Medical reference departing in camp 079. Medical references required for arrival in the camp

In this article we will consider Help 079 y for camp. We will learn who are issued by such certificates, where it can be taken, what is her validity period and much more. At the end of the article you will have the opportunity to download a sample of reference 079U for camp so that you can understand what this document is. But our story we will start with some introduction, which will introduce us to the very essence of the question.

Help 079U in 2015

When the summer period comes, many young parents are wondering where their child with health benefits can relax. Many choose joint family trips, say, for an abroad resort, someone sends children to her grandmother in the village. Options Weight, but one of the best - send your child to a children's health camp. What is this option better? Everything is very simple! In the children's health camp, the child is hardly the most important skill, which he must learn - the ability to communicate. After all, it is communication that becomes the Achilles fifth of modern youth. Perhaps the invincibility of children is currently due to the fact that digital technology, social networks, etc. are actively developing. But, as the older generation knows, live communication will not replace nothing. And the children's health camp is the best place to get the skill of communication and independent life. In the children's camp, the child will play sports, participate in evening creative events, swim, sunbathe - in general, live a full life. Do not you want your child?

What do you need to send a child to a children's camp?

So, let's say that you decide to send your child to a children's health camp. What should be done? To begin with, choose a specific camp and buy a ticket. You can beat the mortgage that with the development of tourist business and Internet technologies, it is not at all difficult. Maximum two hours of searching and, you already decide where your child will go this summer.

You have a ticket on your hands. Now we are starting to collect medical documents, because in order for your child to be allowed to communicate with other children, you need to be sure that it is completely healthy. Just here you need a certificate 079U for the camp.

Immediately make a reservation that there are two ways to design a reference 079U. The first way is to obtain a document in the State Medical Institution. It is fraught with the fact that you will spend a lot of time and nerves in the queues. Infinite coupons, receptions and lost analyzes also do not make honor to state clinics and hospitals. But it will be absolutely free for you. Instead of money for Help O79 for the camp, you pay time and nerves.

The second way of obtaining reference 079U is commercial medical organizations

For small, in principle, money will make all the necessary procedures and analyzes. Literally within a few minutes you will receive a certificate 079U for the camp and will already take place the next step of preparing your child to rest. In private medical companies, everything happens quickly, but paid. Here are two main ways to receive certificates. What to choose - to solve only you.

What other documents are needed in order to send a child to a children's camp?

So, we have already made a glimpse of the medical certificate 079U for the camp, and now it's time to find out what other documents to you, as a responsible parent, must be prepared in order not to worry about the rest of your Chad.

We announce the list of papers that need a child departing in a children's health camp:

  • Actually, reference 079U about health
  • A ticket to a children's camp, which is accommodation and food
  • A photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the child. Passport or birth certificate, depending on age
  • A photocopy of medical insurance, written in the name of your child
  • If necessary, paper that contains additional data on the peculiarities of your child's behavior and health. It is drawn up at will for the counselors, to communicate with your child happened more rapidly and tightly
  • In the event that the children's health camp is not in Russia, but in a foreign country, a passport is required and a power of attorney for a child from parents

In the last paragraph, a certain retreat should be done. In the case when your child goes to the camp, which is located on the territory of a foreign state, a set of documents necessary for the trip will be very different from the one that we presented. Most often, for each foreign camp, its own, individual set of papers and references is collected.

What is 079u certificate for camp?

Now, after we voiced all the documents that you need to send a child to the camp, we will carefully consider the main subject of our conversation - Help 079 for the camp. We remind you that a sample reference 079U for camp you can download at the very end of our article.

Help 079U is a kind of medical document that contains specific information about the health of the child. This certificate is needed so that the staff of the camp, having familiarized with the paper, could create living conditions, ideally suitable for a particular child. For example, if a child in Help 079U will indicate that he is allergic, say, for citrus, these products will be seized from a constant diet of this child.

Help 079U is an official medical document. That is, in simple language, it cannot be made independently, at home from hand. The form was created by state structures and meets all the requirements. What is indicated in Help 079U:

  • Information about the formation of a child (kindergarten, school and so on)
  • Health Information
  • Information about diseases that the child suffered earlier. For example, cough, windmill, rubella and other
  • Information about the child's vaccinations
  • Information about the level of physical preparation of a particular child. That is, to which group of health it refers

Before sending a child to a children's healthcare camp, there is always a lot of trouble and extra fuss. Of course, you can accidentally lose sight of the design of all necessary medical records. Help for the Children's Camp shape 079 U is a prerequisite for staying a child in a camp. It is this medical document that can guarantee that the child will not suffer during rest from dangerous infections and will not get sick.

Help 079 / y can be framed in a school institution by a doctor or in a clinic at the place of residence after inspection by a pediatrician, but you have the opportunity to quickly issue this certificate at the SanmetedExpert Medical Center in the shortest possible time. It contains the following data:

  • the number of vaccinations and revaccinations;
  • past illnesses;
  • physical group.

