How to properly prepare shugaring paste. How to cook a paste for shugaring Sugar paste recipes for shugaring of different densities

Sugar depilation is a popular service of beauty salons, but not everyone has the opportunity and desire to visit a beautician's office. Knowing how to make shugaring paste, you can successfully carry out the procedure at home. The main thing is to observe simple nuances, and the process will go smoothly.

Rules for boiling paste for depilation

Do-it-yourself shugaring paste is in no way inferior to industrial options, if, of course, all the cooking rules are followed.

  1. Boil sugar for shugaring in a suitable container. A heavy-bottomed saucepan, stewpan, or ladle with a non-stick coating works well. In aluminum or enamel pans, the caramel will burn and become unsuitable for hair removal.
  2. During cooking, the mixture must be constantly stirred.
  3. Heating should be uniform: no decrease or increase in temperature.
  4. The required ingredient is citric acid or lemon juice. Under the influence of this component, the caramel mass acquires plastic properties and adheres better to the hairs.
  5. If the paste is burnt, you cannot use it. In this case, there will be no effect from the procedure.
  6. A few drops of any essential oil can be used as an additive. It will give the caramel a pleasant aroma.

Sometimes it is not possible to properly cook sugar for shugaring at home the first time. It is better to reduce the proportions and prepare a small amount of pasta to sample. In the future, it will be possible to cook the caramel mass in large volumes. It keeps well in a cool, dry place. Before the procedure, the paste must be warmed up in the microwave, in a water bath, or simply kneaded in your hands.

Depilatory paste: homemade recipe

So how do you make the right shugaring paste at home? The main ingredients of caramel are granulated sugar, water, powdered citric acid or lemon juice. These products are inexpensive and always at hand.

To prepare the product in an amount sufficient for a single use, you will need 6 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of water and the same amount of citric acid. First you need to dissolve sugar in water of a suitable container and boil the syrup. The fire should be low, and the mixture must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

The transparent mass will soon begin to take on a caramel shade. After a few minutes of cooking, you should check the pasta for readiness: drip a small amount into a container of cold water. If the drop has solidified, the caramel is ready to use. Citric acid is added to the saucepan, and the mixture is thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved. After that, the paste must be removed from the heat and cooled, avoiding strong hardening. If this does happen, you should put the container with the mass in a water bath, add a little water and reheat.

Properly prepared caramel is plastic, soft, does not stick to hands, has a light caramel shade. The mass that spreads, sticks and gets dirty hands must be brought to readiness in a water bath.

If everything worked out and the shugaring was successful, you can cook a large amount of pasta.

For this, 8 tablespoons of water and 7 tablespoons of citric acid are taken for 1 kg of granulated sugar. All components are mixed together in a saucepan with a thick bottom, then the dishes are put on medium heat. It takes about 40 minutes to boil the mixture, stirring constantly. The syrup will be clear at first, but will gradually take on a light brown hue. After testing for readiness, the caramel must be poured into a plastic container and cooled.

This amount of paste is enough for 4-6 procedures. Before depilation, the composition must be warmed up in the microwave or in a water bath.

Correctly prepared caramel mass can be reheated as many times as you like, this does not affect its properties in any way.

You can prepare sugar paste for shugaring using citric acid or citrus fruit juice.

For the amount of juice squeezed out of half a lemon, take 10 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of water. All components must be combined and put on fire. As it warms up, the mixture will begin to take on a caramel hue. After boiling, the pasta should be kept on fire for 10 minutes, then check for readiness and cool.

To prepare caramel for future use, you need to take 1 kg of granulated sugar, 7 tablespoons of lemon juice and 8 tablespoons of water. The cooking time in this case will be approximately 45 minutes. The received amount is enough for 4 months of use.

How to apply homemade sugar paste

If you follow the cooking technology, homemade sugar paste is moderately dense, easily spread over the skin and washed off with running water.

The shugaring procedure is carried out only on clean and dry skin. Depilation areas can be lightly powdered with talcum powder or baby powder. This will allow the paste to adhere better to the hairs. When the skin is cooked, you can start shugaring.

  1. Knead a small piece of paste with your fingers and apply to the depilation area against hair growth. In this case, the skin should be slightly pulled in the opposite direction.
  2. With a sharp movement, tear off a strip of caramel from the skin.
  3. Important: the removal of the paste is carried out according to hair growth!

  4. If there are hairs left on the site, you need to perform the manipulation again. Do not be afraid of skin irritation. Unlike resin and wax, sugar paste does not cause unpleasant reactions.
  5. If a piece of caramel begins to stick to your hands and changes color, you should discard it and take a new portion of the pasta.
  6. After the procedure, the remnants of the product are washed off with water without soap.
  7. The skin on the epilated areas should be lubricated with an emollient hypoallergenic agent.

By following all the recommendations for cooking and using the sugaring paste, you can achieve the desired smoothness of the skin for up to several weeks. Homemade sugar depilation is an affordable and effective way to get rid of unwanted hair for those who want to look well-groomed at no extra cost.

"And I cooked, I cooked you again again again, oh, how I soaked with you, pasta for shugaring No. 5"

I am writing a review for people like me - who didn’t get it right the first time to cook shuranig pasta at home. And from the second ... and from the third ...)

