What color goes well with orange and white. Orange color in the interior is juicy, like an orange, hot like the sun. Color proportions combined

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to the color orange. For some, it is a symbol of the hot summer sun, for some it evokes thoughts about the bright and colorful autumn nature, while others see in him a harbinger of the New Year's bustle. Indeed, this is the color of a bright flame, hot spices, things and phenomena that carry unique and unforgettable emotions. But despite such warmth and expressiveness, he is not often seen in outfits.

To explain this seemingly injustice is quite simple - orange is very fastidious, it not only suits not everyone, but can also fill its "carrier". Girls with winter and autumn color types can safely dress up in it. But this does not mean at all that the rest will only have to pass by and envy. You can add a huge amount of orange details to your image, it is important to figure out which color is most beneficial with orange.

Seasonality of color

It seems to many that shades of orange will be able to show themselves in all their glory only in light summer outfits. It's not like that at all. If you are not afraid, you can try to introduce this color into any ensembles. For example, in winter, you can cool your look with a scarf, hat or gloves in orange tones. You should not associate this shade with artificial sheepskin coats, which almost every second woman in the entire post-Soviet space wore many years ago. It is better to give preference to the classic "winter" colors and add a touch of warmth to them with the help of bright accents.

It would seem that in spring, when everything comes to life and nature pleases the eye with a variety of colors, orange simply has no place among this riot. But even at this time, orange fans will be able to find a niche for him, they just have to say goodbye to monotony in their outfit and think carefully about what colors are combined with orange in clothes. Jeans, boots in this color - the very thing for a spring walk.

In summer and autumn, you can safely dress in orange outfits, as they will only add joy and fun to you, add vitality to you and allow you to give it to everyone around you.

Harmonious ensembles with orange

Thinking about what color orange goes with , look around. As with other colors, you can find the answer in the surrounding nature. Embers of a dying fire, autumn leaves, ripe bright carrots - all this and many more tips you can find almost at every step.

If you still could not find the right solution for yourself, try combining orange and white in one ensemble. The shade of each of the colors does not matter here, because in any case, the composition will be spectacular and stand out in the crowd. Which color to give preference to and make it the main one is also up to you, because it will look great as a snow-white dress, complemented by bright details, and vice versa. You should not be limited only in summer, a winter outfit in such colors will cheer up not only you, but everyone around you.

You will look no less impressive in a dress of black and orange flowers. Remember, black is one of the best choices. Insanely beautiful and elegant, this duet will look in an evening ensemble. These colors will add solemnity, mystery and light flirtation to your look. It is worth saying that such a tandem is universal, it will look harmonious on everyone, regardless of belonging to any color type. However, he will not help to hide figure flaws, therefore, in this regard, you should be careful.

The combination of orange with black and white stripes will turn out to be very bright. Such a set is appropriate both in the summer and in the autumn tandem. For example, pairing a striped sweater with skinny carrot jeans, you get a harmonious set, moreover, it will be visible from afar.

The duet of orange and green will also look natural. If you don’t have the guts to combine bright colors in one outfit, try experimenting with muted tones. For example, you can opt for dark green, olive or mint colors. In the case of light green, then such a tandem should be avoided, but if your goal is to shock the audience, this is the very thing. The combination of these colors will be harmonious both as a couple and as a trio, if you complement it with accessories in other colors. It can be anything from a blue belt to a yellow purse.

It is best to combine orange with silver as complements to the main tone of the outfit. For example, you can add brightness in this way to a beige, dark blue, brown, black or white suit. The simplest combination in this case is to add silver accessories and a bright orange jacket to the white base.

Combination with a blue palette

The ensemble in blue and orange tones will look very stylish. With the help of such a mixture, you can create beautiful everyday, office, and even evening looks. For a shopping trip, for example, a terracotta jacket or top paired with jeans is perfect. A dark blue business outfit with an orange strap and a handbag is perfect for the office.

The orange-blue range will also be fresh and colorful. However, blue should be dominant here, orange will help to highlight it and make it more expressive. If you add white to them, the outfit will become much softer.

