How to choose the right color for your clothes. Combination of colors and types of clothing. Yellow with pink

First of all, remember that there are many varieties and shades of yellow. Of these, you can always choose the one that is right for you.

Citric. One of the most delicate and pleasant shades of yellow. Suitable for both tanned skin and pale skin. However, remember that the complexion must be healthy, otherwise the lemon color will play a cruel joke with you. It will definitely accentuate both bruises under the eyes and signs of fatigue, so be careful. Lemon is perfect for slightly tanned brown-haired women, brunettes, as well as light-blond girls. Lemon color is successfully combined with all shades of brown, as well as pale blue. Choose minimalist outfits in lemon color, straight-cut jackets, pencil skirts - it always looks expensive and elegant.


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A yellow dress is a good option for summer walks.

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You can't walk in an Elie Saab dress, you can only go to a gala reception.

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A yellow silk dress is more suitable for brown-haired women.

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In such a trouser suit, you can go on a date, or with friends in a restaurant.

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Consider teaming beige shorts with a yellow top for a day-to-day getup.

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The Lisa Ho brand suggests wearing shorts and a jacket in combination with a blouse.

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Yellow is definitely a color for girls with tanned skin.

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A yellow dress can be diluted with accessories of a different color, for example, red.

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Mustard. Suitable for brown-haired women with a dark skin color. If mustard is practically close to green, then red-haired girls can also afford it. Mustard color can be interestingly combined with shades of pink and coral, as well as with other shades of yellow.

You can dress from head to toe in yellow, or you can choose a white dress with a yellow print.

Mimosa color. One of the most insidious shades, capable of giving visual yellowness to the face, and generally "kill" the appearance. Therefore, only a girl with a very bright appearance, for example, a burning brunette with large facial features, can afford to wear a mimosa-colored dress.

The shade of mimosa color goes well with pale blue and gray.

Sand. Quite a pleasant color that suits almost all color types, and can be successfully combined with many colors. Sand color is always beneficial. For example, you can pair sandy boyfriend-style cropped trousers with a denim shirt, or wear loafers on your feet, but this time in bright yellow.

Lace dresses in yellow look spectacular on tanned skin.

Neon yellow. One of the most fashionable shades of the outgoing summer season. Again, it is recommended for girls with a spectacular and bright appearance and a tan. Neon as such always successfully accentuates tanned skin. Therefore, if you have just returned from vacation, then feel free to buy a thing of neon yellow color.

Neon yellow tint

Thus, when choosing a yellow item for yourself, be sure to pay attention to your color type, color of skin, hair and eyes. Blondes, in general, should treat all manifestations of yellow with caution. Only if your hair roots are perfectly dyed, and your face skin is in excellent condition, can you add yellow spots to your wardrobe.

Combine yellows with other colors with care too. For example, many favorite combinations of yellow and black or yellow and blue are better not to use. Choose shades of brown, swamp colors, blue and gray. The combination of yellow and red is unacceptable - such an extreme combination can give some clown subtext to your image.

Until summer is over, please yourself with a yellow thing. In the fall, it will not lose its relevance, and you will definitely look bright against the background of autumn foliage.

Learning to match colors is not difficult. This requires certain knowledge and the ability to combine cold and warm shades.

Being able to arrange colors in your wardrobe is a rule of good taste. First of all, you need to choose a color for yourself, and then choose the best combinations for it. Clothes need to be selected, taking into account all the features of your appearance, even a manicure and a shade of hair.

A beautiful image of a woman is almost 99% dependent on the right color scheme in clothes.

By the way, if the color scheme of clothes is chosen incorrectly, it is immediately noticeable and causes a lot of bewilderment among others. And all not because you are not sure of your appearance, but because color perception played a role.

A color scheme

Of course, there are several "winning" ones that go well with any shade, for example, black and white. But each time combining them with others, you need to have an idea of ​​cold and warm colors in the palette.