Do you think it's hard to repeat the famous Veet wax at home? Everything is possible)) It turns out 1 in 1.

There were five attempts with the sugaring paste ... more precisely, 5 different recipes, a couple of kg of converted sugar, and, finally, mine " perfect pasta ". I'll tell you about it at the end of the review.

And I'll also tell you about how to repeat the famous Vit wax ... however, it fights the same way as the "original", against hair growth in contrast to the "correct" paste for shugaring.



**warning for those who will flip through the photo further! There is a photo of the bikini shugaring process!

Why shugaring and not other root hair removal methods?

My bikini area is already prone to ingrown hairs, which especially made itself felt during pregnancy ( these are the features of this interesting period), and if you use other methods where hair is fighting AGAINST growth, then the situation is only aggravated. Razor? Also ingrowth, with even greater, terrible force ... all will be, like after the fight Depilatory cream? Not for sensitive ... technical ... areas)

So far, the best thing for me is shugaring

Sugaring at home has become my compulsory measure - I just don't have enough time for shugaring in the salon ...

But even now, when I have already got the hang of it and settled down, I still think that it is better to trust a good master for 15-45 minutes

What is needed in order to cook shugaring paste at home?



Sugar, water and citric acid / lemon juice.

There have been many attempts to cook a normal shugaring paste ... but, in fact, 5 + 1 recipes.

And only two were successful for me ala wax wit including

Why did you digest it on the second round according to the initially "unsuccessful" recipe, although the pasta did not work the first time? Because I understood that initially I was not all right with the technique: I corrected the technique, and returned to the paste, but nothing changed. And with another paste, everything worked out)

Attempt # 1.

Homemade shugaring paste with lemon juice.

This is a paste that I definitely cannot work with .. I tried it over and over again, according to different recipes. She was my first pasta, and I returned to it again, modifying the recipe, after my pasta No. 5, so to speak, turned out to be a bang

And still no and no.

it not mine paste.

Not only can I do nothing with her, but all my legs were bruised!

But I will give a recipe, since it can suit colder skin.

10 tablespoons of sugar; half-lemon juice

Cook, stirring constantly. I have this paste either strayed into a lump, and turned to stone, or quickly began to stick to the body. One out of two.

And with all this, it was generally impossible to control this process.

I think it's all about lemons - some are sour and juicier, others are drier. More, less, etc. There are also options where the amount of lemon juice is adjusted to the required ( for example, strictly 5 spoons) with water, but, nevertheless, even here the sourness of the fruit itself cannot be controlled!

In any case, for manual techniques with lemon juice, nothing sensible was cooked at all.

So I continued this cooking for the bandage technique .. the result was, as were the bruises.

After that, I finally tied up with lemon and its juice ...

I tied it with lemon, but sour, with which you can experiment, is still a dime a dozen

Attempt # 2-4:

Citric acid to help me ... Therefore, I combined recipes 2,3, 4 into one group.

It didn't work with lemon, we take another recipe for sugar paste for shugaring, where citric acid appears.

The only difference was proportions the same ingredients. - water, sugar, citric acid

Priorities mixing - somewhere all at once, somewhere citric acid was added after boiling.

Stirring in the process - somewhere to interfere, and somewhere not to touch.

The power of fire - strong or very weak.

And because of these little nuances, the pasta turned out, or not ...

Recipes 2-4 (for me "unsuccessful"):

10 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, half a tablespoon of citric acid. mix everything, put on a small fire, and stir occasionally

6 heaped tablespoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp citric acid. Over medium heat, stirring constantly

And I don't remember the fourth recipe, also for 10 spoons, there I just tried to modify it many times.

What didn't work for me?

On medium heat, the pasta caramelized quickly, so just a little fire!

Do not change the heating power during the preparation of the pasta - put it on a small one, which means we continue to cook it ... I tried to change it, the pasta quickly hardened.

Stirring is a moot point. Is it necessary or not?

If the recipe is with a small amount of liquid, then you need to stir!

If there is a lot of water-juice, then you should not touch it after the first stirring at all!

The version of the pasta did not suit me, where citric acid is added after the mass has boiled ((alas, everything stuck to the bottom over the smallest heat. Therefore, only mixing at once!

How did I check if the pasta was ready?

Drop by drop ...

In one case, it simply dripped onto a plate and tilted it, looked, or the drop keeps its shape and how quickly it flows off it.

In the other - into the water, and I also looked, or the brew is already forming into balls.

But to say for sure that the pasta is ready, alas, I could not ... (((

You can also check by color ...


The color of the paste from reviews with and without flash will be different.

Therefore, this is a poor reference point ...

Attempt # 5:

Successful recipe!

10 tablespoons of sugar;
4 tablespoons of water;
half a teaspoon of citric acid

Sugar spoons WITHOUT SLIDES!

Up to the point that remove the excess with a knife.

Citric acid (powder) is also without a slide.

Stir the ingredients initially, and then, until it boils, do not stir! And even then, re-mixing is necessary only if something has not dissolved or warms up unevenly ( but that means you have made too much fire!)

The fire is tiny, and we do not touch it. Do not increase the fire, and do not decrease it.

