How guys punish their girls. How to punish a girl: examples of correct punishments. An effective way to punish a girl

She knew about all my shortcomings when she met online. I punished my girlfriend for treason, humiliating her for many years to come. Read my real story.

What a dastardly virtual lie.

Beautiful words escape from her lips that treason is a sin that a girl will not dare to do at gunpoint.

Void vows and promises, and moral support in the form of an air kiss.

I posted my photos, slightly retouching them with a special program.

My nickname is cricket. I am short and thin.

But I am a decent guy, and the girl who met me decided to laugh, having fun.

I wonder what will I feel on the bed of love with an ugly young man?

What if everything starts to flow there? Unlikely.

Nothing flowed between us, but I was warm and pleasant.

She punished me with such a whirlwind that the seventh heaven seemed like a basement floor.

As soon as we finished, leaning back, the girl's phone rang.

She answered breathlessly.

Yes, Max, I found out. I can't do it today. Sorry. Come with me tomorrow. Relatives will not be at home until 18-00. Yeah, that's it, I get it. While - Lying in my bed, the girl breathed out.

I ask, who was it?

Insolence vomited me right on the floor.

Tomorrow I will meet with another. I didn't like you. You can forget what was there in the network. This is a stupid deception. In real life, I imagined you completely different - the girl calmly said, dressed and slammed the door.

I wiped my bitter vomit off the floor and started thinking about punishment.

Being a smart guy, I signed up on the net under a different name.

He began to act out a virtual novel, putting all his charm into the correspondence.

I punished my girl for treason, promising not only mountains of gold, but also a rich marriage in the stuffy capital.

He pretended to be noble, generous, with a high income and a muscularly pumped body.

We often talked on the phone.

For about 4 months we “chose” a wedding dress, and for me a groom's suit.

I punished my girlfriend for treason, completely replacing her objective reality with fictional images.

Is it really so you can buy? - I thought.

And then our first (sorry, second meeting) happened.

Well hello, "a bride without a place." You probably thought that this is how you can mock an innocent young man. Rejoice at the sight of a modest boy, thinking that you are cooler than others. Here's a black wedding dress. Specially made to order. And a “device” that will go much deeper than manhood. And now go and powder the brains of the next hack - I muttered through my teeth and handed the devil a wedding gift.

Punishment is a universal tool to help you achieve the right behavior. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Some even punish themselves - in order to develop will, to kill laziness, to conquer fears. What can we say about such foolish creatures as girls. Knowing how to punish a girl, you will correct her behavior just the way you need it.

It is a powerful tool. It is effective when used correctly and destructive in the hands of someone who does not know what they are doing. Punish her wrong, and she will stop respecting you and then lose interest in you.

But everything is learned in comparison, so in this article I will show you clearly how to punish a girl in order to achieve your own goals and strengthen your union. We will consider the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you which "measure of restraint" should be chosen, so that this does not happen again.

How to punish a girl: cases when punishment is required

She not appeared on date

One of the essential parts of punishment is to show that you are disappointed in the person. In this case, that's enough.

Don't bother calling her: just write a short message that should say something like, “You gave the impression of being brave and confident. It is a pity that it is not so. I could have warned, saying that I was scared. "

A message like this should hurt her. Here you show that your hopes and reality were not justified, which means that she will feel that she turned out to be worse than you thought.

If it doesn't hurt her and she doesn't prove anything, this will be an indicator that you could not interest her... So you can forget her, because advice on how to punish a girl does not work if she is absolutely indifferent to you.

Method number 2. Returning home, call the girl and ask why she never showed up. Then make another date. Only now you will not come to it yourself.

When talking with you, she should feel a clear message: you forgave her, but you will not humiliate yourself in order to finally meet.

"Ignore" your messages and calls

When she ignores you a little (we are talking about one or two messages or a call, when she did not pick up the phone and did not call back), it is not very beautiful, but not “fatal”. In her opinion. And on the same view, you should not attach much importance to this. True, there are times when this was done unintentionally - elementary forgetfulness and busyness at that time. But when it repeats itself, there is a trend.

You shouldn't make a claim to her. about this (if you're not in a relationship). She will feel her high importance and your weakness.

How, then, to do so as not to let her get away with it?

If you are thinking of how to punish a girl in this case, then it is better to forget about it for a few days. Until then, don't pay any attention to her. don't take any initiative.

If she doesn't pay attention to it, you can write to her. But now communicate in a completely different way: actively tease her, ignore some of her questions and messages (just so that it does not look like some kind of petty revenge), answer dryly and shortly.

