How to determine what shape of eyebrows. Mistakes to Avoid. The correct eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eyebrow shape for every face type. Correction methods with tweezers and shading with a cosmetic pencil. What is trading and what is it for.

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Correction of eyebrows is giving them the correct shape, corresponding to the type of face and appearance, with the help of special tools and cosmetics. This procedure involves plucking unwanted hairs and painting over sparse areas. The correction can be carried out both in the beauty parlor and at home.

What is the shape of the eyebrows

There are several basic eyebrow shapes that you can try on your face. There are stencils on the market that are easy to apply and draw lines and curves from their shape.

Eyebrow shapes:

  • "House"... With this type of eyebrow, you need to be extremely careful, because you run the risk of always having a surprised expression on your face. They are most suitable for girls with a raised eyebrow center.
  • Rounded smooth... This is a versatile eyebrow shape that suits almost any type of face. Such eyebrows make you look younger and open your eyes.
  • Arcuate... This type is suitable for girls with rough features, gives a femininity and softness to the image.
  • With a "break"... The most popular form today, because it makes the face natural, and the look - expressive and soulful.
  • Direct... Such eyebrows are able to expand the face, so they are well suited for thin girls.
  • Curved... This shape is characterized by a short tail and high rise.
When choosing the shape of your eyebrows, think not only about how to hide or highlight the advantages and disadvantages of your face, but also about your image. Some shapes can make you feel too sad or surprised, while others can make you a little aggressive and militant.

If you are a romantic nature, with a fine mental organization, too sharp bends and rises will not look appropriate. If the outer corners of the eyebrows point upwards, you appear more gentle and naive. If they look down, you look tired and dull. When the base of the eyebrows and the outer corners are in line is the most advantageous direction.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows to match your facial features

Eyebrows change a person's face so much that their correct shape helps to visually make the eyes larger. Girls with small eyes can use this nuance for eyebrow shaping.

Cosmetologists call the height of the eyebrows "arch". Accordingly, they separate the high and low arches. If you have small eyes, the brows should be low. But avoid too thick forms, otherwise the face will become shorter. To reduce the size of your eyes, choose a high arch type of eyebrow. The emphasis should be on density so that large eyes look advantageous.

Girls with a large and long nose should choose high eyebrows, but be wary of their close location. Straight and short lines will also not work, because they will emphasize even more in the middle of the face. A wide forehead can be visually reduced by placing the eyebrows closer to each other.

Fashion for eyebrows is constantly changing, but you should not become a victim of it. It is important to show your individuality and choose the shape of your eyebrows that suits your face. There is one very simple rule: choose the width of your eyebrows in accordance with your facial features. The thin shape of the eyebrows is small features, the wide shape is large.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows according to your face type

To create a beautiful eyebrow shape, you must first determine the type of face. Each has its own ideal curl of the eyebrows. There are four head shapes: round, triangular, square, and oval. To make it easier to determine the shape of your face, you can pin your hair higher and better see your features.

Eyebrow shape for round face

Girls with a round face should avoid a similar shape of eyebrows, because it will visually make them look plump. It is better to give preference to curved lines, fearing too sharp corners. You should not make big and sharp rises, smooth lines will give the face prettiness and femininity.

An example of girls with a round face type: Drew Barrymore, Christina Richie, Kate Winslet.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

The oval face does not tolerate too close a distance between the eyebrows. As with the round shape, sharp and sharp bends should be avoided. It is best to choose a straight brow line and slightly round the tip. Pay attention to removing the hairs between the eyebrows to visually expand the face.

Jennifer Aniston, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts are among the stars.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

If your face is square, you shouldn't pluck your eyebrows too much and make them thin. Make them look more natural and thicker. Give preference to sharp and curved lines. You can make a high lift with a long, arc-shaped ponytail.

Celebrities like Sandra Bullock and Demi Moore have a square face.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

Girls with a triangular face are not advised to give preference to the straight shape of the eyebrows, it will not look beautiful. You can stop at an upward shape with smooth contours and a uniform bend.