It is brewed for a long, long time.

When you turn off the pan, the mass will seem very liquid to you - do not worry, it will thicken

The color of the finished mass is light amber.

Pouring over straightaway into the container.

Did you miss the answer?

Microwave for 600 for about a minute, or a little less - BEFORE BOILING with bubbles, and try to form a ball again.

Pour nothing back into the pan and cook again no need.

Cooling weight ( not hot but still warm) should be easy to pinch and pinch off, but keep a good shape, form into a ball, etc.

How more water in the recipe, the more difficult digest the pasta ... but the longer it takes to cook over low heat.

MY TRY # 5

My most successful pasta

I can't say that other pastes are unsuccessful, they just "didn't suit me." It was uncomfortable for me to work with them - they caramelized too quickly, then they blurred, then something else ... so paste # 5 suited both my unwanted hairline and my hands

Pasta cooked according to this recipe even works for me ... which did not work for the rest of the pastes

She is the most problem-free!

Compared with the "factory" ones, the density is closer to the universal one. Not too dense, but lends itself well to manual techniques.

What is it good for?

  1. Minimum interference - you do not need to stir it during cooking. From the word "in general". I touch her only at the end.
  2. Does not require heating. Although, for better work, you can warm up a maximum of 5-10 seconds in the microwave in the 500 mode, no more

WATER MUST BE HOT WHEN ADDED according to the recipe!

I'll run ahead and tell you about heating. If the pasta is fresh, that is, it is cooked on the same day as the shugaring procedure, then I just put the container with the pasta in a bowl of hot water, not even boiling water. And that's enough.

But my hands are hot! And hot skin on its own.

I just can't overheat the paste before kneading, otherwise it will float.


About the original, Wit wax ( which is either wax or shugaring paste) I have already told you.

And when the next jar came to an end, I wanted to try to cook it myself ... all the more, the successful experience of cooking ordinary shugaring paste was already behind me, and I knew some of the subtleties.

**by the way, you won't be able to choose to the end, scrub it, or even pour out the wax from the jar without washing it. I didn't bother, and left everything as it is.

Features of Vit wax:

  1. he is very dark
  2. and at the same time very liquid after heating

What's the secret?

As part of ....

"Secret ingredient" - starch... So I decided to add it. My modest knowledge of cooking still made me think about how to add it so as not to spoil sugar again and the whole process did not go down the drain

**different lighting (flash / without)

So let's get started.

First, I started to cook a standard shugaring paste:

30 level tablespoons of sugar, 12 tablespoons of water, 1.5 tablespoons of citric acid

Over low heat without stirring. When the paste started to darken, I added to it:

3 tablespoons of starch, 3 tablespoons of water

The water should be cold and the starch is thoroughly mixed with it.

I poured the diluted starch into hot syrup and continued to cook, stirring occasionally, until dark amber.

If lumps form, it's okay, after heating with essential oils in the microwave, they will disperse.

After switching off, our ala-pasta Vit will darken even more!

The wax is very foaming at first, but this will also disappear over time.

If you pour the wax into a jar from under the native, original wax, it will pick up the aroma from the remnants of Vit.

And that's it, the wax ala-Vit is ready

The only moment:

he works in the same way as his older brother, only after heating; with stripes; FOR hair growth.

If the finished wax seems too liquid or does not stick properly, heat it up again in the microwave until it boils.

Still a little sticky? Boil in the microwave again after cooling.

In what technique do I want sugaring at home?

Shugaring bikini.

I'll start with him ...

As from the most difficult and painful

But it is possible to do it at home!

True, if time permits, I would advise you to go to the master for shugaring bikini

First, faster.

Secondly, it hurts less.

The paradox is that we tend to feel too sorry for ourselves ...

At first I do it a little bit until I get undone and start to tear mercilessly))

But first, just by a millimeter, trying to leave everything as it is

You can also leave the master half-shaken ... but this, nevertheless, is less likely, although at the first procedure, especially after the razor, you may have such a "get up and run" thought.

If I do bikini shugaring at home, then this is mainly a manual technique (with shugaring paste) a.

Although, I must say right away that in bandage technique, wax Wit, it is also quite possible to make a deep bikini (proved by illustrative photos from the link above;)

I get bikini paste for shugaring at home for a long time;) the upper zone, before weaving, so to speak, I ( mind you, beginner!) I do it literally in 10 minutes. But below ...

There I switch to the finger technique)) and I literally collect pasta from a pea. I also combine manual techniques with bandage, mini-zones, where it is inconvenient to work with your hand.

Just remember - everything is FOR hair growth.

So sometimes you just can't twist your finger so that it is behind the growth, everyone forgets and I do shugaring only with the right ( because right-handed, the left hand is not an assistant)

Shugaring feet:

Here I am more for the bandage technique with soft wax, or ala-wax Vit. It's faster and more convenient

But, in the summer, despite the ingrown hairs, I often take it out with an epilator.

Sugaring removes tanning!

And in the summer I get it so hard because of fair skin

Armpit shugaring:

Here I am also more for the epilator, or for the master. But the reason is the inconvenience of shugaring this zone.

