What are the holidays in August. Professional holidays in July and August

For those who celebrate the day of the company in these two months, I will repeat our offer :-). We organize any holiday in nature, in a restaurant or in the office:


July 2
International Sports Journalist Day. Sports Journalists' Day is celebrated on July 2, the same day in 1924 that the International Sports Press Organization was founded in Paris.

3 July
Day of the GAI (Day of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). The service, which ensures our safety on the roads and guarantees compliance with the rules of the road, was formed on June 3 of the distant 1936. And for seven decades now, the work of traffic police officers has been a respected and responsible profession.

1st Sunday of July
Day of workers of the sea and river fleet. Dreamers who have connected their lives with the seas and rivers celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of July and carry out continuous work in one of the main sectors of the Russian economy.

July 11
Day of the lighting designer (Day of the light operator). It is with the help of light operators that all our holidays and events are filled with light. This became possible thanks to Alexander Lodygin, who received a patent for an incandescent lamp on July 11, 1874.

12 June
World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. The employees of this romantic and very responsible profession guarantee the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight. Interestingly, this seemingly new specialty originated as early as 1928 with the first steward to board an aircraft.

2nd Sunday of July
Day of the fisherman. Since time immemorial, fishing has been not only a hobby, but also a way to feed yourself, and soon other people. Fishermen fill our tables with delicious, fresh fish and seafood, so they rightfully celebrate their professional holiday on the second Sunday of July.

2nd Sunday of July
Russian Post Day. Postal employees perform an important function, bringing together people who are far from each other. Mail was used a millennium ago, and under Peter I, a regular postal service began to form.

July 18
Day of creation of state fire supervision bodies. On July 18, 1927, a decree was issued on the establishment of state fire supervision bodies, and since then, employees of the State Fire Supervision have guaranteed fire safety throughout the country.

July 20
International Chess Day. The most intelligent sport - chess - originated in India in the 5th century, and since 1966 the World Chess Federation has introduced a professional chess holiday, celebrated on July 20 all over the world.

3rd Sunday of July
Day of the metallurgist. The courageous and dangerous profession became especially in demand in the post-war period, making a huge contribution to economic recovery. And to this day, metallurgists ensure the uninterrupted work of the key sector of the economy - the extraction of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Last Friday of July
Day of the system administrator. This holiday was founded by the American system administrator Ted Kekatos, who wished that the important, but imperceptible at first glance, work received due gratitude.

26 July
Skydiver Day. On the same day in 1930, a team of Soviet pilots made the first series of parachute jumps. This event was the start for the development of parachuting in Russia.

4th Saturday of July
Trade Workers Day in Russia. Trade is an area without which modern life would be impossible, and every fourth Saturday of July, the country honors those who have dedicated their lives to serving the population.

Last Sunday in July
Day of the Russian Navy. Perhaps one of the most memorable holidays both in the USSR and in modern Russia, which has the unspoken name "Neptune's Day". The creation of a regular navy is the merit of Peter I, who for the first time built a full-fledged fleet, consisting of ships of various classes.

July 28th
Day of the PR-specialist. The relatively new profession of a public relations specialist has already received due recognition in Russia, and since 2003 a new professional holiday has appeared on the calendar.


August 1
Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it was on August 1, 1941 that the rear was self-determined as a separate type of armed forces.

August 1
Day of the collector. Transportation of funds is a service that requires honesty and responsibility. The collection service was formed under the State Bank of the USSR on August 1, 1939.

August 1
Day of formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia. Ensuring high reliability and secrecy, transferring important information are the tasks that the Russian Special Communications Service has been fulfilling with dignity since August 1, 1939.

August 2
Day of the Airborne Troops (Day of the Airborne Forces). "Blue berets" - symbols of valor and courage. The professional holiday of the paratroopers has been celebrated since August 2, 1930, when a group of 12 people was parachuted by parachute during exercises near Voronezh.

1st Sunday of August
Railroad Day. The oldest professional holiday was established back in 1896 and tied to the birthday of Nicholas I, who was the first to start laying railways.

August 6
Day of the railway troops. Railway soldiers have been making a huge contribution to the victory with their work since the time of the Russian-Turkish war. On August 6, 1851, Emperor Nicholas I signed the "Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg - Moscow Railway", which served as the basis for the emergence of the holiday.

