Ideal food for your kid: Build breastfeeding. Milk will be! How to organize breastfeeding in the first week after childbirth

Possibility of breastfeeding

Everybody can be breastfeed! Breastfeeding in the presence of a living and healthy baby is impossible only when there is no mother or she has been removed both lactic glands. The biological mother can fade twins, and even triple, without referring to 5 months. Even twins and triples can grow on solely breastfeeding up to 4-5 months. The baby's breasts can fasten the baby, even if she had no own children before her. The true lack of milk who today is so frightened by modern mothers, meets only in 3% of women. The remaining 97% can be breastfeed, although often do not realize it. Quite often, women complain that they disappear milk from domestic problems, unpleasuries, stress or nervous voltage. It turns out that there is no such reason. Research convincingly proved - if a woman wants to feed, she will do it anyway. So in the "absence" of milk to blame, as a rule, women themselves who do not want to feed their baby breasts or perform illiterate recommendations. If a young mother familiarize himself with the main rules and teach breastfeeding techniques, she successfully feeds the child with breasts as you like long and safely stops lactation in physiological terms.

To breastfeeding to be successful, it is necessary:

· Woman breastfeeding;

· Teaching machinery and breastfeeding practice;

· Performing basic breastfeeding rules;

· Timely solving problems of breastfeeding through lactation consultants;

· Support family members and experienced mothers who have a positive experience of prolonged breastfeeding over 1 year.

Proper applying to the chest

If the child is correctly captures and sucks the maternal breast, he can suck for a long time, not causing mom no trouble. Proper applying to the chest will protect the woman from cracks and abrasion on the nipples, lactostasis (blockage of dairy duct), mastitis, etc. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly apply a child to the chest and follow this during the entire breastfeeding period. As a rule, learning properly applying occurs during the first month of life. However, the main period when the child needs reminders and tips of the mother, is the period from birth to 8 months. If the baby captured the chest incorrectly or changed the position during feeding - it is necessary to take a chest and suggest it to capture it again. You should not be afraid to correct the child and offer him to take the breast only in the right position - it expects the mother's tips and is ready to learn. These expectations and willingness are laid in its nature, because without them he will not be able to survive.

If the child was trained incorrectly take the breast, then he and mom will be forced to retrain. With confident actions of the mother, the reappection occurs within 4 - 10 days. Even if the baby cunning and crying, not wanting to take the chest correctly, it is not the reason to leave re-triggering. In the process of sucking in the correct position, the child gets the amount of endorphins necessary to compensate for stress. These hormones of happiness and joy are produced from him in the process of sucking, and, in addition, he receives them from maternal milk. Thus, maternal milk and the process of sucking in the correct position are for a child tool to achieve psycho-emotional comfort. That is why the stress that he will survive, retraining, is incomparable, compared with constant stress, which he receives as a result of everyday incorrect sucking. Sucking in the wrong position leads to chronic stress and adversely affects the formation of the child's nervous system. In addition, it can adversely affect the correctness of the formation of the maxillofacial apparatus and teeth.

With proper applied:

· Feeding the child does not cause painful sensations, pain can only occur at the time of the child's chest breath;

· Nipple injuries, mastitis and other problems;

· The child sucks enough milk;

· Feeding duration does not matter.

With improper application:

· When feeding the child, painful sensations arise;

· Damage to nipples, mastitis, lactostasis, etc. Problems;

· There is a need to limit feeding time;

· The child sucks little milk and does not eat.

Convenient Pose when feeding

It is very important that when feeding the mother took a comfortable posture itself and gave a comfortable position to the child. A convenient pose during feeding provides a good milk outflow from the chest and is the prevention of lactostasis.

Mandatory for display and learning poses lying and sitting from under the mouse. Feeding in the main pose sitting and sitting on her leg more difficult to execute. Therefore, it is advisable to study this two posts after developing within 3-7 days of proper applied in the postures "from under the mouse" and "lying".

Feeding on demand

Breastfeeding is a mutual process, therefore, speaking of feeding on demand, implies requirements not only by the child, but also by the mother.

Feeding at the request of the child. Basically, the frequency of feeding regulates the child. Any concern, crying, or search behavior, when the kid turns his head and catches the mouth of the subjects nearby, are an expression of the requirement to make a chest. The kid of the first months of life must be applied to the chest for any reason by giving him the opportunity to suck the chest when he wants and how much he wants. This is necessary not only for the saturation of the child, but also for his psycho-emotional comfort. For psychological comfort, the baby can be applied to the chest up to 4 times per hour. In total, the baby for the first months of life is 12-20 feedings for a day.

No need to be afraid that with frequent attachments, the kid reest. The gastrointestinal tract of the child is adapted not to feeding on the clock, but to continuous feeding! The intestines of the baby is adapted to the absorption of breast milk in unlimited quantities. At the beginning of the child's life, the activity of its own enzymes is low, but the constant flow of active substances of breast milk stimulates the activity of the child's enzymes. In addition, breast milk contains enzymes that helps their own absorption. Thus, breast milk is a unique food that helps themselves to absorb themselves. That is why it is absorbed much better than any supersay.

Rhythm feedings. Baby requirements are not chaotic, but are distributed during the day in a certain rhythm. The baby's first 2 months of life have an approximate interval between daytime requirements is 1 - 1.5 hours. Mostly sucking accompany the baby's sleep - the stages of falling asleep and awakening. If there are reasons for discomfort, the frequency of the child's requirements is increasing, and it starts to suck more often and longer. As soon as discomfort is overcome, the baby returns to the previous frequency inherent in its age. Very often, children suck for a long time, hardly survived childbirth and having increased anxiety status. As soon as stress is compensated, the frequency of sucking is reduced to normal.

Starting from 2 months, applying to the chest becomes more rare. The interval between them increases to 1.5 - 2 hours, however, feeding is still surrounding the dreams of a child. Night rhythm of applying does not change. By 4-6 months of applying to the chest become even less often, but, nevertheless, their number does not fall below 12 feedings per day, and they are still associated with sleep. This is the optimal number of toddler applying to the chest to ensure normal lactation at mom ..

