How to politely decline a virtual gift. Acceptance of a gift

Refusing a gift is a very rare and very responsible act. There can be many reasons. For example, a very high cost of a gift, inappropriateness of a gift, its tactlessness. It also happens that it is from a given person that it is not desirable, even not entitled to accept a gift, but he still brought it. In all such cases, one cannot get away with simple exclamations like: "No, I cannot accept this." Such exclamations are a direct path to scandal, clarification and rupture of relations, therefore, they refuse a gift in exceptional cases. Only tact and ingenuity allow you to get out of a difficult situation. It is necessary to refuse decisively, but reasonedly, so that the donor could more calmly get out of this delicate situation. It is imperative to explain the reason for the refusal and be sure to add your gratitude for the attention.

Of course, one must refuse if the gift is in the form of a bribe and compromises. You can stop the expansion of the employee and put him in his place by rejecting the offering.

Women often find themselves in a difficult position. Unwanted fans can give valuable souvenirs that commit to continuing the relationship. You can reject the gift with the words: "This is too obligatory for me."

In exceptional cases, you can refuse innocent gifts if they can offend a partner (spouse or spouse), softening the refusal by saying that in your family only relatives give such gifts.

Etiquette prescribes to be scrupulous in matters of honor. Gifts are returned to the one who insulted or slandered you or your family.

If the person who gave something very valuable goes bankrupt, then good tone obliges him to return the gift, which in a number of countries is fixed in

legislation. But in our country this is impossible, because will further humiliate the person who has suffered financial ruin.

It is extremely rare that a gift offends the feelings of believers. Etiquette permits the return of such a gift. But common sense assumes that believers are endowed with great wisdom and kindness and therefore will find a way, without using a gift, not to offend someone who unknowingly made a mistake.

In any case, you need to refuse the gift immediately, and not after a week. And explain your action politely but firmly.



It is not easy to make gifts in business life, primarily from the point of view of their interpretation by other people. If we immediately leave out of the brackets those offerings that have the goal of bribing an official, then other forms of donation can create an atmosphere of benevolence and trust, stimulate business ties.

In Western countries, the institution of donation is not fixed in established forms, but it is widespread. There can be any reason. However, many companies have a negative attitude towards gifts for various reasons, especially from customers or firms associated with the given company. Some companies prohibit donations by administrative measures.

This, of course, is not the case everywhere. In a business setting, often

exchange gifts. Accordingly, in the business environment, there are some nuances in giving and accepting gifts.

To make the gifts not look like a bribe, a simple and reliable method is used - to make relatively inexpensive gifts.

The maximum allowable price of a gift for Belarusian civil servants has been set - 5 basic units.

For all government officials( paragraph 8, part 1, article 21 of the Anti-Corruption Law).

In addition, paragraph 8 of part 1 of article 21 of the Law on the Fight against Corruption establishes a special prohibition on the acceptance by state officials of invitations to travel, health-improving or other trips at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.

Such principles essentially turn the gift into a symbol or sign of good relations between people and do not allow them to be used to bribe or blackmail officials.

The reasons for giving gifts can vary. Usually, the presentation takes place at various festive events, which are conventionally divided into personal (anniversaries, birthdays, weddings), departmental (institutional anniversaries and professional holidays, the completion of a large project) and traditional (March 8, New Year, etc.).

Individual gifts require a personal approach to the hero of the occasion. Even if we limit ourselves to a monetary bonus, then it must be presented solemnly, in the presence of the entire team. Gifts in the office should not be personal, despite years of friendship and personal relationships or difficult conflicts. Under no circumstances are subordinates given items of clothing. If flowers are presented as a gift, then freshly cut flowers are sent to the house, and arranged flowers are sent to work. A married man does not give flowers to a girl, and a woman does not give flowers to a man.

Alcohol is not considered a good gift, although it is acceptable if the person's taste is known for sure. It should be borne in mind that it is indecent to give a bottle without packaging. All gifts should be nicely wrapped. The donation ritual itself is no less important than the gift. The address in postcards can be both personal (for employees) and general (for partners and clients). You can use your business card as a cover card.

On the occasion of departmental and traditional holidays, employees can have a dinner in a restaurant, or, in extreme cases, a solemn tea party, but it is undesirable to have a banquet in the office. At such events, the authorities should say a speech of thanks to the entire team and note those who have distinguished themselves. The veteran employees should definitely be mentioned. It is also a good idea to give each of your subordinates a small gift. All gifts come from the organization itself, not from the boss.

Gifts can be presented as a sign of gratitude for overtime work done at an inconvenient time for a person, for selfless voluntary assistance, for an invitation to a business breakfast, lunch, dinner or other event. Gifts can be used as an apology for a misunderstanding or for an offense inflicted on a person.

