Consultation (group) on the topic: Development of fine motor skills with the help of finger games in a preschool educational institution. Methodical development on the topic: Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers

Maria Kirillova
Development of fine motor skills of hands in a preschool educational institution

Children's hand. How her develop?

"Sources of ability and gifts

children at their fingertips "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

During preschool childhood, the child practically masters speech. But, unfortunately, there are many reasons when his speech is not formed properly, and one of the them: poorly developed fine motor skills of the hands.

Well known about the relationship development speech and subtle hand movements, or in other words, manual and speech motor skills... The hand, fingers, palms are almost the main organs that set in motion the mechanism of the child's mental activity.

How often do many hear from teachers that preschoolers do not hand developed... Stands up question: is it enough the child's hand is developed? Is it possible for her develop better and more solid?

Modeling, drawing, applique are the products of the work small muscles of the arm guided by the brain. All body movements and speech motor skills have the same mechanisms, therefore development of fine motor skills hands has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech.

Motor the centers of speech in the human cerebral cortex are located next to motor centers of fingers, therefore, developing speech and stimulating finger motor skills, we transmit impulses to speech centers, which activates speech. Small baby arm muscles develop in various exercises.

Positive impact on the development of small muscles of the hand has:

Modeling from plasticine, clay, salt dough

Drawing that preschoolers love to do

Applique with different techniques

Games involving a hand (mobile and sedentary, with various small items)

Self service (lacing shoes, buttoning up)

Children's participation in household chores (sort out cereals, pasta)

Daily charging

Finger gymnastics and hand exercises

Different types of manual labor (modeling, embroidery, weaving, mosaic, knitting, designing.)

Shading and graphic mazes

Massage and self-massage of hands and fingers

This is just a short list of the exercises that will help develop a child's hand and they can be organized in every family.

Shaping and improving the subtle motor skills fingers and large body movements, we complicate the structure of the brain, develop psyche and intelligence of the child, but you need to remember that any activities in which are involved small muscle groups, are tiresome, especially for preschoolers, therefore it is very important to provide for their change, to limit the duration and load.

Finger gymnastics and speech exercises are widely used in speech therapy work with preschoolers, which contribute to the coordination of speech with movement and the elimination of defects in sound pronunciation in children.

Finger games promote development of speech, creative activity. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During finger games, children repeat the movements of adults, activate hand motility... Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.

Finger games and exercises are a unique remedy for speech development... Pediatricians and psychologists believe that psychomotor developmental processes speech directly depends on development of fine motor skills(that is, the ability to manipulate fingers)... Learning texts using finger gymnastics stimulates development of thinking, attention, imagination, fosters emotional expressiveness, speed of reaction. The child remembers poetic texts better, his speech becomes more expressive.

Finger games give your fingers good rest. Moreover, they develop their agility, mobility, and funny rhymes help children relieve emotional stress.

Efforts must be made to develop, strengthen the child's hand and fingers, make them obedient, dexterous, mobile. There is no need to put a pencil in the child's clumsy and still weak hand and torment over the work in the copybooks. The first setbacks will cause frustration and even irritation.

Take care of the success of the child's activities, reinforce his interest in activities, let them bring him joy. It all depends on you and your imagination. And you will succeed!

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"The origins of the abilities and talents of children

is at their fingertips.

From them ... there are the thinnest streams,

which feed the source of imaginative thought. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand in older preschool children with OHP is due to age-related psychological, physiological and speech characteristics. A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile-motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. To teach speech therapy children to speak, it is necessary not only to train their articulatory apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills.

It is known that about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, the training of fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of active speech in a child. Good fine motor skills in a child will allow him to make precise movements with small hands and thanks to this he will begin to communicate faster using the language. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school and it is in this area that preschoolers often experience serious difficulties.

Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should be started long before entering school.

What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills is a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers. When applied to motor skills, the term dexterity is often used.

The field of fine motor skills includes many different movements: from primitive gestures to very small movements, on which a person's handwriting depends.

The value of fine motor skills

Hand movement is the basis for developing self-care skills in children.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the important indicators of a child's readiness for school.

The movement of the fingers affects the development of the motor function of speech and stimulates the development of other mental functions, such as thinking, memory, attention.

Types of organized activities and their directions where exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hand can be successfully applied.


Socialization (play activity).

Work (self-service).

Security (preservation of life and health).

Cognitive - speech (speech development, sensory development and productive activity).

Formation of elementary mathematical representations (quantity and count, shape, size, orientation in space).

Communication: (communication with adults and children, development of all components of oral speech).

Artistic creation: (poetic forms in finger gymnastics, productive activities (drawing, modeling, application).

Physical education (physical education, passive gymnastics (massage))

Subject-developing educational environment

The group created the necessary subject-developing environment, purchased and made games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills.

We have a specific place in the group where various games and materials for the development of fine motor skills are presented. The work here is carried out with a small group of children. Sometimes, in the morning and in the evening, we study individually. Now we notice that children independently and with great interest act with didactic material.

Goal and tasks

Purpose: development of fine motor skills in children with OHP through didactic games and toys, massage of palms and fingers and finger gymnastics.

To develop fine motor skills of fingers in children with OHP through didactic games and toys, massage of palms, fingers and finger gymnastics.

Develop tactile sensitivity of the hands.

Stimulate visual and auditory perception.

Train fine movements of the fingers.

Develop memory, attention, patience and coherent speech.

