How to make your hair soft at home - the best masks. Fashionable hair colors and shades. Kaaral Baco Silk Hydrolized post color cream - Conditioning mask for colored hair

Dried and lifeless curls spoil the look of female beauty. Loss of gloss and cross-section occurs with frequent chemical and thermal exposure. The condition of the hair is negatively affected by chemistry, dyeing, and curling. And also some styling products - gels and varnishes. It is not always possible to completely restore the damaged structure.

  • How to restore softness to hair at home?
  • Hair softening masks
  • Honey mask
  • Egg revitalizing mask
  • Fermented milk products mask
  • Clay mask
  • General care instructions
  • How to restore softness to hair at home?

    There are several options to restore the previous beauty:

    1. short haircut;
    2. refusal from hair dryers and irons;
    3. restoration of the structure with keratin;
    4. folk remedies.

    It is unlikely that a girl will agree to a boy-style haircut in order to grow new healthy curls, but keratin manipulations will take time and money. Therefore, we offer an alternative - softening hair masks at home. Ingredients are found in every home, and the results will make you smile.

    Hair softening masks

    We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most effective recipes for homemade softening masks.

    Honey mask

    Lightly moisten unwashed curls with water from a spray bottle. Mix 1/1 natural flower honey with olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the roots. Massage the mixture to the ends. This formulation will help to give hair softness, strength and elasticity. Keep in mind that if you often do oil masks, dyed curls will lighten slightly. Use a softening shampoo to remove it.

    Egg revitalizing mask

    An egg emollient blend will help you get shiny, soft and smooth curls. The recipe is simple. Add a tablespoon of oil (castor, almond, olive, sunflower) to two beaten eggs.

    The mask is evenly distributed over the entire length. Put a plastic bag on your head, cover it with a warm towel. You can put on an old hat. The procedure lasts 30 minutes.

    After such a procedure, the head is washed three times to soften:

    • lukewarm water to remove eggs;
    • hot water to wash off oils;
    • rinse thoroughly using shampoo.

    After removing the mask, you do not need to apply additional balms. The beneficial trace elements of the two ingredients do an excellent job of bringing sick curls back to life.

    Fermented milk products mask

    Yogurt, sour cream and kefir will easily make your hair soft. These components work effectively with frequent use. It is better to do a milky hair mask at home for the night. Beneficial acids will heal the lifeless structure and restore its original shine.

    Heat the milk product in a water bath. Spread the mixture evenly from roots to ends. Place a disposable plastic bag and a warm cap over your head. Walk for 1 hour.

    If you do the procedure at night, place a towel on your pillow so as not to stain your laundry. Rinse off with shampoo.

    Clay mask

    To make a clay hair mask to add shine and softness, purchase black or blue clay from the pharmacy. This unique natural ingredient will help make your hair silky. Dilute the powder with water or herbal decoction according to the instructions. Rub into roots, distribute along the length. Keep for 7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. The clay composition is difficult to remove, so rinsing is required using shampoo. After the procedure, apply a conditioning product to the hair to soften the hair.

    When choosing coloring agents, give preference to ammonia-free mixtures with a gentle composition of components. Avoid styling with hot tongs, straighteners and hair dryers.

    Do not use varnishes and gels, it is better to choose mousse or cream. Wash your hair once a week to avoid washing away natural oil. Use nourishing masks, rinses and conditioners to restore structure.

    If you follow the above tips and take care of your hair correctly, you can return softness at home in 1 month.

    Review of my hair care products. Part 3: Masks.

    Hello everyone, lovely young ladies!

    I came up with the idea of ​​writing several posts detailing my departure. Namely: shampoos, balms and conditioners, masks, ampoules, sprays, indelible silicone oils and creams, combs and other accessories. During my time with the hair theme, I tried a lot of tools, and I will try to write in as much detail as possible about each of the ones I like. I want to note that the products in the posts will be exclusively professional, it just so happened that I spit poison from organics and the mass market, I am not delighted. You can read the first part about shampoos here, and the second about balms and conditioners here.

    So today's topic: Masks.

    In the photo there are not only masks, but also ampoules, since at first I wanted to combine these 2 themes. But the post turned out to be just gigantic, so about ampoules another time :)

    Masks are perhaps one of the most important steps in hair care. This is what restores, moisturizes our hair, gives it elasticity, shine, reduces fragility, protects it. I cannot boast of great experience in this matter, but I still have some experience. It is better to use strong professional masks once a week, not more often. I always wring my hair with a towel before applying the mask, and then comb the product through damp hair for better distribution. I saw a lot of controversy about whether it is necessary to apply balm after the masks. There is no definite answer, since everything depends on a specific brand and a specific product. You can find out such information only from the brand technologist. For example, I know that Estel masks require balm after themselves, but Constant Delight masks do not. In this case, as a rule, I trust my own feelings, try this and that, and do as I like.

    What I want ideally to get from the mask:

    • nutrition
    • mitigation
    • "Revitalization" of the tips
    • slight weighting
    • shine
    • reduction in brittleness
    • smoothing

    I will be looking at products not only for length but also for the scalp. I will take some images from the Internet, since I no longer have some of the products, and I cannot but tell about them. Let's go:)

    1. Estel Otium Miracle Comfort mask for severely damaged hair.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    A rich creamy mask with Mircle Revival complex and lanolin intensively restores the structure of brittle and damaged hair, restores its natural elasticity and firmness, and increases strength.
    Provides long-term care and internal hair restoration. Gives shine, facilitates combing.

