important! In the event that vascular stars appeared on the face, then therapeutic peeling should be used. This option is also well suited for dry skin. It is often used in the event of a swelling. This procedure can be carried out only in the salon conditions. This is explained by the fact that experts will introduce drugs directly to the person's face.

You can conduct peeling for dry skin of the face at home. To do this, you need to learn some recipes that it will be easy to do at home.

  1. Berries with bone. You can use raspberry, black and red currants, raspberry, blackberry or strawberries. These berries contain a large number of different acids. As a result, the damage will begin soften. For dry skin, a mixture of acids is ideal: salicyl, fruit, asparagic. Recipe strawberry and currant: take one spoons with strawberry and currant. Mix, add some raspberries and blackberries.
  2. Apples, plums, peaches apricots. As in the previous embodiment, this recipe will supply the organism with various acids, as well as vitamin complexes. To greater degree, the epidermis is enjoyed by vitamin C. There are many acetic acids in plums and apples. That is why the drug is well sandwiched after chemical exposure. Peaches and apricots will affect the skin more softly, and therefore the mixture can use people with supersensitive skin.
  3. Yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese. To make a neat cleansing of the skin and not damage the epidermis, it is necessary to use milk acid. Cottage cheese is very useful, mixing with aggressive acid ingredients. As a result, gentle skin is processed without problems. Recipe with cottage cheese: We take one tablespoons of cottage cheese, milk, add a teaspoon of lemon and oranges on a teaspoon. Mix.
  4. Cane sugar. This product contains a large amount of glycolic acid. Perhaps there will be problems with the purchase of such a type of sugar. Therefore, you can use sugar coarse or grapes. But it should be immediately noted that the concentration of glycolic acid will be less.
  5. Pumpkin, raw potatoes, white cabbage. These substances contain useful enzyme components. With the help of them, you can prevent damage to the epidermis, and saturate your skin with the useful substances.
  6. Cucumber and carrots. Using the mixture, cell regeneration can be stimulated. It is usually used if there are small cracks on the skin.
  7. Honey. Using the usual honey you can get a good antimicrobial, cleansing and exfoliating effect. Honey recipe with oatmeal: 1 tablespoon of honey and oatmeal mixed. We whip the egg yolk and add to Kashetz. Mix.
  8. Cosmetic clay. Recommended to use if a woman has increased dry skin. It is advisable to use clay green clay to eliminate the problem. Blue clay can stop the inflammatory process, and will save from pigmentation. Recipe clay with strawberries: We take 4 berries, turn them into a puree. Add three tablespoons of milk and one clay spoon. Mix.
  9. Manka, flakes, oatmeal, coffee thick. Using similar abrasive particles, you can remove the buried layer and do not injure your skin. This is explained by the fact that all particles are very soft. Recipe with oatmeal: Two tablespoons of Hercules flakes put boil in hot water for 6 minutes, after the water merges, rub the cucumber on the grater and mix everything. Cucumber, two spoons are required.

To find the perfect option to peeling for dry skin of the face at home, you need to repel from skin problems. It is advisable to use complex drugs that can improve the quality of the skin, as well as accelerate metabolic processes.

Do not everyone know how to make a peeling person at home correctly. To do this, use a specific algorithm:

  1. First you need to wash well soap foam or simple soap. It is important to completely get rid of cosmetics.
  2. Now the prepared composition is taken. It is recommended to apply it with circular motions within a few minutes. Make sure that the substance is completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. We leave the substance on the face for 10 minutes.
  4. After time, it is possible to remove the substance. First, beware of warm water, and after cold, so that the pores closed.
  5. When using aggressive compositions, it is necessary to use a neutralizer. In the event that the procedure is carried out by domestic means, the neutralizer will not be required.

After conducting peeling for a person, you will need to follow several rules for care. This is a kind of rehabilitation period.

  1. After the skin particles are removed, it is necessary to use nutrients to feed the epidermis. It is advisable to apply an oil nutrient mask. If this is not done, the effect of the procedure will continue for only 5 days.
  2. When the mask is removed, trace your feelings - if the skin is no longer felt, then there is no need to use cream.
  3. Try to minimize the use of cosmetics at least the first two days after the procedure. It is advisable not to use cosmetics at all.
  4. Use cream protecting from ultraviolet rays when go out into the street. Do it even in cloudy weather for several weeks.
  5. Take care of the humidification of the skin.

Important! Constantly change the composition of the peeling so that the skin is not getting used to it. So you can achieve a greater effect from the procedures.

Before using peeling, be sure to explore all the contraindications and side effects that may arise after the operation.

