I am sowing a Christmas carol for the old new year. Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate ... Merry carols and Christmas carols for children

After the Holy Supper on January 6, children and adults dress up in bright costumes, go from house to house and sing Christmas carols. The mummers are invited into the house, treated, and for the performances they are thanked with sweets and money. We have selected the coolest long and short Christmas carols for adults and children that are easy to learn.

14:40 4.01.2019

Do you want to please your friends with funny and funny carols on Christmas night from January 6 to 7? These interesting and funny carols wishes for children and adults are easy to learn and quickly remembered!

Caroling, caroling
I smell vodka in my nose!
Pour us a hundred grams
It will be good to us and to you!

How many aspen trees,
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
There are so many sheep.
Happiness to you
The owner with the hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!
Kolyada, kolyada!

Merry Christmas -
We wish you sober thoughts
So that the Earth does not sway
And the soul enjoyed it !!!

The carol was born
Christmas Eve,
Over the mountain behind the steep
Across the river, beyond the fast,
Over the mountain behind the steep
Across the river, beyond the fast
There are dense forests,
In those woods the lights are burning
The lights are burning blazing
People are standing around the lights
People are caroling:
'Oh carol, carol,
You happen to be, kolyada,
On the eve of Christmas'.

Carols, carols, carols,
Give me a hangover
Sala, myasa, kovbasi
That twenty on a coward!

Carols, carols, carols -
Good with honey pancakes!
And without honey - not like that,
Give me some pies, aunt!

Give me a dumpling!
A spoonful of porridge
Sausages upstairs.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children!

Kolyada, kolyada,
We open all the houses
All windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies
To be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give health to all of us,
After all, he is good for this!

Kolyada, kolyada
Christmas Eve
Damn and cake
Owner Alyoshka
Give aunt a nickle
I won't leave home like that !!
Little boy
Sat down on a glass
And the glass is fragile
Give the hostess rub !!!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good sweet honey,
And it’s not like that without honey,
Give me some pie.
Yak will not give a pie
Vіzma bika by the horns,
I'll take you to the market
I will buy my own pie.

Congratulations on Christmas,
We came here with kindness,
You give us a little,
Pie on the track
For happiness to come to you,
So that you are lucky in everything
So that the Lord gives health,
We carol, from sadness!

The moon shone in the sky, showed us the way
Top-bottom - closest to the house.
Come out, master to the porch, pour some wine into a glass.
We will not drink wine - we will anoint our lips,
We will anoint your lips - we will tell you about your house.
Your house has four corners
There are three fellows in each corner:
Good, Comfort, Peace live.
A girl walks from corner to corner -
The scythe spreads along the floor -
The girl is called - Love,
Your shelter is kept on it!
If you reward us generously, -
You will keep your happiness in the house!
Let's leave the yard with gifts -
The bins will be full!
At least a candy, at least a nickel -
We won't just leave !!!

Kolyada, kolyada ...
And the woman has a beard.
And grandfather had a tail.
Runs to the girls, scoundrel.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
It doesn't matter to us.
Even the one who is blind and dumb -
He will drink seven shots.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
We have been dancing all the years.
And on all fours
We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
We never get sick.
Wives start a dispute -
We fly naked into the yard.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
That without money is nonsense!
All bottles are returned
And they walk again and drink.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
Nothing that cold.
I'll go to my mistress myself,
I will swim with her in the pond.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
Have fun, people, always!
After all, we should not be sad,
Enjoying life's ball.

Kolyada, kolyada ...
On the table is a candle, food.
A cute herringbone shines.
And God blesses everyone.

And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
His rye is thick,
Dinner's Rye!
He is like an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his rug,
Half-grain pie.
Would the Lord endow you
And live and be,
And wealth!

Caroling, caroling
I will go to any hut.
I will ask the hostess
Come on sweets.
And cookies and sweets
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastila and marmalade
Delicious cake
Sweet ice cream
We ourselves will eat
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey.
And it’s not like that without honey,
Give me a pyataka, uncle.
And p'yataliy something,
Give me a golden rib!
Kolyadin, kolyadin,
I'm at my mother's alone.
Carry my pies,
Put that one at the bears.
Kolyadin, kolyadin,
I'm the only one in babusi.
By the number of casing,
Give uncle a pie.
Kolyadin, kolyadin,
And I'm the only one,
We tear the casing,
Carry me a donut.

