How to become a graceful girl. How to learn to be feminine with a man

A charming girl is a conqueror of men's hearts. Every woman wants to be feminine in order to conquer men, as well as to be loved, beautiful and attractive.

Many of us associate femininity with charm. This phenomenon is inside a woman, but it is not available to everyone. Not always a beautiful and stylish representative of the fair sex can be called feminine. This art needs to be learned and learned about how to become feminine.

What should be paid attention to achieve success and become charming?

  • Sight
  • Touch and gestures
  • Self confidence
  • Communication skills
  • Figure
  • Image


Look and femininity are concepts that cannot be separated from each other. An unfriendly and indifferent look can repel a person, but a caring, gentle and affectionate one, on the contrary, will please anyone. To achieve a friendly expression of the eyes, you must always think about the pleasant. For example, remember situations that cause you only positive emotions.

When talking with a person, you need to look into his eyes, while the look should be open. In the course of a conversation, you can blink your eyes coquettishly in order to evoke ambiguous feelings in your interlocutor. You can resort to a little trick - pick up mascara for the eyes, you can either lengthen or add volume, or in combination.

Touch and gestures

Every man dreams of female touches. Indeed, this phenomenon is seen as something intimate and personal, but at the same time, touches can also be feminine.

That is, these are their touches to clothes, face, hair. For example, very often the fair sex can fix a strand of hair that has come out of their hair. Or cross your legs, or cross your arms over your chest. Such movements can form a certain portrait of a woman. Therefore, feminine touches must be performed gently, smoothly and unhurriedly, but one should not make a frank emphasis on this.

Gestures can also tell a lot about a person. In the course of a conversation, each of us can often gesticulate to help us develop the thought that needs to be expressed. But imagine a girl actively waving her arms. In addition to laughter, such a person will not be able to evoke any feelings. That is why it is necessary to control your gestures in order to remain feminine in any situation.

It is important, in this case, to exercise and nails. The girl must be neat.

Self confidence

Self-confident and strong personalities are valued in our lives. Self-confidence is also the key to femininity. But for this you need to accept and love yourself for who you are. Of course, it is also worth listening to the opinions of others, but not putting them in the first place. If you somewhere and sometime hear a negative opinion about yourself, then you should not attach importance to this. You know it's not like that at all. Now you know how to become a self-confident person.

Communication skills

Did you know that courtesans and geishas fascinated many men not with their beauty, but with their ability to communicate. Femininity also implies the ability to communicate, talk and keep up a conversation. Agree that a man is often looking for a good interlocutor with whom you can talk about life, problems, beauty.

To learn how to correctly and beautifully express your thoughts and become feminine, you need to develop intellectually. Namely: read fiction, attend exhibitions, go to the theater, be interested in news in the field of politics, economics, the life of famous people. Only a well-read and literate girl can really interest a man. People around you will be able to admire your knowledge, and you will become an interesting conversationalist, able to support any conversation.

Do not forget that it is not appropriate for a feminine representative of the fair sex to use swearing and slang in her speech. This will alienate your interlocutor and leave him bad memories of your person. Try not to raise your tone, speak smoothly and clearly so that those around you understand. By the way, some feminine ladies are able to captivate a man thanks to their gentle voice. Therefore, you have something to strive for.

Knowledge of how to seduce the opposite sex helps. Such a gentle appeal will please any person and set him up positively for you.


Every man considers feminine exactly that representative of the fair sex, who is the owner of a beautiful figure. In turn, many women try to get closer to the ideal and become the owner of the coveted sizes: 90-60-90. To do this, ladies go on diets, go in for physical education and dance. And they think that they will become feminine if they lose weight.

But it is worth noting that a representative of the beautiful half of humanity with magnificent forms can become feminine. An ideal figure is not an indication that a girl is feminine. But the correct way of presenting your forms is the key to success.