The correct combination of colors, first of all, speaks of you as a person with taste. Unfortunately, not everyone is given such an artistic understanding from birth, but you can always manage to acquire it over time.

Video: “Color Harmony. Principles of harmonious color combination "

What is the rule for combining three colors in clothes?

There are certain rules that recommend choosing the right clothes. By following them, you can achieve a good and attractive appearance. So, for example, if you prefer one color, you must dilute it with something. It can be a bright accessory or a scarf. Try to move away from a too gloomy and tragic look.

combination of black

White, on the other hand, looks impressive, but it hardly suits absolutely everyone, and too bright colors always attract too much attention and sometimes even annoy.

The three-color rule states that no more than three colors can be combined in a garment. For example, one main and two complementary. It is believed that if there are more than three colors in the wardrobe, then the perception of the image can be overloaded.

Modern fashion, of course, has gone far from this rule and you can observe a lot of bright, colorful solutions, spectacular prints and "combination of incompatible". However, experienced stylists were able to come up with tables in which they conveyed a list of harmonious shades.

The right color combination for clothes: the color wheel

All color combinations in clothes should be chosen based on the "color wheel" - a special device that helps to choose the right shades for each other.

color wheel, ways to read it

Important: By drawing a straight line through the center of the circle, you can determine the most compatible colors. This simple tool helps you find perfectly contrasting colors.

A competent designer always uses a color wheel, taking into account all the laws: the form of clothing, its size and style. So, you should always understand that there are solid colors, belonging to the same shade and having different saturation. Polar colors - completely opposite tones.

Video: “Color wheel. Instructions for use "

Combination of hair and clothing color

You should choose clothes not only following your preferences, but also focusing on skin tone and especially hair color. It is this detail of the image that is the invariable label of your color type of the entire wardrobe.

wardrobe colors ideal for blondes

It can be noted that blonde hair adds lightness to its owner. Blondes do well with bright colors, the main thing is to try not to "close" or "suppress" your own palette.

perfect wardrobe colors for dark-haired girls

Brunettes are ideal for wearing bright and contrasting clothing. Depending on the shade of your hair: warm chestnut or cold black, you need to choose beige or gray outfits.

perfect colors to match a red-haired girl's wardrobe

Auburn and gold are warm colors, so it is extremely difficult to combine it with other saturated shades. This hair color is discreet enough. Shades that are completely opposite to hair will help attract attention.

colors suitable for gray-haired women

Gray-haired women need to choose a wardrobe that is in harmony with the silver color and tints.

The combination of the color of the bag and clothes

The bag is the ideal and key decoration for any look. This is the most favorite female accessory that can be worn with jeans or a dress. It is safe to say that a properly selected bag solves the whole impression of you.

Ideal taste will allow you to determine the most suitable handbag for your clothes. Modern stores offer a huge selection of modern accessories of various shapes, made from various materials and in a variety of colors.

bag is a favorite accessory

The bag is the only part of the whole image, which can be very different from the whole style. Today there is a special pattern for choosing a bag. So, the classic options are easily combined with casuel clothes, and the strict image is diluted with sports accessories.

The color of the bag also plays an important role. For example, the red version will be a good complement to the "boring" gray or beige color.

The universal color of the bag is black. He is always chosen when they do not want to and are afraid to spoil the image. The same can be said about the white color of the accessory. The rule that women of fashion adhere to is: "choose warm shades to warm and cold to cold." This suggests that the same red handbag cannot be compatible with a red dress and vice versa.

The combination of colors in clothes and accessories

Accessories exist to completely change the perception of an existing image. They are bright and calm, restrained and defiant, invisible and attractive. In any case, they should emphasize femininity and influence the understanding of your style.

accessories in the image

Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can choose an accessory to match your clothes, or vice versa, focus on the opposite shade.

