High-quality face cleansing. What is the most effective facial cleansing? Superficial face peeling

Of course, when you come to a beauty salon, you first need to consult with a beautician, and only then choose a procedure. However, there are several types of skin and types of problems with it, for which you yourself are able to choose the type of cleaning (for example, ultrasonic facial cleansing or laser face cleansing), guided by our guide!

cosmetologist, leading specialist of the clinic "Lantan"

Normal skin - ultrasonic cleaning

Normal skin is characterized by elasticity, a good level of moisture and blood supply, sebum is also produced normally, the pores are practically invisible, and there are no blackheads. Is someone so lucky? If this is about you, then keep in mind that even perfect skin requires care.

For problem-free skin, the best option would be deep cleaning with ultrasound, for example, on the Skin Master device. Ultrasound allows you to carry out peels of varying degrees of depth, moisturize the skin in deep layers and stimulate blood circulation. Another option worth trying is vacuum facial cleansing.


Also, to maintain the effect, it would be nice to carry out the fibrostrike procedure once every three months. The technique combines cleansing, smoothing the texture of the skin, as well as a rejuvenating effect, since one of the active stages of the procedure is nourishing the skin with a special preparation, which is a balanced complex of amino acids, trace elements, vitamin C and biotin.

Oily skin - biorevitalization

If you have oily skin prone to shine, but there are no problems such as acne and blackheads, then try several biorevitalization procedures. The very name of this method means "natural revitalization". The skin is saturated with hyaluronic acid and is well hydrated. This treatment is best suited for cleansing oily skin.

Acne, blackheads and enlarged pores - some types of exfoliation and fibrostrike

Enlarged pores, blackheads, frequent pimples (acne) and oily sheen are all common signs of oily skin. Unlike other skin types, it is often prone to inflammation due to the active secretion of sebum.

Also, to normalize the skin condition, it is possible to carry out hardware techniques: ultrasonic face cleansing (Skin Master), which also helps to cope with blackheads, aquadermogenesis, fibrostrike, OxyLift. For people with problem skin, it is also recommended to carry out such types of peels as AHA peeling, glycolic peeling, TCA peeling, alkaline peeling.

If you have very problem skin, then before going to the procedure, you need to extinguish the foci of inflammation. Home care products should have anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effects, and should be prescribed by a cosmetologist. Facial cleansing is not recommended at home.

Dry skin - laser biorevitalization

Dry skin is quite common and requires special care. Since dryness arises from insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and evaporation of moisture from the surface, it becomes thinner, subsequently loses its elasticity and flakes. Therefore, you should select techniques with low tissue trauma and aimed at moisturizing them. For example, mechanical cleaning of the face will not work here.

With this type, it is important not only to cleanse the skin, but also to replenish moisture. In this case, signs of aging appear very early. In addition to the necessary daily care, professional procedures are mandatory - for example, a combination of the Skin Master procedure and laser biorevitalization.

Combination skin - aquadermagenesis

Combination or combination skin is expressed in dryness in some areas and increased oily content in others. Usually, overactive sebaceous glands are observed in the T-zone, and the cheeks and skin around the eyes remain normal or dry. That is why, when caring for this type of skin, you should use products designed specifically for combination skin.

In professional care, it is better to use gentle methods of cleansing the skin - ultrasonic cleaning, aquadermagenesis. The aquadermagenesis procedure allows not only to cleanse the skin, but also to reduce sebum secretion thanks to the Oil-Control program. And such a cosmetic procedure as facial cleansing will help to achieve perfect and even skin.

It's no secret that the skin is daily exposed to various factors that contribute to its pollution. In addition to the natural processes produced by the body, the influence of the environment is of considerable importance. Dust and dirt mix with the oil and clog pores. As a result, acne, blackheads and other skin problems appear.

Facial cleansing is the first step towards healthy and beautiful skin. There are channels in the epidermis, the main function of which is to moisturize the skin and produce sebum. The channels themselves have an outlet - pores. At home, it is not possible to carry out a sufficiently deep cleansing, so every few months it is worth doing a professional facial cleansing by a beautician.

Cleansing is a complex of various procedures for cleansing the skin using manual or hardware techniques.

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Held in the salon the procedure allows:

  • Unclog pores, removing rashes and irritations;
  • Rid the epidermis of toxins and toxins;
  • Exfoliate the dead layer;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Normalize respiratory, thermoregulatory and protective functions;
  • Restore the usual metabolism;
  • Return firmness, elasticity and smoothness;
  • Refresh complexion.

After professional cleaning, the epidermis is saturated with oxygen, there is a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, which makes women return to the salon for procedures.

There is an opinion that it is contraindicated for young people under 25 to visit cosmetic centers, since the procedures performed will only harm the epidermis. However, this is a fundamentally erroneous opinion. It is possible and even necessary to visit a beautician from adolescence.