August 7
Day of special communication and information of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The service, formed on August 7, 2004, is the successor to the KGB and operates secret information channels used by the president and other high-ranking officials.

8 August
International Mountaineering Day (Alpinist's Day). On August 8, 1896, two fearless porters - Packard and Balm - were the first to conquer Mont Blanc, the highest point of the Alps.

2nd Saturday in August
Athlete's Day. A mass holiday, symbolizing a healthy lifestyle, is always accompanied by sports competitions and active events, and all physical culture workers receive well-deserved congratulations.

2nd Sunday of August
Builder's Day. The first time Builder's Day was celebrated on August 12, 1956. Until today, construction workers have preserved the Soviet traditions of celebrating the holiday: solemn performances, official meetings, awards and, of course, a feast.

12th of August
Air Force Day (Air Force Day) of Russia. The holiday was established in 2006 as a symbol of recognition of the work of the Air Force. It is August 12, 1912, which is traditionally considered the day of the creation of Russian military aviation.

August 15
Day of the archaeologist. This day is not dedicated to any discoveries and is not a state day, but this does not prevent archaeologists from celebrating their professional holiday - the day of enthusiasts, discoverers and researchers of ancient human cultures.

3rd Sunday of August
Russian Air Force Day. The holiday of employees of the air fleet of the Russian Federation has two sources at once: on August 12, 1921, Emperor Nicholas II ordered the formation of the first part of the air force in Russia, and on August 18, 1933, Stalin established the tradition of celebrating the Day of the USSR air fleet in the USSR.

August 27
Day of Russian cinema. It originates from August 27, 1919, when the new leadership of the country, understanding the need for the development of cinema, signed the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars (Council of People's Commissars) on the nationalization of the film industry in the country. Since then, cinema has undergone global changes, but we still love old Soviet films.

Last Sunday in August
Miner's Day. The day for honoring the courageous and dangerous profession was not chosen by chance: on August 31, 1935, a miner named Alexei Stakhanov exceeded the standard for coal mining by 14 times! Since then, the term "work in Stakhanov's way" has appeared.

Holidays are constant companions of our life. Holiday dates make life harmonious, help to distract from the routine of everyday days.

Are there holidays in August 2018? Of course there is, so carefully study this page so as not to miss an important or interesting event.

How to relax in August in Russia

There are no public holidays in the month of August, so we won’t get confused about how we work and how we relax. According to the production calendar of Russia in August, 23 working days and 6 days off.

Calendar of Orthodox holidays

Professional, international and original holidays in August 2018

In parentheses for reference is the date of approval of the holiday. Please note that some holidays are celebrated on a specific day of the week of the month, so the date changes every year.

  • Day of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation (Day of the Airborne Forces) - (2006)
  • Deer Day in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - (1982)
  • Mailbox Birthday - (1858), the first postbox was installed in the streets of London.
  • Holiday brake
  • A day of sitting on windowsills

  • Champagne Birthday - (1668), the date is dedicated to the first tasting of sparkling wine. This drink was "invented" by the Benedictine monk Pierre Pérignon. Dom Pérignon, a brand of premium champagne, is named in his honor.
  • Swing day
  • International Traffic Light Day - (1914)
  • Railwayman's Day - (1914), celebrated on the first Sunday of August
  • Drunk Cadet Day - earlier on this day, an order was issued by the Ministry of Defense to enroll in military schools or transfer students from military schools to the next course of study.
  • Day of looking at the horizon
  • International Day "Physicians of the World for Peace" - (1980)
  • World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (Hiroshima Day) - (1945)
  • Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation - (1996)
  • mushroom rain day
  • Day of units of operational-search information of the criminal police of the Russian Federation
  • Bachelor's Day
  • Star Gathering Day

  • The day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedes at Cape Gangut - (1714), the Day of Military Glory is dedicated to the first in Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut during the Northern War
  • Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki - (1945)
  • International Day of the World's Indigenous People - (1992)
  • air kiss day
  • International Biodiesel Day - (1893)
  • Tailwind Day is celebrated by all adventurers, travelers, yachtsmen, sailboat owners and all those who are used to conquering the elements.
  • Day of the long wires

  • International Youth Day - (1999)
  • Russian Air Force Day (Air Force Day) - (2006)
  • Builder's Day - (2006), celebrated on the second Sunday of August
  • The day of the met dawn

