How good is tongue kissing. Why is kissing with tongue called "French". How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

How to kiss with the tongue - this question sooner or later interests young guys and girls. Such interest is caused by the fact that many people, not knowing how to kiss a guy for the first time, are afraid to do something wrong and find themselves in an awkward situation. It is worth noting that there are no universal rules and instructions, because adults do not think about the process itself, despite the fact that for them the first kiss was a very exciting and incredibly important moment in life. Let's first watch a video on how to.

Kissing with the tongue correctly

The first kiss with the tongue is a manifestation of your feelings, an opportunity to get closer to your partner and get to know him better, while it is important to remember that both the setting and the atmosphere should be appropriate. Psychologists note that a guy or a girl can determine by one kiss to develop further relationships or not, which is why it is so important to be able to kiss correctly and well. Despite the apparent simplicity, there are several techniques for how to kiss with the tongue, in addition to the classic French kiss.

French Kissing Technique

The first thing to start with is the right environment and attitude. Physical contact is also an important factor, before kissing, you can hug your partner, run your hand over your cheek or through your hair. Then go directly to the practical part, gently kiss him on the lips, do it slowly and carefully, as an option, you can run your tongue over his lips several times to prepare him.

If you had to kiss with the tongue for the first time, then you don’t need to do everything quickly in a hurry, you need to perform all actions as gently and slowly as possible so that this kiss is remembered for a long time and becomes a real discovery. After the preliminary steps, you can safely enter the tongue into the partner's parted mouth, but not for long and not too deep, the ideal option is to touch the tongue to the tip of the partner's tongue. After that, you can take a so-called break and kiss your partner several times without a tongue, then repeat all the above steps, but now it can be longer and more intense, do not be afraid to explore your partner’s mouth with your tongue, the main thing is that all movements for the first time be gentle and smooth . For those who doubt or worry about the correctness of their actions, it makes sense to find out and watch this video.

To make everything exciting and interesting, it is important to have the right attitude. Also, a special role is played by the romantic atmosphere, the absence of people, because a kiss, especially the first one, is quite an intimate and exciting moment in the life of every person. Try to feel as comfortable as possible, do not think about whether you are doing everything right or not, surrender to your feelings and be sincere in your desires. When both partners feel each other and are tuned to the same wave, then everything around them ceases to exist for them, and a kiss is one of the important components of any relationship, because it is an open and sincere manifestation of one's feelings. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings, experiment and give joy to your loved one, and more practice!

Mutual attraction between two people is expressed by the desire to kiss. And if everything has to happen for the first time? How to learn to kiss if you have never done it before? No panic! Nature took care of the attraction of the sexes at the level of instinct. So learning to kiss is just a matter of time. The first time the desire to learn how to kiss comes in the teenage period of falling in love. We have not yet understood what is happening, but unconsciously the program has started its course.

Before moving on to the next stage of a more intimate relationship, we want to kiss the person to make sure they're really the one. If the partners were pleased, then the rapprochement continues, if not, the relationship will most likely end there. Of course, there are techniques that suggest how to learn to kiss, but our internal receptors cannot be deceived. What signal they send to the brain department, the person will feel that reaction.

Do not despair. If you have already started a relationship, you have a mutual attraction, then a kiss will only prove it once again.

In contact with

Love and passion are not the same thing. These feelings sometimes do not occur simultaneously, but complement each other. Kisses in both cases differ in the strength of attraction and sympathy. You can learn to kiss passionately with the tongue, without the tongue, in French. Kissing is instinctive. If there are real feelings between partners, then nature will tell them how to learn to kiss, with or without tongue.

In addition to technology, kisses have a temperamental component:

  • caress;
  • excitation;

With a caressing kiss, the tongue is only slightly drawn over the lips. Exciting and passionate kisses - deep, with a full plexus of tongues. Passionate - characterized by intensity, greater frankness and the same touches of the hands.

A passionate kiss and a French kiss are completely different. In the latter, both tongues are involved, while the suction technique involves a tight touch of the lips, with alternate sucking of each lip without a tongue.

How to learn to kiss in French:

  • heads should be positioned so as not to collide with noses;
  • relax, close your eyes, just touch your lips;
  • penetrating into the mouth of a loved one, unobtrusively touch the tongue;
  • increase activity, stroke the mouth with the tongue in any direction.