A specialist will correctly determine the type of skin, advise which procedure is most suitable and how often you should visit the salon, based on each individual case. He will also prescribe the care products that are preferable to use for your skin.

Indications and contraindications

It is worth visiting a beautician in a beauty salon if you have the following testimony:

  • Comedones;
  • Acne and blackheads;
  • Increased or decreased greasiness;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Deterioration of skin turgor;
  • Decreased tone;
  • Uneven complexion
  • Fading epidermis.

Despite the visible effect after cosmetic procedures, professional cleaning has a number of contraindications:

  • Skin disease with pus;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Eczema;
  • Severe stage of hypertension;
  • Herpes;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Epilepsy and severe forms of mental illness.

Pregnant women are also prohibited from cleaning their face, except for mechanical and ABR cleaning.

A cosmetologist is a specialist in his field. However, before visiting a cosmetic center, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, who will identify problems and their causes, and then, if necessary, refer you to a beautician.

Preparing for the procedure

Before the session, the specialist always prepares the skin for the upcoming procedure. Thus, the effect occurs much faster.

The pores need to be opened. For this, the professional usually uses a steam bath or warming creams. Also, paraffin masks and heat compresses are used, as another option for preparing the face for the selected procedure.

However, ultrasonic cleaning does not require opening the pores, therefore, the epidermis is not prepared for the procedure, but immediately go directly to the session.

Types of facial cleansing by a beautician

Based on the type of epidermis and its condition, the cosmetologist prescribes a certain type of cleaning. Each method can be carried out only in a specially equipped beauty salon.

Facial cleansing is carried out in the following ways:

  • Mechanical;
  • Chemical;
  • Vacuum;
  • Laser;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electroplated.

The methods differ from each other not only in the method used, but also in the pain threshold and cost.


Mechanical face cleansing is the most popular and demanded method. The procedure has two more names: manual and manual. The principle of this method is that the beautician manually cleanses the skin from dirt. From the outside, it may seem that this is an ordinary squeezing of acne, which everyone can independently cope with at home. However, it is not.

Mechanical face cleansing has a number of technical nuances:

  • Cleaning is carried out from the side, so the flaws are better visible to the master;
  • The client's face is under bright light and a magnifying glass;
  • The beautician first applies a special mask, compresses or steam to expand the pores;
  • After opening the pores, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, the doctor himself in disinfected gloves;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, the specialist disinfects the epidermis again and applies a cream with a soothing, anti-inflammatory and pore-reducing effect.

Sometimes, to quickly achieve results and prevent inflammatory processes, they use tphysiotherapy procedures such as darsonval.

This method of cleansing the face is called mechanical, because in some cases the beautician uses a small cosmetic spoon to remove pus if it sits deep in the pores.

Do not be alarmed if redness and peeling appear after the procedure, this is a natural reaction that will go away in a couple of days. Also at this time it is better not to use decorative cosmetics, you should protect the skin from exposure to sunlight and forget about such strong cleansers as a scrub.

Such a painstaking procedure is ideal for problematic and oily epidermis. In some difficult cases, it is the only way out. The procedure itself, although painful, is harmless and effective by the hands of a specialist. Mechanical cleaning is prescribed for adolescents from 16 years old and pregnant women.


Dry cleaning is a worthy alternative to the manual method. It is less painful and more effective. This procedure can not only remove acne and comedones, but also relieve the face of scars and even out the skin relief.

A profound effect on the epidermis occurs due to the applied acids:

  • Fruit;
  • Retinolova;
  • Salicylic.

Chemical cleaning is a kind of peeling that causes a slight burn. The face is covered with a thin brown crust, which will disappear after four days. However, this is necessary because in this way getting rid of keratinized cells of the epidermis and alignment of the relief.

After the chemical method of cleansing your face, try to go outside as little as possible. Be sure to apply a cream with an SPF of at least 30 and whitening serums.

You need to prepare for this cleaning a month in advance, using daily cosmetic products with fruit acids. This will contribute to an even distribution of drugs during the session, because of which the effect will come faster and significantly improve the condition of the skin.


Vacuum cleaning is the most non-traumatic and painless cosmetic procedure for the face, in comparison with the rest. Cosmetologists, as a rule, prescribe this method to owners of oily skin types.

Vacuum cleaning promotes:

  • Removing blackheads and dirt;
  • Improving blood circulation;
  • Increasing cellular metabolism;
  • Alignment of skin relief;
  • Getting rid of stagnant elements (capillary networks, acne marks).

The procedure also allows you to clean hard-to-reach areas - the wings of the nose and chin. Vacuum cleaning is carried out with a special nozzle, which draws out the contents of pores and sebaceous plugs under negative air pressure.


