Synopsis on speech development (reading fiction) Topic: Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Do not bother me to work." Role-playing games for preschool children

Project "Let's help Katya, we'll dress Katya"

Target : To help children get a clear understanding of clothing and footwear and their correct use for their intended purpose.


1) Enrich and expand children's ideas about clothing and footwear and their purpose.

2) Learn to relate changes in nature to changes in clothing.

3) To form the ability to highlight the main details of clothing (collar, sleeves, pocket ...)

4) To consolidate the cultural and hygienic skills of dressing and undressing.

5) Develop visual perception, attention, fine motor skills.

6) Continue correct agreement of nouns and adjectives. Induce speech activity.

7) Learn to name the color, size of clothing and shoes.

8) Cultivate the skills of careful handling of clothing.

Children's age : 1 junior group

Duration : 4 months

Preparatory stage:

Selection of books, pictures, illustrations, didactic material for games and activities with children

Examination of clothing, shoes, hats.

Selection of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills of fingers.

Project implementation.

1) Classes of the cognitive cycle

1 "What's in Katya's wardrobe"

Purpose: to enrich and expand children's ideas about clothing and footwear; through dramatization to give children the necessary knowledge of self-service. Learn to dress according to the weather; develop attention. Enrich vocabulary (dress, skirt, jacket…); learn to name the color of objects. Develop skills in caring for clothes.

2 "Bear on a walk"

Purpose: to learn to name the color, size of clothing and shoes. Expand children's ideas about winter clothing, their distinguishing features (in winter they wear warm clothes). To consolidate the ability to choose clothes for a winter walk. Enrich vocabulary (jacket, fur coat, hat, scarf, mittens ...). Learn to name the size of objects.

3 "The sun looks out the window"

Purpose: to learn to relate changes in the weather to changes in clothing. To form the ability to highlight the main details of clothing (collar, sleeves, pocket ...). Encourage to use in speech the name of items of clothing, their parts, as well as actions (remove, hang, put, put). To consolidate the cultural and hygienic skills of dressing and undressing to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

4 "Whose shoes"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about footwear. Learn how to take care of your shoes. Learn to name the color, size of shoes. Develop visual perception, attention, fine motor skills. Continue to teach the correct agreement of noun adjectives, cause speech activity.

2) Classes in fiction

1. Reading poems by E. Blaginina “New clothes”, “Let's teach brother to put on shoes”

2. Z. Aleksandrova "My bear".

3. Learning Russian folk nursery rhymes, songs “Our Masha is small…”

4. Reading the fairy tale by N. Pavlova “Whose shoes?”

5. Reading the story of L. Voronkova "Masha confused"

Purpose: to help children understand the content of the works. Cause the joy of listening to familiar nursery rhymes and the desire to read them with the teacher. Clarify children's ideas about clothing and footwear.

3) Art activities


1. “Decorate the scarf with a pattern” (finger painting)

Purpose: to form the ability to arrange a pattern, to cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones, to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe purpose of the object, to improve the skill of drawing with fingers.

2. "Boots for nesting dolls"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to group objects (shoes for children - adults), to learn how to hold the brush correctly. develop attention, cultivate a good attitude towards game characters.

3. "Clothes for toys"

Purpose: to teach yourself to choose a pattern for decorating clothes of toys; to form the ability to draw colored spots, draw horizontal lines, develop color perception, cultivate accuracy.

4. "Sundress for Tanya" (collective)

Purpose: to maintain interest in drawing an elegant sundress in collaboration with other children; create conditions for drawing patterns using stamps; clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors and shapes, develop creative activity, color perception.


1. "Buttons for a dress"

Purpose: to teach to name the details and parts of clothing items (sleeves, collar, belt, pockets, zippers, buttons) to form the ability to roll a lump of plasticine with circular movements of the hands and press it with the palm of your hand to paper.

4) Working with children outside of class

1. Plot-role-playing games “washing”, “we will dress the doll after sleep”;

2. lacing;

3. guessing riddles, reading fiction;

4. games verbal and didactic "assignments". “dress up a tanya”, “dress up Vovka”, “we will sew a new dress for Dasha’s doll”, “guess and name”, “wonderful bag”;

5. finger games "washing";

6. games with split pictures.

5) Presentation of the project "Let's Help Katya, We'll Dress Katya"

4. Replenish vocabulary.

6. Nurture accuracy.


1. Boguslavskaya Z. M. "Educational games for children of primary preschool age"

2. Galonova T. V. "Educational games with kids under 3 years old"

3. Grigorieva G. G. "Playing with the kids"

4. Kartushina M. Yu. "Scenarios of recreational activities for children 3-4 years old"

5. Krumkht M. V. "Preschooler and the man-made world"

6. Podrezova T. I. "Material for classes on the development of speech"

7. Polozova E. V. “Productive activity of young children”

8. Ryzhova N.V. "The development of speech in kindergarten"

9. Teplyuk S. N. “Education and education in the 1st junior group of kindergarten”

10. Yanushko E. A. “Development of fine motor skills of hands in young children”

Presentation of the project in the 1st junior group “We will help Katya, we will dress Katya”


1. To consolidate the concepts of children about clothes and shoes.

2. Specify the name of the main details of clothing and their color

3. Develop visual attention and fine motor skills.

4. Replenish vocabulary.

5. To inculcate cultural and hygienic dressing skills.

6. Nurture accuracy.

7. To create a joyful mood, satisfaction from the results of work.

Material: Doll, clothes, didactic pictures depicting clothes, picture about spring, clothespins, dress silhouette, gouache, poke,

Lesson progress

Educator: children, look, Katya's doll came to visit us today. How sad she is, let's ask Katyusha what happened?

Guys, Katya wanted to go outside, but she doesn't know what to wear, let's help her.

Looking at a picture about spring. Spring has come to us, the sun has warmed, the snow has melted, starlings have arrived, green grass has appeared, so you need to dress according to the weather.

I have a magic chest, and in it are clothes.

