The interval between the fights. Optimal break between pregnancies

More recently, you couldn't think about the second child, so fresh were the memories of childbirth. But for some time passed, endless diapers and the sliders ended, and a burning desire to give birth to another baby. And then there was a question: "What is the optimal difference between the ages of children?"

What do the doctor's say?

From a physiological point of view, a woman can get pregnant almost immediately after childbirth, and, as you know, breastfeeding is not always a hindrance. For example, the earliest ovulation after childbirth is registered on the 7th week in a nursing breastfeeding of a woman and on the 4th in non-nimble. However, to enter the pregnancy immediately after delivery - a large load for a not yet restored organism.

After natural labor

To avoid complications, doctors recommend to take a break between the birth and the next pregnancy at least 1 year, the optimal, from their point of view, is the interval at 2-2.5 years. Why exactly so much? In the calculation, breastfeeding is taken during the year, recovery after lactation for nine months, and about six months replenished with the replenishment of nutrients in the body. But this does not mean that the non-smoking women are not needed, because after childbirth, all organs of the reproductive system, pelvic bottom muscles, dairy glands, hormonal background, quantity and composition of blood should come to normal. And, of course, they also need to replenish the internal reserves of the body.

After cesarean section

As for women who have undergone a cesarean section, then, according to physicians, they need to withstand an even larger interval, as to form a wealthy scar, which can withstand the load of the next pregnancy and childbirth, is required at least 2 years. The optimal is considered to be a break of 3-5 years, since over time the scar has a tendency to thinning. In any case, before conception, the wealth of the scar should be checked with an ultrasound.

Possible problems

Because of too short interruptions between pregnancies, especially if there were several of them, the following problems may arise:

  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of the legs and outdoor genital organs
  • premature birth
  • violation of blood flow between the fruit and the placenta
  • small child weight at birth
  • bleeding during childbirth and postpartum period.

If the woman is too "delays" with the birth of the second child (15-20 years old), the course of pregnancy is complicated by the diseases accumulated together with the age of "luggage".

What do mom say?

Some moms believe that it is better to "shoot" and give birth to the weather, and when the children go to kindergarten, you can continue to build a career without a break on the next maternity leave. At the same time, children will have more common interests than in the case of a significant difference in age.

In contrast to them, the opponents of the short break between childbirth speak about dual loads for mom. They note that morally and physically exhausted mother is not able to fully care for the baby and at the same time pay enough attention to the eldest child.

Other mothers believe that with age, sleepless nights are being transferred much easier, an internal pacification and philosophical attitude to life appear to bring up a second child in a more relaxed psychological situation. In addition, some of the care for the care of the kid "matured" fathers are happy to take over, and from the older child there is a great nurse.

Is there a golden mean?

All of the above pursue the idea that there is no single opinion about the ideal time interval between pregnancies. It makes no sense to specially wait for several years, because, by whose opinion, it will be better, but it is not necessary to rape your body, because it is so convenient from an organizational point of view. Each family independently determines the moment of readiness for the birth of the next child. The desired kid, whom he loves and is waiting for the whole family - true happiness. And how much time will take place after the birth of the previous "happiness" is not so important.

The young mother often ask the question: "When will you go for the second?" Answers can be different: someone wants to "shoot" immediately and, growing the weather, make a career, someone dreams of going to go to the second maternity leave with an already grown karapuz, which will be a Krook company, and someone and at all Waits for the firstborn to go to school and could help. Arguments, in general, understandable, but subjective, on objective, or physiological, arguments, what a break between childbirth Better, our article.

Opinion of doctors - what optimal break between childbirth

Modern gynecology obstetricists call a period of two years between the end of the first pregnancy and the onset of the second as optimal. In fact, this term means that Mom has already managed to wimede with his milk firstborn and can even extend this utility for another year to preserve the health of the chest and make the baby invulnerable to viral and other infections and viruses.

In addition, for two years, a hormonal background will come between birth to normal, and therefore the likelihood of toxicosis and other malaise associated with pregnancy will be reduced. Another physiological argument "For" lies in the nuances of the reducing period after the cesarean section - so that the inner scar will heal well and could withstand the new load, the muscles and tissues of the uterus takes time.