    Mode of application:
    Apply the mask to clean, damp hair, leave for 5 - 10 minutes, rinse. Use 1 - 2 times a week.

    This mask was one of the first professional masks I have. Then I still did not know what I really wanted from using the mask, my hair was damaged and needed to be restored
    Consistency: of medium density, easily spreads through the hair, a small amount is required per application, but the product is not very economically consumed.
    Aroma: sweetish, salon and unobtrusive. Doesn't stay on my hair.
    Packaging: a large heavy jar, like all similar masks from Estel, with a twist-off lid. It is not very convenient to open it with wet hands, it just strives to slip somewhere on the leg.
    The mask gives a good cosmetic effect, which increases with increasing exposure time. Unfortunately, this effect remains until the first wash, no longer. Hair after the mask is easier to comb, becomes softer and more elastic, does not weigh down. Now I would not call this mask some kind of super wonderful, but then, when I used it, I was very pleased. I advise it rather for not very damaged hair, since you should not expect much recovery from it.

    Price: 598 rubles for 300ml
    Rating: 3 out of 5
    Will I buy again: no

    2. Kaaral Royal Jelly Cream - Reconstructing hair mask with royal jelly.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    A powerful repair complex for the most damaged hair. The presence in the composition of royal jelly and more than 110 active ingredients (amino acids, proteins, multivitamin complex, etc.) allows you to restore and revive damaged hair of any strength. The jelly-like consistency makes the use of the mask as economical and convenient as possible. Easily washed off with water, does not weigh hair down. Hair becomes manageable, silky.

    Mode of application:
    Apply to damp hair, soak for 5 minutes, rinse with water. The powerful effect of the revitalizing mask is sufficient to apply 1-2 times a week.

    Probably one of the most famous masks among hair maniacs. She has both ardent fans and those who hate her. I am more of her fans.
    Consistency: medium creamy
    Aroma: oh, this scent of hers, there are probably already legends about it The smell is really sharp and not very pleasant, it stays on the hair for a long time, but I'm not picky about smells and I'll tell you a secret: I really love how freshly dyed hair smells, just this smell and gives this mask. But if the aroma of the product plays a big role for you, then this mask is unlikely to become your must-have.
    Packaging: Quite a large white jar, without any unnecessary design elements, just the way I like it.
    The mask made me very pleasantly pleased with the effect. The result is both cumulative and cosmetic. It instantly makes my hair heavier, makes it smoother, friable, the ends "alive", gives shine. I can say that the effect of this mask is much better than some of the more expensive products. The only drawback that I found in her was a lack of moisture. But she does not promise us this. After this mask, you definitely need a balm, you can also mix it with an ampoule from the series. Over time, when using it, damaged hair really becomes more elastic, healthier and less breakage. Suitable for those who are not afraid of the weighting effect and do not need strong hydration.

    Price: 766 rubles for 500ml
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Will I buy it again: yes
    Usage time: 4 months

    3. Kaaral Purify Hydra Mask - Intensive moisturizing nourishing hair mask.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    The mask is specially formulated for severely dry, depleted and damaged hair. Its deeply penetrating, super-conditioning formula is enriched with pure royal jelly, a powerful moisturizer that provides highly effective nourishment and hydration to hair. Hair looks shiny, perfectly hydrated and restored. Shelf life is 5 years.

    Mode of application:
    Apply the required amount to previously washed and towel-dried hair, from roots to ends. Leave on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Close the lid tightly after use.

    This mask has exactly the same composition as the previous one, but with a completely different effect. This is explained very simply: different concentrations of active substances.
    Consistency: not very thick, closer to liquid
    Aroma: they say that this mask has a slightly nicer aroma than its predecessor, but for some reason I didn't think so. I practically did not feel it, it seemed to me sweetish, but rather neutral.
    Packaging: a green jar with a translucent lid, quite convenient, no complaints.
    The mask provides hydration rather than nutrition. Gives quick cosmetic and cumulative effects, very much softens the hair without weighing it down, facilitates combing. Smoothes, adds shine, but, in contrast to its predecessor, acts more "softly". Suitable for slightly damaged fine hair and for those who are afraid of weight loss. The volume does not take away.

    Price: 722 rubles per 500ml
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Will I buy it again: yes

    4. Ollin Megapolis - Veil mask based on black rice.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    A firming wrap mask designed for intensive hair restoration.
    Forms an invisible protective film.
    Hair thickness is increased, tangling and brittleness are prevented.
    Hair becomes soft and elastic, easy to style.

    Mode of application:
    Apply the mask to clean, slightly towel-dried hair.
    Leave on for 5–20 minutes.
    Additional heat is recommended.

    I love Ollin for the price / quality ratio, usually all their products please me, including those from the Megapolis series. I bought this mask together with a spray and liquid crystals.
    Consistency: light enough, not thick, easily distributed through the hair.
    Fragrance: I personally did not like the fragrances of all the products in the series. For me, the smell is reminiscent of Soviet perfume. But it doesn’t stick on my hair, so it’s not scary for me.
    Packaging: soft tube, the product itself can be removed without difficulty. Of the minuses (perhaps I came across a defective package), the mask can flow out of the tube even when closed, though not much, quite a bit.
    When I used this mask, my hair was quite damaged. I can't say that she somehow restored them, but she gave an excellent cosmetic effect. However, when I put my hair in order and decided to use the mask, an unpleasant surprise awaited me. The hair became dull, coarse, without shine (the shelf life was in perfect order). Therefore, I have the opinion that the mask is best suited specifically for damaged hair, on more or less well-groomed it worked the other way around. Hair after it becomes a little softer, denser, begins to shine, does not weigh down. By the way, exposure to heat actually enhances the effect. As for the moisturizing or cumulative effect, I did not notice them.