Conduct sessions for skin cleansing is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. If there are chronic diseases, such as ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema.
  2. In the field of processing, various neoplasms appeared.
  3. It is forbidden to use peeling at Cooperose.
  4. If there are diseases in which convulsions may arise, increase pressure or clouding consciousness.
  5. With hyperitrichosis.
  6. In cancer diseases.
  7. Woman has thin skin.
  8. Skin is damaged.
  9. A purulent inflammatory process was formed.
  10. There are infectious diseases.

Side effects will not arise if they do not apply peeling with the above-described diseases.

Dry skin after peeling will be transformed, but should approach the question competently - not to disturb contraindications.

Many cosmetologists are not concerned about the feasibility of holding such an operation. Some talk about the benefits of carrying peeling, others categorically prohibit the use of drugs for this type of skin. That is why it is necessary to repel from the individual characteristics of its body. But in order to find out all the nuances, you will need to visit a good dermatologist. It will give the necessary recommendations to help achieve a positive effect, as well as avoid various troubles. The composition of the peeling for dry skin should not be chosen independently, but to trust a professional in this matter. Peeling for the face at home can be done on their own, but before that, be sure to consult a specialist


The most popular peelings for dry skin were considered. Recipes are given for home procedures, as well as possible contraindications after the use of these funds. It also states the correctness of the fulfillment of the entire procedure.

Sensitive skin very complicates life with its owner, because it is a contraindication for many cosmetology procedures. Including the peels that are needed to maintain the purity, radiance and health of the face. But sensitive skin also needs purification and moisture, so the cosmetologists have developed procedures and recipes, allowing to care for a gentle face effectively and without side effects even at home.

Sensitive skin cleansing subtleties

The complexity of sensitivity in the acute reaction to any manipulations carried out with the face. So, only one procedure for mechanical cleaning or chemical peeling can cost the woman. It is necessary to pay for a damaged surface layer, inflammation, redness and itching. Moreover, the symptoms are kept so long that any "output day" procedure ceases to be for sensitive skin.

To avoid long-term side effects and at the same time clean the pores qualitatively, you need to follow several rules. First, it is correct to prepare a face before the procedure and do not forget to use a special cosmetics intended for this. Secondly, to perform any manipulations on cleansing very gently and gently, trying not to damage the sensitive surface layer once again. And, thirdly, it is important to ensure caring care to face after the procedure so that it restored it as soon as possible and again shone with beauty and health.

At home: recipes from natural products

The owner of sensitive skin is rarely used by purchased means, because the risk of an allergic reaction is very high. Women either go to the beauty salon, or enjoy what gives us nature to care. In the cabin one of the best procedures for care for sensitive skin is - gentle, but the effective method of purification. As for home care, such recipes are optimal:

  • a spoon of the nutritious cream and the same coffee thickness;
  • a quarter of the spoonful of food soda, a tablespoon of oatmeal and the amount of cream or kefir needed for dilution;
  • smolted in a coffee grinder dried crusts of any citrus and mix them with a fat yogurt;
  • mix the crushed sea salt with cream;
  • mix barley flour with dry cream and dilute with warm milk.

As you can see, all recipes contain familiar ingredients, which, however, perform a special action. Thus, only soft components are used as abrasives, with the exception of sea salt, the aggressiveness of which is neutralized by fatty dairy products. To use crushed fruit bones, as is customary to do, it should not, because they serve as aggressive stimuli. But the use of fatty dairy products opposite soothes and fills the surface layer with nutrients. If any abrasives do not like you, try the cleaning mask based on eggs:

  1. Mildly clean the face and apply a whipped squirrel on the thief.
  2. From above, impose fine dry napkins so that they cover the entire desired surface.
  3. Apply the whipped protein again and allow the mixture to absorb.
  4. After 20-30 minutes, carefully remove the napkins and rinse the skin with warm water. The effect is noticeable instantly!

This simple procedure can be repeated at least every day, because it gently affects the sensitive type of face. The prescriptions described above should be applied on another technique.

Rules for cleansing at home

One of the most complex but effective at home is. However, it can be realized in reality independently if everything is done correctly. In order for even homemade blends to purify the face, the skin was correctly and did not leave any unpleasant phenomena for themselves, it is necessary to carry out the procedure as much as much as possible:

  1. Clean your face from cosmetics using soft cosmetic milk or baby soap.
  2. Enter the towel moistened in warm water and leave for 3-5 minutes to uncover the pores.
  3. Wet moisture remnants with napkin and massaging movements gently apply a mixture.
    Most of all pays to the wings of the nose, the zone of cheekbones and cheeks - there is the leather as cold as possible. Be careful, massaging the area around the eyes, forehead, bridge.
  4. Leave the mixture for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Gently rinse with warm water.
  6. Apply a refreshing tonic suitable for sensitive type.
  7. Use a lightweight light cream.