Let's all say "clothing" together (children's answers are choral and individual)

Educator: Look, I have a picture of what is drawn on it (tights),

Nastya, find pantyhose in the chest and put it on a chair,

Guys, look what Nastya got (children's answers), well done Nastya.

Educator: Katya, look at what clothes the children have chosen for you, you should always dress for the weather. And now, let's go, the children will take a walk.

Physical education "Boots" (Song-game "Rain" E.D. Makshantsev.)

Rain, rain on the path

He will wet our feet.

You need to lift your legs

Jump through puddles.

Chorus: So, so, so, so, so!

Jump through puddles!

Children move around the hall, jumping over imaginary puddles.

We'll put on all our boots

And your feet will be dry.

You can't lift your legs

And walk through the puddles!

Standing still, “put on all the boots” - they run their hands from the ankles to the knees.

Chorus: So, so, so, so, so!

And walk through the puddles!

Vigorously waving their arms and raising their knees high, the children walk through the hall.

Rain, let it rain

Got all the kids wet!

Well, let's hurry up...

We'll all run away from the rain!

Standing still, the children turn either to the right or to the left, wave their hands in front of them (“shake off the drops”).

Chorus: Let's hurry, let's hurry

We'll all run away from the rain!

Bowing their heads low and pressing their elbows to their sides, everyone runs to the teacher under an umbrella.

Educator: Children. While we were walking, my grandmother was washing clothes, let's help her hang it up, and so that the wind does not take it away, will we need it? (children's answer is clothespins)

Children from the basin take out one thing at a time and pick up clothespins by color.

Katya, listen to what poem Vika has prepared for you.

I sewed a shirt for a bear,

I'll sew him pants.

Gotta put a pocket on them

To put candy.

Guys, I also prepared a gift for Katya - an elegant dress.

Look, the dress is blue with white polka dots, it has a white lace collar, a puff sleeve. Children call and show (Matvey tell me whether the sleeve is long or short, Alyosha show where the dress has a collar). The dress lacks a pocket, who can tell me what the pocket is for?

Children's answers.

Katya do you like the dress? Guys, Katya says that she really liked the dress, but she has many friends and they also want such a dress.

Don't worry, Katya, now the children will draw dresses with polka dots for all your girlfriends.

Go to the tables, take the poke in your right hand, pick up the paint and apply peas all over the dress.

When finished, put the poke in the house. Katya, look at what elegant dresses you got.

Guys, it's time for Katya to go home, let's give her all our dresses and say goodbye. Say goodbye, Katya, come again.

Angela Tereshchenko
Planning work in the younger group “Clothes. Shoes"

Target: Teach children to name and show clothes (coat, hat, boots, gloves, name signs (color, size). Fix the general word “clothes” Develop the ability to classify them (clothes, shoes, hats). Develop the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for coats - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons, qualities (color, size, surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough). To cultivate respect for clothing items.

cognitive development

Conversation"The doll Katya is getting dressed, going to kindergarten." Let's get acquainted with the wardrobe. Learn to turn and fold things. “Clothes must be neat”; OBJD "About a needle and a thread"

Observation while walking- clothes, shoes, hats for children. Clothing for the season.

Speech development

Thematic active and passive vocabulary: nouns - T-shirt, shorts, socks, tights, dress, sundress, jacket, shirt, trousers, coat, shorts, jacket, fur coat, raincoat, mittens, scarf - clothes; sleeves, collar, pocket, button, zipper, belt; shoes, sneakers, boots, rubber boots, shoes - shoes; hat, scarf, panama hat, cap; fabric, thread, needle; adjectives - primary colors; short, long, clean, dirty, beautiful, rubber, fur, warm, new, winter, summer, children; verbs - sew, knit, wear, dress, put on, take off, fasten, unbutton, hang, wash, protect, iron, buy.

Fiction N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?", nursery rhyme "Our Masha is small ...". V. Kudlachev "Gift", E. Blaginina "I know how to put on shoes", "New clothes", N. Pavlova "Whose shoes", Eng. nar. Song "Gloves"

Examining the illustrations with the image of clothes, shoes.

Breathing exercise "Wind"

"We will blow far

We blow close

We blow high

We blow low"

Speech game "Matryoshka"»

You, run, run, matryoshka,

Quickly, quickly in a round dance

Who has a matryoshka in their hands.

He will name the clothes. (pass the matryoshka)

finger game

Let's count for the first time how many shoes we have (alternately "clapping" hands - knees)

Shoes, slippers, boots for Natasha and Earrings (fingers)

Yes, even boots for our Irinka.

But these felt boots for baby Galenka.

finger game

Alyonka is a little nimble, fast. (clap hands)

I applied water, (hit the fist on the fist)

Sundress finished, (bend fingers)

Tied the sock

Picked up berries

Finished the song.

Ripe everywhere, (clap)

She's in the hunt. (cam to cam)

finger game

I put on a glove

I don't get into it.

Count it guys

How many fingers does a glove have?


Here I put on a coat,

I'll put on a skirt here.

The head will put on a hat

And the foot will put on a slipper.

No, I'd rather take off my coat

And now I'll fix my skirt.

Fu, how hot, take off your hat?

Where is the slipper? I won't go anywhere

Yes, I'll start from the beginning!

Mittens are new, warm, downy.

My grandmother knitted them for me,

gave and said:

Now the granddaughter

Handles won't get cold.

Like our cat has boots on her feet.

Like our pigs have boots on their feet.

And the dog has blue slippers on its paws,

And the goat is small. puts on boots

And son Vovka - new sneakers.

That's it, that's it, the new sneakers.

Like at our gates

The miracle tree grows

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not leaves on it

Not flowers on it

And stockings and shoes,

Like apples!

Mom will go through the garden

Mom will pick from the tree

Shoes, boots, new galoshes.