Do not hold your breath, let it go along with the kiss. A suffocated partner is not a pleasant sight. In a French kiss, the speed and intensity of gripping and biting the lips changes. Partners alternately assume dominance.

You can kiss not only on the lips, sucked and with the tongue. A nice friendly kiss on the cheek will make your loved one smile again. An Eskimo Kiss (with noses) will set a playful tone during a date. Kissing the eyes is a sign of tenderness and love.

Kisses without feelings are more like exercises for the mouth. There is no pleasure, and disgust may appear. There are many other ways to show your maturity.

All the techniques that tell you how to learn to kiss will not help to impress if the partner does not openly show his feelings. In addition to the tongue, use your hands. Gentle touches, stroking, hugs bring lovers even closer.

If I'm a guy, how assertive should I be?

The first kiss is the most unforgettable experience. For teenagers, the question of how to learn to kiss for the first time is a very serious problem. Guys try to deal with this as early as possible, because they want to look experienced, feel like winners.

On the first date, the girl should have a desire to meet again. Do not be distracted from the process, otherwise the girl will decide that you are kissing her without much desire. And this fact will be perceived as indifference, which means that there may not be a second date. Having studied the technique and understood how to learn how to kiss for the first time, you should be more careful with a girl. There are several rules that you should never do when kissing:

  • biting and sucking lips to the point of pain;
  • before the meeting, eat garlic, onions, and other foods with a strong odor; it is unpleasant to kiss a person who has bad breath;
  • to force kissing, to impose their own ideas about kisses; only a complete understanding of the partner and his desires; too active actions, and even more so forcing them, can ruin relationships.

When kissing, the body itself will do most of the work if there is attraction between partners. It is not difficult to understand that it is time to act. The girl stops, looks into her eyes, then at her lips, her mouth slightly open.

If I'm a girl, can I kiss a guy first?

Do you want to learn how to kiss a guy? First time on a date? It is generally accepted that the guy should take the main step in a relationship. But sometimes young people simply don’t understand if a girl wants this, will she reciprocate? A situation is created where she tries to remain mysterious and inaccessible, and he is shy and does not know what to do. And how, then, to learn to kiss on the lips, if no one is going to start?

Sometimes a girl should be more open. Show the guy your feelings so that he is sure of her desire. Tactile contact, touching the hair, looking into the eyes will let the guy know that his partner is ready to kiss.

He will definitely kiss the girl. Well, if not (there are such insecure guys), then you need to go on the offensive. Only gently, gently and unobtrusively.

How to learn to kiss a guy who is afraid to make the first move? Just talk about it. Tell him how you want him to kiss you. Words can be anything, the main thing is to express your desire directly. You can kiss him goodbye when he walked home. One glance is enough for the guy to understand everything. This method is often shown in movies. If a friend is visibly nervous, then it is worth approaching him, touching his lips with his lips. Guys don't miss this gesture.

Learning to kiss is easier than it seems at first glance. We are born with the ability to do this. All that hinders us is our own fears and insecurities.

Some brave girls take matters into their own hands. They can easily passionately kiss the guy on the lips in a hickey with the tongue. By the way, many guys really like this surprise and remember it for a long time. However, you shouldn't do this all the time. This trick works amazingly only once.

For the shy, this is risky. Here you don’t know how to at least learn to kiss, not to kiss passionately, and even the first one. But if several dates have passed, and the beloved is still just holding his hand, you will have to act:

  1. Look at his lips, look into his eyes.
  2. Approach, slightly touching his lips.
  3. Engage language.

This method will definitely push even the most shy guy to action. Stop for a moment, look at him. Let him reach out to you and want to continue what he started.

The answer is practice. Just studying the theory, it is impossible to learn how to kiss cool. Take action! It's great if young people both have no experience, but trust each other. This is an ideal option for learning how to kiss quickly and efficiently.

  1. It is easier to start kissing with caressing lips, touching, stroking.
  2. Simultaneous breathing helps to relax even more.
  3. There are a large number of receptors on the tongue, even the lightest contact with the tongue is already pleasant. Here you need to surrender to feelings, they will tell you when to increase or decrease activity.

On the lips

How to learn to kiss on the lips? First: relax, switch to a partner. Secondly, use the classic option to start with: kissing without a tongue.

