Integrated classes in 2 youngest. Open integrated lesson "To visit Kolobku" in the second youngest group (demonstration of children's knowledge parents)


  • Secure titles: vegetables, fruits, transport.
  • Compare items according to: width, height, by quantity.
  • Secure knowledge of geometric figures.
  • Clarify the presentations of children about wild animals.
  • Improve the ability to eat nouns with pretexts (B, on, under, for, around).
  • Develop a shallow motorcy, logical thinking, memory.
  • Brief interest in the game lesson, the desire to participate in it.
  • Contribute to emotional rapprochement of children.

Equipment: Muzzles of vegetables and fruit, tree layouts and christmas trees, baskets 2 (big and small), rivers and streams, bridges 2 (narrow and wide), Cubes are large and small, sun, bed.

Travel course:

1) Organizational moment:


"Watching the sun in the window
Looks into our room
We praise in the palm
Very happy with the sun. "


Guys, look, the sun is smiling for us, let's and we will smile each other, the sun and our guests, say hello to them. In such sunny weather, go to the forest.


And what can you go on a journey?


On the aircraft, car, train, ship.


And what would you like to go?

Children: offer.


Well we will go on the magic carpet. But, trouble! Magic carpet broke, you need to repair. Put the loskutka in shape, in color in place. (Geometric forms)

Did. Magic Carpet game


The carpet is ready for the flight, sit down comfortably, closed your eyes.

(soft music).


Open iron. Here, we and in the forest! To find out who lives in the forest, guess the riddles.


1 He sleeps in Berlog in winter
Under the honey pine
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep. (bear).

2 who is cold in winter
Wanders evil, hungry? (wolf).
3 pockets fluff, long ear,
Jumps deftly, loves carrot? (hare)..


Well done, correctly guess the riddles. And here is the forest, full of secrets and miracles.


See what it is?


Trees and Christmas trees.


And what is it under a tree?


Under the tree mushrooms.


How many mushrooms?



And how much is under the Christmas tree?


(A bear goes to the meeting, crying.)


Misha, what happened?

Tutor in a bear costume:

Hello guys! I played in cubes, and mixed them. Help please decompose the cubes in baskets. Large to a large basket, and small in a small basket.


Let's help Misha?


Children perform tasks.

Bear thanks for the help and offers to play.


To the river quickly we descended (step in place).
Leaned and washed (tilting forward, hands on the belt).
Times, two, three, four (slam in your hands).
That's how nicely freshe (shake your hands).

Went ashore cool (step in place).


Children, see what it is?


This is a river.


And what's that?

Children: Creek.


River, what?



What a stream?



Children, how can I go through the stream?


Jump over.

Children and educators jump over the stream (Safety).


And how can I go across the river?


Need a bridge.


Let's pick up the bridge. What is the bridge?



What is it?


(Kids pick up the bridge, together with the educator, pass through the bridge and see the bunny sit on hemp).


Hello, Zainka! Why are you so sad sitting?

Educators: Hare:

Hello guys. There was a strong hurricane, threw fruit from the tree, the vegetables snatched from the bed and mixed everything. Help put on the garden that grows on the garden, and under the tree, which grows on the tree.


This apple grows on the tree, then it is a fruit.
This is a tomato, grows on a garden, which means it is a vegetable, etc.
Educator-hare praises children and offers to play.
The game "Sand-bunny sits"

Sale bunny sits (squatting)
and ears Shevilit (Ears show)
Bunny can sit cold
It is necessary to imitate my paws. (Trute hands)

Bunny stand cold (get up)
Need a bunny jump (snake)
Someone bunned scared (cotton)
Bunny jump and ran away. (sit in place)

The hare runs away and returns to the basket of apples. Thanks for the help. Goes away.


Oh, well done guys. Helped Misha and Bunny, coped with the tasks.

And it's time for us to return to the group. Sit on the magic carpet and close the eyes. (Music)


So we returned to the group. Guys, tell us where we were? What did we see there? Who did we help? Did you like it? Thanks to everyone.

