How to sew working mittens do it yourself

Mittens protect the hands of a man from a winter frost and cold wind. It is this item wardrobe product consisting of two departments. Little is designed for thumb. The remaining fingers are placed in a wide pocket. Mittens warmer than gloves. In harsh climatic zones, only this option for brushes are used.

Winter mittens can be manufactured from any material. They knit and sew needlewomen around the world. This element of clothing has a lot of variation and designs. After all, everyone wants to be the owner of a special pair. Flis is very simple. Such mittens can sew any woman. Especially good such products look at children's handles.

Fleece - Material for mittens

This material is very popular with the manufacturers of sports. Needlewomen also love to work with a fleece. It is distinguished by special softness and keeps warm well. At the same time, if the skin sweats, then the moisture is absorbed by the material, and the body remains dry. It is for such a property that the sports companies prefer this tissue.

Many are thinking how to sew mittens from fleece. In fact, there is nothing complicated. The color scheme of the material allows you to experiment and select any shades. Mitches for children's palms are especially cute. Fleece does not roll with long-term operation, does not learn. The fabric is easily stitched by a typewriter, an additional edge processing is required. This is a very practical and comfortable material, sew from it - one pleasure.

Patterns for vessels

Children's mittens, as well as adults, sew on pre-prepared billets. It is important to correctly determine the size of the palm. Mittens should not be narrow and deliver discomfort. Therefore, before work it is worth circling your hand or palm of a child on paper. So it will be possible to competently determine the proportions of the future product.

The pattern of the molds from the fleece is made from this workpiece. Any mitten consists of three main details. They are stitched with a needle or using a typewriter. Of course, products, strokes on the sewing machine, are more durable. Inside the layer of lining. So the mitten will be warmer and will not blocked through, even if the child decides to play snowballs.

Mitches with drawing

The pattern of children's verges is done like this, as for an adult. Single mittens look simple and uninteresting. Of course, if you prefer minimalism in accessories, we boldly acquire a monochrome tissue. You can make a variety of inserts that will decorate your mittens. Several colors always look having fun and juicy.

Inordinary and creative personalities, fabric manufacturers offer a fleece with a finished ornament. There is even a funny small pattern. Images do not linger and do not lose brightness. Therefore, the material is often used to sewing children's clothing. Do not be afraid of bright colors and juicy images. In winter, such accessories improve the mood and cause a positive.

Before making the pattern, be sure to determine the purn and face. Important Put the details on the piece of fabric correctly. If there is an ornament or minor pictures on the material, then consider it, laying the elements of the pattern. Now you will not wonder how to sew mittens from the fleece. Pattern demonstrates composite mittens parts. Children's mittens can be equipped with a rubber band to prevent the loss of accessories. The rope should not shy movements or put pressure under clothes.

Decorations for molds from fleece

Buttons, beads or sequins can be used as such elements. Decorative little things can be found in the boxes that stand in grandmother's chest. Sometimes it is possible to find very interesting things. If there is nothing suitable, you can always decorate mittens with ordinary buttons. Watching such circles cute and stylish.

Snowflakes will be relevant. The main thing is to cut the same pictures. They can be fixed using glue or the most ordinary needles with a thread. The second option will be more reliable. The color of the applique depends on the shade of the product itself. It is important that snowflakes contrasted.

Children's mittens

Mittens for the smallest can be performed in a very interesting form. This pattern of children's verges is done very easily. Circuit your palm of your angel and on this template make a scheme. The municipal foot looks fun. This accessory is done very simple. Fabrics will need a little. But your child will sit in a stroller in exclusive mittens.

From the inside, imitation of the pillow of the animal paws is sewn. Your baby will probably also appreciate such beauty. To the edge of the product, the fracture of a soft gum so that the mittens do not sculp the hands. But this option will be convenient only in the case of very small kids. For a rapist, we offer making mittens in the form of some animal.


The pattern of the molds from the fleece for decorative accessories is made similarly. Simply, in addition to the main parts, such elements like ears, paws, tail or mane are thought out. To make cute mittens in the form of hedgehogs, you will need two colors of the fabric, eyes (two pairs) and some black material for nose. Stripping the base, the department for four fingers do not spin, but make a little pointed. Such a form will imitate the animal fruit.

