How to make a clown out of cardboard with your own hands. How to make a paper clown. Application "Clown" of geometric shapes

There are a lot of all kinds of crafts, such as an applique, so beloved by children. But there are those among them that I would like to note separately.

In a bright, joyful and funny way, almost any craft can only be improved. Applique Clown, made by hand, is a direct confirmation of this.

Below we give a selection of clown applications that will charge everyone with positive. And those who were engaged in their manufacture and those who then evaluated the result.

Please note that in the examples we offer, you can use not only ordinary colored paper, but also other materials - buttons, pasta, etc. We can use any material at hand. Add colors to it and the festive hair of the clown on the applique will only become more unusual and better.

Such an original craft can become the basis for a festive poster or wall newspaper. It will be very, very difficult to pass by her and remain indifferent.

Applique Clown is a wonderful decoration for any children's party, including birthday. After all, clowns like no one else are associated with holidays, joy and fun. Children will be delighted. Especially if they themselves take part in the creative process.

To make a bow and a wig - the main parts of the craft - it is not necessary to fold them into something. You can just draw them with your palms. It will turn out no less beautiful, spectacular and original.

Master Class:

  • Eggshell Crafts

Another material that is available regardless of the season is eggshells. Eggshells are almost ideal material for children's creativity, they can be easily dyed or can be pasted over with colored paper. Its only drawback is fragility, therefore, when working with eggshells, you need to be very careful and attentive.

Gently pierce the egg on both sides and blow out the contents. Rinse the shells thoroughly with a jet of water. You now have a blank. You can, for example, make a clown out of it. The face is painted with gouache, and the hair and collar are made from strips of paper or fabric and carefully glued. The final touch is a fun cap, rolled from a sheet of paper and painted with vibrant colors.

Before making your crafts, print out the patterns and glue them onto thick cardboard.
Craft Clown
1. Cut out the blanks. Using scissors or a blade, cut out from the workpiece A eyes and mouth (they are shaded), we make slots for a hat and tie along the blue lines.
2. On the workpiece B put the blank A and insert a hat and tie into the slots.
3. With one hand we hold the clown by the collar, and with the other we will move the hat up and down or move the tie in different directions. The clown moves his ears, eyes and tongue in a funny way.

Toddler Appliques - Print & Cut. Only 3 funny applications - clowns.



Whatman A4 format,
colored foil, colored paper,
a ball of pink acrylic,
red sponge,
gel glitter,

1. Draw a diagram of the clown's face on a Whatman paper, cut it out. Paint with gouache. Cut out eyebrows from brown foil, from blue - the contour of the eyes, from red - the mouth and glue to the mask. Cut out two circles for the cheeks from horny paper.

2. Cut the clown hair out of orange foil and glue it on. Cut a ball out of a sponge, glue it instead of a nose. Apply glitter gel to the mask.

3. Cut out strips 10 cm long from pink acrylic. Tie strips of 10 and attach to the mask with a stapler to create hair.

What kid doesn't like circus? Circus artists delight children with their skill, strength and dexterity, but the clown is the most popular among children. Therefore, the do-it-yourself clown craft will surely arouse the interest of children of any age.

The easiest way is to make a clown craft from, which fixes the shape well.

Usually soft paper sheets have this quality. The use of factory eyes and a nose, designed to create toys, beads and a small piece from which the mouth is made, revives such a craft.

First of all, a colored paper sheet is folded into a neat accordion. The smallest craftsmen will need help to cope with this task.

Then one edge of this accordion is gathered together and glued. It looks like a paper fan.

Beads are glued in the center of this "fan" - like buttons on a clown costume.

Now a small (corresponding to the size of the "fan") oval is cut out of a white cardboard sheet - this will be the face of a clown. We immediately glue the eyes on it.

Two sausages roll out of red plasticine, which we fold in the shape of lips. The lips are glued to the face.

Glue a red round nose between the lips and eyes. We've almost made a clown! Crafts for children at this stage usually become even more interesting.

We support children's interest - we make an impromptu clown wig from straw or orange yarn. We fix it on the clown's head with glue.

We glue the head to the accordion body.

We take two bright paper ribbons and also fold them in the shape of an accordion. We glue it to the body on both sides. Handles are obtained.

Cut out a cap from cardboard, decorate it with a drawn edging and a pompom.

You can use a ready-made fluffy pom-pom - you get a very beautiful headdress. We glue it on the head.