Develop handcrafted dexterity skills.

To improve the subject-developmental environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.

Methods and techniques

The dominant method is play.

Verbal (explanation and story)

Visual (show, demonstration, diagrams)

Practical (joint screening, teacher's story, game)

Scientific principles

A complex approach.

Consistency and consistency.

Unity of survey (diagnostics) and the pedagogical process.

Collaboration between educator and parents.


Survey technique

Survey map

Presentation of results.

Survey data processing.

Determination of the level of development of fine motor skills in children.

Having set a goal and tasks for myself, as well as based on my personal pedagogical experience, taking into account the age characteristics of children, relying on the detailed thematic planning proposed in the program "From birth to school" (edited by the authors N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarova and M.A.

For convenience, the types of play exercises that I use in my work have been divided into complexes:

Using non-standard equipment.

A complex of elements of activity in the development of fine motor skills.

Complex "Finger Games".

Game massage complex.

Development of graphic motor skills.

Rump games

We invite children to play Cinderella. To do this, mix a little buckwheat, rice and peas on a piece of paper. After that, we suggest sorting. It is interesting to watch children: everyone does it in their own way. Someone takes the rump with two fingers, someone simply moves it across the sheet. Sometimes we do it for a while.

Take a tray and sprinkle small cereals (semolina) on it. You can't think of a better drawing board.

Pour dry peas into a mug. We transfer one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with two hands, alternately between thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring, thumb and little finger.

Put the peas on a saucer. The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with his other fingers - picking up a whole handful. You can do it with both hands. Turn around, don't tear ...

Only at first glance it seems easy to unfold a walnut wrapped in foil.

How much foil did the guys spoil before they learned how to do it carefully and slowly, trying not to tear the thin material.

Counting stick games.

In these games, ordinary counting sticks or matches (without sulfur) will become good helpers.
"Fold down the well"
"Upload a picture"
"Lay out a geometric shape"

Clothespin games
Exercises with clothespins develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands.
To make the game more interesting, you can attach clothespins according to the topic.

Lego games
Contributes to the development of perception. Conditions are created in which children get acquainted with the color, shape, size, tangible properties of objects.

Dry pool
Children love to play in the dry pool (made of lids). There are hidden small toys from kinder surprises, which the guys are looking for with increasing interest in a large number of corks and caps.

Games - Lacing
Lacing games develop sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands.
They develop spatial orientation, contribute to the assimilation of the concepts "above", "below", "left", "right".
Promotes the development of speech.
Develop creativity.
Develop perseverance, attention, patience.
The game promotes coordination of movements, flexibility of the hand and looseness of movements, which is the key to the absence of problems at school.

Drawing is a favorite pastime. It is not necessary to draw on a sheet of paper with pencils and brushes, you can draw on snow or sand, semolina, on a foggy window, on the asphalt ...
And you can draw with your finger or palm, make prints with a piece of cotton wool, crumpled paper, signet, poke. There are still many different ways to develop children's perception ...
Play dough
Modeling, drawings from plasticine sausages, plasticine ... At the same time, we will also develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Paper games
It turns out that paper can be crumpled, torn, folded, cut with scissors ...
These games will help children learn how ordinary paper turns into a beautiful applique and funny volumetric toys.
The development of precise movements, attention, patience, perseverance and memory is helped by classes in the origami technique: folding boats, airplanes, flowers, animals, etc.
Games with natural material
It is no longer a secret for children that extraordinary crafts can be created from cones, acorns, leaves and chestnuts, or you can simply use them to massage your hands.

Puzzles and mosaics
Puzzles - translated from English as "puzzle", "difficulty". In addition to fine motor skills, this game also forms a spatial representation, the ability to put together a large of small parts.
Mosaic is a game that everyone remembers from childhood. Children are already making compositions based on a sample or focusing on their own imagination.
Working with scissors
In older preschool years, work on the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination becomes an important part of preparing for school. The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skill.

Finger games
Finger games are the best tool for developing fine motor skills and speech in their totality. Learning finger gymnastics texts contributes to the rapid formation of speech, spatial thinking, attention, memory and imagination. Children's speech becomes more expressive.
Massage of hands and fingers
Massage is a type of passive gymnastics. It has a general strengthening effect on the muscular system, increasing the tone, elasticity and contractility of the muscles.
Su-jok massage balls and an annular spring are indispensable for massage of fingers and palms.
Development of graphic motor skills
Development of graphic skills
Taking into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers, educational activities are carried out directly in notebooks with a large cell. The cage provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and elementary graphic writing skills, since drawing on the cells requires fine precise movements, and also creates favorable conditions for the development of orientation in microspace.
Purpose: development of graphic skills, by overcoming the underdevelopment of the motor, muscular capabilities of the fingers of the child's hand.
Improve the skills of performing finger exercises and games that stimulate the development of speech.
Form fine motor skills, the ability to listen, remember, perform actions based on verbal and visual instructions.
Improve the ability of children to navigate in space and on a plane, determine the spatial relationships between two or three objects or images, as well as the ability to distinguish between the right and left sides.
Teach children to navigate in a notebook in a large cell.
Teach children to draw straight lines, squares, rectangles with and without points, use these elements when writing letters in the preparatory group.
Teach children to draw oblique lines with and without points, use these elements when writing letters.
Improve the skills of hatching with horizontal and oblique lines.
Develop an eye, auditory attention, visual perception, speech.