Laser beams penetrate deeply into the epidermis, thereby unclogging pores and normalizing collagen and elastin synthesis. The skin of the face receives proper nutrition and blood supply.

The laser method acts like a peeling. After the procedure, the skin takes on a fresh and healthy shade, as age spots disappear, pores narrow and metabolic processes normalize.

One of the advantages of this method is that a device with a laser is used a few centimeters from the client's skin, which eliminates the slightest likelihood of infection.

Laser cleaning is suitable for problematic, oily and porous skin. The surface of the face becomes smooth due to the alignment of the relief, smoothing of wrinkles and scars.


Ultrasonic waves, acting on the skin, push out slags, sebaceous plugs and other types of pollution from it. This type of cleaning has many advantages:

  • Deep and high-quality cleansing;
  • Does not require preliminary preparation of the skin;
  • Vibration massage at the cellular level;
  • The epidermis is not injured at all;
  • The procedure is silent;
  • There is no recovery period.

Immediately before the start of the procedure, the face is treated with gel, after which the beautician begins cleaning with the help of a wave generator, which looks like a small spatula. The ultrasound method is indicated for those with dry and sensitive epidermis.


Galvanic cleaning also has a second name - desincrustation. The procedure is carried out under the influence of a weak DC voltage. However, the method is a salvation for problem skin with oily seborrhea, acne and other inflammations.

The device uses two electrodes: positive and negative. Together with a special remedy, the charges have the very therapeutic effect that clients expect.

Galvanic facial cleansing by a beautician is done in four steps:

  • Step 1... The beautician, including the negative charge, softens the oil and opens the pores. As a result, the content easily spills out;
  • Step 2. Excessive discharge is saponified with a special cosmetic product, the composition of which enters into chemical reactions. This allows you to disinfect the epidermis, remove the remnants of pollution and exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • Step 3. The specialist, using cleaning agents (wipes, tonic), washes off the saponification products;
  • Step 4... The positive charge closes the pores and restores the acid-base balance.

As a result of disinfection, the skin acquires a healthy tone, blood circulation and metabolic processes are restored. Also, the current has a certain lifting effect, due to which the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Stages of procedures

Of course, each procedure has its own nuances and they are appointed by a specialist during a detailed examination of the skin. Regardless of the type of epidermis and the prescribed procedure, there is a certain sequence of actions.

Stages of facial cleansing by a beautician:

  • Stage 1. The specialist conducts professional make-up remover. It is, alas, impossible to get rid of the cosmetics correctly before the procedure on your own, since for a deep impact, special reinforced cosmetics are required;
  • Stage 2. Next is the usual skin cleansing: washing with milk / foam / gel and toning;
  • Stage 3. Cosmetologist prepares the skin for the upcoming procedure, opening the pores with a chemical disinfectant. Simple steaming harms the vessels, so professionals use a modern remedy;
  • Stage 4. Carrying out the assigned method facial cleansing;
  • Stage 5. Upon completion of the procedure, the beautician applies mask on a person irritated by external influences. The mask soothes the skin, heals small wounds that have appeared and closes the pores;
  • Stage 6. After the mask, the skin is covered with a thin layer cream for face and eye area with SPF filters.

After competently performing all the stages, the skin acquires a healthy appearance and begins to "breathe".

Recovery after procedures

Any type of cleaning is effective and aimed at improving the epidermis. The duration of the course is prescribed by the cosmetologist himself, but after the first visit, the clients feel much better.

However, such deep cleansing often leads to redness and shallow "Side effects", excluding the ultrasound method. The recovery period is short, from three to five days, but it is worth being careful at this time.

First, let's find out what exactly can happen with the skin after the procedure and how with this figure out:

  • The face will surely turn red, as it has been exposed to aggressive influences for it. Redness passes on their own even in the salon, and sometimes later, depending on the sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • For signs of flaking, use moisturizing and nourishing creams and masks, also use aloe vera gel;
  • Burns sometimes occur, especially after a chemical procedure. In this case, aloe gel and an ointment with vitamin B, for example, Panthenol, will help;
  • Lubricate wounds and irritated areas with iodine. Also apply a clay mask based on mineral water;
  • Sometimes acne occurs, from which the procedures are designed to rid the skin. If this happens, then use antiseptic agents;
  • In extremely rare cases, red spots, bruises and bruises appear on the face. In such cases, it is worth contacting a specialist to change the care products.

