Moonstone: the main property is mysterious beauty! Moonstone magical properties for whom the signs of the zodiac are suitable

Are amazing decorations. They are able to improve health, image, bring good luck and love. If the stones are worn incorrectly, on the contrary, it is possible to worsen the position in life.

Choosing, the future owner is looking for "his" option that suits him directly. Take into account:

  • Zodiac sign;
  • Date and year of birth;

After finding "his" talisman, the owner feels light and comfortable. Otherwise, it's not even worth buying this stone. Today we will talk about the Moonstone - this mysterious, extraordinary and enchanting mineral.

Moonstone is rare. It is also called Adular, since the mineral was first discovered on Mount Adula in Switzerland. It is a feldspar with a shimmering blue tint and a mysterious glow. The moonstone has a thin-lamellar structure, and that is why, when looking at the mineral, we see such an amazing mother-of-pearl shimmer.

The magical properties of Adular

It is believed that strong magical properties have been attributed to Adular since ancient times. Wizards (or psychics in a new way) feared the power and impact of the mineral. Many believed that the Moonstone took away magical power.

In the full moon, the stone acquires a translucent color with a bluish tint.

The lunar crystal during this period becomes cold, even icy. Because of this ability to reincarnate, he is credited with magical properties.

But only magicians were afraid of this mineral. The rest of the people wanted to buy Adularia for themselves, as they believed that the stone would bring good luck, health and well-being. There was such a belief that a person who wore the Moonstone always looked at himself with the gaze of the opposite sex. Mostly Adularia was worn by unmarried girls.

The moonstone helps the wearer cope with:

  1. Annoying quarrels;
  2. Disputes, misunderstandings to the people around;
  3. Evil spells, corruption, evil looks;
  4. And even with lightning strikes.

This sensual mineral helps to awaken in a creative person the impulses to create true masterpieces, and to attract good luck for a gambler.

The Moonstone gives off its full magic power on a full moon. At this time, the incidents fall into place: and the anger passes, giving way to the joy of being, euphoria and daydreaming.

Silver Pendant with Moonstone and Cubic Zirconia, SL; silver earrings with moonstone and cubic zirkonia, SL; gold ring with moonstone and cubic zirkonia, SL (prices by links)

Moonstone Healing Power

The mineral can help get rid of various ailments from the gastrointestinal tract, and rid the body of excess fluid. The body's cells are regenerated and help the liver and pancreas to regenerate.

The moonstone is a female talisman that helps the fairer sex to successfully conceive a child, bear, and then safely give birth to a child. In men, with the help of Adular, the emotional essence is revealed. Old books on medicine say that this mineral was used in ancient times to prevent epilepsy and seizures.

How to buy a Moonstone, not a synthetic fake

It is sad to note, but in today's world, every thing is subject to counterfeiting. Moonstone is no exception. To distinguish a natural specimen, follow some rules:

  1. Take a closer look at the color of the mineral. There are no bright overflows, since natural Adularia looks less attractive than a fake;
  2. Look at the Moonstone from a right angle - if there is no blue tint, then it is not a fake. Due to its structure, the crystal reflects light only at a small angle - 13-15˚. And the synthetic material has the same shade at an angle of 15 to 90 degrees;
  3. Another way to test the naturalness of a crystal is to hold the Adularia in the palm of your hand. If it does not heat up within a minute, then this is a natural version of the Moonstone, because it is a cold mineral.

You need to wear the Moonstone correctly

Already from the name alone it is clear that the Moonstone came from the name of the Earth's satellite - the Moon. She patronizes fish, crayfish and scorpions. Representatives of these signs wear the Moonstone as an amulet that protects their owners from evil thoughts and actions.

It relieves a person of negative energy and helps to calm internal anxiety.

Additional information about the Moonstone:

  • Monday is the day of the moon, so people who were born on this day can get such an amulet.
  • with the help of Adular, one can develop clairvoyance in oneself. But you cannot use it for the fire signs of the zodiac, which include aries, lion and archer.
  • for people with a violent temperament, the Moonstone will be very useful due to the fact that it suppresses sharp outbursts of resentment and rage. Melancholic people, on the other hand, should stay away from the mineral.
  • The Moonstone should be worn on the growing moon - this will ensure the full manifestation of the positive qualities of the mineral. If you put it on the waning moon, then the crystal will be powered by the energy of its owner.

Moonstone is a type of feldspar. The mineral is very common in the earth's crust. But crystals suitable for the jewelry industry are now quite rare. The main deposits in India and Sri Lanka are practically depleted. Belongs to the class of semi-precious, but due to the small number of quality samples, it is highly valued. It has a wide range of medicinal and magical properties, suitable for the water signs of the zodiac.