It is easier with an epilator .. and ideally - after the completion of GW I want to continue the course of laser hair removal at least of this zone

That is, ideally, I need shugaring mainly for bikinis, which I do not hide




Before shugaring - constant scrubbing, especially one day before the hour of H.

The skin should be clean (shower) and dry.

Degrease as much as possible. Spray with Miramistin and wait for complete drying.

Ideally, talcum powder or baby powder is used.

For lack of it ( it was that somewhere touched although I have two of them) used a regular plastic bank card. She arches well and adjusts to the curves of the body. And it applies a very thin layer.

In the photo below, I showed you how NOT to apply.

The layer will be too thick ... of course, the shugaring paste will remove the hairs with such a layer, but there will be more of them on the body than on the strip, the thinner the layer, the better.

What to use with the banding technique for adhesion to the paste?

Ideally, strips like wax.

I used pieces from Wit wax strips))) overdid it with tearing I thought they were disposable))

You can just take strips of cotton fabric ( sheet, heavy diapers, etc.). The result will not be worse.

Even if you use manual technique,


Somewhere the paste will stick, somewhere there will be such an area that you simply cannot tear off the paste there with your hand, the corner will be inconvenient.

Then the strips will come to the rescue - they were glued on top of a dense paste, stuck to the body, and tore off

What should be the optimal length of hairs for shugaring?

The length of the hairs on the legs, and on the same bikini, will differ ... the longer, the more comfortable it is for me to work on my legs ( with bandage technique)!

But if you grow a "forest" in the bikini zone, it will be very, very painful ( manual technique).

In any case, not more than 1 cm, and not less than 0.5 cm.

Rules during the shugaring procedure:

  • degrease the skin and treat it with powder (or something even better than powder!)
  • apply the paste AGAINST HAIR GROWTH
  • smooth the strip (if it is a bandage technique) against hair growth, pressing as much as possible
  • tree for hair growth
  • we stretch the skin as much as possible - it rips out more easily and pain is minimal

Care after shugaring:

Now I have changed a little the scheme of care after shugaring.

After the procedure, the areas are treated with Miramistin.

Then I apply the cream after depilation, and then, half an hour after absorption, after it - just such a paste.

Yes, everything will be white there ... but we are not going to the podium in this form, and it is better not to touch this area in the evening

The reason is that during pregnancy there were a lot of ingrown hairs ... I decided to reduce my torment in this way. With the paste, there are fewer inflamed areas.

After a day or two, scrubbing and permanently applying a moisturizer.

Care of containers and additional accessories after shugaring

What are the charms of shugaring?

Everything is washed off with hot water.

The strips from the bandage technique were soaked in a bowl, the saucepan was poured over with hot water.

Is it painful to do shugaring at home?

And is it more painful than trusting the master?

It hurts.

I’m lying if I say it’s not.

But it is less painful than other root hair removal methods.

And it only hurts the first times, the first sections, and then you go into a rage

But yes, it's easier for me to have someone else hurt me, and I didn't even see it))

The bikini is the most masochistic area ... and relatively the smallest. The problem is that there is the maximum density of hairs per cm. And it is better to choose them with pasta in small pieces.

No one has come up with anything better than the manual technique with dense paste ... but I did a deep bikini and Vit wax ... yes, against hair growth and bandage technique and nothing, everything worked out.

But with manual technique and shugaring paste, everything in the bikini area is much easier.

It will hurt exactly in the plexus ... well, and the labia. But more due to the fact that it's hard for yourself to pull your skin ... you have to feel like a yogi, throwing his leg over his shoulder, and sticking his hand from below)))) I'm not kidding ...))

The better you tighten the skin, the less pain there will be!

Are you going to pull out your hair downstairs? with the other hand, higher from the stuck paste, pull the skin up!

Cons of shugaring at home:

1. The paste is not obtained the first time.

Although, I think there are such lucky ones.

I'm not one of them.

I translated quite a bit of sugar until I got that paste, I could work with a short one ( pasta No. 5).

And if before that I hadn't gone to the salon for shugaring and hadn't watched training videos, then there would have been even more translated sugar!

2. Bruises may remain on the body.

Oh yes, I went through the legs of the "cyanotic leopard"

The bruises were partly from not quite the right technique, but more from an unsuccessful sticky paste. Because, even when I worked out the technique, with such a paste as in cases 1-3, I still had bruises. Alas.

It is believed that bruises do not remain with the bandage technique, since it is harder to break it than to make mistakes in the manual technique. But I had bruises in the bandage technique ... this is easily- just at bad pasta!

3. It is necessary to grow the desired length of hairs.

These are the disadvantages of all epilation techniques where hairs are captured.

4. It shouldn't be hot in the room

In hot weather, the paste melts and sticks to the body.

There are also advantages to shugaring at home:

1. Cheap

Sugar, water, citric acid and gas / electricity (comfort

2. Least painful

Of those methods when the hair is removed by the root.


Even with Vit wax, it hurts a little bit more.

3. If unsuccessful, you can wash off

Plain water.

As a retreat

And not like with wax strips, play with oil.

4 Trains willpower and perseverance

If you still do not give up, and cook this notorious pasta))))

And then endure the torture of sugaring a deep bikini.