On the eve of the Old New Year, according to folk tradition, young people will go home and congratulate the owners of their children on a Generous Evening.

On the eve of the Old New Year, according to folk tradition, young people will go home and congratulate the owners and their children on the Generous Evening.

Shchedrovka sing on Generous Evening and this custom has been going on since pre-Christian times. Usually generosity contains wishes for a good harvest, offspring of livestock, a good swarm of bees, peace and well-being in the family. As in carols, in generosity, they express respect for the owners of the house and for the whole family.

Generous gifts for the Old New Year 2018:

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers for the owners for hats,
And scraps for belts,
Hello, Happy Holidays!

Vasilyeva's mother
I went to generous
Sow the wheat across the field.
Beget, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

How many aspen trees,
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
There are so many sheep.
Happiness to you
The owner with the hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!

Ilya goes to Vasily,
Carries a frightened life
Wherever he goes, rye grows,
Like God rye, wheat
and every plow-field.
In the field the core,
The house is good.
In the field a spikelet
And in the house - a pie.
Hello! Happy New Year,
with Vasily!

Schedrovki for the Old New Year 2018 in Russian for children short

I'll carry dinner
To the godparents today
I already know - baptized
Hungry on Holy Evening!
And godfathers
They will ask about health
They will get something tasty.

The sparrow flies
Twirls its tail
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests,
Meet Christmas!

Give me a carriage soon!
The legs are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is a prince
Who will not give -
Togo in the dirt!

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer for you!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush living there.
Where is the goat's horn -
There is a haystack.
How many aspen trees,
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
There are so many sheep.
Happiness to you, owner and hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family!

Today is a walk
fortune-telling, rolling!
Pancakes, pies, tea party,
And pranks and dates.
Winter hurries us - hurry up!
Hurry to see
hear, participate!
Dress up and leave the houses,
Carol, dance, joke!

Good evening to you
Affectionate host
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
We are to you, master,
Good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
Good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

Give me a dumpling!
A spoonful of porridge
Sausages upstairs.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children!

Generous was generous
I spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake
Don't bite, don't break
But as a whole, let's.
Generous evening, good evening!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
What are you aunt, welded,
What are you aunt, baked?
Carry quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break
And for the whole come on!

Don't give me cheesecakes -
Get it on the top of your head!
Do not give a pie -
I'll take the cow by the horns.

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Although the "old" New Year -
All the same bears good!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - to the cattle,
Warm booth - a dog,
Saucers of milk for a kitten
A handful of wheat for a cockerel
Red girl - friend
Small children - for dad and mom,
Grandmother - the grandchild of the little ones!
We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
What are you aunt, welded,
What are you aunt, baked?
Carry quickly to the window.
Don't bite or break
And come on as a whole.
Don't give me cheesecakes -
Get it on the top of your head
do not give a pie -
let's take the cow by the horns.

Generous, generous,
I smell sweets at you,
And you, uncle, get up,
And give me one.

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer for you!
Where the horse's tail is - There is a bush.
Where the goat has a horn - There is a haystack.
How many aspen trees,
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
There are so many sheep.
Happiness to you
The owner with the hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all the family!

On this generous evening
Great excuse:
Come to you for a second!
Grab from the table:
Lard, meat, pie!
A generous piece of cheese
Sausages, sweets, cookies,
And cherry jam!

This evening we are generous!
Open the front door!
Cheerfully, meet with soul,
And treat it soon!
Sausage and pies
Lard, cottage cheese, pancakes!
Finally, a chocolate bar!
And 100 grams, so, for order!

Here is a meeting, on a generous evening!
Happiness will fall on your shoulders
Love, health will come with him,
And a gorgeous feast!
Joy and goodness for the heap,
The world is stable, mighty,
And prosperity and finances!
Are there any chances to treat yourself?
And dumplings, and cutlets,
Lard, meat, vinaigrette,
Moonshine and sandwich
Give in the Old New Year!

On this generous evening
A wonderful excuse -
Run for a minute
And wish you health!
Let your home be filled
Happiness, light and goodness!
It's all there, it looks like ...
Well, then you multiply!
Now treat me
Give me the most!
Pies, sweets, porridge,
Cheese, sausages and mash!