An example of media people with a triangular face: Claudia Schiffer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Campbell.

Whatever the shape of the face, it is important to properly and timely care for the eyebrows. Having chosen the ideal shape for yourself, do not forget to pluck out excess hairs in time so as not to lose the desired shape.

How to make the right eyebrow shape

In order for the eyebrows to look beautiful and well-groomed and suit your type of appearance, it is important to choose the right shape. Correction always means getting rid of unnecessary hairs. There are different ways to remove them, depending on individual preference. This procedure is not entirely pleasant, and may be accompanied by short-term painful sensations.

How to shape eyebrows with tweezers

Tweezers are the most popular tool for creating a beautiful eyebrow shape. Before using this tool, you need to decide on the form. To avoid mishaps in this matter, try using a handy formula for creating beautiful lines and curves.

Stages of determining the shape of the eyebrows using a pencil:

  1. Attach the pencil to the convex part of the nose with one end, and direct the other to the inner line of the corner of the eyes. If you draw a straight line further up, then you can understand where the arc should begin. All hairs growing up to this point must be removed.
  2. Next, the highest bending point of the arc is determined. The upper part of the pencil is smoothly transferred to the side of the eye, the lower part also remains at the tip of the nose. The point of intersection of the pencil and the pupil will be the highest point of the eyebrow. To avoid making mistakes, look straight ahead.
  3. The last step is to define the tail of the arc. We continue to hold the lower part of the pencil at the tip of the nose, and move the upper part to the outer corner of the eye. At the point of intersection of these lines, your eyebrow will end.
  4. Use two fingers to check the distance between the eyebrows. It should not be more than their size.
After you have chosen the shape, for the best result, draw it with a white pencil on your eyebrows. This will make it easier to pull out unwanted hairs.

There are rules for plucking your eyebrows that you must adhere to if you want to get beautiful lines and curves:

  • Hair Growth Rule... Hair removal occurs exclusively in the direction of their growth, which will help to avoid their ingrowth into the skin. In addition, this method is less painful.
  • Capture rule... It is necessary to pluck the hairs at the very root with quick and sharp movements.
  • Skin treatment rule... Before plucking your eyebrows, take care to clean them of makeup and dirt. It is necessary to disinfect the skin before and after the procedure. After hair removal is complete, moisturize irritated skin with a cream.
  • Compliance with the daily routine... It is best to do eyebrow plucking in the evening before going to bed, so that redness and irritation have time to disappear overnight.
  • Tool selection rule... It is not recommended to use a razor or scissors for eyebrow shaping. It is best to choose special tongs or tweezers.
  • Leaving rule... Eyebrows should be brushed with a cosmetic brush every day.
After you have decided on the shape and made the correction, you can periodically pluck out unnecessary hairs. In order not to spoil the shape, beauticians advise to remove hairs only under the eyebrow line, without touching the upper part. You can also pluck the area between the eyebrows.

How to shape eyebrows with thread

Trading - eyebrow correction using a special thread. This method may seem innovative to some, but it is not. The method of plucking eyebrows with a thread appeared a long time ago in eastern countries.

Trading advantages:

  • The use of the thread excludes the possibility of accidental infection.
  • After the procedure, the hairs gradually become softer.
  • Simultaneous removal of several hairs at once.
  • Hair follicles are not affected.
  • Ingrown hairs do not appear.
  • The procedure takes place without irritation and redness.
In order to carry out the procedure at home, you will need a 50 cm long Arabic thread. It is distinguished by its high strength and natural cotton composition. Before the procedure, prepare cotton swabs soaked in any herbal decoction and apply to the eyebrow area.

Take the thread and tie the ends, then twist it several times so that you get two loops. Insert your index and thumb into each and move the thread from the bridge of the nose towards the temples. In one loop, the fingers widen, in the other they narrow. The whole process takes place according to the scissors principle. Unnecessary hairs fall into the middle, where the threads are intertwined, and are quickly removed.