UPDATE 01/23/2017:

How to cook shugaring paste if there is no citric acid or lemon in the house?

Shugaring paste recipe without this sour ingredient.

At one point, I was in the mood for shugaring, but it turned out that citric acid ran out at home ...

Lemon also remained a small piece ( but, for the reasons described above, and there was no particular desire to cook with him).

What to do?

You could wait until the morning when the shops open and run for citric acid. Or cook from that what will I find in the refrigerator drawers.

... acetic acid

The proportion was 6: 4.

6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

4 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar (9%, if I'm not confused).

Without water.

Cook the pasta slightly darker than with citric acid.

It is more suitable for manual techniques, dense, requires warming up. In principle, what I needed.

But with vinegar it is harder not to digest the shugaring paste, so I resort to this method only when there is no lemon in the house.

But, as it turned out, shugaring paste can be cooked without citric acid.

UPDATE 05/01/2017:


The goal was NOT to get such a rich, dark colored paste.

And cook a paste for shugaring medium density, which will not caramelize for a long time.

And after a while it will not have to be heated (!)

I took as a basis the recipe for my successful pasta for sugaring No. 5:

10 tablespoons of sugar;
4 tablespoons of water;
half a teaspoon of citric acid

But it transformed it a little.

10 tablespoons of sugar;
6 tablespoons of water;
1 tsp with a slide of citric acid

That is, more water and more citric acid.

I also cook on low heat and do not interfere. The cooking time is almost doubled.

The result is a paste of medium density, of such a dark, saturated color.


What to do if you have I can't cook the sugaring paste at home?

There are only three options.

I hope my review will help you avoid many mistakes and cook your successful pasta. the first time !


ღღღ ღღღ ღღღ ღღღ THAN THE TASTY LOCKS, THE MORE USELESS PASTA! ღღღ ღღღ ღღღ ღღღ


In some photos, where I showed the process and the result, the legs look swollen ... and this is so - I did shugaring in position ( and a photo two days before


Still a year ago I wrote that I didn’t recommend this masochism ... but now, after a successfully cooked paste, I will say - a less painless method of removing hair from the root with a bikini for me not.

And even cheaper.

Is there a time?

Is there willpower?

Go for it.

Everyone should get pasta # 5 ... even if I could cook it)))

And if not...

......................................... 15 MINUTES AT THE MASTER, AND EVERYTHING IS SMOOTH SMOOTH ...............................

Removing unwanted hair with a sweet sugar composition has been used for many years, experienced girls have learned how to work effectively with the paste and remove hairs in various places. For the result to be successful, it is important to take care of the correct availability of sugar paste, which you can buy in the store or create yourself.

It has unique properties, because it is a completely natural product that does not harm human skin in any way. It is prepared from ordinary sugar, water and citric acid, acquiring the necessary properties. Housewives are thinking: how much to cook shugaring and what tips to follow when cooking? Let's take it apart.

It should only have positive characteristics that will have beneficial properties on the skin. But the main task of the paste is to have enough stickiness to securely grip the hairs and pull them out. Cooking shugaring involves the mandatory observance of all the rules and proportions; for most women, the paste will turn out after several attempts. But after that you will feel the whole principle of further cooking. Experts recommend using ready-made store paste in the first stages, so you will understand its properties and can effectively get rid of vegetation on the body.

It is important to remember that depending on the area to be depilated, the properties of the skin and the temperature in the room, a different sugar composition is selected. It is distinguished by its density - soft, medium and dense caramel.

Before you learn how to cook shugaring paste, familiarize yourself with its density and application:

  • Soft - often used in bandage techniques, it can spread or stick to the hands. More water is added to the recipe, which lowers the density. Used on sensitive areas of the body.
  • Medium density - the most versatile, suitable for any area of ​​the body and reliably pulls out hairs. Medium density is achieved by standard proportioning. Used on arms, legs, armpits, bikini area, etc.
  • Dense - suitable for coarse strong hair and areas of the body such as legs and arms. To navigate how to cook shugaring with a dense consistency, use more sugar in the composition.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and advice from experts, and only then can you carry out shugaring and prepare a paste.

Make sure that there are no wounds, injuries, cuts, palillomas, varicose veins on the body, otherwise the result will be more complicated.

To create sufficient mass, you need a few ingredients, for 1 application, a piece the size of a walnut is enough.

How to cook shugaring paste at home?

So, let's begin. To get started, make sure you have the basic ingredients:

  1. Sugar - 1 glass, about 250-300 grams;
  2. Water - ¼ glass or 50 grams;
  3. Lemon juice - ¼ cup or 40 grams.

Use regular white sugar, it is not recommended to use brown sugar. In the absence of lemon for juice, we take simple citric acid. Citric acid diluted in water will become an analogue of lemon juice. A level teaspoon is enough, which is diluted in water with a capacity of ¼ cup. It turns out to be a good substitute with excellent properties. For a full-fledged work, it is enough to take a regular medium-sized saucepan, sometimes a ladle is suitable.

Now you know how to cook sugar for sugaring and what color the caramel should be. Many girls make the mistake of overcooking caramel and it gets too dense. It is difficult to apply to the skin and is very hard and unusable. It is better to buy a dense composition in a store.

How much to cook?