When a break between childbirth from 1 to 2

If the gap between birth for any reason is reduced, the second pregnancy often proceeds much more difficult than the first, and the doctors state a much more frequent appearance of such complications as late pre-priests, iron deficiency anemia, early toxicosis, while the risk of inconsection increases significantly. Premature birth is also characteristic of the weather, the crumb appears on the light weakened. But the firstborn may not be prevented vitamins, nutrients and the vital components of the milk milk, because the mother's breastfeeding usually tries to complete almost immediately, as it learns that it is pregnant with the second kid. As a result, the first and second child grows somewhat weakened (compared to the peers).

The psychological aspect of the upbringing of the weather lies in fatigue, which accumulates years, because both children equally require attention, and any mother, wanting to be perfect, gives all of themselves to their children. On the other hand, this couple will always find a common language and in the sandbox, and in adolescence, because children born with a difference in a year and a half, feel like a single whole, and communication is very strong throughout life.

When a break between kinds from 5 to 10

Doctors believe that the woman's body, who has passed about 10 years between pregnancies, is approaching the organism of a primary woman. However, this does not mean that it is rejuvenated. Approach It is based on the fact that the body simply forgets what it is - to enter the child. Maybe it is not bad, because the first experience is quickly remembered, but the problem may be at the age of the future mother and, as a result, possible problems in the health of the woman herself and her infant.

Another important point is a pregnancy. Of course, the first pregnancy can be impaired impaired, and the matter here is in the state of the mother's health and the characteristics of the body, however, the late pregnancy is most often about the worst first. There are a lot of reasons for that: firstly, the sex of the child affects the hormonal background, and the "age" mothers can perceive themselves depending on the boy or the girl they are waiting. Secondly, women are often solved to give birth to a second child in a subsequent marriage, and this fruit will develop differently than the firstborn.

As for the psychological aspect, there are more advantages here: the first applies to the existing experience, who knows what to expect, much easier for her and relaxed to her state. The second plus is more conscious attitude to motherhood. It is known that such mothers are more reverent to their child and give it more time. However, there is a minus - too much difference between children. Psychologists believe that age older than five years "spreads" children in different generations, and therefore, peaceful relationship between such children will continue, but in its minimum manifestation.

Physiological reasons for the break between birth

After the first birth of the neck of the uterus, it is much shortened - this is necessary in order for it completely closed and in the case of repeated pregnancy was able to withstand the fetus. If, during the first pregnancy, the future mother was diagnosed with Eastic-cervical insufficiency or after childbirth, the doctor found the neck injury, such a uterus would simply endure re-pregnancy.

The second reason lies in mami antibodies that can cause the development of hemolytic disease of the fetus. This factor becomes particularly important when a rhesv conflict took place during the nesting of the first pregnancy. In this case, the doctors recommend not only a break, but also thorough planning and full examination. In addition, the second pregnancy with the existing rhesv conflict will be observed more carefully, and each month mom will be directed to the blood test on antibodies and ultrasound, so that there is an opportunity to control the condition of the baby, placenta and accumulating waters.

As for the subsequent after cesarean section of pregnancy, the need for a break is due not only to the healing of the scar. The fact is that it is he who can affect the place of attachment of the fetal egg, as a result of which the placenta will also attach it, where it is necessary, as a result of which fetoplasative fetus failure may occur, although in most cases, if the scar healed well, it is rather an exception, what rule.

No matter what a break between childbirth should be, and its need is not a medical myth, but a fully justified event that will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, reduce swelling and pressure and ensure the normal course of pregnancy, which, in turn, It will safely affect the health of the future mother and another unborn baby. The main thing is not to tighten the break between childbirth and find the golden middle, which we wish you.

This article is looking for on request:

  • some physiological pregnancy recommendation of wishes and so
  • Pigmentation in pregnant women what to do

"We have to admit that in our time more and more couples postponing the birth of children for later, explaining this desire to make a career or" live a little for yourself. " As a result, the first child appears at Mom, who has already crossed the 30-year-old frontier. At the same time, there are some parents who will prefer to start and finish the family history of the firstborn: most likely, they will soon want another child. "So what is the problem?" - you ask. The fact that the age that is suitable for the birth of children is limited, and between their appearance to be taken to take a break.