This information is necessary for a medical personnel of the children's health institution, in which the child will be all shifted. Based on this data, the competent specialist will follow the right recreation organization of the child. The staff member at the end of the recreation change in a special column will celebrate the effectiveness of the procedures and, if necessary, the peculiarities of the child's stay on vacation.

How long is the certificate for children's camp 079 / y?

Help for children's camp 079 / y is valid for three months. This means that you can go through all specialists in advance and get the document in the spring. The following year, the certificate is executed again, taking into account the changed data.

Where to issue a medical certificate to the camp?

Registration of certificate for children's camp 079 / y is engaged in a pediatrician. He not only makes marks about the vaccination passport, but also conducts a general inspection. For conclusion, consultations of two narrow specialists are needed:

  • dermatologist

In addition, it is necessary to pass a number of analyzes:

  • common clinical blood test,
  • general clinical analysis of urine.

Can a doctor ban a child to go to a children's camp?

Unfortunately, maybe. If your child is sick at the time of examination or has serious medical contraindications for outdoor activities in the children's health camp. Also, the certificate is not issued if the child for 21 days before the child was established or even the contact with infectious patients was assumed. In this case, it is necessary to leave the baby under the supervision of the entire quarantine period of the proposed disease.

Why should I make a certificate 079 - in the center of "SanmedEkspert"?

  1. In our medical center, the certificate is issued as soon as possible.
  2. Complies with all the necessary standards.
  3. You can visit all narrow specialists in one day.
  4. Affordable prices.
  5. Convenient work schedule.

When the summer holiday time comes, parents try to find a suitable place to relax their child:, or sports bases. After you have decided where your child will spend his holidays, it is necessary to collect documents that he will definitely use the camp. We will tell you what should be included in the list of necessary documents.

How to get a medical certificate for camp: actions algorithm

The most important advice is to start collecting those documents that you do not have, so we begin with a medical certificate. It is best to start preparation of documents of the week 2 before departure to the camp.

1. Go to the Plot Pediatrician, It is he who issues certificates for the camp in form No.079 / y. With you, you need to take an outpatient map of the child, the vaccination passport, the birth certificate, the medical policy of the child and the passport of one of the parents. If the child goes to a healing sanatorium, then it is necessary to know, on the treatment of what diseases it specializes.

2. The pediatrician conducts a child inspection, fills the necessary documents and, if necessary, gives the direction to narrow specialists. They can be passed in advance.

4. After all narrow specialists, with the results of analyzes we go again to the pediatrician. If there are no contraindications and analyzing indicators normally, the doctor fully fills the medical certificate. Check the correctness of all data.

5. Through three days before the trip to the camp, we visit the pediatrician again, who writes a separate certificate of a favorable epidradiation (a certificate of contacts, certificate of sanitary-indoor) - which suggests that the child was not in contact with infectious patients over the past three weeks.

After receiving a medical certificate in hand, you will only have copies of the necessary documents and fold everything into a special folder. The child also needs to show everything to know what kind of documents he has, and where they lie.

Documents and references that are necessary

1. Medical certificate for a child, Departing to the camp (form No. 079 / y), which is filled with a pediatrician based on an outpatient map of the child.

2. Extract for preventive vaccinations and manta samples From school or children's preschool institution, which is visited by a child.

3. Result of the survey On helminths for the last 3 months (the analysis of the feces on the eggs and scraping on enterobiosis).

4. Help on the absence of contacts with infectious patients From the children's clinic at the place of residence (take the day before the departure).

5. Copy of medical policy

6. Well, and, of course, poure sama (if it is paid, then with payment receipt)

Medical certificate in form 079 / y is included in the package of documents required when departing a child in a children's camp. It is necessary for:

    confirmation of a satisfactory health state;

    informing medical staff about the peculiarities of the health and body of the child, if any.

The document draws up a precinct pediatrician in a clinic or a doctor at school. Buy the help blank and pass a paid medical examination in a private clinic. The Pediatrician's Health Conclusion Makes on the basis of inspection by narrow specialists and the results of the analyzes delivered by the child.

What data should be in Help 79 / U

The document contains complete information about the child's health current:

    Basic data. Name, age, date of birth, accommodation address, school institution in which the child learns.

    Diseases. The doctor records all the diagnoses that have been delivered to the child. It may be Scarlatina, Opa, Cort, Dieseneria, Poklush.

    Group. Information is necessarily made in which group of physical education it is engaged in common, health, etc.

    Vaccinations. What and when were made, there is a medical voice.

So that there are no problems with the design of the camp, you need to see the epidemiologist. This doctor will confirm that the child has not contacted infectious patients and health itself. According to the inspection, the doctor issues a certificate of contacts. It is necessary to make it no earlier than 3 days before departure - it is for such a term that it is valid.