Professionals distinguish several color combinations (rules) that should be followed in creating an image:

  • Monochrome combination - pursuit of shades of the same color
  • Anochromic combination - pursuing classic colors: white, black and gray
  • Complimentary - play of contrasts and combinations of bright colors

Whatever the accessory, try to choose not a cheap and high-quality thing that will look good on you and give you status. It is better to purchase one expensive piece of jewelry than ten "meaningless" items.

Combination of colors and types of clothing

Buying a new thing, every fashionista assesses in advance its possibilities of combination with other elements of the wardrobe. You can try to combine different things of various styles, and only one rule requires compliance - "do not interfere" with warm shades with cold ones. So human vision is arranged that such "bloopers" can cause dissonance in contemplation.

combination of three colors - triad

The only accent in the "combination of incongruous" can be the shade of clothing. Modern palettes offer many cool and warm tones of the same color. So, for example, vanilla is a little more muted than lemon and can be successfully combined with a warm purple color.

The cut of the clothes is absolutely irrelevant if you adhere to one of the styles. An important rule only warns you not to overload the image with a variety of textures and materials.

The combination of blue in women's clothing with other colors

Blue is one of those colors that are ideal for all color types. It is quite flashy and always noticeable, it does not cause strong dissonance in the eyes and has “calming” qualities. Blue is considered both a festive color and an everyday color. Blue can be successfully combined with other bright colors and even sonorous colors.

It is currently very fashionable to have rich blue clothes, and it does not matter how you will wear them: observe monochrome or, on the contrary, play on contrasts with the help of accessories.

blue in the wardrobe

The combination of green in women's clothing with other colors

Green is a calm color. It so happens that it is completely unobtrusive, but if you are noticed in green, be sure that it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. Green color has a lot of "beneficial" combinations and it is able to "refresh" any appearance.

Recently, the green color has become more and more popular and in demand by stylists. It goes well with both warm and cold color palettes.

green in wardrobe

The combination of red in women's clothing with other colors

There are many shades of red: there are muted reds, and there are bright and "flashy" about themselves from afar. You can learn to combine red with others. To do this, you should definitely use the recommended palette and remember that being one of the main colors, red does not always require any addition.

red in the wardrobe

The combination of gray in women's clothing with other colors

Gray is a classic color and can be successfully worn to work and on weekends. Combines gray with many other bright colors. Gray is one of the few in the palette that needs to be complemented with bright accessories. Gray has romance, lightness and wisdom at the same time. It can always be combined in casual wear with jeans and in business, shading with contrasting parts of the wardrobe.

gray in the wardrobe

The combination of yellow in women's clothing with other colors

Yellow is a pleasant color, especially if you stick to not a bright flashy, but a calm shade, for example, vanilla or the color of "winter dawn". Yellow can be successfully combined with bright and calm tones. He always gives joy, fun and symbolizes spring.

yellow in the wardrobe

The combination of beige in women's clothing with other colors

Beige is one of the most "feminine" colors, ideally highlighting the beauty and attracting men. There are a lot of shades of beige and all of them are successfully combined with both cold and warm colors. When dressing in beige, you should take into account your hair and skin color type, because if it is brighter than beige, you can get an unhealthy reddish look.

The combination of brown in women's clothing with other colors

Brown is a classic color, it suits all color types and always carries confidence. Brown can be worn for work and diluted with everyday clothes. The advantage of brown is that it can be successfully combined with a different palette of shades.

brown in wardrobe

The combination of pink in women's clothing with other colors

Pink speaks of femininity and tenderness. It is customary to combine it with not quite bright elements and shades. Pink is great for dark to fair skin and easily contrasts with opposing cool shades. Pink loves light accessories and warm seasons.

pink color in the wardrobe

What should be the ideal color combination in clothes?

It is not difficult to compose colors, even contrasting and completely different ones. To do this, it is enough to have a desire to look good, carefully select clothes and try to imagine your wardrobe in advance when buying a new item. The color palette has many cold and warm shades that can successfully highlight your skin and hair color type.