Experts believe that the minimum difference between the elders and the youngest child is 2.5 years old. Where did this figure come from? Everything is very simple: the year "goes" to feeding the baby to breast milk, nine months (and this is the smallest time) - to restore the body after lactation and nine months - to bring the next pregnancy. Moreover, studies of recent years have shown that for the full restoration of the body, the mother requires even more time. And this means that the optimal difference between children is not even 2.5, and 3 years. If the woman suffered a cesarean section, doctors advise parents to withstand a three-year pause between birth and (attention!) Next conception, not the birth of a baby. This is explained by the fact that the scar remaining in the uterus must "grasp" and withstand the load during the next pregnancy.

Now let's figure it out about what restoration of the body is in question. First of all, a hormonal background and menstrual cycle should return to the norm, the composition of the blood, the level of trace elements, proteins, vitamins, then you need to restore the organs of the sexual system and the pelvic bottom muscles. Why is it so important? Because only if the woman's body will work, as before, it will be able to accept and make the next child. By the way, this fact is confirmed by American researchers. They proved that kids, concealed with the compliance of at least a 3-year interval, less often appear to the light ahead of time or with a slight weight. In addition, a three-year break is to benefit and future mothers: during the next pregnancy they almost do not face anemia (anemia), pressure jumps or bleeding. Bao Ping Zhu, an epidemiologist from the Missouri State Health Department, headed the study, during which experts studied and analyzed the database of clauses of 400 thousand women. As a result, it was found that regardless of age, racial affiliation and social status of the mother of the kids, born in compliance with the interval, and stronger, and the healthier of those who were conceived ahead of time. At the same time, it is worth a recognition that too long waiting does not benefit the future mom and baby. According to several studies, women who think about the child only five years after the birth of the firstborn, the risk of complications during pregnancy increases. Why this happens until it is not clear, but this feature is unlikely to be connected with the age of the future mother.

So what conclusion can be made from all that is said? Better, if a potential mom is able to follow the advice of doctors and relax between the birth of kids. However, if for some reason, parents wanted to pause or pregnancy will be a surprise, be sure: in our time, experts will be able to help the future mother to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. "

The first bouts during childbirth can be felt after a long period of time, for example, once in 20 or 30 minutes. It is important not to confuse them with the preparatory work of the uterus. And for this you need to learn how to calculate the interval between the fights, and when the questions go to the hospital, it is unlikely to arise.

Most doctors proposes to represent a fight in the form of a wave, which rolls, then retreats. And this gap between the retreat and the new rolling and is the one that is advised to measure. The interval between the fights begins to shrink: 10, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2 minutes gradually, for several hours. Moreover, the process is faster in women who do not give birth. First, their neck of the uterus is no longer so dense like the original. And secondly, many of them understand how to relax and know simple techniques, like walking, that is, what to do if the interval between the fights does not decrease, and how to accelerate the generic process they know without doctors.

Short intervals - less than 7-10 minutes between generic spasms - this is the best time to go to the maternity hospital. It is necessary to do it even earlier, for example, when the fights are going every 10 minutes if the woman is outside the city, great traffic jams and there are other obstacles for rapid receipt in the maternity hospital.

But if the confidence is that there are no childbirth. If the mucous plug has not yet been deployed, there are no ferrous water, the period of pregnancy is donated and the cesarean segment is not planned, while there are the following signs, you can still not rush:

  • the fights appear at the interval for more than 10 minutes, while the intervals between the spasms are different, then 10 minutes, then 20, then 30;
  • pains on the type of menstrual is not felt, simply periodically stone belly;
  • the duration of the spasm is no more than a few seconds and does not increase with time;
  • you managed to distract, take the bath, sleep.

In addition, there is still a way to understand that real contractions began - it is easy to pay attention to the discharge from the vagina. If a thick mucus did not go out of it, that is, the mucous plug, then the opening of the cervix if there is, then the minimum, not more than 1-2 cm, and this is not a reason to hurry in the hospital.

How to count the intervals between the fights - manually or with the help of grabs? In principle, it is possible, and so. But throwing time and do short records on a piece of paper quite simple. Therefore, if you do not have an application at hand, the attacks or any device with a program installed on it is not a misfortune.

When you define how much time interval lasts between the fights, you can safely call the ambulance. Of course, if it is 1 time per hour - you are unlikely to come to you, only if you do not comply with acute pain or selection. And at the very beginning, the intervals between the fights can really be quite long, you need to wait a bit, try to calm down and collect things in the maternity hospital, if necessary, do not forget about the documents - polis, passport, a generic certificate.