    Price: 380 rubles for 250ml
    Rating: 4 out of 5
    Will I buy again: no

    5. Kaaral Baco Silk Hydrolized post color cream - Conditioning mask for colored hair.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    A regenerating mask that makes hair as shiny and elastic as possible, retains its color. The acidic pH level neutralizes the alkaline effect of the dye. The simultaneous sealing of the flake layer prevents the color pigments from being washed out.

    Mode of application:
    Apply a small amount to damp hair. Emulsify on hair for 2-3 minutes. Washed off with water.

    I already wrote about this tool from the previous article. I also wrote that the effect directly depends on the exposure time. Low pH product, suitable for completing the oxidation process.
    Consistency: not liquid and not thick, a sort of average, creamy, easily distributed through the hair.
    Aroma: very pleasant, perfumed, sweetish, but not cloying. The fragrance stays on the hair for several hours.
    Packaging: in my case, a large plastic can (in a smaller volume, the product comes in a tube), I bought the dispenser myself, since I often use the product as a conditioner and it was more convenient for me.
    As a mask, I use this remedy as well as the others once a week. For maximum effect, 15 minutes of exposure is enough for my hair. As a result, the hair is very shiny, slightly weighted, friable and easier to comb. What I really like about her is her ability to smooth fluff, fluffy hair turns into a very smooth canvas. I cannot judge about the cumulative effect, but the cosmetic one is visible immediately and lasts for several more days (despite washing). Suitable for dyed and coarse or damaged hair, for thin and healthy hair it can be heavy, and unpainted hair can dry out.

    Price: 695 rubles for 250ml; 1342 rubles per 1000ml; 75 rubles dispenser per liter can
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Will I buy it again: yes
    Usage time: 3 months

    6. Kaaral Maraes Color Nourishing Mask - Conditioning mask.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    Maraes Color Nourishing Mask with an innovative formula containing intensely nourishing Monoi de Tahiti oil combined with natural Keratin, Shea butter. The driest, most drained and damaged hair is completely restored and becomes unusually strong, healthy and shiny. Retains cosmetic hair color for a long time. Protects hair from aggressive environmental influences and free radicals.
    CHARACTERISTIC: does not contain parabens, gluten, salt. Dermatologically tested. Environmentally friendly biodegradable packaging. Monoi oil is certified Bio (Certificato Organic Ecocert).

    Mode of application:
    Apply conditioner after shampoo, gently massaging damp hair, leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse.

    Price: 1538 rubles for 250ml; 2680 rubles per 1000ml; 75 rubles dispenser per liter can
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Use time: 1 time

    7. Silk mask for smoothness and shine of hair Estel Otium Diamond.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    Smoothes the surface of the hair, providing a crystal shine and a mirror-like shine along the entire length.
    Does not weigh hair down, makes silk smooth, elastic and resilient.
    Use 1-2 times a week.

    Mode of application:
    Apply the mask to damp hair, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse.

    I bought this mask because I really liked the balm from the series. I expected from her some kind of magical moisturizing of hair and smoothness.
    Consistency: rather thick, milky, creamy.
    Aroma: salon, unobtrusive, standard for Estel products.
    Packaging: a rather heavy jar, once I dropped it on my leg and it was very unpleasant :) For me it is not very convenient to take it with wet hands, for some reason it slips out constantly.
    After buying this mask, I started to get disillusioned with Estel products. I know that she has many fans, but for me this tool (like many others) works as if it were a mass market. The mask slightly smoothes the hair, softens it, makes it moisturized to the touch and adds shine. Everything about it is good, but the effect before the first wash does not accumulate at all. That is, I applied a mask, then washed my hair with shampoo and that's it, no hints that a mask was used. Estel is one of those companies that use the technology after the mask with a balm, and it must be from the series. Now I do not have such a balm, perhaps the result would be better if I did everything right. Of the advantages, I can note that the mask does not take up volume and does not weigh down the hair. I am thinking of giving it to a girl with thin and not very damaged hair :)

    Price: 610 rubles for 300ml
    Rating: 3 out of 5
    Will I buy again: no
    Usage time: 3 months

    8. L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil Nourishing Masque - Nourishing mask for all hair types.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    This nourishing mask gives your hair a glossy shine, leaving your hair looking well-groomed and healthy. They acquire a unique, healthy, well-groomed look. Protection and nourishment of hair, their softness are provided thanks to the natural oils that are part of the shampoo:
    Argan oil - for moisturizing, nourishing and restoring hair structure.
    Cottonseed oil (cold pressed) - to maintain the necessary hydrobalance, to increase the protective properties of the hair and scalp.
    Gorgeous shine and smoothness of hair is provided by grape seed oil.
    Avocado Oil - For hair strengthening and UV protection.

    Mode of application:
    Wash hair thoroughly with Mythic Oil Shampoo. Dry your hair with a towel. Spread the nourishing Mythic Oil mask evenly through the hair; stand for 3 minutes; then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    I wrote about this mask here more than once, not even twice :) It has been my favorite for a very long time, but looking at the current price, I don't even know if I will take it again or not.
    Consistency: very thick, similar to butter, spreads easily through the hair and is very economical to use
    Aroma: pleasant, oriental, not harsh, stays on the hair for several days
    Packaging: an elegant miniature jar in gold color, I honestly still feel sorry to throw it away - beautiful
    Feels like this when applied, I can compare this mask to Kaaral Maraes. The same thick, you also need a very small amount per application, it also makes it heavier, smoother, softens and revitalizes the ends, gives a beautiful shine, and takes hair volume. Leaves fragrance on the hair for about 4-5 days, and I wash my head every day! The effect is cumulative, each time after the mask the hair looks more and more like silk. It restores dry and damaged hair, smoothes fluff, and reduces brittleness. This mask I would classify as "heavy artillery" and would not recommend it to girls with very fine and healthy hair.