Reporting to your bosses on the work done can be good for your people’s work. This will be the best gift. Particularly distinguished employees are best noted in writing.

Happy birthday congratulations verbally, gifts and the like are the prerogative of secular etiquette and are not required in business. There is no need to celebrate the birthdays of secretaries. An employee who is going to get married can be sent a postcard or congratulations. You should not bring a gift without a wedding invitation. It is advisable to celebrate the birth of a child by a subordinate with a gift.

Collecting money for gifts, which is often practiced in our offices, is a very controversial matter, therefore it is quite acceptable to politely refuse without comment.

The leader is not given gifts, with the exception of birthday and New Years. In accordance with international standards, presenting a gift personally from an individual employee is unethical; it will be regarded as currying favor with the manager. And the one to whom the gift is intended can also be put in a very ambiguous position - for example, if they wanted to nominate an excellent employee for a more responsible job soon, then after the gift was presented to the manager, he would simply be embarrassed to support the donor's candidacy for nomination. Therefore, the gift is given from the entire team. An exception is the secretary (assistant manager), because they develop a more trusting relationship.

Customer gifts are the most common business gift in the world. Shared gifts should be evidence of the firm's prestige. The gift must be in one way or another related to the products of the organization, its services or field of activity. The gift or handwritten accompanying card should contain the company details, but in such a way that it is not striking. You can decorate them with an engraving or monogram, the logo of the organization or the initials of the intended recipient. Refusal to respond to the client is a prerequisite for the gift. Gifts, which by their essence remind of the organization, establish a clear associative connection with its activities in the client, which will allow a person to remember about it at the right moment.

Gifts, like speech, are a means of communication with business partners. If the partnership is long-standing and the gift corresponds to the interests and tastes of the representative, then it is accepted with sincere gratitude.

If the meeting with a partner is happening for the first time, then you should not rush with a gift, because it can be perceived as an expression of dependence on a partner, evidence of self-interest, or just a sign that you simply don’t need the given thing.

Most often, it is accepted that during the first meeting the gifts are presented by the owners. Therefore, the arriving partner is presented with something as a sign that he is considered an honored client and that a long-term relationship is expected. At subsequent meetings, the exchange of gifts becomes mandatory.

Gifts should be given strictly by rank. It is undesirable for the leader and members of the negotiating delegation to give the same gifts. More valuable gifts are given to the leader. Guests are also guided by the same rule when giving gifts to hosts.

It is worth not forgetting to show signs of attention to those with whom there have already been meetings and negotiations. For example, sending greeting cards for Christmas, flowers on the occasion of a celebration will raise business authority and indicate politeness.

They say that the more a man gives you gifts, the more he becomes attached. The more difficult it is for him to end the relationship later. How to accept gifts from men, so as not to regret it later?

It is bad form to accept gifts from unfamiliar men.

You met a man, and he immediately began to shower you with gifts? Know this is a good reason to be on your guard! Most likely, your boyfriend will cause a lot of trouble, will behave persistently and arrogantly. He is sure that the gift turns you into a kind of concubine who is obliged to work out the offering to the fullest.

If your acquaintance begins not with a bouquet of flowers, but with a gift, you really run the risk of running into trouble. Remember: at first, only flowers and sweets can be accepted! It doesn't matter if he saw you at a concert, met you on the street or bombarded you with letters on a dating site.

Never, under any circumstances, accept expensive gifts.

If you are dating a little, a long-term relationship is not planned, always refuse expensive gifts. Men strive to donate expensive watches, jewelry, mobile phones and other things that are not simply donated. It only says that the man intends to turn you around. When you leave him, he will demand the return of all donated! Do you need such humiliation?

How to refuse a gift?

It happens that it is difficult to do it! When you receive jewelry as a gift, you can say that you are allergic to gold - nowadays this is a common problem! But it's not a fact that next time your boyfriend won't bring platinum jewelry. Of course, such men are rare, but still it is worth playing it safe and finding methods of refusal.

In no case do not accept equipment, electronics and other things that cost more than 10,000 rubles as a gift. The only exception can be a birthday, but even here gifts and presents must be accepted wisely. There is a category of men with whom it is dangerous to deal. Having made even a small present, at the first opportunity he will remind you of it.

Stay independent in all circumstances

It is important in the first 2-3 months from the moment of meeting, while you get to know each other, rub in, to remain as independent as possible. It has already been said about expensive gifts. However, you shouldn't take money to buy something for yourself either! The more independent you are, the easier it will be to break off relations with a man who doesn't like him.

How to respond to gifts correctly?

Don't like a man? Do not accept things from him under any pretext. The most you can afford is a bouquet of flowers. Give thanks for the gift culturally, but don't accept it. Just don't accept, without words!