  • Day of the unit for combating crimes in the field of information technology (Department "K") of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • world lizard day
  • Feast of the Inflamed Imagination
  • Turtle Walk Day
  • Aircraft Builder's Day - (1956)
  • Archaeologist's Day - (2008)
  • Day of the Republic of Tuva - (1999)
  • Memorial Day of Viktor Tsoi - (1990), commemorated on the anniversary of his death in a car accident
  • Birthday of the telephone greeting "Hello" - (1877), the greeting "Hello" was first suggested to be used by Thomas Edison. Alexander Bell (inventor of the telephone) suggested using the word "Ahoy" (a welcome address to arriving ships). But Thomas Edison's version stuck. In the Russian version, the address “Hello” turned into “Hello” and to this day remains the most popular telephone greeting.
  • Raspberry Jam Day - (2015), see a variety of raspberry jam recipes
  • Do-it-yourself miracle day
  • Joker Day

  • Russian Air Force Day - (1992)
  • World Humanitarian Day - (2008)
  • World Photography Day
  • Philately Day (Post Stamp Day) - (1922)
  • Birthday of the Russian vest - (1874)
  • Butterfly Day is an important day for those who want the impossible! The phenomenon of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly proves that nothing is impossible!

  • Russian Officer's Day
  • Wild Herb Day
  • Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation - (1994)
  • Komi Republic Day
  • Oak barrel day
  • Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk - (1943)
  • International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Slave Trade and its Abolition - (1997)
  • European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism - (2009)
  • Ladybug Flight Day
  • day of thirst
  • The birthday of potato chips - (1853), the birth of chips was preceded by a conflict situation. In a restaurant in a hotel in New York City (Saratoga Springs), one of the patrons refused a potato dish, saying that the potatoes were thickly sliced. Chef George Crum, maybe in retaliation, or maybe to preserve the reputation of the institution, chopped the vegetable into thin slices and, after salting, fried them in vegetable oil until they crunch. Saratoga Chips, as they were later called, were very much liked by the client and became the restaurant's signature dish.
  • Haystack day
  • tree climbing day
  • Bat Night (International Bat Night) - events held on this day are initiated by the International Organization for the Conservation of Wildlife to protect these living creatures. The purpose of the events is to talk about the benefits of bats, because in an hour one representative of bats can exterminate from 500 to 1000 harmful insects.
  • Tin Can Birthday - (1810)

  • Russian Cinema Day - (1980)
  • Festival of passing clouds
  • Day of Ribbons and Bells
  • pout day
  • head tilt day
  • Cutlet Day in Kostroma - (2007)
  • International Day Against Nuclear Tests (International Day Аgainst Nuclear Tests) - (2009)
  • Motorcycle Birthday - (1885)
  • Velvet Shoes Day
  • Rooftop Day

  • Veterinarian Day - (2014)
  • Memory Loss Day
  • Blog Day - (2005)
  • Grass whisper day

These are the holidays that await us in August 2018. Do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on professional holidays, as well as those who were born this month.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Jamaica - the very ease, the real epitome of relaxation! She lives in the measured rhythm of reggae and enjoys nonchalance. Emancipation (lat. emancipatio) - liberation from any dependence, the abolition of any restrictions, equalization of rights. And it is likely that you are unlikely to have these ...

Holidays and events for August 2

Day of the Airborne Troops or simply the Day of the Airborne Forces - this holiday, celebrated with blue berets on August 2, is remembered for a long time by ordinary residents who, by misunderstanding, found themselves close to recreation parks and places of mass celebrations of airborne troops! Traditional bathing in fountains, meetings with comrades, liters...

Prophet Elijah is a highly revered saint in the three major world religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The Quran praises the prophet Ilyas. According to Jewish tradition, it is Elijah who must return to earth before the great coming of the Messiah. August 2 - Ilyin's day - the day of one of the greatest ...

Holidays and events for August 3

The national holiday Onufriy the Silent is celebrated on August 3, 2016 (according to the old style - July 21). On this day, St. Onufry of the Caves is venerated. He lived in the XII century in the Anthony caves. He was a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery. His remains are also located there. History failed...

Holidays and events for August 4

Today, August 4, the Orthodox Church sacredly honors the memory of St. Mary Magdalene - a woman called by the Lord Himself from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, one of the myrrh-bearing women, was deigned to be the first of the people to see the Risen Lord Jesus...