You need to navigate the cooking time of the pasta based on its color and fire level.

On average, it is possible to prepare a full-fledged shugaring paste in 1-15 minutes, after which it will take 30 minutes for the sweet mass to cool down.

During cooling, the composition may darken a little, do not be alarmed by this.

Too thick paste

Photo If you cooked too thick paste for shugaring

If you learned how to cook shugaring at home, but the pasta did not work out a little, it turned out to be thick, practical advice from housewives will help solve the problem.

Follow these tips:

  • Place the thick caramel in a bowl;
  • Add some water and microwave the caramel for about 15 seconds;
  • Take out the warm mass and start stirring it, thereby diluting it with water;
  • The mass becomes more plastic, which means that you get a good average consistency, suitable for removing most of the hair.

The video material will tell you in detail how and how much to cook shugaring paste at home:


Now every woman knows how much and how to cook shugaring paste at home and what recipe to use. It may not work the first time, but this is normal, you cannot make a good caramel right away. But after that you will carry out shugaring with a paste of your own production, saving a lot of money.

Sugar hair removal is one of the best ways to remove excess vegetation. It has many advantages: it is suitable for any hair, it is effective, it allows you to get perfectly smooth skin for 2 weeks or more. For this, it is not necessary to visit a salon; shugaring is also possible at home. The technique is simple and straightforward, it is applied on any part of the body and face. And if you cook the paste yourself, then hair removal costs mere pennies.


Which paste is suitable for home use

All bases for shugaring are rearranged with sugar caramel with water and some kind of acid, rarely other ingredients are present in them. There are a lot of homemade shugaring recipes. Regardless of the composition, the main thing here is to determine the correct consistency, which is difficult for most women.

  1. Soft. The consistency is viscous like honey, ideal for bandage technique, rarely used for manual hair removal.
  2. Average. This mass is used for manual techniques, ideal for treating hands and feet, copes well with soft to moderately coarse hair.
  3. Dense. Ideal for underarms, bikini areas and other areas of the body with thick, rough vegetation. Applies to manual techniques only.

When cooking working material at home, all types are used, but it is more convenient to work with medium-density caramel. In most cases, it is used all over the body.

Cooking paste for shugaring. Recipes

The main rule in making shugaring is constant control over the process. Even in a few seconds, sugar is easy to digest. As a result, it will be impossible to work with him, the hair cannot be removed. Therefore, it is important to immediately get everything you need, find free 10-15 minutes and not be distracted from the process.

Basic moments:

  1. It is better to take large sugar. Fine sand caramelizes worse, and ground powder will not work either. If the main product is not enough, it is better to make half a serving or 2/3, reducing the number of other ingredients.
  2. Lemon juice works either fresh or frozen. It can be replaced with dry concentrate.
  3. Cook the pasta at home on the stove in a stainless steel saucepan. Enamel cookware will not work, and it is also undesirable to use Teflon coated cookware.
  4. You need to pour the mass immediately after cooking or after a few minutes when the heat subsides. Then it will be difficult to do it.

After cooking, you do not need to scrub the saucepan with a brush; it is enough to immediately fill it with water. After half an hour, the sticky layer will melt and move away from the walls on its own.

Lemon shugaring recipe

The classic recipe for shugaring paste. Using it, it is easy to make a liquid mass for a bandage technique or thick caramel for a manual method of hair removal. It all depends on the duration of the cooking. In addition, you will need a bowl of cold water, which will help you quickly determine the density.

Sugar - 10 tbsp. l.
Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
Water - 1 tbsp. l.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe. If the citrus is small, you can use it whole. Stir, cover and put on the smallest heat. Melt all the sand until the mixture boils. If bubbles begin to appear, but grains still remain, you can turn off the stove for a while, let the syrup stand. Then remove the lid, cook the pasta over low heat until caramel color. About 3 minutes after the start of the boil, take a small amount of syrup with a spoon and drip it into a bowl (glass) with cold liquid. Touch the caramel slice. It should thicken, but wrinkle like plasticine.

If the caramel stretches like chewing gum, then it is ready for the shred banding technique. For the manual method, continue cooking. Check every 15-30 seconds. If necessary, change the water to a colder one, as it will quickly heat up from hot drops. Once the ball is thick, remove the pan from the heat and place it on something cold. Pour into a jar - and the shugaring paste is ready at home! It remains only to cool.

Sugaring recipe with citric acid

If natural lemon juice is not available, you can prepare a dry paste for sugaring. You need to lay the product strictly at the rate or a little more. In this case, it will be softer and more pliable. If you add an insufficient amount of acid, the paste will not become viscous, it will quickly harden, and high-quality epilation will not work.

Pure water - 2 tbsp. l.
Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
Citric acid - 1/2 tbsp l.

Combine all the ingredients for shugaring in a saucepan, stir. Put on the stove, warm up for a minute. Switch off. Leave for 10 minutes, stir occasionally to allow the sugar grains to disperse faster. Switch on the stove again. Cook the caramel for about 4 minutes. Check readiness periodically by dipping a drop into water. Remove the finished paste from heat, pour, cool.