On the Internet, you can buy a special plastic tool for threading. Thanks to him, the procedure becomes less painful and saves time. Such a device will cost around 600 rubles.

How to make eyebrows for different face shapes with a pencil

To correct the shape of the eyebrows and make it more expressive, you can use a special cosmetic pencil. Thanks to him, strokes are drawn in those places where the hairs grow poorly. Choose a firm and well-sharpened brow pencil.

The classic pencil color is black, but you need to consider your hair color. Girls with red and brown hair should choose a dark brown tone. For light hairstyles, gray, dark beige and ash brown shades are suitable.

Recently, it has been fashionable to use two pencil colors at once. For the eyebrows closer to the bridge of the nose, choose a dark tone, for the second part - a little lighter. Do not forget about the smooth transition of color in the middle of the eyebrow. Skin tone is also important when choosing a pencil: the darker the skin, the darker the shade, and vice versa.

Stages of eyebrow correction with a pencil:

  1. Before you start painting your eyebrows, apply foundation all over your face.
  2. Mark a couple of strokes where you plan for the beginning of the eyebrow, and a couple of strokes at the end.
  3. Take a brush and comb the head of the eyebrow from bottom to top, the rest of the hairs along the growth line.
  4. Apply hair-like strokes with a well-sharpened pencil, first from the bottom and then from the top.
  5. In a place where hairs rarely grow, paint over with a pencil with small strokes located parallel to each other.
  6. At the end of the correction, comb the brow again.
Hatching can be done in one color, but often multiple pencils are used at once. Various combinations are possible: coloring the eyebrows with a light tone along the entire length and shading along the lower edge with a dark color or from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the eyebrow.

Correcting eyebrows with a pencil has its advantages: if you do not like the chosen shape, it is easy to erase it and draw another one. Thus, with trial and error, you can achieve the perfect result.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows - watch the video:

Eyebrows are an important part of your look and appearance. They are able to radically change a girl, both for the better and for the worse. A well-groomed and beautiful person is primarily characterized by perfect eyebrows, which are always in order.

The "correct" shape of the eyebrows, their color and thickness have changed every decade. At the time of writing the portrait of Mona Lisa, inveterate women of fashion shaved off their eyebrows, and the most desperate also shaved off part of their hair so that the forehead seemed as large as possible.

Now no one goes to extremes - women of fashion have long understood that the most fashionable and correct eyebrow shape is the one that suits you. Certainly, some tendencies are guessed, which should be followed.

The scheme for building a perfect eyebrow

To define the inner border of the brow, use one proven trick.

  1. Place your makeup pencil on the wing of your nose so that it looks towards the inner corner of your eye. Mark the point of intersection with the browbone.
  2. Determine the place of the highest rise in this way: place the pencil to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the point of the pupil upwards. At the intersection at the top, put a second point.
  3. Next, we define the outer corner - we apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. We put the third point.

To obtain a diagram, simply connect all three points continuously.

Eyebrow shape by face type

The most important thing when choosing the shape of the eyebrows is the proportions of the face, which means its type. Determining your face type is easy: pay attention to what geometric shape it looks like:

  • square,
  • a circle,
  • oval,
  • triangle,
  • heart.

If you wear bangs, then the face should be considered with it, because it can change the shape of the face.

Square face

For such a face shape, it is extremely important that the eyebrows soften the silhouette, make the face more feminine. For a square type of face, long, curved eyebrows that are raised high up are ideal.

Round face

Many girls with a round face try to change its shape in every possible way. The main tool of their struggle is the eyebrows. For a round type of face, you should choose a classic, with a slight break in the shape of the eyebrows. The eyebrows should have a high lift and a short tip.

However, do not make the break and rise too sharp - this will only emphasize the roundness of the face. With this type of face, round eyebrows that follow the shape of the face should be avoided.

Oval face

The oval type of face is considered the most correct - correcting the shape of the face, everyone strives for it. However, for him, the shape of the eyebrows should be chosen correctly. You can give preference to straight and horizontal eyebrows, slightly rounded, far from the bridge of the nose.

