The mood for health really heals! The mood is from hypotension. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

It is well known that the quality of our mood (joyful or gloomy) and attitude towards ourselves and the world around us (optimistic, tolerant, kind or, conversely, pessimistic, unenviable, envious, grumpy) determines our physical health. And it is often the cause of negative moods and attitudes towards oneself and the world around it, and is the cause of many diseases. Therefore, a positive attitude is very important for the health of the body.

Positive thoughts produce the same thoughts in the people around you and attract them to you, while negative ones act in the opposite way, push them away from you. It is more pleasant and useful for you to be attractive, so develop only positive attractive thoughts in yourself, which, together with your positive magnetism, will give you greater power to influence people.
Root out all negative thoughts associated with hatred, fear, sadness, anger, discontent, resentment, envy, distrust, etc., and replace them with positive ones associated with love, courage, joy, calmness, contentment, goodwill, etc. .d.

As you think of others, so do others. How you think of yourself, so do those around you. Therefore, think only positively of yourself and others.

You do not love others or think that others do not like you and will not be loved. You are afraid of everyone and everything, and you will be intimidated. You do not believe in yourself, and you will not be trusted. You do not wish well for anyone, and they will not wish it on you. The thoughts of others tend to meet your every thought and increase the power of your thoughts. Never think, "I can't." Everyone will think that you cannot. Always think: “I can, I want and I will achieve what I want” - and you can really do everything.

Great people become great because they wanted to be great, but they were the same as you: all are born "small" people.
Remember that thoughts affect you - your spirit and body. What are thoughts - such is a person. There are cases when those who are carried away and tirelessly reading criminal novels later became criminals. Therefore, avoid books filled with negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts are spiritual poison, and positive thoughts are the antidote. Thoughts of hatred, envy, fear, sadness, etc., excite dangerous physiological processes in our body that have a harmful, most detrimental effect on our health. On the contrary, thoughts of love, goodwill, joy, etc., improve the mental state and have a beneficial effect on the body.
Consequently, negative thoughts poison the body, positive thoughts heal. That is why one should love one's neighbor as oneself, for, in essence, loving those around us, we love ourselves, wish ourselves well and prosperity. By developing positive thoughts in yourself, you develop in yourself the same magnetism and good willpower, for before you can think well, you need to want to think so.

Thus, with positive thinking, all 3 aspects of a strong influence on people develop: magnetism, the power of thought and the power of goodwill.

Therapeutic effect:
strengthens the nervous system;

Health mood before bed and after bed

The second sacrament (the first sacrament - eating) should be preparation for sleep and the entrance to sleep. This is important for both the physical and mental state of a person.

During sleep, our "I" dwells in such a spiritual (astral) world, which corresponds to our mood before sleep, and returns "saturated" with its specific mental element that communicates strength or weakness, well-being or disorders to the body. The mood for concern, grumbling, envy contributes to the stay of the "I" in the sphere of concern; upon awakening, this concern increases. Attitude to illness (thoughts of illness) translates the "I" into the world of suffering, and this intensifies suffering in the daytime. Therefore, the patient before going to bed must think about health, must repeat:
“Only the tool I’m using is damaged. I am what I think of myself.

My spiritual "I" is healthy and will bring healing to my body during sleep. "
This needs to be repeated every evening, if the result does not affect immediately, then you need to think in general about changing your style of thinking to a positive one. Attunement to the state of youth and strength directs the "I" to the corresponding spheres of the astral world; after getting out of sleep, the body is strengthened and confidence in one's state of strength and youth is strengthened.

To make the above clear, you need to give some explanations. According to the yogis, a person, in addition to "I", consists of bodies: a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body (a body of desires), a mental body (a body of thought), a body of causality (a causal body).

The energy of each body differs in quality from others, and each body, as it were, permeates with itself, being more subtle, more coarse.

The physical body consists of a huge number of cells, each of which performs two tasks - maintains its own existence, and part of itself gives up to support the whole organism as a whole (cell specialization). A complex of homogeneous cells builds up into a tissue or even into a whole organism. All organs are permeated with a group of control cells, cells that provide respiratory or nutritional function. Each cell lives for a certain period of life, then either dies, like blood cells, or divides.
Despite all this, the body constantly retains its shape and structure. This conservation process is carried out by the etheric body.