Firstly, the girl's body should always be well-groomed. To do this, you need to use various cosmetics that can help get rid of pimples, wrinkles, and also make the skin soft and tender. It is necessary to take care of yourself every day: observe hygiene, depilate on time, manicure, pedicure.

Special attention should be paid to the care of hair and nails. In order for the hair to be strong, soft, shiny, it is necessary to use special products. From time to time it is necessary to make baths with the addition of salt and vegetable oil so that the nails are strong and beautiful.

Don't forget to take care of your skin. You can resort to the help of professional cosmetologists or take care of your skin at home. For example, various masks will nourish and moisturize your skin, and various creams will help prevent wrinkles. Try to hide visible lack of sleep and fatigue on your face.
To become attractive and feminine, you need to smile more often. Then the people around you will see in you a gentle and friendly girl with whom you want to communicate.

You should also pay attention to your diet. Try to eat only fresh foods, ideally if they are steamed. Eliminate fried, spicy and smoked foods from your diet. In this case, your body will be healthy, and you will look amazing, and this can also set you on the path to becoming more feminine.


What clothes, first of all, can be associated with a feminine image? Perhaps that is a variety of skirts and dresses, as well as high-heeled shoes. A girl who puts on a beautiful dress and stilettos can already be considered feminine. Is it really?

Obviously, clothes play an important role in the life of every woman. Each of us can independently create a feminine image that will be unique and inimitable. Perhaps not every person dares to call attractive the girl who walks every day in ripped jeans, a stretched T-shirt and sneakers. That is why you need to choose stylish things that go well with each other. Also, the clothes should fit perfectly on you. Don't choose clothes that are too big for you.

To become fashionable, it is not necessary to follow all the new products, because you can simply not keep up with them. The main thing is that your clothes are of high quality, comfortable and beautiful. This is perhaps one of the main pledges of femininity.

Do not forget that clothes look great if they are matched to the place you are going to visit. For example, if you want to go out into nature, then a sports suit is also suitable, but in a restaurant you should wear a dress. The office dress code involves a formal suit, and you can go to the store in simple but well-chosen jeans.
Agree, to become elegant, you just need to devote more time to choosing your wardrobe.

Make-up can be both bright and “natural”, most importantly, appropriate for the time and place. To help, there are many step-by-step video tutorials, like toner, shadows and other cosmetics.

Femininity is the lot of every woman of the fair sex.

Thus, the secrets of femininity are revealed, every girl is able to master them. Every woman can consider herself charming, but suffers from a lack of male attention, she does not know how to attract a guy if she likes it. So, you just need to change something in yourself in order to please the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

It is not necessary to spend big money on plastic surgery to change your appearance. Maybe you just need to learn how to speak and communicate, manage your emotions and avoid unnecessary conflicts. But a feminine girl does not mean at all that you have to be a weak, captivated and hidden person. You just need to be yourself, but look cute, friendly and feminine.

In this case, you will always be in the spotlight, enjoy success and catch the admiring glances of men. Perhaps every woman dreams about it. Thanks to these recommendations, I hope you now know how to become feminine, and therefore, be charming. Now you will definitely not be left without attention!

Everyone has long known that most men like feminine, tender and defenseless girls. This female type is often used in movies, TV series and books. But these are two different things - to look from the outside at the object of universal adoration and to be it. There are several basic rules that will help formulate life attitudes and get closer to the male ideal.

Choose an environment

Before making any internal and external changes, make sure that only people who love you are in your environment. Envious, angry and aggressive, as well as people who show their disorder in life to the whole world, are excluded from the environment. The closest ones are those who may not understand, but will allow you to look at the situation from the outside, those who will help you correct the course of changes - that's who should be next to you at this time.

Think about your behavior

All change starts with a change in mindset. You must conduct a deep analysis and understand what prevents you from becoming tender and flawless. Perhaps this is an inner core that is visible to the naked eye? This is not bad, but in this case, what should you be protected from? Or the manner of speaking: if you speak rudely, in raised tones, or show the world with your conversation that you are its worthy rival, it is unlikely that anyone will have an idea about your tenderness and airiness.