    Price: 1838 rubles for 200ml
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Will I buy it again: possible
    Usage time: 8 months

    9. Barex Olioseta Oro Del Marocco Nourishing Mask - Nourishing mask with argan oil and flax seed oil.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    A nourishing mask with argan oil and flax seed oil is the ideal care for hair of any type, after chemical treatments, and providing the hair with the necessary protection from further damage. This product from the Barex company realizes instant restoration of damaged fibers, penetrates deeply into the structure of each hair, giving the hair excellent shine and excellent elasticity. The valuable nourishing argan oil, which is part of the product, promotes the return of vitality to the hair, while having an antioxidant effect. Flaxseed oil moisturizes, nourishes the hair and protects it from aggressive external factors and high humidity.
    The Barex Nourishing mask makes hair dense, strong and healthy and can be used as an indispensable treatment for intensive hair strengthening treatments.

    Mode of application:
    Nourishing mask Barex Olioseta Oro Del Marocco should be applied to damp hair (previously washed with shampoo). For a full effect, the product must be left for 3-5 minutes, and then washed off with plenty of water. The mask is recommended to be applied 1-2 times a week.

    I will say right away - this mask was my disappointment of the last year. And now I will explain why.
    Consistency: medium density, even closer to liquid (while I was taking a photo, she strove to float off the shoulder blade back into the jar). It is not applied very well to the hair, a large amount is required
    Aroma: harsh, oriental, similar to men's perfume. I'm not very picky about smells, but this smell is something. The first time I used it, my head began to ache from it.
    Packaging: small jar, nice design. Everything is very laconic, convenient, there is nothing to complain about.
    And now why I was disappointed in her. When I undertake to try something so expensive, I expect some miracles, or at least something pleasant. It was with this mood that I went to use it for the first time. When washed off, the hair is rather slippery, it seems that it will dry out now and will be wow. But no, no wow happens, the hair looks and feels like after a weak balm. There is no particular softness, hydration, the tips remain the same as before the mask. Then I decided that the effect might be cumulative. But again no, the look of the hair and the result did not get better each time. The only thing that more or less saved the situation was an ultrasonic iron, with which the hair became much softer. But why pay that kind of money for a mask that doesn't work on its own, I don't understand. By the way, I used it in conjunction with shampoo, oil and spray from the series, but this did not change the situation. I don't really like to write negative reviews, but I still want to warn you not to waste your money.

    Price: 1362 rubles for 250ml
    Rating: 1 out of 5
    Will I buy again: no
    Usage time: Half a year

    10. Mud mask SPA Antistress with mallow extract Constant Delight.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    The mask, which contains mallow extracts, nourishes the scalp, relieves inflammation and irritation. In addition, this cosmetic product protects hair from negative environmental factors. Mud mask Antistress with mallow extract is ideal for brittle and damaged hair.

    Mode of application:
    The mask must be applied to damp hair and scalp, let stand for 7-10 minutes and rinse hair with copious amount of warm water.

    So we got to the masks for the scalp. This mask is designed for sensitive skin, but it is also firming. It is useful for preventing hair loss.
    Consistency: liquid, easily spreads over the skin
    Aroma: smells like lavender, but very gentle and unobtrusive
    Packaging: a small bottle, the product can be easily removed from the slightest pressure on it.
    I will not paint too much, I use this mask once a week. It is applied exclusively to the scalp; it does not need to be applied to the length. It has a delicate cooling effect, relieves itching of the scalp, moisturizes the scalp and hair in the root zone. Easily rinses off with water, does not take up volume and does not mess hair faster than usual. I recommend it to everyone who has minor scalp problems.

    Price: 273 rubles for 250ml
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Will I buy it again: yes
    Usage time: 4 months

    11. Mask with stem cells of unripe grapes Constant Delight.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    Created on the basis of the most modern biotechnology! The key components of the mask are plant stem cells of unripe grapes, rich in amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, phytohormones, acting at the cellular level in the hair follicle. This leads to the active production of keratin, elastane and collagen in the hair. Effectively stimulates the growth of strong, healthy hair. Prolongs the life cycle of the hair, that is, prevents hair aging.

    Mode of application:
    The mask is applied with massage movements from the applicator bottle directly to the scalp. The holding time is 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After applying the mask, it is recommended to use a moisturizing balm. The mask has no conditioning properties.

    A mask for the growth and strengthening of hair, although its composition does not contain any benefits.
    Consistency: very thick, not very easy to spread over the entire scalp
    Aroma: pleasant, salon, unobtrusive, generally not memorable
    Packaging: and here the manufacturer made fun of us. Why produce a thickening product in a bottle? To extract it, I have to dance all over the bathroom, waving my arms in different directions. In general, it is completely inconvenient.
    I primarily perceive this mask as a moisturizer for the scalp. Despite the fact that my skin is oily, it is easy to dry it out, then I start using similar products. Well, of course, it did not affect the rate of growth and loss, it also has no effect on the length itself. I already wrote my positive review about her in the catalog, and so, my opinion has changed - nevertheless, she does not accelerate hair growth on her own. I will not say that it is completely worthless, but I will not advise you.