The first time it is advisable not to rush, actively wielding the tongue. From the outside it will look, at least, strange. Let the kiss be soft, but promising continuation.

Kissing is a unique part of the love game. Experienced seductresses know that a light fleeting kiss sometimes has a much stronger and more exciting effect on a partner. This is worth learning. Kissing for the first time with a guy with a tongue is too fast a jump at the beginning of a relationship. Decide for yourself, according to the situation.

With tongue

How to learn to kiss cool with tongue? Remember your partner. Do not try to swallow it or stick your tongue deeper. At home, during training, think not only about how to learn how to kiss a guy, with or without tongue, but about feelings for your loved one. Believe me, instinct itself will lead you where you need to go. When kissing, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Everything has already begun, so add improvisations. Let it be unforgettable! Caresses with the tongue should change, move from lips to tongue, exploring every millimeter of the mouth. Hand touches are essential. And then everything is simple:

  1. Touch your lips.
  2. Penetrate into the mouth of another gradually.
  3. With explicit agreement, penetrate deeper, allowing the tongues to embrace each other.
  4. Hugs can be strong, but caring, gentle.

This is the most common kissing technique. It is quite enough to learn how to kiss a guy for the first time.

Watch your personal hygiene. With cracks or herpes on the lips, it is better to postpone the kiss until complete recovery.


How to learn to kiss passionately? The scheme is the same as with the language. It's just that in one case the language is used, in the other it is not. Or rather, not always. combines both methods. It depends on how to learn. Kissing passionately is simple:

  1. Lip touch.
  2. Light sucking alternately on each lip of the partner.
  3. Transition to licking the inside of them.

Even a deep sucking kiss involves tongue penetration.

Strong biting, sucking - it hurts. Be careful. Better to be awkward than rude and nasty.

Without a partner

How to learn without a partner? If you are afraid to admit your inexperience, use the old grandfather ways. Check out all the techniques by kissing your own hand or picking up a peach. If you decide to learn how to kiss without a guy, then these methods will definitely work. There is nothing weird or funny about them. But on a date you will feel more confident.

How to learn to kiss without a partner on peaches, and why on them? The peach has a thin, delicate skin that feels like human skin. It remains to close your eyes and work out the above techniques one by one. The same goes for arm training. There are no other secrets in the "science of kissing".

Useful video

A video tutorial on the secret technique of proper kissing will help you learn how to kiss cool:


  1. One day we think about how to learn to kiss. The first steps are always difficult, but no one has yet parted from an inept kiss. Skill comes with practice.
  2. A girl may well discuss how to learn how to kiss properly with a guy. Young people do not require this skill from their partners at all. On the contrary, they themselves want to be experienced and look like that.
  3. How to learn to kiss - on the hand, apricot, peach, or immediately with a friend or girlfriend - you choose. The main thing is not to wind yourself up and not to worry. This can only spoil the date.

Nature has made sure that we receive mental and physical benefits in relationships. Scientists have proven that kissing improves mood, improves well-being, adds energy and prolongs youth.

First you need to figure out what kisses are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - "French";
  • kiss in a hickey.

Touching lips to the cheek of friends, relatives is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing with friends, relatives at a meeting and parting is considered the norm among the loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kissing between two people in love abounds in variety, form and feeling. You can kiss “in an adult way” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings" are gentle touches with a closed mouth of various parts: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words in the ear of your beloved.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given as a token of gratitude for the presented evening. Gentle touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes a harbinger of a stormy night of two lovers.

kiss in french- the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. It is done with the mouth open. Language contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, biting.

Usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, having decided to have sex with a lover, you must be able to kiss correctly. The process should not put a person in a stupor, while making them embarrassed. When kissing, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

Here are some tips to help you learn how to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions, garlic before a date, and do not drink alcohol and tobacco. It is especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman smelling of cigarettes.
  2. The lips, hands, hair of the girl must be in perfect and well-groomed condition. A girl should be like candy: smelling and beautiful, so that she wants to be eaten.
  3. Create a romantic atmosphere: subdued light, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Hygiene of the mouth and body. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage kissing even the most in love person. If you can't brush your teeth, you can use chewing gum, fresh breath spray, and eat an apple or chew on parsley.
  5. Do not freeze in one position. Stroking the hair, back, shoulders of a loved one will help to relax yourself and your partner during a kiss.
  6. Don't be shy: focus on the pleasure, not the technique itself.
  7. Don't be silent. A "wet" kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in the ear of your beloved.