We give a lot, a lot,
We have good, kind words!
Happiness will be in shock!
Will bring a big catch!
Personally, at work,
May luck hit the jackpot!
Let the sadness drown in the swamp!
Life beats like a key, a fountain!
For the wishes, for these,
What delicious shines for us?
Give us a big container
Pirozhkov, hot, hot!

Good evening, visit you
With words, can we?
We want to wish you
Happiness to hold the power in the house!
Let love be a guard
Protects all of you zealously!
The world lives in peace in the house,
Guarding your life lethally!
For wishes such
We want big stuffed cabbage rolls!
Huge and meatloaf
And 100 grams to live without troubles!

Good evening dears!
We have come to you today,
Simple wishes,
We brought with us!
And health and fun,
Festive mood!
Let everythnig will be alright,
The soul is always fresh!
We should treat ourselves to you,
Give us this!
You can have bacon, you can have pizza,
Let's take away a lot easily!

Generously in the Old New Year
Let's wish on your account!
A lot of happiness and luck
And love is a heap!
The fact is that bash on bash ...
Give us your luggage!
Meat, cheese, pies,
Lard, porridge and pancakes!

Let generosity come home
And it will cover you with your head!
Well, and with her we will come
Good, generous evening!
Health to you, sausages to us,
For us - cookies, for you - like in a fairy tale:
Have fun, live, dream!
Treat us with a soul:
Lard, meat and potatoes!
You can use a little vodka.

Hello dear readers. Christmas has long been one of the most beloved holidays. For a while, New Year ousted this date from the holiday calendar. But now the Christmas festival is revered no less than the New Year's. The old traditions are also returning, which did not cease to be followed in the provinces. Caroling - singing special holiday songs - has always accompanied Christmas. Carols are ritual chants. They traditionally contain congratulations, sincere wishes for well-being, wealth and health, as well as the demand for treats. As a rule, young people and children took part in caroling.

They walked in whole groups, sometimes quite large, from house to house, carrying with them a special symbol - a star. The mummers were also present, wrapping themselves in animal skins, putting on homemade masks and even horns.

With rare exceptions, carols were greeted with joy, believing that their wishes for health and a generous harvest would come true.

Therefore, the guys did not leave empty-handed, their bags were always full of gifts. They gave mainly sweets, but some owners did not skimp on other products and even money.

Christmas carols for children short

Not surprisingly, the tradition of caroling dates back to the pre-Christian era. Scientists associate carol singing with a special Slavic holiday - Kolyada. This is a kind of pagan analogue of the modern New Year.

There are other versions of the appearance of the name, but this one is the most probable. At first, the songs sung deities and the forces of nature.

And with the advent of Christianity, chants received biblical content and began to serve the advancement of Christianity in Kievan Rus. An interesting fact is that carols have existed for a very long time and are transmitted mainly orally. But at the same time, many of them have retained not only the words, but also the melody.

When to carol

It is customary to carol on Christmas Eve. This is the evening of January 6, or, as it is also called, Holy Evening. But, of course, you need to learn the carols in advance. There are also New Year's carols now, as well as mixed ones, in which they congratulate you on both holidays.

So you can start caroling from the New Year and continue right up to the Baptism of the Lord. Many modern songwriters pay attention to composing Christmas songs and some of them are becoming quite popular. But it is the old carols that we inherited from our ancestors that are of the greatest value.

Probably everyone knows at least one carol. Many used to go caroling with friends in childhood, and even in adulthood remember these special events with warmth. But it is not necessary to congratulate strangers with such a chant.

Relatives will also be happy to hear carols in their homes. Many of them are filled with deep meaning and contain sincere words of wishes. Therefore, learning carols is useful even for little ones. It is for them that several examples of short options are presented. Let them sound in your home on Christmas evening, adding a special flavor and solemnity to the holiday.

Christmas carols for children

The sparrow flies

Twirls its tail

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests,

Meet Christmas!

It's like frost outside

Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time

Tells to submit soon

Or a lukewarm cake

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or a spear of money,

Or a ruble in silver!

Christ the Savior

Was born at midnight.

In a poor place

He settled down.

Over that place

The star is shining.

Christ the Master,

On your birthday.

Give to all the people

Peace and forgiveness!

Caroling, caroling

I will go to any hut.

I will ask the hostess:

- Come on goodies!

And cookies and sweets

And sherbet with nuts,

Pastila and marmalade -

I will be glad to all the gifts.