Get a certificate of 079 / y for camp Children can be in a clinic at the place of residence or in a private clinic with a relevant license. Contact us, in the medical services center MedProfi24 - we will help you quickly pass a medical examination.

First you need to come to the Pediatrician. He will give directions:

    For inspection of narrow-profile specialists: a neuropathologist, a dermatologist, a dentist.

    On laboratory tests: blood test for a group, feces on the egg, for scabies, pediculosis and hepatitis A.

When all doctors are completed and analyzed, it is necessary to re-apply to the pediatrician. Based on the results obtained and the conclusions of the doctors, he will decide to issue a certificate or not. Options are possible here. In conclusion, there may be the following marks:

    child healthy or unhealthy;

    consists in dispensary accounting;

    has limitations regarding physical or sports loads;

    he has restrictions on the adoption of water procedures, solar baths.

When the pediatrician fully fills the front side of the reference, it must be assured:

    prints of doctors who took part in the Medical Commission;

    polyclinic stamp;

    triangular printing of polyclinics, which issued a medns.

The working side of the medical certificate fills the doctor of the children's camp. When a child arrives home, the document is provided to school.

Questionnaire on the child

The questionnaire does not directly refer to Help 079 / y, but enters the package of documents. In addition, it contains important information about the child who should know doctors at a children's camp:

    features of mental development;

    features of physical health;

    psychological condition;

    are there any allergic reactions to drugs, products, etc.;

    whether special nutrition is necessary - for example, dietary;

    the level of communicability and social adaptation of the child, etc.

Do not hide any information, because during the stay of the child in the camp, doctors and psychologists of the institution are responsible for its physical and mental health.

Based on these data, sports and entertainment programs are compiled for children.

"Documents required for passage
medical examination when sending a child to a children's camp with the MOSGORTUR in 2016 "

Dear Parents!

For the successful passage of medical examination on sending to the camp, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Help for form 079 / y

According to order No. 834 of 12/15/2014, the term of this reference is no more than six months from the date of issue.

A certificates of the established sample of an educational institution or a medical institution (clinic, medical center, nursing, etc.) are accepted with a triangular, rectangular printing (institution address), as well as a round seal of a pediatrician doctor when presented).

Draw your attention to, that in the help in paragraph 7 requires the availability of information about the test P. Mantu with a duration of no more than a year before the date of departure to the camp.

In accordance with Sanpin. "Tuberculosis prevention" Ch.5: p.5.1. P.6.2. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide a conclusion about the state of health from a physiciance doctor, a set sample of a medical institution or the results of diaskintes with a period of no more than a year from the date of issue in accordance with Article 10., Article 39 p.3 (compliance with sanitary rules It is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) of the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", Ch.5.p.5.7 Sanpin. "Prevention of tuberculosis": (5.7. Children, Tuberculin Diagnostics which was not carried out, allowed to the Children's Organization in the presence of a physician doctor about the absence of a disease, as well as by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 17.02.2015 N AKPI14-1454. ("On refusal to satisfy the statement on the recognition of the invalid item 1.3 and the paragraph of the second paragraph 5.7 of the sanitary-epidemiological rules of the joint venture" Prevention of tuberculosis ", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 10/22/2013 N 60).

  • Certificate of epidemiological surroundings (on contacts), with information that during 21 days of infectious diseases is not registered. The certificate must be issued no earlier than 3 days before departure to the camp.
  • If there is a pool In the camp it is necessary to provide a certificate of the established sample on admission to a visit to the pool from a medical institution based on
    Sanpin "Swimming pools." Duration of reference for 3 months from the date of issue.
  • A ticket to the camp.
  • Original and a copy of birth certificate for kids up to 14 years old, original and copy of passport (Fourth page turning with photo and register for children from 14 years old.
  • Copy of polis Mandatory health insurance.
  • Help with indication of the analysis of the analysis on the eggs of helminths and enterobiosisand its copy (for children under 11 years old). Please note: if you are preparing a certificate for the pool, the results of the analysis on the eggs of helminths and enterobiasis are indicated in it, in this case, the individual help is not required.
  • In the case of chronic diseases, medical drugs must be accompanied by the certificate from the attending physician with the seal of a medical institution.

During a medical examination, doctors check not only the presence of all the necessary references and marks in them about the vaccinations made, but also produce a child's inspection, to eliminate the possibility of having diseases on external signs (pediculosis, fungal infections, etc.).

We draw your attention that the inspection is carried out by the currently qualified medical personnel of the city clinic of the city of Moscow (senior medical sister, a pediatrician, head of the pediatric department).

We convincingly ask you to clearly fulfill the instructions of the staff when inspection.

We recommend when contacting a medical or educational institution to obtain a reference 079 / y to follow the next sample in terms of the correct and full fill in the reference points. This measure will allow us to improve the quality of the services provided within the summer health campaign.

Please note that if you are issued a refusal to conduct preventive vaccinations, please make information about it in paragraph 7 of reference.