The development of the hand and the coordination of finger movements is a complex task that covers many areas of children's activity. It is one of the aspects of the problem of ensuring full development in preschool childhood. And since a general motor lag is observed in most modern children, especially with OHP, the weak hand of a preschooler needs and needs to be developed. Games and special exercises activate hand motor skills, improve the mobility of the fingers, develop their strength and flexibility. Their dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements.

1. Zhukova N. S. Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children
2. Galiguzova L. N. Smirnova E. O. Degrees of communication: from one to seven
3. Darvish OB Age-related psychology
4. Kholmovskaya V.V. Raising and teaching children five, six years old
5. Fomina L.F. Raising correct pronunciation in children
6. Koltsova M.M. Motor development
7. Danilova E. Finger games
8. Grizik T.I. Childhood and adolescence
9. Handbook of the senior educator.
10. Magazine "Preschool education"
11. Magazine "Preschool education"
12. Dubrovina I.V. School readiness development programs
13. Danilova EE "Psychology"
14. Strogonova I.A. Preschool education, the development of fine motor skills of the child's hand

Elena Khlebnikova
The development of fine motor skills by means of visual activity in a preschool educational institution

Full development preschoolers is becoming an increasingly urgent problem of our time, and an increasing importance for a successful intellectual and psychophysical development the child acquires a formed fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. High level development of fine motor skills testifies to the child's ability to logical reasoning, the formation of memory, attention and coherent speech. Systematic work aimed at improving the movements of the fingers of the hands is a prerequisite for the successful mastery of the child's writing skills, which imply coordinated hand movements. The development of graphic skills is inextricably linked with other important qualities and skills: skills of spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination and voluntary control of actions. Fine motor skills also interacts with a whole range of mental functions, such as attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination, imagination, observation, speech, motor and visual memory.

Motor skills is a sequence of movements, the combination of which is necessary to perform certain tasks. Fine motor skills is a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements of the hands and fingers. Development of fine motor skills is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling. Insufficient level development of fine motor skills affects the decrease in the child's performance, provokes a negative attitude towards the upcoming study and is the cause of anxiety.

Development speech function is inextricably linked with development of digital motor skills(A. V. Antakova-Fomina, M. I. Koltsova, E. I. Isenina)... I.M.Sechenov substantiated the point of view according to which hand movements are the result of the formation of associative connections between visual sensations, tactile and muscular sensations in the process of active interaction with the environment. environment, which is what happens in the learning process of the child.

Scientists such as N.M.Schelovanov, N.L. Figurin, M.P.Denisova noted that in the process development of sight and touch, mastery of the subtle actions of the hands occurs. N.A. Bernstein showed that the construction of movements from an anatomical point of view begins from the first months of life and ends by about two years. In the future, there is an improvement of all levels of building movements.

Research areas cover the study motor development in the following aspects: in connection with development of speech, cognitive processes and development own hand movements in the implementation of object and tool actions.

The connection of cognitive processes with development hand movements are determined by the child's cognition of the world around him, during which the hands move in the direction of examining objects. Communication thin motor skills with the active speech of the child is due to the fact that the degree development finger movements coincides with development of speech, which is proved by the research results of M. M. Koltsova, L. F. Fomina. Children who are good at isolated finger movements differ enough developed speech.

In the context of modernization of education, the problem of preparing children for school becomes especially urgent. Orientation towards the humanitarian paradigm concentrates focus on creating the conditions for effective and successful development preschool child.

An indicator of a child's readiness for school is the formation of the integrative qualities of the child's personality, as well as special readiness (mastering diploma) ... In this regard, the child's mastery of writing is due to development of sensorimotor component of the motor analyzer and the readiness of the hand as a tool of graphic activities to perform precise movements.

When studying the level of fine differentiated movements of the fingers and hands, conclusions are formulated regarding the purposefulness and accuracy of the child's movements, as well as the child's ability to subordinate movements to the tasks of the educational activities, when using in the work of graphic tools that require complex coordinated movements.

Development of fine motor skills is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling. Fine motor skills considered in this aspect as a motor activity determined by coordinated work small muscles of the arm and eyes... As the hand movements are enriched and improved, the functions of the nervous system also improve. Exercising finger and hand movements in children is a condition development of fine motor skills in a preschooler, which is a prerequisite for the subsequent successful mastery of writing.

The main components in the child's mastery of writing are development skills in handling a pen, pencil, felt-tip pens to ensure consistency and confidence in movements. Accordingly, when preparing preschoolers for schooling, it is important to create conditions for small arm muscle development; use exercises to strengthen the mobility and strength of the fingers, as well as coordination of movements.

Children's productive activity presented in the DOE by drawing, modeling, applique, weaving, designing. All these types activities have a colossal developmental training potential small muscles of the child's arm. Fine motor skills inextricably linked with development of productive activities... Thus visual activities provide an opportunity for children to convey their own experiences, to embody what arouses their interest, and this, in turn, contributes to fine motor development.

