How to draw up a fixed-term employment contract. Fixed-term employment contract (sample): how to determine the validity period and prolong

Fixed-term employment contracts are often concluded, but constantly become a source of problems for the employer and / or employee. In this article, we will analyze all the nuances of a fixed-term employment contract in 2019 - what it is, when it is concluded, how it is extended and terminated.

The essence of the contract

When an employer and an employee formalize an employment relationship, an indefinite term is concluded by default. It is understood that the contract will remain in effect until there is a reason for dismissal, or the contract is terminated due to external factors beyond the control of the parties (for example, the liquidation of the organization or the death of an employee).

But a company doesn't always need a permanent employee. There is only a need to perform temporary work or replace an absent worker. Then a fixed-term employment contract comes to the rescue.

Grounds for conclusion

In practice, the following reasons are most often encountered:

  • the need to replace an absent employee (during parental leave or long-term illness);
  • the need for seasonal work (in agriculture or tourism);
  • a temporary increase in the volume of work (for example, stationery stores are hiring additional salespeople before the start of the school year);
  • performance of work that goes beyond the usual activities (to install something, put into operation, dismantle, build, repair, etc.);
  • internship / practice.

There are also more specific reasons for signing a fixed-term employment contract. You can get acquainted with them in article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The main thing to consider is to correctly indicate the reason for the conclusion, as well as the date when the relationship will be terminated.


You can download the forms and samples of urgent contracts and all related documents at the end of the article. The employer undertakes:

  • draw up an order for employment;
  • make an entry in the work book;
  • register an employee's personal card.

All important points are recorded in the order, including the day of completion of the contract, which will be discussed below. The position, date of entry to work, salary, personnel number, etc. must be indicated. The entry in the work book looks standard. The fact that the employee will work temporarily does not need to be emphasized.

In the employee's personal card, drawn up in the T-2 form, in the "Nature of work" field, it should be noted that this person will work in the organization temporarily. In the section "Hiring, transfers to another job" you need to write the same wording that was indicated in the work book.

Terms of imprisonment

A fixed-term employment contract is concluded for a period not exceeding 5 years with all extensions and additional agreements. It certainly prescribes the reason for the imprisonment - one of those given in Article 59 of the Labor Code. And if a fixed-term employment contract is concluded incorrectly or is not terminated in due time, it can turn into an indefinite one.

However, this is only an upper limit. For how long such contracts are usually drawn up:

It is important to prescribe the moment of termination correctly. Below we will look at a few common mistakes to show how this is done.

1. When replacing a temporarily absent employee

Key points:

  • a person is accepted to replace a specific employee, whose position and full name are prescribed in a fixed-term employment contract;
  • a regular employee retains his place and staff unit;
  • a temporary employee performs his duties during the absence of a permanent employee.

Let's take a classic example - decree. You can find the following phrase “The employment contract was concluded to replace the temporarily absent PP Ivanova, who is on parental leave. The contract is valid until the end of the parental leave Ivanova P.P. "

It would seem that everything is provided. However, it missed the point that a maternity worker could go part-time while officially still on maternity leave, leaving the employer in a quandary. He cannot deny the maternity leave a part-time job, as this would violate her rights. And he cannot fire the temporary employee, since the parental leave is not formally over yet.

Therefore, it is better to write "during the absence of Ivanova P.P." You can indicate that she is on maternity leave, but do not emphasize that the employment contract is terminated at the end of this vacation.

2. To do a specific job

Key points:

  • if the exact date of completion of the work is known, we indicate it as the date of termination of the contract;
  • if the date is unknown, then we write that the labor relationship will end as soon as the necessary work is completed (for example, an act of completed work will be signed).

The main complication that arises with such contracts is when something went wrong and the work was not completed on time. That is, according to the terms, the contract must already be terminated, but the employer still needs the employee.

There are several options here:

  1. Conclude a similar fixed-term contract. The problem is that if such contracts are concluded over and over again, then the employee through the court can achieve that the employment contract is recognized as indefinite.
  2. Conclude a new fixed-term contract. That is, earlier the subject of the contract was work A, but now we have concluded a contract for the performance of work B. The problem is that it is not always possible to conclude a contract for new types of work, because the person is expected to fulfill the same obligations.
  3. Conclude an additional agreement on the extension of a fixed-term employment contract. Usually in court, this is not considered a basis for recognizing the contract as indefinite, so the employer is safe here. See a sample of such an agreement at the end of the article.
  4. Extend the term of a fixed-term contract. Renewal usually implies that the employment contract becomes indefinite, but there are also exceptional cases.