Feeding at the request of the mother. In the period of breastfeeding, the mother and child are symbiosis, which involves the satisfaction of the desires of both sides. The mother also may have the need to attach a child to the chest approximately every 1.5 - 2 hours. This need, as well as the child's need, should be implemented, because it coincides with the rhythm of the child's needs in applying to the chest. Detect this need usually succeeds when the baby sleeps more than 1.5 hours. The mother is overwhelmed with the breast and she wants to attach a child to her. If this desire arises, there are no obstacles to offer a sleeping baby breasts. Typically, the baby responds to the mother's demand: it brings it to the chest and begins to annoy the lower sponge of the baby, in response to this call, it begins to reveal the mouth and catch the nipple. Each mother should know that breastfeeding and child sleep - These are processes that do not interfere with each other and can be implemented in parallel. Moreover, kids prefer to sleep under maternal breast, peacefully sucking her. Feeding at the request of the mother is particularly relevant for weakened children (patients, low-handed, premature). Guided by its inner rhythm, the mother must offer the child with a frequency of every 1-2 hours. It should be disturbed if the child did not put on his chest for a long time. This is especially important for the kids of the first 3 months of life.

Feeding and feeling of hunger

In the ideas of a newborn baby, feeding is not associated with a sense of hunger. The feeling of hunger in the form in which adults are experiencing it is formed in a child only by 6 months of life. The newborn instead of hunger is discomfort, which removes sucking. This is a intrauterine habit. Still long before the birth, driven by the need to train a sucking reflex, the fruit sucks his handles, loops of the umbilical cord and everything that sails past his mouth. Appearing on the light, he continues to remiscivate sucking. Nature so expected that after birth, the baby would experience discomfort for any occasion and remove it with a sucking of the chest. When sucking the chest, the kid receives an additional portion of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy and peace of mind. Therefore, only the chest can calm down, but at the same time it will be satisfied. This is the only way to feed the creature that does not feel hunger. Thus, sucking on demand is sucking to achieve psycho-emotional comfort and satiety.

That is because the child does not feel a feeling of hunger, he can sleep feeding. In this case, there is a saving feeding at the request of a mother, which feels the need to feed his child and will not give him to do too large pauses between applying to the chest. Feeding at the request of the mother is particularly relevant up to 8-9 months of life of the baby, while he does not have a feeling of hunger, and he will not learn to independently regulate the need for feeding.

Duration of feeding

When the child is saturated, he feels comfort, stops sucking and he leaves his chest himself. No need to interrupt feeding at a certain period of time and take the breast from the child. Different children stay at the chest different time. Most of them are saturated in 20-40 minutes, and some kids can suck 1 hour or more.

The duration of sucking is associated with the fact that milk is distributed in the breast in such a way that the child first gets the child gets early milk rich in water, minerals and carbohydrates, i.e. drink, and only after 3-7 minutes of sucking, it comes to late milk, rich in fats and proteins and begins actually is. When the kid comes to the late bold milk, he begins to fall asleep, because fat milk causes drowsiness, and goes into the stage of sluggish sucking. It is at this moment that mother can decide that the baby was a mellow and fell asleep and takes him from his chest. Therefore, often the mother, not knowing about this feature, only sing their children and do not give them to nourish, taking too early from the breast. The moments are especially valuable when the child sleeps at his chest and slowly puts it - it is at that time he fully satisfied. Mother must disturb if the baby under the age of 2 months sucks only 5-10 minutes and does not express the desire to sleep under the breast.

The duration of feeding significantly depends on the age of the child. The smaller the child, the more and sharper it is experiencing a sense of discomfort, and the longer and more often it is in his chest. As the baby grows, the baby begins to experience discomfort less often and less acute. In addition, it becomes strong enough and clever to quickly cope with a rather large volume of milk. Therefore, from 2-3 months in children, short-term applied to the chest, which are needed to achieve psycho-emotional comfort, and continuous sucking for saturation, which are grouped around dreams.

Fitting from both breasts

Do not shift the child to the second chest earlier than he will squint the first. Since the milk in the mother breast is heterogeneously and shares the milk, which the child receives first feeding, and later milk, which the child gets at the end of feeding, should not be hurry to offer the child the second breast. If the mother hurries to give the baby to the second breast, he will not supprehend the late milk rich in fats. As a result, he may have problems with digestion: lactase insufficiency, a foam chair, etc. When feeding on demand, make sure that each milk iron was offered to the child for 1-2 hours and only then changed to another. Applying to one breast for 1-2 hours will allow the baby to receive later milk and will provide a full intestinal work.

When feeding the child, a number of rules should be followed by maternal milk.

Usually, during one feeding, the re-competence is given to the child one breast, and the next one is: the first milk, more watery, quenching thirst, and milk, godly calories and nutrients, arrives later. If you change the breast in the pro-process of feeding, the child will receive two in the "drinks" and no "food". But sometimes one breast to saturate the baby is underwent. This can be defined as follows. The average feed duration is 15-20 minutes. If, during the whole of this time, the kid is vigorously sucks and is not refused from the chest, then the milk is enough. The EU-Li child begins to be capricious, it is possible, it is caused by a disadvantage of milk. Os-injectively remove the breasts from the mouth and press the nipples: if milk goes rare drops, you will have to regret the baby with another breast.

In case the milk is enough, but the baby sucks sluggishly, it has too rare and silence sucking movements to saturate for the last time. Such a baby should hold the chest longer, without giving him a daughter mother. But tighten the feeding procedure longer than 25-30 minutes, it is not recommended.

If the milk is small in the first days after childbirth, you need to feed the baby from both dairy-climb, but the residues of milk must be fixed. Also, it should be done when the lacquer is lowered - in order to preserve the milk.

Basic rooting rules

1. Before feeding, it is necessary:

Thoroughly wash your hands with soap;

Wash the chest with boiled water, to dry up a soft towel without rubbing the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple and the arolam;

With a pronounced haggling of glands and dense Arole softening it, a few milk;

Taking a child in arms, take, convenient position (usually - sitting, leaning on one foot on a small bench); The head of the child should be based on the forearm of the mother and should not be tilted forward or trapped.