Drawing helps children to develop the ability to use tools such as pencils and brushes. Such activity based on the improvement of coordination hand movements, the development of visual control. Using all kinds of drawing tools - pens, pencils, crayons, chalk, requires varying degrees of pressure, which also strengthens the child's hand skills. When a child is working with various visual means(brush, pencil) there is a strengthening shallow the muscles of the fingers, the coordination of movements is improved. Manual skill in preschoolers is developing when using different drawing techniques and the corresponding ways of holding a pencil or brush, rational methods of using them. Direction, continuity and direction of movement also has a beneficial effect on development of fine motor skills

Modeling, which is a means of developing fine motor skills hands and one of the types visual activity, no less effective. Modeling is a kind of alphabet for understanding the subject. Modeling is much more than drawing and applique develops and improves the natural sense of touch of both hands, which, in turn, contributes to a more accurate transfer of form. Thanks to this, preschoolers begin to learn ways to images are much faster, what develops independence and creative initiative.

Applique is one of the types visual technique based on cutting, overlaying and fixing various shapes on a specific background material. Applique classes are especially important for development of hand motor skills: child cuts, glues, creates symmetry Images that trains manual skills. This creates favorable conditions for development of fine motor skills of the fingers... Applique classes not only develop fine motor skills, but also contribute development of creativity, fantasy, activates observation, attention, imagination, a sense of form and the eye. Development motor skills creates the prerequisites for mastering writing. For example, stroke outline images and stencils contributes to the fact that the child learns to measure his own efforts, learns the skills of a smooth "move" of the hand when making continuous wavy lines.

Visual activity with the use of unconventional drawing techniques contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, which has an effective effect on development the speech area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Besides improving visual skills and abilities develops and tactile sensitivity when direct contact of the fingers of the hand with various means of visual activity... When teaching non-traditional drawing techniques, such techniques as creating a game situation, organizing surprise moments, demonstrations, finger gymnastics and massages, as well as special training exercises aimed at development of fine motor skills of hands.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions among the main areas of work are the training of visual-motor coordination, teaching orientation on a sheet of paper, the formation of basic graphic skills. Such aids for the development of fine motor skills like finger game trainings, games with small items, visual and constructive activities, non-traditional techniques (origami, weaving, thread painting, plasticine, special physical exercises.

All kinds activities based on the use of a variety of stimulating materials. Educators of preschool educational institutions in the selection developing games and exercises should be guided by the basic didactic principle, which consists in presenting tasks in order of increasing complexity. At the same time, the intensity and number of exercises can vary depending on the individual age characteristics of preschoolers. Educators should adhere to the sequence and systematicity of the exercises, since automation of skills can only be achieved through multiple repetition. All games and exercises used in working with children should be accompanied by a positive emotional attitude; overwork of children is unacceptable in order to avoid negativism towards exercises.

In preschool age, the child studies and comprehends the world around him constantly. The main method of gathering information in this period is touching. The child seeks to touch, stroke, grab, and taste everything. Adults should support this desire, provide the baby with toys of various types (soft, hard, smooth, rough, cold, etc.), objects for research, fabrics. Then the baby will receive the necessary resources for development. Scientists have proven that a child's speech and sensory organs are directly connected. It follows from this that in order for a child to speak well, it is necessary to develop his hands.

Many children's physiologists and psychologists have devoted their works to the development of fine motor skills. For example, the authors O.A. Novitskaya, V.V. Tsvyntarny, Yu.A. Sokolova describe specific techniques for the development of fine motor skills in children. S.E. Bolshakov and A.A. Khvostovtsev give complete recommendations on the formation of movement skills and differentiated finger movements in preschoolers.



The connection between fine, speech and general motor skills has been studied and confirmed by many famous scientists. They concluded that the development of fine movements of the fingers is especially closely related to the formation of speech. Therefore, in the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to introduce techniques for the development of fine motor skills with the help of finger games.

It is noted that this is precisely why, when a person cannot express his thought or explain something in words, he uses gestures. And vice versa: when a child writes or draws with concentration, he involuntarily helps himself by sticking out his tongue.

MM. Koltsova, a well-known researcher of children's speech, writes that historically, in the course of the development of mankind, the movements of the fingers have always been closely associated with speech function. Primitive people first communicated with gestures, the main role here was assigned to the hand. The development of the functions of the hand and speech took place in parallel. MM. Koltsova concluded that the formation of the brain regions responsible for the formation of speech occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. This fact must be used in working with children both where speech develops in a timely manner, and where there is a lag, a delay in the development of the motor side of speech. It is recommended to stimulate speech development by training finger movements.

The child's speech develops in approximately the same way. First, subtle movements of the fingers develop, then articulation of syllables appears, the further improvement of speech reactions is in direct dependence on the intensity of training of finger movements. Therefore, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this side of the question, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain.

The importance of the development of fine motor skills lies in the fact that the entire future life of a child will also require precise coordinated movements of fingers and hands, which are necessary to draw, write, dress, and perform many different actions.

It has also been proven that both the child's thought and the eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic finger training is a powerful tool for improving brain performance. Fine motor skills are the basis for the development of all mental processes (memory, attention, speech, perception, thinking).

To teach a child to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills of the hands, which improves the connection between the cerebral hemispheres and the synchronization of their work.

What is the importance of finger games in the development of fine motor skills of a preschooler

Finger games are a dramatization, demonstration of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. The organization and conduct of games with preschoolers contributes to the development of fine motor skills of their hands, their motor coordination improves, stiffness and stiffness are overcome. Finger games can be called a universal didactic developmental material. The methodology and meaning of the games is that the nerve endings of the hands have an effect on the child's brain and brain activity is activated.