For example, you cannot terminate a fixed-term employment contract with a pregnant employee. The contract is automatically renewed until the end of the pregnancy. If the employee has given birth to a child, then the dismissal is made out after the end of maternity leave in accordance with the sick leave. If the employee had a miscarriage or she had an abortion, then she can be fired within a week from the day when the employer became aware of the termination of the pregnancy.

In addition, specific grounds for renewal are possible. For example, an employee was hired to replace a maternity leave, the maternity leave ended, but the employee did not go to work, but went on sick leave. In this case, it will be permissible to extend the fixed-term employment contract of the substitute employee for the duration of her sick leave through an additional agreement.

Dismissal under a fixed-term employment contract

In general, a fixed-term employment contract can lead to one of the following outcomes (see diagram).

The procedure for dismissal under a fixed-term employment contract is not much different from the usual termination of employment. The employer must send a notice of termination of the contract to the employee no later than three days before the expected date of dismissal. The only case when he is exempted from this is when the contract is terminated because the permanent employee has come to work. In such a situation, the employer does not always know this three days in advance, and therefore is not able to notify the temporary employee. But there are also two nuances here.

1. No rush

Let's say the main employee said that he will go to work on May 15. The employer decided that on May 15 the place would be occupied by the main employee, and therefore terminated the employment relationship with the temporary employee on May 14.

And then the permanent employee changed his mind and was unable to leave on the specified date (female employees on maternity leave have such a right). Then it turns out that the temporary employee was dismissed illegally - the reason for his dismissal has not yet come.

2. You can't hesitate

Let's imagine the opposite situation - the main employee went to work and began to work, but at the same time the temporary employee also continues to work. Neither the employer nor the temporary employee does anything. In this case, the fixed-term contract automatically becomes indefinite.

Therefore, we act like this. If possible, we warn the employee about the termination of the employment contract at least 3 days before the expected date. But we do not start the termination process until we are convinced that the main employee has indeed returned to work.

The employer is especially interested in concluding a fixed-term employment contract, as he gets the opportunity to fire an employee who is not suitable for the company for various reasons. Therefore, persons applying for work are sometimes imposed such contracts. Employers and potential employees should take into account the provisions of applicable labor laws to protect their interests in the event of a fixed-term employment contract.

Sample compilation

The general rule established by the Labor Code states that employment contracts are concluded for an indefinite period. An exception is the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract. It is concluded for no more than five years, unless another period is provided for by the Labor Code or other federal laws. The contract is recognized as indefinite if it does not specify the validity period or is specified, but at the same time it exceeds the maximum established by the legislator.

The contract can be transformed into an indefinite one and in other cases. For example, if, when concluding the contract, the restrictions established by the legislator (TC, article 59) were not taken into account, or there was a deviation from the provision of guarantees and various rights provided for employees who are employed for an indefinite period.

In accordance with the Labor Code, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded in the following cases:

  • If the employment relationship cannot be established for an indefinite period due to the nature of the work ahead, as well as the conditions associated with its implementation.
  • If the contract can be concluded by agreement of the parties. In this case, the nature of the work ahead and the conditions associated with its implementation are not taken into account (if there are grounds provided by the legislator).

The employer must remember that the fixed-term contract must contain mandatory conditions, certain information must be indicated (Labor Code, article 57). First of all, the term of the contract and the grounds for the conclusion must be indicated.

At the moment, there is a list of mandatory and optional grounds established by the legislator for concluding a fixed-term contract. The list is not closed.

This type of contract is concluded when hiring employees for seasonal or temporary work (up to two months), for replacing temporarily absent employees, for internship or vocational training of an employee, etc.

Optional grounds are a right, not an obligation of the employer. Therefore, an employee can be hired with the conclusion of an open-ended contract.

A fixed-term contract is recognized as lawful if it is concluded with the voluntary consent of the parties. Otherwise, when resolving any conflicts, the court will establish the fact of the forced conclusion of the contract and apply the rules applicable to perpetual contracts.

Who can conclude

The right to conclude fixed-term employment contracts has been granted by the legislator to small businesses (including individual entrepreneurs), the number of which does not exceed 35 people. For the retail trade and consumer services - 20 people.