Social and communicative development

Di"What for whom?" we call, we group clothes for boys and girls, “Put in place”, “What goes where?” (a hat - on the head, boots - on the legs, “Who has what?” (subject pictures depicting clothes, shoes, hats for children, “One-Many” (boot, felt boots, hat, sock, shoes, scarf, slippers, “What clothes did I hide?” (pictures, “Pick up a patch for clothes”, name and show parts of the clothes (collar, pocket, buttons, sleeves).

Didactic game "Clothes".

Surprise moment - Dasha doll arrived. She brought with her fabric (cardboards of different colors) and models of clothes (holes cut out inside the cardboard in the form of “skirt”, “trousers”, “hat”) and asks: “I want Masha to make me a red skirt. ” The child puts colored cardboard under the “clothes” template and it turns out “red skirt”, “yellow trousers”, etc.

Paper doll games(clothes for dolls)

Role-playing game"Let's dress the doll for a walk"

song game"We will wash handkerchiefs

Dress Up Simulation Game

I will put on boots (feet)

Jacket and hat

And on each hand

I'll put on a glove.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Painting"And on the snow and on the ice,

I’ll go in them in any frost ... ”(coloring boots)

modeling“Buttons for a dress.

Clothespin games"Dry laundry"

Development of fine motor skills"Lace-buttons".

Physical development


These are slippers for Antoshka (swing on the spot)

So that the legs do not freeze in them (jump)

Top, top, stomp (stomp)

What kind of slippers, like toys (exhibit)

Physical education "Dress".

This dress is for Natasha, (4 turns right-left, hands on the belt)

Red peas. (4 rhythmic jumps on both legs)

And there are two pockets on the dress, ("draw" two pockets on the tummy)

Let's hide our hands in them. (put both palms on the tummy)

The mobile game "Valya walked along the path"

Valya found slippers

Valya tried on slippers,

I put on a little, limped

Valya began to choose

Whom to give the slippers to.

Kole slippers are good:

Put on and dance.

I rise with the sun
I sing along with the birds:
- Good morning!
- Happy clear day!
That's how nice we sing!

Enjoy, toys!

I will teach you to put on shoes and brother

I can dress
If I want to.
me and little brother
I will teach you how to dress.

Here are the boots.
This one is on the left leg.
This one is on the right foot.

If it rains,
Let's put on galoshes.
This one is from the right foot
This one is from the left foot.

That's how good!

Blagin's poems. ROOFS - CAP...

From the roof - cap,
From the roof - cap...
The frost has become very weak,
And the snows have settled.
The sun lives in the mountain
The sun is floating,
Like on a carousel.

E. Blaginina. Lunch

Raya, Mashenka and Zhenya a,
Wash your hands well
Don't feel sorry for the soap!
I've set the table.

All set appliances,
Handed out napkins to everyone.
Stop talking

- I gave you some soup.

Knife, fork or spoon
Don't keep your fingers crossed.
Don't feed the same cat:
Cat bowl in the corner.

Don't dip the bread in the salt shaker
And don't push each other.
The second will be fish,
And for sweet compote.

Did you have lunch? Well!
What should be said?
- Thanks!

E.BlagininaAbout the crystal shoe

A cricket is chirping in the corner,
The door is locked with a hook.
I am looking at a book
About the crystal shoe.
A fun ball in the palace
The shoe fell off my foot.
Cinderella is very upset
Leave the high room.

But she went home
She took off her magnificent dress
And dressed in rags again
And started working...
It became quiet and dark
The moonbeam fell through the window.

The cricket fell silent in the corner.
Turn around on the barrel -
I watch a fairy tale in a dream
About the crystal shoe.

E. Blaginina. To shade

I found a kitten in the garden.
He meowed thinly,
He meowed and trembled.

Maybe he was beaten
Or they forgot to let them into the house,
Or did he run away?

Day from morning was rainy,
Gray puddles everywhere...
So be the unfortunate animal,
Help your trouble!

I took him home
I fed my fill...
Soon my kitten became
A glance is simple!
Wool - like velvet,
The tail is a pipe...
How good are you!

Elena Blaginina. Our grandfather

Our grandfather doesn't like shadows.
He loves the sun and warmth.
Trembling at the old knees
It's hard for the poor guy to walk.

He sees almost nothing
Can't hear anything - deaf...
And the chicken will offend him.
Our grandfather is very bad!

But we can't live without it
He is like family to us.
He will come out - we will help him
Set up a folding chair.

And we'll sit well
We'll cover our feet, and then
Smooth out the gray beard
Or braid in pigtails.

And if the grandfather starts a fairy tale,
We sit until dark.
No one dares to move
Everyone listens with their mouths open.

Is there anywhere in the world
A friendship like ours?
Do you want us to tell you these fairy tales
Will we tell you next time?

Poems about mom for children

Let's sit in the silence of Baginin

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I also want to move.
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball.

I would sing a song
I could laugh.
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam shot across the wall.
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

E. Blaginina

What a mom!

Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.

White shirt -
Thin line.

Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.

Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.

Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...

That's how mom did it.

Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!

E. Blaginina


And we have a girl
Call her Alyonushka
Chorus girl,
Round head.

Whoa all day long
That's all her words.

Like our daughter
Pink cheeks.
Like our bird
Dark eyelashes.
Like our baby
Warm feet.
Like our paw
Scratchy nails.

Oh, okay, okay, okay
Let's bake pancakes
We'll put it on the window
Let's make it cool down.
And cool down - let's eat
And we'll give it to the sparrows.

Sparrows sat down
Pancakes were eaten
Pancakes were eaten
Shshu-u-u! .. and flew away.

We won't go to bed early
The daughter needs a bath.
Warm water
We lie on our bird.

Oh, water off the goose,
Thinness from Alyonushka!
Give me a diaper
Wrap Alyonka.

Bunnies jumped up:
Is your girl sleeping
Chorus girl?
- Go away, bunnies,
Don't interfere bainki! -
The gulenki have arrived:
Is your girl sleeping
Chorus girl?
- Fly away, gulenki,
Let the little girl sleep!