2. During feeding it is necessary:

Take the chest for the edges of the arole from above and from the bottom from the nipple and pull forward, squeezing the fingers at the nipple layer in order to pull it as much as possible;

Touch the nipple to the lips of the child and, if the child takes the breast right away, try to quickly enter him in the mouth of the alliance of the Area. If the baby does not respond to touch, follows the nipple on the lips and to send a few drops of milk into his mouth, and when readiness for sucking nipple in the mouth;

When the kid takes the breast and starts to suck, pull the upstream of the dairy jelly, which prevents the child to breathe;

If the kid sucks very actively, almost chopping, it is necessary to interrupt feeding and sub-press it vertically for 1-2 minutes (so that the child jumped the air):

In order not to injure the nipple, take a baby from the chest during feeding you need, only waiting when it stops sucking. If the child does not produce the nipple, it is necessary to introduce a mouth in the corner of his mouth to his mouth and release the chest;

If the child sucks sluggish or falls asleep, you can easily sweep it on the cheeks or see a little milk in my mouth.

3. After feeding, it is necessary:

Same from breast residues of milk;

Wash your breast and dry the nipple with a linen towel.

How to control the weight of the kid?

It is enough to weigh it once a week, one and the same time, before feeding. For ped-Liu, he must add at least 200 grams, and for the first month of life - about 600 grams (relative to the weight at birth).

If you suffer:

Severe chronic disease (for example, heart or kidney disease, strong anemia) or extreme wool (your body is not necessary for fat reserves for milk generation);

Serious infectious diseases: for example, AIDS, tuberculosis, SKAR Latina, blood infection and, perhaps, a gamut in (you can feed, despite hepatitis, if your child immediately introduced gamma globulin and made vaccination from Hepatitis B).

If you have attachance to narcotic drugs, including tranquicizers, amphetamines, barbiturates, hero-in, methadone, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol (including beer) and caffeine in excessive quantities;

If you have inappropriate muscle tissue of the dairy gland or damaged nerve endings in the nipple area (due to injury or surgery). In some cases, the opportunity to feed the Gora-Dew will remain, but only under the steel medical supervision, so that there is no doubt that your child receives a up to-enough food.

If you have transferred a surgery of one breast in connection with the cancer of the urban gland, ask a doctor if you can try to feed re-benka with another breast. To date, there is no clear data relative to how safe it is.

Remember also that you, though mommy, but a woman! And to return to the premium form you need to do sports. Limit meals during breastfeeding period is not recommended, but you can do fitness. Choose a fitness club and purchase fitness cards You can not leaving the house by visiting the website. Successful fitness after successful feeding!

Since breastfeeding does not have an alternative, since Maternal milk cannot be fully replaced by any mixtures, and no "mamocrimony" type of a pacifier or a bottle with a nipple will not calm better than the mother's breast, it is necessary to make a maximum of effort so that breastfeeding was successful and long-term.

After giving birth, milk comes to everyone without exception to women, but in different times (for the 2nd and 7th day). Problems with GW arise with the reluctance of the mother to feed, the lack of knowledge about the rules for the establishment and preservation of the GW or due to the lack of support from the close environment.

The most important rules for establishing and preserving breastfeeding:

  • the first applying to the chest should take place no later than an hour after birth, and preferably - immediately after birth, in the maternity hospital (giving birth to the chest immediately);
  • it is necessary to feed the child at its request, and not according to the regime (in the first months, if the child is crying - it is necessary to offer him the chest);
  • it is impossible to limit the time of sucking a child of the chest (it is impossible to reconcile breast milk, and a child wants to suck a lot because of a pronounced sucking reflex);
  • night feedings are needed in the same way as daytime (especially during lactation);
  • it is impossible to grind milk without extreme necessity;
  • no need to wash your chest before each feeding - it can provoke cracks in nipples;
  • it is impossible to use nipples and pacifiers, because if a nipple is used, then the GW is no longer occurring on demand (on demand a nipple is given);
  • there is no need for the first six months of the GW to dig a child with water, tea or give another writing regardless of the time of year.

Now more. Attach the child to the chest you need as soon as possible after birth. Proper applying will warn the occurrence of cracks in the nipples and accelerate the production of milk. The first applying is very important and because almost sterile after childbirth the intestines of the child thanks to breast milk begins to settle the microflora needed to him, and sucking the chest, in addition to saturation, and soothes the child and helps him adapt to new living conditions.

Under the right applying it is understood as this, in which the child captures most of the AREOLA (dark area around the nipple). If the applied is correct, then the mother does not feel pain regardless of the duration of feeding and it does not arise cracks in the nipples. If there are cracks - the feeding process delivers only suffering to a woman, so avoid them. Also, proper attachment reduces the risk of lactation (milk stagnation) or mastitis (breast inflammation).

When feeding, a woman should not tolerate pain - there should be no pain in general. Pain is a reminder that something is done wrong. With the feeling of any discomfort, you need to pick up the chest (enter the little finger in the corner of the mouth, break the gums of the child and freeze the nipples) and try again, now right, attach the child to the chest. Of course, if there are already cracks, then the correct applying will not help, you need to wait until they are lit, and if the pain is impossible to tolerate, then the child will have to fade with recreate milk for several days. Enchant milk should be given to a child with a spoon, from a cup or even from a syringe (without a needle, of course), but not from the bottle, because after her the child can give up the chest at all. Sometimes even several days of feeding from the bottle, so that the child stops sucking the chest, and breastfeeding on this ends.

Lactation is being established for the first 2-3 months. Milk usually arrives on the third or fifth day after delivery (some women later - up to seven days), and before that time the child eats colostrum. It has a much greater nutritional value than mature milk, even though it is very small (sometimes literally droplets). In colosure, there are also much more antibodies and protective substances than in ripe milk. The first applied to the breast with a colostrum is the beginning of the formation of the child's immunity. The browser prepares the child's body to breastfeeding and protects against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Artificial mixture cannot provide this, so it is very important to other, except for the colostrum, the newborn does not feed. Let the child "hanging" on the breast as much as he wants, is the best that mom can make for a soft adaptation of a newborn in the world.

The chest produces milk constantly, but at different speeds. If the breast is filled - the milk is produced slowly, and if the child only poked, then faster. One of the myths about GW: a small breast - little milk, and a big breast - a lot of milk. If the breast volume is greater, then the child may be faster and ride more, therefore he will ask the chest less often. And if the breast is less, then the child can ask the chest more often. Ultimately, milk in any breast for a child is enough, especially since milk does not accumulate, and is mainly produced during feeding.