An employer cannot conclude a fixed-term contract with employees who have reached retirement age. Now this is only possible with newly hired workers who are retirees.

This agreement is concluded with persons who study on a full-time basis, with chief accountants, managers and their deputies, with part-time workers of organizations of any form of ownership and organizational and legal forms.

When calculating the values ​​of the average wage for payments to employees who annually conclude fixed-term contracts, travel allowances, vacation pay, etc., some difficulties arise.

According to the Labor Code and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the calculation of the average salary of an employee for any mode of work is carried out on the basis of the accrued wages and hours worked in fact for 12 calendar months that preceded the period during which the employee retained the average salary. Calendar month - from the 1st to the 30th (31st) day (February - to the 28th (29th)).

Therefore, if a new contract is concluded with an employee every year, then one or another period of time falls out for calculating vacation or sick leave.


Upon termination of the employment contract, the legal relationship of both parties also terminates. On the same day, the employer must issue the employee a work book and make a calculation, that is, pay all the amounts, including compensation for unused vacation (Labor Code, article 140).

An employee with whom a fixed-term contract has been concluded can terminate it on his own initiative or by agreement with the employer (Labor Code, article 77).

It should be noted that in order to terminate the employment contract, the employer must perform certain actions, otherwise it remains in force and becomes a document concluded for an indefinite period (Labor Code, article 58).
If a fixed-term contract becomes indefinite, then some amendments are made to the employment contract and an additional agreement is concluded. No entries are made in the work book.

If the company is not interested in continuing the employment relationship with the employee, then he must be notified of the termination of the contract (the basis is the expiration of the term) in writing three or more calendar days before the dismissal (TC, article 79).

An exception is the case when this contract is concluded for the duration of the work of the absent employee.

In some circumstances, the exact date of termination of the contract cannot be specified, therefore:

  • The contract concluded for the duration of specific work is terminated upon completion.
  • The contract concluded for the duration of the performance of the duties of the absent employee is terminated upon his return.
  • The contract concluded for the duration of seasonal work in a certain period (season) terminates at the end of this time.

In the work book, the expiration of the term of the employment contract is indicated as a basis (Labor Code, article 77).

If the court establishes the fact of illegal dismissal before the expiration of the term of the employment contract, then it reinstates the employee at the previous job. If during the proceedings the term of the contract expires, then the dismissal is declared illegal, the date and wording of the grounds for dismissal are changed (on the basis upon the expiration of the contract). In this case, at the request of the employee, the court makes a decision on the recovery in favor of the employee of the average earnings for the period of forced absenteeism, as well as on changing the basis for dismissal (on the basis of his own free will).

Dismissal of Beremonnaya

In 2006, a number of changes were made to Article 261 of the Labor Code. In this regard, employees during pregnancy who are hired under a fixed-term contract may be dismissed if they do not give written consent to transfer to another existing job before the end of the pregnancy. The employer is obliged to offer all vacancies that meet the requirements in a similar location. Vacancies in other localities can be offered if it is stipulated in the collective, labor agreement, in agreements.

If the contract expires during pregnancy, the employer must extend the employment contract until the end of the pregnancy when the employee provides a medical certificate confirming her condition and a written application. At the request of the employer, the employee must provide this certificate (when renewing the contract), but not more often than once every three months. If a woman continues to perform her duties at the end of her pregnancy, the employer can terminate the contract within a week from the date of receipt of information about the end of the pregnancy.
There is no minimum term for a fixed-term contract. In this regard, in Chapter 45 of the Labor Code, the features of the regulation of short-term labor are fixed.

Short term

If an employee gets a job for up to 2 months, then he is not given a trial (TC, article 289). With the written consent of such workers, recruitment to work on non-working holidays and weekends is compensated in double amount in cash (TC, article 290). Payment of compensation upon dismissal, as well as paid leave, is made at the rate of 2 working days for a whole month of work (TC, article 291).

Upon termination of the contract with these employees, special rules are established. If the termination is early, then the employee must notify the employer three calendar days in advance. In the same period, the employer must notify about the upcoming dismissal (against signature in writing). In these cases, the employee does not receive severance pay (unless otherwise established by an employment and collective agreement, federal laws).