To kiss correctly for the first time will help exercises with a tomato or peach. Imagining your partner's lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a lot of pleasure to yourself and your girlfriend.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. Learning how to do it right, you can deliver a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be noted right away that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not pounce on her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on the first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships were not durable.. Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl does not attack a guy on the first date and does not allow him anything extra.

Of course, this fact will cool a frivolous man, but on the contrary, an interested and serious man will arouse greater interest in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he still does not show signs of attention to her. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of his beloved. For example, if he is a footballer, go to a match with him and sincerely cheer for his team. Only this should be done naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of his favorite team.

If the guy is romantic - walks under the moonlight, talking about poetry and music should be her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not step over herself to please her beloved. If the guy is a skydiver, then jumping with him is not at all necessary, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels the sincerity of a woman and will definitely respond to her "efforts".

Sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, the girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow them.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. The girl should seem to give the young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You should not force things quickly, but being excessively shy is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the man should be given the initiative. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has come, and the guy still does not dare to kiss her after a week of dates, then in this case you can take the first step.

The correct way to kiss a guy is to:

  1. Look with an inviting look. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are really better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look the guy in the eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and kiss his lips.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then slightly open your mouth. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more daring actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. At the first kisses, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help to achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

A French kiss eliminates various manifestations of timidity and insecurity. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not start such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man must be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

With intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided.. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sports competition.

Also, excessive salivation should not be allowed. Too hot a kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Do you want something interesting?

To properly kiss with the tongue, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. A kiss from a guy in love will give a girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in love affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn how to kiss with your favorite boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and cleanliness of the body. With an intimate kiss, not only fresh breath is important, but also a pleasant body odor, the aroma of clean hair, neat manicure, neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. A girl should observe the measure in cosmetics. "Licking off" bitter lipstick is unlikely to appeal to any guy. You also need to be careful about the smell of perfume: they should not be sharp and saturated. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, tender.
  4. The kiss should occur naturally and naturally. It is not at all necessary for a guy to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. At the same time, you should not hold your breath at all - this is not a sports jump. Breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. So that the nose does not interfere with the process, the head should be placed at an angle to the partner’s head.
  7. Kissing a guy is necessary, hugging him. Wrapping your arms around your neck and stroking your partner's back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust, and passion.

Proper French Kissing Technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There shouldn't be any taboos here.

Kissing rules:

  1. The kiss begins with a light touch on the partner's lips.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your beloved, slightly open your lips.
  3. Penetrate the tongue into the mouth of a loved one, touch his tongue and gently hold. The tongue should not be tense and sluggish. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The tongues of lovers should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. Lips at the same time, too, should not be indifferent. They should touch the partner's lips with different intensity: sometimes stronger, sometimes more tender. Throughout the kiss, the lovers' mouths do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner's face, this adds a certain amount of pleasant sensations.
  7. Depth, speed, kissing method can be changed. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with deep penetration of the tongue. Gentle is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss fast or slow. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desire of two persons.

Learning to kiss with your tongue is easy. The perfection of this practice comes through experience and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction sets in between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. A kiss in a hickey is the first step to violent sex.

You can kiss passionately with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetrations, gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first version, the partner's tongue can caress the girl's tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. The tongue option delivers more sensual pleasure to both partners.

Kissing with a tongue with a guy in a hickey is necessary, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the stalls, you should gently touch his lips with a half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond to this by touching the tongue of the partner's lips. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone, such manipulations give them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the tender flesh.
  3. Many men like stroking the inside of the lips with a female tongue. To do this, draw the tongue along the inner contour of the mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug the neck of her beloved, caressing her back, chest, shoulders.

You should listen to the desire of the partner and do what both like. Do not be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing passionately, you should breathe through your nose, since breathing through your mouth will not work physically.

Kissing for the first time “in an adult way” may not work out right. However, by constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art by expressing tenderness, passion, love, affection through kisses to each other.

The first kiss in a relationship means much more to partners than the first intimate experience. According to psychologists, it is at the moment of the fusion of our lips that the body can recognize the ideal life partner.

It is not surprising that inexperienced boys and girls are very worried before the first kiss. Learn how to kiss with your tongue and get unearthly pleasure from it!