High arch brow shapes are best avoided.

Triangle or heart-shaped face

Straight eyebrows are contraindicated, because they only emphasize the upper wide part of the face.

Eyebrow Shaping Tools

For eyebrow shaping at home, you cannot do without the following devices:

  • Eyebrow brush;
  • Tweezers;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Contour pencil;
  • Gel for eyebrows;
  • Mirror;
  • Lamp.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can always turn to a professional - in beauty salons, the procedure does not take much time and is relatively inexpensive.

How do you relieve the procedure?

For some women, shaping their eyebrows seems like torture. Therefore, secrets have long been known of how to make the process less painful or completely remove pain.

  1. Steam your face. The steam bath helps the pores expand, making the hairs come out faster and easier.
  2. Run an ice cube several times over your eyebrows (it is best to make ice from a decoction of herbs). Thus, you will get an ordinary freeze of the nerve endings.
  3. Pull the hairs out one at a time. This will help relieve pain caused by irritation of the delicate skin of the eyelid.

Remember that the correct shape of the eyebrows can make any face more proportional and beautiful. Start pulling out the hairs from below, and it is better not to touch the upper ones at all.

Also, do not forget - having picked up the eyebrows of the correct shape, you need to constantly look after them and maintain the contour. Pluck excess hairs regularly, tint eyebrows with matching liner and shadows, use gel for particularly unruly hairs.

Tips on how to choose the right eyebrow shape for a particular type of face will help every woman to emphasize the beauty of her eyes and make her look more expressive. Gracefully curved, "like a house", thick and not very or upturned - with any shape you will become unique, add zest to your image. Find out how, with the help of well-chosen secrets, to highlight the dignity of the face and make its imperfections invisible.

Types of eyebrows

Many women think that the arc must be as thin as a thread, but this type is not suitable for everyone. Often, the face is puppet, and the expression is unnaturally surprised only because the girl overdid it, plucking hairs, or made too curved strokes. The classification is very extensive, and everyone will be able to choose the right ones for their type of appearance.


Eyebrows in a straight line can narrow eyes that are too wide, so they will not work for women with a narrow cut. The science of physiognomy believes that straight eyebrows characterize their owner as a physically healthy and practical lady. This idea is capable of:

  • visually narrow the eyes;
  • visually expand the contours, visually reducing the length, thereby creating a perfect oval;
  • draw close attention to the eyes;
  • to give an expression of naturalness and innocence;
  • make the look formidable, visually age its owner, in case it is overgrown, thick straight eyebrows.

The direct form requires increased attention of its owner, because it always attracts the eyes of others. Unfortunately, not many women understand this. Direct strokes are not suitable for girls and women who have:

  • small narrow eyes;
  • rough large or enlarged features;
  • expressionless whitish (marsh-colored, light blue) eyes;
  • wide short face.


According to stylists, this is a classic option for women with literally any face. However, they do not require special care. One of the main disadvantages of this type is that makeup ages a woman of any age, but it can also have a beneficial effect on appearance:

  • give roundness, femininity;
  • soften the features, emphasize favorably;
  • hide sharp features;
  • make your eyes wider and wider.

The advantage of arched eyebrow arches is that there is a wide border between them and the eyes: this way it is much more convenient to apply a variety of makeup on the upper eyelids, experimenting with appearance. It is worth noting that the arched shape is a good find for those women who cannot find the ideal option for themselves.


In this case, there is a neat little kink - this is the middle ground between the kinked and arcuate variation. In addition to the fact that this type of arc is beautiful, feminine and extraordinary, they are capable of:

  • give sexuality, a mysterious expression;
  • divert attention from a large nose;
  • visually make already wide cheekbones;
  • correct the oval of an elongated or triangular face;
  • make your eyes wider.