The sun will rise tomorrow
Alyonushka will also get up.
The sun will warm
The daughter will sing.
Whoa all day long
Love what it is!

The little girl woke up
Stretched sweetly,
I lay down, I lay down
Yes, she smiled.

The heart is beating fast.
Oh my fish!
What is the road
I need your smile!

We have five teeth in our mouth.
And a year will pass
The mouth will be full.
Carrots get on the tooth -

Cabbage will fall
And she won't get off.
And we know a lot about nuts -
click, click,
Click, click!

hard road
From oven to doorstep!
From threshold to table
It's also very heavy.

Top top, top top
Swayed - slap!
And sits not crying:

You don't get hurt, do you?

oily porridge,

Painted spoon!
We never Alenka
We do not ask.
right word,


Looked out the window
Round moon...
Our Alyonushka
Got sick!

The heart beats fast
I almost cry:
- What's wrong with you, fish?
Quiet mine?

I went to the doctor
Ran - brought.

The doctor cured Alenka,
Daughter is happy again!

And on the collective farm there is a house -
Right Terem-Teremok!
Who, who lives in a teremochka,
Who, who lives in the low?
Maybe a mouse?
Well, frog frog?
So, bunny coward?
Well, fox-sister?

There are beds in the tower,
The children sleep on the beds.
Getting up early
Wash white,
Sitting quietly at tables
They don't look at food, they eat.

After they dance, but how!
And like this,
And just like that
And in pairs
And in a circle
And jump
And step by step...
Our Alenka is ahead
Waving a scarlet flag.

I'll go to the street
I'll go to the fun
I am Alyonushka by the hand,
Like a big one, I'll take it.

Shine, shine, sun
Greener, meadow!
Raise, Alyonushka,
Your first flag!

Higher, higher raise -
Today is May Day!



On the path - a shadow,
Solar grid.
Through a poke, through a wattle fence
A branch hung.

I'll run, I'll jump
I'll stand on my toes
I will grab a branch by braids,
I'll get the berries.

I'll sit by the wattle fence
And on silk
Carefully string
Rowan berry.

Put on bitter beads,
Branch, branch?
On the path - a shadow,
Solar grid.

E. Blaginina

On my window

On my window

Real garden!

large earrings

Fuchsias are hanging.

The date is narrow -

Leaves are fresh.

And at the Russian palm tree

Leaves are like knives.

flared up with embers

humble light

All under hair

Cactus stump.

Know that it's crowded in a pot -

bear's ear

It grew wonderfully

Lush, wide.

The tits are jumping

Under my window.

Birds rejoice:

It's nice for them

look at it

nice window,

Where winter is summer

Where flowers are full.

Autumn rain. Poems of Blaginina

Leisya, rain, in a rut,
Poi black earth.
We don't miss you
You can, little grey, knock.
We answer lessons
And we do not think to be bored.
Yes, and how you miss
If you are in school!

E. Blaginina

Fly away, fly away...

Soon white blizzards
Snow will rise from the ground.
Fly away, fly away
The cranes have flown.
Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,
And the birdhouse was empty.
The stork flaps its wings -
Fly away, fly away!
Leaf sways patterned
In a blue puddle on the water.
A rook walks with a black rook
In the garden, in the ridge.
Showered, turned yellow
The sun's rays are rare.
Fly away, fly away
The rooks have also flown away.



Pulled on the gloves
She buttoned up her coat.
The wind touches the pigtails,
Blowing fun in the face.

And the earth swirled
Zayulila, flooded.
I rolled an arrow from the mountain,
I was lighter than the wind!

Gloves are lost
Coat unbuttoned...
Very difficult without habit!
Very wind hits in the face!

Poems for children


From nut shells
Ten light boats came out.
Match with a red patch -
Mast in the middle.
And swam the stream
Streams are ringing - singing,
That and know meet.
Our boats are sailing
Ride on the waves.

Elena Blaginina


Gently closed corollas,

Leaves cut...

golden bells-

Forest firstborn.

I recruited you, put you

In a clay pot

And the artist forced

Draw a picture.

Poems of Blaginina


How cool in the thicket of spruce!

I carry flowers in an armful ...
white-headed dandelion,
Do you feel good in the forest?

You grow on the very edge,
You are standing in the heat.
Cuckoos are chirping above you
Nightingales sing at dawn.

And the fragrant wind blows
And drops the leaves on the grass...
Dandelion, fluffy flower,
I will gently rip you off.

I'll rip you off, baby, can I?
And then I'll take it home.
... The wind blew carelessly -
My dandelion flew around.

Look what a blizzard
In the middle of a hot day!
And fluffs fly, sparkling,
On the flowers, on the grass, on me...


The sun is yellow
Lie down on the bench
I'm barefoot today
She ran on the grass.
I saw how they grow
sharp blades of grass,
I saw how they bloom
Blue periwinkles.
I heard how in the pond
frog croaked,
I heard how in the garden
The cuckoo was crying.
I saw a goose
At the flower bed
He is a big worm
Pecked at the tub.
I heard the nightingale -
He is a good singer!
I saw an ant
Under a heavy burden.
I am so strong
I wondered for two hours...
... And now I want to sleep,
Well, you are tired!

Poems for children 8 years old


I'm running along the edge
And I sing a funny song.
Echo loud and discordant
Repeats my song.
I asked this: - Will you shut up? -
And I calmed down and stand.
And it answered me: - Look you, you look! -
It means that he understands my speech.
I said: - You sing awkwardly!
And I calmed down and stand.
And it answered me: - Okay, okay! -
It means that he understands my speech.
I laugh - and everything rings with laughter,
Shut up - and everywhere silence ...
Sometimes I walk alone
And not boring, because the echo ...

About raspberries. Poems of Blaginina

I put on a belt
Tied up a tuesok
ran through the raspberries
Through the meadow, through the forest.

I moved the bushes
Well, shady, well, dense!
And raspberries, raspberries -
The largest large
The largest large
The reddest redness!