Dizzy passion or How to kiss with the tongue

A deep, penetrating kiss with the tongue is also called French, and for good reason. The French are fluent in the art of love and know exactly how to kiss with the tongue. Before you surprise your partner, you need to prepare for an exciting moment. What is required - fresh breath, intimate atmosphere and romantic mood?

Of course, all circumstances are important for the first French kiss, but passion is the decisive criterion. If you and your partner are seized with passion and ready to get to know each other better, then it's time to connect in a kiss. It is difficult to miss this moment - usually a notorious spark jumps between a young man and a girl, silent consent is read in the eyes, and the lips of lovers rush towards each other ... It is simply impossible to forget your first French kiss and the emotions associated with it.

How to learn tongue kissing video

French kissing needs to be learned - this is what modern girls think. Instead of thinking, young women diligently master the technique of deep kissing. The time has passed when kissing was learned on tomatoes - now we have the Internet at our disposal. There are hundreds of instructional videos on the web on how to, for example, at home or video tutorials on the topic of French kissing. Perhaps, watching such a video is the best way to thoroughly study the question of interest to you.

French kiss: detailed instructions

Surely, your friends shared with you their impressions of how cool it is to kiss with the tongue! However, not every person can describe the process in detail, so we learn the French kiss according to detailed instructions:
So, you are left alone with your partner. Take a comfortable position (suddenly your kiss will last more than one minute) and look intently into the eyes of a young man. The young man perceives this as a signal for closer contact and becomes the initiator of the kiss. But what if the young man did not guess what was required of him? Then slightly tilt your head and slowly approach his lips, while slightly closing your eyelids.

Before kissing passionately with the tongue, you need a little foreplay. First, you should only touch your lover with your lips, and the movements should be smooth and careful. As you get excited, you should slightly open your mouth - if your partner longs for a deep kiss, then his tongue will slip over your teeth and the tip of your tongue. You can start the most interesting!
In a French kiss, the tongue plays a major role. Do not forget that this is the strongest muscle in the human body, and there are hundreds of nerve endings in the oral cavity, so all movements of the tongue must be accurate. You can lightly touch the tongues, slightly suck the tongue of the partner, lick the lips with teasing movements. It is difficult to describe all the actions of lovers at this moment, so you need to trust your intuition. At such an important moment, you should not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, for example,. Just enjoy the process!

During the kiss, try to control salivation - a kiss that is too “wet” may not please the partner. You should also not bite the guy's tongue or lips. The sensitivity of these organs is now increased to the limit, and any careless movement can result in painful sensations. It is not recommended to penetrate the tongue too deeply - this manipulation can provoke a gag reflex.

An important touch is the end of the French kiss. Do not sharply tear your lips away from your partner's mouth - the effect of surprise will work against you. It is best to kiss the guy with closed lips, then lean back slightly and return to reality. It is difficult to convey in words what kind of euphoria a girl and a young man are experiencing at this moment! According to psychologists, the best way, like the pain of parting, is a kiss with a new lover.

The most important thing is not to panic before the long-awaited French kiss, because you will have not, but a very pleasant process. If the first kiss is successful, then you should practice this love technique more often. There are no two identical kisses - every time lovers have access to new sensations and the joy of intimacy with a desired partner. Kiss for health!

At least once in a lifetime, every person has a question, how to kiss with tongue. This bright, very pleasant contact with a partner is called a French kiss.

The happiness, excitement, and boundless joy that comes with a tongue kiss is hard to describe in words. What you need to do in order to learn how to kiss your loved one correctly - this will be discussed in this article.

Why is kissing with tongue called "French"

The name of the French kiss is not accidental. France is a country of romance, sophistication, sophistication and charm. Sometimes it seems that it is there that the brightest and most beautiful novels in the world flare up. The tongue kiss appeared in our language as a connecting element with this culture, full of love, passionate confessions and unspoken secrets.

In the homeland of a kiss with a tongue, it is called “kinship of souls”, so this contact is an intimate and binding component of people. Experienced experts say that French kiss is accompanied by the following signs in partners:

  • if the partner is experienced and knows how to kiss with the tongue, both people have a rapid heart rate during this contact;
  • body begins to tremble from pleasure;
  • may experience mild dizziness from the emotions experienced;
  • goosebumps appear on the skin.