Magical properties

The influence of the moonstone is inextricably linked to the phases of the moon. The moon is growing - the impact is increasing. It is believed that on a full moon, crystals have a special glow and properties. On the waning moon, the gem can become an energy vampire. Therefore, it is better not to wear such jewelry at this time, but to put it in a box.

The moonstone occupies a special place in the magic and healing practices of Ancient India. He is a symbol of fertility, love energy. There is a belief: if a tree does not bear fruit, then a moonstone crystal should be hung on it at full moon - it will certainly begin to yield.

Should be worn by unmarried girls, it will help to find a soul mate, to find love. The stone has a good effect on family relationships, if constant quarrels occur in the house, then the moon crystal will bring peace and tranquility.

It is known that the moonstone reacts to a decline in love energy. If the relationship cools down, then it may even fade, lose its bright radiance, shine.

For magicians and sorcerers, the stone helps to penetrate the secrets of nature, to control the behavior of wild animals. With its help, you can look into the past and reveal the deepest secrets hidden in the human heart.

Healing properties

The healing properties of moonstone are based on its effect on the human body.

Helps with problems with reproductive function, infertility. It has a calming effect on the baby in the womb, facilitates childbirth.

It has an excellent effect on the nervous system, helps to restrain emotions, relieve internal tension, and relax.

As the moon affects all liquids, so the moonstone stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, activating its work. Helps you focus on important tasks. You should wear a beaded bracelet on your right hand.

  • This is useful:

If a person suffers from edema, there is no better way to improve circulation and fluid balance in the body. Stabilizes the kidneys, genitourinary system.

It has a beneficial effect on people with epilepsy and helps to relieve seizures. In this case, a person's belief in healing properties plays an important role.

Suitable for asthma sufferers, it is better to wear jewelry on the chest.

It helps well with insomnia, sleepwalking, a person finds a calm, healthy sleep. If you wear a moonstone, the tendency to depressive states decreases. It makes people more energetic, fills them with vitality. This is especially true for older people, it helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, makes it possible to feel younger.

  • Read:

Who suits

First of all, the moonstone is intended for creative individuals. They can draw inspiration from it, find with its help bold, talented solutions.

Amulet for historians and archaeologists, all who are associated with solving the secrets of the past. Also suitable for those who want to become a speaker, it helps to clearly, clearly express their thoughts.

Suitable for the water signs of the zodiac, they are all very strongly dependent on the influence of the night star.

Cancer- the stone will strengthen the best sides of character: a tendency to romance, good intuition, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts. Stabilizes mood swings, helps to achieve greater sense of purpose, achieve financial and creative success.

Pisces suitable for enhancing their love energy, makes it easier to find a soul mate. Jewelry with such a gem will help you focus on important tasks. This will make it possible to make pink dreams come true, to get the long-awaited result.

Scorpions on the contrary, it will bring peace of mind, peace. It will help to establish relationships with others, fill it with tenderness and love.

Aquarius x the moonstone fits well, envelops them in a haze of mystery and mysticism.

Libra the gem will help to find purposefulness, find balance, harmony, firmly go towards the goal.

Capricorns, Aries, Sagittarius - does not fit. He relaxes them too much, badly affects their ability to work, makes them lazy.

The moonstone has a beneficial effect on people with the following names:

  • Avdotya;
  • Gleb;
  • Igor.

Moonstone in jewelry

The best combination of a gem with lunar metal is silver. The influence increases and reaches its maximum level. To obtain a result, contact with the human body is necessary. Therefore, it is better to choose beads or pendants. When buying, be sure to clarify the origin of the crystals. Due to the depletion of natural deposits, a huge number of synthetic imitations have appeared. They do not have useful properties, they will not bring anything to their owner.

Mineral class: Aluminosilicate.
Chemical formula: K
Hardness: 6-6.5
Density: 2.56-2.58
Color: Colorless, yellow, light gray with a blue tint.
Line color: white
Luster: glassy, ​​pearlescent
Transparency .: translucent
Cleavage: perfect
Kink: uneven
System: monoclinic
Is the mineral fragile ?: Yes
Malleability .: No
HCl Response: No
Crystal pleochroism: No
Irisation: No
Magnetic properties: No
Refraction: 1,520-1,525
Pleochroism: absent

Moonstone- aluminosilicate from the group of potassium feldspars - low-temperature orthoclase. Other names for the stone are - Adular, Orthoclase.

Crystal of Adularia.