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An employment contract with an employee serves as the main legal document reflecting the employment relationship between the employer and the employee. It is signed by both parties, it contains all the conditions regarding the nature and duration of labor relations, the rights and obligations of the parties.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the right to choose a profession and field of activity (Article 37). The employer is obliged to provide conditions that meet hygiene and safety standards. The employee has the right to receive payment for his labor without delay and in full.

Important! An employment contract comprehensively protects the interests of the parties; it becomes a guarantee of compliance with the legality of the employer-employee relationship.

It installs:

  • the nature of the emergence, development, termination of labor relations;
  • term of continuation of labor relations;
  • the rights and obligations of each of the parties;
  • the employer's obligation to provide working conditions that comply with the provisions of labor legislation, to pay wages on time.
  • the duty of the hired citizen to fulfill his duties in good faith, to observe discipline and the rules of the internal order of the enterprise.

Attention! The labor agreement is drawn up on the basis of the Labor Code, all clauses must comply with the articles of the latter. This is necessary in order to interpret the situation on the basis of the Labor Code in conflict and disputable situations.

After the conclusion of an employment contract, the parties are obliged to comply with the terms of the agreement, according to which they have rights and obligations.

Types of contracts

The agreement is most often signed for an indefinite period of time: this is a regular employment contract, which is most preferable, since it best protects the interests of the employee.

It is concluded with a full guarantee of all the rights of a citizen, in accordance with the Labor Code.

In some cases, the time frame for labor relations is established, it depends on the conditions prescribed in Part 1 of Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, a fixed-term agreement is signed for a period of less than 5 years (fixed-term or contract).

Such a document does not fully guarantee the legal protection of employees. An employee does not have the right to terminate such an agreement on his own initiative, this is allowed only in case of illness, disability, or for some other reason.

In addition, the employer reserves the option of extending the contract after its termination, that is, labor relations can be renewed only at his request.

Unscrupulous employers sometimes use this factor to put pressure on the employee.

Important! Therefore, the law establishes that a fixed-term contract can be concluded only if it is not possible to sign an unlimited one, depending on the nature of the work, working conditions or the interests of the employee.

If, after its completion, a person continues to work at the same place, the fixed-term contract turns into an indefinite one, that is, it is extended for an indefinite period.

Fixed-term contracts can be:

  1. Exactly agreed on a deadline (for example, for an elective position for a certain period).
  2. For a relatively precise period (if the organization is organized to perform certain functions).
  3. Urgent (for example, to temporarily replace an absent employee).

By the nature of the relationship:

  • concluded at the main place of work (TD-1);
  • to combine positions (allowed during free time from the main job at the same enterprise, or at another.);
  • short-term;
  • for seasonal work;
  • home work.

The following employers can enter into agreements:

  • legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • individuals without registration as individual entrepreneurs.

Classification of agreements on working conditions:

  • normal (standard) conditions;
  • shift work, with night shifts;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • work in the Far North or in areas equated to it.

By the amount of work performed:

  • at the main place of work: full-time, full-time with the storage of the work book at this enterprise;
  • part-time: in free time from the main activity.

Forms of employment contracts

There are established forms of drawing up an employment contract. It should be in writing, in duplicate: one for each side. Each of them should be signed by the employer and the employee.

The employer keeps the document in the employee's personal file, the employee signs the completed sample, which remains with the employer, as proof that he has been handed a second copy of the agreement.

If a citizen has not reached the age of 14, then the document is signed by his legal representative. Only reliable information about the parties or their representatives should be entered into the text.

Attention! Sometimes it is possible to start work without signing a written document, by oral agreement. The contract is still considered concluded, but it is required to issue it on paper within three days.

If the employer is an individual who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur, then when concluding an agreement, he is obliged to notify the local authorities about this (Article 303 of the Labor Code). But the law does not provide for any sanctions for violation of this rule.

Download the employment contract form

Forms of employment agreements can be downloaded from our website. For example, an employment contract with an employee, sample 2018, can be downloaded for free below.

The samples that are given here are considered typical, that is, they meet all the basic standard requirements for the preparation of this document.

Uniform forms are not provided by law, so the employer can choose any form that suits him best.

Model contract:

Download in Word format.

Example of filling out a fixed-term contract:

Download in Word format.

Sample employment contract with an employee without a probationary period:

Download in Word format.

Contract with individual entrepreneur:

Download in Word format.