After that, cut a few rocker who will serve needles. They are sewn to the not yet stitched mitten. The eyes will complement the fruit of the hedgehog. Today, fittings stores offer a large selection of eyes for toys. If you can't find anything like this, use ordinary beads or buttons. The nose is made from the black circle. It is sewn on the sharp tip of the product.

Here is such a cute hedge will please any child. Thus, you can make different animals. It all depends on the preferences of children and your imagination.

Mittens as a gift

The mittens from the fleece will be an excellent gift on buy a meter of fabric (it will cost it rather cheap) and some decorations - and you can sew a few pair of children's accessories. Thus, you can even please several kids. You will certainly like this process. After all, you can show not only your talent, but also a rich fantasy.

Children's mittens from fleece is very cozy and warm. This material is pleasant for the skin and does not cause allergies. In winter, they are not cold in them, while they look stylish and fashionable.

Mittens for the whole family

Today it is very fashionable to buy identical T-shirts or sweaters of the whole family. If you like this image of a single family, then you definitely sew the same mittens for everyone. Such an appearance will not remain not noticed. You can add them colorful details. We talked about them above.

The main thing is to make each appropriate pattern. Never cut the cloth on the eye. Draw your hand in advance, the palm of her husband and palms of your beautiful kids. Insert the lining, step down the contour (do not forget to leave a bit of space on the allowance), tweak on the front side. On the mittens you can make an embroidery. For example, write words like mom, dad, son or daughter. Rejoice in winter and spend time with your native people. Create and make the world brighter and more positive.

Recently, the fashion includes fur Micens. Elegant and original mink mice, rabbit and other types of fur are perfectly complemented by winter women's clothing, especially if the fur is selected under the color of the fur coat or jacket. However, buy fur mittens is not always possible, since the price they have quite high, which is not surprising. After all, in order to sew, for example, mink mittens need to spend two small hole skins.
We offer you a simple decision to save a considerable amount and get presented with cute and fashionable fur mittens. True for this you need to at least be able to sew and some natural fur.

1. Pattern of fur mittens

In truth, working with fur requires great qualifications and experience, tools, a special sewing speed car. But I think, in order to sew mittens from fur at home, a needle with a thread and at least be able to use it a little.
Initially, of course you need to build a pattern of mittens, name day of one mitten, because the second mitten is a mirror reflection first. Therefore, it is better to immediately write on each of the details, on the one hand, the right, on the other left. Then you definitely do not make a mistake with rod fur. What, unfortunately, it happens even from experienced tailors.
Ways to cut gloves, mittens, a lot of mittens. They are almost all similar to each other, differ only at how the thumb is cut. The so-called glove way, more elegantly looks on hand, but it is more difficult in the sewing and is more suitable for the skin than for fur. The method that we offer is the easiest. So the ordinary mittens will lie, the finger is pressed to the palm, and there is a connecting seam on the palm. In the mittena of fur, these shortcomings will be completely hidden, but you, but it is easier to make a pattern.
According to the scheme, it can be seen that at first it is necessary to outline the contours of your hand. We can't give exact measurements, you ourselves must determine which will be the length of the mittens, width and how long the thumb. The only thing that can exactly can be said, the line of compounds of details No. 2 and No. 3 should take a little ahead of the foundation of the thumb. This will be the main landmark.

No need to explain in detail how to make a pattern fur Math. In the picture everything is clearly shown. The only thing to draw your attention to is the top line of the thumb. Look, she has a small "indent" from the whole line of the mittens. The width of this retreat of 0.7 - 0.8 cm. Do not forget to make it also on your pattern lining fur mittens.
If you should consider that the mitten is not a glove, it should be freedom, and besides, the lining will stand inside the mittens, and sometimes insulation. Call it, making a pattern. Boldly cut out parts from paper, apply palm, connect, you can even try to sew them together on the sewing machine. Squake as long as you do not get the exact pattern of your fur glove. This will be the most accurate method of constructing for pattern patterns of fur.