The name of the stone is geographically derived from the Adula mountains in Switzerland, where crystals of this stone were first found, given for the shining blue iridescence (shimmer) of the mineral. According to other sources, adularia got its name from Mons-Adularia - the old name of the Saint-Gotthard massif in the Lepontine Alps, where, as G. Bank writes, the classic deposit of this stone (Adul) is located.

Irisation is associated with micro-growths of another crystal, albite, regularly arranged in the form of the thinnest layers. The thinner these layers, the brighter the shimmer.

On the surface of some stones, the effect of "cat's eye" can sometimes appear, when the thickness of the plates on some becomes very thin. As a rule, this effect is typical for stones from deposits.

Condition of education and finding:

It is found in pematites, ore veins (especially gold-bearing ones), typical of rich quartz veins of the Alpine type in association with rock crystal, chlorite, titanite, rutile, ilmenite, hematite .. Formed among deep igneous rocks during crystallization of silicate melt with a temperature of 650-700 degrees Celsius. Beautiful transparent crystals Adularia also grow from hot aqueous solutions, rich in silica and potassium, in cracks in rocks. There are known inclusions of moonstone in effusive volcanic rocks.

The morphology of the formation is prismatic, columnar or tabular crystals.

Deposits: in Australia, Burma, India (varieties of feldspar with a star-shaped effect have been discovered), Brazil, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania (Africa). The most famous and largest deposit Adularia located in Sri Lanka. Found in poorly metamorphosed rocks on North Island in New Zealand. In 1958, in the river gravels of the outskirts of the city of Oliver (Virginia, USA), moon stones were discovered, in quality close to those of Sri Lankan.

On the territory of Russia, finds of adularia were made in the Urals (Makrusha city) and in Siberia (Inaglinsky massif). Often, such finds are confined to gold deposits, where adularia is found together with quartz. Sometimes gold is found in the finest (nanoscale) inclusions in the adularia itself.

In Chukotka, in the Karamken and Mnogovershinnoye gold-silver deposits, adularia-rhodochrosite rock with inclusions of quartz and native gold, as well as adularia-quartz rock from vein bodies with a banded-cockade texture, was found.

In the Baikal region, its most famous deposit is Naryn-Kunta, among the feldspars of the block zone of ceramic pegmatites, where it forms small single crystals, brushes, growths oriented depending on the size of cavities and cracks in two directions: with a vertical orientation of crystals and horizontally oriented brushes (oppressed forms). Adularization observed in white, pearl and bluish hues.

(photo from the site:

There are many manifestations Moonstone in the Slyudyansky and Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region, mainly associated with pegmatites. The size of individual crystals in manifestations varies greatly from the first cm to 10 and even 20 cm. The lunar effect is observed in some areas, less often over the entire surface of the crystal. The main disadvantages of the material of these manifestations are increased fracturing, ferruginization, pale iridescence effects.


Moonstone can be confused with synthetic spinel, sometimes with chalcedony (if the stone is of fairly good purity). Minerals such as albite, oligoclase, microcline, which also belong to the group of feldspars, can also have a similar iridescence.

Sometimes they give out for a moonstone - a translucent or translucent oligoclase (a type of feldspar), which got its name from a deposit on the coast of the White Sea. Belomorite is a stone with a pearlescent luster and blue-green-yellow iridescence.

It is very similar to the Moonstone (Adularia), but it is not.


It is used in jewelry, where it is polished with a cabochon. It is usually set in silver.

Magical properties. (! Not verified):

According to the horoscope, the stone ideally corresponds to people born under the sign of Cancer and Pisces. Taurus can wear it with pleasure and benefit. Contraindicated for those born under the sign of Aries and Capricorn, Sagittarius and Leo.

It is considered a suitable amulet for people born during the full moon, and for those born on Monday - the day "ruled" by the moon. Moonstone helps in love affairs, and separated or quarreled lovers wore rings with a moonstone that has the ability to overcome obstacles to happiness.

Moonstone talisman of love, which helps to pacify a strong mental and mental state. It gives the ability to beautifully and accurately express one's thoughts, the gift of poetry, the gift of penetration into the secrets of nature. For lovers, adularia brings harmony, understanding of each other and quite clearly reacts to the cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, it can become dull.

Adular perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, clears the space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone.

For coarse people, adularia is useless, because he does not want to fight such manifestations, but seeks to develop only those who go to this on their own, by their own will. This moonstone makes a person attractive, charming and sophisticated, gives the owner an inimitable charm and ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations.

The moonstone is not worn all the time - it can be worn during the period from new moon to full moon, on a flawed moon it becomes a real energy world, weakening its owner. He manifests his qualities most powerfully on Mondays. It is best to wear the stone on the neck or chest, or in a ring on the ring finger, set in silver.