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body, it seems to contain the constant form of the body. Within the etheric body is the astral, or body of emotions and desires.

The mental body builds a plan for our activities in the process of our entire life, an intelligent structure of behavior. Within the mental body is the body of causes.
During sleep, our astral body leaves the physical and begins to travel in invisible space, realizing those desires that were not realized in the daytime, and thereby freeing itself from internal energy tension.

In a dream, desires (especially desires that take possession of a person before bedtime) and mood control a person. At the same time, he sees events, but cannot influence them.

From the above, it is clear that before bedtime you need to avoid unpleasant and minor conversations, clarification of relationships and sad reflections. On the contrary, you need all available means - a walk before bedtime, relaxation (usual relaxation with optimistic self-hypnosis in the form of autogenic training), listening to beautiful life-affirming music, memories of beautiful and happy moments in your life, a short conversation with a good person with whom you are connected by mutual sympathy - to tune in to feeling like a person, and a person, in principle, happy, strong enough and young (regardless of age).

And when you woke up, you need to connect your consciousness to the single life of the Universe and ask for your share of everything living from the World Mind. In the Universe, all living things are one (trees, clouds, oceans, birds, stars, the sun), everything has energy.

Our soul, in a certain mood (especially in the morning), has the ability to attract part of this living force to itself and keep it throughout the day. The verbal form of the request is arbitrary, the main thing is the meaning. And during the daytime, you need to repeat this request for 1-2 minutes, no matter how busy you are. The resulting forces go not only to tonify and rejuvenate the body, but also enable our "I" to penetrate in a dream as deeply as possible into the astral world. The further the "I" penetrates into the astral world, the more refined emotions the "I" brings with itself, ennobling the body and soul (if, of course, there was a positive attitude before going to bed).

If you can't fall asleep right away:

Do 5-7 complete yoga breaths (after removing the pillow so that the torso and head are in one straight line);
imagine that on inhalation, prana passes through the respiratory organs into the solar plexus (in the Manipura chakra) and accumulates there;
along with exhalation, every cell of the body relaxes and at the same time prana is sent from the solar plexus to every cell in order to strengthen its vitality and help cleanse it of toxins;
then relax your whole body and brain (free yourself from thoughts); this can be done with the Shav Asana.
Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;
strengthens the nervous system;
awakens the body's defenses.

World perception of childhood

Many people, having committed unpleasant actions for themselves and those around them, or having made some serious miscalculations in this or that sphere of life, for a long time then remember and experience all the nuances of these actions, miscalculations, mistakes.

And despite the fact that all this was in the past, it darkens real life, dark thoughts interfere with life, reduce the level of positive thinking in the present. Of course, as they say, they learn from mistakes, and an analysis of their mistakes needs to be done, but this needs to be done only once, and then try to forget the unpleasant weight in your life and enjoy life, the very process of life, as children know how to do it. Tell yourself:
“It is enough that the unpleasant constantly reminds of itself in the environment. Why should I cherish and cultivate the unpleasant in myself? Share everything unpleasant in the past and present, I enjoy life, the very process of life. "
Sometimes a person, complaining about many worries in his life, about many unpleasant aspects of his life, exclaims: "Oh * if only I could become a child again!" This is the dream of many people. They want not so much to get rid of their many worries as to feel the joy of life, because everyday worries have taught people to enjoy life and feel happy.
A special meditation, which can be called "The Joy of Life", helps an adult to return to the wonderful world outlook of childhood, to learn to enjoy life again.
The Joy of Life meditation is performed as follows.
Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
Imagine a sunny, bright blue sky. The end of May, it has just rained. The air is clear and fresh.
We look happily at the beautiful sky, at the branches of trees with young leaves. Raindrops still hang on the flowers. We touch these drops with our lips and feel their taste. How you want to spread your arms, throw your head back, and, pushing off the ground, with a laugh of joy and happiness soar over the wet meadow.
Let's take off! And we bathe in the gentle light of the sun. We land. We stand up straight. Above us is a thickening sunlight, a cloud of sparkling golden solar energy, very subtle, tender, loving. Let it thicken even more over your head.
Let's open up to her! Let us wish with all our being to merge with her, let her fill our body. We feel how it flows from above into the head.
Therapeutic effect:
tones up the body's defenses;
strengthens the nervous system;
increases vitality.