It is advisable to spend a session before bedtime, because light redness may be present on the face. However, other side effects appear should not, and light redness will disappear in a few hours. But by the morning the skin will look shining and healthy!

Difference Differs from Sensitive

Often, many women are confused by a dry type with sensitive, resulting in incorrectly care for the face. Yes, and dry, and sensitive skin is prone to peeling and dryness. But the sensitive type is also inclined to red, itching and other unpleasant phenomena as a reaction to care. Therefore, the cleansing procedures are recommended no more than once a month, and in the summer and avoid it at all.

Dry skin of such restrictions has no - it can be delighted with cleansing procedures once in one or two weeks. Do not be afraid to care for the face, because the result in the mirror will certainly please you!

The skin having increased sensitivity is distinguished by increased reactions to any household stimuli.

Even the simplest soap for washing, which is very popular, can cause redness, peeling, itching, rash and tightening the skin.

It is often a confusion when various symptoms appear on the skin, many think that the cause is any disease.

Distinguish painful this manifestations or not very simple. If the skin has changed rapidly for incomprehensible reasons and also returned back, then it means a simple reaction of sensitivity to the stimulus.

What affects the response of sensitive skin:

Polluted water

Psychological problems

Cold wind

Non-quality cosmetics


Unacceptable climate


Holders of sensitive skin should be feared to penetrate the skin of various stimuli. This type has the most subtle corneum layer of the epidermis.

Peeling Procedure for Sensitive Skin

Perhaps peeling became the most common and desired procedure in cosmetology salons and beauty salons. Almost no procedure begins until the skin is cleaned.

What is peeling? This is cleansing the surface of the epidermis, removal of stress from the skin, removal of damage particles and pore cleansing. After such a procedure, the skin begins to receive more beneficial substances, its color is aligned and the exchange process is normalized.

The basis for peeling tools includes special solid particles that are made in the form of shallow crumbs. They can be created from various natural materials that allow cleaning and improving the condition of the skin. The funds are applied by massage movements on the face area.

Peeling for Sensitive Skin: Home Recipes

Gentle peeling

Oatmeal flour - 2 tbsp. (You can use flakes or barrels pre-crushed in a coffee grinder)

Almond Nut yard - 2 tbsp. l. (crushed in a coffee grinder)

Also mixed in a mixer:

Cream - 1 tsp.

Scored green tea - 1 tsp.

How to make peeling face at home

The first thing you need to remember the owners of sensitive skin are always test.

With the primary use of any scrub, first apply it on the back of the wrist. If after 20 minutes you were washed off the composition, and the skin remained normal, then you can use. If redness appeared, it is necessary to abandon this type of funds.

Before applying the scrub, a person is wetted with warm water. You can also heat the skin with napkins. This will allow the oroging cells to go easier.

The peeling itself itself is directly carried out by light massage movements. The distribution must be evenly throughout the surface of the face.

It is impossible to apply scrub and on sections with severe irritation or damage. After 5 minutes, the remedy is washed off by cool water.

After the procedure, the skin needs moisture, therefore funds with rapid absorption and good moisture.

The most wonderful time for the peeling will be evening, namely before bedtime. The skin at night gets rest, so the components applied to it will be better absorbed.

We launch a series of materialsFor which professionals in the area of \u200b\u200bcare, from dermatologists to masseuses, tell us about everything you need to know to take care of yourself correctly.

Man's skin is not just a shell that protects the body from negative contacts with an external environment, but also the largest body of our body. And since he is the biggest, then the "duty circle" is the corresponding. Breathing, highlighting, touching, participation in maintaining immunity, protection against mechanical, chemical and radiation influences is an incomplete list of tasks that day from day to day have to solve our skin. In order for it to remain healthy, it needs to be regularly and thoroughly cleaned from damaged scales and excess skin. In addition to regular home washing and cleansing, there are deep peeling procedures - they are recommended to spend from time to time depending on the condition and type of skin. In deep purification, not only fat, but even the most dry skin is needed. The most important thing is to choose a suitable way.

Irina Churikova

cosmetologist, Head of Training Department and Expert of the Intraceuticals

All peelings can be divided into three main types. These are mechanical, chemical and enzymes. Mechanical peelings always contain exfoliating particles of various sizes, shapes and composition. For example, particles of vegetable or mineral origin will have the strongest abrasive ability, they intensively remove the eneermis organic cells, align the microrelief, stimulate microcirculation, but at the same time injured the skin, creating microgenerates. This option is good for those who suffer from hyperkeratose and has a coarse, thick, oily skin. Another option is polyethylene and wax granules, they are much softer, have an ideal spherical shape and delicately purify the plots even with thin and sensitive skin. Mechanical peelings are perfect for oily, normal and combined skin and are absolutely contraindicated on areas with cocoperose and rash. Here you will have to choose only between enzyme peelings.