    Price: 450 rubles for 250ml
    Rating: 2 out of 5
    Will I buy again: no
    Usage time: 2 months

    Final Comparison Table:
    & nbsp Estel
    Kaaral Royal
    Jelly cream
    Ollin Kaaral
    Mythic oil
    Shine + + + + + + +
    Nutrition + + + + + +
    + + + + + + + +
    Weighting + + + +
    Takes away
    + +
    + + + + +
    Moisturizes + + +
    For thin
    + + + + + +
    the effect
    + + + +
    Density + + + +
    My care assistants:
    Molecule Professional. Hair restoration machine.

    Information from the manufacturer:
    The main purpose is to increase 10 times any means for strengthening and restoring hair!
    Device: The device has 2 plates: infrared and ultrasonic.
    Ultrasonic waves with the help of high-frequency vibrations separate the water and protein molecules contained in the cosmetic product, which promotes the penetration of the product deep into the hair structure, where, under the influence of infrared rays, amino acids are adhered and the cuticle is sealed. This treatment increases the strength and elasticity of the hair. Hair is richly saturated with nutrients and becomes elastic, soft, shiny and voluminous.

    I have had this ultrasonic infrared iron for a long time. The pleasure is certainly expensive, but it makes even the most hopeless masks work. And if the mask itself works cool, then the effect becomes even better! When I used my favorite L’oreal mask with this iron, the effect of the mask lasted for a whole week. Here you wash your hair the next day after the mask, use the most common balm, and your hair smells like a mask, and you yourself are like after a mask. It can also be used for home lamination. Its whole point is that it actually makes the product applied to the hair penetrate deeper into the structure, and therefore the product begins to work in full force. I myself do not use it very often, laziness bothers me, but in the future I will force myself to do it every week.
    I want to note that this iron does not straighten the hair, it does not heat up at all and it is quite possible to use it on damp hair. At first I perceived it as a toy, but then I noticed how it improves the quality of penetration of masks, improves the appearance and quality of my hair. So he played an important role in my care and the current condition of my hair, for which I am very grateful to him :)

    Price: 7000 rubles
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Usage time: Year

    Comb for combing masks.

    Here I will be laconic :) I always comb the masks on wet hair (but I never comb my bare wet hair), I do it very carefully and carefully, starting from the ends and not touching the roots. Previously, I had a Tangle Teezer for this purpose, but he was replaced by such a cute one. It detangles knots much softer, does not pull out hair, does not tug at it. I am 100% satisfied.

    Price: 51 rubles
    Rating: 5 out of 5
    Usage time: 2 weeks


    That's all I wanted to tell you about masks from my personal experience. I hope you were interested and not bored while reading :)

    Thank you all for your attention and have a good day!
    • L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil Nourishing Masque - Nourishing mask for all hair types L'Oreal Professional
    • Ollin Megapolis - Ollin Black Rice Veil Mask
    • Barex Olioseta Oro Del Marocco Nourishing Mask - Nourishing mask with argan oil and flax seed oil
    • Estel Otium Miracle Comfort Mask for Severely Damaged Hair
    • Estel Otium Diamond silk mask for smooth and shiny hair
    • Constant Delight maschera nutriente con cellule staminali di uva acerba mask with stem cells of unripe grapes
    • Mud mask SPA Antistress with mallow extract Constant Delight
    • Kaaral Maraes Color Nourishing Mask
    • Kaaral Baco Silk Hydrolized post color cream - Conditioning mask for colored hair Kaaral
    • Kaaral Purify Hydra Deep Nourish Mask
    • Kaaral Royal Jelly Cream - Reconstructing hair mask with royal jelly Kaaral

    Not all girls have coarse hair from birth. Often they are spoiled by external factors - for example, water. How many girls were tormented by a dilemma: to cut their hair short or spend half of their salary on expensive care for a carefully grown "mane". But it is not necessary to go to extremes: often the case can be corrected by ordinary homemade masks for soft hair.

    Hair softening masks: how they work

    Active substances penetrate into each hair, nourish it, smooth it, and create an invisible film on top, thanks to which they flow smoothly over the shoulders and fit beautifully even into the most complex hairstyle.

    Hair softening mask recipes

    Oil mask with honey ... The mask will heal your hair, make it soft and elastic. It should be borne in mind, often making such a mask, you can lighten the hair by tone. Combine olive oil and flower honey (one to one ratio). Apply to the hair roots, massaging the head, stretch the mask over all remaining hair (to the ends). Wash with emollient shampoo. Result: elastic, strong, soft strands.

    Softening mask with jojoba oil ... Mix two oils - jojoba and olive (depending on the length of your hair, you need to take them in 1.5 or 2 large spoons), warm up. Keep on hair for 60 minutes, rinse with water and lemon juice or vinegar. Result: hair like living silk.

    Egg mask. Nourishing, moisturizing, softening. Take raw chicken yolks (1 piece - for short hair, 2 - for medium length, 3 - for long hair), 1 tablespoon of oil (olive, burdock, castor - what is). The mask is applied to the hair with a comb, and to the skin under the hair with fingers, massage movements. Keep for at least an hour, then rinse.

    • Egg masks to nourish, restore and shine curls

    Vitaminizing mask - "iron" for scales. Mix honey with vinegar (apple cider), if desired, you can also add sprouted wheat grains here. Keep up to half an hour.

    Fermented milk mask for shine , structure recovery and mitigation. Warm up kefir (yogurt, sour cream) in a water bath, apply to the entire length, insulate your head with plastic wrap and a towel. You need to keep the mask for 60 minutes.