Police Day is celebrated in Ukraine on August 4th. Heads of police departments, managers, subordinates, auxiliary, technical personnel take part in the professional holiday. The celebrations are joined by people who manage the activities of the service, as well as teachers, students ...

Almost any solemn event requires the mandatory presence of champagne on the festive table. This wonderful sparkling drink, which, along with salad Olivier and tangerines for most Soviet citizens, was associated with the New Year's feast, was "invented" ...

Holidays and events for August 5

International Beer Day is celebrated on the first Friday of August. In 2016, the holiday falls on August 5th. It unofficially takes place in more than 200 cities in various countries: the USA and Australia, Costa Rica and Colombia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela, Lithuania and Belgium, France and Brazil, Italy and Canada and...

World traffic light day is celebrated all over the world. This day was not chosen by chance, because it was on August 5, 1914 in the American city of Cleveland that the first predecessor of modern devices appeared. It had red and green lights, and when the light switched, it emitted a sound signal. But...

Holidays and events for August 6

Today, August 6, is an important day for all Catholics - the Day of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is dedicated to the commemoration of the gospel narrative of the Transfiguration of the Lord. As it is said in the Gospels, forty days before his death, Jesus, together with the apostles Peter, John and James, rose up...

This day was proposed by the organization "Physicians of the World for the Prevention of the Nuclear Threat" in memory of the bombing of Hiroshima, which took place on August 6, 1945. This day is symbolic in a sense and serves as a reminder of this human tragedy, of the role of doctors in the struggle for peace and...

Holidays and events for August 7

The Air Force (Air Force) is one of the most powerful defense and attack tools of the Ukrainian army. As many as two presidents - Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko - issued decrees and the celebration of the Day of this type of troops. Viktor Yushchenko's decree set the date for the first Sunday of August, thereby canceling the previous...

"Spozhinki", otherwise referred to as the Assumption Day, was celebrated in Russia at the turn of August, which fell on the 7th day of the last summer month (approximately mid-August according to the modern calendar), on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (and in some localities on the following day of transferring the image ...

Righteous Anna, mother of the Theotokos, was the daughter of the priest Matthan and his wife Mary, from the tribe of Levi, the family of Aaron. The holy righteous Joachim, the son of Varpafir, was a descendant of King David, to whom God promised that the Savior of the world would be born from the seed of his descendants. The couple, Joachim and Anna, lived in Nazareth...

Holidays and events on August 8

Communication is the technical backbone of any army. But today it is more important than ever. That is why, in order to respect the military of this specialty, in 2000 the Decree of the President of the country was signed on the establishment of the Day of Signal Corps of Ukraine. Training of the first signalmen of the army on the territory of present-day Ukraine ...

International Mountaineering Day is celebrated annually on August 8th. Although rock climbing as a sport has been around for a very long time, this holiday has been officially celebrated all over the world since 1786. International Mountaineering Day, together with professional athletes and amateur climbers, is also celebrated by people who ...

International Ophthalmology Day has been celebrated on August 8 all over the world since 2004. This is a professional holiday for all ophthalmologists and their grateful patients. The idea of ​​​​creating an event was proposed by Russian physician Tamaz Mchedlidze as recognition of the activities of a talented...

Holidays and events for August 9

August is the time for weddings and festivities at the end of the harvest. Perhaps that is why most romantic holidays fall precisely at the end of summer. August 9th is International Kissing Day. This is a holiday for young people in love and all the happy inhabitants on the planet who ...

Indigenous peoples are peoples living in the territories of the traditional settlement of their ancestors, preserving their traditional way of life, management and crafts. This holiday was established on December 23, 1994 by the UN General Assembly and is celebrated annually on August 9. In international law, the concept...

Holidays and events on August 10

Among the holidays of the last month of summer is Tailwind Day, which is unofficially celebrated on August 10 by all adventurers, travelers, yachtsmen, sailboat owners and all those who are used to conquering the elements. By mid-August, the holiday season usually subsides, and the beach boom...

This day is for those who believe in miracles. For those who peer into the sky on August nights, hoping to see their falling star and make their most cherished wish. Eccentrics and romance - this day is yours! Because today is Saint Lawrence Day. It is believed that St. Lawrence in this ...