A youthful, bright and memorable bow is obtained from a mixture of orange and purple. True, it is better to use it for those who have never experienced problems with the figure. Otherwise, any flaw will certainly be emphasized in the most unfavorable way. Accessories of different colors will help to place the necessary accents in the image. For example, beige will help soften and balance the outfit, while black, on the contrary, will add passion and mystery to it.

Related tones

Very close, and therefore perfectly combined - orange and yellow. Such a warm range is appropriate in any look. But it should also be borne in mind that there must be a leading color in it, while another one will only complement and place the necessary accents. Therefore, in such an outfit, it is important to pay great attention to accessories: gloves, scarves or handkerchiefs, shoes and a handbag - all this should be carefully thought out and matched to the main color.

Brown can also be called similar in character. This is another shade with which orange looks incredibly harmonious. Here you can safely play with tones, using all shades from dark chestnut or dark chocolate to golden and light brown. It can be introduced into the ensemble with the help of accessories and as outerwear. Agree, a trio of jeans, an orange shirt and brown jacket and boots will look very harmonious.

Do not be afraid to experiment, combining orange with other tones is not at all difficult. The main thing is to adhere to a sense of proportion, then any image will be impressive. It is important to adhere to a single rule in this, combining bright with bright, and pale with pastel. Only in this case it is possible to achieve harmonious and eye-pleasing combinations. If you still do not decide on an orange outfit, and you really like the color, start wearing it with accessories. They will add brightness to the image, bring notes of warmth and positiveness into it.

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Orange color in the interior - juicy like an orange, hot like the sun

The correct use of orange in the interior can fill any room with light, warmth, make you feel genuine sense of cheerfulness, optimism and happiness. In this article I will tell you about what the orange color is combined with in the interior and how to harmoniously use this tone.

Color creates mood

Orange is one of the most active shades, it combines the energy of good-natured yellow and the power of red. This color is part of the sunset, a symbol of pleasure, warmth and carelessness. He is able to create a sunny mood, inspire a festive atmosphere and fill any room with warmth, even one in which the rays of the heavenly body have never been.

Orange must be used very carefully in the interior, as it is very active and energetic. Orange tones have a special effect on a person: they are able to free him from feelings of depression and improve digestion. These shades are also tonic.

Orange has a large number of shades, some of them are more energetic, others have a calming and relaxing character, so they have completely different purposes. For a children's room, tangerine is perfect, for a dining room and kitchen - pumpkin and amber. I consider universal carrot, bronze and coral, because they can be used almost everywhere.

Features of orange

I want to tell you about some of the features of orange blossom in the interior:

  1. It can improve your mood.
  2. It is always warm and has no cold shades.
  3. Orange objects are endowed with the ability to attract the eye.
  4. Thanks to him, creative activity awakens, brain work is stimulated.
  5. We do not combine with cold shades, but it gets along just fine with warm ones.
  6. Orange items are visually more voluminous than other shades. For example, an orange vase will appear slightly more voluminous than a blue one. This property does not apply to walls.
  7. It tends to increase appetite.
  8. Using orange for wall decoration in small rooms visually makes the room even smaller.
  9. Orange neighbors are yellow and red, but its complete opposite is blue.

Colors that harmonize perfectly with orange

Now I will tell you what colors are best combined with orange in the interior:

  1. White... This color goes well with orange, emphasizes and complements it. The cold whites next to the orange tone seem less icy in appearance, and the orange becomes even brighter against the white. This color, combined with orange, will work well for a minimalist living room and bathroom.

  1. Green... This color, next to orange, creates a natural combination that is associated with New Years, a flowering meadow or a fruit basket. It is desirable to combine orange color with warm green shades.

  1. Cream (beige)... This shade is very calm by its nature. Thanks to this quality, it is able to balance the energy and fieryness of an orange. So that you can understand me, I will give you the following example: on a white background, tangerine begins to "burn", but cream, unlike white, calms this flame a little.

  1. Gray... The duet of this shade with tangerine can be considered quite successful. A light gray shade, like a cream, is able to muffle the brightness of an orange. Since these colors do not contradict each other, they coexist quite harmoniously.

  1. Blue... Warm shades of this color have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, are a symbol of the sky and the sea, and in combination with an orange tone, they can create a wonderful duet. Using it in the interior, it should be borne in mind that prolonged exposure to pure blue can provoke a depressive state.

  1. Blue... What associations do you have with this color in a duet with hot orange? Of course, this resembles the sky on a clear day, and I think that such a combination is more than ideal, since it was conceived by nature itself. So why not use it in your interior?

  1. Brown... This color in the interior suits people in need of rest and peace. Pairing it with orange is a good option, as the warm color will keep the room from becoming gloomy.

Bold combinations

The orange tone itself is not easy and it is not always easy to choose the right color for it. There are shades that, in combination with tangerine, are not suitable for everyone.

If you want extravagant combinations to create something special, use orange along with:

  1. Black... This combination turns out to be brutal and aggressive, and because of this, it is ideal for cocky and confident people. Such a duet has a positive effect on active and creative individuals, as it is able to inspire and stimulate them. Orange on a black background begins to dazzle, burn, pulsate.

This duo is used in modern interiors, but I recommend not using this combination in its pure form in a living room. It is best to dilute it with the presence of other shades, for example, beige, gray, white, pale pink.

  1. Pink... In general, it is believed that this combination is not the most successful, since these two colors are approximately the same in lightness and together create, at first glance, some kind of intermediate shade. Such a duet does not carry expressiveness, but in the case of the correct selection of shades, it can be used to create a very unusual design.

You can achieve a custom effect by using several shades of pink: from the lightest to the most flashy. For a more comfortable indoor environment, the pink-orange duo can be diluted with light brown, white, gold, green, blue and in extreme cases black.

  1. Chocolate... Despite the good combination of browns with oranges, chocolate is too dark, especially if it is very close to glossy black. A duet with this color resembles a combination with black, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you are attracted by extravagant combinations, match a flashy orange with dark chocolate.

This combination looks strict, but it is persistently used because of its solid appearance. It would be appropriate to add light shades to such an interior, for example, beige and grayish. Do not use black with the orange-chocolate range, as this will cause compatibility problems.

  1. Purple... Some believe that this union is not very successful, but thanks to their bold natures, these two colors are slowly finding their place in children's and living rooms. Such a bold and bold combination of almost opposite shades can stand out very beautifully in the interior.

If you want to transform your apartment with the help of an orange-purple duo, you need to know one important thing - the colors must be from the same palette, namely, have similar (best of all, the same) characteristics:

  • dimness / brightness;
  • simplicity / complexity;
  • blur / saturation;
  • cleanliness / dustiness, etc.

If you want to use these colors as base colors, you will have to remember these rules:

  • choose purple and orange from the same palette (that is, with the same characteristics);
  • the richer the colors, the more aggressive the interior of the room will be, so do not forget to add some light color.

Remember the rule if you decide to make these two colors the main ones for the interior: try to distribute them in such a way that the orange is diluted with purple in the correct proportion. To do this, complement the orange walls with purple decor and vice versa.

The violet-orange union can be diluted with neutral colors:

  • cream;
  • Gray;
  • White;
  • khaki;
  • sand.

And of course, with light cold shades:

  • light purple;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • lemon yellow;
  • cold green shades;
  • aquamarine.

I do not recommend using shades of red, as well as terracotta, coral, burgundy and peach. You should also discard other shades in which there is a high proportion of red, pink and orange.

Decor - completing the orange interior

If your room lacks warm tangerine shades, and there is no money for repairs, this is not a reason to be upset. Nothing prevents you from adding orange accents to the interior of the room with the help and accessories.

Let's see how this can be done:

  1. Get new curtains... Solid orange fabric or orange patterns on a neutral canvas can help transform your room. For the kitchen / bathroom, you can pick up juicy blinds.

  1. Choose a suitable interesting decor... For this, various figurines, paintings, vases and other small accessories may be suitable.

  1. Buy new textiles... It is not necessary to purchase a new sofa for this, you can replace the upholstery with the old one. The easiest way is to buy bright orange throws, throw them over an armchair / bed / sofa, and choose appropriate pillows.

  1. Experiment with lighting... You don't need instructions for this. And now I'm not talking about spotlights, but about sconces or floor lamps, replacing which, you can see the room in a new light.

  1. Buy an artificial fireplace(of course, if funds permit). Fireplace fires are a great source of orange.


Now you know everything about the use of orange in the interior of an apartment or private house. Use this warm and energetic shade indoors at least to a minimum and you won't regret it.

Watch the video in this article if you want to see a lot of interesting things in the interior. If you have any questions on the topic - leave your comment below.

June 3, 2016

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Orange color can be called unique to a certain extent, because regardless of brightness and combination with other shades, it invariably remains “warm”. It would be strange if such a characteristic was not used by designers in their work - therefore, under certain conditions and tasks, orange is quite actively used in creating an interior. In particular, "orange" is often used to decorate rooms located in cold climates. However, what is called "to the place" will have this color in more sunny regions.

There are several of the most popular orange color combinations.

1. White color (in combination with white, "orange" is most pronounced).
2. Green color (in combination with green color "orange" evokes an association with an orange tree, which in itself - has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person).
3. Brown color (combination with brown slightly mutes the brightness of "orange").
4. Black color (This combination in the modern world is most associated with the holiday "Halloween", therefore, is not suitable for everyone).
5. Bed tones (the task of bed shades is pacification and tranquility, therefore "orange" can be used exclusively as color accents).

Color palette - color combination

Recently, due to the significant expansion of the range of specialty stores - almost all homeowners have begun to pay special attention to the combination of colors in the interior. The color palette is selected on the basis of the combination of colors, and not on the principle of “what we managed to buy”, so the issue of choice is relevant. True, as practice shows, the correct selection of colors is often difficult.

The palette of color combinations in the interior

In order to avoid the occurrence of such problems, we will talk about possible combinations and the effect that color palettes have on a person. The latter characteristic is of priority importance, since even matching colors can cause discomfort or despondency for the owner of the living space. However, let's start with positive warm shades.

Color range color combination

Before proceeding directly to the combination of colors, let us tire the reader a little with reference information, because without it it will be rather difficult to understand the rules for dividing into groups. The palette has its own hierarchy, the main (that is, not formed through combination) colors are - "white", "black", "yellow", "red", "blue" and "green".

Such a small list may seem strange - but, for example, the orange color is considered both “reddish” and “yellowish”, which means that it cannot claim the title of “main”. The group of "primary colors" is often confused with the rainbow palette - however, in this case, the situation is different. People of the older generation understand well the rhyme about a hunter who wants to know exactly where the pheasant is sitting. For young people faced with the modern education system, let’s explain - the rainbow includes “red”, “orange”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue”, “blue” and “purple”.

Orange - color combination

Orange color, despite its positivity and popularity, is not the "main" color. Nevertheless, this color is quite actively used as a "base" when creating an interior.

The combination of lilac color in the interior

The lilac color is combined with "chestnut", "gray" and "light purple". It is strongly discouraged to use lilac with orange, yellow, red, brown and black.

The combination of lilac color

Most people feel the atmosphere of mystery and mystery surrounded by lilac color.

Color combination - turquoise

Turquoise color is a combination of "green" and "blue". Considers it a "cold" color - due to which, it is often used to create the interior of bathrooms. Almost all tile manufacturers use turquoise for their products.

The combination of turquoise color in the interior

Combines "turquoise" with the colors of its group (in particular with shades of green).

The combination of blue in the interior

Light blue is combined with orange, red, blue and light purple. Contraindicated for combination with "yellow" and "burgundy".

Blue color combination

Creates a lasting feeling of coldness and emptiness, but in the presence of bright accents, blue is quite applicable as a "base" color.

The combination of red

Bright "red" is traditionally considered a passionate and emotional color, as a result of which it is not suitable for phlegmatic people. Combines "red" with green, blue, gray, yellow and black colors.

Color combination - red

It is not recommended to combine red with "chestnut", "brown" and "purple". It has a stimulating effect, is aggressive - it is very rarely used for bedrooms, with the exception of those specialized institutions where resting on the bed involves active actions.

Combination of yellow

The "sunny" yellow is combined with "green", "purple", "gray", "brown" and "black". As contraindications for the combination are called blue, pink, burgundy and lilac colors. Yellow color creates a feeling of "sunshine" - carries a positive feeling, is actively used for the interior of children's rooms.

Burgundy color - combination

The burgundy color is distinguished by a sense of heaviness - therefore it is most harmoniously combined with the so-called "live" shades. In particular, the most successful combinations of "burgundy" are blue, green and pink.