The skin after a cosmetic session is vulnerable, therefore, as never before, special, gentle care is needed for it. In order to reduce the likelihood of the above side effects, do not forget about some rules:

  • If possible, try not to go outside, as the skin is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and sunlight;
  • Cancel going to the beach, pool, solarium, sauna or steam bath. Contact with water and UV rays will adversely affect the condition of the epidermis - they can cause irritation or provoke the appearance of age spots;
  • Keep the use of makeup to a minimum. In the first four days, you cannot paint at all. Do not use cosmetics with a thick, heavy texture, like powder or foundation;
  • The youthfulness and freshness of the skin is due to the presence of moisture in it. Therefore, during the recovery period, it is worth giving up any alcohol, which retains water in the tissues and increases blood supply;
  • Do not touch your face with your hands, even if they are clean. There is a good chance of getting an infection;
  • Do not use scrubs for seven days. Even the mildest scrub can injure delicate skin.

Whether you are going to be cleaned by a beautician or not, remember that washing with hot tap water is extremely harmful. Hot water dries and clogs the epidermis, you can easily get a slight burn or irritation. Running water, on the other hand, is full of chemicals that disinfect it, but are a powerful pest for the face. It is best to use boiled water at room temperature for washing.

Follow the aforementioned tips and your recovery period will be smoother and faster.

Pros and cons of facial cleansing with a beautician

Like many other beauty treatments, professional face cleansing has its pros and cons. First, let's identify positive sides facial cleansing by a beautician:

  • Efficiency. The procedure in the salon is able to relieve any type of skin from problematic rashes and irritation. The devices cope with defects of different depths;
  • Healthy complexion, normalized metabolic processes, increased tone;
  • Convenient scheduling of sessions. Depending on the age of the client and her skin type, the procedures are prescribed for a different period of time. Someone will need one visit per month, someone will need one visit per six months;
  • Low pain threshold. Of course, almost every procedure is tangible and uncomfortable. However, thanks to modern technology, the pain is weak or completely invisible;
  • Price. If we take into account the devices used, the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the effectiveness of cleaning, then the price category is acceptable. Cleaning prices are higher only in the most popular salons from well-known specialists;
  • The speed of the procedure. Basically, the procedure takes 30-40 minutes, with the exception of the mechanical one.

Now let's move on to disadvantages salon cleaning:

  • The recovery period. The skin is irritated for several days and requires special care;
  • Possible occurrence of allergic reactions and wounds;
  • Acne. In this case, it is worth thinking about the reason for the infection - it can be dirty particles in the air, or it can be the carelessness of the cosmetologist. There is a particular risk with the manual method.

Despite the existing side effects, cleansing by a beautician is necessary if you want your skin to be smooth and breathable. Professional deep cleaning makes your face look much prettier and younger.

Cleansing the aura, karma, thoughts from time to time is good for health, for the beauty of the inhabitants of the metropolis, facial cleansing is prescribed. There are many methods for performing this magical ritual today. There are time-tested mechanical, ultrasonic and even gas-liquid methods.

How to cleanse the skin of the face, the expert tells the site Ekaterina Medvedeva - dermatocosmetologist, doctor of the Otari Gogiberidze clinic "Time of Beauty".

Why do you need to do facial cleansing

Acne - or, as cosmetologists call them, comedones - settle on the skin of more than 80% of the inhabitants of the metropolis. And the way of life of the townspeople is actually to blame for their appearance.

Our sebaceous glands constantly secrete a special oily substance called protect the skin from drying out and the harmful effects of the environment. Appearing on the surface of the skin, it mixes with keratinized scales. In a normal cell renewal cycle, the skin is self-purifying.

But under the influence of stress, hormonal disruptions, lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition, diseases of internal organs, the production of sebum increases, but the cycle of cell renewal, on the contrary, slows down. As a result, dirt from the surface of the skin is removed less often, the sebaceous glands become clogged, stop functioning normally, increase in size, and black dots that are familiar to us all appear on the surface.

Since comedones are deep inside, no creams, scrubs, masks will help you get them. To make life easier for our skin, to give it smoothness and aesthetic appeal, only professional facial cleansing by a beautician will help.

Many, under the influence of gossip and advice from friends, developed a negative attitude towards this process. Thoughts about unpleasant consequences are frightening and make you walk past the beautician's office. Whatever was blamed for the cleaning procedure - rosacea, dermatitis, the formation of smallpox.

In fact, all this is speculation: cleansing the face is not such a pleasant, but still a necessary ritual, which bears its positive results, and, if performed correctly, does not harm the skin. The mere fact that cleaning is prescribed from adolescence (just at the time when the sebaceous glands begin to work actively), speaks of the safety and complete sterility of this process.

It remains only to figure out the options for cleaning procedures and choose the one that is right for you.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Before ultrasonic cleaning, a ritual is performed to prepare the face for the procedure. Disincrustants are applied to the skin, such as lotions or gels with fruit acids which loosen the skin and comedones.

The cleaning itself is performed using a device with a spatula-attachment through which an ultrasonic acoustic wave is applied to the skin. At this moment, vibration massage is carried out at the cellular level.