Holidays and events on August 11

We all dream of heaven and flying. Probably there is not a single person who has not experienced at least once a state close to the soaring of birds. Like there is no one who does not like it! Today - it is possible to repeat! With the help of a balloon, or a balloon that can be trusted with a particle ...

Holidays and events on August 12

One of the traditions of the prom is meeting the dawn. Yesterday's schoolchildren and students say goodbye to a carefree, prosperous life and, together with the sunrise, they become different, adult and independent people who do not yet realize all the importance and responsibility of the upcoming...

Probably, it just so happened historically that we begin to remember someone only on certain dates, whether it's a birthday or some other significant event. The rest of the time we are absorbed in our lives and this is normal. This is the International Youth Day, which is celebrated annually on 12...

Holidays and events for August 13

On August 13 there is a wonderful warm holiday - Meeting Day. For his recognition, the very fact of an accidental rendezvous with a childhood friend, classmate or object of first love is enough. For yesterday's schoolchildren and students, August is the end of the introductory campaign and graduation ...

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is left-handed. The list of famous people who did everything “with one hand” is amazing - Mark Twain, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Sergei Rachmaninov, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, Marilyn Monroe, Robert de Niro. Julius was left-handed...

Holidays and events on August 14

Every person faces veterinary medicine, regardless of gender, race, age. Starting any pet, he sooner or later turns to veterinarians: to vaccinate, cure from illness, undergo an examination to obtain a passport for his beloved pet. People rarely think that their life...

Every year on the second Sunday of August, all builders of the country celebrate their professional holiday. It first appeared in 1956. In general, the profession of a builder is surrounded by special honor, because many creations were created by the hands of people of this particular profession. To build means to build and...

August is the month of three Spas. The day of August 14 has many names among the people: First Savior, Honey Savior, Savior on the Water, Spasovka, Makovey, Makkavey, Lakomka, Honey Feast, Bee Feast. Following the Honey Savior, Apple and Nut Savior follows, hence the name First Savior appeared. AT...

Holidays and events for August 15

Archaeologist's Day is celebrated annually on August 15th. Everyone who is related to archeology, as well as lovers of this science, for whom excavations are a hobby, take part in the celebrations. Among them are researchers, academicians, scientists, members of circles. The holiday is considered by teachers, ...

The feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God has been established by the Church since ancient times. In the 4th century, it was already widely celebrated in Byzantium. At the request of the Byzantine emperor Mauritius, who defeated the Persians on August 15, the day of the Assumption of Our Lady (since 595) became a church holiday. But initially...

Holidays and events for August 16

Every year on August 16, the Foundation Day of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA, International Academy of Astronautics, IAA) is celebrated. This organization was founded more than half a century ago, in 1960 in Stockholm. The initiator of its foundation was the largest scientist in the field of aerodynamics and...

He starred in 33 films, receiving at least a million dollars for each. In 1973, a TV show with his participation gathered a billion people at the screens - even a report on the landing of the first man on the moon could not collect such a number of viewers. Before Elvis died, 500 million of his...

Holidays and events for August 17

It was on August 17, 1896 that the beginning of the "gold rush" in the Klondike was laid. The first gold was found in Rebbit Creek by Indian Jim Skookum, although for a long time this discovery was attributed to his partner, European George Carmack, since it was he who legally registered this find. He...

Holidays and events for August 18

The well-known biblical story about the creation of the Tower of Babel is known to many, but the moral of the story, for all its clarity and accessibility, remains relevant information for reflection. It's not even about linguistic features. Most often under the expression "they speak different languages" ...

Ivan Rilski was a famous Bulgarian hermit. Deciding to move away from the vain world, he retired to the forest, leading an ascetic lifestyle there. Hermitage and austerity allowed Ivan to find peace, harmony with the world, with animals and nature. There were legends that the animals themselves came and bowed before him...

Holidays and events for August 19

Humanitarian aid is provided daily. It is free of charge and based on humanity and impartiality. This work is considered one of the most merciful and at the same time dangerous in the world. Now society has become faster and more efficient in responding to the results of natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, ...

Tu B'Av Day is one of the so-called "semi-holiday" days in the Jewish calendar, when several events are celebrated, and one of those holidays that occur in the middle of the lunar month. Tu B'Av - does not apply to generally accepted Jewish holidays, rather just like Valentine's Day...