Healing miracles.

Adular has a powerful effect on the body, for which it is worn so that it touches bare skin. It relieves epileptic seizures, soothes, relieves outbursts of uncontrolled anger and aggression, normalizes sleep and provides clear and vivid dreams, heals sleepwalking. Mineral energetically, it is associated with the water element and effectively removes stones, tumors, seals from the body, "flushes" toxins, can alleviate the suffering of the patient even in the last stages of the development of a malignant tumor. It is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, jaundice, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance. The stone cleanses the blood and lymph, relieves swelling and inflammation, fever, improves heart function.


What is called a moonstone.

The name "moonstone" itself raises many questions and is interpreted in different ways. In order for everything to be exactly, you will have to cite the mineralogical dictionary.


1) Transparent feldspar (adularia, albite, oligoclase, orthoclase, sanidin) with pale blue iridescence. In India, there are varieties with asterism and the effect of a cat's eye. Synonyms: aglaurite, hecatolite, water opal, Ceylon opal, pearl spar.

2) Translucent or translucent plagioclase (albite oligoclase) with a pearlescent luster and characteristic iridescence in bluish-white, greenish and yellowish tones. Synonyms: belomorite, peristerite.

3) Gypsum of parallel-fiber structure with a silky sheen. The synonym is selenite. With selenite, everything is more or less clear, outwardly it is similar, it is a beautiful ornamental stone, but the term is correctly applied only to feldspars.

4) A general-purpose term with an additional definition is used for opalescent varieties of minerals of a pale milky color (oriental lunar stone - corundum, pink - scapolite, blue - chalcedony), for iridescent varieties of the main plagioclase (Canadian moonstone, Madagascar, black), as well as for amazonite with a silky sheen from albite ingrowths (moon green stone). The term is useful only in the sense 1).

In various literatures, in various sources, many light minerals with a silky sheen or opalescent can be called a moonstone (the concepts of moonstone and selenite are most often confused - because of the obvious similarity of names), but the name "moonstone" is advisable to use only in relation to transparent ( translucent) feldspars with pale blue iridescence (overflows) - adularia, albite, oligoclase, orthoclase, sanidine.

Adular- potassium feldspar, see article above.

Albite(from the Latin "albus" - white) - a mineral of the group of feldspars. Transparent and translucent samples with opalescence (moonstone) and iridescence (peristerite) are used as jewelry and ornamental stones. The color is predominantly light gray, white; hardness 6-6.5. Possesses good cleavage in two directions, glass luster. Pure albite is rare. Under natural conditions, it is usually mixed in different proportions with another plagioclase (calcium) - anorthite.

Sanidin(from the Greek "sanis" - plate) - a kind of orthoclase feldspar, represented by glass-like tabular crystals. Used in jewelry.

These minerals are called moon stones.

(named by A.E. Fersman for its location - the coast of the White Sea) - iridescent feldspar, oligoclase of white or color, sometimes translucent, with iridescence of gray-blue, blue-blue, pale violet. Jewelry and ornamental stone.

Peristerite(from the Greek "peristera" - a dove) - a translucent variety of albite-oligoclase with bright iridescence, iridescence of glow in bluish-violet, gray-blue tones, reminiscent of the ebb of feathers on the neck of a dove.

Both of the latter minerals are mistakenly called the Moonstone.

Adularia field in Sri Lanka, photo:

* O Moonstone there are many legends. It is said, for example, that a white spot appears on its surface, growing as the moon's radiance increases until the full moon. The sages noted that on a new moon the stone becomes colder and seems to be filled with moonlight, starting to shine noticeably brighter, and with a decrease in the lunar disk, the brilliance fades until the next new moon. How a piece of rock can reflect the course of the lunar month so strongly is still unknown, but in India adularia has become a sacred stone that brings happiness. For its unusual iridescent white color with a bluish or yellowish tint, it was called "spitting of the moon" or "moon foam" - they believed that these stones were frozen tears of the moon goddess.

* In Russia, adularia was called a peacock or tausin (from the Persian "tausi" - peacock) stone. This stone has other, less poetic names: fish or wolf's eye, Ceylon or water opal.

* Wilkie Collins' novel Moonstone is about a yellow diamond. Collins also mentions adularia: “Partly because of its special color, partly because of the legend - that the stone obeys the influence of the deity it decorates, and its brilliance increases and decreases with the full moon and with the damage of the moon.

* Moonstone is mentioned in The Secret of the Sacred Mountain by Alan Frevin Jones from The Talisman series and in The Vampire Diaries by Lisa Jane Smith.