If you don't like a man, you shouldn't go out with him and give him hope. One date will show you what's what. Do you have antipathy? Discard it without options! Remember that many men perceive even going to a restaurant as something of an obligation. And for them, treating you to culinary delights in an expensive establishment is a gift to you. It is best to make first dates in a simple coffee shop and order only very inexpensive dishes.

Never tell a man you just met about your immediate needs. Don't tell me that you need shoes, that your phone number is broken, or that there is a problem with your handbag. Give up the idea of ​​dissolving the guy for money. Although it is possible that he himself will be glad to help you. A decent woman is an independent woman. When the relationship improves and time passes, you will have every right to ask and even demand something from him.

Men are vindictive: if you threw him on the dough and are sure that you can jump off without offering him anything, then you are deeply mistaken! A young guy is unlikely to be able to make an expensive offering, and therefore he will quickly take it off. But the rich and generous will exhaust his whole soul until you work out everything that he gave you. Are you sure you need it?

It is always pleasant to receive gifts. Or almost always. Especially if they are to the place and are to your taste, and the exchange of business gifts is part of corporate etiquette. There is a whole science - podarkology (from the words Gift and Logia - from the Greek lógos - word, teaching). The science of the ability to give necessary and useful gifts and receive them beautifully. Each gift is a certain signal of the donor's attitude to the gifted, sincere and positive thoughts.

A gift always carries a semantic load and must be appropriate and correct. A gift is not only a sign of attention, but also a sign of respect for a specific person. When a gift is selected taking into account the tastes and interests of the hero of the occasion, it is always highly appreciated.

Refusing a business gift

Each nation has its own traditions in giving gifts. In Russia, it is not customary to give mirrors and knives, many are offended when they are presented with a watch. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you should always take into account individual characteristics and national traditions, so as not to get into an uncomfortable position and not provoke the refusal of the gift.

Refusal of a gift can be made in the case of tactless behavior of the donor, or dictated by the principled position of the gifted. For example, the boss does not accept any gifts from subordinates, considering this a tribute from the team.

Gifts for officials are a complex issue. Very expensive gifts can be considered a bribe. Therefore, an official has the right to resolutely refuse such gifts. According to the law, a bribe is considered to be any costly gift to an official before or after the provision of some services with the use of official position.

Sometimes the official position of the hero of the occasion can induce him to condemn the type of activity or views of the donor. And in this case, the gift can be returned without explanation. If a gift obliges and encourages some kind of reciprocal action, the refusal of it should not be taken to heart.

Refusing a personal gift

According to etiquette, it is not customary to give intimate things - underwear, hygiene items, medicines, handkerchiefs. All this can be given only to a very close person, by prior arrangement with him or at his request. Sometimes it happens…

If a gift is a very intimate thing and confuses the person being gifted, the donor cannot be offended by the refusal of such an offering. Tactlessness must be punished!

In case of improper behavior or an inappropriate gift, it is returned to the owner even without explanation. For example, a girl can return the ring to her lover in the event of a break in the relationship.

Refusal of very expensive or valuable gifts is the most common action in this unpleasant situation. The giver should understand that by preparing such an expensive gift, he automatically makes the person for whom the gift is prepared into dependence. A gift is good because it should bring positive and pleasure, and not disappointment and anxiety and not embarrass people. The emotional filling of the gift is joy, positive emotions, delight.

If the gift is incorrect in content or carries an offensive semantic load, it would be perfectly appropriate to refuse it. It is not customary to give gifts with price tags. Although in many countries it has become a habit to resell unnecessary gifts at auctions or return them to the store. This practice has been introduced in Australia and many Western countries. A huge number of Christmas and birthday unnecessary things, along with the check, return to store shelves. It is sad ... It is sad that the donors do not take into account the tastes and wishes of those for whom these gifts were intended.

Stop toy orgies
Situation. You have tried for your child and bought him a bunch of beautiful and expensive gifts. But literally on the third day, the child completely lost interest in them. And now, surrounded by new toys, he follows you and demands attention, he is bored.

Why it happens. The child's psyche is very gentle, any excess causes an overflow of emotions, and as a result - a nervous breakdown. The child is naughty, scandalous, even rude. It's not just new toys that play a role here ...

On the eve of the next holidays, most men begin to puzzle over how to surprise their fair half, what to give to their beloved, so that it would be pleasant and useful, and not have a very strong impact on the budget. But, before making a choice, we offer several recommendations on how not to deceive the expectations of beautiful ladies from gifts.

1. A woman will undoubtedly appreciate the gift just as much as you made an effort before it fell into her hands. Modern young lady with ...

Imagine - tomorrow you will wake up, and everyone understands you perfectly! And you all understand. And there will be fewer scandals with conflicts in your life. This is not fantasy. It can happen. Someday. Maybe even during our lifetime. If, of course, we want to ...