Therefore, you must, through introspection, find out your pros and cons and start moving in the right direction.

Follow a few tips to help you change.

Of course, one theory will not help you become a gentle and feminine girl. At first, you will have to prove this to yourself daily by looking in the mirror. And when you realize that you really love yourself for who you are, you can start to change if you still have the desire.

As paradoxical as it sounds, not every woman looks really feminine, although many strive for this. If you think that you also lack this quality, then if you wish, you can acquire it!

What should be a feminine girl (woman)

How to look to be feminine

As you know, before starting a conversation with a stranger, we make the first conclusions about him in appearance and manner of dressing. In general, even a cursory glance at a girl, one can understand whether she is feminine or not. So what are the top criteria? Figure, hair, skin In general, general well-being is important. A feminine and self-loving girl does not neglect the care of her hair, skin and figure. This means that you should not have split ends, undyed hair roots or a dirty head. Your hair should shine with health and beauty. If it is difficult for you to maintain long hair in perfect shape, then you need to make a shorter haircut - whatever the length of the hair, they should look well-groomed. In terms of the figure, do not allow excess weight to appear - play sports and eat right. Undoubtedly, there are many attractive girls who, according to general criteria, are overweight, but at the same time they look beautiful, feminine and spectacular - this happens if the proportions are observed. If you just have clearly visible sides and stomach, and at the same time there is no hint of a magnificent bust and hips, then this is hardly attractive. It is also important to prevent the appearance of cellulite - in especially advanced cases, it can be noticeable even through clothes! Of course, pay attention to the condition of the skin not only on the body, but also on the face. If you notice pimples or blackheads, then do not try to mask them first with tonal means. The skin needs to be treated so as not to start the process, and then not to get even more problems against this background. Definitely go to a dermatologist. Makeup and style in clothes1) With makeup, it is important not to overdo it and apply it in accordance with the situation - during the day it should be barely noticeable, in the evening more colors are acceptable. Choose colors according to your color type. For example, a tonal remedy should in no case be conspicuous or look like a “mask”. Choose it together with a consultant or a good makeup artist. In general, pay attention to makeup courses. Many girls are convinced that they are great at applying makeup, but often this is just a subjective opinion. Perhaps you are categorically against makeup, believing that by doing this you only spoil your skin. However, in this case, you should not neglect facial care - buy at least a tonic and cream suitable for your skin type. Take time to care for your lips - use balms regularly. Follow the shape of the eyebrows - you can entrust this matter to the master, or periodically remove the extra hairs yourself. 2) Don't follow the latest fashion trends. Of course, it is important to have at least a little understanding of fashion in order not to look ridiculous, but do not wear what does not suit you. If you see that skinny trousers categorically do not suit you, then you should not put on them, no matter how fashionable they are. Give preference to dresses - trying on a lot of styles, you will surely be able to find the one that suits you perfectly. Well, and, of course, you shouldn't even remind that dresses, like skirts, are the most feminine wardrobe item. You should also pay attention to shoes and accessories. Choose sophisticated models of calm and delicate colors. Do not forget about good perfumes - you should not smell expensive fragrances from a mile away, but it will be good if the people next to you smell a slight smell of some pleasant perfume coming from you.