When your child is in school, his fine motor muscles should be well developed. Finger games are a great helper in preparing a child's hand for writing and developing coordination. And so that the child's speech develops at the same time, you can use various small rhymes, rhymes and songs for the same games. Teachers and parents themselves can even "put on their fingers" any poetic works, i.e. to speech, come up with movements for the fingers, at first simple, and then complicate them. Playing finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops the ability to concentrate and attentiveness. These games form a good relationship between a child and an adult.

Finger games develop fine motor skills, which not only have a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but it also prepares the child's hand for writing and drawing. Finger games develop the preschooler's brain, stimulate the development of speech, imagination, and creativity. The better a child works with his fingers and the whole hand, the better he speaks. Why it happens? The fact is that the hand has the largest "representation" in the cerebral cortex, therefore it is its development that plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the development of speech. Therefore, the child's verbal speech begins precisely when the movements of his fingers reach a certain level of accuracy. The child's hands set the stage for the further development of speech.

Finger games have been widespread among all peoples for a long time. In China, for example, exercises with metal and stone balls are used. Regular exercises with these subjects develop memory, the activity of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, develop coordination of movements, eliminate emotional stress, develop dexterity and strength of the hands, maintain the vitality of the whole organism. And in Japan, exercises for the palms and fingers using walnuts are common. An excellent effect is provided by rolling a hexagonal pencil between your palms. And in Russia all babies have always been taught to play "White-sided Magpie", "Ladushki" and "Horned Goat".

In the application of finger games, you need to adhere to two principles of learning - this is "from simple to difficult" and "independently according to ability". This approach will help to solve several problems in the game related to the development of creative abilities:

  • Finger games will give food for the mind;
  • They create conditions that outpace the development of abilities;
  • By playing independently, the child's development is more efficient;
  • Finger games can be varied in content, they do not tolerate coercion and form an environment for joyful and free creativity;
  • Playing these games with children, mothers, fathers and grandmothers, grandfathers imperceptibly acquire the most important skill - to restrain themselves, not to interfere with the child to think independently, to make decisions for himself, not to do for him what he can and should do.

Practice has shown that if you introduce finger games daily into developmental activities, then the rate of mental development increases. It is clear that finger games alone cannot achieve the desired results. This is just one of several tools for the development of fine motor skills and speech. And this tool will be the more effective and useful, the fewer contradictions will arise between the principles underlying these games, and the principles on which the entire system of dealing with children in the family and in kindergarten is created.

Varieties of finger games

Finger games are divided into groups according to their content and purpose:

Manipulation games

These are games that develop the imagination, when a child sees a certain image in each finger.

"White-sided magpie", "This finger wants to sleep", "Okay-goodies", "Family", "Fingers went for a walk", "One, two, three, four, who lives in my apartment?", "We shared an orange "," Finger-boy, where have you been? "

Subject finger exercises

This group includes exercises that allow children to portray furniture and vehicles, birds, domestic and wild animals, trees, insects.

"Fingers greet", "Rake", "Flowers", "Christmas tree".

Kinesiological finger exercises (brain gymnastics)

"Fist-rib-palm", "Horizontal figure eight", "Ring", "Symmetrical patterns".

Finger games involving self-massage of fingers and hands

Traditional massage movements are used here - rubbing, kneading, pinching, pressing (from the periphery to the center).

“Put on gloves”, “Wash our hands under running hot water”, “Salted cabbage”, “Geese nibble grass”, “Warm our hands”, “Hammer”.

To make the hands self-massage more effective, you can use a massage ball, walnut, chestnut, pencil.

Theater in hand

These games develop memory and attention, increase overall tone, and relieve emotional stress.

"Fairy Tale", "Butterfly", "Octopuses".

The use of different groups of finger exercises and games helps to improve pronunciation in preschoolers and enrich their vocabulary; prepare your hand for writing; develop patience, attention, the ability to restrain when necessary; show creativity; stimulate imagination; learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of "bodily coordinates", which prevents the emergence of neuroses; feel the joy of understanding without words, realize the possibilities of non-verbal communication.

Principles of conducting and learning finger games in a preschool educational institution

In order for the use of finger games to develop fine motor skills and speech to be effective, you need to adhere to certain principles of their conduct:

  • Exercises should be performed with the child, while demonstrating their own enthusiasm for the game;
  • During the repeated activities of the game, children sometimes begin to pronounce the text partially (most often the beginning and end of phrases). Over time, the text is memorized completely, children pronounce it in full, correlating their movements and words;
  • All exercises must be gradually replaced with new ones;
  • The games you like the most can be repeated periodically;
  • It is not necessary to set several difficult tasks for children at once (for example, to voice the text and show movements). Children have a limited amount of attention, and if the task is not feasible, then it can weaken the children's interest in the game;
  • You cannot force a child to play, you need to figure out why he refuses to play. First you need to eliminate these reasons, you can just change the game.

Stages of learning finger games

  1. First, the adult shows the game to the child.
  2. The adult demonstrates the game by simultaneously manipulating the child's hand and fingers.
  3. A child and an adult perform movements at the same time, an adult at this time pronounces the text.
  4. The child performs the movements with the help of an adult (if necessary), and the adult pronounces the text.

So, the development of fine motor skills in a preschool educational institution is necessary, since it allows you to develop the child's speech, the ability to write, fine motor skills, which are necessary throughout life. Finger play is just one of several ways to develop a preschooler's fine motor area of ​​the brain. It should be used along with other methods.