If you are not too confident in your ideal look, try complementing it with bright elements and stylish accessories. The perfect clothing color is the one that's right for you. Combine all the colors you can find and use modern style advice.

Video: “How to combine colors in clothes. What colors go together? "

A stylish look is 99% made up of the right combination of colors in clothes, makeup, accessories. If the colors are not combined correctly, there is a feeling that something in the appearance is “wrong”.
This is due not so much to a conscious understanding of the fashionableness and style of things, but to the physical laws of color perception, which work at the level of the unconscious.

It works like this:
The glance slides over the appearance of another person and notes the harmony or inharmony of color combinations. If our eye notices the inharmony of colors, then an immediate signal of irritation is sent to the brain and a reaction of rejection is formed. It is at this moment that we say that the person is dressed ugly. And sometimes we can't even explain why this is so.

In order to look stylish, you must adhere to the natural laws of color combinations and never break them.

Law 1: Combination of no more than 4 colors
Your look should use 2 to 4 colors. In the case of using only the 1st color, a feeling of dullness and pallor is created. By using more than 4 colors, you become like a parrot. When people see you, their gaze jumps from one color to another, not knowing where to stop. Unconsciously, this increases people's anxiety and makes them call your clothes "lurid"

Law 2: The ratio of colors is not equal: 1 or 2 primary colors + complementary colors
Clothes must have a main color, which is larger in area and some additional colors, which are less.
For example, a blue knee-length dress + a blue scarf + black shoes (blue is the main one)
blue jeans + white long shirt outside + white shoes + white bag (white is the main one)
Keep in mind that not only the color of the clothes plays a big role, but also the color of your tights, hair, bags, even the bags that you have in your hands. Those. all that is at the moment with you or on you.

Law 3: Black, white, gray are combined with all colors
Universal colors that can complement any other color are gray, black, white. Keep in mind that visually white expands, black narrows.
These colors are best used for basic items, which will then complement bright accessories or colored items. Choosing between red, blue and black shoes, it is better to choose black. They will be combined with all things in the wardrobe.

Law 4: All pastel colors are combined with each other, regardless of shade
Pastel colors- this is beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors with a lot of white added. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that plumper.

Law 5: The bottom should be 1-3 tones darker than the top (white is an exception)
An important rule is that it allows you to visually make the figure lighter and more slender. The base (bottom) should be stronger, more stable, and therefore darker. The top should be lighter, more transparent, lighter. As, for example, in nature: a tree that has a brown trunk and light green leaves. By breaking this rule, you look like an inverted triangle with wide, heavy shoulders and a narrow pelvis.

Law 6: Combine related or contrasting colors
Either related or contrasting colors can be combined with each other. All other options are inharmonious.

Related- these are colors that differ from each other in shade (red, pink, dark red)

Contrasting are colors that are completely opposite (purple-yellow, blue-orange). The only contrasting combination that in my opinion is risky is green and red.

Find out which colors are related and which are contrasting using the color wheel

P.S. You've probably seen that many designers deliberately break these natural color rules. They do it on purpose: for example, to make the collection's image more aggressive, shocking, bright and extravagant, 10-15 colors are used in clothes.

You can also break the color rules, but you must be 100% sure what idea you want to convey to the people around you.

The color of the sun, sunflower petals, corn kernels, kenar plumage - all these are different shades of one of the most positive tones - yellow. This color looks spectacular, so it is often used in clothing.

Subconsciously, yellow is associated with the sun, so it has an extremely positive meaning. Fans of yellow clothes are usually sociable and cheerful.

The human psyche identifies yellow as a symbol of comfort, hospitality, generosity. Therefore, the subconscious attitude towards people dressed in yellow, as a rule, is friendly. Therefore, if you want to make a pleasant impression on someone, you should choose yellow clothes or accessories.