Video: Sugaring with citric acid

Microwave shugaring

This option will especially appeal to those who do not want to stand at the stove or do not have enough time to cook the sugar mass. A very simple and quick recipe for sugaring paste. In addition to sugar, you will need a microwave and some honey. Another feature is the complete absence of water.

Honey - 1/4 cup.
Granulated sugar - 1 glass
Lemon juice - 1/4 cup

Combine the juice with honey, then add to the sugar. Stir well. Put in the microwave for 15 seconds, maximum power. Take out, stir. Get rid of the bubbles. Place in the oven again for 15 seconds. Repeat until the consistency is suitable. To check, drop a little of the cooked pasta into water or grab it with a toothpick, check the viscosity. When hot, it should have the consistency and color of liquid honey. It will get thicker as it cools.

Advice! Since the pasta according to this recipe will be cooked in the microwave, you can use the final container for cooking, in which the mass will be stored. Just be careful with plastic. If it is of poor quality, then it can deform under the influence of heated sugar.

Sugaring recipe with vinegar

Another option for sugar hair removal. It does not need lemon juice or dry concentrated acid. It is enough to have 6% ordinary table or apple cider vinegar in your arsenal. This recipe for shugaring paste is especially suitable for summer, as lemon juice makes the skin more sensitive to the sun's rays and may cause age spots.

Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
Vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp l.
Drinking water - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, put on low heat, gradually warm up to a boil. Then set the temperature to two. Cook the paste until tender, stirring regularly and checking the degree of solidification of the droplets in the water. Remove from the stove, cool until warm, use as directed.

Advice! If there is no diluted vinegar of the required concentration in the kitchen cabinet, then it is easy to prepare it yourself. The proportion table and preparation method are described on the essence label.

Storing the paste

The paste for shugaring is stored in containers or in any other jars, but silicone molds are ideal for this. The sticky mass does not stick to them, there are no problems with extraction and washing. Caramel does not require special conditions, it is great in the refrigerator or indoors on a shelf with other cosmetics, but it is important to protect the mass from moisture. For this, a tight cover is used.

If the caramel becomes hard over time, then it must be reheated in the microwave. It is important not to bring it to a hot state, since under the influence of high temperatures the product is digested and becomes unusable. There is also a great risk of getting burned by the hot syrup.

Video: Carrying out shugaring at home


Shugaring has a number of contraindications: varicose veins, any viral and skin diseases. Do not remove hair on an irritated or damaged surface. Also, we must not forget about the intolerance of the ingredients. Usually citrus or honey causes allergies. In this case, you can choose other options: with vinegar and without beekeeping products.

Beautiful silky hairless skin is a dream for women and a mystery for men. Many of the stronger sex are unaware that there is a hair removal technique called shugaring.

You can get rid of excess vegetation on the body in the salon or at home by making your own sugar paste for shugaring. Its recipe is not unique, and you just have to choose the right one for yourself and master the technique of this procedure.

The main advantages of sugar hair removal at home are the ability to save money on visiting the salon and get a beautiful body without unnecessary hair for literally a penny.

To make shugaring at home quick, painless and effective, you need to buy or make a special paste. Its main components are sugar and water. Some sugaring recipes contain honey, lemon juice, or citric acid. The proportions of the products are different, but the result is the same - a viscous caramel intended for hair removal under the armpits, in the bikini area, on the arms, legs and face. Some women even manage to improve the shape of their eyebrows with the help of paste.

If you plan to buy sugaring paste in the store, look on the label or in the instructions for its composition. The finished product contains sugar, water and lemon. From natural ingredients for nourishing or softening the skin, essential oil, molasses, honey can be added to caramel.

It happens that shugaring contains not only natural substances, but also synthesized dyes and flavors. We do not recommend buying such a product, because it is impossible to predict in advance what negative reactions the body will react to it.

To carry out shugaring at home, you will additionally need:

  1. Body Scrub. It will exfoliate dead skin particles and ensure a tight adhesion of the caramel to the hairy surface. Applying a scrub after shugaring prevents ingrown hairs.
  2. Antiseptic. Essential for disinfecting the skin and eliminating germs. Sold in the form of a special shugaring lotion. You can also use cologne or rubbing alcohol.
  3. Talc or body tonic. Such products provide a degreasing effect.
  4. Moisturizing cream. The nourishing cream nourishes stressed skin, moisturizes it and relieves swelling. Irritated areas are treated with Panthenol.
  5. Means for slowing hair growth. An optional but desirable member of the depilation. The average smoothness effect from shugaring was noted by women at 2 weeks. An agent that inhibits the activity of the follicles helps to prolong it.


Let's consider how to make shugaring at home for one session.

You will need three standard ingredients:

  • Sugar - 6 tsp
  • Water - 2 tsp
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp

Sugar is poured into a metal container and poured over with water. The dishes are put on a low heat and the contents are constantly stirred with a spoon, otherwise it will burn. As soon as the color of the mixture began to play with yellowish notes, and the product itself began to exude a caramel smell, lemon is poured into a bowl and the paste is removed from the heat.

Your sugar should completely melt and turn into a homogeneous viscous mass. Darken it under a lid on a barely noticeable heat for about 10 minutes. Then transfer the paste to a plastic cup and let it cool.