How real women act

openness Be friendly and open. Of course, this does not mean that you should throw out all the information about yourself to the first person you meet, but also try to forget about excessive cutesy. Talk to people as if they were your good friends - make sure that your tone does not sound haughty or sullen. After talking with you, people should have a pleasant impression. Sincerity and modesty Being open, it is important to remain modest and tactful. Do not load the interlocutor with unnecessary information if he does not show much interest in the chosen topic of conversation. If a person is interested in some question that you know, and does not cross all personal boundaries, then try to give him the most sincere answer, without letting on too much mystery. Also, do not try to be the center of attention, drowning out everyone around you with your stories. Sometimes it helps to prove yourself to be a good listener rather than a good storyteller. Behavior The manner of behavior in the first place should not be defiant. Ladies are associated with femininity, and if you want to develop this quality in yourself, then you should feel and behave exactly like a lady. If you know that you have a loud voice, then watch how you speak - your speech should be calm and confident. Note that many people are annoyed by loud voices, but the sense of tact does not always allow them to say so. Also, do not speak too quietly or almost in a whisper, forcing people to listen to you - this may only be appropriate on an intimate date.

How to develop your femininity

Accept yourself and love

Treat yourself with love and care. There are no perfect people, and you don't have to be either. You may have flaws, but absolutely everyone has them. If it seems to you that a person is perfect, then it means that he simply learned to hide his imperfections, or his ideality is only your subjective opinion. Try to improve yourself, but do not demand too much from yourself. Indulge yourself more often with small pleasant purchases, interesting trips and meetings with your loved ones - this will allow you to be in a positive mood more often. Try not to get upset over trifles and not take problems to heart in communication - learn to take life lightly.

Give thanks and praise

Whatever a man does for you, thank him for his help. Even if it is some trifle, and in fact you believe that it does not deserve special attention at all, your beloved will be pleased if you mark his merits. Such behavior will become for him an additional motivation and incentive for new achievements. If he remembers that any of his help and participation resonates with you and gives him positive emotions, he will strive for this again.

Be gentle, smile

It is quite difficult for a gloomy girl to look feminine, even if she is dressed flawlessly. Femininity is generally associated in people with kindness, inner light, tenderness. All these qualities are important to develop in yourself. Be friendly, polite and friendly with people - this will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your image.

Don't raise your voice and don't swear

The feminine person does not swear and does not hysteria. If she doesn’t like something, she becomes sad or even tries to get out of the conflict situation. Even if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, and your interlocutor or interlocutors behave indecently, do not stoop to this level - try to "save face" and not move on to unnecessary squabbles.

Be a woman of mystery

It is important to be able to maintain this line - between openness and mystery. Be sincere with people, but leave a slight trail of mystery - it should not be too much, but a little intrigue will never hurt a real woman.

A worthy woman through the eyes of a man

What kind of women are most attracted to by men?

Men most often pay attention to women with certain qualities. Note that we can not talk about all the qualities listed below, but about individual or their overwhelming number. the beauty It is perhaps difficult to argue with the fact that predominantly men are individuals who are said to be “loved with their eyes”, and it just so happened that many of them really like beautiful women. It is also important to clarify that each of them has their own idea of ​​what a “beautiful woman” should be like - someone likes miniature skinny women, someone is crazy about tall and stately ladies. In general, there can be many variations. Sexuality Of course, a man will always pay attention to a sexy woman - it is important not to confuse with vulgarity! Sexuality can manifest itself in many ways - in the timbre of the voice, the graceful figure, the bend of the shoulders, the look, the wave of the eyelashes, the manner of speaking, and so on. Kindness There is no doubt that the representatives of the stronger sex like kind girls. In their potential companion, most men almost immediately begin to see the future mother of their children, and what should a mother be like in the understanding of many people? Affectionate, kind, understanding. Naturalness Of course, vulgarly dressed women attract the attention of not only men, but also women and children, but guys really like, as a rule, completely different persons. You are more likely to meet a decent man if you go out not with "war paint", but with a neutral and neat make-up. Ease of character Nobody likes nerds, and, of course, men are no exception. The ideal woman, in their opinion, cannot be boring or grumpy - sometimes you don’t want to return home to such people. A man expects support and understanding from his life partner, and with a difficult character, this is not so easy to provide. Thrift Many men appreciate the comfort of the house and delicious food, and, of course, they like women who are able to provide this or strive for it. If a young man inadvertently finds out that you know how to cook complex and tasty dishes, then most likely your chances of attracting his attention will increase significantly. Mysteriousness This is not about secrecy, but some kind of easy intrigue. It can also show up in appearance. For example, a woman constantly wears hairstyles that imply collected hair, and a man involuntarily begins to fantasize about how she looks with her hair down. It can also refer to the past. For example, when asked about how a woman spent her vacation, she kindly answers with a slight smile: “Oh, I’ll tell you about this another time.” That is, it should be understood that nothing terrible is hidden - on the contrary, there was some interesting case in her life. However, it is also important not to overdo it.