Yellow is too "energetic", it gets tired quite quickly. Especially if bright shades of this color are chosen.

A bit of history

In the ancient world, yellow symbolized divine love and power, therefore it was considered sacred. Clothing of this color was the privilege of the highest class.

But in the Middle Ages, bright colors, and in particular yellow, were treated coolly, preferring dark tones of clothing. Dull yellow robes were worn on convicts sentenced to be burned at the stake. It was only in the late Gothic period that people again began to dress brightly and variedly.

Then yellow in clothes was again ostracized; in the 19th century, bright clothes were considered a sign of bad taste. And only by the end of the century, yellow again rapidly burst into the world of fashion, this time was even dubbed the "yellow nineties".

Nowadays, yellow cannot be called an absolute favorite of fashion, however, models of different shades of yellow can often be found in fashion collections.

Who is it for?

Yellow, like any other color, has many different shades. Therefore, it cannot be argued that there are people who categorically do not go yellow. Some shades, indeed, may not be suitable, but others may emphasize natural beauty.

The most versatile shade is considered pale yellow, it is suitable for both fair-haired and brunettes, regardless of eye and skin color. But brighter shades must be chosen carefully.

Girls related to summer color type, gray-yellow tones are best suited, as well as yellow with hints of blue. But bright light yellow does not suit them. It can, of course, be used, but only in the form of bright accents, and not as a base color.

Girls color type "winter" they may well use things of bright shades - mimosa color, canary, golden yellow.

Representatives spring color type look great in clothes of light shades of yellow (shade of champagne, lemon, the color of ripe corn). But best of all, yellow shades are suitable for girls of the "autumn" color type, this color perfectly sets off their dull beauty. Mustard and yellow-orange tones suit them especially.

When composing ensembles in yellow tones, it should be borne in mind that warm and light shades of color visually add several kilograms. This should be used if the figure is not perfectly proportional. For example, if the lower body is heavy, then a light yellow blouse will make the silhouette more harmonious.

It should be borne in mind that bright yellow shades can irritate others. Therefore, not all variants of yellow are suitable for business looks. When choosing clothes for negotiations and other official events, yellow should be used sparingly, only in the form of accessories.

We combine

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to dress from head to toe in yellow. However, this color is perfectly combined with other tones. Here are the most successful combinations:

  • With black... This is a spectacular combination of two opposite symbols (day-night, cheerfulness-sadness). Both colors can be used as a base. For example, wear a yellow jacket with a black dress. Yellow fabric with a black print, for example, with polka dots, looks spectacular.

  • With blue... This is a classic combination, but only if you choose a deep or dark shade of blue. A set looks impressive, in which a dark blue bottom (skirt or trousers) and a bright yellow top (blouse or shirt). An element of a neutral color, for example, a beige jacket, will balance the combination.

  • With white... A versatile duet. White smoothes out some "assertiveness" of yellow. This combination is especially often used in summer looks.

  • With brown... With dark and light shades of brown, lemon shades of yellow look especially advantageous.

  • With gray... The perfect combination can be obtained if you use dark and bright shades of gray, ash gray and mousey with yellow are not combined well.

  • With red... Red combined with yellow can only be used as an accent, such as a scarf or shoes. If there is too much red, the image will turn out to be too bright, "clownish".

  • With purple... Such a duet is perfect for creating festive looks.

  • With orange... A bold and very summer combination. Better to combine bright shades of orange with muted yellow, or vice versa.

  • With blue... It is a natural combination that is especially in demand in beachwear.

  • With green... Another option for a natural combination of colors. Yellow looks especially beautiful in combination with emerald and olive.

Fashion looks

Using yellow things, you can create a wide variety of clothing ensembles.

Everyday looks

Casual wear in yellow is mainly represented by summer models. Light yellow dresses and sundresses should be complemented with bright sandals and silk scarves.

For autumn looks, it is better to choose clothes in yellow-orange and mustard colors. A dress of this tone can be combined with dark tights and shoes, with a gray or olive cardigan.