Some women are confident: in order for a nursing mother to have a lot of breast milk, she must necessarily drink cow's milk (as an option - tea with milk). Vera is pretty funny. Of course, it is not. Milk is produced independently because he drinks mom, the main thing is that it drinks enough liquid and at the same time emotionally stable, calm. Wonderful if family members understand the need for peace of mind and equilibrium in a nursing mother, do not distract and do not disturb it during the feeding of the child.

Conversely, the most dangerous enemies of the GWs are mother's moms, experiences, stress and depression. With such states, milk temporarily ceases to stand out from the chest (but it does not disappear) and it may not be enough to a child. Special teas for lactation (sometimes very expensive, by the way), for the help of which they often contact with the "shortage" of milk, they help, because their composition includes soothing herbs. That is, help a woman who has "little milk", calm and relaxation, and not special miraculous tea as such. In order for the mother who rebelled faster to calm down, she can drink ordinary tea from Melissa (teas from mint nursing are not recommended), just take the bath or listen to soothing music.

I need to feed the child on demand, and not by the hour (that is, without a mode), alternately changing the chest (2.5-3 hours to feed with the right chest, and then also with the left, that is, every chest can be given 2-3 times If the child is asking for). "On demand" means to offer breasts as soon as the infants pay. If the reason for crying is another, then the baby will know. If a lot of milk has a lot, then the child will eat less often, and if it first, it is not enough, then more often. Let the child himself choose how much time he is in his chest.

The mode (strict regulation of feedings in time) does not suit children on breastfeeding at all. For a newborn baby, the mode is unnatural - in her mother's tummy, the child got used to eat through the umbilical cord around the clock. It is needed during adaptation to off-utilous life. Many mothers are confident that the food on schedule is very useful for a child, but let's remember that breast feeding is not only food for a child, but also drinking. But no one drinks on schedule. In addition, the process of sucking the chest acts on a child soothing and painfully. And the sedative and painful means are also taken as needed, and not according to the schedule. In addition, it should be noted that children who are fed according to the schedule are not focused on the organism signals on saturation, but on the clock, they may have problems with health and feeling a measure in food.

Breast milk is very quickly absorbed (maximum 1.5 hours), and this explains the need to feed the child often. The time of staying in the chest should not be limited, even if the first months the child will "hang" on the chest almost constantly - it is quite normal and even preferably to prevent problems with lactation. After a few months of applying will become more rare and less long. But if mom and child spend all the time together, in a closed space of a city apartment, then the child under three years will have periods when he wants to constantly "hang" on his chest. That this does not happen, you need to communicate more with the outside world, give the child new printers (hiking, joint travel, etc.).

Some moms are fed by the clock and limit feeding time, fearing that the child will eat too much or that his stomach will not be "resting." In fact, he is impossible to overfeed the child with breast milk, since Mamino Milk is the easiest and adapted for its body of food, which is absorbed almost completely, while the stomach is almost not involved in digestion - milk after 15 minutes already enters the intestines. Since milk is already ready for absorption, it is not digested, and the stomach is simply not from what to "tire".

According to the WHO recommendations, as well as the advice of La League League, which are based on the results of numerous scientific research and experienced mothers from around the world, with breastfeeding, the first six months of the child's life there is no need to dope with water, teas or juices, and should not be in This is the time to introduce it to your lord (adult food). Dopping with water or other liquid leads to a decrease in lactation and can negatively affect the development of the intestinal tract of the child, as well as create an additional burden on the work of the kidneys and liver.

Jumping a child after feeding is a normal phenomenon if they are insignificant. The reason for joining is in the vertical position of the stomach of the newborn.

For the establishment of the GW, night feedings are very important, as the hormone, which is responsible for developing a sufficient amount of milk (prolactin), is most active at night. Practice of night feedings is very promoted by the practice of sharing. Unfortunately, many mothers do not feed at night because ... laziness. And for the lack of night feedings go to artificial feeding, in which the child sleeps all or almost all night. But to feed at night with a joint dream is not so difficult (nursing simply is usually), especially since night feedings up to 1.5-2 years often stop completely, but only day-old, evening and morning.

It is impossible to grind milk without an extreme necessity, since the dimming can cause hyperlactation (excessive amount of milk) or, on the contrary, reduce the production of breast milk. There was such a funny case: a medical student convinced moms on the parent Internet forum that it was necessary to contract the milk necessarily, otherwise the milk in his chest will be prohibited. But this is a delusion. The chest is not a bank so that the milk in it proceeds, and the stirring is unsafe interference in the GW process. While GW was not finally improved, it is necessary to accomplish. Exception - if there is too much milk in the breast, then you can write it until the comfort will be felt or if your mother needs to be urgently to delete and writing milk it wants to leave for feeding a child in her absence.

No need to wash your chest in front of each feeding. Frequent washing washes off the protective layer from the Area and can cause cracks in the nipples. Quite enough ordinary hygienic procedures once a day. It is also not necessary to use bras on the bone - this can cause stagnation of milk (lactostasis). Lactostas us usually takes place in 2-3 days, but you need to make a child more often to the sore chest so that it empties it well. If in three days the pain did not pass, urgently consult a doctor - it can be mastitis. Lactostasses are very frequent, and mastits - extremely rare, so do not immediately worry.

In breastfeeding, it is impossible to use nipples, pacifiers, bottles, but not only because these "mamoz substitutes" harm the GW process or lead to its end, and also because they cause irreparable harm to the health of the child, prevent the formation of the right bite in the child and Forms face. None, even the best model of nipples or pacifiers anatomically does not correspond to her mother's chest. But there is one exception when the nipple is necessary - if the mother is for a valid reason for a long time can not be at home together with the child. In this case, the nipple is needed to satisfy the reflex and complacency.

Many mothers believe that the harm is very exaggerated, as well as the need for night feedings. Usually refer to particular cases "And I did not prevent my chest to feed the nipple." Yes, and it happens, but extremely rare. But even if moms say so, in any case, firstly, it is not known how many these moms fed, secondly, statistics speak for themselves: in 2005, in Ukraine, only 6% of children were in breastfeeding to six months. In 2007, this indicator increased, but still made up only about 18%. In 2010, children who at 4-6 months were still getting breast milk, was 50.9%, but with each subsequent month the percentage of children on GW decreased. By year, only 25% of children were on GW. And this is despite the fact that for the sake of supporting breastfeeding and increasing the number of nursing mothers, in 1991, WHO and UNICEF jointly organized the initiative "Hospital, a benevolent child."