I wandered for an hour
I see - full of tuesok.
I ran back
Through the meadow, through the forest.

The sun wanders above
Good for him and me!



Rain, rain, don't rain
Don't wait, wait!
Come out, come out, sunshine
Golden bottom!

I'm on a rainbow arc
I love to run
I'll wait in the meadow.

I'm on the red arc
I can't look
For orange, for yellow
I see a new arc.

This new arc
Greener than the meadows.
And behind it is blue
Just like my mother's earring.

I'm on the blue arc
I can't look
And behind this purple
I'll take it and run...

The sun has set behind the haystacks
Where are you, rainbow-arc?

Elena Blaginina. Burn-burn clear!

The sun is red
Burn-burn clear!

Fly into the sky like a bird
Light up our land
So that gardens and orchards
Green, bloom, grow!

The sun is red
Burn-burn clear!

Swim like a fish in the sky
Revive our land
All the kids in the world
Warm up, heal up!


We cooked soup

We cooked
Soup, soup
From barley
Croup, croup.
It turned out porridge -
That is our grief!

Kneaded dough -
And it's out of place!
Kneaded with yeast, -
You can't hold on to the reins!


bird cherry

Bird cherry, bird cherry,
Are you standing white?
- For the spring holiday,
Bloomed for May.

And you, grass-ant,
What are you doing softly?
- For the spring holiday,
For a May day.

"We bake pies"

Purpose: to teach to set game goals, perform appropriate game actions, walk in the environment, objects necessary for the game.
Game aids. Box with a lid, parts from the construction kit (small balls cut in half).
Leadership methods. Participation in the game as an equal partner.
Number of children playing: three to five.
Game progress
- Alyosha, do you want to play with me? I will bake pies. Do you want a pie? Let's call Mashenka and Olya. The girls want to play too.

Look what I have (removes the lid from the box and puts it next to it).
- I'll knead the dough for pies. Like this, like this! (Shuffles the parts from the builder in the box.)
- Masha, what do you like pies with? With a look? Here is this pie for you, it is with jam (shows how to sculpt a pie).
- Oh, where can I put the pies? What will we bake them on? (It’s good if one of the children guesses that for this you can use the lid from the box lying on the table.) Indeed, you can put pies here! Let it be a baking sheet, like mom has in the kitchen.
-Here there will be Machine pie with jam. And why does Alyosha like a pie? Do you want cabbage or apples? Here it is, Alyoshin pi-horn with apples and Olya blind the pie, and Natasha.
- We still have a place left, let's make another pie. Who will help me?
- Masha, knead the dough. Here's how you do it well!
-Now make a pie like I do. Put it on a baking sheet. (Offering to other children.) Many pies came out. There was not a single free space left. It is necessary to put in the oven, let them bake. And where will we have an oven?
- Olya, where will we bake pies? Here? (You can use any substitutes.) Is this a stove? Turn it on quickly! They put pies. While baking, you can relax and play a little.
- Do your hands like to play? And they know how to wave like birds wings? But do they know how to peck grains? Are you able to scream ku-ku? Since you are so big and smart, let's play.
The cuckoo was flying
past the garden
(wave hands).
All seedlings
(Fingers of the left hand “peck”).
And screamed
(make "beaks" from fingers).
One fist.
(Repeat two or three times.)
- Well played. How are our pies?
- Smell how delicious it smells.
- Olya, look, are the pies already reddened?
-Of course they're ready. I'm taking them out of the oven now. Beware it's hot!
-Help yourself. Whose pie is this? Machines?
- Eat, girl! Tasty?
(I distribute pies to everyone. If the children take the “pie” in their mouths, stop them.)
Masha, we're playing. This is not a real pie. That's how we eat it - "pretend". And you don't need to take it by mouth.
-These pies turned out delicious.
We ate, but the dolls were hungry. They also want pies.
- Olya, do we have pies left? Certainly! Do you want to feed the doll? That's the way I am. Eat, doll. Delicious pie. I'll bake you some more.
-This game can be over. You can switch children to another type of activity. If they express interest in continuing the game, you can “knead” the dough again, “bake” pies, treat dolls, bunnies, etc. Similarly, you can "cook porridge", "soup", etc.

"Katya's doll's birthday"
Purpose: To continue to enrich the content of the games. Encourage children to play together.
Material and equipment: A doll in an elegant dress, figurative toys (a bear, a hare, a barrel of honey, a carrot (you can use a substitute object).
Preliminary work: Celebrating the birthday of children in a group: singing songs, reading poems, round dance games, outdoor games, etc.
Game progress:
The teacher says that her daughter Katya has a birthday today and she invites her to visit. He advises the children to think about what they will give Katya, how they will please her. It suggests that they can come to visit with a bear and bring a barrel of honey or a bunny, which will give Katya a delicious sweet carrot.
Then the teacher invites the children to help Katya beautifully set the table for the guests, prepare tea, and he bakes a cake, saying:
I’ll bake a pie for Katya,
I'm ruddy for my daughter.
On it is a crust of wheat,
And the egg filling
And honey brush.
(Russian folk song “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”)
The children are going to a birthday party, on the advice of the teacher, Seryozha takes, for example, a bear and says that the Bear is bringing honey and a big bump as a gift to Katya.
The doll joyfully greets the guests, thanks them:
-Thank you, Masha. Sit down to drink tea. Look, here comes the Runaway Bunny. What a big carrot! She's probably cute and sweet. Thank you, Zainka, sit down, and you can drink tea, help yourself to honey.
The guests sing the song "Birthday" (music by V. Gerchik, lyrics by N Frenkel):
Whose, whose, whose, whose,
Whose birthday is today?
Who, who, who, who,
Accepts congratulations?
Who will receive from the guys
And toys and gifts?
Whose eyes are shining
Is there a bright blush on your cheeks?
All, all, all, all
We all congratulate Katya!
With her, with her, with her, with her.
We have fun and play.
Then the children read poetry. For example: A. Barto "Flag" and give a flag to Katya, etc.
-And who wants to tell Katya about the cat? (the nursery rhyme "Like our Cat"). Let's give Katya a cat, she will be very pleased.
Then the game "Catch up with the Bear" is organized. First Mishka runs away, then the children, then Katya catches up with the children.
-That's what Katya's birthday was. Now it's time to say goodbye, let Katya rest.
When repeating the game, you can celebrate the birthday of a bear, bunny, cat, etc.