Summary of mathematics

Complex mathematics lesson in the second youngest group
"Plan - Travel Map"

Kondrashueva Larisa Anatolyevna, educator
MBDOU CRR D / C №28 "Golden Petushok" M.Tambov


  1. To form orientation skills to the elementary plan, the ability to correctly determine the mutual location of the items in space.
  2. Forming the ability to compose from the simplest geometric shapes (Triangle, Square, Circle, Oval) A variety of objects.
  3. Fasten the score skills within 5.
  4. Fasten the ability to correlate the digit with the amount from 1 to 5.
  5. Fasten the ability to classify fruits and vegetables.
  6. Develop speech, attention, memory, logical thinking.

Materials for the lesson:

Travel course:

1. Educator: Guys, I am today, instead of classes, I propose to go on a journey. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: On the journey we will go on the bus, since the path is not close, but first you must take tickets to the place on the bus. Stand in the queue.

Children are in two columns each other, five people.

The teacher distributes tickets with numbers from 1 to 5, the first column and the second column with the same numbers.

Educator: Guys occupy their places on the bus.

"Bus" is 9 chairs that cost two each other, there is one chair in the first row.

Educator: Guys, everyone has enough places?

Children: Not.

Educator: How many people left without chairs?

Children: One.

Educator: Why not enough stool?

Children: Because we are more than chairs.

Educator: What needs to be done so that both chairs and children are equally?

Children: You need to add one chair.

The teacher puts one more chair, and the chairs becomes 10.

Educator: Guys, the path of us is distant, on the road I took a basket with fruit, but it was in a hurry that put vegetables and fruits together.

Help me disassemble the basket, put fruit in one basket, and vegetables to another.

Children are suitable for a basket, and in turns distribute fruits and vegetables along different baskets, while not only the name, but determine the color and shape.

2. Educator: Well done, now we can go on the road, but first help me with a map of our journey. Come to me and help me deal with her.

Children along with the educator are suitable for the drawn map.

Educator: Guys, you should not just show me how we will go, but also tell you, in which direction we will turn (left, right or ride straight). And what we see on the left and right of the road.

Children: We are going here from here, right, on the left grows Bereza, I am moving to turn and turn to the right. We are going straight, I am moving to turn and turn left, we drive directly and see, on the right two trees, we are going straight and on the right we see the wolf. And, here we reached a fabulous house

Educator: Well done boys. You are very well oriented on the map, now we will definitely do not get lost. We are ready to start the journey.

Children sit in the "bus".

3. Educator: Guys, see who stands on the road and crying?

Children: This is a bunny.

Educator: Let's stop and ask what happened? Bunny, why are you crying?

Hare: The bear came to us in a hunger village and broke all the houses. Help us build new houses.

Educator: Let's help guys?

Children: Let's help.

On the table, each child lies the tray on which they lie:

Educator: Guys, name what geometric shapes are lying on our shoes?

Children: Oval, square, circle, triangle.

Educator: Well done. Right. And from what figures can you build a house?

Children: The house can be built from a square and triangle.

Children build houses.

Hare: Guys, thank you, you are big. Bringing, I'll think about it.

Educator: We and I have done such a big job that we now need to relax. Let's turn into cubs and engage in physical education.

4. Fizkultminthka.

Bear in more often lived

His head was twisted,

Like this, like this

His head was twisted.

Bear Möd was looking for

A friendly tree swung,

Like this, like this

A friendly tree swung.

And then they danced,

The legs were raised above,

Like this, like this

Above legs raised.

5. Educator: Guys, take place on the bus, we continue our way.

The educator and children pretend that they go on the bus.

Bear: Well, stand.

Educator: Guys, who does not allow us?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Let's stop the bus and find out what he needs.

Bear: Get out of the bus I eat you.

Educator: Bear, why are you so angry? What happened.

Bear: I feel bad without a house to live. Came to the hares, and they all have small houses, what I want to get to, he breaks away.

Children: Bear, and let's help you pick you up a house.

Bear: Well, try it.

Educator: Guys, sit on the penets. You have cards on which three houses are drawn and three beasts. (Hare, Wolf and Bear). Help each animal to find your house.

Who is the biggest animals?

Children: Bear.

Educator: And who is the smallest?

Children: Hare.

Educator: And wolf, what?