Additional agreement:

Download in Word format.

What should a contract with an employee contain

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish uniform forms for the preparation of such documents. A single form has been established only for micro-enterprises, that is, small businesses.

The upper part of the document consists of the following information:

  1. Full name of the citizen applying for work.
  2. The name and details of the employer, including TIN.
  3. Place and date of preparation of the document.

Information about the conditions of professional activity:

  • Profession, position, qualifications (according to the staffing table) and workplace.
  • The moment of commencement of work and the duration of the contract.
  • Work and rest mode. Usually, the employee is given the opportunity to work on a schedule that is common to the entire enterprise. But individual cases provide for an individual, flexible or shift schedule, part-time, dividing the working day into several parts.

An important condition when concluding an employment contract is the length of the working week: no more than 40 hours - for adults, 36 hours or less - for workers aged 16-18, no more than 24 hours - for adolescents from 14 to 16 years old.

  • Terms of payment, salary: wage rate or salary, additional payments, incentives, benefits, compensation for special or harmful conditions.
  • The rights and obligations of the employee and the employer.
  • Guarantees.
  • The nature and conditions of work.

Important! In the absence of one of these points in the text of the concluded agreement, the employer may be assigned an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. The labor inspectorate checks the conformity of the text of the document.

If it becomes necessary to make changes or additions, an additional agreement must be drawn up.

Additional terms

Additional terms and conditions of an employment contract must comply with legal regulations, although they may have a different nature and purpose, depending on the situation.

Under the terms of the Labor Code, the document may contain additional conditions:

  • Clarifications about the upcoming place of work: for example, an indication of a separate structural unit and its actual address.
  • Probationary period and its conditions. It is often required to check the qualifications and knowledge of the employee when hiring.

The term should not exceed three months, for the management team - 6 months, excluding illness or absence for good reasons.

  • Delivery to work. This point is of great importance when the workplace is far away (for example, for road workers), when the working day starts too early and ends too late (drivers, conductors).
  • Clause on non-disclosure of classified information of an official or commercial nature or state secrets.
  • The clause on the need to work for a certain period of time at a given enterprise when training an employee at the expense of the employer.
  • Compulsory or supplementary social or health insurance conditions.
  • The possibility of providing housing. An apartment can be temporary or permanent, provided in the future or right now, capital housing, a separate or communal apartment, a loan for the purchase of housing, full or partial payment of rental housing.

In any case, the parties can introduce a clause on improving social and living conditions for the person employed, his family.

  • Additional opportunities for non-state pension provision.

In some cases, the labor legislation of Russia and some other legislative acts allow the inclusion of a clause stating that it is possible to conclude an agreement with this employee by other organizations and persons who are not employers under this agreement.

Notification of the conclusion of an employment contract

Many employers have to hire foreign citizens. The procedure for hiring such a person must be accompanied by certain actions, among which is the notification of some state bodies.

Important! A foreign citizen has the same rights and obligations when applying for a job as a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is guaranteed to him by the legislation of our country.

The conclusion of an employment contract for foreigners is permissive. That is, for its conclusion, it is required to obtain permits for the attraction and use of foreign labor by employers; a visiting citizen should obtain a work permit.

The rules and procedure for drawing up an agreement are the same as when hiring a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to be guided by the Recommendation No. 86 of the International Labor Organization "On Migrant Workers" (is of a recommendatory nature) and the Agreement of the CIS countries of 15.04.1994 (mandatory).

If the hired employee has problems with the Russian language, the document is translated into a language that he understands, although it must be drawn up in Russian.

Additional conditions when concluding an agreement with a foreign citizen are just as important as rights and obligations, all these points are prescribed in accordance with Russian law. The contract must contain all the mandatory clauses required by article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is possible to sign a fixed-term employment contract with a foreign citizen for 1 year. In the absence of grounds for a fixed-term contract, it is possible to conclude an unlimited one.

When signing an agreement, the employer sends notifications to the following organizations:

  1. Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (notice period 10 days).
  2. Employment center (3 days).
  3. Federal Migration Service (7 days).

The same notices must be sent upon termination of the agreement and dismissal of the foreign worker. The same terms of notification of state bodies remain, only the term of notification of the migration service changes - it is 3 days upon dismissal. Alerts must also be sent when giving leave.

Attention! If such a notification is not sent, the employer will be fined up to 1 million rubles.