"Katya got sick"
Purpose: to diversify the role participation of children in the game with the doll. Contribute to the enrichment of the plot of children's games.
Material and equipment: spatula, phonendoscope, thermometer, medicines (substitute items are used); doctor's bag, gown, cap (2-3 copies).
Preliminary work: 1. A conversation with a doctor, a nurse, examining medical instruments, a story about their purpose.
2. Examining the illustrations: a doctor treats children.
Game progress:
The teacher informs the children that her daughter is ill.
- We must put Katya to bed and call the doctor. I will be a doctor myself. I have a bathrobe, cap and tools.
-Vova, do you want to be a doctor?
-Here's your robe, cap and tools. Let's treat dolls together, let's start with my daughter Katya. Let's listen to her. What is needed for this? (a tube.)
- Do you hear how Katino's heart beats: "Knock-knock-knock"?
- Breathe, Katya. Now you, Vova, ask Katya to breathe deeply.
-Now let's put Katya's thermometer. Like this. Now let's look at her throat. Where is the spoon?
- Katya, say: "Ah-ah-ah."
- You see, Vova, Katya's throat is red and her temperature is high. Let's give her medicine.
-Now let Katya sleep.
The teacher reads a poem by V. Berestov "Sick Doll":
Quiet. Quiet. Silence.
Katya is sick, poor.
Katya is sick, poor
She asks for music.
Sing what she likes
And she will get better.
- Come on, Vova. Let's sing a song to Katya (preferably a well-known song).
- You see, we cheered up Katya, and she quickly recovered.
It is advisable to repeat the game within 1-2 weeks with other toys, for example, with a bear, a bunny, etc.
Poems can serve as the beginning for such games:
- Play, bunny,
Play with me.
Bunny answers:
- I can't, sick.
- Oh, oh, poor! (E. Blaginina.)
Listen, bear
Don't overeat!
Your stomach will hurt
Who will be treated?
(E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya.)

"Katya woke up"
Material and equipment: 1. A game situation has been created in the doll corner: Katya doll is sleeping in a crib.
2. Washbasin, towel, soap (brick).
Preliminary work: learning the nursery rhyme "Vodichka-vodichka".
Game progress:
-Interesting. What do our dolls do?
-Where is Katya?
- I'll be her mother. Andryusha, do you want to be a dad?
- Let's see together what our daughter Katya is doing. (suitable for
the bed on which the doll sleeps.)
- Our daughter was sleeping, and now she woke up. Come on, Andryusha, let's help her get out of bed. I will put on slippers, and you, please, make Katya's bed: straighten the sheet, cover the bed with a blanket, put a pillow on top. Now the bed is made.
- We must help our daughter to wash, Andryusha, open the tap. Katya listened to the water flow and then asked:
Wash my face
To make the eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.
-Katya took soap (shows a brick) and began to lather her hands. But she is still small and asks: "Help, dad." Wash your daughter, Andryusha.
-That's what Katya has become clean. Now you can walk with her. Go, dad, show Katya what beautiful toys we have in kindergarten.
Then, training in this play action with a doll can be carried out with a child who has a low level of play actions.

"Dolls for a Walk"
Purpose: To continue to develop interest in doll and building material play. Learn to use the acquired skills in the construction of simple buildings. Strengthen the ability to play together, share game material.
Material and equipment: 1. A set of large building material: bricks, cubes, prisms, plates.
2. Dolls of different sizes.
3. Cars of different sizes.
4. Figurative toys: nesting dolls, hares, bears, etc.
Preliminary work: Design lessons. Themes
buildings: path (narrow and wide); a train; the car; house; gates; slide, etc.
Game progress:
The teacher says that the dolls want to walk.
Let's put them on for a walk. And we will ask our boys - “dads” - to build paths for our daughters, a train, a car, a slide, so that everyone would have fun and be interesting on a walk.
Children dress dolls (see "Let's dress Katya for a walk").
The teacher asks who and what will build for the dolls. During construction, it fixes the names of the designer's parts, their size, color, encourages children's independence, friendly play. If necessary, helps to dress the dolls for a walk.
While dressing the dolls, it is advisable to read the poem by Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger":
One, two, three, four, five,
We are going to walk.
Tied up Katenka
The scarf is striped.
Dressed on legs
Red boots.
When the dolls are dressed and the buildings are ready, you can invite the children to take a walk with their daughters along the paths, accompanying their actions with the words of nursery rhymes:
Katya, Katya is small,
Katya darling,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with a foot.
Big feet walked along the road:
Top top! Top top!

small feet
Run along the path:
Top-top-top! Top-top-top!
If the children build houses, then you can go around them and read a poem:
Katenka walks with difficulty,
Walking around the house for the first time:
Top top.
Mom drives back and forth
Daughter walks back and forth
Top top.
(From the Kabardino-Balkarian song "Top-top".)
If the children build a train, then during the trip on it it is appropriate to recall the poem by e. Moshkovskaya "Rushing train".
When the game is repeated, the construction of one or two new, more complex buildings is introduced. The teacher gives an example of playing them not only with dolls, but also with other figurative toys (if you put a skirt and a scarf on the skittle, you get a nesting doll).
In the course of such games, the teacher gradually leads the children to joint play activities.