Children: Middle.

Educator: Who will live in a big house?

Children: Bear.

Educator: And who is in small?

Children: Hare.

Educator: And who will get the middle house?

Children: Wolf.

Educator: Guys, spend the track from each beast to his house.

Children in their cards from each animal lead the track to his house. When children are finished, the teacher on the board, on their card, shows how it should work out.

Children are checked and correcting mistakes who have them.

Educator: Satisfied, Teddy bear? Helped you guys?

Bear: Thank you, helped. Buck now in your biggest house.

Educator: Guys, and we are time to return to kindergarten. Sit down to the bus and drove.

Educator: So we arrived, did you like to travel?

And what in our journey did you like the most?

Analysis of the answers and the work of children as an educator.

Total integrated occupation in 2 youngest group:

"Journey to the" Sunny Country ".

Educational regions:

Cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.



1. Secure the ability to distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, and call them;

2. To identify the ability to allocate and combine objects one (general) feature;

3. Secure knowledge of geometric figures - a circle and square, triangle, rectangle;

4. Secure the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits;

5. Secure children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals;

6. To adventure and consolidate the concepts: "more - less", "above - below", "one thing".

7. Designate the knowledge of children about parts of the day.

8. Intensify the speech of children, consolidate the ability to answer the teacher's questions;

9. Secure the unconventional lines drawing technique with cotton sticks.


1. Wear attention, autonomy;

2. Develop a coherent speech.


1. Recompret the curiosity, cognitive interest, kindness, the desire to help.

Integrable educational areas:

OO "Cognitive development"

To form elementary mathematical representations: the skills of compare items in length, magnitude, height, combine objects under a common feature.

OO "Speech Development"

Develop the ability to listen, encourage answers.

OO "Socio-Communicative Development"

Create a positive atmosphere, repeat the forms of a benevolent greeting with children, the ability to be included in the game activities, the desire to help the hero that has fallen into trouble.

OO "Physical Development"

Improve physical qualities through a variety of motor form.

OO "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Encourage creative manifestations in drawing, games and tasks.

Materials and equipment: cards with geometric shapes; Subject pictures "Home and wild animals", mongrel "Parts of the day"; Cutting vegetables and fruits, envelope with a letter, gouache, cotton wands, quaqui, tassels wet wipes.

Travel course:

Organizing time

"Stand up next to each other, like a month, - semicircle."

Every morning we talk to each other "Good morning", so that we have been good all day for the mood to be good. Let's say these morning magic words and our guests, we love when guests come to us.

Children: "Good morning."

Guys, today I received a letter from the lace - a resident of the "Solar Country". He writes that they have trouble, an evil wizard stole the sun. Sun gone. It became unreold to residents dark and sad. They ask us for help. Let's help them guys return the sun? (Yes). But to return the sun, we need to fulfill all the tasks of the wizard. Agree?

Educator: I suggest you go on a journey. And what can go on a journey? (children's responses).

And we will go on the train. But it is not simple with us, but the magical. Now I will give you tickets, and you will take the right places. (The educator puts chairs in two columns in advance, on the backs of which are attached geometric shapes: a circle, square, triangle, rectangle. Children are there tickets in the form of geometric shapes, each searches for a chair with its figure). Cooked, went (the phonogram of the song "We are going, we are going, we go").

Children repeat:

Travels train in the forests,

Chuh - Chuh,

Travels train on the meadows,

Chuh - Chuh,

Dials the train

He is lucky, lucky.

Guys, we came to visit the ray, go from the train. See, and here is the parcel with the task. (Open the parcel).

Guys, watch pictures, who is painted on them? (Animals)

And what are animals? (Home and wild).

Let's take each picture and say, what kind of animal, homemade or wild? (Children's responses)

Phys. a moment:

If you love everyone around,

Make it! (cotton in your hands)

If next to you friend

Make it! (jumping in place)

If the rain suddenly sticks,

Make it! (cotton overhead)

If mom smiles,

Make it!

(Children move and fit the envelope with the ball).

Educator: - See what lies here? And this is the next task of the wizard. It is necessary to answer correctly that more, and what is less; What is higher, and what is lower; What a lot, but what is not enough.

(The game is "more - less", "above - below," "Much is little"). For this, we use the ball. To whom I will bother the ball, he answers.
- Who more: elephant or mouse?
- What is higher: table or chair?
- Who more: Owl or Sparrow?
- How many hair on your head?
- How many stars in the sky?
- How many needles have hedgehogs?
- Who else is a camel or a dog?
- How many spout people have?
- And the sun in the sky? ... (one).

Well done and clever! Very well answered and right.

Educator: - Guys, look, and what is it worth? (basket), what's in it? (Children's responses). (Basket, as if by chance, falls out of the teacher's hands)

Here the trouble must collect all the vegetables and fruits and decompose on the baskets: vegetables in the green basket, and fruits in pink

(Game: "Vegetables and Fruits")

Children take one fruit or vegetable and put into a certain basket, and they call them.


If you love everyone around,

Make it! (cotton in your hands)

If next to you friend

Make it! (jumping in place)

If the rain suddenly sticks,

Make it! (cotton overhead)

If mom smiles,

Make it! (cotton and jumping at the same time)

Educator: - Guys, in the residents of the "Solar Country" without the sun, everything was confused. Now at night they walk, in the morning they sleep, in the evening they come to kindergarten, we dine in the day. They ask us to help them understand everything.

We talk about part of the day very well. (Laying mnempencement from mongrel)

When do we get up early and go to kindergarten? (in the morning).

And when in the kindergarten go for a walk, eat a delicious lunch? (day)

And when you go home from the garden? (in the evening)

When we sleep at home in our cribs and dreams are visible? (at night)

Educator: - That's great, as you know everything! Clever, what! Let's play an interesting game. The game is called "Day - Night." When I call the bell is a day, you walk. And when I cut to ring the bell - it means the night, squat and sleep.

Day "Day - Night"

Productive activity

Fingering gymnastics

(Squeeze and compress your fingers intertwined in the castle.)
Sun, Sveti,
On the clearing, on flowers.
Do not regret your rays,
Gray Earth, Gray, Gray

Educator: - And now I invite you to fulfill the last task of the wizard. Go to the table (the children get on the chairs, in front of them Watman with a yellow circle drawn in the middle. The educator asks the children that it resembles this circle? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Guys, and let's spend the lines from the circle and see what we succeed. (Children conduct lines with cotton sticks, square, tassel - the sun turns out.)

Educator: - Guys, and here are the sun for the residents of the "Solar country"! The wizard let him go. How they will be happy. And we will delight them.

Looking at the sun in the window,

Looks at our room

We shumbled in your hands,

Very happy sun.

Educator: - And now I invite everyone to go back to kindergarten. Take your places and on the road!

Chuh - Chuh, Chuh - Chuh,

Rushing the train in the whole spirit!

The locomotive puffs, hurry, - buzzing,

Purching, hurry, hurry ...


Educator: Guys, you like our journey (children's answers)

What did we do with you? (Children's responses).

I hope you will always be responsive, and will help everyone who needs your help.

Anna Davydenko

An abstract of open integrated classes

"On a visit to the ball"

(Second Junior Group)

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" (FMP), "Security" (traffic rules), "Artistic creativity" (drawing).

Purpose: Show parents knowledge of children.

Tasks: Secure mathematical concepts: color, shape, size, quantity; Road sign and transition rules across the road; Develop attention, thinking, logic and creative abilities of children.

Time spending: 15 minutes.

Required inventory and attributes for the lesson:

Modules soft for a house

Kolobok - Toy (or Air Yellow Ball with Eyes)

Mega Designer - Blocks Brick 2 colors in a container.

Car KAMAZ - 2pcs (big and small)

Zebra, sign "Pedestrian Transition", traffic light.

Paints gouache 3x colors + brushes, blanks of traffic lights from cardboard, cylinders, water, napkins.

Travel course: Children come and sit on the rug. The tutor shows illustrations of the time of the year, and talks with children about his signs.

Educator:We are coming (time of year, and we go to the "appropriate" forest. Physical traffic is performed on the rug on the line.

Autumn-winter option:

We came to the Winter Forest. (Walking along the rug)

How many wonders around here! (Diluted with hands)

On the right - the birch in the fur coat is (the hand is removed to the right)

On the left tree looks at us. (Hands are left left)

Snowflakes are circling in the sky, (motion "Lanterns", circling, squatted)

On the ground is beautifully falling.

Here is a bunny slippage, (jumping)

He ran from fox.

This gray wolf reds, (hands on the belt, slopes to the sides)

He is looking for her prey!

We all hide now, (squat, hiding)

Will not find us then!

Only a bear in Berlog sleeps, (imitate sleep)

So all winter and shocks.

Snegiri fly (imitate the flight of birds)

How beautiful they are!

In the forest, beauty and peace, (bred hands on the sides)

And we have time to go home ... (clap your hands)

Spring-summer version

Children in the forest walked, (walking along the line)

Behind the nature was observed!

Up the sun looked, (watching up)

And their rays are sining. ("Lanterns")

Butterfly flew, (mimic the butterfly)

Wings Mahali.

Smokingly slamming: 1,2,3,4,5, (clap your hands)

We must collect a bouquet.

Once - sat down, two - sat down, (squat)

Lily of the valley in the hands of fallen, (imitate a bouquet in their hands)

Right ringing: Ding-Don! (Slopes with a bouquet to the sides)

Left ring: Ding-Don!

On the nose village of Bee. (Indicate a finger the trajectory of the bee on the nose)

Look down your friends

The ants flew.

We consider them. (Consider)

1,2,3,4,5 - ran away again! (Break hands to the sides)

We raised leaflets,

In the palm of the berry gathered: (squat, mimic the collection of berries)

1,2,3,4,5 ... (put berries in the mouth)

Oh, like berries are tasty! (Knock your head)

Well we walked! (Bred hands and clap your hands)

And tired little!

Educator: We lost in the forest. And let's build a house.

(Children build a house from modules - pokes).

Educator: Children, and what form do we have a house? - (child response - square). Roof? - (child response - triangular). Who lives in it? APCH - Oh! (Effect of surprise) - a bunker appears. Look who it is? / Children answer. / How did you guess? What color is it, forms?

The educator quotes a fairy tale: ". It became boring to lie a ball on the window, and he rolled into the forest, and could not find the road home. " / Barrock rolls out of the house. The educator invites children to take one of the geometric details from the designer, and build tracks for a kolobka. Girls - red, and boys - green (children build). The tracks turned out different: long and short.

The tutor with a kolobkom is surprised and clarifies in children: which one is long, and some is short. The teacher, together with the child, leads a kolobka on one of the tracks, then turns to children.

Educator: "Kolobok rolled over one of the tracks and got into the city. And then rush cars. Drivers of trucks export cargo: big (a lot of cubes are lucky, and small (one or two.)

The educator clarifies in children: parts of the car (body, cabin, wheels); Profession - driver; The number of cubes in the machines (a lot is little).

Educator: "How to switch the road?" Children's answers: Need a "Pedestrian Transition" sign, Zebra, Traffic light. The educator together with children find these important items in the group, install them. Kolobok is surprised by everything and asks about the traffic light, how will he help him. Answer: With traffic lights - lights.

The teacher clarifies in children how many light signals in the traffic light, which color they are, where and how they are located (red above, yellow under red, green at the very bottom).

If the red lights light, it means there are no road.

Yellow means stand and wait. On the green light - go!

Educator: "Hooray! Hooray! Kolobok got home! Well done guys! And let's make a gift for a kolobka. There is no traffic light in the forest, so we draw it to him."

Paints 3 colors are harvested on the table: red, yellow, green; Sheets with the image of the "traffic light". On the easel, the tutor shows how the circles are painted (from top to bottom) - sample. Then the children are sitting at the tables. Together with the children, it is pronounced: how to keep a brush, mine, press, draw "Circle" in the air, and paint it from above-down.

Educator: "Children, see, we had unusual" traffic lights. "Each" traffic light "lacks one" signal - light ". Guess what color it should be, and decelerate it."

(In the process, the drawing teacher asks what else is similar to our circles, children speak their answers: balls, balls, apples, sun, wheels, etc.).