Pros: such a procedure helps to cleanse the skin from keratinized scales, stimulates blood flow, oxygen flow to the skin and metabolism in cells, improves the tone of the epidermis.

Minuses: the power of the acoustic wave that is applied to the skin is not enough to raise comedones to the surface, they remain inside. Ultrasonic cleaning will only allow you to soft peeling faces.

Vacuum cleaning

This type of hardware cleaning is carried out using a special nozzle that blows air under negative pressure.

Pros: vacuum cleaning improves blood circulation, helps to dissolve stagnant elements (capillary networks, post-acne traces) faster, and stimulates cellular metabolism.

Minuses: cleaning is quite superficial, sometimes dead skin particles are not even removed completely, traces may remain on the surface of the epidermis.

Gas-liquid peeling

An innovative invention of Israeli scientists - gas-liquid peeling, which promises not only to completely cleanse the face from acne, but also rejuvenate the skin, even out skin relief. The procedure is based on non-contact skin treatment using water with a medicinal solution and medical gases (oxygen and CO2), which are supplied to the epidermis surface under a pressure of 8 atmospheres using a special nozzle.

Pros: high pressure helps to wash out dead cells from the skin surface, polish scars, acne scars. This procedure can be compared to lymphatic drainage massage, which stimulates cellular metabolism. Helps to firm up the skin. This procedure feels like cryomassage.

Minuses: unpleasant sensations arise during the procedure due to the powerful flow of water and air. The pressure of the nozzle is not enough to remove comedones from the deep layers, so the device is not able to solve this problem.

Mechanical face cleansing

No matter what they say, this time-tested procedure is perhaps one of the few that really relieves acne.

Facial cleansing: all types, myths and facts

Before the ritual of mechanical cleaning, the cosmetologist conducts many preparatory procedures in order to avoid the negative consequences that we talked about at the beginning. Thorough preparation also allows you to relieve the epidermis of severe inflammation and to help the skin regenerate faster after an aggressive attack.

To begin with, the cosmetologist does two peels: enzymatic and chemical, which help to loosen the epidermis, remove dead skin particles.

Then the skin is exposed to a thermal mask with camphor and isopropyl alcohol. This composition softens comedones in the deep layers of the skin, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Then comes the sacred moment of cleansing: the beautician directs a stream of light to the face, looks at the skin through a magnifying glass and squeezes out comedones, being in sterile gloves. If the comedone has matured and turned out to be closed, the doctor pushes the cap and takes it out with a disposable needle from the syringe.

The cosmetologist squeezes out only those of them that are amenable to mechanical stress. Due to the fact that some comedones may not mature by the time of cleaning, you will have to go through not one, but 3-4 procedures every two weeks.

After cleansing, the beautician either wipes the face with lotion, or can use a gas-liquid peeling.

To close the pores and soothe the skin, a pore tightening is applied. mask, which is applied for 15 minutes.

If you have health problems, hormonal disruptions, then you will need a cleaning procedure all the time. As a rule, after the first visits, the frequency of procedures is reduced to once a month.

Pros: the skin is well cleansed of comedones, gets rid of dead cells.

Minuses: the procedure is long and quite painful, after which inflammation may occur on the skin, which will disappear in a few days. Also, the surface of the epidermis can peel off, but these troubles can be easily dealt with if you use products with fruit acids and a good moisturizer with enzymes.

Chemical peeling

Hearing this phrase, many will surely remember Samantha - the heroine of the TV series "Sex and the City", who after the chemical peeling procedure began to look like "poorly fried steak." However, the result is not as dire as shown in the film. Chemical peels are a good alternative to mechanical cleaning. This is not such a painful procedure, but it also has its own nuances.

Chemical peeling is a controlled chemical burn of the skin, which is performed with the aim of smoothing the upper layer of the epidermis, getting rid of dead cells and comedones. During the procedure, fruit, retinolic or salicylic acids are used. They remove the superficial stratum corneum, equalize the thickness of the epidermis.

Facial cleansing: all types, myths and facts

In order for the preparations to penetrate evenly, it is necessary to use cosmetics with fruit acids in home care a month before the procedure.

The same products will need to be used in the post-peeling period for skin rehabilitation. Fruit acids moisturize and promote active skin regeneration.

Pros: such a procedure helps to get rid of not only comedones, but also to even out the relief of the skin, to make scars less visible. Fruit acids have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the dermis, which are responsible for the elasticity of our skin.

Minuses: immediately after the procedure, a layer of brown crust forms on the patient's skin, so for 3-4 days after chemical peeling, you will have to take sick leave. There is a great risk in the post-peeling period hyperpigmentation, especially in representatives of 3-4 phototypes. Therefore, before going outside, for a month, you need to use a cream with an SPF of at least 30, as well as products with enzymes that will block the production of pigment - these are whitening creams, serum, suspending the active production of melanin in the skin.