I will treat everyone

And praise the mistress!

Good evening, generous evening,

Good people to health.

The falcon has arrived

Sat at the window

I cut the cloth.

And the leftovers for the owners for hats,

And scraps for belts,

Hello, Happy Holidays!

It so happened in this world

For many years in a row

On such a magical, good evening

Angels fly from heaven to us

They bring good, hope,

Blessing to every home

Happy New Year everyone

And Merry Christmas!

Carols for children in Russian

Carols are notable for their beauty and melody. In addition, they have a special, ancient power. After all, many people still believe that the wishes sounded in these Christmas carols will certainly come true and that thanks to such chants, even fate can be changed. Who knows, maybe that's why the Slavic carols were scattered all over the world.

So, the most popular carol song in the world, Carol Of The Bells, has Ukrainian roots. This is an old ritual Christmas song "Shchedryk", arranged by the Ukrainian composer and conductor Nikolai Leontovich.

It was performed even in Soviet times, but only due to the fact that there is no religious content in its text. It will still work today as a Christmas carol for children.

Here is the translation of "Shchedrik" into Russian:

Generous, generous, generous,

A swallow has arrived.

I began to tweet to myself

Call the owner:

- Come out, come out, master,

Look at the koshara -

There lambs lambed

And the lambs were born

You have all good goods,

You will have more than one penny

If not money, then sex.

You have a blackbrow wife.

Generous, generous, generous,

A swallow has arrived.

And this is another carol, which is performed to the same melody by many groups.

On a starry night, Christ is born.

He was laid in a simple manger.

An angel descended from heaven into a field,

He announced the message to the shepherds:

“Rejoice, everyone - Christ is born.

He was laid in a simple manger. "

Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest!

Good pleasure to all people!

The angelic choir sang a song,

He proclaimed peace on earth.

Here are some more examples of Christmas carol songs.

The night is quiet, the night is holy

People sleep, the distance is clear;

Only in the barn the light is on;

The holy couple does not sleep there,

The Child sleeps in the manger. The Child sleeps in the manger.

The night is quiet, the night is holy

The height lit up

Bright Angel from heaven

He brought the message to the shepherds:

"Christ was born to you! Christ was born to you! "

The night is quiet, the night is holy

A star is burning in the sky;

The shepherds have been on the road for a long time,

In a hurry to come to Bethlehem:

They will see Christ there. They will see Christ there.

The night is quiet, the night is holy

All hearts are waiting for happiness.

God, let me come to Christ,

To find the joy of light in him.

Glory be eternally, Christ! Glory be eternally, Christ!

Merry carol

Kolyada, kolyada ...

And the woman has a beard.

And grandfather had a tail.

Runs in the garden, scoundrel.

Kolyada, kolyada ...

It doesn't matter to us.

God will give you health in full.

The bins will be full.

Kolyada, kolyada ...

We have been dancing all the years.

And on all fours

We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, kolyada ...

Nothing that cold.

I'm healthy, I'll go to the frost,

I swim in the pond.

Kolyada, kolyada ...

Have fun, people, always!

After all, we should not be sad,

Enjoying small things in life.

Kolyada, kolyada ...

On the table is a candle, food.

A cute herringbone shines.

The Lord blesses everyone.

Christmas carols texts for children - long

Caroling in one house could take up to several hours. The owners invited the carols, fed and watered them.

A merry feast was interspersed with festive singing. Of course, it will be difficult for children to learn so many carols at a time. And this is hardly necessary.

Christmas carols for children have some peculiarities. They should be simple, straightforward and not too long. And, of course, there shouldn't be any "adult" hints in them.

And this is not uncommon for the category of funny and comic holiday songs, which more closely resemble not very decent folk ditties. Many of these carols are contemporary.

Below are examples of children's holiday carols.

At Christmas

Today the Angel has come down

And he sang: "Christ was born!"

Our song is simple -

We glorify Christ.

We're on a straight path

And we go into every house.

There is one brightest in the sky

Guiding star -

Even in a storm among the clouds

Gives everyone a magic ray

Announces Christmas.

Let's start the celebration!

Christmas carol

A carriage comes to us

On the eve of Christmas.

Asks, asks for a kolyada

At least a piece of the pie.

Who will give a cake to a carol,

There will be one in every way!