Yellow shorts look stylish; you can choose a bright blouse or lace top for them. Yellow summer skirts also look beautiful.

The thing that can spice up almost any everyday wardrobe is the yellow jacket. It can be worn with a dress, skirt or pants. It is recommended to wear such a jacket for ensembles of restrained colors.

Evening looks

A yellow evening dress will make you the star of any event. Depending on the shade and cut of the dress, you can create both a romantic and an emphatically sexy image.

Styles of yellow evening dresses can be very diverse. Dresses in golden shades are especially popular. A dress made of yellow lace looks spectacular.

You can complement the bright yellow outfit with black or red shoes. If the shade of the dress is light, then it is better to use white or beige accessories.

Only yellow

Today, images are very popular in which all the details of the toilet are of the same color, but in different shades. A one-color ensemble in yellow tones is the choice of the bold and daring. For example, mustard-colored trousers can be combined with a light yellow shirt. Complement the ensemble with corn-grain sandals and a gold-tone handbag.

You can also create a monochrome look for the cool season. The coat in this ensemble should be a dark detail, so it can have a mustard hue. You can wear a light lemon dress and white and yellow shoes with it.

Makeup and Jewelry

The brighter the shade of the chosen outfit, the more time you need to devote to makeup. It is important that the face does not look pale against the background of bright clothes, but also does not look vulgarly painted.

The yellow color emphasizes all the imperfections of the skin, so you will have to pay special attention to the complexion. To create a daytime make-up, use beige shadows, brown mascara and eyeliner. For evening makeup, you can use bright or golden eyeshadows, but it is important to overdo it with glitter.

Jewelry for a yellow dress can be chosen from white metal, pearls, natural stones.

Choice of stars

Cheerful yellow is perfect for special occasions. Bright dresses in a sunny or golden shade look great against the background of the red carpet, so many celebrities choose these shades for their toilets. At various times, such famous style icons as Angelina Jolie, Shakira, Anne Hathaway and others appeared in public in yellow outfits.

This bright thing is able to make a woman both a fatal spectacular beauty and an elegant lady who prefers classics.

The final image with a red dress will depend on the shoe: what color shoes and other shoes (boots) match the red one, what to wear on the legs to give sex appeal and style (photo).

Of course, the shade of the outfit is also an important accent when choosing, because not all colors are in good harmony with scarlet.

What shoes to wear a red dress with?

What shoes are suitable for a red dress: if the dress is very open, sexy and daring, then it is better to choose more modest shoes. This will apply to both their shade and model. Conversely, if your red dress does not have a frank design, then you can afford brighter shoes, as well as a high platform or stiletto heels.

The ideal color for shoes for a red dress: beige, gold, dark brown, black, gray and blue. At the same time, shoes of a graphite shade are very beautifully combined with dresses of a bright scarlet shade.

  • Beige is a universal color, it will perfectly fit both a light red dress and a burgundy one.
  • Black is an eternal classic and a traditional combination that will remain relevant today.
  • Blue shoes are very interesting to combine with models of red dresses, you can create a very contrasting and stylish image with them.

Burgundy dresses

What shoes to wear under a red dress, if it is dark red, ripe cherry or burgundy? For darker shades of red, beige and blue shoes are ideal.

Black, on the other hand, may not be entirely appropriate here, only if you do not deliberately seek to make your image somewhat gloomy and gothic.

Knitted red dresses

In this case, it is better to choose shoes made of smooth leather, sometimes suede models also look good. Massive and coarser models of shoes are perfect for dense dresses of scarlet shades made of inelastic fabric.

Here you can safely put on both a high platform and a rough square heel. If the dress is airy and light, has a lot of lace or guipure, then a suitable shoe must be feminine, elegant and graceful.

Sexy red dress

If your red dress is flashy-frank, then try to choose shoes for it as calm, restrained and unobtrusive as possible.