Feminine women are always surrounded by attention, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that from time to time some men want to see them in the status of their spouse. It is very important not to lose this quality by entering into marriage. Take care of your femininity so that in the eyes of your spouse you always look like a fragile and tender person who you don’t want to offend or hurt with something, but who you will want to protect. If you have a grumpy disposition and a lively character, then this will somewhat reduce the chances of a caring attitude from your spouse. Almost any man hopes that at home, after the hardships of a working day, a safe harbor will await him, and usually only a truly feminine life partner can provide it. It is no secret that the atmosphere that will prevail in her family and home depends to a greater extent on a woman. If there is enough wisdom and positive female energy in the "shore of the hearth", then her family will feel peaceful and happy next to her.

Secrets of the femininity of the first ladies

Raisa Gorbacheva

For many people, the first ladies of the country are more often associated with femininity. In the Soviet Union, it was Gorbachev's wife. If the previous first ladies of the country did not particularly think about how to look spectacular and elegant, then for Raisa Maksimovna this was very important - she did not get lost against the backdrop of Western wives of heads of state. The wife of Mikhail Sergeevich was a slender woman who tried to dress elegantly, despite the fact that there was not a particular variety of outfits in the country. Despite the fact that she could afford dresses and suits from foreign designers, Gorbacheva preferred to sew outfits in domestic ateliers. So the limited choice did not bother the president's wife at all, because having good taste, you can always rely on the help of a good tailor.

Jacqueline Kennedy

The wife of John F. Kennedy managed to gain a foothold in the memory of the public no less than he himself. Jacqueline was very popular during the years of her life, and remains in the memory of many fashionistas to this day. The thing is that she was considered a real icon of style and elegance, and many girls still continue to follow her taste. It is difficult to say that Jacqueline was by nature a recognized beauty, but she managed to ensure that no one paid attention to her shortcomings, because she competently beat them, turning them into virtues. Mrs. Kennedy was never afraid to "stand out from the crowd" and show her personality. She liked exquisite headdresses, a bold combination of colors. She preferred strict and concise outfits that fit perfectly on her figure. Jacqueline also understood how important it was not to overdo it with jewelry, so she avoided excessiveness in this matter - she put on a necklace, earrings, bracelets, etc. only when, in her opinion, it was really appropriate.

In the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, women confidently occupy equal positions with men in all spheres of activity. Therefore, sometimes it is so difficult for them to remain sweet, soft, gentle, feminine creatures. Politics, business and leadership positions require something completely different - toughness, willpower, indisputability and monumentality.

And so I want to remain a real woman! The recommendations of experienced psychologists will prompt, how to become feminine and conquer everyone with your tenderness and softness in any life situation.

What is femininity?

If a woman has thought about the issue of femininity - she has already done half the work - the problem is recognized. The second step should be an understanding of what this concept includes and how it generally applies to it. In psychology, femininity is understood as a whole set of qualities and traits that a real woman should possess:

  • beautiful, well-groomed appearance;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • fragility and a certain defenselessness;
  • tenderness;
  • emotionality (within the normal range).

If all this is present in a woman, men are drawn to her like a magnet: they like to communicate with her, they have a desire to protect and protect her. And everyone around, feeling this magnetism, is imbued with trust and warmth towards her. A rough, harsh, tough woman is much less likely to establish good relations with others.