Cleaning at home

Cleaning your face at home is a rather dangerous activity, because you yourself can cause damage to your face in the form of scars, smallpox, rosacea. If the idea of ​​squeezing out a comedone suddenly appeared by accident, observe the safety rules in the process:

1. Use fruit acid products regularly. They help to level the surface of the epidermis, get rid of keratinized skin scales, have a softening effect on the skin and comedones.

2. Never squeeze out comedones and pimples without going through the preparatory procedures. The fact is that if you start squeezing the comedone with dirty hands on dry, not steamed or softened skin, you can get an infection. In such a situation, even a ripe comedone, most likely, will not succumb to your efforts. According to the law of the genre, you will begin to exert strong pressure on it, at this second the bulk of the sebaceous plug will shoot not at the surface of the skin, but deep into the epidermis. As it spreads and causes infection, it will create additional inflammation, and a smallpox-like scar will form over the comedone you were trying to squeeze out.

3. Get trained.

  • Before the procedure, steam your face (just take a shower), use the gel for washing to cleanse the skin of surface dirt and make-up.
  • Use a fruit acid scrub or a purifying skin softening mask to remove dead skin from deep layers.
  • Wipe your face with salicylic alcohol - in this case, the use of this tool is permissible. Salicylic acids have a disinfecting antiseptic effect, soften the skin well.
  • Then put on gloves, treat them also with salicylic solution. Begin the process of "execution". In case you are unable to squeeze out the comedone, do not try again. This means that he is not yet mature enough, and the purulent head is not an indicator of his readiness for birth.

Experts say in unison: regular professional facial cleansing in the salon is shown to all residents of the metropolis. City dust, toxins, makeup residues, mixing with skin secretions, gradually clog pores, leading to an earthy complexion and premature aging. So even if the notorious problems of blackheads, microinflammation or acne have bypassed you, you need to visit a beautician for a "cleansing ritual" at least once every 2-3 months. But first you need to choose a facial cleansing technique in the salon.

Mechanical face cleansing

A proven method of getting rid of blackheads over the years and by millions of women. The master first prepares the skin with a special pore-opening lotion. Many offer a steam bath in the old fashioned way. Then the pores are cleaned with hands or a special spoon, after which they make a soothing or anti-inflammatory mask. The method, no doubt, is effective, but the disadvantages of this technique are also obvious: the process is long and unpleasant (sometimes even painful). In addition, after such a facial cleansing in the salon, redness and swelling may be noticeable on the skin for up to 2-3 days. Owners of sensitive skin do look like they were bitten by a swarm of bees. Therefore, mechanical cleaning is best done on the eve of the weekend to allow the skin to recover. It is not recommended to do makeup after cleansing, so that the foundation does not clog the pores that have opened and does not reduce all efforts to zero.

Ultrasonic face cleansing

In this case, the beautician acts on problem areas using high frequency sound waves. Ultrasound is not audible to the human ear, but with a bang it knocks out dust, sebaceous plugs, small residues of cosmetics from the pores, and also removes dead cells from the surface. The accompanying micromassage improves metabolism. If necessary, a specialist can clean problem areas on the wings of the nose, chin or forehead with his hands. The process ends again with a mask. Unlike mechanical cleaning of the face in the salon, the ultrasonic method is completely painless and not so traumatic. Usually, after manipulation, no traces, no tubercles, or redness remain. The procedure can be done on the eve of an important event, as well as combined with other cosmetic techniques. Perhaps, today it is the simplest, most reliable and affordable method, presented in most salons and clinics. True, in terms of effectiveness and depth of influence, it is still inferior to others. It may be enough for owners of normal skin, but with problematic and oily skin, it is better to choose other methods.

Vacuum face cleansing

A unit with a small tube is used here, the principle of which can be compared to a vacuum cleaner. The cosmetologist removes sebaceous plugs with them even in hard-to-reach places. The advantages of the technique are low invasiveness and minimal risk of infection. And also - a lifting effect, saturation of cells with oxygen, increased skin tone. But due to the pronounced drainage effect of the apparatus, the technique is contraindicated for owners of fragile dry skin, as well as for those whose vessels are located close to the surface. Vacuum cleaning of the face in the salon and with numerous inflammations or acne during an exacerbation is not recommended.