2. Mink mittens can be sewed from the collar

What can I sew fur mittens so as not to buy new fur skins? If you want to sew mink mittens, you can use a mink collar from the old, released from the fashion of my mother's coat. Only first check the quality of the fur, otherwise your whole work will be in vain. You can use the mink cap for the verges. But it is first necessary to remove the glue from the skin, which is used to give the shape of the cap and then a slightly humped skin tissue should be stretched on a wooden surface, having nails with small nails along the edges. But sometimes glue is so strong that it is impossible to delete it, have it in mind. The skin will be "standing with a cooke", no matter how much you would be soaked it. Invent what to sew fur mittens is not difficult if you have old fur things, the main thing is that the fur has not yet been worn out.
Palm, detail number 3 can even be carved out of the skin. Such fur Micens Will be more practical and you can wear a lightweight handbag in them. Mittens of the whole of fur are unlikely to go for this, they are greater as a decorative element, the only practical benefit from them is warm. If you are "palm" to do from the skin, it must be mandatory to insulate with a synthet or a Vatin, cutting the exact same item.
Seam fur parts with each other you need a manual speed suture, applying the details "face", that is, fur, to each other. When all the details are connected, the mittens gently remove on the face, especially carefully turn the thumb.
Now you can sew a lining, exactly the same size as a mittens, but already on the sewing machine. Insert it inside the mittens and if everything is suitable to sew a lining to the mittens. There are many ways to handle the edges of the mittens, one of them is manually sewed, so that the fur will be reached by 1.5 - 2 cm. Inside the mittens.

3. In addition to the fur vechers, you can sew accessories

In addition to female verges, you can sew men's mittens for fishing or hunting. Believe me, a man will very much to appreciate such a gift if he is a passionate fisherman. True, fur for such mittens is needed durable, like sheepskin or muton. Excellent mittens are obtained from the old sheepskin. Sleeves can be used for mittens, and the rest will go to you on a vest warming in the winter in the cold room. For mittens from sheepskin or chunk pieces, the lining is not required. The cuttings are firmly connected to the speed joint, and the edges of the mittens are simply addicted to the "face" with an invalid.
In addition to the verge of fur or mittens, you can sew a lot of all kinds of other accessories. Here, for example, on this photo "Headphones". Make them quite easily the main thing to show a little patience and ingenuity. From natural fur, very cute female wallets, handbags, phone covers and many other "phenoshek" are obtained. Come up with what exactly you really try.

Beautiful and elegant, warm and comfortable mittens can be sewed with their own hands, using the old sheepskin as a material. Such protection for hands at the winter cold weather is needed and adults, and children.

The peculiarity of such mittens is that they are:

  • do not freeze even at the lowest temperatures;
  • do not deform under the influence of precipitation;
  • do not let moisture from the lowered snow.

Mittens from the old sheep, in which all the fingers are pressed to each other, are more efficiently warmed by the hands, and so that they do not blow the wind, you need to perform a high-quality seam. Ease of use provide a properly selected size and precisely built pattern. For the mittens from the old sheepskin, the lining is not required, which simplifies work. Using the pattern of the pattern shown in the photo, you can easily make molds, carve out and sew children's and adult mittens.

Building drawing

Before you start work, it is enough to build a drawing for one mitten. The second will become its exact copy. Relaxed hand put on a sheet of cardboard and circling its outline so that the future pattern is made on the natural value of the palm and wrists. Mittens from covers on the pattern are much easier to do. In addition, it will avoid inaccuracies and make mittens really comfortable.

Another feature of the mittens made by their own hands is that there are no exact dimensions used in building a pattern. All data are individual, and therefore the author of the work will only be interested in the genuine amount of hand. The photo shows that the drawing consists of three parts. The protrusion is the most important detail in the thumb. It will allow you to sew details in such a way as to maintain the mobility of the finger itself and not limit the movement of the palm.

If you need to sew children's mittens from old sheepskin, you should consider the need to ensure such mobility. Cutting all the components of the paper, you can apply the workpiece to the hand and perform this fitting until it turns out the exact pattern of the mitten value. Thinking over how to sew mittens from the coat, many mistresses try to repeat not only the form, but also the size of the factory products. Do not do this. It is important to take into account the features and hands of the future owner, and the material used for sewing.

We carry the drawing on the material and cut out the details

The shelter itself, which was worn throughout a long time, may have in some places of failure. Choosing a part of the product on which the pattern will be transferred, must be considered:

  • strength;
  • presence or absence of seams;
  • the ability to place all components on one piece.