Creating positive character traits

A person's thoughts, feelings and actions are mutually related: a physical action is accompanied by certain emotions and thoughts, and, conversely, thoughts and emotions cause certain actions or the corresponding body position and facial expression.

An independent look, straightened shoulders lead to a rise in spirit and vigor, a depressed look and lowered shoulders lead to a depressed state. To correct the character, you need not only to do special exercises - to meditate, but also as preliminary measures before starting meditation, to harmonize thoughts, emotions and actions, directing them to a specific goal.
Let's say you have weak willpower and are timid. Your first step will be to direct your actions, feelings and thoughts towards one goal.
raise your head
straighten your shoulders
speak loudly, clearly, slowly,
look the other person in the eye. The senses:
try to feel strong and determined.
Imagine yourself as a resolute, energetic, self-confident person.
Confident gestures will evoke appropriate emotions, which, in turn, will influence the way of thinking. In turn, the content of thoughts will enhance emotions, which will affect actions, deeds, and change the appearance.
In this way, every element of the chain of action is decisive and confident.
We attach the influence of emotions and actions to the work of thought, taking into account the interconnection of the chain of thought - emotion - action:
simultaneously with pronouncing the phrases, we mentally imagine what we want (we imagine that we already have the desired quality);
then, in the process of pronouncing phrases, we give the mental image an emotional coloring (we try to evoke in ourselves the feeling that a person with the corresponding quality experiences).
Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;

Breaking the habit of negative thinking and fostering optimism

Be optimistic and do not allow gloomy thoughts, remembering that, as our thoughts are, such is our position in this world. Gloomy negative thoughts attract people with the same thoughts to us and the appropriate circumstances.
People who have a habit of thinking gloomily refer to concerns about the safety and security of their loved ones, about their financial situation.
About your safety, you need to tell yourself the following:
"I trust my higher" I ", it not only guides me along the path of spiritual growth, but also provides me with complete security in this life."
And in fact, when a person loves himself and, being in a state of inner freedom, opens up to joy, peace, healing, life circumstances develop in such a way that the described situations are excluded.
If you are afraid of being unemployed or homeless, remind yourself that any negative circumstances for you are generated by your negative inner beliefs.
It is in your power to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, and in this case, circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not be left without work and without a home.
If you are worried about the problem of your material support, you need to tell yourself that this problem is solvable. You need to allow yourself to allow wealth into your life by using positive statements such as:
"Every day my income is increasing and increasing."
To get rid of the habit of thinking negatively, choose any image that is pleasant to you, with which you can replace negative thoughts at any time. It can be a beautiful landscape, a bouquet of flowers, a view of a beautiful lake, etc.
When a dark, negative thought comes up, tell yourself:
“I won't think about that anymore. It is more pleasant for me to think about a bouquet of flowers, about a beautiful landscape ”- and allow this image to appear before your inner gaze.
Don't worry about getting old. And in old age, a person will feel great if he removes negative attitudes (and in particular, negative attitudes about the fact that old age is necessarily accompanied by weakness, infirmity, illness) and replaces them with positive affirmations, will love himself.
Do not be afraid of death:
firstly, death does not have to take place in some kind of painful state in accordance with a person's positive outlook (positive attitude towards oneself and other people);
secondly, our existence does not end with this life on Earth, and with the next reincarnation we will reappear on this planet.
strengthens the nervous system; mobilizes the body's defenses.

Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;
tones up the defenses;
strengthens the nervous system.

Showing kindness, gentleness, and tolerance towards yourself

Kindness, gentleness and tolerance towards yourself are especially necessary during the period of your life when you are mastering new methods or systems of healing, which include such factors as changing yourself.

And it is not so easy for a person to change. Most people believe that changing is simple, meaning others, but when they begin to change themselves with the help of some kind of healing system, they often find themselves for some time in a state that can be called transitional, when a person hesitates, rushes between old and new.
Sometimes during this period from a person you can hear an excuse for his throwing from what was to what should be:
“I keep wondering if this system has brought me any benefit. After all, it has already existed for a long time, and for some reason I do not see that many people are engaged in it. "
He, most likely, understands that if the system has existed for a long time, this does not mean that many should be engaged in it (a person should be ready for this system, should grow to the realization that he needs this system).