Many people consider chemical peeling to be a rather aggressive procedure, but in vain! Modern preparations with enzymes, retinol, salicylic and fruit acids act quite sparingly. Of course, a lot depends on the qualifications of the specialist. It is necessary for the master to correctly select the product and its concentration, depending on the type of skin and problems. If everything is done correctly, it is possible to cope with acne, and smooth out wrinkles, and make the complexion radiant. But if a specialist is too smart with the concentration of the product, the consequences can be dire - up to a burn of the epidermis. However, this happens extremely rarely, and only if you contact an unverified master who works at home. Attention: after dry cleaning of the face in the salon, the vulnerability of the skin increases, therefore, before going outside, you must definitely use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

The Jet Peel procedure is not exactly facial cleansing in the usual sense. However, in addition to the first wrinkles and other signs of premature aging, it copes with acne and post-acne. The principle of operation of the unit is as follows: a gas mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide and a vitamin cocktail or saline solution is sprayed onto the skin under a pressure of 8 atmospheres at an almost supersonic speed. The high pressure helps to wash out dead cells from the skin surface, resurface scars, etc. By the way, Jet Peel can be applied on any part of the body to even out the texture of the skin and increase its elasticity. It is appropriate to carry out such a peeling before a trip to the sea: the tan lays down evenly and lasts longer. Other advantages of the technique are painlessness and the ability to immediately return to everyday activities. However, for a pronounced effect, you need to take a course of several sessions.

Getting rid of pigmentation, blackheads, acne and their marks. Redness can last up to two weeks. At this time, you need to actively use restorative agents, perform makeup with gentle makeup products, and completely abandon alcohol-containing lotions and tonics. They dry the skin. Laser manipulations can be done only in the "cloudy season", otherwise pigmentation cannot be avoided.

Cleansing the skin in salons is very popular, so it will not be superfluous to understand how facial cleansing is done by a beautician. There are 5 main types of procedures used in beauty parlors: ultrasonic, laser, chemical, mechanical, vacuum cleansing.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications for use. The use of cleansing that is not suitable for a particular skin type can cause serious complications: provoke allergies, peeling, and rashes.

Let's figure out what a facial cleansing by a beautician is, what are the pros and cons of it. Let's take a closer look at how different types of sessions are conducted, what kind of preparation they require, and what side effects they can lead to.

Professional face cleansing is a procedure that allows you to get rid of comedones, rashes and other minor imperfections. This is an effective method that solves many skin problems, significantly improving the appearance.

The advantages of cleaning in cosmetology include the following factors:

  1. Purification. Any type of cleaning allows you to cope with contamination of the skin: remove dirt, sebaceous plugs, bacteria from the pores.
  2. Improving complexion. Cleansing of dead cells, sebum and dirt gives the skin a pleasant, healthy glowing tone.
  3. Regulation of sebum secretion. Constant cleansing allows you to cope with increased production of sebum, get rid of greasy shine. Also, some types of procedures help fight excessive dryness and flaking.
  4. Getting rid of irregularities, improving tone. Due to the increased flow of blood, the metabolism in the cells is normalized, elasticity returns. Wrinkles, gouges, small scars disappear. The texture becomes soft, smooth.

Among the disadvantages of cleansing the skin in the cabin, the following are distinguished:

  1. No result. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the indications, the type of skin. If the type of procedure was chosen incorrectly, the client may not receive the necessary impact.
  2. Regularity of sessions. To maintain a good result, the procedure must be performed constantly, at least once a month. For many women, this seems costly: it takes a lot of time and money.
  3. Possible discomfort. Some types of cleansing are accompanied by pain, redness, and allergies. In addition, the skin will need a rehabilitation period.

By choosing the right type of cleansing for your face type and needs, the downsides of the procedure can be minimized.

If you ignore the contraindications and post-procedural recommendations, as well as contact the masters without medical education, cleansing the skin in the salon can cause many side effects.

Common negative reactions include the following:

  1. Redness. It appears due to injury by mechanical or chemical effects. After the session, at least 1-2 days should pass for the redness to subside. It is not dangerous, but it interferes with the daily life of the clients.
  2. Allergic reactions. It occurs when you are allergic to latex gloves or to cosmetics used during the session. You can prevent their appearance if you first check the reaction of the skin to drugs at the bend of the elbow.
  3. Peeling. With eczema, dermatitis, as well as with very dry skin, some types of cleaning are contraindicated. If you ignore these inhibitions, the session can cause severe flaking.
  4. Rash. The reason for their appearance is poor-quality antiseptic treatment both during the session and during subsequent care. The cleaned pores are very susceptible to external influences, therefore they quickly become clogged with dirt and bacteria.
  5. Injuries. Swelling, bruising, ruts or scars after the session occur due to severe damage to the skin. It may be caused by the lack of professionalism of the beautician who performed the procedure. Unfortunately, some types of consequences do not disappear over time, and are removed only with the help of auxiliary cosmetic procedures.

So that you do not have a negative opinion about facial cleansing, contact popular salons with positive reviews and make sure that the cosmetologist has a secondary special or higher medical education.