Moonstone- This is potassium spar and is one of the varieties of orthoclase. It is bluish-silver in color, translucent. Spar creates a glow around itself, which most of all resembles moonlight, for which, in fact, it received such a name.

The mineral is called adularia, aglaurite, ice spar, and also fish eye. In India, where he is more revered than others, he is called jandarakand (which means "moonlight").

Rough moonstone is valued by many people for its magical, healing properties. It is used to create talismans, jewelry.

Moonstone appears in ore, most often gold-bearing, veins or in pematites. It was found in the quartz vein of the Alps in places where ilmenite, rock crystal, titanite, chlorite, hematite and rutile are also found. It is formed in igneous rock at a temperature of 650–700 o C. Adularia can also grow in hot water, rich in potassium and silica. It is formed in the rock (or rather, in its cracks), including volcanic effusive.

For the first time, feldspar was discovered in the Adula mountains. Many believe that this is where the second name came from - adularia. However, there is a version that it was named after Mons Adular (as the Saint Gotthard Massif was called earlier).
To date, Sri Lanka has almost depleted the deposit. Rich reserves are found in:

  • Brazil.
  • Australia, Burma and India (there is a mineral here that has a star-like effect).
  • Madagascar.
  • New Zealand.
  • USA. Near Oliver, since 1958, adularia has been mined, which is similar in quality to a stone from Sri Lanka.
  • Tanzania (Africa).
  • Russia.
  • Ukraine.

In the Russian Empire, an unprocessed moonstone was found in the Urals (namely, in Mount Mokrusha), in the Inaglinsky massif, which is located in Siberia. The gem was discovered near a quartz deposit. Chukotka is famous for its minerals: adularia-quartz (it has a banded-cockade texture) and adularia-rhodochrosite (it includes native gold, quartz).

Moonstone (Adularia) gets its name from its unique aesthetic characteristics. Its incredible radiance is like the brilliance of moonlight. Since ancient times, this mineral of bluish-silver color has a high value, as everyone knows about its extraordinary.

The magical power of adular

Adularia is one of the strongest amulets and talismans. It has a beneficial effect on people suffering from their own explosive nature. The cold, pacifying shine of adularia makes it possible to feel peace and tranquility.

The magical properties of the Moonstone can be used to enhance the natural gift of clairvoyance. With its help, you can reveal the potential of any person, if the gift was laid by nature. Also, adularia allows you to concentrate, enhances the ability to analyze. Such a stone can be a good helper in a situation where you need to quickly make the right decision.

One of the most amazing magical properties of the mineral is its ability to connect its owner with invisible threads with the events of the past. For this reason, many archaeologists and historians choose Adularia as an amulet.

The soothing effect of the Moonstone relieves its owner from overconfidence, anger and a tendency to do bad things.

This mineral inexplicably helps restore feelings of love and improve family relationships. In order for this to happen, you need to constantly have an adularia with you, preferably in the form of a brooch. At the same time, the Moonstone is mostly responsible for platonic love, mutual respect and understanding in the family. If you make a personal talisman from this mineral, its power will help you cope with selfish aspirations and reach a compromise in any dispute. Lonely people should also make Adularia their constant companion. It has been known since ancient times that its mysterious glow attracts love.

The magical properties of the moonstone are good for people of creative professions, revealing their abilities. In order to get a powerful charge of inspiration and revive your imagination, you must wear a ring with adularia on your right hand.

Astrologers say that Adular will be an excellent helper for Aquarius and Cancer, enhancing their natural talents.

Medicinal properties

The main use of the Moonstone in traditional medicine is in the treatment of mental disorders. It remarkably supports and restores the nervous system, allowing you to cope with the most serious diseases, including epilepsy.

In Tibetan medicine, adularia is widely used. It helps with diseases such as paralysis, dropsy, asthma, blood poisoning. In addition, this mineral stops the course of inflammatory processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system and saves from liver diseases.

Mineral helps women in labor, ensuring easy and quick labor. He is also able to restore reproductive function and balance the hormonal process in the body. Adularia is indicated for hyperactive children, as it enhances concentration and perseverance.

The healing properties of Moonstone help to cope with a variety of sleep disorders. Nightmares, insomnia and other disorders disappear with constant wearing of adularia. In addition, this mineral is able to tune a person to a positive outlook, as well as touch the essence of the universe.

For people who are acutely experienced during the lunar cycles and are not always able to control themselves, wearing adularia is mandatory. It gets rid of all kinds of addictions, giving its owner a calm self-confidence.

The moonstone has found application in meditation practice. It helps to eliminate all unnecessary from the subconscious and focus on solving important issues. Adularia stimulates all the best that is in a person, suppressing the manifestations of negative emotions.