Therefore, the question of how to become more feminine becomes relevant for a very wide range of the fair sex: both for those who have rudeness - a purely natural quality, and for those who have it dictated by harsh living conditions. A woman must always remain a woman - this must always be remembered.

How to become more feminine: a guide to action

Having learned for yourself what femininity is, you can start working on yourself in this direction. Do you have all of the above listed qualities? What is missing from this list?

And how can you change that? In fact, in the question of how to become feminine, there are no primary and secondary tasks: you need to start a comprehensive work that will include the following steps.

1. Appearance

Others perceive you initially in appearance, so constantly monitor yourself. Well-groomedness and taste are the basis of femininity.

Regularly visit the hairdresser, do a manicure, wear skirts, high heeled shoes, complement your image with pleasant little things and accessories: jewelry, gloves, a flirty hairpin - everything should make your image feminine and airy. And don't forget the perfume scents.

2. Sociability

Connect with people, don't be afraid of them. In place of each of them, imagine one of your loved ones and relatives. Smile, trust people and try to see more of the good in them than the bad. And do not hesitate to ask for help: defenselessness is one of the basic properties of a real woman.

3. Self acceptance

Are you too critical of yourself? You don't like your own reflection in the mirror? Away with all these thoughts! Only that woman who can truly love herself will be loved by others.

4. Love

A loved one and children change a woman from the inside. So think about it: is it time to start a family? By developing these qualities in yourself, trying to change internally, doing this painstaking work day after day, you will soon notice that your life takes on completely new turns and facets.

It will become easier for you to communicate with the people around you, you will begin to notice the views of men on yourself, you will even internally change for the better.

These will be the first results of self-improvement: each time you will become more feminine, softer, more graceful, sweeter. The main thing is to avoid annoying mistakes that can ruin everything.

The most unfeminine deeds and qualities

When working on yourself in the direction of femininity, be sure to try to take into account the mistakes that are characteristic of many iron ladies, who are so far from grace and softness. According to psychological research, the most UN-feminine behaviors and qualities are:

  • smoking;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • constant wearing of trousers, shoes without a heel and clothes of dark shades;
  • gloomy, displeased facial expression, lack of a smile;
  • harsh voice;
  • the habit of deciding everything and always by yourself;
  • unwillingness to ask for help;
  • isolation;
  • intransigence.

If you really want to become feminine, sophisticated and attractive to others, try to avoid these mistakes that you will not be forgiven for. One wrong move - the image will be hopelessly damaged: unfortunately, the bad is remembered for a long time.

But, having learned the lessons of female attractiveness, you can finally conquer people's hearts and be a real embodiment of femininity, grace and grace.

Compare two girls: a girl in a baggy T-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers and a girl in a light dress, in cute ballet flats or shoes and with beautiful curls. Which one do you think guys and young men will pay attention to? Of course, for the second. About the first they will think: “Is it even a boy or a girl? She needs to be more feminine!” But femininity is not only in clothes. Feminine girls feel more confident and comfortable. But how can this be achieved?

1. Take care of your skin.
Wash your face after every walk, use lotion every day, and use only the bare minimum of makeup. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week to help your skin's natural cycle of producing new cells.

2. Choose elegant makeup.
Lip gloss and mascara are suitable for every day (apply them carefully, no one will like lumps of mascara on the eyelashes). You can also emphasize the cheekbones with blush, apply some shadows in a pleasant color: for example, pink or beige. Too much makeup has never done anyone, it looks artificial. And as you know, the best beauty is natural.

3. Stay hygienic.
Shower regularly, brush your hair at all times, and cover your nails in a natural shade of pale pink or sheer glitter. Brush your teeth twice a day! If you use perfume, apply it in moderation.

4. Take care of your nails.
Keep your nails in order, uneven nails look unattractive. If you're just starting out as a feminine girl, don't use dark nail polishes, go for "girly" colors like pink, pale lilac, beige. Buy a moisturizing hand cream, it will improve your nails and make your hands softer.