This option is also known as "kink" - one of the favorite types of stylists and makeup artists. You can break the arc exactly in the middle, making it a "house", or closer to the end, pulling the tail towards the temple. There are several options, but the result is the same - a flirty expression that drives every man crazy. Arcs with a break are expressive and feminine, and they are combined with different types of faces. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • give wide harmony, grace;
  • visually reduce a round, diamond-shaped, oval face;
  • give symmetry;
  • give a flirty, playful expression;
  • visually raise the eyes, increase;
  • rejuvenate their owner;
  • soften harsh features.

How to choose the right shape

The harmony of the bend and the size of the arches affects the entire face, therefore, to create the perfect look, it is important to know how to choose the right eyebrow shape. The desired result can be achieved taking into account the most important features: the position of the eyes, the size of the forehead, nose, chin, mouth. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. If you have subtle features, go for subtle strokes. Those with larger features, on the other hand, should have bushy eyebrows.
  2. Owners of small eyes should avoid wide shading - an average thickness would be a rational solution. Thick arcs can make big eyes more beautiful.
  3. If the eyes are too close together, the distance should be increased. To do this, pluck the hairs above the bridge of the nose, and draw the ends with a pencil. In the case of wide-set eyes, it is necessary to emphasize the original point of hair growth.
  4. Women with a narrow forehead should choose flat or arched strokes, while the arch should begin at the second third of the line length. Owners of a wide forehead are more suitable for curved, slightly raised in the middle of the line. The arch and arch add width and take away the height of the forehead.
  5. Long, curved strokes that are not too close together can help draw attention away from a long nose. Flat lines are best avoided in this case.
  6. Beautiful cheekbones will emphasize an arched bend for two-thirds of the length.

For different face types

A makeup artist will help you choose the right eyebrows, however, if you know the basic rules, you can handle it yourself. Before you start creating beauty, pay special attention to the type of your face, and then select the arcs of the appropriate shape. Density, break, length or width can visually correct the appearance, for example, soften the oval, make the oblong more rounded.


A broken arc with a high rise and a short tip is ideal for chubby girls, and too sharp corners only emphasize the roundness. When modeling, make the tip pointed and thin, as opposed to the inner edge, which originates from the bridge of the nose. Trying to visually lengthen the round face, choose the right place where the kink will be: in relation to the total length, this point will be at a distance of two-thirds, if you recede from the inner edge of the arc. It is not recommended to make semicircular variations for this type that repeat the contour.


For owners of the oval type, choosing the ideal option is simple: any length and bend are suitable for them. The only thing is that straight wide lines are not recommended - they will visually shorten the face and make the features hard and rough. The following options look harmonious:

  1. Strokes with a graceful bend - make a woman's look romantic and mesmerizing. It is important not to overdo it when creating a kink - the arcs should come out slightly raised. Too sharp an angle will make a hard, and even malicious look, spoil the natural proportions.
  2. Arched brows are also perfect as they can soften harsh features. Balance the relationship between bend height, line length and line thickness if possible. It is clear that you will not raise the initially low arch much higher.
  3. The horizontal shape smoothes the elongation of the oval, making it visually rounder. Do not place the inner part of the arc too low: it will make your gaze seem frowning. Horizontal arcs should be located only symmetrically: they can be made by removing several hairs at the break points.


Choosing eyebrows according to the shape of the face, girls with a triangular type should take into account that long lines will not suit them, because they will make the upper part even wider. In this case, a uniform, beautiful bend and a short length look perfect. However, to create such a shape, it will be necessary to maintain the natural arc width and bend in the middle. Owners of a wide forehead and a narrow chin are still suitable not too long with a soft bend, having an average width of about 1 cm.After breaking towards the temples, the eyebrow should taper.


Women who want to look attractive need to know how to choose the shape of their eyebrows for their type. The rigid square shape will be diluted with arched lines with a sharp bend and high rise. It is better if the kink is located two-thirds from the outer corner of the eye or in the center. It is worth noting that the strokes should not be short: the ponytail can be slightly longer than stylists recommend for other face types.