    Hair softening mask with aloe ... Suitable for all hair types, combats dandruff and other scalp problems. Finely chop 2-3 leaves of aloe (or if there is, you can use aloe gel), add 1-2 large tablespoons of oil (olive), 2 teaspoons of honey (with a slide). Warm up in a water bath for 10 minutes, keep on the head for an hour, then wash the mask.

    Against split ends ... Mash 1 avocado and 1 ripe banana, rub this mask into each strand, so that there are no untreated areas; warm your head (bag + towel), keep for about 60 minutes, and can be washed.

    Nourishing and moisturizing mask ... Apply mayonnaise (fatter) to the hair roots, then stretch through the hair to the very ends. Wash off with shampoo after 15 minutes. Course: a maximum of 1 time per week (if done more often, the hair will quickly grow greasy). The mask is especially indicated in winter, when the hair is very dry from heating appliances.

    Linen mask for hair softening ... Warm linseed oil in a water bath, add up to 2 drops of orange and ylang-ylang esters, yolk, vitamins (A and E). Rub, process hair, wrap it with cling film, keep for 60 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

    Herbal decoctions-rinsing for "resurrection" of dry, lethargic, dull, completely forgotten hair. Dried chamomile (or St. John's wort, birch leaves, nettles, linden blossom, sage, hop cones) pour boiling water, hold in a water bath for up to 20 minutes. Rinse hair in this broth after washing. Herbs should be used regularly.

    Go to the section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

    Fashionable hair colors and shades

    Owners of dyed and overdried strands probably use masks that soften their hair. You don't have to buy expensive salon products to get the result. At home, you can make excellent masks from the ingredients at hand.

    The reasons for the stiffness of the curls

    Soft and silky hair is every woman's dream. Not everyone can boast of such. There are several reasons why a hairstyle loses its attractiveness:
    1. Frequent use of hair dryers and hair tongs. The flow of hot air and contact with hot metal dry out the strands, making them brittle.
    2. Living in a hot climate and using hard water to wash your hair.
    3. Wrong choice of cosmetics for hair care. Sulfate shampoos wash away the protective layer of fat from the hair and scalp.
    4. Frequent coloring and use of foams, varnishes when styling hair.

    Homemade recipes

    The natural ingredients in homemade masks not only restore softness to hair, but also nourish and moisturize. The cost of such funds is low, it is very easy to make them.

    Honey and oil masks. Honey is known to the general public as a cure for colds. In addition, it perfectly nourishes the hair. The ancient Greeks used olive oil for cosmetic procedures. These ingredients make an excellent emollient:
    1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 3 tablespoons of oil and brush on dry hair. You can put on a cellophane cap on your head and wrap it in a towel. For the next half hour, you can lie down or get busy. Wash off with warm water and a mild shampoo.
    2. Mix 50 grams of honey with the same amount of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of refined oil. Apply the composition to the hair and rub into the scalp. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and allow to air dry.

    Egg masks. The composition of eggs contains many elements that are beneficial for dry hair. Lecithin accelerates growth and saturates with moisture, vitamins A, B and amino acids nourish.
    1. Mix 2 yolks with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil (regular sunflower oil is also fine). Apply the mixture to hair, wrap with a towel and leave to act for 40-50 minutes. After this time, wash your hair with shampoo.
    2. Beat 1 egg, mix with 1 teaspoon of mustard powder diluted in warm water and a tablespoon of fatty kefir. Spread the mixture on dry hair, cover with a towel and leave for an hour and a half. This mask will not only soften your curls, but also accelerate their growth.

    Herbal masks. At home, plant materials are often used to soften hair.
    1. Mix equal proportions of nettle, chamomile and linden. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add 1 ampoule of liquid vitamins A, B and E to the strained solution, pour it into the crumb of rye bread. Apply the resulting mixture to the strands. Leave for 2 hours, then wash with running water.
    2. 30 grams of chamomile flowers and 3 crushed bay leaves, pour boiling water and let stand for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and pour in 20 grams of castor oil. Apply on curls, after an hour wash your head with a neutral shampoo.

    How to properly soften your hair at home

    To get the most out of homemade masks, keep in mind the following:
    before the first use, be sure to test the composition for allergic reactions;
    only systematic use can bring results, you can notice the effect in 2-4 weeks, if you pamper your hairs in 2-3 days;
    always prepare the mixture at a time, because natural ingredients quickly deteriorate;
    the composition is kept on the head for at least half an hour.
    Replacement for expensive salon hair softening treatments - homemade masks. In addition to the availability of the product, you always know what and when the mixture is made.

    Luxurious hair is the ultimate dream of almost any lady. Regular use of varnishes, mousses and foams, the use of hair dryers, flat curlers and irons make the hair dull, brittle, difficult to style. But there is a way out - these are old recipes that do not fail. Almost every housewife has products for such recipes.

    Many of the ingredients are available at affordable prices from drugstores and beauty stores.

    How to make hair softer and more beautiful at home

    Self-made natural remedies at home will help restore health and beauty, as well as enhance the growth of curls. The most effective method is considered to be wraps - hair masks based on available natural ingredients.

    The simplest mask is kefir. For her, you need regular store kefir, warmed up to room temperature. It is rubbed into the skin and distributed over the entire length of the strands. Then the head is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. It is worth noting that creating a greenhouse effect is a must for all types of masks.

    The procedure takes 2 hours. After a set time, the hair is washed using the usual shampoo. If you carry out such an event at least once a week for 2-3 months, the hair will become moisturized, smooth, shiny and, most importantly, soft.