Many mothers are interested in how to sew tips from covers on the pattern, made for the child, and what part to use for cutting. In most cases, to sew a kid mittens, use the top of the sleeves, and the products intended for adolescents are linked on the bottom of the shelves.

One of the important points is the correct layout, during which all components are placed, given the appearance of the back side of the mittens. Basic Drawing Details:

  • palm;
  • thumb;
  • rear end.

Carefully laying out the details of the future mittens on the outside of the sheepskin, they need to be covered with a tailoring shallow or a piece of soap. Before starting cutting parts of the pattern, it should be noted by the dotted line of the seams. In an effort to fulfill all the work with your own hands, it is worth paying attention to how to make a cut correctly, without damaging the fur of the sheep.

Usually, a special knife, blade or even scalpel is used to perform this work. Careful movements without a strong push, the surface of the coat is gradually cutting off, strictly following all the designated lines, taking into account the allowance for the seams.

We sew components

If it is decided to sew mittens from her hands with their own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for working with fur products. One of them says that after all the details of the product are cut, it is necessary to cut the fur around the edge. The width of such a cut will be only a few millimeters, but it is necessary that the melt of the mamage does not become a hindrance to perform a high-quality seam when crossing parts. How to do it right, you can understand, looking at the video.

Sewing mittens from herbs with their own hands provides for the implementation of the seam outside. In this case, the components make up to the fur to each other. It is important to monitor the density and flattening seam.

During many types of work, you need to protect your hands. For something, thin latex gloves will fit, and for something - strong mittens. Everyone decides himself that choose. The pattern of mittens will have to be like that, without running shopping, get a comfortable pair to protect your hands.

Not only mittens!

From ornamental years, it is remembered by many of the man from the forest and lost a mitten, and the animals found it and began to live there. So, the man's moth lost, not a mobby. And this is the whole difference. Baby and women's items of winter clothes, protecting hands from cold and wind, are mittens, but men, designed to work, are mittens. The pattern is quite simple, so that you can independently sew such products at home or manually. With such a task, even those who have little experience in the Portnovsky case will be cited. What is the difference in the rod mobs and mittens? Only in size and materials. Pattern mittens workers, toaK and elegant winter verges will be simple. You can build it yourself or find ready-made templates on the sites of the needlewoman.

From theory to practice

Circuit patterns of mittens in size hand. To do this, on a sheet of paper, it is necessary to circulate the outlines of the palm, noting the location of the thumb. Then make two absorption: for free felting (1.5 cm) and seams (1 cm). Then climb the thumb on another sheet of paper, placing the place where it connects with the palm. Exactly the same need to make a mark on the first sheet, after which it is possible to draw a brush in the mirror reflection.

If not only lasting, but also a warm product, then the pattern of mittens from fur will be built in the same way. However, she has several additional points. This will be described in more detail below.

Sheepskin - in business

The pattern of practitioners of workers is built quite easily, but with its manufacture it is necessary to take into account the material from which they will go. Often they are made of sheepskin. It is a good material, warm, soft and durable. And so that the hands were comfortable in mittens from sheepskin, the pattern should take them into account with the thickness of the fabric, which means that the pattern of the template should also add one and a half centimeters. However, the mittens sew from sheepskin not only for work, but also for the winter, very warm, elegant. They can be searched or disappeared with fur. Such mittens lure and sew on a similar pattern, but the addition to the freedom of the foliage then should not be done so that they are well sitting on her hand.

If you need to work

Most often, the pattern of mittens is limited simply. It consists of just two parts: palm and a separate thumb. But sometimes it is necessary to make a more accurate template so that the mittens makes the brush well or to work comfortably in them. The pattern of threepall mittens is built like the workers, it only additionally takes into account the index finger. Therefore, the template will have to do somewhat wider. To the mittens tightly decorated the wrist, you need to insert an elastic band in a row. Another way is to sew a knitted cuff.

On fur

The pattern of mittens from fur will not differ from a simple template. If the material is thick and dense, then you need to add an allowance for free felting. If the fur is thin and soft, then it is only necessary to make an increase for the seam. It is necessary to cut out such products so that on all the parts of the Vile lay in one direction.