What period between the fights is preferable to go to the maternity hospital, we have already written earlier. It is about 7-10 minutes. That is, between spasms there must be such intervals when there are no pain. If the gaps between the contractions are longer, but you feel bad, or the child is too taught, there are no movements for a long time - the ambulance should also be called. Well, the doctors are already on the spot with the help of the KTG apparatus and watching the guinea will be able to understand whether the generic activity began, and how efficiently the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed. If there is no testimony to hospitalize - no one will delay you in the maternity hospital.

How often did you have to meet women who have a difference between the age between her children or too great or, on the contrary, too small? The causes of each of their own. In the first case, this may be due to the career growth, health status, financial problems, etc. The birth of the weather, basically, happens with a directed desire to educate children close by age, or in the case of pregnancy, women, but not the ability to make an abortion. If you do not take into account the reasons, what is the perfect gap between women's birth?
If the family already has the first child, then the birth of the subsequent is not always considered to be associated with the state of female health. This is not the right approach, because on how much the woman feels well, how much its body is willing to make a child, not only her health depends, but also the health of the future kid. It is believed that the birth of a child is able to change it for the better, and it will look younger than his years, and the perfect gap between childbirth, if there exists, it is not particularly important for a woman who has everything in order with health.

The offensive of pregnancy and childbirth is a natural process for a woman. But, despite the physiology, in the body of a woman, at this time, cardinal changes occur. All that is associated with pregnancy and childbirth affects the restructuring of all organs - from the nervous and endocrine system, to the musculoskeletal system. Entering a new life and ensuring it all the necessary favorable conditions, changes the work of all metabolic processes. They begin to function in a new way, immediately after the fertilization of the egg occurred. As the embryo develops, additional changes occur in the body of a woman. Being in the womb, a small little man gets all the necessary nutrients and oxygen through it, and its livelihoods displays, due to its excretory system.
During all nine months of pregnancy, the female organism is experiencing a huge burden, which often can not be affected by health. To this it is necessary to add blood loss and nerve stress related, directly, with childbirth. Not a rare case of the emergence of postpartum depression, which does not produce in the best way to restore after the generic process.

All this is not comparable to what joy is the woman experiences, when his baby appears on the light; Watching how he smiled first, said the first word or did the first steps. And yet, despite the fact that the female organism is intended for nature itself, to carry offspring, he needs a rest and time to restore. This means, when planning the second and subsequent children, you need to take into account that the perfect period of time between the birth of a woman who will be most favorable and will minimize unwanted consequences.

Full recovery after childbirth naturally
For all nine months, changes occurred in the female body, and therefore, to restore natural functions, he also need time. The World Health Organization (WHO) concluded on the basis of studies. According to her, on the complete restoration of the female organism, from the moment of the occurrence of childbirth, it is necessary at least 2.5-3 years old - this is the so-called, the perfect period of time between women's birth. Of course, a woman can get pregnant before, because the reproductive function is restored after 4-6 weeks after childbirth. Only in this case, the double load is on the body, which cannot but affect health. Do not forget that the body should produce in a sufficient amount of breast milk for the already born baby, and this is another factor of a serious load.
For the time of time, which separates one childbirth from others, the female organism must fully recover and gain strength. Only in this case, the woman's health will be minimal harm, and the future pregnancy will not be threatened, which can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, anemia, the birth of children with low weight, slowing down the growth of the fetus and possible other pathologies.

Full recovery after childbirth caesarean section
This operation is quite common, but not always harmless, as many people usually consider. Any surgical intervention (and the cesarean cross section applies to them), requires additional forces for recovery, as the uterus needs long healing. When planning the next pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the state of formation of the scar in the uterus. It is necessary at least 2-2.5 years on its complete recovery after the cesarean sections. During this period, consisting of connecting tissue scar must be substituted with muscle fibers. As practice shows, it is better if after such an operation, the recovery time will double. Healing does not always pass without complications, and therefore the planning of the next pregnancy is only necessary after a thorough and serious survey and consultation with a specialist.
The perfect gap between the birth of a woman is known, but it does not always follow the rules, and therefore, whenever the pregnancy came, let it be long-awaited and will end well by the birth of a healthy baby.