Before us lies a real, cheerful, cheerful clown! The craft seems to be alive, because both pens and eyes move as you move. It is very interesting to play various games with such a clown.

The funny clown is the main "jolly" of the circus. He plays the accordion, sings funny songs and shows various magic tricks. Why don't we make an applique for this funny clown?

Application "Clown" of geometric shapes

Classes on creating applications from geometric shapes allow the child to develop by learning new shapes and colors, and are stimulating. For small children, it is necessary to prepare the component parts of the applique in advance, and for older children, templates will be enough, according to which they can independently cut the necessary figures.

To create a clown you will need:

  • templates of geometric shapes;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

From colored paper according to templates you need to cut:

  • 6 multi-colored circles - it will be a face and balls for juggling;
  • 5 identical triangles - pants, sleeves and a clown cap;
  • 1 oval - torso;
  • 1 star - collar;
  • 1 oval cut in half - shoes;
  • half of the oval, cut in half again - hands.

Now all that remains is to connect all the parts and glue them onto the cardboard. Finally, on the face with a felt-tip pen, add eyes, a red nose and a smile.

Fabric clown applique

This type of needlework is distinguished by various techniques of execution. Applique can be done on cardboard by gluing fabric parts.

In addition, a clown painted with paints with additional fragments of fabric, threads and other decorative elements will become a bright and funny craft.

Another, no less interesting way of making an applique is drawing a pattern on the fabric by fixing the details using a satin stitch.

  1. To execute the applique in one way or another, it is initially necessary to transfer the drawing to paper and number all the fragments in the order of their placement, starting from the bottom part.
  2. Next, the pattern should be cut into separate fragments and cut out of the fabric.
  3. We determine the location of the picture, laying out the details in front of us.
  4. At the final stage, based on the method of execution, we either glue the individual fragments of the applique to the cardboard, or use a sewing machine set in the required mode to sew it to the fabric.

Clowns can be found not only in the circus. Applied art involves many options for making crafts in the form of funny people. We have selected the simplest and most beautiful ones for you.

You can make a funny little man with your own hands in 20-30 minutes, having at your disposal the following materials:

  • table tennis ball;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • cigarette paper;
  • springs (old handle springs can be used);
  • pieces of colored cardboard;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • multicolored markers.

The procedure for making crafts:

  • On the surface of the ball, with a marker, we depict the face of our cheerful clown - eyes, a big red nose, a wide smile. Instead of markers, you can use watercolors or gouache.

  • We form the body of the clown from corrugated cardboard by folding a cylinder, the diameter of which will be slightly less than the diameter of the ball. We connect the edges of the cylinder with glue or click through with a stapler.

  • Cut out the details of the feet and palms from colored cardboard. Glue the legs from the bottom of the cardboard cylinder. We make the handles of the craft as follows: we put on the springs on the wire, glue a cardboard palm to one of the edges and gently bend the other over the upper edge of the cylinder.

  • We make a mohawk hairstyle for our clown from tissue paper. Gently pick up the double-folded strip (this is conveniently done with a wooden stick) and cut the edges, as shown in Figure 4-5.

It remains to collect all the parts of the craft together and add additional elements - buttons, bow, etc.

Circus performer using origami technique

In order to make a funny paper face, you only need a sheet of paper and markers. Even a beginner origami master can do such a craft with his own hands. This scheme does not provide for complex actions, all the bends that have to be done are not straightened. Visual instructions for making a clown's face using the origami technique are presented in video 1.

A more complex, but also more effective craft in the form of a clown using origami elements - in video 2.

However, it looks complicated only at first glance - with your own hands you need to make several elements of the same scheme, but different in size, from which a volumetric figure of a clown is assembled according to the principle of a nesting doll.

If you have an old scarf in your wardrobe or any other thing with pom-poms that you do not mind adapting for crafts, you can make an original decoration of the local area in the form of a clown's head with your own hands.

  • Glue 7 pom poms together as shown in Figure 1.

  • Cut and glue the clown's face out of colored paper and thick cardboard (Fig. 2).

  • Cut out other paper parts of the craft - a bow, a button, a cap with a pompom (Fig. 3).

Glue a disposable plate made of thick cardboard to a wooden plate (instead of wood, pieces of unused drywall, remnants of plinths, etc.) are suitable. Then we attach the rest of the craft elements (Figure 4-6).