Sew mittens can be in several ways. And the pattern of mittens from fur can be the next.

In several layers

Sometimes the mittens are needed double, in them warmer, they do not wet quickly and sufficiently dense. Pattern In this case, all parts will be the same. However, if the inner material is volumetric, then the external part pattern should be slightly wider than the inner. To do this, you can remove the half-meter on the free-fitness when the might of the mittens or, on the contrary, to fill another half-one by the contour for the outdoor part. It all depends on the specific situation. This elementary pattern is completely simple.

Sewing rules

So, the pattern of mittens from fur or from any other material is built, now they must be cut and sew. When the crash should take into account the future use of the veasions. If these are just working mittens, they need to be done a little wider, although it's not too much that it is convenient to work. If necessary, an additional element of leather or special rubber is cut into the detail of the handheld and sew. This is done so that the mittens do not slide during operation on the surface.

There are some nuances in the sewing mobs of fur or sheepskin. Very often, such a material is stitched on the front side. The seam is outdoor and must be as neat as possible, the threads should not stick out of it. The fur lies in the same direction, even if it is inside the mobs. Curlers and ochochin can be seeded separately by handling an additional part, and you can immediately provide them on the main pattern.

Workers mittens are often sewn from dense fabric, such as tarpaulin. The feature of the sewing of this type of product is to remove the seams, otherwise they will rub the skin while working. Therefore, we will have to use a winding line or manually make

Mittens - the thing is necessary in the farm. They will protect their hands from frost, wind, moisture, as well as bruises, cuts and aggressive substances during various works. Upon proposed patterns, you can sew not only workers mittens for men, but also kitchen tags, and still bags for New Year's children's surprises. In fact, the mittens are the necessary thing in many situations, because they so often get out of us.

"Winter is close" is not only the motto of the shops of starks from the game of thrones, but also quite a fact! On the calendar on September 14 and 10 degrees above zero ... Giveing \u200b\u200bthe seasonal things, I found that I had not a single pair of the verges. Since I can not tune in to knitting, I decided to sew mittens from the Sweater Sweater, which is now in second-hand bags. He adapted a pair of master classes in mittens and mittens from sweaters with foreign blogs.

It is worth starting with the fact that a pair of homemade veasions can become a cute gift for winter holidays. From a speaker sweater, at least 2 pairs of mittens and a handful of blanks for - two in one thing. Cutting and tailoring takes no more time than running on pre-holiday sales in search of decent presents close.

Mittens from the sweater (option without fooling)

We will need:

1. Cut the sleeve to use it for the top of the mittens.

2. Apply Template # 3, as shown in the photo. If you are a happy owner of a striped sweater, then you should watch all the stripes match.

3. Cut off the second sweater cuff and 2-3 centimeters sleeves, as in the photo.
4. Cut the template number 1 and No. 2, we get 4 parts.
5. Do not be lazy to lay out fresh cut parts in such a way as to make sure you have the right and left palm.
6. lay out the palms together as in the photo. We sew together from the base of the thumb to the base of the maiden.
7. Deploy the Loskutka, as shown in the photo.
8. Conspressure the patchwork palms with a striped riding, leaving the bottom unincorrence.
9. All this is repeated with a lining cloth.
10. Soak the lining is obvious, we put on it a cuff. Send cuff to lining.

11. Turn the cuff from the lining.

12. We try!
13. We put on your hand a facial veasage, we bring the cuff.
14. Fix the unprocessed edge of the mittens using the cuff on the cuff.
Now you have a wonderful, inexpensive gift made with your own hands - a couple of warm cute mobs!

Woolen sweater mittens

Another master class with mittens easier - without lining.

What do we need:

  • Wool sweater (privated. How to swim a sweater, you can first watch here)
  • I do not recommend the marker to work)
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Decor

1. Prepare a sweater. It can be in a washing machine, and manually - we wash in hot water, rinse in cold, dry hot air. This is only one of the options.
2. Soak the sweater inside out, put your palm on it and get it.
3. Cut the blank just above the planned line.
4. Mock halves and check that our brush easily passes into mittens cuffs. 5. Consporant.
6. Gently cut off the extension fabric from the inside.
7. Decorating our mittens.

Finally, several variations on the topic: