Howlite stone - properties, meaning and influence on a person. What is hidden behind howlite ornamental stone Howlite stone properties for whom it is suitable

The latter name has been used since the seventies of the last century for blue or blue howlite. Even more often this mineral is hidden under the name "pressed turquoise", especially when it comes to jewelry. Although in fact it has nothing to do with it.

Howlite was first discovered in Eastern Canada on the Nova Scotia Peninsula. The stone got its exotic name in honor of the discoverer - geologist Henry Gov.

Howlite colors and types

In nature, howlite is found, as a rule, in the form of rounded formations of light gray color with characteristic dark veins. The structure of the stone is radiant-radial. Its dimensions vary widely. The largest was found in the state of California - the weight of the stone reached about 500 kilograms.

Due to the fact that the natural color of howlite cannot be called attractive, in practice they often resort to dyeing it. Usually, blue or blue-green colors are chosen so that the stone imitates turquoise. At the same time, the imitation is so believable that even a high-class specialist can hardly detect a fake. Sometimes howlite turns red, which makes it look like expensive corals.

Where is howlite mined?

The magical properties of howlite stone

The healing properties of the mineral

Halite - rock salt Selenite - properties of stone
Jadeite - bath stone Cacholong stone of health and motherhood Magnesite is a stone for family happiness

Today, jewelry manufacturers are paying more and more attention to howlite stone. It is easy to process, susceptible to colorants and has a high resistance to operational stress. Previously, it was used exclusively to imitate turquoise; in recent years, unpainted howlite can be found in jewelry. It is also interesting that the stone is used to promote health and increase intellectual abilities.

Stone history

Howlite got this name in honor of its discoverer Henry Gov. A Canadian geologist found it in 1868 on the Nova Scotia Peninsula.

There are also other names for the stone:

  1. Howlith;
  2. Cowley;
  3. Silicoborocalcite;
  4. Pressed turquoise.

The history of the crystal has no special legends or myths. They say that with the help of it, ancient sorcerers could change the weather, prevent natural disasters. The gem was discovered not so long ago, so scientists have yet to study its unusual properties. Despite this, howlite has already become a favorite adornment of the ministers of the church and a ritual attribute of healers and psychics.

Field and production

The stone is found in the form of growths that look like cauliflower. This shape is obtained due to an increase in the volume of crystals when combined with each other. A gem is formed due to the precipitation of saline solutions in the pools, which are rich in calcium and boron. Sometimes one whole mineral reaches one meter in length and weighs several tens of kilograms.

The main deposits are America and Canada. Not so long ago, mining sites were discovered in Germany and Serbia. The largest unit was found in California, it weighed 500 kg.

Colors and varieties

Most often in nature, there are stones of light gray color, which have characteristic dark veins. Craftsmen paint the mineral in different colors:

  • Red;
  • Blue;
  • Blue-green;
  • Brown.

The most famous type of stone is turkvenite. It stains well in a blue tint, therefore it often replaces expensive turquoise, which is almost depleted in stock. To imitate corals, the mineral is painted red. Sometimes even the most experienced craftsmen cannot tell the difference between these stones.

Howlite differs from turquoise in white porous holes and a uniform mesh structure. When heated, the fake will melt and blacken, and natural turquoise will crack. To distinguish these two stones, you should moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and rub the product. If the paint has peeled off, it's howlite.

In order not to confuse howlite with kahalong, you should pay attention to the veins of the gem. The opal variety has a pearlescent sheen and a porcelain chip. Turkvenit differs from kahalong in increased fragility. If you run a needle over its surface, impressive scratches will remain.

physical characteristics

Howlite is an alkaline rock, calcium borosilicate. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is no more than 3.5 units. This indicates the gem's susceptibility to various mechanical damage. The aggregates are gray and white with black or brown streaks. The structure of the structure is porous. The luster of the stone is matte, glassy, ​​porcelain.

It is opaque, but there are gaps after cutting into plates. At close range, individual crystals can be seen that sparkle in bright sunlight or ultraviolet light. The mineral is soluble in acids, easy to process and cut.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists are confident in the healing properties of the gem. It has a positive effect on the systems of the human body, namely:

  1. strengthens bones;
  2. accelerates the processes of restoration of damaged tissues;
  3. has a positive effect on the teeth;
  4. normalizes calcium balance;
  5. increases the defenses;
  6. improves the work of blood vessels;
  7. helps to cleanse from toxins;
  8. relieves stress and depression;
  9. eliminates toothache.

The mineral is used by massage therapists to treat joint diseases, radiculitis, varicose veins. It relieves pain and tension in muscles, removes salt deposits, improves blood circulation. It also helps to cope with cellulite. To do this, you need to drive through problem areas with stone beads.

To prepare mineral-based healing water, you should take a few small natural howlites and place them in a glass of water. You need to carry out the procedure in the evening, and in the morning you can start drinking a glass of liquid 1 time a day half an hour before meals. Many lithotherapists prefer to use stone powder internally. Such therapy should be agreed with the treating doctor.

Howlite magical properties

Howlite is great for meditation. It is applied between the eyebrows and out of body travel. The mineral is capable of affecting consciousness and allows a person to enter a state that is necessary for communication with otherworldly forces.

With the help of the mineral, mediums carry out practices to eliminate mental pain, release from past events. White howlite is most suitable for these purposes.

Howlite strengthens memory, allows you to concentrate and memorize new material easily. Therefore, this crystal is simply necessary for schoolchildren and students, teachers and scientists. The stone can be purchased neat and stored near the head of the bed for nightmares. It is a good amulet for children and adolescents.

The magical properties of the stone are manifested depending on the color:

  • Black Howlite helps fight fears and boosts self-confidence.
  • Pink causes drowsiness and relaxes the nervous system.
  • White serves as a symbol of good luck, goodness and purification.
  • Blue pacifies people who are too energetic.

It is recommended to wear Howlite jewelry for people who are prone to bouts of aggression and anger. The energy emitted by the gem has a calming effect on the human brain, removes negative reactions to stimuli.

The meaning of howlite in the zodiac signs

Astrologers recommend purchasing a stone for Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn. Each of these zodiac signs will receive what they want from the stone. Virgos will be able to cope with intolerance and pacify anger, Taurus will stop tormenting themselves from the inside, Capricorns will overcome stubbornness, and Scorpios will free the mind from bad thoughts.

Howlite negatively affects Sagittarius, Aries and Lions. Together with the gem, these signs will begin to feel depressed, their mood will be constantly spoiled. The rest of the representatives of the horoscope are not prohibited from wearing jewelry with a stone. With prolonged contact with the human body, the effect of the mineral is actively enhanced. Therefore, it is advised to take breaks from wearing.

Jewelery and products from a gem

Howlite is widely used by jewelers for making earrings, pendants, bracelets and beads. Often this gem is framed in silver, it looks especially good with it. Howlite jewelry price depends on several factors:

  1. Additional stones and metals.
  2. Cut quality.
  3. The presence of coloring.
  4. Appearance.
  5. Sales region.

A small natural gem costs about 200 rubles. A finished product with Howlite can be bought for 500-600 rubles. The crystal is used to make counterfeits. Decor elements, figurines and vases are made from it.

Storage and care

It is necessary to wash jewelry with a stone carefully. To do this, you can use a soft brush and liquid soap dissolved in water. There are other rules for howlite storage and care:

  • It is necessary to protect the crystal from the effects of chemicals.
  • Do not heat the gem or expose it to direct sunlight.
  • Store howlite in a dark sealed bag or pouch.
  • Do not use alcohol when cleaning.
  • It is recommended to wipe the gem 1-2 times a month so that it does not lose its shine.

Howlite is a unique creation of nature. The beauty and sophistication of the primordial stone make jewelry with it very attractive, and the wonderful properties of the mineral help to cure many diseases, gain self-confidence and even connect with higher powers.

This stone has a soul and energy that is beyond the power of every person to know. Therefore, you should carefully select a gem, study its characteristics and storage rules.

Howlite is a semiprecious stone with a composition of calcium borosilicate. Other names: turkvenite, kaulite, "pressed turquoise". For the first time, the stone was found in the east of Canada, the Nova Scotia Peninsula and was named after the geologist G. Gov, who discovered it.

In nature, the mineral is usually found in a gray shade with dark veins.

History and origins

Having first discovered Howlite's specimens during excavations in the Canadian peninsula of Nova Scotia, Henry How (1828 - 1879) gave him his name. He is a chemist, geologist and mineralogist originally from Canada. Other names have been tied to different shades.

So the blue-tone specimen was called howlite, and the white - turkvenite. Discovered not so long ago (1868), the mineral does not include fairy tales and legends in its history. Its structure was studied quite rationally.

However, the stone also has romantic names. The peoples of North America call it sacred or white bison. When discovered, howlite is of no less importance to humans than ancient geological finds.

Healers use it to influence nature, making rituals against disasters and elements. He fell in love with ministers of the church and royal families, who are happy to wear jewelry with a stone. The variety of white color distinguished the owner from the crowd of commoners.

Place of Birth

In nature, stone is not very common, forming in evaporite basins. These are precipitated saturated saline solutions rich in calcium and boron. The largest deposits are located in the state of California of America. In Canada, natural stone is also found in the form of lamellar crystals.

Howlite is found in Serbia and Germany (Lower Saxony). It is still mined at the site of its original discovery, but new mines have also been opened. There are lumps of various sizes, the largest of which (Californian) weighs 500 kg... There are not so many deposits in total, therefore Howlite is classified as one of the rare minerals.

Physical properties

Howlite has a radial-radial structure, it can be of different sizes and shapes. Also, its structure is porous.

There are spherical specimens, elongated and flattened, with complete transparency or lack thereof. Luster can be both glassy and matte, the mineral is fragile, although it can withstand pressure, it dissolves in some acids. It is easy to process and cut.

FormulaCa2B5SiO9 (OH) 5
Density2.5 - 2.6 g / cm³
TransparencyTransparent around the edges.
ColourBluish, white, gray.

Howlite is often colored due to its unattractive natural appearance. Apply green and blue shades, imitating. At the same time, even professionals find it difficult to distinguish a fake. Staining is also done in red tones like corals.

Medicinal properties

Howlite is beneficial for the skeletal system and joints.

  • From it, fractures quickly heal and concomitant wounds heal.
  • The body maintains the rate of calcium (which is also a large part of its composition).
  • The mineral is recommended for pregnant women.
  • The teeth also get a beneficial effect when wearing Howlite. The symptom passes - pain.

Beads, necklaces are good for the heart and blood vessels, strengthen the immunity to stress. Massage therapists often use a healing stone in their work because of its high heat capacity. They fight cellulite, varicose veins, joint diseases, warm up a person before procedures.

There are various techniques by which Howlite affects the body and organism. They notice the normalization of mass, an increase in the resistance of the whole organism. Blood vessel walls and nerves are strengthened. Depressive disorders visit a person less. It is necessary to add the use of this heat conductor for joint pathology and vascular occlusion

Magical properties

The magical properties of Govlite are the ability of the stone to drive away anxiety, soften aggressiveness. He displays such qualities in the composition of jewelry. Mineral with white color is intended to symbolize purity, eternity, innocence, but also strength and dignity.

It is he who is popular with magicians, clearing thoughts. Howlite is popular among interpreters of dreams, because it is considered conducive to remembering dreams and interpreting them. At the same time, the higher forces warn about changes, future events.

Howlite magic stone is called the talisman of knowledge, the patron saint of students because of the help in mastering skills.

  • By focusing on learning the sciences, it makes learning easy.
  • Helps with exams and interviews.
  • Creates a good impression of the owner.

The gem stimulates self-improvement. It is suitable for "eternal students", intellectuals who are constantly mastering knowledge in various fields. His power is directed to the disclosure of abilities in study.

Jewelry with mineral

Howlite is a gemstone from which talismans and amulets are made. It is worn by people who respect their good qualities. In all circumstances, it helps to maintain dignity, and also supports the character of the owner and gives the person self-confidence.

Jewelry - talismans are made from a white variety of a natural mineral. After sanding and shaping, it's ready to be worn in your bag, pocket, or decorate your desk.

In particular, this is an amulet for dentists who keep stones in their office. It is believed that he makes speech kind, and the hand light, which is important for a specialist of this profile. And also professionalism is constantly being improved. People of many other professions also acquire Howlite as their amulet.