5. Watch your hair.
Try to give up electronic hair styling devices such as hair dryers, curling irons, irons. Let your hair dry itself. After they are dry, comb them with a wooden comb, it does not harm the hair.

6. Take care of yourself.
Eat right and exercise. If everything is in order with your health, then everything is fine with your figure! But if you still think that you weigh too much, contact a nutritionist, he will tell you the diet that suits you. After all, you won't be feminine if you don't have confidence in your appearance.

7. Keep your teeth white.
Brush your teeth twice a day and occasionally have them whitened at the dentist and you'll be fine! Also, if you have uneven teeth, do not be afraid of braces, think about that beautiful smile that will be after they are removed. :)

8. Get enough sleep.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Every girl needs to rest, healthy sleep will set the pace for a good day.

9. Have a sense of style.
It is very important to be in fashion. Read on websites, in magazines, what is better to combine with what. Try to combine clothes from your wardrobe. At first, you may not be very good at it. But, as they say, “the first pancake is lumpy”, so try and you will succeed! Find your style, because it's better to be different than the rest. When buying clothes, do not forget about the basic wardrobe of every girl.

10. Wardrobe.
Pink is a typical color for girls, but don't be intimidated by black and blue, they can look cute too.
In your wardrobe you should have:
- one black or dark skirt for school;
- any other walking skirt of your choice;
- shorts for walking to your taste;
- a few plain t-shirts in pastel colors. they are good to combine with shorts and jeans;
- two pairs of dark skinny jeans;
- cute sweater for cold weather;
- a pair of light blouses for school;
- at least three pairs of shoes: sports shoes, for school and for walking;
- two dresses for serious holidays;
- one light dress for summer.

11. Good stores for buying cute clothes.
- Forever 21
- H&M
- Zara
- New Yorker
- Stradivarius
- mango
- Zolla

12. Be graceful.
Straighten your back and raise your head. Always make sure you walk with your head up, that your shoulders are squared, and your back is straight.

13. Be a bright, cheerful and happy person.
Don't laugh all the time, it irritates people. On the contrary, make others laugh and don't take yourself too seriously.
Be nice and generous, with narcissism you will not come close to feminine behavior. Always smile and be nice to everyone. And most importantly - keep yourself in control, do not act rashly.

14. Don't let others play tricks on you.
If someone is trying to be funny, let them know that, for example, your generosity is not weakness at all, but respect for others. Do not swear, but be nice and restrained even in an argument.

15. Be romantic.
Read novels and be interested in poetry, listen to love songs.

16. Stop swearing.
Cursing and a loud voice are not feminine. It can be hard to unlearn, but swearing is the worst thing a girl can say. Learn to speak correctly, it's an art. Find a good “loudness” so that people can hear you well without having to listen or cover their ears from screaming.

17. Don't stuff your mouth with food.
Chew food thoroughly, do not make unnecessary sounds and swallow it. Do not bite off huge pieces - take smaller ones. When you sit at the dinner table, don't rest your elbows on the table, don't slouch, slurp, and never speak with your mouth full. If those who are sitting with you at the table have said something to you and are waiting for a response, let them know that you have not chewed your food yet.

18. Hang out with other girls.
Girls love shopping malls and long conversations. Get together with your friends and go shopping, sleepover or go to the movies. If you do not have girlfriends or they are busy with business, call your mother, she will be glad for your attention.

19. Keep a diary.
Write down what motivates you throughout the day and everything that interests you.

20. Be organized.
If you are not organized, then it causes stress and a little panic, besides, it is not feminine. Make sure you have things in order. Check all your cabinets, shelves and drawers, everything should be in perfect order, maintain it.