Pridvorova Vera Sergeevna, educator MBDOU CRR - DS No. 53 "Herringbone", Tambov

How often do we hear the expression "fine motor skills"? What is fine motor skills? Physiologists mean by this expression the movement of small muscles in the hands. It is important to remember about hand-eye coordination, since the development of small hand movements occurs under the control of vision. Why is it so important to develop the fine motor skills of the child's hands? The fact is that in the human brain, the centers that are responsible for speech and finger movements are very close. By stimulating fine motor skills, we activate the areas responsible for speech. And, in addition, in the future, these skills will be required for the child to use movements to draw, write, dress, etc.

It is necessary to start work on the development of small muscles of the hands from a very early age. Already an infant can be massaged with fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby acting on the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of basic self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

And, of course, in older preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing.

Fine motor skills is one of the aspects of the motor sphere, which is directly related to the mastery of object actions, the development of productive activities, writing, and speech of the child. (M. M. Koltsova, N. N. Novikova, N. A. Bernshtein, V. N. Bekhterev, M. V. Antropova, N. A. Rokotova, E. K. Berezhnaya)... The formation of motor functions, including fine movements of the hands, occurs in the process of the child's interaction with the objective world around him. When we perform precise actions, the wrists, making the necessary movements in different planes, adjust the position of our hands. It is difficult for a small child to twist and rotate the wrist, so he replaces these movements with movements of the entire arm from the shoulder. In order for small movements to be more accurate and economical, so that they do not require excessive expenditure of energy from the child, he needs to gradually master the different movements of the wrist.

What exercises will help your child improve their skills?

1. Finger gymnastics.

"Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which makes it possible for children to navigate in the concepts of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. .d.

It is recommended to use exercises in which each finger is trained separately. (after all, in the cerebral cortex there is a separate projection area for each finger), movement is necessary for tension, relaxation, and stretching. Finger movements should be performed with optimal load and amplitude. Sluggish, careless training is ineffective.

It must be remembered that finger training is used as a means of increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex, and be careful when working with children with increased convulsive readiness. Finger training includes exercises: static (holding a certain pose given to the fingers), dynamic (development of mobility of the fingers, switching from one position to another) relaxing (normalizing muscle tone) and others. However, often ill-conceived artificial use of these exercises does not arouse children's interest in them and does not give a sufficient corrective effect. The effectiveness of classes, the interest of children in them can be increased if finger exercises are carried out while reading rhymes, fairy tales, stories to children, working with them on nursery rhymes, jokes, any speech material. While listening to it, children simultaneously, together with an adult, “stage” the content of the material being listened to with the help of finger movements and images of characters, their actions, etc. The children learned in such lessons further include finger movements in independent staging games, improving the motor skills of the fingers. For a versatile, harmonious development of the motor functions of the hand, it is necessary to train three types of components: compression, stretching, relaxation - following medical terminology - a combination of alternating contraction and relaxation of flexors - flexor muscles and extensors - extensor muscles.

For maximum effect, finger exercises should be constructed in such a way as to combine compression, stretching, relaxation of the hand, and also use isolated movements of each of the fingers.

The duration of finger training depends on the age of the children. (younger age up to three to four years), the recommended time is from 3 to 5 minutes, on average and senior preschool age - 10-15 minutes a day). Some of the exercises that used a tabletop are performed while sitting at the table. Thus, finger exercises, with their skillful inclusion in the context of various activities and household chores, can contribute to the development of elements of their motor behavior in children, conditioned by a game, everyday or educational situation.

2. Games with cereals, beads, buttons, small stones.

These games have an excellent tonic and healing effect. Children are invited to sort, guess with closed eyes, roll between thumb and forefinger, press down alternately with all fingers of both hands to the table, while trying to make rotational movements. You can teach your child to roll two walnuts or pebbles with the fingers of one hand, with the fingers of one hand, or between two palms with a hexagonal pencil. Various stringing perfectly develops the hand. You can string anything that is stringed: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, drying, etc. You can make beads from cardboard circles, squares, hearts, tree leaves, including dry, rowan berries. You can invite children to lay out letters, silhouettes of various objects from small objects: seeds, buttons, twigs, etc. All lessons using small objects should be under the strict supervision of adults!

3. Sand therapy.

The pliability of the sand provokes the desire to create a miniature of the real world out of it. The sand painting created by the child is a creative product. The main emphasis is placed on the child's creative self-expression, thanks to which, at the unconsciously symbolic level, there is a release of internal tension and a search for ways of development.

Find a large box, fill it halfway with washed and dried river sand. Show your child a toy that you will hide in this sand, and do it when he turns away. You can gradually increase the number of hidden toys.

Have your child model a sand projection. For example, according to the child's experience, ask him to depict a zoo, pets, a forest, etc. Let the child select the necessary materials and model the space.

Design and model a sandy projection with different landscapes (mountains, bodies of water, plains, etc.) based on lexical topics familiar to the child (e.g. wild animals)... Use pet figurines to build a projection. Invite your child to fix the picture. The child himself must choose the right animal figures and place them in their own landscapes.

Staging a fairy tale familiar to the child. The child independently chooses the props and builds the scenery. The tale can be played completely according to the plot, or a familiar plot is taken as a basis, and the child comes up with and plays out his ending of the tale.