In such actions, it is necessary to use a kind of ladder: in case of a repetition of such a mistake on her part, each time increase the time of its complete ignorance. The second time - up to a month, the third time - for six months. In fact, this can be considered a complete cessation of communication with a girl who has lost confidence. In the meantime, you can switch to others.

Shout / insult from her

This cannot be forgiven at all... And here it is important to know how to punish a girl so that she understands everything. Moreover, such cases can never be left unpunished.

Understand that even if you forgive such behavior even sometimes, you are guaranteed to lose her respect and authority, which should be indisputable. And if you can do it once, then you just can. If not about parting, then we can say for sure about the cooling of relations.

Worse than raising the tone - insult... Moreover, such an insult may not be very "powerful": "idiot" or "moron" in response to your joke - that's enough.

How to punish the girl in this case?

It is necessary in a calm and serious tone to find out from her why she did it. Even if she tries to make a joke. If she cannot answer, say that "she did this the first and last time."

Particularly "smart" girls in this case will try to explain their action from the point of view of logic. But whatever she says, you can ask the following question: "Does this give you the right to talk to me in that tone?"

All these actions of yours are aimed at making her apologize or realize her wrong behavior, which, of course, can be seen from her appearance.

But you can also witness the reverse reaction - a complete lack of understanding of your mistake, indifference. In this case, you should stop communication immediately, but it is better to leave. If this is a conversation on the phone, you need to hang up. If after that she does not take any action to make amends, then this is not the girl who will respect you, and you should think about whether you need her at all.


This is a very common situation. You ask her to forbid something - for example, to go somewhere - and she does it anyway.

How to punish a girl if she disobeyed you?

You should not start a conversation in this situation. There is nothing to talk about - she just ignored your request. Therefore, you can answer symmetrically: turn on "ignore" for a few days or even for a week. If this measure did not have any effect, you should think about the advisability of continuing such a relationship, where your word means nothing.

Arguments with you

Do not give it so that she sees that the disputes somehow hurt you.

Simple disputes generally do not need to be taken with even the smallest degree of seriousness. Use them to pin her up easily. But if she gets involved with you in a serious argument, you need to think about how to punish the girl.

This should be done easily and as if as a joke.

Pretend that you are offended at her, but so that she understands that this is clearly a pantomime joke. You can even say something like the following: “I don’t talk to bad guys.”

Usually, in this case, everything is translated into humor, and the subject of the dispute loses importance or its course is greatly softened.

How to punish a girl best

There is a way, or rather a sequence of actions that will allow punish a girl with the strongest effect for her.

What needs to be done:

  1. It is necessary to be able to change dramatically in the face. The standard is a clearly displeased look, lack of facial expressions.
  2. Look her straight in the eyes. Ask her (her voice should be "heavy", a little rough and unhurried): "Why did you do this?"
  3. You listen to what she is trying to answer without taking your eyes off her (this should last at least a few seconds). You leave with confidence and determination.

This will make her think seriously, understand that she did something inappropriate. It is logical that she will try to prevent this from happening again.

But remember that in this way you should not be scattered about trifles... Otherwise, it will simply lose its effect. So only use it if she really messed up.

This works even with a remote conversation in messages (of course, not so powerful). Everything is exactly the same - after a short question, go to a complete "ignore" (at least for one day), having scored on any of her answers.

Punishment must be inevitable and unshakable

Girls know how and love to act on men in such a way as to incline us to manifestations of weakness. Most of all, this applies to those cases when the guy is trying to be firm about her.

Girls are very fond of being capricious, trying to convince us that this is absolutely normal and we must accept it. So they can implicitly make it clear that punishment can. Also, women often try to expose attempt at punishment in selfishness from the side of the man.

However, if we are talking about behavior that you cannot tolerate in relation to yourself, then there can be no indulgences. After all, this concerns your principles.

But everyone understands that a person who often compromises his principles does not command respect. Therefore, be firm until she understands and shows you herself that she is to blame. If a girl is not ready to obey you, then you should think about how to punish her.

The situations I have given are very common and. But this is only a fraction of the cases that can happen.

However, you have already understood how to punish a girl, these tips always work. Now the main thing is to take them into service and not follow her lead, otherwise you will not build strong and long-term relationships.

With the help of punishment, they bring up not only children, but also their soulmates. If you know how you can punish a girl for her misdeeds, then you can train her so that she will fulfill all your innermost desires and be ideal for you.

On the other hand, the wrong punishment, or even its absence, can lead to you as a man.