Here you can think of the shades of gray, especially the graphite suede shoes. By themselves, they can look quite inconspicuous and inconspicuous, but in combination with a sexy red dress, these shoes are instantly transformed - the two things seem to complement each other, creating the perfect image. By the way, suede in medium gray is the perfect tone for a duet with scarlet and light red.

Also, gray velvet shoes will go well with warm woolen and knitted dresses. They will add to your bow not only comfort, but also a touch of originality and trendy style. In addition, this skin texture is best suited for fluffy and voluminous scarlet dresses, as well as models made from textured fabric.

In the winter months, look out for charcoal pumps, which look great when paired with red plaid dresses and crimson wool tunics.

Long red dress

It can be combined with high-heeled shoes, and the model of midi dresses is also quite universal. But with the length of the mini, you will have to be very careful - ineptly selected shoes will instantly spoil the image and make it cheaper, add vulgarity to your bow.

Evening Smooth Satin Dresses with Rhinestones and Embroidery

These dresses can be complemented with shoes made of glossy leather, patent leather or textured smooth fabric. And for summer flying dresses, shoes with an open toe, made of soft and thin leather, are wonderfully suitable.

It is appropriate to combine coarse shoes with red dresses in the "school" style and in the Gothic style. You can also get a super-fashionable look with a romantic mid-length dress, if you put on pumps with a rough embossed sole and suitable accessories.

If you are going to create a sexy and fatal image of a vamp woman and choose a bright and tight-fitting scarlet dress, then the main thing here is not to overdo it. It is better to forget about black shoes, especially about patent ones. This trend can look too outdated and even insipid. But beige or gold shoes in this case are a great option!

Don't know what to wear with red sandals? In the article you will find many examples of how to dress beautifully using brightly colored shoes.

They don't go with a red dress!

What color will not suit the red dress for sure and spoil the whole image:

  • Pink shoes (especially its lilac and cold shades). Pink is a cold shade, it looks bad with a warm and hot scarlet tone.
  • Blue shoes. This is also a shade of a cold scale. But if blue is able to play in contrast and often looks very good in combination with red, then blue is most often a disastrous shade for such a dress.
  • Yellow shoes. Bright yellow can be applied to red, but not when you are wearing a red dress. It takes all the attention, and yellow shoes in this case look no less bright and catchy, which creates a clown effect.
  • Bright green shoes. Shades of dark green sometimes look wonderful with scarlet. But the same cannot be said for light green tones. Sometimes, however, such a combination may look good, but more often it is a skillful and thoughtful work of stylists.
  • Purple shoes. It is also far from always prohibited in combination with red. But a dress of this tone and purple color is an image, at least, not harmonious.

Pumps made of dark brown leather are a fairly versatile option. They suit both the scarlet shades of red and its rich dark tones. We can say that you cannot miss with such shoes, therefore, if you cannot decide on the color in any way, wear dark brown ones. Unlike other shades of shoes, they are not so demanding on the cut, shade and texture of the dress fabric.

It is even better to sometimes replace black boats with dark brown ones, so as not to burden your bow with black color. At the same time, those shoes that have a universal classic design and even matte skin are ideal. The most optimal heel height is medium, up to ten centimeters.

Beige shoes for a red dress

Beige shoes for a red dress are likely to be perfect. Beige is a light shade of a warm range, to which the red tone belongs. According to the rules of coloristics, those colors from the palette that are either related to the gradient of the shade itself, or are located opposite it in the color wheel, are best in harmony with the shade. In other words, they are contrasting and opposite.

A red dress with beige shoes creates an expensive and often chic bow, and if the shoes are also matched to your skin tone, then you will get the very elite nude effect that is now trendy. At the same time, such shoes will give your image a showiness, but will not distract the eyes of strangers from the red dress itself, which is the main accent in the bow.