Moms, early ceased GW, say "milk gone" or "the child himself refused his chest." The reason for this, in particular, may be a nipple. By the way, if the child does not suck or chest, nor a nipple, he can suck a finger or something else. Sucking the chest unlike sucking nipples and frequent sucking finger does not lead to a bite disruption. If a child has a habit of sucking a finger possible, he lacks attention and care for mom and sucking a child soothes himself.

Many young moms, especially the future, do not imagine that there may be any problems with breastfeeding, and some, on the contrary, think that problems are inevitable, since they watched them from someone. Of these considerations, the first are not interested in how to prevent these problems, and the second does not make anything to correct the errors, considering it almost impossible or very difficult. But in fact, if you observe simple rules, listen to your child, then with the GW everything will be successfully.

Possibility of breastfeeding

Everybody can be breastfeed! Breastfeeding in the presence of a living and healthy baby is impossible only when there is no mother or she has been removed both lactic glands. The biological mother can fade twins, and even triple, without referring to 5 months. Even twins and triples can grow on solely breastfeeding up to 4-5 months.

The baby's breasts can fasten the baby, even if she had no own children before her.

The true lack of milk who today is so frightened by modern mothers, meets only in 3% of women. The remaining 97% can be breastfeed, although often do not realize it. Quite often, women complain that they disappear milk from domestic problems, unpleasuries, stress or nervous voltage. It turns out that there is no such reason. Research convincingly proved - if a woman wants to feed, she will do it anyway. So in the "absence" of milk to blame, as a rule, women themselves who do not want to feed their baby breasts or perform illiterate recommendations. If a young mother familiarize himself with the main rules and teach breastfeeding techniques, she successfully feeds the child with breasts as you like long and safely stops lactation in physiological terms.

To breastfeeding was successful, it is necessary:

  • the desire of women feed breasts;
  • teaching machinery and breastfeeding practice;
  • performing basic breastfeeding rules;
  • timely solution of breastfeeding problems using lactation consultants;
  • support for family members and experienced mothers who have a positive experience of prolonged breastfeeding over 1 year.

Proper applying to the chest

If the child is correctly captures and sucks the maternal breast, he can suck for a long time, not causing mom no trouble. Proper applying to the chest will protect the woman from cracks and abrasion on the nipples, lactostasis (blockage of dairy duct), mastitis, etc. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly apply a child to the chest and follow this during the entire breastfeeding period. As a rule, learning properly applying occurs during the first month of life. However, the main period when the child needs reminders and tips of the mother, is the period from birth to 8 months. If the baby captured the chest incorrectly or changed the position during feeding - it is necessary to take a chest and suggest it to capture it again. You should not be afraid to correct the child and offer him to take the breast only in the right position - it expects the mother's tips and is ready to learn. These expectations and willingness are laid in its nature, because without them he will not be able to survive.

If the child was trained incorrectly take the breast, then he and mom will be forced to retrain. With confident actions of the mother, the reappection occurs within 4 - 10 days. Even if the baby cunning and crying, not wanting to take the chest correctly, it is not the reason to leave re-triggering. In the process of sucking in the correct position, the child gets the amount of endorphins necessary to compensate for stress. These hormones of happiness and joy are produced from him in the process of sucking, and, in addition, he receives them from maternal milk. Thus, maternal milk and the process of sucking in the correct position are for a child tool to achieve psycho-emotional comfort. That is why the stress that he will survive, retraining, is incomparable, compared with constant stress, which he receives as a result of everyday incorrect sucking. Sucking in the wrong position leads to chronic stress and adversely affects the formation of the child's nervous system. In addition, it can adversely affect the correctness of the formation of the maxillofacial apparatus and teeth.

With proper applied:

  • the feeding of the child does not cause painful sensations, pain can only occur at the time of the child's chest breath;
  • niza injuries, mastitis and other problems;
  • the child sucks enough milk;
  • duration of feeding does not matter.

With improper application:

  • when feeding the child, painful sensations arise;
  • there are damage to the nipples, mastitis, lactostasis, etc. Problems;
  • there is a need to limit feeding time;
  • the child sucks little milk and does not eat.

Convenient Pose when feeding

It is very important that when feeding the mother took a comfortable posture itself and gave a comfortable position to the child. A convenient pose during feeding provides a good milk outflow from the chest and is the prevention of lactostasis.

Commitable to show and teach poses lying and sitting from under the mouse. Feeding in the main position sitting and sitting on the leg more difficult to execute. Therefore, it is advisable to study this two posts after developing within 3-7 days of proper applied in the postures "from under the mouse" and "lying".

Feeding on demand

Breastfeeding is a mutual process, therefore, speaking of feeding on demand, implies requirements not only by the child, but also by the mother.

Feeding at the request of the child

Basically, the frequency of feeding regulates the child. Any concern, crying, or search behavior, when the kid turns his head and catches the mouth of the subjects nearby, are an expression of the requirement to make a chest. The kid of the first months of life must be applied to the chest for any reason by giving him the opportunity to suck the chest when he wants and how much he wants. This is necessary not only for the saturation of the child, but also for his psycho-emotional comfort. For psychological comfort, the baby can be applied to the chest up to 4 times per hour. In total, the baby for the first months of life is 12-20 feedings for a day.

No need to be afraid that with frequent attachments, the kid reest. The gastrointestinal tract of the child is adapted not to feeding on the clock, but to continuous feeding! The intestines of the baby is adapted to the absorption of breast milk in unlimited quantities. At the beginning of the child's life, the activity of its own enzymes is low, but the constant flow of active substances of breast milk stimulates the activity of the child's enzymes. In addition, breast milk contains enzymes that helps their own absorption. Thus, breast milk is a unique food that helps themselves to absorb themselves. That is why it is absorbed much better than any supersay.

Rhythm feedings

Baby requirements are not chaotic, but are distributed during the day in a certain rhythm. The baby's first 2 months of life have an approximate interval between daytime requirements is 1 - 1.5 hours. Mostly sucking accompany the baby's sleep - the stages of falling asleep and awakening. If there are reasons for discomfort, the frequency of the child's requirements is increasing, and it starts to suck more often and longer. As soon as discomfort is overcome, the baby returns to the previous frequency inherent in its age. Very often, children suck for a long time, hardly survived childbirth and having increased anxiety status. As soon as stress is compensated, the frequency of sucking is reduced to normal.