I decided to give some examples of punishments so that you have an idea of ​​how you should behave in order to maintain respect and strengthen relationships. And already you yourself try them on yourself and choose the one that is right for your case. However, you should also know about other possible situations and punishment options - it will come in handy.

How to punish a girl: examples of situations

Ignoring is an ugly personality trait. It's another matter if a girl wanted to reply to your message, but later, and then forgot.

It is better not to ask why she did not respond to your message (at least until you can declare that she is your girlfriend). Because such questions are an indicator of your neediness and lack of moral strength.

Then how can a girl be punished in this case?

I advise you to wait "a couple of days", and if she herself does not write anything, you initiate communication. True, this time your communication should not be as friendly as it was before: do not answer all her questions yourself and write shorter messages than before.

If, however, she again does not answer your message, then turn on the ignoring for at least a month. With the repeated "jamb" on her part, you simply stop all kinds of contacts and switch to other girls. And you can write this one again in about six months or a year, writing down her number in the place reserved for such "cases".

  • Raised your tone or insulted.

This is the "jamb" that can not be forgiven in any case.

I even know several examples when a guy always punished a girl for such a thing, and then turned a deaf ear to disrespectful conversation. After that, the girl noticeably grew cold towards him and lost respect.

And another thing happens when she does not just raise her voice, but openly insults the guy. For example, you can harmlessly pin her up, and she - call you a jerk.

In such cases with a serious expression, ask her why she did this... And if she does not give an answer, then give a warning that you "allow you to do this the first time, the second and never again."

She may also try to reason out why she raised her voice to you. Then you ask her one more question: "And this gives you the right to talk to me like that?"

You ask these questions for a reason. You should either get an apology from her, or just see from her expression that she has realized her mistakes.

If you see that she is not going to somehow realize her mistakes, then important to leave(or just end the conversation in the event of a telephone conversation). You shouldn't be afraid of losing a girl who doesn't respect you. Even if you never see each other after you leave.

Just waiting and hoping for her to mature herself, or continuing to meet / communicate is like killing self-respect with your own hands.

  • I didn’t obey.

You told her that you didn't want her to go to the club with her friends, and she went there to spite you.

Of course, the club is just an example (you should understand that she still needs a little freedom). In the course of a relationship, there will be many situations when she will not listen to you.

In such cases, there can be no clarification of the relationship. You just turn on ignore for at least a week. And if he does not understand this either, then decide for yourself whether you want to continue the relationship with a girl who does not obey her man.

  • Argues with you.

In case of disputes, you do not need to show that it hurts you.

If the argument is very simple, then just joke with the girl and do not seek to punish. If "not easy", then you need to make a frivolous punishment.

How to punish a girl jokingly lovingly?

It is enough just to tell her: “I will not communicate with you anymore. You are mischievous. ". And make such an expression as if you are offended, but with a smile.

Often the girls laugh in this case, and further disputes either disappear or pass more gently.

Ideal punishment

Now I will tell you how to punish a girl by making her the most serious suggestion not to repeat her mistakes again.

Memorize the steps of the "technique":

  1. You make a "shovel in the face". Get rid of all smiles and other nervous facial expressions from your face. Don't be afraid to show your displeasure.
  2. In a slow, rough voice, looking straight into the eyes, you ask her a short question: “ Why did you do it now?».
  3. At her answer, you continue to silently look at her for about 3 seconds, and then you just turn around and leave.

After that, she is unlikely to repeat her mistake, or at least try to understand what she was guilty of.

It is advisable to use this method live and only in the case of serious "shoals" on her part (the only thing that can be attributed to frivolous is that she argued with you a little).

If you want to try to punish her within the framework of SMS communication, then you also ask her a short question, and then, regardless of her answer, turn on ignoring for at least 1 day.

Your determination is important in punishment.

Girls are so arranged that almost every time they try to show weakness. Especially when you're trying to punish them.

They may hint that if you continue to behave this way, then she will leave you. Or blame you are that you are "an egoist who thinks only of himself, but does not want to understand her at all."

But when it comes to your self-respect, your principles, it is important to "keep your brand" and continue to bend your line until she realizes her guilt. You must learn to understand whether she is ready to agree to your terms or not. If not, then there should not be a good attitude towards her.

Otherwise, you will lose her respect over and over again. Until he is completely gone.

Now you know how to properly punish a girl depending on the "type" of her offense. The examples I have given have made you more prepared for difficult situations in dealing with a girl, and you will know how you should behave correctly in each of them.

Everyone knows that a girl's heart can be won with attention, care and affection. But life is a rather complicated and contradictory thing. And sometimes a girl (intentionally or unintentionally) does things that should not be ignored, and which require a harsh reaction. How can a girl be punished?