The use of a gem in jewelry involves the creation of a variety of crafts. The price of products made from this semi-precious stone is not very high, it is available to everyone. The white variety is a material for creating luxurious jewelry.

The compatibility of the mineral with metals: silver, gilding allows you to make original jewelry for all occasions. Jewelers love Howlite, which is combined with different colors and shades in the composition of jewelry. Beads, bracelets, decorative items for interiors, figurines are made of it.

So jewelry made from natural stones (Govlita) costs from 400 rubles for earrings to 1500 rubles for bracelets. Ion-plated items made of rose gold can be valued up to 8,000 rubles.


The types of stone are determined by color. Natural specimens are rather gray in color with black, gray, brown veins. Some of the specimens turn yellow under ultraviolet light. The shine has a sunny sheen. But in most cases, the natural coloration is not very good.

Attention! To make Howlite attractive, beautiful, it is painted under turquoise or.

Sky blue artificial coloring can teach a person to love beauty. The color can be so flawless and gorgeous that it makes the mood sunny and uplifting. At the edges of the sample, the mineral is translucent, because it has transparency.

When making jewelry, the stone is first polished to a pebble state. Then they are painted, which is done simply because of the porous structure. The paint cannot penetrate far into the depths, so the specimens are no longer processed. In addition to the heavenly color, Govlit is given a greenish tint.

How to distinguish a fake?

Knowing that Howlite can be colored or even created artificially, I want to learn how to distinguish natural samples from fakes. More often it is offered as turquoise, with which, after processing, a great resemblance appears.

But the internal structure and physical qualities remain completely different. The differences between turquoise and howlite are primarily based on cost. The price of a forged stone is much lower than that of a natural specimen. This parameter can be used as a guide when choosing a piece of jewelry.

In addition to turquoise, Howlite is used as an imitation of coral. Jewelers use it as a natural substitute. However, jewelry with a stone has a very attractive look. The white variety is used to make luxury goods. Many can buy them.

If you need to distinguish natural turquoise from a fake, not to confuse it with colored Howlite, you should pay attention to its physical properties. In the second case, the stone is light and soft, and after staining, the color is not too bright. Then the cost will be much lower (Howlite).

White or gray natural stone can be illuminated with ultraviolet light. At the same time, glowing yellow or white crystals of Howlite are sometimes visible. The same crystals can be seen on painted stone, but this effect does not happen in turquoise.

Imitation when dyed in blue sometimes turns out to be very believable, as a result of which Howlite is sold at exorbitant prices. It also has a porcelain luster when the surface is polished.

Care of stone products

Howlite is recommended to be stored tightly packed in a dark place. Cleaning is carried out in warm water, without using soap solutions or ammonia. Such substances can spoil the shine and color of the stone. And highly concentrated formulations even distort the shape.

The surface of specimens stained after grinding may wear off, from which it should be protected.

Compatible with names and signs of the zodiac

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-

Astrology indicates 4 signs of the zodiac that need Howlite:

  • Taurus (charm).
  • Virgo (strength).
  • Scorpio (self-confidence).
  • Capricorn (hard work).

From the first day of purchasing the stone, these representatives feel its beneficial effect on themselves. There is tolerance for others, perseverance in solving problems. But the other three signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius refer to those for whom Howlite is extremely harmful.

Possession of it will only lead to disappointment, sadness. The rest of the zodiac constellations, or rather, the people belonging to them, can have this stone and live in friendship with it. It is harmless, being a calm mineral.

Astrological properties are scientifically revealed, thanks to which it is known to whom Howlite is suitable. The greatest benefit can be felt immediately after purchase. Kaulite is not worn by representatives of the fire elements, because it interferes with the manifestation of emotions. The desired character traits will be lost.

Attention! Depending on the case, Howlite can be harmful and beneficial. You need to choose it in amulets in a deliberate way.

The zodiac sign is not the only parameter of personality compatibility with a stone. It can also be worn by people with the following names.

  • Faith.
  • Dmitriy.
  • Elisha.
  • Makar.
  • Nina.
  • Yuliya.

Blue stones are suitable for Libra, Gemini, if they like them. They are chosen by geologists, sailors, travelers as protection against hazards that may occur along the way.