Starting from 2 months, applying to the chest becomes more rare. The interval between them increases to 1.5 - 2 hours, however, feeding is still surrounding the dreams of a child. Night rhythm of applying does not change. By 4-6 months of applying to the chest become even less often, but, nevertheless, their number does not fall below 12 feedings per day, and they are still associated with sleep. This is the optimal number of toddler applying to the chest to ensure normal lactation at mom ..

Feeding at the request of the mother.

In the period of breastfeeding, the mother and child are symbiosis, which involves the satisfaction of the desires of both sides. The mother also may have the need to attach a child to the chest approximately every 1.5 - 2 hours. This need, as well as the child's need, should be implemented, because it coincides with the rhythm of the child's needs in applying to the chest. Detect this need usually succeeds when the baby sleeps more than 1.5 hours. The mother is overwhelmed with the breast and she wants to attach a child to her. If this desire arises, there are no obstacles to offer a sleeping baby breasts. Typically, the baby responds to the mother's demand: it brings it to the chest and begins to annoy the lower sponge of the baby, in response to this call, it begins to reveal the mouth and catch the nipple.

Each mother should be aware that breastfeeding and child sleep are processes that do not interfere with each other and can be implemented in parallel. Moreover, kids prefer to sleep under maternal breast, peacefully sucking her. Feeding at the request of the mother is particularly relevant for weakened children (patients, low-handed, premature). Guided by its inner rhythm, the mother must offer the child with a frequency of every 1-2 hours. It should be disturbed if the child did not put on his chest for a long time. This is especially important for the kids of the first 3 months of life.

Feeding and feeling of hunger

In the ideas of a newborn baby, feeding is not associated with a sense of hunger. The feeling of hunger in the form in which adults are experiencing it is formed in a child only by 6 months of life. The newborn instead of hunger is discomfort, which removes sucking. This is a intrauterine habit. Still long before the birth, driven by the need to train a sucking reflex, the fruit sucks his handles, loops of the umbilical cord and everything that sails past his mouth. Appearing on the light, he continues to remiscivate sucking. Nature so expected that after birth, the baby would experience discomfort for any occasion and remove it with a sucking of the chest. When sucking the chest, the kid receives an additional portion of endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy and peace of mind. Therefore, only the chest can calm down, but at the same time it will be satisfied. This is the only way to feed the creature that does not feel hunger. Thus, sucking on demand is sucking to achieve psycho-emotional comfort and satiety.

That is because the child does not feel a feeling of hunger, he can sleep feeding. In this case, there is a saving feeding at the request of a mother, which feels the need to feed his child and will not give him to do too large pauses between applying to the chest.

Feeding at the request of the mother is particularly relevant up to 8-9 months of life of the baby, while he does not have a feeling of hunger, and he will not learn to independently regulate the need for feeding.

Duration of feeding

When the child is saturated, he feels comfort, stops sucking and he leaves his chest himself. No need to interrupt feeding at a certain period of time and take the breast from the child. Different children stay at the chest different time. Most of them are saturated in 20-40 minutes, and some kids can suck 1 hour or more.

The duration of sucking is associated with the fact that milk is distributed in the breast in such a way that the child first gets the child gets early milk rich in water, minerals and carbohydrates, i.e. Drinks, and only after 3-7 minutes of sucking, it comes to late milk rich in fats and proteins and begins to eat actually. When the kid comes to the late bold milk, he begins to fall asleep, because fat milk causes drowsiness, and goes into the stage of sluggish sucking. It is at this moment that mother can decide that the baby was a mellow and fell asleep and takes him from his chest. Therefore, often the mother, not knowing about this feature, only sing their children and do not give them to nourish, taking too early from the breast. The moments are especially valuable when the child sleeps at his chest and slowly puts it - it is at that time he fully satisfied. Mother must disturb if the baby under the age of 2 months sucks only 5-10 minutes and does not express the desire to sleep under the breast.

The duration of feeding significantly depends on the age of the child. The smaller the child, the more and sharper it is experiencing a sense of discomfort, and the longer and more often it is in his chest. As the baby grows, the baby begins to experience discomfort less often and less acute. In addition, it becomes strong enough and clever to quickly cope with a rather large volume of milk. Therefore, from 2-3 months in children, short-term applied to the chest, which are needed to achieve psycho-emotional comfort, and continuous sucking for saturation, which are grouped around dreams.

Fitting from both breasts

Do not shift the child to the second chest earlier than he will squint the first. Since the milk in the mother breast is heterogeneously and shares the milk, which the child receives first feeding, and later milk, which the child gets at the end of feeding, should not be hurry to offer the child the second breast. If the mother hurries to give the baby to the second breast, he will not supprehend the late milk rich in fats. As a result, he may have problems with digestion: lactase insufficiency, a foam chair, etc. When feeding on demand, make sure that each milk iron was offered to the child for 1-2 hours and only then changed to another. Applying to one breast for 1-2 hours will allow the baby to receive later milk and will provide a full intestinal work.

In the first months of feeding, the mother alternates her chest after 1-2 hours. Feeding from both breasts may take child only after 5 months.

Night feeding and joint sleep

Night feedings are necessary to preserve the full length lactation. Sucking the chest between 3 and 8 o'clock in the morning stimulates the production of milk in sufficient quantities for subsequent daily feedings. During this period, at least 2-3 feedings should be organized. For better development, the child must necessarily get day and night milk.

Joint dream of mother and child facilitates night feedings and allows mom better to rest. To the child who sleeps beside, do not need to get up, and his sleep is much calmer and longer. Therefore, the mother's sleep becomes more complete in depth and duration. The opinion that the mother can catch up and "enhance" the baby, unreasonably. A woman can damage the newborn only if she is in a state of intoxication or took sleeping pills. The risk of "sudden death" is much higher among children who sleep separately from the mother. In addition, night feedings up to 6 months prevent woman from the next pregnancy in 96% of cases.

If a woman is worrying about the life and health of his child, when he sleeps separately from her - it means that she is a real mother.

Do you put a child after feeding a column?