21. Concentrate on your studies.
It is important to do well in school. Try to study well in every subject and do all your homework. Do not talk during the lesson and do not exchange notes. It will be embarrassing if you are noticed. Participate in class discussions, answer in class. Participate in school activities. Read additional literature on new topics at school. Help those who ask you for help.

22. Read or watch the news.
Subscribe to publics or blogs that interest you. Watch the news on TV regularly. What is happening in the world and in your city is very important. If you are not interested, take a look in order to keep the conversation going. You will look a little silly if you don't know the latest developments.

23. Go in for sports.
Choose a section that interests you: swimming, figure skating or something else.
Sports will improve your posture, figure and health.

Other Tips:

A true girl knows how important a handbag is. Your purse should contain the following: chewing gum, phone, nail file, handkerchiefs, makeup items (mainly mascara and lip balm), comb, pens, notebook, and a small mirror.
- Always have lip gloss (lip balm) and a small concealer pencil with you at school. You never know when a pimple might pop up.
- Befriend a lot of people, don't exclude anyone, and don't act like you're better than anyone. Being a feminine girl also means being kind to everyone, even if they are sometimes rude.
- Express yourself and show your sincere feelings. Don't try to be someone you are not. Nobody likes "actors".
- When you are at school, always keep things on your desk in order.
- Don't get yourself into trouble. Try not to break important rules, and always think about the consequences of your actions. You never know - it might save you from being unladylike.
- Don't fart or burp, don't rub your nose in front of others. This is not feminine at all, and so people will only turn away from you. Always remember good manners wherever you are!
- If you have some talent, such as drawing, dancing, singing or playing any musical instrument, then do not hide it, use it. Let people see how good you are at something when you share your creativity or play a musical instrument. If you are good at acting, then look for a theater group for yourself.
- Don't be shy. Being a feminine girl means that you have your own personality. Don't be afraid to show yourself a little.
- A girl should not have hairy legs and armpits.
- When you write messages, e-mails or talk to someone on the Internet or anywhere else where you need to type, then remember that you must have the correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. You don't want to appear uneducated, and text without grammar rules looks very offensive.
- Respect your parents.
- Always remain calm around young people, never be afraid to talk to them. This will make you seem more experienced, and they will start to respect you. Don't flirt to get what you want - it's not fair.
- Be smart. A feminine girl should be a good conversationalist. Therefore, it is important to learn what is interesting for you and what will be useful to you in life. Read books and enrich your vocabulary. People will appreciate it because you are smart and confident.
- Always be yourself.

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A diary can be a chronicle of your daily life, a summary of your most personal thoughts, or simply serve as a cheat sheet - a memo in order to remember what needs to be done and when. There are no definite rules for keeping a diary, and it all depends on your passions and preferences, but there are general recommendations for those who decide to start keeping their own diary, which are given below.

And sometimes a person sits down for a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

- Choice of tools:

The next step to start keeping a personal diary is the choice of tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notepads and other stationery. What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. It is more convenient for someone to take a large A4 notebook, while someone prefers to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to arrange your personal diary according to your own preferences.

- When to write:

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no concrete answer, and it cannot be. Write when your heart desires. Many people prefer to give themselves up to inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing anymore and you can calmly think about the events and listen to yourself. This is probably the best time. But again, not for everyone.

— Design ideas:

1. Cover

This is the face of your diary. Be sure to sign it. If you wish, you can draw something or stick it on. Since this notebook is used often, it is advisable to wrap it so that it lasts longer.

2. First page

On the first page, it is best to write basic information about the author. It's like filling out a questionnaire, but only in addition to traditional questions, you can highlight some personal, only known and significant points to one author.

3. Lettering and stickers

And, finally, in the design you can use various sayings, favorite quotes, inscriptions and even stickers. Develop your own tagging system and you will have a unique code known only to you.

- What to write:

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything you want! This kind of information, such as secrets, experiences, stories, can easily become the content of a personal diary. You can write down some facts, even the prices for new clothes - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more saturated and alive the recordings will become.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.