"Bathing the Doll"
Purpose: to teach to combine games with a single plot: first, the doll must be undressed, redeemed, dressed, put to bed. Consolidate a variety of game activities.
Material and equipment: bath, soap (brick), soap dish, towel, ladle (all items in 2-3 copies); doll Katya (her hands are “dirty”).
Preliminary work: didactic game "Katya's doll bathing".
Game progress:
The teacher, turning to the doll, asks:
Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your hands dirty?
(A. Barto. “The grimy girl.”)
Then he speaks to the children.
- My daughter Katya got dirty. Need to buy it. Where is our bathroom? Who will bring water?
-What kind of water do we need? (warm).
- Vika, bring, please, warm water in a ladle.
-Who will bring soap?
- A washcloth?
-Towel? (give an order to Vanya, Andrey, Kolya).
-Everything is ready. Anya, please help Katya undress. Vika, bring a clean shirt and panties for Katya.
- Andryusha, start washing Katya. Where should the doll be placed? (into a basin).
-And now. Andrew, what are you going to do? (I will wash Katya's head with clean, warm water, wash your hands and feet.)
-Ask Vika to soap Katya's head with soap, and you will water it.
At the time when Andryusha is “watering” from the ladle, you can read the verses:
Warm water
We lie on our bird.
(E. Blaginina. "Alyonushka".)
Squish-squish hands,
The basin was full of soap.
Don't touch, Katenka,
Soapy eye pen.
And the water gurgles
And the water is foaming
Katya is singing
Get dressed, get dressed.
(From Kaputikyan. "Shlyup-Shlyup".)
When the washing of the doll is finished, the teacher offers Vika to dry it with a towel.
- The doll is clean. Vanya and Andryusha put everything back in place, hang up a towel.
Then the doll is dressed and put to bed. Together with the teacher, they sing a Russian folk song to Katya:
Bye-bye, bye,
In the garden, hares.
Katya is ordered to sleep.
The game can be repeated 2-3 times with the involvement of children who have a low level of gaming skills and abilities.

"Let's drink Katya with tea"
Material and equipment: 1. A game situation has been created in the doll's corner: the doll is sleeping in a crib.
2. Washbasin, towel, soap (brick).
3. A set of tea utensils, "pancakes"
Preliminary work: 1. Acquaintance with the game action "Katya woke up".
Game progress:
- Let's play. I will be a mother. And where is my daughter, doll Katya?
-Still sleeping?
-Let her sleep, and I will prepare tea for her during this time.
-Look what a beautiful teapot (in subsequent games on this theme, you can use a substitute toy). You have to pour water into it. I'll open the faucet. And you, Nastya, make tea for your daughter. Pour some water into the teapot. Here is a full kettle of water. I'll put it on the stove to heat up. And you, Nastya, put your kettle on the stove. Let the water warm up. And now we will prepare the cups. This is where my daughter Katya will sit. I'll give her a cup and saucer. And you, Nastya, where will you put the cup and saucer?
-Where are our pancakes?
- Bring it. Nastya, please.
-Now everything is ready. We can wake up our daughters.
- Get up baby. Good morning!
Next, a game is played according to the summary “Katya woke up”.
After the dolls have been washed, we invite them to drink tea. Repeating game actions with other children, we fix the name and purpose of the dishes: teapot, sugar bowl, bread box; we practice, getting up from the table, to say “thank you”; wash the dishes and put them in their place.
Dolls-daughters at this time "play" roll a ball, swing in a rocking chair, and ride a car, etc.

"Let's teach the doll Katya to undress after a walk"
Goal: Continue to teach children to perform 2-3 familiar actions with the doll in the game (the doll walked, came home, will undress, wash, etc.).
Material and equipment: 1. Dolls (2-3) dressed for a walk.
2. Wardrobe for doll clothes.
Preliminary work: Didactic game "Let's teach Katya to undress after a walk."
Game progress:
- My daughter Katya returned from a walk. Now I help her undress.
Andryusha, did your daughter go out too?
Help her get undressed. Let's tell our daughters in what order to undress. Let's untie the scarf first.
Untie the scarf.
The scarf is striped.
(Z. Alexandrova. “Katya in the manger.”)
-Where should I put the scarf? (on the shelf in the closet).
Things need to be cleaned up.
You won't have to look for them.
(A. Barto. "Masha the Confused".)
- And now, what can we help our daughters take off? (fur coat).
-Andryusha, read this nursery rhyme to your daughter. She will be pleased.
-Where will we hang the coat? (into the cupboard).
What else have we filmed? (boots).
-My daughter has small, red boots, and your daughter has what
boots? (large, blue).
-Where will we put the boots? (into the cupboard).
-Remove new boots from the leg.
- Andryusha, Katya asks, can I go to play already? (No).
What else needs to be removed? (breeches).
- My daughter has small, red leggings, but what are your daughter's?
(large, blue).
-Where do you put the breeches? (on a shelf, in a closet).
- Everyone undress! Go play! Can't again? Why? (forgot to wear sandals).
-Forgot to wear sandals!
Here are the sandals
Our Katya-baby.
This one is from the right leg,
This one is from the left foot.
(E. Blaginina. “Let's teach how to put on shoes and brother”)
-Can we play now? (No, you have to wash.)
(See the appendix "Katya woke up" -September).

"Let's ride dolls in a car"
Purpose: To teach children to unite 2-3 children for independent games. Continue to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions with building material to new game situations, perform actions in accordance with the role (driver, passenger).
Material and equipment: 1. A set of building material (cubes, plates, bricks).
2. Steering wheels (2-3 pcs.), substitute toys can be used: a circle, a ring from a ring toss, etc.
3. Dolls, figurative toys (bear, hare, fox, etc.).
4. In the building corner, the teacher built a car in advance.
Preliminary work: Construction of a machine from small building material in a design lesson.
Game progress:
The teacher puts a Katya doll on a car (made in advance from large building material). He speaks:
- My daughter wants to drive a car. And who will be the driver?
- Sasha, do you want to be a driver?
-Here's your steering wheel. Ride, please, my Katya.
During the game, the teacher sings, and the children sing along with the song "Machine" (music by M. Popatenko, lyrics by N Naydenova):
In the car, in the car
The driver is sitting
car, car
Goes, buzzes:
"Beep, beep, beep, beep!"