The combination of blue in the interior

Blue goes well with "red", "golden", "burgundy" and "gray". Blue does not match with "lilac", "green" and "brown". Blue belongs to the "cold" group - when used as a "base" color, it can create a feeling of discomfort, since it does not cause a feeling of comfort.

Ivory color - combination

Color ivory (ivory) or "ivory" like "white" is combined with all shades. However, depending on the interior concept - the choice can vary from "light green" or "pink" to "burgundy". In the classic style, ivory color is combined with "gilding".

Mint color - combination

The mint color is derived from a mixture of "emerald" and "pale blue" shades. It is noteworthy that the mint color has nothing to do with the plant of the same name. Creates a feeling of coolness and freshness.

Combining mint color with others

Mint color goes well with “blue”, “pink”, “beige”, “yellow”, “brown”, “lilac”. A combination with purple and turquoise colors, as well as with a number of more rare shades (for example, "coral" and "blueberry") is quite acceptable.

Coral - color combination

Coral color - is a combination of "orange" and "pink". It belongs to the "warm" group, but it is not often used as a "base" in the interior. Associated with the color of corals - therefore it is optimally combined with all shades of sea water. For example, turquoise or blue.

The combination of peach color in the interior

Peach color is one of the shades of "orange" - associated with the color of the fruit of the same name. It is noteworthy that the peach color does not exist in nature. In the interior, "peach" is used quite often, since, according to psychologists, it helps to restore mental balance and strength. Peach is often used in oriental design styles - for example, in combination with gilding, brown, terracotta, walnut and black.

Wenge color in the interior - a combination

The color of wenge is intended to mimic the shade of the tropical tree of the same name. The color of wenge is distinguished by dark tones, as a result of which it goes well with "white" and its derivatives. For example, a combination of "wenge" and "ivory" would be a good option.

Color combination circle

In the process of creating an interior, the issue of color combination is of great importance - therefore, options "by eye" and "intuitively" are not taken into account. Especially for the selection of a harmonious combination of different shades, the "color wheel" is intended.

Color wheel - color combination

There are many printed versions of the color wheel, but in the modern world there is no need to manually select the shades. Especially to facilitate the work of a designer on the Internet, you can easily find special services of the same name.

The combination of brown in the interior

Brown is associated with bark (cinnamon). The formation of "brown" is achieved by mixing red and green colors, in the final version it can have a number of shades. It is rarely used as a "base", as long-term exposure to brown color causes discomfort (depression) in most people.

Combination of brown with other colors

Combines "brown" with yellow (gilding), pink, beige and gray colors. It is not recommended to combine brown with "burgundy", "chestnut", "lilac".

Color combination - beige

The beige color is characterized as "light brown" with shades of "gray" or "cream". In a sense, "beige" is universal, since, being part of the group of light shades, it can be easily combined with almost all colors.

The combination of pink with other colors

Pink is the result of a combination of "red" and "white". It goes well with "brown", "burgundy" and "gray". The combination of pink with orange, yellow and black is not recommended. The main associative characteristic of pink is romance.

Combining green with other colors

Among the colors most compatible with "green" are yellow, red, orange, burgundy and black. It is not recommended to combine green with purple, gray and blue. In the context of human influence, it is characterized as a calming color.

The combination of colors in the kitchen

The color combination in the kitchen is hardly worth trying to consider in a different context than in any other part of the living space. Of course, there are certain traditions - for example, to use light shades as a "base" for the kitchen interior, but this is not a dogma. Certain interior styles involve a combination of dark shades, while the kitchen, as a result of such decisions, does not look gloomy at all.

The combination of colors of the roof and facade

The color combination of the roof and the facade is subject to the same rules as for the interior decoration of the house. True, there is a nuance - the color of the roof in most cases is selected based on the functional characteristics. Light shades - reflect light. Dark colors absorb light. Depending on the region and its climatic conditions, the color of the roof can be gray or brown. The finishing material itself is also important - for example, the color of natural tiles from many Russian manufacturers is limited to a certain range.

The combination of colors in the room

Depending on the style of the interior, there can be quite a few color combinations in the room. The main thing in the selection process is not to forget to check with the "color wheel", so as not to inadvertently use inconsistent shades in the same room.

Painting the house outside - color combination

The list of popular options is not as extensive as in the case of the internal interior, since painting a house outside in most cases is based on functional characteristics. In particular, absorption and reflection of light are taken into account.

Orange is a color that combines the brightness of red and the sunshine of yellow, in fact, orange is between them and is in the spectrum. This is a very specific color and, if not properly attended to, can turn you into a tasteless tangerine.

The combination of orange in clothes is a difficult matter, you always need to be on the lookout and prevent it from becoming a flashy, cheap color. But do not forget about the lighter and muted shades of orange (we have already written about one of them, peach), they look bright and do not risk being clumsy and ugly.

Anyway, in orange you will never go unnoticed. And the effort put into carefully matching the colors of the garment with the orange will pay off.

Orange and light shades

The most calm and unassuming combination.

Orange + white

The white-orange combination is a bright, fresh and unobtrusive option. For warm weather, it is good because it fully fits into the sunny, joyful atmosphere, and in frosty winter this combination can cheer up and warm, standing out against the general dull gray background.

In addition, this tandem is perfect for parties and celebrations. For casual outfits, you can add beige and brown tones to this pair so that the contrast between white and orange is not so bright.

Beige + orange

Beige, on the other hand, can cope with orange on its own, and it will be very pleasant, not as bright as with snow-white, a combination that, however, does not leave its brightness.

Beige pants, a white cotton top, and an orange jacket, spiced up with modest accessories, are great understated yet stylish options.

Orange and pastel shades

Combining pastel colors with orange in clothes is not easy. Here you need to be very selective, since, for example, with pale pink, not a single shade of orange will look good. It's the same story with blue hues.

As for the peach, everything is clear, because these colors are related. Amber, carrot, tangerine shades, the darkest and deepest, will perfectly harmonize with delicate peach. A combination of orange with light green and lemon flowers is acceptable, but this is not a win-win lottery, and much depends on the style and occasion you choose.

It is worth talking about pale lilac separately. This shade is really very unusual and beautifully combined with orange. As an option "on the way out" - ideal, but for walking such an image under normal circumstances, it is better for them to make a background of some neutral color.

Orange and other colors

What colors does orange match with in clothes?

Orange + purple

Since we are talking about lilac, we will immediately mention purple. With him, orange looks truly bright, spectacular and stylish! This combination is on the verge of bad taste, but still does not go beyond it, and with this riskiness it is wonderful.

For example: navy blue jeans, a long orange shirt, and an oversized purple coat. With paler and more subtle hues, purple looks just as bright and stylish.

Orange + brown

The second place is taken by brown, which we have already mentioned.

With it you won't be ultra-bright, but you won't get lost either, which is great for a casual look.

Orange + yellow

Bright yellow is available for orange as a participant to play with shades against a background, for example, snow white (orange pencil skirt, plain white shirt, yellow chunky cardigan).

Orange also looks great in combination with a blue palette (from dark blue to cornflower blue and bright blue).

Orange + leopard print

By the way, it is worth noting that orange is very successful as a background for a leopard print!

But don't overdo it with either. As we can see, combining orange with other colors in clothes gives us a lot of possibilities that need to be used wisely.

Orange and black

It is in this pair that you can and sometimes even need to add a leopard detail. By itself, this combination sometimes looks bright and impressive, and sometimes the contrast is too striking, hides you and produces an unfavorable effect, but you cannot say anything in absentia.

And, of course, like any other bright color, orange can be a bright accent color against a black background.

Orange and gray

And this is one of the answers to the question of what color is best combined with orange in clothes. Against a gray background, orange looks as pleasant and juicy as possible.

This is perfect for fall when the coat is dark gray and adorned with a scarf and gloves in a sunny orange. A good combination with a light gray tint, especially with a mottled one.

Orange is one of the hottest colors. It helps to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, enhances creativity. Orange oranges stimulate your appetite and make you want to eat them right away.

Orange is formed by mixing two colors - red and yellow... Red is the color of vitality and energy, yellow is the color of happiness. And if you put them together, then both qualities will have orange. Why do many people like orange? Probably, for the fact that he gives warmth, good mood, emotional relaxation, which we so lack in this life.