The term of the contract is of great importance. The work permit should not be allowed to expire before the expiry of the term of the employment agreement. It also threatens with fines for the employer.

To bring the deadlines in line, you need to use Art. 59 TC. Termination of the agreement also has its own special conditions, which must be taken into account.

The procedure for signing an employment contract and its entry into force

The contract can only be concluded with a citizen who has reached the age of 16. Sometimes it is allowed to sign it with students of 15 years old, sometimes even 14 years old. On the basis of such a document, an order for employment is drawn up. Its content must comply with the text of the agreement.

The order is drawn up within three days after the start of the actual work. In this case, the employee must be familiarized with the conditions of the internal regulations.

The contract is considered concluded after its signing, immediately after both parties have come to an agreement on all points.

From this moment it comes into force (Article 61 of the Labor Code), unless the provisions of the employment contract and laws provide otherwise. This may be reflected in the agreement itself or, if it is not in writing, in a job order.

Sometimes the contract comes into force at the moment the employee actually appears at the workplace. The employee is obliged to start performing his labor duties from the date fixed in the document.

If the term is not specifically stipulated, then you need to start your duties the next day after the document comes into force.

Is it possible to cancel the concluded contract

The ability to cancel the agreement is provided for by Part 4 of Art. 61 TC. If the employee does not go to his workplace within the specified period, the employer has the right to cancel the agreement.

A canceled agreement is considered not concluded, that is, it loses legal force, the parties have no rights and obligations in relation to each other.

Important! True, when an insured event occurs (illness, injury or other cases determined by law) in the period from the date of conclusion to its cancellation, the citizen is guaranteed all payments due under this agreement or compulsory social insurance.

By the way, the employer has the right, at its discretion, to cancel or keep the signed agreement in force.

When a document is canceled, an appropriate act is drawn up. The order also loses its validity if it has already been issued. An employee can also refuse to work before going to his workplace.


An employment contract is crucial in modern labor relations. Therefore, its content, the order of filling, the rules for observing its points should be treated with great attention.

Mandatory and additional clauses can be written in different ways, but the main condition is that they should not create conditions for the employee worse than those defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If any clauses or conditions are not included in the text of the agreement, this is not an indication that the employer or hired employee refuses to fulfill their rights or obligations.

A fixed-term employment contract is an agreement that is concluded between the employer and the employee for a specific period, limited to a specific date or the occurrence of a specific event. You can download a sample of a fixed-term employment contract at the link below.

How to conclude a contract correctly

Such an agreement is most often concluded in cases when seasonal employees are hired for temporary work, as well as for the period of replacement of absent employees (for example, for the period of maternity leave of a permanent employee).

Hiring workers under a fixed-term employment contract is formalized in the same way as hiring permanent employees. The difference is that the contract has an expiration date... Employees with whom a fixed-term employment contract has been concluded have the same rights as permanent employees. The necessary taxes are deducted from their salaries, insurance premiums are paid, the employer is obliged to provide all the same social guarantees as a permanent employee, he is obliged to provide leave, pay sick leave.

The employee may be required to write an application for employment under a fixed-term employment contract →.

The employee, in turn, despite the urgency of the employment contract concluded with him, is obliged to comply with all those rules that are established at the enterprise. In the process of performing his work, he must be guided by his job description. A temporary worker, just like a permanent worker, bears disciplinary responsibility for various kinds of violations. In addition to a fixed-term employment contract, an open-ended employment contract may be concluded. A sample of an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period can be downloaded.

Content and conditions of a fixed-term employment contract

In general, an employment contract concluded for a specific period has the same details and conditions as an open-ended employment contract.

An important detail of the contract is the validity period - the date of expiry of the employment contract and the events that must occur for the expiration of the agreement can be specified.

Another feature is that temporary workers are not assigned a probationary period.

Among other details:

  • information about the employer and employee;
  • position and place of work;
  • the procedure for remuneration of labor;
  • job responsibilities;
  • responsibility of the parties;
  • operating mode;
  • social guarantees;
  • conditions for early termination of the contract.


If the expiration date of the employment relationship approaches, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing. If the term of the employment contract does not exceed 2 months, then the employee must be notified no later than 3 days in advance. If the validity period is more than 2 months, then no later than 2 weeks must be notified. An example of a fixed-term employment contract can be downloaded from the link below.