Golden shoes also sit well on their legs. But such a solution is unlikely to be suitable for a work wardrobe or everyday wear. If you are going to go to a gala event, then it is the beige and gold shoes that will play into your hands and create a truly luxurious evening bow.

If you are going to wear beige shoes, then remember that jewelry and bijouterie should also be performed in the same range!

It is unacceptable to wear silver necklaces and earrings or jewelry made of silver metals, since the steel shade is the color of the cold scale. Pendants, earrings and bracelets made of gold will look perfect.

Black shoes or boots for a red dress

Black shoes under a red dress are not always a good idea. Firstly, such shoes can look too massive, rough, cold and noticeable in combination with a hot and lively red tone. Secondly, black shoes are not suitable for every red dress.

Thick winter dresses, as well as heavy evening models, look best with black shoes. A red maxi dress or ankle-length dress with such shoes also looks good. But if the dress is made of guipure or lace, then such a combination may look not only inappropriate, but also terribly vulgar.

The same goes for red mini dresses, as well as overly open options and satin dresses. Therefore, it is better to save black shoes for knitted red dresses or models made of wool.

Remember that black shoes go well with tight dresses and tartan red plaid!

A red dress and black boots are another matter entirely. For example, knitted options and simple dresses with long sleeves in a red shade are very harmonious in combination with black boots on a low run. Thick knitted models under the throat can also look good with such shoes; such a bow looks stylish and modern.

If you have long dreamed of buying red boots, but did not dare because you do not know what to wear with them, then we offer you a useful article where you will find interesting options for yourself.

But it is better to refuse black boots and high heels. Combined with a bold and aggressive red tone, this instantly transforms into an outdated and vulgar look from the early 2000s.

Blue shoes and a red outfit

If your red dress is sewn in pin-up or retro style, has a midi length and a sun skirt, then you can safely wear blue shoes under it. But here you have to try a little and show dexterity: the fact is that a bright blue tone requires a certain shade of red. Also, blue shoes for a dark red dress will differ in tone saturation.

If you want a play of contrasts and brightness, then pay attention to the indigo shoes. This tone will suit both a bright scarlet dress and a darker model, for example, a rich burgundy one.

But be careful with overly dark reds (such as very dark cherry or brown-purple). In this case, the rich blue tone will no longer look so good, and the very successful combination of contrasting shades will disappear.

Blue shoes look very good with red polka-dot and plaid dresses. The same principle of the opposite contrasting shade works here (as with the gray scale), but only the blue tone brings an additional note of perky and playfulness to the fabrics with prints.

Scarlet dresses in white and beige polka dots are ideal for blue shoes, while the brighter the shade of red, the more girlish and bright the final bow will turn out.

Dresses with glossy and shiny fabric, satin and silk models look good under such shoes.

If it seems to you that white shoes look too inharmonious and do not fit well with your bow, they are knocked out of it - just add a little white tone to the top of your look. A bolero of a similar white shade, a light milk jacket or jacket will do. A red dress-stocking with white shoes and a white raincoat looks very stylish.

Such a bow is suitable for walking, and for a party, and for a romantic date. But for a full-fledged evening look, it may turn out to be rustic. It will also be difficult to combine jewelry with this style - many of them look bad and only spoil the image. Therefore, women often do not even wear earrings to such a bow, or they manage with a single accent to match.

It's also worth noting that not every white shoe will go well with a bodycon cocktail dress. Only models of classic design - pumps with medium or high heels - are ideally combined with it. White platform or round toe shoes will just ruin the whole look and nullify the effort.

White shoes with an open toe look great with a light red bodycon dress. To this look, you can add, for example, a wide ceramic white bracelet on the wrist.

White shoes under a red dress are still worn with caution by many women of fashion, but if you follow the rules - put on a tight-fitting mini or midi-length dress, and the shoes themselves will have a classic design, then you will have nothing to fear. In addition, this combination, due to its rarity, is unique and truly original!