That cattle will be healthy

The barn will be full of cows

Who will squeeze his piece

The whole year will be lonely.

Will not find luck, happiness,

The year will be washed in bad weather.

Do not regret the pie

Otherwise, you will create a favor!

In the hour of Great Carols

We will bake pies

At the hour of Great Carols,

And let's go with family to family,

We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing praises to Christ

Let the soul sing in the body

Let good go with good

Light happiness brings.

Our savior and creator

Miracle light blacksmith,

We glorify you

Always be with us.

We wish at this hour

So that you have everything

And patience and peace,

So that everyone appreciates life.

Good evening to you

Affectionate host

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are to you, master,

Good news.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Good news

From the holy city.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Christmas carols for children

Christmas carols can be sung not only on New Year's Eve. On January 13, the so-called Vasilyev's evening is celebrated, which is also called Generous.

Now this date is known as the Old New Year - a very strange concept for foreigners. And many of our compatriots consider this date a relic of the past, an atavism, an unnecessary holiday devoid of any meaning.

But here they are deeply mistaken. Among other things, according to the church calendar, this is the day of remembrance of St. Melania. The people call the holiday Malanka (Melanka, Milanka). You've probably heard some of these names. At this time, the Christmas fast has already ended and you can celebrate to your heart's content.

Unlike Christmas, when it is believed that the year will be successful if a boy or a boy comes into the house first, it is mainly girls who are generous here. But young people, as they say, "drive Malanka."

At the same time, one of them dresses up as a young lady, portraying that very Malanka. And special carols are used here - generosity. They generously wish the owners all kinds of blessings and promise their abundance in the new year.

Songs are accompanied by dances, comic scenes are played out. And whoever does not let the carols into the house or drives them away, he voluntarily renounces all these potential benefits.

This is done in the evening. And in the morning they again go to congratulate everyone on the holiday. They take grain with them, which is scattered around the house.

They accompany the ceremony with congratulations and good wishes. This is called "walking to sow." As a rule, they first go to relatives for this purpose, and later they visit other houses. But here the girls come into the house after the children, or they don’t go to sow at all.

Below are some suitable songs for Christmas caroling and planting.

Kolyada, kolyada,

Come from afar

Once a year

Let's admire for an hour.

Crackling with frost,

With a thorny cold

With white snows,

With a blizzard, with blizzards.

Scooters - sledges

We drove ourselves -

From village to village,

Kolyada is cheerful.

We sow, blow snow

On a silk rest.

Snow is spreading

A blizzard will break out!

Give you, master,

New year:

On the field - offspring,

On the threshing floor - it is hammered,

You will give us -

We will praise

But you won't give -

We will scold.

Kolyada, kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a slice of bread,

Or half a dollar money,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb!

Open the chests, owners,

Take out the snouts!

Let's get it for a pretty penny


The moon shone in the sky

He showed us the way.

Top-bottom -

Nearest home.

The owner walked onto the porch,

I poured some wine into a glass.

Only we don't drink wine -

Give us a ruble!

Your house has four corners

There are three fellows in each corner:

Good, Comfort, Peace live.

A girl walks from corner to corner,

The scythe spreads along the floor.

The girl is called - Love,

Your shelter is kept on it!

If you reward us generously,

You will keep your happiness in the house!

Let's leave the yard with gifts -

The bins will be full!

At least a candy, at least a nickel -

We won't just leave !!!

New year has come

Old hijacked,

He showed himself!

Get up people

Come out of the gate -

Meet the sun

Drive the frost away!


White beard

Nose - with a bowl,

Head - a basket,

Hands - with sabers,

Legs - with a rake,

Come on New Year's Eve

To magnify the honest people!

Kolyada, kolyada,

We open all the houses

All windows, chests,

Pour sweets, pies,

To be good for you,

Say thank you to heaven

Since you have a son

Give me a head of cheese.

Since you have a daughter

Give me a barrel of honey.

If not rich,

Drive out of the hut.

Get rich, save bounty -

I will come for the new year.

Until then I go

Singing a carol.

If anyone is rich

Take it out of the hut

And jams and pickles,

Both sweets and cookies.

God will give health to all of us,

After all, he is good for this!

We sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Although Old New Year -

All the same bears good!

We wish the old fashioned way

Fertility - to the cattle,

Warm booth - a dog,

Saucers of milk for a kitten

A handful of wheat for a cockerel

And the daughter-in-law - to my friend,

Small children - for dad and mom,

Grandmother - the grandchild of the little ones!

We sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Open the chest

Get out the piglet!

I sow, I sow,

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness, joy.

I blow, I blow,

Sprinkle barley,

To be ugly in the field,

To make the living creatures double

For children to grow up

To get the girls in marriage.

I sow, I sow,

I wish you happiness and all the best.

Who will give us a pie

Tom is full of cattle,

Sheep with oats,

A stallion with a tail.

Who will not give a pie -

Tom's chicken leg

Pest and shovel,

Humpback cow.

Don't push, mistress,

Bring the loaf!

Take out the muffin

And spelled with butter.

Everything will return a hundredfold

One of the traditions to have fun with the New Year is to sing carols for the old New Year. And the modern Old New Year 2019 is no exception. For children it is fun and fun, a game. They sing on the old New Year in costumes (mummers), and children just love to dress up. Dressing up can be very simple - take New Year's costumes of animals (fox, hare, wolf) and turn them inside out.

It is good if you have a goat costume, since ancient times the costumes of generos (those who walked and sang under the windows) were scary, even specially smeared their faces with soot. But now, generosity and caroling is a fun fun, so it's beautiful when carollers wear folk costumes.

New Year's carols for the old New Year are wishes of well-being on the farm, a rich harvest in the coming year, which are sung under the windows of the owners, and the owners in return generously present the singers with sweets, gingerbread, pies, sweets, and small money.

Carols are usually sung by young people and children, for them it is also entertainment. Modern carols for the old New Year and Christmas are very funny and funny.

Hello host with hostess!
Happy New Year! Happy holiday!
Open the chests
Get the snouts.
If you don't have a nickel,
Serve the pie.
Give me no pie
I'll take a cow by the horns, I'll take you to Torzhok,
There I will sell for a pie.
Happy New Year!

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Although Old New Year -
All the same bears good!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - to the cattle,
Warm booth - a dog,
Saucers of milk for a kitten
A handful of wheat for a cockerel
Red girl - friend
Small children - for dad and mom,
Grandmother - the grandchild of the little ones!
We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!

I sow, I blow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
For New Year, for new happiness
Wheat ugly
Peas, lentils!
On the field - in heaps,
On the table - pies!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness, master, hostess!

Caroling, caroling
I will go to any hut.
I will ask the hostess
Come on sweets.
And cookies and sweets
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastila and marmalade
Delicious cake
Sweet ice cream
We ourselves will eat
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

Gray beard
Nose - with a bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - with sabers,
Legs - with a rake,
Come on New Year's Eve, -
To magnify the honest people!

We sow-blow a snowball
On a silk rest.
Snow is spreading
A blizzard will break out!
Give you, master,
For New Year:
On the field - offspring,
On the threshing floor - it is hammered,
On the table is gushchina,
Ergot is in the bins.

In the quinoa garden
And who pounded her,
Who threshed it?
The undersized.

Kolyada, kolyada,
Christmas Eve!
Auntie kind
Butter pie
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Yes, we will not stand!
The stove is heated,
I want a pie!

Kolyada, kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a slice of bread,
Or half a dollar money,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!
Open the chests, owners,
Take out the snouts!
Let's get it for a pretty penny

How to carol for the Old New Year

Be sure to learn the text of the kalida for the old New Year and choose a lead singer to make your procession look fun and perky. Christmas carols for the old New Year are sung in chorus, chanting, merrily, fervently, with wishes of well-being to the owners. You can sing carols everywhere, even on the street or in the entrance. The main thing is to stock up on enthusiasm and fun.

If you want to impress as many people as possible, then go to the city's Christmas tree or skating rink. When there are a lot of carols and they are all dressed up in folk costumes, then such a spectacle makes a splash and the people begin to carry sweets, just have time to open the bag

The mummers sing funny poems on the evening of January 13th. They knock (call) at houses (apartments) "Should you be generous?" And they begin to sing in chorus the pre-rehearsed words - in what order who will sing carols, as well as who, what and at what moment should do, for example, stamp their feet.

In response, the owners should thank the carols: treat them to kutia, give sweets, fruits and some money. In order for the reward to be generous, you will have to try - to learn interesting and funny songs in advance, and then perform them with your soul.

Video: short carols for the Old New Year for children