In the car, in the car
Guys full.
Let's go children
Looking out the window:
"Beep, beep, beep, beep!"

Here is the field, here is the river,
Here is a dense forest.
The children have arrived.
Machine, stop!
-Thank you, Sasha, you were a good driver. Look, more moms and dads came to you. They also want to ride their daughters. How will you ask Sasha about this? (Sasha, please ride my Sveta.)
-And so that you do not have to wait long, let's ask Artyom to be a driver too. Let's help him build a car. You bring us cubes, bricks, and Artyom and I will build.
-What do we put first? (cubes).
-Now what should be done? (put a plate-plate on top and put a brick - you get the driver's cabin).
- And you will have this ring as a steering wheel. Invite passengers.
When the doll take their places. The teacher sings the song "Machine" again.
When repeating the game, you can invite children to fly on an airplane (remember A. Barto's poem “We will build an airplane ourselves”) or sail on a ship (read A. Barto's poem “Sailor's Hat”).

"Let's build a house for dolls"
Purpose: To continue to develop interest in playing with dolls and building materials. Learn to pick up toys and attributes for the game. Learn to team up in twos or threes for independent games.
Material and equipment: A set of building material: cubes, bricks, plates; dolls of different sizes; figurative toys (hare, bear, squirrel, fox, etc.).
Preliminary work: Design lesson on the topic "Dollhouse".
Game progress:
- A doll of Light came to visit us. She says she has nowhere to live. Let's build a house for Sveta. Who wants to build a house?
- Serezha, do you want to build a house for Sveta?
-Let's build together, and Sveta will see how we will work.
The teacher puts the doll on the carpet.
What will we build the house from? (from bricks).
- Seryozha, please bring the bricks.
- How do we place the bricks? (narrow side).
-These will be the walls of the house, but how to make a roof? (you need to put a brick on top of the walls).
-Come on, Seryozha, let's check if Sveta can live in this house.
If the doll is tall, then the teacher shows how to build a tall house.
- Now we need to make doors so that the house is warm.
In this case, you can put one or two bricks, regardless of the size of the built house.
In the process of building a house, together with Seryozha, the teacher attracts other children who are interested in the game to work: one offers to make a fence, the other - a path to the house, etc. Encourages children to play together.
You can advise the kids to build houses for their dolls (hares, bears), while singing the song “We are building a house”
Here, here,
Here, here,
Is distributed
Loud knock.
We build a house
The house is big,
And with a crack
And with a pipe.
Let's decorate
We are home
And at the top
Let's take the checkbox.
Will live
In that house
Bunny with a doll (bear)
And an elephant.
When the construction of the house (or houses) is completed, the teacher invites the children to bring the dolls to visit Sveta. Toys go along the path, in front is Katya doll. The teacher reads a joke:
Katya, Katya is small,
Katya is remote.
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with a foot.

"Dress for a walk"
Purpose: to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions with a doll to new game situations, to perform actions in accordance with the role; perform 2-3 consecutive actions in the game.
Material and equipment: 2-3 sets of outerwear for dolls (hat, leggings, shoes, coat, scarf).
Preliminary work: 1. Didactic game "Let's dress the doll for a walk".
2. Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "New Clothes".
Game progress:
The teacher shows new clothes for the doll and says:
- Kate has already had breakfast. Now I will wear it for a walk.
- Do your daughters have clothes?
-Let's dress them for a walk together?
What will we wear first?
Let's take tights. My daughter is small and she needs small tights. And you, Nastya, what kind of daughter?
- Already big?
- She needs big (long) pantyhose.
-Now let's put on some boots. My daughter's boots are small, red. And your daughter, Nastya, what boots? (large, blue).
Let's put on the legs
new boots,
Let's go down the track.
My daughter will walk
Wear new boots.
(E. Blaginina. "New clothes".)
- So that Katya does not freeze, I will put a warm blouse on her. And you, Nastya, put a blouse on your daughter. What is your daughter's shirt? (large, warm, red.)
-What are we going to wear now? (hat).
- My daughter has a small, blue one. And your daughter, Nastya, what kind of hat?
(large, red).
- Can we go for a walk? Or do dolls need to wear something else? (Coat, fur coat).
My Katya is small
She is wearing a scarlet fur coat,
beaver edge,
Katya is black-browed.
When repeating the game with other children
There is a big frost in the yard,
Freeze the doll's nose,
She needs a warm scarf
To keep warm.

"Let's make Katya a beautiful hairstyle"
Purpose: Enriching the content of games. Encourage children to play together.
Material and equipment: Combs, scissors (substitute items), bows, ribbons (2-3 copies), a mirror.
Preliminary work: Examination of the relevant illustrations.
Game progress:
The teacher addresses the children:
- It's my daughter Katya's birthday today. Katya wants to do a beautiful hairstyle. I will be a hairdresser. I will comb Katya beautifully. Seryozha, do you want to comb your daughter?
-Let's play together. You will also be a hairdresser.
- I will comb Katya, and you will comb your daughter. Now let's cut our daughters bangs. Like this. And cut your hair in the back too. Like this. Let's check if we cut our daughters hair evenly. To do this, comb them again.
- Now you can tie them bows. I'll take blue. Katya has a blue dress and a blue bow will suit her. What color is your daughter's dress?
-Which bow would you choose?
-That's how beautiful our daughters have become. Now we will clean everything up and go to the store to choose a birthday present for Katya.
The teacher repeats the game with other children, encourages the game "near", "together".
With his suggestions, the adult contributes to the development of the plot: "dad" and "mum" bring their daughter to the hairdresser who cuts her hair, then go to the "cinema", etc.
The teacher teaches children the elementary rules of behavior: greet the hairdresser, politely express your request: “Cut your hair, please”, “Comb it, please”, thank you for the hairstyle, etc.
During the game, you can use the nursery rhyme "Grow, braid."