Like the Christian image, Saint Tatiana Govlit is the patron saint of students. Helps to develop a craving for science, to assimilate the material, concentrates.

It also enhances the owner's charm. It's not just about what the stone looks like. You can carry it in your pocket. At the same time, he makes a person sociable so that it helps to establish educational contact. The mineral constantly stimulates a person to improve.

Howlite - the stone of "eternal students"

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By its chemical composition, howlite is a calcium borosilicate. It is a very rare mineral, but not as expensive. Most often it is used as a replacement for turquoise, because these gems are very similar in appearance.
The largest amount of the mineral is mined in the United States, in southern California. Also, this stone is found in Canada and Serbia.

A bit of history

Howlite gem was named after its discoverer, explorer Henry Gov. There are other names for the stone - haulite, caulite, turkvenite, silicoborocalcite.
This gem is used to make stunning jewelry. In Russian, the name of the mineral "howlite" does not sound very nice, therefore it is most often called "pressed turquoise".
Since the stone was discovered relatively recently, there are no legends and beliefs in its history. But this does not make the gem less interesting for humanity.
This mineral is most often used for making jewelry. Beads, bracelets and even figurines made of howlite are distinguished by their sophistication and beauty.
The structure of the mineral is porous, this allows the stone to be painted in different shades and to create imitations of other minerals. Most often it is dyed blue-green to make it look like turquoise. It is very difficult to distinguish a colored mineral from a true turquoise with the naked eye.
The setting for the stone can be any, howlite is very unpretentious. But it should still be protected from exposure to high temperatures. Also
do not wash it with soapy water.

Varieties and colors

Howlite color varies. Usually this stone is white, gray, brownish with black veins. In ultraviolet light, you can see a yellow or white faint glow of the crystals.
Howlite has a porcelain luster. It can be easily painted in any color, but the paint does not penetrate deeply into the mineral, so it is not applicable for carving.
The most famous type of howlite is turkvenit. This stone plays an important role in the modern jewelry industry - it replaces the rare and very expensive turquoise. Turkvenite is excellently colored in blue, and therefore becomes similar to turquoise.

Properties: healing and magical

Due to its high calcium content, howlite is beneficial for bone tissue. This mineral maintains the balance of calcium in the body.
It is believed that howlite has a beneficial effect on teeth. It is recommended to be worn by pregnant women due to the fact that their body especially needs calcium.
Also, the mineral is able to harmonize cardiac activity. A necklace made from this gem can help relieve stress.
The natural white color of the mineral is a symbol of innocence and purity. But at the same time, it is a sign of strength and power. Jewelry with such a stone will help get rid of evil intentions, cope with anger, and drive away anxiety.
Howlite is considered the talisman of all students. It helps you focus on the learning process and tame your passions. The mineral endows its owner with charm and charisma.

Stone in astrology

Among all the signs of the zodiac, howlite is especially necessary for Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Scorpio. These people will be able to feel the beneficial effects of the mineral, they will become more tolerant of others, more persistent in achieving their goals and truly happy.
If your sign is Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, then this gem is contraindicated for you. He will bring only disappointment and sadness into your life.
For other signs, the stone is quite suitable. He is very calm, so he will never harm a good person who does not have bad thoughts.

It becomes difficult at work, study or other important activity - get Howlite, it will help you recharge your energy and become more persistent.

Howlite is a unique creation of nature. For the first time this stone was discovered by the rather famous researcher Henry Gowa. From his name, in fact, the name of this gem comes from. Although besides this name, there are others. This wonderful and rather rare stone is also called howlite, caulite, silicoborocalcite.

However, these names are not particularly popular. In Russian, the word "howlite" does not sound so beautiful, so you can often find another name for this stone - "pressed". The stone itself was discovered relatively recently, so it is still not very famous and no legends or beliefs are associated with it, however, this does not at all diminish its merits.

Howlite description

Howlite stone Is calcium borosilicate, its chemical composition can be described by the following formula: Ca2B5SiO9 (OH) 5. Potassium and sodium are used as impurities. In nature, this stone is found in the form of spherical or flattened-rounded aggregates.

The size can be enormous. As a rule, it is a white or gray stone with characteristic dark-colored veins that adorn and make this gem unusual and very attractive.