To master the art of seduction, it is important for every modern young person to know how to kiss with the tongue.

All these signs are quite understandable from a scientific point of view: during a kiss with the tongue in the body, an increased production of the hormone oxytocin occurs. People often refer to it as the happiness hormone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the appearance of such unusual reactions in humans.

Important to note that in order to get true pleasure it is necessary not only to know how to kiss with the tongue, but also to be attracted to a partner.

There must be sincere sympathy between people, and only then the pleasure of a French kiss will be complete and very bright.

How to learn tongue kissing without a partner

A kiss with the tongue is inherent in human nature, according to psychologists. Therefore, everyone can learn how to properly perform all actions, if desired. The very first kiss causes excitement and anxiety that something might not work out. Therefore, it is recommended to practice kissing without a partner a little, which will give more self-confidence.

You can train the kissing technique in front of a mirror, for this you need:

  1. Try to relax your lips as much as possible. with your mouth slightly open.
  2. Put the tip of the tongue forward, slowly move them from side to side, feel his activity.
  3. To immerse yourself in the process, you need close your eyes and mentally imagine a loved one.
  4. Nice relaxing music, which is associated with the best romantic moments of life, helps you get ready for the exercise.

Another technique involves doing a workout using a juicy fruit, such as a peach or pear. After carefully biting off a piece of peel, you should grab the fruit with your lips, gently caress it with your tongue and lightly suck on the sweet juice.

note that it is impossible to learn how to kiss well with the tongue without a partner. In this case, practice is important. But it’s still worth doing a number of the simple actions listed above, then the first kiss will become truly unforgettable.

How to Prepare for a French Kiss

For, to prepare for a kiss in French, advise:

  1. Pay attention to thoroughly moisturizing the lips, if they are dry, kissing will be difficult. Young people can do this with a very light touch of their tongue. Girls use various specially designed products to make their lips soft and smooth: hygienic lipsticks, moisturizing balms and gels.
  2. When kissing with the tongue, close contact with the chosen partner is provided. When preparing, you need to take care of personal hygiene: in no case should anything repel a partner.
  3. It is important to think in advance about the place where the first kiss will take place. Romantic atmosphere, quiet music, subdued light - all this contributes to a certain internal mood of the partners, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of their kiss.

How to kiss with tongue: step by step technique

The technique of French kissing is complex and very simple at the same time. For, to properly kiss a partner, you need:

  • relax your lips, slightly open them and touch your partner's lips;

  • point the tip of the tongue directly into the kissing person's mouth;

  • gently touch tongues and start caressing each other.

At first glance, the technique seems very simple. But during contact, you need to make sure that the partner likes such caresses. The partner's tongue should not penetrate too deep into the partner's mouth. otherwise she might start to choke. Sometimes, if there is a feeling that the partner is not satisfied with everything in such a contact, you need to be able to delicately ask what can be changed on your part.

It's important to know that some experts are sure that light gentle biting of the partner’s tongue will not spoil the kiss, but will give it affection and playfulness.

But such behavior of a partner may also not always please the partner. Most importantly: the ability to feel each other's emotions during contact.

What to do if you don't like the kiss

French kissing is a very personal, intimate contact with a partner. There are times when a partner or partner does not like such contact. It is important to be able to feel and understand it at the time what you need to change in your actions.

You can work out at home in front of a mirror without a partner, pay more attention to personal hygiene, or create the right relaxed environment conducive to enjoying intimacy.

The secret to a good kiss is practice

It takes regular practice to learn how to kiss well. Skill will increase in parallel with the increase in the number of French kisses. For a while, you need to forget about other ways of caressing each other and train kissing with your tongue as often as possible. In this case, the desire of the second half is necessarily taken into account.

A greater effect can be achieved if you practice not only the classic French kiss, but also its various variations, and not be afraid to experiment. A kiss can be more passionate, or, conversely, tender and sensual.

At any age, you can learn to kiss in French. At the initial stage, the technique is used without a partner. But more pleasure will bring a French kiss with a partner to whom a person is attracted. With such contact, it is important to use the ability to fantasize, always surprise with something new and interesting, then a French kiss will definitely bring real pleasure.

In this helpful video you will learn how to kiss with your tongue.

And the nextthe video will allow you to study in detail the art of French kissing.

We hope that the information in the article was useful and interesting for you!