If the child snapped the air during feeding, there is no need to give him a vertical position so that he jumped this air. The child should learn from the very beginning to deal with this problem independently, freeing from excessive air in the process of changing the pos. If the baby fell asleep under his breast, then it can be safe to sleep in the same position. When he wakes up and Mom will take him to his hands, starts to move with him, changing the position of his body, he will be able to bother to the air hanging on him. It is on this mechanism that the wise nature was counted.

Maternity is a very comfortable process in which there is nothing special.

Elimination of the child's recovery

Breast milk is a balanced food and drink for babies. It fully meets all the vital needs of the child. When properly organized breastfeeding, including proper applying, frequent and long-term baby feeding, joint sleep and night feeding - the baby does not need additional nutrition to 6 months of life.

Breastfish, which is properly organized solely breastfeeding, does not need a detector up to 6 months of life. And from 6 months, he should begin to introduce lures.

The elimination of a child's deeping

To preserve the full breastfeeding and child health, the mother should be completely abandoned from digging the baby not only with water, but also by various teas, dill water, etc. Previously, pediatricians advised to dope the child with water, because they considered breast milk only by food and were afraid of the dehydration of the body. These concerns are groundless. In breast milk contains 87-90% water, therefore, with a full-fledged breastfeeding, the need for baby in liquid is fully provided. Many studies have proven that even in hot climate conditions, maternal milk fully satisfies all the needs of the child in liquid. In addition, the centers of thirst and satiety in the brain in the newborn almost coincide and are satisfied simultaneously. When draining water, we deceive the baby, creating a false feeling of satiety. This leads to sluggish sucking and reducing the need for breast milk.

When the child is contaminated, the mother has the amount of milk, and breastfeeding can end up 3-6 months.

The danger of bottlenecks and the use of dust

Children suck in different ways and a bottle or a pacifier - "dust." The child who fed from the bottle or to whom they gave a pacifier, would incorrectly take the parent's breast, so after the bottle feeding and the use of dumbfums in mom may have problems. Numerous examples prove that sometimes even one feeding from the bottle is enough for the child to give up his chest, and there has been a mass of complications with further breastfeeding. The use of dummy leads to the fact that the child begins to incorrectly capture the breasts, which provokes a nipple injury. In addition, it is known that even short-term use of a pacifier can lead to an insufficient weight gain in a child and reduce lactation from the mother.

If a woman really wants to fade a baby, then there should be neither a bottle with a nipple or a pacifier among items.

Wash breast

When washing your chest, especially with soap, a protective layer of a special lubricant is removed from the skin of the nipple and the nearby space, which softens them and contains protective factors that prevent penetration into the skin of the chest of pathogenic microbes. Frequent washing of nipples with soap dries skin and leads to the formation of abrasion, cracks and mastitis. Therefore, you should not wash your chest in front of each feeding.

It is enough to wash breasts with simple water without soap daily or once every 3-7 days when taking a conventional hygienic soul or bath.


If the mother feeds the child on demand, then there is no need to push the milk after each feeding. With normal lactation, stirring prevents natural feeding, as it takes time, which is better to devote to the child or home affairs, and delivers inconvenience. The plotting is needed under problems - when breasts, treatment of lactation or mastitis, in the treatment of nipple cracks, with a lack of milk to increase its production, in the case of the forced separation of the mother and the child to save milk, etc. The need for complaining determines the consultant for breastfeeding.

Regular additional plotting can lead to a reduction in the amount of milk and the cessation of lactation or, on the contrary, to hyperlactation and high risk of lactostasis and mastitis.

How to check that the child is enough milk?

To make sure that the child is enough breast milk, you need to regularly test for "wet diapers" and weigh the baby once every 1-2 months, and if something bothers, then once a week. A healthy child with sufficient nutrition every week adds in weight from 120 to 500 grams. Frequent control weighing produced daily or even several times a day, do not give objective information about the usefulness of the baby's nutrition. Moreover, the test weighing is nervous mother and child, as a result of which the baby adds worse in weight, and the mother has lactations.

Much more informative is the test for "wet diapers", which consists in counting the number of urination during the day. With full nutritional diet, the kid can produce from 10 to 20 wet diapers. The counting of urinary needs to be carried out in full day, for example, from 11.00 to 11.00 in the morning, because their frequency changes during the day. More frequently, they are in the morning and more rare become in the afternoon. If there are 6-8 urination, you can say that the child has no dehydration, but its nutrition can be improved.

The combination of the dough on "wet diapers", conducted 2-3 times a week and weekly weighing will help make sure that the baby's nutrition is helpful.


The article is a comment to the official document -

Early applying to the chest

The first postulate of successful breastfeeding is early applying to the chest (for the first hour after birth). Ideal if the baby can suck a little in the maternity hall. Previously, in the 60s-1970s, the colostrum was considered useless, because of which the child immediately after birth was carried away from the mother and brought for first feeding only on the third day. In fact, the precious drops of colosure are completely indispensable for the newborn. They charge it with immunity against microbes, with millions of which he faces in the first minutes of his life. It is colostrum, and not milk, most suitable for crumbs. His stomach in the first days is able to digest only a few dozen grams of food. Therefore, only a very fatty colostrum produced during this period of the mother's organism can provide him with full nutrition.

Joint stay of mother and child in one chamber

The importance of the joint stay of Mom and the baby in the maternity hospital was said quite a few. Only in this case, the mother can feed it on his first requirement. With 6-7 feedings per day (as accepted in most maternity hospitals, where children bring for feeding after 3-3.5 hours) The chest does not receive sufficient stimulation, lactation is worse. For a newborn, withstand 3-3.5 hour intervals between feeding, and even with a nightlier 6-time break is unnatural, because during 9 months he received food from the placenta continuously. Ok, if your child is applied to the chest until 20 times a day or more. Do not consider feeding - it is not necessary to you nor the child.

Do not try to limit feeding time. With the right seizure of the nipple, you will not experience unpleasant sensations from sucking. Perhaps the breast will be sick with unusual only in the first day - two, and then it adapts to his new work. Most women enjoy feeding the process.

If your baby in the first few days is ready to suck almost continuously, to protect the chest and reduce pain, it is possible to limit the time of the sucking of one breast 5-10 minutes, after which, gently pressing the little finger on the corner of his mouth, release the nipple. If the child continues to hump (especially at night, when there is no possibility to shift it or displacing it in his arms), offer him another breast.