This stone is interesting in that it can be either translucent or not. The same sways and luster of this stone, it can be matte and glass. These features give the stone a special charm and uniqueness. This stone is considered brittle, and its hardness is approximately 3-4 units.

This stone is easily soluble in acids, so you should be careful and careful. The mineral itself has a porous structure, which allows it to be colored, as it takes on color well. Therefore, it is often painted and passed off as turquoise.

However, nothing in common other than artificially created similar appearance, these minerals have nothing in common. The external similarity is simply striking, but do not forget that in terms of price policy and value, these stones are far from each other. In addition to blue and green, this stone also absorbs other colors well. Therefore, this quality of the stone is also used for counterfeiting red coral.

Although the natural substitute is quite beautiful, it is still a substitute. Moreover, howlite in its original form has a lot of advantages and is also used to create jewelry and various stone products. Its beauty and special appearance make the products very attractive and quite expensive.

Howlite properties

Howlite properties are fairly well known and have already been used by a fairly large number of people. Therefore, this stone cannot be categorized as little-studied or unknown stones. Often white howlite stones... As you know, white symbolizes innocence, purity, however, besides this, this color has another meaning. It symbolizes strength and is the personification of human dignity.

Howlite magical properties

It is well known that howlite stone a powerful enough stone and capable of influencing people. Howlite is simply irreplaceable helpers in exams or during interviews, in a word, where you have to make a proper impression. With Howlite Stone, you are much more likely to do this. This wonderful stone constantly pushes its owner onto the path of self-improvement and knowledge of the previously unknown.

At the same time, knowledge can be completely different, this is not necessarily an institute or college program. Howlite helps to focus on study and education, makes this process unobtrusive and comfortable. Sometimes this stone is also called the patron saint of students and people who gave their lives to science and new discoveries. This stone is also popular among those who give dreams almost the main importance in human life. Howlite stone helps in the interpretation of dreams.

If you apply in the signs of the zodiac, the howlite stone well suited not for everyone. .. Virgo and Capricorn are those representatives who practically cannot do without this stone. Already on the first day of communication with this gem, people will feel its beneficial effects.

However, for, Lviv, and this stone will not bring anything good, except sadness and sadness, disappointment and a certain weakness. Howlite does not belong to aggressive stones, so it cannot bring much harm to a person, however, you should pay attention to some of the nuances and zodiacal preferences of howlite stone.

The healing properties of howlite

Howlite is widely known for its beneficial effects on the human skeleton, it is the bones and joints that fall under the positive effect of the stone on the human body. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the lion's share in the composition of this mineral is taken away from calcium, which is the basis of strong and durable bones, which are not afraid of stress and fractures.

However, these are far from all the miraculous qualities of this stone. Beads or necklaces made of natural, unpainted howlite have a good effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body. This stone is very popular among massage therapists and is used in spa treatments as it retains heat well.

It is used in various types of massages, especially for varicose veins and cellulite. And of course, it is the most faithful companion of dentists. This stone is able to relieve many patients from toothache and dental diseases.

Howlite deposits

Howlite is formed exclusively in evaporite basins, due to such a process as the precipitation of saline solutions saturated with boron and calcium. There are not so many such places on Earth. The largest deposits are located in California and the United States. Also, this stone can be found in Canada. Besides howlite deposits were found in some part of Germany, as well as in Serbia.

Howlite application

Howlite is worth paying attention to because of its many indicators. First of all, the main advantage of this mineral is that it is quite easy to process. However, at the same time, its quality does not decrease during operation; it can withstand the operating load quite well. In this case, the material is susceptible to color changes and undergoes a dyeing process.

This allows you to expand the scope and implementation of this stone. And of course, one of the most attractive factors is the price, the price of howlite stone, in relation to precious stones, is very low, but in terms of beauty it can be compared with many other stones. It is for these merits that howlite stone is so loved by jewelers.

If initially it was used as a cheap substitute for turquoise, then recently it has become more and more in demand with natural, unpainted stone. Very often, beads of various shapes and sizes are made from howlite. Beads are subsequently used to make beads, bracelets and various necklaces. Such beads look very nice in combination with. In addition to jewelry, various decorative elements are also made from howlite, for example.