Herbal enzymes (they are enzymes) are removed exclusively dead skin cells, completely without affecting healthy. This is the mild type of peelings, suitable even for very thin and sensitive skin. They are easily distinguished by the presence of Papaya and Pineapple enzymes (and specifically - papain), extremely popular and effectively operating in modern means for home and professional care. Enzymes work exclusively in the presence of warm water, therefore it is impossible to allow the enzyme peeling to be cooled or fused on the skin - so in such conditions its chemical and cosmetic activity is completely stopped.

In the case of increased sensitivity and dryness of the skin, an approach to deep cleansing should be the most careful. Soft sparing enzyme peelings that do not contain solid abrasive, and acid peelings based on dairy, almond or glycolic acids are perfectly suitable as cosmetics.

In deep purification, not only fatty, but even the thinner of the skin

Chemical peelings are the most complex kind of cleansing procedures, these are acids, the most extensive group. There are no two identical chemical peels. Depending on the concentration and combination of acids, the effects can be varied, from the light surface to the deep intense. Here you need consultation of the professional and individual selection, otherwise the path to beauty can overstate the period of rehabilitation and restoring damaged skin. For example, in the case of oily leather, salicyl peels have a good cleansing and sebliding effect, at a concentration of 15-25% and glycolic peelings at a concentration of 30-70%. For home care, glycolic, milk and salicylic acids at a concentration of less than 5% are most often used.

From hardware techniques you can use ultrasonic peeling and gas-liquid peeling. The principle of ultrasound peeling is to high-frequency oscillations, which, at the expense of the created vibration, remove toxins, slags and rigorous tubes from the pores. Thus, ultrasound cleaning removes acne and comedones, smoothes mimic and age wrinkles. Gas-liquid peeling is an atraumatic way of contactless skin cleansing with a thin jet of water supplied to the skin under pressure. Another category of hardware techniques includes electroplating skin cleaning (lezinkrustation), brashing, microdermabrasion and vacuum skin grinding.

There are also methods of deep purification and treatment of skin, some combine several approaches in themselves. For example, a technique combining the simultaneous use of cosmetics and apparatus. First, the skin is cleaned with the help of enzyme peeling, which includes three effective cleansing components at once: enzymes, acids and carnauba wax as an abrasive, it is such a combination that gives a delicate, but deep cleansing, stimulates the skin renewal, while the skin is grinding. After peeling on the skin with an apparatus feeding purified hyperbaric oxygen under a pressure of 1.5 atm, serum based on salicylic acid and anti-inflammatory, moisturizing components. So we get oxygen-salicyl peeling, which effectively cleanse the skin and will have an anti-inflammatory action, restoring the epidermal barrier, eliminating the feeling of grinding and peeling of the skin.

By the same principle, it is possible to introduce whey on the basis of retinol - vitamin A. The corrective and updating care based on it equals the relief, reduces the pores, and also returns the volume and elasticity of mature skin.

Allows you to eliminate various defects on the face, which often arise from people with such a type of epidermis. Peeling for dry skin of the face can be done both in the cabin and at home. This procedure is quite simple, but requires some knowledge and skills, as it is very easy to damage the problem skin.

Conduct procedure at home

For dry skin, peeling can be superficial (the destruction of the upper orified layer occurs, which is after replaced by new and young cells) and the median (not only the top layer of the skin, but also the average). Medicine peeling is recommended to do when wrinkle on the skin appearance. Deep peeling can be eliminated by various defects on the skin, but it is not recommended to carry out at home, because with improper execution you can hurt the skin.

On photo-chemical peeling face before and after the procedure

In fruit peeling There are advantages - it contributes to the careful cleansing, rapid skin restoration. The cleaning procedure is carried out easily, and the result is preserved for a long time. - Recipes of fruit peeling for the face at home.

On the photo fruit peeling face before and after the procedure

To eliminate hyperpigmentation on the face, you can make glycolic, keys and. They are contained in preparations that are used mainly in the summer. They are easy to work with them. The skin after the procedure will be rejected, clean, smooth.

Prepare a cleaning agent at home. To do this, mix oat flour and cream in the proportion of 1: 1, apply on the skin and leave for 7-12 minutes. Then you need to wash warm water and lubricate your face with cream.

(4 tsp), oils olives (1 tsp) and rice flour (0.5 ppm). The mixture must be warm and put on face massage movements. After the face is cleaned with water and lubricated with a suitable cream (you can use fish oil, grape seed oil, etc.).

On photo-curled peeling face

If there is an unpleasant feeling, the remedy must be flushed and apply a soothing cream. With serious skin problems, the cleaning procedure is best carried out in cosmetology salons, where the face will examine the professional and select the best solution to the problem.