Remember why we cling to others. That's right, due to the fact that we are all different, but all the time we want to force others to do what is convenient for us. Theoretically, we should have understood each other perfectly ...

We are used to running after success. We are used to plowing for him. We are used to rejoicing in luck. We are also accustomed to being afraid of failures and failures. And we really don't like it when we fail. And this is probably correct. If you don't think ahead.

Say, is it really so good if you won the lottery? Million, for example. Bad question: of course good! Or if someone's fatherly hand supported us in difficult times and solved all our problems in one fell swoop. Great too, right? Well, if you don't know that ...

“I can’t say“ no ”,“ I’m being used all the time ”,“ I am afraid of offending another person with my refusal ”- these phrases I often hear from my clients at consultations and trainings. What are the reasons for not being able to stand up for myself? How to cope with these , and what exactly to do?

"Yes" and "No" - these words are always present in a woman's life, denoting boundaries, showing what she allows others to do with her, and what does not. Is it easy for you to defend your territory? Check yourself!

With a man - how much ...

During the reading, he sat quietly, without moving, attentively listening to every word. When I finished, he looked into my eyes and said: "Everyone loves me, I'm good!" At the same time, it was no longer important for him what I would say in response, he knew it.

He did not ask, but asserted. Then he carefully hid the postcards in his secret place. I was shocked. This kid revealed to me the secret of the language of gifts. When he was little, he did not really remember who and what gave him, but the postcards saved by his mother warm his soul ...

We all love when we are given gifts. However, there is a difference between a gift and a gift. Is a gift always a pleasant surprise? Do we often want to receive what we are given? But what if the gift you were presented with doesn't like it, doesn't fit, or makes you feel uncomfortable and fearful?

In a word, today we will try to understand how to react to receiving bad or good gifts from relatives and friends, so as not to offend anyone.

1. Always give thanks

Whatever is presented to you in ...

Someone on New Year's Eve will be presented with a ring with a pearl, while someone will have to rejoice in a cookbook or pink slippers. Moreover, it depends not so much on how generous your man is, but on whether you know how to show that you really enjoy receiving gifts.

So, let's learn to receive gifts from a loved one.

1. In order to get what you want, it is not at all necessary to beg: "Well, give me this ring, please ..." An intelligent woman will not humiliate herself, she accepts ...

There are many ways to give and receive gifts in a polite way. But what if you don't want to accept a gift? After all, this can greatly offend the donor or even turn friendship into enmity. In what cases can you refuse a gift and how to do it correctly?

Business gifts

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, always take into account individual characteristics and national traditions when choosing a gift. In Russia, for example, it was not customary to give knives and mirrors. Many are offended if they receive a watch as a gift.

It is normal not to accept a gift in the case of a tactless presentation. Another refusal can be justified by your principled position. For example, the boss does not accept any donations from his employees, as he considers it a tribute.

It is generally difficult to give anything to officials. A gift that is too expensive can be regarded as a bribe. Therefore, an official person can refuse it. In addition, according to the law, any costly “gratitude” presented before or after the provision of services is considered a bribe. Also, if a gift obliges something, it would be quite ethical for an official not to accept it.

Personal gifts

According to etiquette, it is better not to give intimate things. For example, hygiene items, deodorants, underwear or medicines. Such gifts can be chosen only for very close people and at their own request.

If the present is embarrassing, you can safely refuse. At the same time, according to etiquette, the donor has no right to be offended. This is a normal response to tactlessness. If the gift is inappropriate or the method of presentation is incorrect, it can be returned to the owner. It is not necessary to explain the reasons for the return. So, in the event of a breakdown, a girl can return the ring to her former lover.

The most common reason for not accepting a gift is its very high cost. When preparing such a surprise, you need to remember that the receiving party may feel addicted or awkward. A good gift is the one that brings joy, positive and delight. And anxiety and tension will cause a corresponding backlash.

It is perfectly appropriate to refuse a gift that has an offensive meaning. It is also unacceptable to give gifts with price tags. Although in some countries there is a tradition of returning unwanted gifts to the store or putting them up for auction. So in Australia, a huge amount of Christmas trinkets are returning to store shelves. It is a pity that the donors did not take into account the tastes and preferences of those to whom these gifts are intended.

You can refuse a gift in different ways - reasonably and tactfully, or harshly and offensively. It depends on the future plans for the relationship. Perhaps the relationship needs to end for a long time and a sharp refusal will just be the end. A polite and reasonable refusal is aimed at preserving the relationship and will not offend the person who gave the gift from the bottom of his heart.

Well, so that you don't have to refuse your gift, take into account the tastes and expectations of the person being gifted. It should be inexpensive, original and lovingly presented. Such a gift will always remain in your memory.