Orange palette is rich in shades- from peach, salmon, coral ... to the darkest colors of rust and cognac. Light shades of orange - pastel peach types are charming and feminine, soft and light. They give a feeling of warmth and calmness.

Bright orange tones - a riot of colors and vitality - hot and glowing. These shades are emotional and passionate, they charge with their energy, give sensuality. The dark and rich oranges are amazing. They inspire confidence, create a feeling of home, peace and comfort, they are the most inviting and balanced.

In clothing, orange is often popular. Why does it happen? If you look through at least the previous century of fashion history, you will notice that in the 1910s, orange came to a thunderous ovation. The famous Paul Poiret, inspired by the bright decorations and costumes of the Russian East, or the Russian Ballet, brought orange into fashion.

The splash of orange was drowned out by the beige tones of tweed by Gabrielle Chanel, who opposed the oriental brightness and luxury. But orange returned again, and again to a stormy ovation - it was in the 20-30s, when there was a general enthusiasm for tango, a passionate and full of drama dance. And how can you not find a place for the orange color in the luxurious dresses of the ladies. The color of orange with a brown tint is called the same as dance - tango.

Wartime created an environment in which there was no room for either oranges or an orange dress. Interest in the color orange arose again in the 60s. And then again a designer was found, inspired by this energetic and cheerful color. It was the influential couturier Christian Lacroix, who knew how to combine bright and seemingly incongruous colors - orange and pink.

In the 70s, the designer Guy Laroche dressed his models in all orange - orange dress, orange shoes, orange bags ...

Remember the nursery rhyme -

Orange sky, orange sea
Orange greens, orange camel,
Orange moms to orange kids
Orange songs sing orange ...

Many shades of orange are suitable for women with a chocolate complexion and for those with a warm skin tone. For those with a cold skin tone, the choice of orange tones should be done with great care, otherwise there may be a miss.

The palette of orange shades is incredibly rich, and when choosing your own tone, one must take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, makeup, and figure. In any case, if you like this color scheme, but you find yourself at a loss before the richness of this splendor, orange can be used as an accessory that is sure to revive your ensemble.

What colors does orange combine most effectively with?

Not every girl can afford to wear an ensemble in which everything is orange. After all, it all depends on the characteristics of the skin, hair, eyes, etc., as well as on the confidence with which you can wear this outfit. Therefore, choose the best combination of orange shades with other colors. The right choice may allow you to wear an orange jacket or skirt, trousers or scarf.

One of the most summertime options is the orange and white combination. The classic version is a combination of orange and black. We get maximum brightness and expressiveness by combining two contrasting colors - warm and cold or orange and blue. Some shades of orange work great with purple.

Orange is almost always in contrast when combined with other colors, and each color looks advantageous next to another. For example, a combination of two bright and juicy colors - orange and green.

Nobility and dignity glows in a combination of orange and brown. This option is harmony and naturalness itself. Many shades of orange, when combined with bright orange, will create just such images. More restrained and calm - a variant of gray with orange. Light shades of orange look great with pale blue and yellow, almost lemon-colored. When choosing a second color, be careful, combine in such a way that next to your face is the color in which you look simply amazing.

Bright orange color

The bright orange color is particularly eye-catching and is preferred by construction workers as a warning sign. This color is often used in store sales.

Bright orange shades include the color of autumn leaves, persimmons. These colors are exotic and elegant at the same time. But bright orange in the interior is used selectively by designers. But in advertising or in packaging, it is used decisively, because it has the ability to attract attention. Bright orange can give the impression of surprise and chic. This color should not be worn to business meetings, and in everyday office work, it can annoy your colleagues.

Orange in psychology

Psychologists say that orange gives the impression of friendliness, openness and inclination to adventure. And those who prefer orange colors have the ability to think creatively, are full of enthusiasm, but tend to be irresponsible and inconsistent.

Psychologists warn that orange lovers are not the best partners and spouses, as they always want something new and unknown. At the same time, energetic and cheerful orange lovers can easily succeed in business if they want to. Orange is active, which is probably why children love it. They immediately feel his friendliness, as he reminds them of candy, toffee, popsicles, goldfish and, finally, their own freckles.

The color orange is considered the color of happiness, it has long been used on flags, emblems to demonstrate strength, endurance and success.