Parents look carefully on their children.

Educator: "Children, what are the remarkable and beautiful, you have films. The rod rejoices and thanks you!

REFLECTION: Where did we visit today? What did you know what you learned? How did we help the bun? What did you like most? Well done! Well, now it's time for us. We go on the train ... "(children cling to" traps "for each other and come out of the group).

List of sources of information used:

1. Comprehensive classes under the program "From birth to school" N. E. Veracstes T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The second younger group. Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 297c.

2. Work on the line in Montessori-group L. Grebennikov, Rotaprint Marios Press, M., 1996, 72c.

3. Photos from a personal archive

Complex class abstract

for the younger kindergarten group

direction : Cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development

education area : Communication, Socialization, Artistic Creativity

"Fabulous guests"

Prepared and spent

educator Kozhevnikova E.A.

Comprehensive study
with surrounding world and drawing in 2 ml. c.

Purpose: Diagnosis of knowledge, skills, skills of children in the sections "Animal Peace", "Plant World", "Drawing Technique"


Educational: fix and clarify the knowledge and presentation of children about wild animals, vegetables and fruits; To reveal the skill in children to draw long straight lines, identify the skills of working with a brush and paints.

Developing: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educational: to educate accuracy in working with paints, cause children a desire to help heroes in a difficult situation.

Material for the lesson: Figures of the Red Hat and her grandmother, a wolf of the desktop theater; Drawn house, 5-6 Christmas trees, 2 bunny white and gray, wonderful bag, pictures of vegetables and fruits. Paints gouache, jars, brushes, billets of aprons, samples of aprons, treat.

Travel course:

Guys, see who came to our occupation?(Little Red Riding Hood)

And today, Grandma invited a red hat to visit him. We will guys help a red hat, so that the trouble would not happen to her?(Yes, we will)

Grandmother in a red hat lives in this house on a clearing behind the forest.

(hanging the house on the board and several Christmas trees)

A red hat came to the forest. Different animals live in the forest. Who knows what?(guys list)

What are they called?(Wild, Forest)

And then there is a red cap of the wolf. He says, if you guess my riddles, then let you go to my grandmother, and if you do not go out, then eat. Help the red hat?

Summer goes without a road

Near pines and birches,

And in the winter he sleeps in Berlogo-

From frost hides her nose.(bear)

He looks like a dog.

That neither the tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, overlooking the mouth,

The sheep is ready to attack.(wolf)

On the back needle

Long and cheek

And he will turn into the ball,

There is no head, no legs.(hedgehog)

What kind of beast of the forest

Rose like a pine column

And stands among the grass -

Ears more heads?(hare)



Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is it?. . (a fox)

Wolf: Well done guys helped a red hat. Let her go to her grandmother.

There is a red hat in the forest, and there is two bunny bag to meet her bag.(Pictures of bunnies are postponed)

Children take turns to get a card with a vegetable or a bag of a bag, call it, distinguish properties and say where they grow.(cards are hanging on the easel)

They ask bunnies: Help us split vegetables and fruits. Gray bunny vegetables, and white fruit.

(Children help distribute)

Bunnies: Thank you guys and a red hat that helped us. Now play together.

Every day in the morning

Make charging (walking in place)

Like us

Do in order

Fun walk (walking)

Hand raise (hands up)

Lack and get up(squat)

Jump and jump(jumping)

One, two, three, four, five!

Began Zainka jumping.

Jumping Zainka Most.

He jumped 10 times.

We played bunnies with us and fled to the forest.

And the red hat to the house grandmother came up. Grandma meets a red hat and guys.

Grandmother: Hello, guys! Thank you for helping a red hat. Who met you in the forest?

Guys, let's make a grandmother in a gifts apron striped. And then the grandmother's apron is completely old became.

(Children sit at the tables, where everything is cooked for drawing)

Look, my apron is ugly, without patterns. So that he become elegant, we will be bright to decorate it stripes. Strips can be multi-colored.(show)

The tutor offers children to draw striped aprons. Children choose the color of the paints and begin to draw.

At the end of the lesson, all the aprons lay out before the grandmother on the table. Grandma praises every child and treats all children with candy.