For owners of a square face, thin lines are contraindicated, they are recommended to make an average width or more. Against the background of wide cheekbones, straight horizontal thick lines look ugly - they can visually expand the contours, make it rough and rectangular, so it is better to refuse them too. When correcting the shape, avoid too high a bend, the "house" option is also not suitable.

Perfect shape

Women striving to always be in trend follow fashion not only in the wardrobe, but also correct the shape of the eyebrow arches, because this is also an important criterion in creating the perfect image. They began to follow fashion trends a long time ago, for example, 30 years ago, fashionistas made themselves thin threads, after which shaggy eyebrows became popular. Now, wide rounded lines with thinned density are in vogue. The color can vary from light brown to black, as long as you look as natural as possible.

Among the fair sex, who love to attract the attention of others, options with smooth curves or a slight kink remain fashionable. Even world famous stars try to make their eyebrows graceful, slightly curved, without sharp angles. If you cannot find the right shape for your type, opt for arcuate smooth lines - they are considered ideal and most correct for women of any age.

How to properly shape your eyebrows

Before adjusting your look at home, you will have to take care of the tools. For these purposes, you can buy a ready-made set or take what you have at home: tweezers, a brush, an alcohol-containing product, cotton pads, cream, cosmetic pencil. It is better to use two tweezers: with sharp and beveled flat tips, but this requirement is not necessary to fulfill: plucking hairs and making corrections to the contour can be done with one tool.

As for the ideal shape, you can look for it for a long time. If you do not have a desire to experiment with your appearance or resort to using special stencils, draw a line suitable for yourself using a special technique. According to stylists, this method is the only one that allows a woman to draw ideal eyebrows on her own, and what type of eyebrows they will turn out - see for yourself later. To prevent you from looking unnatural and funny, follow the instructions for the correct eyebrow shaping:

  1. Disinfect the instrument, skin, apply an emollient cream around the area to be treated, or, if you are too sensitive to pain, apply ice for a couple of minutes.
  2. Mark the starting point of the arc: visually (or with the help of a cosmetic pencil) draw a straight line that starts from the lower edge of the nose, goes through the inner corner of the eye - the point of intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow arch will be the ideal starting point. Remove the hairs that are beyond the line, growing towards the bridge of the nose.
  3. Determine the highest point - the bend (angle). Draw a line from the wing of the nose through the pupil of the eye, bring a straight line to the eyebrow. Before bending, the arc should rise without changing its width. After the corner, it will descend towards the temple, while there should not be a sharp break - it must be narrowed gently and gradually. Remove the hairs that did not fall into the marked area along the lower outline.
  4. Mark the ponytail: draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. The arc must not go beyond the end point. Pluck the hairs growing beyond the point towards the temple. The tail going down to the temple should taper.
  5. At the end of the correction procedure, fix the hairs with a gel, and give them the desired shade, tint with shadows.



Correct eyebrow sketching- this is one of the most important stages of the procedure and an absolutely necessary skill for every eyebrow. To achieve a successful result, a master must be a make-up artist, an artist, and a psychologist at the same time. Today I will try to talk about all the intricacies of building a universal, classic sketch of symmetrical eyebrows.

Universal - because this technique is suitable for drawing symmetrical eyebrows on absolutely any face. Of course, you will have to take into account the features of the face shape and the wishes of the client to create harmonious eyebrows. The rest is pure geometry! I always say that you should not chase fashion trends and impose a popular (at the moment) wide or straight eyebrow. Fashion is fashion, and the eyebrows you create will be with the client for several years and he should be comfortable in this look. And the classics, as you know, are always in fashion. Therefore, I consider the proposed option a win-win.

Correct eyebrow shaping - how to choose the shape

Despite the fact that the process of constructing an eyebrow by points (which we will see later) is geometry for schoolchildren, in order to select their shape, you should still analyze the client's face. This scheme will help you find a harmonious eyebrow shape.