    An egg-based product works in a similar way. Beat a few yolks, combine with a glass of water, strain and process the head with them. Wait about an hour and then remove using shampoo. Note that all masks containing eggs are washed off with warm water, since hot water provokes curdling of the yolks, then it is more difficult to remove them from the strands.

    Burdock oil is an effective softener, but its significant drawback is poor hair removal. This product, when compared with other fats, is rightfully considered the most versatile. Burdock oil can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients. The simplest recipe: apply to the roots, and then distribute the leftovers along the entire length, and you will need a very small portion of the product.

    Usually it is left on the head for 1-1.5 hours, but some ladies - for the whole night. To remove this substance from your hair, you need to reapply the shampoo several times. In a similar way, nettle oil is used at home, only it should be used in courses - once a week for 2-3 months, and then a break.

    Another effective home remedy is mayonnaise. Of course, it is better to use your own product. Lemon juice is recommended instead of vinegar. A store analogue will not be beneficial, as it is saturated with artificial thickeners and preservatives. It is applied in the same way as in previous recipes, but it is kept on the head much less - only a quarter of an hour. Wash off thoroughly. After such a procedure, the hair will be moisturized, receive a portion of vitamins, and become soft and voluminous. However, more often than once a week, these masks do not need to be done, otherwise the strands will grow fat faster.

    Homemade masks to soften and accelerate hair growth

    By complicating the composition of the masks, you can achieve that the hair becomes not only healthy and beautiful, but also grows faster.

    Such formulations are applied to clean, damp strands, and removed by another shampoo, sometimes even without using shampoo.

    Masks to soften and nourish hair at home

    If you need to restore your hair to a healthy look in a short time, you need to use a whole range of care products. It is recommended to start with the usual shampoo: a concentrated herbal infusion, lemon juice or edible gelatin (or all the ingredients together) are added to it. Then the curls will be easier to comb, will become stronger thanks to herbs, and will also shine and smell.

    Rosemary infusion is also useful, which will not only restore the beauty of the curls, but also accelerate their growth. In a similar way, use chamomile infusion for light strands, and sage for dark ones; red and chestnut curls are suitable for infusion of hibiscus petals. If you add peppermint infusion to the detergent, the hair will become more voluminous, and the curls will curl a little. Using hops will strengthen the hair. For the same purpose, homemade beer masks are made.

    Excellent nutrition is provided by herbal oil infusions. A plant of your choice is poured with almond or olive oil, infused for 7 days, and then used to treat the scalp before water treatments. It is recommended to use a shampoo enriched with useful ingredients at the same time. You can also rinse the curls with an acidic solution to enhance the effect, for example, with apple cider vinegar, or infusions of herbs - chamomile, calendula, plantain.

    Gelatin based hair softener

    The procedure using this product is similar to lamination. The composition is made on the basis of a conditioner (3 tablespoons), adding to it a tablespoon of edible gelatin and the same amount of oil (almond, peach or other).

    You can also add 3 to 5 drops of an essential oil of your choice.

    First, fill the gelatin with water (warm) and wait until it swells. Then add the rest of the ingredients to it. The composition is applied so as not to touch the roots, otherwise the effect of dirty hair will turn out. The procedure takes 1 hour. Remove the mixture without using shampoo.

    Vitamin-based products will help restore softness, smoothness and shine. Vitamins A and E are best suited for these purposes. They can be combined with other ingredients, added to the usual shampoos and balms. Also, vitamins will strengthen the curls and activate their growth.

    Coffee mask for hair softening

    You need to brew coffee with a glass of boiling water. The brewed drink is filtered and applied to the head, held for half an hour and washed off without the use of shampoo. The hair after the procedure becomes soft and shiny. The cake left over from coffee can be used as a peeling / body scrub. This mask is not recommended for blondes, as the broth can give their light hair a dark shade.

    Glycerin for soft curls

    The mask is made from castor oil and glycerin directly, mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. It is also recommended to add whipped protein to the mixture. The composition is applied from root to tip and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is removed. The curls are washed with warm water so that the protein does not curl.

    How to make a curd softening mask

    This fermented milk product is an excellent hair conditioner. It is usually used in combination with an egg. The tool is used to treat curls from roots to ends. Leave the composition for a quarter of an hour, then remove. After the procedure, the curls will become obedient, they will stop breaking and electrifying, they will be easy to comb.


    It is not difficult to prepare an effective mask at home. The main thing is to choose a recipe taking into account the specific problem at hand.

    Related materials

    A frequent occurrence among the fair sex is that the hair often becomes lifeless, dry and coarse. The original appearance of the hair deteriorates due to many factors, these include the external influence of the environment, unhealthy diet, psycho-emotional state of the girl.

    The main causes of stiff hair

    • unsuitable detergents;
    • hard running water, excess bleach in the composition;
    • poor ecology, high gas content;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • low quality care products.

    Hair care rules

    1. Provide maximum care to the strands, natural remedies and masks should be used. Wash your hair with filtered water
    2. It is highly recommended to approach the restoration of strands in a comprehensive manner. In addition to homemade masks, it is important to choose a targeted shampoo, preferably a professional series.
    3. It is worth giving up perms, hair dryers and hair straighteners. Take all kinds of vitamins systematically. Refrain from using appliances for at least a month.
    4. The mop does not always become tough due to careless maintenance, often the problem appears due to a genetic predisposition. In this case, there is practically no point in softening the hair.
    5. You can provide them with proper nutrition, growth, hydration. After persistent procedures, the mop will acquire softness. If you have a thick hair shaft, there are pros and cons to this.
    6. The only drawbacks are that the curls are dry and not very obedient. Also, hair can receive uneven nutrients and sebum. More often the result is severe stress, neurosis and depression.
    7. It is strongly recommended to abandon frequent hairdressing procedures that have a detrimental effect on the structure of the strands (dyeing, lightening, perming, drying with a hairdryer, straightening curls with an iron).
    8. There is no doubt that for a while you will be significantly transformed, and the consequences speak for themselves. The procedures take moisture from the hair, the high temperature destroys the strands, and the ends are cut.
    9. If you live in a metropolis with high gas content, problems with your hair cannot be avoided. If possible, give up mousses, varnishes, wax. Do not abuse thermal devices, you will not always be able to keep track of the heating temperature.