Why no need to grind milk

The more your baby will suck the chest, the faster it will begin to produce enough milk for him. If you feed on demand, do not constrain the milk after feeding and allow the baby to suck how much he wants, then the mother-child system is very quickly established between you. This means that the maternal breast produces exactly so much milk as the baby eats.

Now imagine that after feeding, you started the residues of milk ("to the last drop", as recommended earlier doctors, it will not work, because the milk is being produced constantly, you constraint, and it comes). So, you start milk, and thus filed the signal to your body that milk need as much as your child drank, plus what you started. More milk will come to the next feeding, and you will again have to join it. Thus, your body works with a double load, and it is possible that lactation will fade earlier than this would happen if you did not overload it.

When plotting is useful

All of the above does not mean that milk should never be shot down. On the contrary, there are cases when it is just necessary. For example, on 3-4 days after childbirth, when the milk arrives sharply, and the child sucks at all very little, in addition, it is not so strong to flourish the tight chest. A thick fatty milk with difficulty comes on the unexpected flows, and if not to push it, it is very easy to earn lactostasis (stagnation of milk) and even mastitis. Not to mention the fact that hard as a stone, hot, crowded breast causes burning pain.

In such a situation, stirring is not only permissible, but sometimes necessary. If the breast is overflowed, it is desirable to see a bit of milk before feeding so that the baby is easier to capture the nipple. After feeding, if the breast is still solid, you can write some more milk until it becomes soft. It is very important at the same time to massage the milk gland from the periphery to the center, carefully warm up hardening. They arise in places where the ducts are "scored", and milk does not come out. Such hardening is absolutely necessary to unassive (you can under the warm shower), since it is here that the milk can occur here.

You may have to see a couple of times during the summer heat, when the child can decrease the appetite and it will eat less than usual.

However, do not get carried away. Load the removal of a small amount of milk from the crowded chest, but do not fit down to the last drop. Otherwise, your problems will only increase.

Night feeding and joint sleep

Share dream of mother with the child is not something completely mandatory, but it is very convenient for both. Mothers do not have to jump off the bed many times overnight, it is better poured, and the child, feeling near the maternal warmth, sleeps tightly, climbing less.

Do not be discouraged if the baby will eat 5 times per night. Sometimes in the pre-understanding hours, children are worried and require breast every hour. However, more milk is produced at night than during the day, due to the emission of hormones (those most, because of which childbirth starts more often). Therefore, night feedings are a guarantee of longer breastfeeding.

Why should not feed the child

If you want to feed the baby with breasts, you should not remember it with a dairy mixture. Only a very slight number of women objectively cannot feed their children themselves. However, partial or complete rejection of breastfeeding occurs at all. Why? As a rule, the wrong psychological attitude of the woman itself is to blame for this, insecurity.

Most women, long and successfully nursing breasts, admit that they simply did not imagine how can be different. That is, during pregnancy, they had a clear installation exclusively on breastfeeding.

If the young mother is not sure that she has enough milk, is worried, whether the baby eats enough, it is quite possible that it will soon come to the conclusion that he needs to regret. For example, in the first days, when the mother's child system is in the formation stage, the baby will most likely suck quite often. It seems that you just fed it up, and after 20 minutes he asks his chest after 20 minutes. Mom, who read that the intervals between feedings should be at least three hours, will immediately conclude that the baby is not fought, it means it has little milk, and therefore the child needs to be needed with a mixture. After receiving the mixture, the baby falls asleep, and the mother's body receives a signal that it is not necessary to increase the production of milk. Thus, in the next feeding, the child will not be asleep again, and again it will have to regret.

On this road you are very fast (for several months, and then weeks) you will come to complete artificial feeding.

So, I don't need to feed the baby, even if it is clearly not enough for milk. Just apply it to the chest on the first requirement. Only in this way, you will force your body to produce so much milk as you need to make your child.

Why no need to dope baby

Although there are other opinions about this, most pediatricians converge on the fact that the child of the first months of life does not need any other food or drinking in addition to the maternal milk. It contains up to 90% of water and quite satisfies not only appetite, but also thirst for crumbs. Milk, as is known, inhomogeneously. In the first minutes of the feeding of the Kroch, the "upper" more liquid milk sucks, and only then, if he continues to suck intensively, it gets to "deep", greasy milk. Thus, if the baby is not hungry, but just wants to drink, he will assign a little and quit the chest, without having bold milk, which makes it up its main food.

However, if it is a hot summer, the baby sweats a lot and often crying, he can offer some water. Nothing bad will not happen. If the baby refuses to drink, - do not insist.

Giving all kids dill tea as a prophylactic agent from colic, not desirable. It is likely that by introducing this product in the diet of the newborn, thereby calling his abdominal pain, which could not be. In any case, this is therapeutic tool that needs to be applied according to the testimony. Even those teas, which two years ago were recommended to children from the first week of life, now at the request of Russian health authorities are recommended only from the fourth month.

Why before feeding and after it does not need to wash your breasts

This really does not need to be done. It is quite enough daily soul, usual for you. And indeed, it is impossible to wash your breasts with soap before each feeding (one time per day can). Soap dries the skin, and its frequent use is a direct path to the cracks of the nipples.

After feeding, soaking the chest should not. On the contrary, if you have problems with the nipples, they are annoyed (this sometimes happens in the first days of feeding), it is better to remedy - smear them after feeding a droplet of breast milk and let dry in the air. Air baths are generally very useful for the chest.

In the maternity hospital, even the most advanced, usually require soaking breasts before feeding. But this is a hospital atmosphere, and only your "native" microbes, antibodies that you pass the baby on your body are present on your body. That is, these microbes are harmless to your child, they are "relatives" for him.

In general, the premises of the child in a sterile situation does not guarantee its protection against infections. On the contrary, being deprived of contact with the familiar home microbes, he loses the ability to produce immunity against them. There were cases when in completely new, absolutely sterile maternity hospitals were infected, since all the other microbes were killed by disinfection, and the only survivors did not have competitors.

Sometimes you can read completely absurd recommendations, until not kissing a child in the cheek, Lobik, nose, in order not to give him your microbes, but to limit the kisses in the ass. It is not surprising that after such an environment, the strictest sterility of the mother is psychologically difficult to put the baby to crawl on the floor, and she keeps him up to the year.

However, all this already has a little attitude towards breastfeeding. And I have left to wish you to feed your baby with breasts for a long time and without problems.