Drawing eyebrows depending on the shape of the face

  • for oval face any eyebrow shape is suitable
  • To elongated- straight, distant from the bridge of the nose
  • square face - with smooth rounded lines
  • heart-shaped and diamond-shaped- classic curved eyebrow shape
  • round- maximally curved graphic eyebrows without roundness

For novice eyebrowers, we recommend the following exercise: mentally select the shape of the eyebrows for each passer-by / girlfriend / mother / fellow traveler in the transport. Determine the shape of the face first, then the shape of the eyebrows. Well, then it is already possible and necessary to move on to drawing a sketch)

The main thing is to develop the skill of correctly building the eyebrow sketch. And for this, train daily.

How to mark up an eyebrow sketch

And only now does the promised geometry begin. We define 5 main points:

Rule: the tail of the eyebrow must never go below line 4!

Nature is our main helper. We see exactly where the hairs on the eyebrows grow (even if they are plucked out), so this area should be taken as a reference point. DO NOT go beyond the hair growth zone, this is another rule!

How to make symmetrical eyebrows

After one eyebrow is completely drawn, you need to create a second one - symmetrical. In nature, in principle, there is no symmetry, eyebrows are no exception. And we need the new eyebrows not to emphasize the existing natural asymmetry, but, if possible, to compensate for it. We should try to see the golden mean in the shape of the eyebrows, which harmonizes the face as a whole. This is very difficult, and is due to the fact that there can be several criteria for making a decision, and sometimes they can contradict each other.

The client only needs to draw the sketch while sitting! Otherwise, there may be serious errors in symmetry.

Types of facial asymmetry in the shape of eyebrows

  • The midline of the bridge of the nose is shifted to one eye
  • The bridge of the nose is tilted to the right or left
  • The brow ridges have a different relief
  • The eyes are located at different levels in relation to the horizon line
  • The transition from the frontal bone to the temporal bone has different steepness on the right and left.

In addition, the complexity of evaluating the symmetry of the sketch of the eyebrows can be due to the different heights of hair growth on the right left eyebrow. But we have an amazing and, it is important to note, inexpensive assistant -. This is the most convenient markup we've ever tried - and we've tested everything - from disposable sticky moldings to compasses. I think there is no point in explaining how to create identical eyebrows using this ruler (this is shown in the video below). But I will emphasize: our goal is not absolute symmetry, but the golden mean!

With this ruler, even a beginner can easily draw symmetrical eyebrows. Unlike the technique of marking the eyebrows with a thread, the ruler gives mathematical accuracy

I recommend to my students to bring the process of eyebrow marking to automatism. To do this, you need to train every day and not on a piece of paper, but on the relief of your face! Therefore, every day draw a sketch of the eyebrows for mom, girlfriends and absolutely everyone. After 3-4 weeks, you will spend no more than 20 minutes on this stage.

This is how the correct marking of the eyebrows begins.

Eyebrow markings are best done with a white wax pencil or concealer.

Drawing a sketch of the eyebrows

The main criterion for the quality of the permanent make-up service is the aesthetic and moral satisfaction of the client from the achieved result. Important: the master develops a permanent make-up project together with the client... Don't forget this! You must clearly see the boundaries of your future work, this is your convenience, this is your work without the fear of losing important points under the anesthetic. And the client should see how it will look healed tattoo, that is, the sketch should give him the opportunity to represent the future permanent makeup as accurately as possible, and allow him to evaluate its aesthetic characteristics. And how can these two requirements be reconciled? It's very simple!

So, we recommend using a white wax pencil or concealer to decorate the borders of the sketch. Draw the eyebrow itself with a cosmetic pencil of the desired shade (trying to accurately convey the shade and brightness of the healed eyebrows). Approve the sketch with the client, and before applying the anesthesia, mark the important points of the sketch Everything. Apply anesthesia, work calmly - nothing will flow or disappear.

When I am told about a sketch made with a gel pen, I shudder. How will your client understand if the sketch you proposed suits him if there is not aesthetic blue border on his face? And you will quickly lose the sketch - the gel paste also dissolves. And finally, your main task is not to harm the health of the client, but how can this be guaranteed if the components of the stationery paste get into the skin?