4. Cutting with scissors.

Particular attention is paid to mastering the basic cutting techniques - cutting skills in a straight line, the ability to cut various shapes (rectangular, oval, round)... Achieving symmetrical shapes when folding accordion-folded paper (round dance) or diagonally (snowflakes), children must learn that they do not cut out the whole shape, but half of it. Before proceeding with cutting out the silhouette, you should think about where, from what angle, in which side of the sheet, to direct the scissors, that is, to plan the upcoming action. The game of cutting patterns from folded pieces of paper has a wonderful property: no matter how clumsily the child cuts out, you will still get a pattern that vaguely resembles a snowflake or an asterisk.

5. Applications.

Children can make applique compositions from cut-out figures. For a start, it is more convenient to cut out geometric shapes and figures from colored magazines, and with an adhesive pencil, fix them on a sheet. If the child is still small, and you are afraid to give him scissors, let him tear pictures from a magazine or newspaper with his hands - how it will turn out; and you will stick the torn pieces on a clean sheet, giving them any shape. It can make a meaningful collage.

6. Working with paper. Origami. Weaving.

The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips, folding boats, paper animal figures.

The material for weaving can be willow twigs, straw, veneer, as well as paper, thin cardboard, fabric, braid, tape, etc. The child can be offered to fold a sheet of paper in half, make a number of even cuts with scissors without going beyond the contour, then cut thin strips of a different color and in a certain way, observing the pattern, weave them between the notches of the main part of the rug.

Paper and cardboard can be used to make toys for playing with water and wind, Christmas tree decorations, attributes for role-playing games, dramatization games, fun toys, gifts and souvenirs. It is necessary to acquaint children with paper processing tools, show the techniques of folding and folding paper.

Currently, origami is gaining more and more popularity among educators and psychologists. And this is no coincidence. The developmental potential of origami is very high.

Origami topics are very diverse, going from simple to complex. To successfully learn how to make origami toys with children in a playful way, you need to learn the designations of the blanks (basic forms) and legend (there are many origami books on sale now)... In the future, this will facilitate the manufacture and reduce the time to complete the toy. To memorize and consolidate basic forms with children, you can use the following games and exercises: "Transform the square into another shape", "Guess what the square has become?", "Where is whose shadow?", "Name the correct shape", "Determine the basic shape " and etc.

In origami classes, it is effective to use fairy tales-clues, they develop interest, facilitate the manufacture and memorization when performing toys, because mechanical tasks (draw a fold line, fold in half, fold the corner to the center) are replaced by action that is meaningful from the point of view of the plot and game design. Sheets of paper of different colors and ready-made origami books are used as equipment.

7. Modeling from plasticine, clay and salt dough.

You can make single parts or several at once and combine them into compositions. You can sculpt small details yourself, and the baby can assemble the finished composition.

We sculpt sausages, rings, balls; we cut the plasticine sausage with a plastic knife into many small pieces, and then we stick the pieces again. We make a cake or a coin from each small piece. (You can press down on the cake with a real coin or flat toy to get a print.)

We glue the jars, twigs, etc. with the obtained cakes. etc. Laying out a given pattern from plasticine with balls, sausages on plywood or a sheet of cardboard.

Plasticine gluing a glass bottle and shaping it into a vase, teapot, etc.

Modeling of geometric shapes, numbers, letters.

8. Lacing - why are they?

There are many different lace games on sale now. In general, they can be divided into several types. First, the lacing is plot. The child is offered an “unfinished” picture (image of a hedgehog, a squirrel, a Christmas tree, a vase with a bouquet, a house), to which you need to lace up the missing details: mushrooms, fruits and nuts, Christmas toys, flowers, windows, etc. The second type of lacing: buttons, shoes, cylinders or any other made of wood or soft safe material, solid objects which have holes for the laces. They come with strings and instructions for creating artistic weaves on a toy base. Finally, the third type of lacing: parts of houses, books, etc. made of fabric, which are proposed to be connected with laces to form a single-piece soft toy or a soft subject "picture". Such is, for example, "Teremok" - a toy developed by M. Montessori, the ancestor of all modern children's toys with laces.

9. Drawing, coloring.

Coloring is one of the easiest activities. At the same time, it continues to be a means of developing coordinated actions of the visual and motor analyzers and strengthening the motor apparatus of the writing hand. It is necessary to teach children to paint accurately, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying the desired color. In the process of drawing, children develop not only general ideas, creativity, the emotional attitude to reality deepens, but elementary graphic skills are formed, which are so necessary for the development of manual dexterity, mastering writing. Drawing, children learn to handle graphic material correctly and master various graphic techniques, they develop small arm muscles. You can draw with black and colored pencils, felt-tip pen, chalk, watercolors, gouache.

Drawing with different materials requires varying degrees of pressure in order to leave a mark on the paper from the writing object. This also contributes to the development of manual skill.

Of course, drawing contributes to the development of small muscles in the arm, strengthens it. But we must remember that when teaching drawing and writing, the positions of the hand, pencil, notebook are specific. (sheet of paper), methods of drawing lines.

It's good to use for a start:

  • outline strokes for flat shapes. You can circle anything: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a flat toy, etc. Molds for making cookies or muffins are especially suitable for this purpose;
  • drawing by control points;
  • finishing the second half of the drawing;
  • drawing according to the sample, without taking your hands off the paper.

You can also use various non-traditional techniques.

Monotype: paint of different colors is applied to a sheet of paper. Then another sheet is superimposed on the sheet, and the prints are given a certain shape with a brush, pencil, felt-tip pen.