The people call the Transfiguration the Second, or Apple Savior. It belongs to the 12 largest Orthodox holidays. Why apple? As you know, we Slavs adopted the Orthodox faith from Byzantium. And according to the Byzantine Typikon (Liturgical Charter), it was customary to consecrate on this holiday ...

Holidays and events for August 20

The problem of the irresponsible attitude of people towards animals does not lose its relevance over time. Many works of art of world classics are dedicated to her, but the number of homeless pets in the world is not decreasing. This issue has many facets of discussion, but sometimes the debate...

Probably, as many peoples inhabit our mother - the Earth, as many Days of Love exist in one year. And this is not surprising, because love is the brightest feeling that inspires everything beautiful that is created by human hands... Therefore, Love Day in Taiwan, which is celebrated annually...

Holidays and events for August 21

The day of Stribog - the lord of air space, the lord of winds and storms - our ancestors celebrated on August 21. Stribog - born from the breath of the Family. The destiny of Stribog is between the Earth and the Sky, between the abode of people and the abode of the Gods. He, as the lord of the elements, sends life-giving moisture and life-bearing...

Holidays and events for August 22

On this day (August 9, old style) in Russia, the day of memory of Matthew (Matthia) was celebrated - one of the 12 disciples of Christ, who was taken by the apostle instead of Judas Iscariot. In the book of the apostolic acts, the name of this saint is mentioned only once - in the story of how Peter proposed to choose ...

Holidays and events for August 23

As a tribute to the centuries-old history of the creation of the Ukrainian state, the state symbols of independent Ukraine and with the aim of educating citizens to respect the state symbols of Ukraine, in August 2004, by Decree of President Leonid Kuchma, the State Day was established ...

This date was set to honor the memory of those who suffered from mass deportations and executions during the period of German fascism and Stalinism. The European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism is celebrated annually on 23 August. It was established on April 2, 2009 by the European Parliament. European...

The International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition is celebrated annually on August 23 on the recommendation of the 150th session of the UNESCO Executive Board on the day of the uprising of the slaves of Saint Domingo and Haiti in 1791, which. ..

Holidays and events for August 24

The Independence Day of Ukraine is one of the "young" holidays of our country, but the people have already fallen in love with it. Maybe because this day (August 24) is recognized at the highest level as a day off, or maybe just because we are Ukrainians and this is our "personal" Ukrainian holiday. After all, we have something...

Holidays in August

Like the previous July, August, in terms of the number of festive, significant, memorable and important dates in the fate of the Fatherland and our entire planet, is resting! There were barely twenty of them. But what?! Definitely worthy of universal attention and truly popular!