You can prepare the mixture in large quantities. Then you will store it in a dry, dark place, and before use, you will warm up the required amount in a water bath. In any case, the mass should be melting and pliable, but not flowing through your fingers. This sugaring recipe is for hypersensitive tissues.

How to cook sugar for shugaring

If you want to cook caramel for sugar hair removal with lemon juice, the proportions of the ingredients will be different:

  • Granulated sugar - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • Cold water - 40 ml.

How to prepare a mixture for homemade shugaring:

  1. The components are placed in a dish with a thick bottom (liquids first, then sand). Mix everything and put the saucepan on a moderately heated oven.
  2. The mass is brought to a boil, the heat is reduced and the product is boiled for 5 - 7 minutes. They are not distracted from the process of making pasta for shugaring; the contents of the container are constantly stirred with a wooden spatula.
  3. When the slurry acquires a golden hue, the dishes are removed from the oven and the quality of the caramel is assessed. Its consistency and color should be reminiscent of honey. If the made product is too light, it needs to be boiled. If the paste is overcooked, it should be disposed of. Do not pour the caramel into the sink, as it hardens in the pipes and makes it difficult for the flowing liquids to pass through.

How to do the procedure at home correctly

Knowing how to properly prepare a mixture for shugaring at home, it is necessary to master the subtleties of sugar epilation itself. If you have stocked up with all the means that we wrote about in the first section, then all that remains is to find time for a beauty session. So, here we go ...

  1. Knead the pasta with your hand like sculpting with plasticine. It will soften and begin to shine with mother-of-pearl.
  2. Apply the product against hair growth, and remove the sticky mass strictly according to hair growth. In this case, the vegetation will break out along with the bulbs, which is important for the duration of the effect.
  3. When trying to remove the shugaring, slightly pull back the area of ​​the treated skin. Movements should be confident and sharp.
  4. Rinse the depilated area with warm water, dry thoroughly and lubricate alternately with antiseptic and moisturizing / nourishing cream.

You need to work with sugar paste with dry hands, since the product does not tolerate moisture. Wear gloves or dust your hands with talcum powder to prevent moisture or sweat from ruining the caramel. As a last resort, wipe your palms with paper towels.

If the length of unnecessary hair exceeds 2 - 3 mm, it must be cut with scissors. Shugaring on short hair is convenient and painless. In the absence of experience, take your time, fill your hand as much as necessary. To keep the caramel pliable during the session, keep it on the steam bath. At the end of the sugar epilation, wipe off the remaining sugaring from your palms with damp wipes or wash your hands with warm water.

Manual shugaring technique

When performing manual hair removal, use a dense shugaring mixture (see the recipe with citric acid, where the paste is boiled for an additional 10 minutes). Experts recommend the manual shugaring technique for removing antennae over the upper lip and hair in the bikini and armpits.

The rules for the manual shugaring technique are as follows:

  1. Take a piece of caramel and knead until the product becomes sticky.
  2. Slowly roll the ball against hair growth, smearing the hairy surface of the body.
  3. Tear off the sugar strip along the hair growth.

Bandage technique

To perform shugaring in a bandage technique, you will need to cook liquid caramel (cooking time from the moment of boiling - 10 minutes). This method is focused on depilation of large areas of the body - arms, legs, thighs.

Hair removal according to the rules of bandage technique:

  1. Spread the warm mass on the body against hair growth with a spatula. The layer should be thin and uniform.
  2. Place a paper strip of the same size on the sticky surface. Smooth the strip so that it sticks to the caramel. Instead of paper, you can take a thin cloth.
  3. With a sharp movement, tear off the strip along the hair growth.
  4. Disinfect the skin with an antiseptic and soothe it with moisturizing milk.

Face shugaring

A fluff above the lip or noticeable antennae in women spoil the appearance of even the most pretty face and give rise to complexes. But shugaring also solves this problem. Take quite a bit of caramel and apply a thin layer on your face against hair growth. Briskly pull off the Velcro after 20 seconds by moving your hand in the opposite direction.

Deep shugaring of the bikini area

Compared to hair removal on the arms and legs, doing bikini shugaring at home is a more sophisticated procedure. The technique for performing sugar hair removal is the same, but the tenderness and inaccessibility of the delicate area is a hassle. To avoid severe pain when tearing off a layer of caramel, the hairs must be shortened in advance with manicure devices.

Consider carrying out shugaring of the bikini area in the form of instructions:

  1. One leg is placed on a dais.
  2. Roll a small sugar ball with your palms and gently stretch it over the hairline.
  3. Do not take a lot of leather at a time. The optimal size for each new area is 2 x 2 cm.
  4. The velcro is pulled against the growth of the hair and the paste is allowed to harden (about 30 - 60 seconds).
  5. The skin is stretched and the sweet layer is abruptly torn off in the direction of hair growth.
  6. If there are still hairs in the bikini area, they are carefully shaved off with a machine in the direction of growth.
  7. The procedure is completed by washing the genitals with warm water and applying a nourishing cream.
  8. The manipulation is repeated after 10 days, not earlier.

Regardless of which part of the body you did the sugar epilation, do not sunbathe or visit the solarium for the first few days after the procedure. Otherwise, pigmented lesions or burns will appear on your skin.