Spray: the brush is dipped into the paint and then spray the paint onto a sheet of paper using your fingers or a pencil. Thus, the background of the picture can be created.

Blotography: paints are applied to a sheet of paper in any order. After drawing a drawing with a pencil or felt-tip pen, they betray some outline, create an image.

Tamponing: applying paints to paper using cotton swabs or sponges.

Suitable for creating backgrounds.

Freehand printing: If your child is extremely reluctant to paint with a brush, invite them to paint with their fingers. You can draw with one, two, or you can draw with all your fingers at the same time: each finger is dipped into a paint of a certain color, and then put on the paper in turn. This is how you get fireworks or beads, etc. It is best to finish the drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils. The hand can be painted with a brush and then printed on paper.

It is good for small children to use special "edible paints" (sold in stores)... You can come up with such paints yourself: jam, jam, mustard, ketchup, whipped cream, etc. can decorate your drawing or dish.

10. Graphic exercises.

In a kindergarten, children acquire graphic skills in the art classes, and small hand movements are developed in the process of design and when performing labor activities. But these classes are not enough, a well-thought-out system of special classes and exercises is needed to develop graphic skills in children, not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Graphic activity contributes to better orientation in the two-dimensional space of a sheet of paper and prepares the child's hand for learning to write. It is important that graphic tasks have figurative and semantic significance. For this purpose, objects such as waves, rainbows, puffs of smoke, fish scales are selected for drawing. Here you can take a task for completing the missing details of flowers and objects, outlining patterns, shading and coloring contour images, pictures in albums for coloring. A gradual transition to work according to a given action pattern is envisaged, for example: "Draw waves, large and small, three large waves and three small ones." Then the work of drawing the ornaments and labyrinths becomes more difficult.

The child gains experience of graphic movements by performing various types of shading, drawing, copying drawings, tracing contours along dots and dashed lines, drawing ornaments in cells. At the same time, training is conducted in the correct methods of action: to draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without gaps, without leaving the contour.

11. Shading.

Tasks with hatching are performed on unlined paper. Contributes to the preparation of the hand for writing. The child should try not to pull the pen off the paper or break the lines. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important when shaping your handwriting. Hatching, as one of the easiest types of graphic activity, is introduced to a large extent for the assimilation of hygienic rules necessary for writing by children. Coloring drawings involves four types of shading, which provide gradual development and strengthening of small muscles of the hand, in the development of coordination of movement.

Shading types:

coloring with short frequent strokes;

coloring with small strokes with return;

centric shading (circular hatching from the center of the picture);

shading with long parallel lines.

Shading rules:

Only hatch in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Observe the parallelism of the lines.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm

When performing hatching, it is necessary to follow the rules: do not go beyond the contours of the figure, observe the parallelism of the lines and the distance between them (0.3 - 0.5 cm)... It is recommended to hatch first with short and frequent strokes, then enter a centric hatching, and only at the last stage hatching with long parallel lines is possible. At the first attempts at shading, the hand quickly gets tired, the children press hard on the pencil, there is no coordination of the fingers, but the work itself is exciting and the child returns to it himself. The figures show the improvement of the muscular apparatus. For shading, you can use plain and colored pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens.

To develop the accuracy and confidence of hand movement, games are used in which children need to draw parallel lines in a certain direction:

Game "From house to house". The child's task is to connect houses of the same color and shape with precise straight lines. The child first draws a line with just a finger, choosing a direction, then with a felt-tip pen. Drawing lines, children accompany the actions with the words "From house to house."

The game "All kinds of labyrinths". Various labyrinths are drawn for the child. Let it "pass" over them with a pencil. So that the lesson does not get bored, it is best to explain what kind of labyrinth it is, where it leads, and who must pass through it. ("This labyrinth is in the Snow Queen's castle, it is made of ice. Gerda must walk along it without touching the walls, otherwise she will freeze.")

Outlining any of the "frames and Montessori" inserts is useful for developing the hand, it is equally useful to shade them. Each figure should be hatched at a different angle of inclination and with varying degrees of line density. It is good if the shading turns out to be of varying degrees of intensity: from pale, barely noticeable to dark.

Mesh hatching is also useful. In all cases, the child needs samples.

Drawing an ornament. Well develops motor dexterity drawing ornaments on sheets in a cage (graphic exercises) first with a simple pencil, then colored. You can perform such exercises from 5 to 6 years old. Children are interested in this kind of drawing. When the child's hand gets a little stronger, then the drawings in his performance become neater and more beautiful.

There is no need to force the child to draw ornaments. Try to get him interested in this activity. Be sure to show first how this is done.

In addition to working on the development of small muscles of the hands in the classroom, tasks for the development of fine motor skills can be included in household chores such as rewinding; tying and undoing ribbons, laces, knots on the rope; collecting cut pictures; fastening and unfastening of buttons, buttons, hooks; screwing and unscrewing lids, cans, bubbles; parsing croup (peas, buckwheat, rice) etc.

There are a lot of tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills. If you wish, especially if you connect fantasy and imagination, you can come up with them endlessly. And the main thing here is to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. Skillful fingers will not become immediately. Games and exercises, finger warm-ups, carried out systematically from an early age, help children to confidently hold a pencil and a pen, independently braid braids and lace up shoes, build from small parts of a designer, sculpt from clay and plasticine, etc. the fingers of the hands develop, then the child's speech and thinking will develop.