Let's first figure out what girls are usually punished for.

What can a girl be punished for

Naturally, there is not and cannot be a universal list of actions for which any girl will automatically receive punishment. Everyone forms such a list for himself. If you intend to build a long and lasting relationship with this girl, you must know in advance what actions from your half you will not tolerate next to you under any circumstances. These actions will inevitably cause discord in your relationship and upset your calmness and balance.

The most common misconduct of girls:

  • the desire to talk in a raised voice and insult;
  • the desire to argue constantly and without much sense and insist on one's own at all costs;
  • demonstrative or secret disobedience, violation of what was previously agreed;
  • showing interest in another guy, cheating;
  • systematic delays, lack of response to calls and SMS.

It is better to eliminate such actions in the bud than to live with them in a state of constant conflict.

What you need to remember before punishing a girl

  • The purpose of punishing a girl is to change her behavior. If you are not going to continue a relationship with her, but simply want to punish for wounded pride, you better restrain yourself. By your reaction, you must show that you will continue to meet with her if she stops doing this. Otherwise, just put an end to the relationship.
  • Do not hurt the girl, either physically or mentally. This will not improve the situation, it will only make it worse. In addition, the use of physical force and abuse entails responsibility. The state, relatives, friends can stand up for the girl. And then they can already punish you for choosing the wrong methods of punishment.
  • If you decide to punish the girl, be firm and do what you promised her. Often, girls themselves unconsciously test you for determination. If you change your mind, you risk losing respect.
  • Only punish for serious misconduct. Hysteria about every little thing is not a masculine trait.

An effective way to punish a girl

How to punish a girl so that she realizes her mistake? If a girl repeatedly commits an act that you consider unacceptable (after you have clearly explained to her what she is wrong about and why you cannot do this), the best way to punish her is to ignore her. Let her know that if she continues to behave this way, then she will lose you. If the girl shows that she is ready to change, forgive her. After that, your relationship will improve. If she insists on her own, then this is not your girlfriend. You failed to interest her. The best course of action in this case is to find your other half.

Unfortunately, girls do not always behave correctly, hang up, cheat, insult. It is unbearable to endure, but I do not want to break off relations yet. What to do in this case, how to punish the girl so that she realizes her guilt and changes her behavior?

To understand and to forgive

It sounds a little strange, but it actually works. You must internally forgive the naughty girl, otherwise afterwards, in your every action, resentment will slip. And she certainly doesn't paint the guy. Feeling her power over your emotions, the girl can become manipulative. Therefore, keep your head cool and act in a logical and calculating manner.

Tell her: "You have the right to behave as you want, but I must not tolerate all this." And really, think about whether you need such a relationship? Isn't it easier now to find one who will treat you with love and respect. In general, cool down your ardor, look around and remember what not to do (until the conflict is settled):

Skillful trainer

Remember, in order to achieve the correct behavior of a girl, it is important to skillfully use not only a punishment tool, but also a reward. With one whip, you will only achieve dislike and loss of respect.

“There is a means to prevent crimes — these are punishments; there are means to change morals - these are good examples. " Charles Louis de Montesquieu.

Therefore, do not forget to encourage her good deeds, say compliments, give gifts, etc. And, of course, do not punish just like that, for a trifle (for example, if she is 5 minutes late). But if the offense is serious, do not hesitate to take action:

  • deprive of affection, compliments and gifts;
  • talk seriously, coldly and calmly;
  • look directly in the eyes;
  • cut off any tantrum or manipulation in the bud;
  • don't spend too much time talking or meeting.

That's basically all, the further course of events depends on the girl. Sometimes she may not react immediately, but this does not mean that she has no feelings for you.

Remember that everyone has a different personality. In addition, at the beginning of a relationship, couples often check personal boundaries, and if you do not arrange them initially, then consider it a pipe.

A few more words about punishment

From personal experience, I will say that training a girl is a thankless task. You can mold an ideal out of her, and tomorrow this happiness will go to someone else. Therefore, it is much more important from the very beginning to establish contact and learn to talk openly about everything, find compromises. Of course, it is much easier to shout or ignore, but then, if you are guilty, she will do the same.

But if there is no other option and you cannot do without punishment, then make sure that your actions are not dictated by the desire to hurt your soul mate (if you plan to continue the relationship). Your only goal should be to protect your own dignity, a lesson that you will not tolerate such an attitude on her part.

And finally, after waiting for the girl's repentance, nobly forgive her. Note the reconciliation and try not to bring the experience back to her.

Olga, Krasnoarmeysk