August 1 - All-Russian day of the collector. Until the Great October Revolution, that is, until 1917, the collection service, as such, did not exist in Russia. The safety of money was the sole concern of the merchants themselves, and in some cases - of the military teams that accompanied the transportation of sovereign and other valuables, state mail and courier officers. But under Soviet rule, and then only in 1939, the collection service was created under the State Bank of the USSR. In modern Russia there are state and commercial banks, and they have their own collectors. Let us explain at the same time - the word collector means an official who accepts money from organizations and delivers them to the bank. Most often in armored vehicles and accompanied by well-armed guards. Duty, frankly, responsible and dangerous. In emergency reports, there are often reports of robberies of collectors with shootings, chases and even human casualties. Books and feature films have been written about the risky work of the cash collection service, and this topic is simply inexhaustible. We can only add to what has been said - in 2008 we had the All-Russian Association of Collectors (Rosinkas), which much later became part of the Bank of Russia system.
On the first of August, by the way, a couple more important dates fall - the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Day of the Formation of the Special Communications Service of the Fatherland.
August 2 is the Day of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation, which we hear more like a holiday of the Airborne Forces. The winged infantry, as paratroopers are still respectfully called among us, is loved by the people. She is warmly applauded at parades on Red Square in Moscow, she is surrounded by attention and care when she appears at celebrations or is already on vacation in cities and towns, and for boys she simply causes delight and admiration, and many of them dream in dreams, dreaming of joining to the brotherhood of these brave and courageous real men. The holiday was approved by the Decree of the President in 2006. And the birthday of the winged infantry is considered to be August 2, 1930, when during the exercises of the units of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, twelve fighters of a new type of troops landed from the sky. Since then, the Airborne Forces have been actively used in "hot spots", and in the world they are no less afraid of them than the fearless Russian marines!
August 6 - Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, which are part of the Armed Forces of the country. The holiday was initiated by the Decree of the President in 1996. But their birth dates back to 1851 in accordance with the decision of Emperor Nicholas I. During the years of the Civil War (1918-1921), they restored more than twenty-two thousand kilometers of the railway track and almost three thousand two hundred bridges across the river arteries. Most of the work was done after the Great Patriotic War - from 1946 to 1950, many tens of thousands of kilometers of railway tracks, over two and a half thousand destroyed bridges, 227 locomotive depots and almost six dozen stations were laid. In addition, the railway troops built and put into operation over 437 thousand square meters of housing. Such a different, but very necessary work for the country!
August 7 - Railroad Day. It is celebrated not only here, but also in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, and other countries. In Russia - since 1896 by order of the then Minister of Railways Mikhail Khilkov. His date changed, including by Joseph Stalin. And since 2003, it has become a corporate holiday of Russian Railways. But this does not beg for the role of the railroad workers in the development of the national economy. You and I travel a lot for various purposes and, sometimes, over long distances in passenger trains. And how many various and necessary cargoes are transported by rail, along the Trans-Siberian Railway alone - and you can’t count them. The railroad network is expanding. They built the BAM, there is an idea to pave the way to the distant and harsh climatic conditions of Magadan. It turns out - the holiday is allegedly corporate, but in essence - the most national one!
August 8 - International Mountaineering Day. “Only mountains can be better than mountains!”, said our famous poet, great actor and just a wonderful person Vladimir Vysotsky. And he's right! Their beauty is simply fabulous! Take as an example the domestic resort of Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi. Every year it is visited by hundreds and hundreds of thousands of compatriots and our friends from near and far abroad. Majestic peaks - in summer everything is in lush greenery, in winter in snow. Air - do not inhale! Vacationers and other people go skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, climbing. By the way, Vysotsky also wrote a wonderful song "Rock Climber" about him, remember its content! The conquerors of mountain peaks are fearless, selfless people who are able to take risks for the sake of their goal. Such were the two Swiss Michel Packard and Jacques Balma, to whom we owe this wonderful holiday and in whose honor it was established. And both of our heroes conquered Mont Blanc itself - the highest peak of the Alps (4810 meters). It happened in 1786 far from us. We have been celebrating it ever since.
August 13 - Athlete's Day. He was born back in 1930. But officially approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the year 1980. His motto is "A healthy mind in a healthy body!". In our country, the physical culture movement embraces millions and millions. Recently, the abolished TRP complex was returned. It will be handed over from small to large. And this will be of great benefit to the Russians, because only a strong physically and strong spirit can make the country a powerful, rich, strong, respected power on the planet!
August 19 - Birthday of the Russian vest. She has several names - a vest, a naval undershirt, etc. At first it was used as a distinctive clothing for sailors, so that they could be clearly seen when working with sails, on yardarms, and so on. And then it became a tradition to wear it. She became a symbol of real men. She owes her birth to Emperor Alexander II, who introduced it as an element of marine clothing, on August 19, but in the year 1854. The vest is especially loved by the paratroopers of the Air Force (VDV). And it is not alien to our ordinary fellow citizens at all. On the city streets and squares, you can see entire families dressed in popular vests. And in the holiday seasons, God himself ordered them to be worn!
August 22 - Day of the State Flag of Russia. The white-blue-red flag as one of the main state symbols appeared in our Fatherland as early as 1896 in accordance with the order of Tsar Nicholas II. After the Great October Revolution, it was replaced by a red flag with a hammer and sickle. But since 1994, the tricolor has been returned. National Flag Day has become an official holiday in Russia. By the way, for the first time it was widely noted in 2007. But even now it is accompanied by mass celebrations, which then turn into entertainment - with concerts, festivities, and so on.
August 27 Day of Russian cinema. The first film in our Fatherland was shown on May 4, 1896. It was called "Ponizovaya freemen", and it was based on the song by Stenka Razin "From behind the island to the rod". The session lasted only eight minutes, but was met with resounding success. Since then, domestic cinema has made huge strides. Drama, epic, comedy, documentaries, cartoons. There was also a crisis in the production of films, and the viewer massively refused to view the films. Now Russian cinema is reviving again - the halls are no worse in comfort than abroad, and films are not at all rarely nominated for an Oscar. Russian cinema.