    Features of using softening masks

    1. It is recommended to apply a homemade nutrient to the hair 1-1.5 hours before taking water procedures. The result is soft and silky curls.
    2. The freshly prepared mass is spread over the entire length, capturing the roots. For ease of application, it is recommended to use a cosmetic brush.
    3. After distributing the home composition, the head must be insulated with a handkerchief or towel. As a result, you will get a more powerful effect. Also remember to use polyethylene.
    4. After the allotted time, the hair should be rinsed abundantly with purified water. Repeat the manipulation using a quality shampoo. At the end, rinse the curls with herbal decoction.
    5. It is recommended to dry your hair naturally. Wring them out with a towel, remove the cloth. After that, wait until the end of the process.

    Modern cosmetics for hair care are quite capable of providing proper nutrition and care. The problem lies in the high price of quality products. Also, it is not always possible to determine which composition may suit you, some contain harmful impurities, parabens and alcohol.

    Burdock honey and oil

    1. For coarse hair, it is recommended to use a product that contains egg yolk (homemade). The product is rich in minerals, acids, vitamins, fats. Combined with additional ingredients, the mixture revitalizes the strands.
    2. To prepare the nutritional composition, you need to combine 55 g in a convenient bowl. burdock oil and 60 ml. stringy honey. Stir the ingredients until smooth, warm up in a water bath to 35-40 degrees.
    3. Once the recommended temperature is reached, gradually stir in the egg yolk. Apply a uniform consistency to problem hair with a generous layer. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, wait about 50 minutes.
    4. After a while, rinse your head with copious amounts of not hot water. Use a suitable shampoo the second time. For the last time, it is recommended to rinse the hair with filtered water or herbal decoction.

    Apple cider vinegar and gelatin

    1. When using such a mask, the result will amaze you from the first application. As a result, the hair becomes silky, soft and manageable. There is a shine and a light lamination effect. The composition is struggling with the cross-section.
    2. Soak 50g. gelatin with a little warm water. After a while, the composition must be installed in a steam bath. Follow the process, the product should not boil. Get a temperature of 60 degrees.
    3. Then add 12 ml to the gelatin mixture. apple cider vinegar and 45 gr. flower honey. Bring the ingredients until smooth. When applying the composition, keep in mind that 2-3 cm should be retreated from the roots.
    4. Distribute the mask as recommended. Wrap your hair with cling film, warm your head with a scarf. Do your usual duties, after 1 hour wash off the mass in the classical way with a detergent.

    Aloe Vera and Olive Oil

    1. The good thing about the mask is that it suits all hair types. As a result, you get shiny hair with silky and elastic strands. Also, the hair is well smoothed and moisturized.
    2. Send 35 g to a saucepan. honey and 55 gr. olive oil. Place the container on the stove, heat the components to 50 degrees. Grind 2 medium-sized aloe stalks in parallel. Mix the resulting gruel into a common container.
    3. Remove the composition from the stove, if necessary, wait for a while to cool down to an acceptable temperature. Mix the ingredients thoroughly again, proceed with the manipulations. Apply the mask from roots to ends.
    4. Wrap your head with foil and cloth in the usual way. After 50-55 minutes, start water manipulation. Wash your hair thoroughly; the use of cosmetic detergents is optional.

    Kefir and castor oil

    1. The mask has the standard moisturizing and softening properties. In addition, the composition raises hair at the roots. Also, the tool normalizes the work of secretion of subcutaneous fat. Hair stays fresh and clean longer.
    2. Build a water bath, place a heat-resistant container over it. Mix in a container of 25 ml. castor oil and 120 ml. kefir. Preheat the components to 35 degrees. Remove food from stove, add 2 quail egg yolks.
    3. Spread the mixture in a generous layer over the entire length of the hair. Build a standard hood with polyethylene and towel. Wait about 50-55 minutes. Remove the components in the usual way. Use a rinse aid.

    Blue clay and lemon juice

    1. The tool perfectly helps to relieve the head from clogging of the sebaceous glands. The dermis increases its tone, improves blood circulation. Hair becomes softer and more manageable.
    2. Take 60 gr. blue clay, pour the composition into a suitable cup, dilute with a little warm water. As a result, you should have a creamy mass.
    3. Add 45 ml to the cosmetic composition. burdock oil and 15 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Spread the mixture with a brush, wrap the head with plastic. Wash off after 35 minutes with paraben-free shampoo.
    4. To increase efficiency, use a rinse solution. Mix 1.4 liters. softened filtered water with 45-60 ml. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

    Natural oils will also help revitalize your hair. They do an excellent job. It is not recommended to use such products if you have oily curls. Various oils thoroughly nourish and moisturize the strands. Also, the composition enriches and restores the hair structure. The oil is applied overnight, the head should be wrapped in a film. When you wake up, wash your hair with shampoo.

    Video: mask for shine, strength and softness of hair