We tell the listeners of the basic course on permanent makeup how to draw a sketch of eyebrows. Do you want to learn? We are waiting for you at RUDKO ARTLINE

I wish you all symmetrical eyebrows and beautiful work!

Victoria Rudko, international trainer in permanent make-up, leading specialist of the Pubo Academy (Ukraine)

The correct shape, ideally suited to the oval of the face, gives your whole look a completeness and soft charm. How to achieve this effect - will tell you I WANT.

For a long time, makeup artists have been able to prove that eyebrows play an important role in makeup. It is simply impermissible to leave them unattended if you want your face to look harmonious and attractive. In addition, they take an active part in facial expressions and sometimes betray our true emotions. The correct shape can visually improve the contours and lines of the face, make it more interesting, "open up" the eyes and perform a number of miracles. The main thing - find your perfect shape.

Fashion for eyebrows is changeable and capricious. At different times, eyebrows-strings, then wide eyebrows, then their complete absence and drawn curved lines instead of eyebrows were popular. Fortunately, in our time, it has become popular to only slightly adjust the natural shape of the eyebrows based on the oval of the face, its lines and individual characteristics. Consider what kind of eyebrows are.

Horizontal eyebrows - the beginning of the eyebrow and its tip lie on one straight line. Such eyebrows optically widen the face and are suitable for elongated and narrow faces at the top.

Brows ascending form able to visually lengthen the face.

Falling eyebrows are very rare, as they give the face a sad expression. That is why this natural shape of the eyebrows is often corrected.

Smooth eyebrows do not cause special optical changes on the face and are rightfully considered ideal.

Round arched eyebrows are typical for women of the oriental type.

Break in the brow line rejuvenates the face and gives it a playful expression. This shape is also the most popular for eyebrow shaping. It is ideal for those with a round face.

Eyebrows "house" give a surprised expression to the face. It's also best to be careful with this shape and only choose it with a professional makeup artist.

Now let's consider which face oval is suitable for this or that shape of the eyebrows.

Chubby beauties a broken eyebrow shape, with a high rise and a short tip, is suitable. The main rule is not to make the eyebrow break too sharp, as it will only emphasize the roundness of the face. In no case do not make round eyebrows, they will make the face wider and fuller.

Owners of a classic and beautiful oval face straight and horizontal, slightly rounded eyebrows and far from the bridge of the nose are suitable. What should be avoided is the high arch shape of the eyebrows, which will make the face look oblong and too narrow.

If you have triangular (heart-shaped) face shape , give preference to slightly raised and neatly arched eyebrows. It is desirable to leave their length medium, this will soften the contours of the face, make the oval smoother. Avoid straight eyebrows, they will only add stiffness to the face.

Highly raised, long, arched eyebrows will suit everyone who has square face ... But for such persons, thin eyebrows are contraindicated.

The shape of the face and the appropriate eyebrow line will help you determine, but you can do it yourself with this simple tip:

The most beautiful, correct and as close to ideal the eyebrow is considered to be widest at the base, slightly raised in the middle and tapering smoothly closer to the tip. To create such a shape, take a thin stick or a regular pencil and follow this pattern:

Looking for a starting point (point A in the diagram). To do this, draw an impromptu line vertically up from the wing of the nose, through inner corner of the eye up to the eyebrow. The point where the wand points is the starting point.

Determine the end point of the eyebrow - "tail" (point C in the diagram). Position the tip of the stick or pencil so that it touches the wing of the nose, and the top, passing through outer corner of the eye, pointed to the end point of the eyebrow.

Finding the bend of the eyebrow (point B on the diagram). This is perhaps the most important stage, since the bend will give the eyebrow smoothness and beauty, and finally form it. To determine the highest point of the eyebrow, apply a stick to the wing of the nose and draw an impromptu line up through the iris straight to the eyebrow... The point where the pencil meets the eyebrow will be the highest point of the brow line.