Home preparation for cleansing the skin is not required. The client does not need to steam or remove cosmetics on her own: the master will do it.

Preparation for cleansing the skin in the salon includes the following steps:

  1. Thorough disinfection of instruments. The specialist treats metal instruments for manual procedures, attachments for cosmetic devices and his own hands with an antiseptic solution, and then puts on gloves.
  2. Makeup removal, cleansing. The beautician applies a professional mask or lotion to dissolve the remnants of decorative cosmetics, sebum, impurities.
  3. Softening of the stratum corneum. The master enlarges the client's pores for easier and more effective cleansing. This is done using hot steam, water compresses, special masks and gels with a warming effect. Cold hydrogenation can also be used if the patient is suffering from rosacea.

In addition, in some salons, brushing, or brossage, may be used. This is the treatment of the skin with rotating brushes or sponges, similar to the devices used for home cleansing.

The method of performing the procedure depends on the chosen cleaning method. There are five types of cleaning in total: vacuum, mechanical, chemical, laser and ultrasonic. They differ in indications, contraindications, stages of the session.


Facial cleansing with a vacuum includes the following steps:

  1. De-incrustation. The beautician performs the treatment with a device that produces a low-frequency current. This improves the opening of pores, simplifies the removal of sebaceous plugs.
  2. Vacuum treatment. The specialist uses a special apparatus with several attachments, selected for the type of skin and the required effect. They draw in impurities, get rid of irregularities, wrinkles.
  3. Peeling. After pulling out the main impurities, the master removes dead cells of the epidermis. For this, a chemical peel is used, matched to the type of skin.
  4. Recovery. After the end of the session, a greasy mask is applied with a nourishing, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect.

After rinsing off the mask, the master can apply powder or cream that narrows the pores, as well as restores the skin after hardware exposure.


Manual skin cleansing with tools is performed as follows:

  1. The face is treated with hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol-free lotion suitable for the type of skin.
  2. Closed comedones are carefully punctured with a Vidal needle.
  3. The Uno spoon or Vidal's loop is applied to the skin in such a way that the round hole in the instrument is over the comedone.
  4. The beautician firmly presses on the instrument, squeezing out the sebum plug. Depending on the type of comedone, the plug can be thick or runny.
  5. The cleansed area is treated with an antiseptic composition: chlorhexidine, miramistin, alcohol or lotion with a disinfecting effect. The tool is also processed.

After removing the sebaceous plugs, a mask is applied to the patient's face with a soothing, pore-reducing, anti-inflammatory effect.


A chemical cleansing session includes several stages:

  1. Light peeling. The specialist applies a professional mask with a weak fruit acid. It dissolves grease and dirt, softens the stratum corneum.
  2. Repeated peeling. The master applies a concentrated solution of fruit acid. This allows you to warm up the face, remove sebaceous plugs, exfoliate some of the dead cells.
  3. Enzyme peeling. The composition with whey protein effectively removes impurities from deep layers, dissolves sebaceous plugs, moisturizes and softens.
  4. Disinfection. The treated surface is wiped with a herbal lotion with a softening, regenerating and disinfecting effect.
  5. Recovery. The specialist applies a soothing mask, matched to the skin type. It fights inflammation, moisturizes, softens.

Also, an additional product in the form of a cream or powder can be applied to the face. It is designed to restore the skin, tighten pores, and protect against negative external influences.


Laser treatment is carried out in this way:

  1. The beautician puts on protective glasses on himself and on the patient, and then sets up the laser. Beam exposure is tested on a small sensitive area.
  2. The doctor drives the device over the skin for 20-30 minutes, removing impurities from the pores. During the session, the patient should feel painless heat exposure.
  3. After the completion of the treatment, the skin is treated with a soothing moisturizing mask. It should tighten pores, fight bacteria.

The laser cleansing procedure lasts for several months. With a low pain threshold, you can ask the beautician to use an anesthetic cream or ointment before the session.


The procedure using ultrasound is carried out as follows:

  1. A tonic or a gel with mineral water containing a peeling solution is applied to the skin. It is this drug that allows you to achieve an exfoliating effect.
  2. The selected area is processed using a special device that emits ultrasonic waves. The treatment is carried out with massage movements.
  3. The epidermis is covered with a nourishing, soothing mask that tightens pores, prevents inflammation and pollution.

How long this cleansing procedure is enough depends on the specific type of skin. Women with dry and normal skin only need 1 session per month, women with oily skin will need 2 or 3 procedures.

Taking care of your skin with professional cleansing is a great way to look fresh, well-groomed and youthful. A cleansing session allows you to cope with various skin imperfections: acne or comedones, irregularities, age-related changes, poor complexion.

If the type of procedure was chosen correctly, and the post-procedure recommendations and contraindications were taken into account, it will demonstrate only a positive effect.

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