He's just trying to find a trick to stretch the transition period a little (the most important thing is that this stretching is not long).
And this is a completely normal and natural process, characteristic of mastering something new or changing oneself. Therefore, do not scold yourself, show yourself kindness and gentleness during this transitional period - anyway, if you have a desire to change, after a short transitional period you will begin to change.

Show not only tolerance for yourself, but also a certain patience required when using the means of working on yourself.
If we consider positive statements from this point of view, then it is necessary to indicate, firstly, that positive statements will not have an effect if they are pronounced 2-3 times. This is not enough, because any change requires a long and often continuous (I mean periodic with one or another time interval) action of a certain method. Positive affirmations need to be spoken for a long time.
Secondly, it is also important what you do in the intervals between repetitions of positive statements, and in these intervals you need to maintain a certain positive inner atmosphere - you need to praise yourself for the slightest achievements in the process of change.
Therapeutic effect:
tones up the defenses;
heals the nervous system;
increases vitality.


Choose melodic beautiful music. Turn on the tape recorder. Lie on the floor, relax.
Breathe rhythmic breathing (a full yoga inhalation and a full yoga exhalation of the same duration, for example, 8 pulse beats each, and the duration of breath holding after inhalation and exhalation is half as long as
the duration of inhalation and exhalation, that is, 4 beats of the pulse). It is best to assume the same body position as in Savasana and relax in the same way as in Savasana. Do not try to understand music, perceive it with your whole body and soul, accept it completely, unconditionally, let it freely penetrate inside you; try to succumb to it and merge with it, gradually dissolving yourself in its sound. Therapeutic effect:
raises vitality;
strengthens the nervous system.

Communication with nature

Spend as much time as possible in nature. The best thing is if it will be every day, at least for a few minutes (in the forest, in the park, or at least in the square). At the same time, try to open your sensitivity to the life around you, trying to understand internally why and how flowers open, birds sing, insects fly and crawl, trees sway, taking part in all this, so to speak, by deepening and concentrating thoughts. Such a quiet time in the fresh air will not only improve your physical appearance, but will gradually develop in you inner strength, calmness, poise.

When you master this meditation exercise (this requires a little - 3-4 exits to nature), you will be ready to master the next exercise, a wonderful exercise that will significantly illuminate and enrich your life. Let's call this exercise "Love of the Elements." It will teach you to love, to have fun, to fully feel every mood of the elements - to be receptive to them and aware of them; and that means, will increase the joy of life in this world.

The technique is the same as in the first exercise, that is, having chosen one of the elements (for example, rain), we will turn our attention only to this element. Think only about rain, think about why it came about and why you need it, and then think about the fact that if nature needs it, then you also need it. This rain, whatever it may be (warm or cold), is pleasant to you and invigorates you. This exercise increases our energy and enriches our soul (a fact recognized by many talented artists who instinctively turned to the elements, even the storm, to renew and replenish their mental strength).

Therapeutic effect:
strengthens the nervous system,
heals the cardiovascular system.

Beautiful appearance

Good appearance (good condition of hair and skin of the face, as well as beautiful clothes) and positive thinking for most people on Earth are interconnected. A good mood and positive thoughts improve the condition of the hair and skin of the body, stimulate the desire to please people and dress beautifully. And vice versa, beautiful clothes and a good state of appearance of the body cheer up, often make it festive, and raise the level of positive thinking. That is why it is so important under any conditions and under any circumstances of life not to sink, but to try all the time to dress well and maintain good condition of the hair and skin of the face. This both delays aging and acts through the maintenance of positive thinking in a rejuvenating way (in addition to the fact that beautiful clothes and means for maintaining good condition of hair and skin of the face directly, visually, so to speak, rejuvenate a person).

First, about the clothes. Bee experience a sense of moral and spiritual uplift, putting on fashionable and beautiful clothes - a wonderful habit, and it must be maintained all the time (if, of course, there are conditions for this). A person in beautiful clothes changes posture (the spine tends to straighten) and gait. Not only ease of movement appears, but also self-confidence.

It is advisable not to wear old clothes. Clothing absorbs the elements of our mental emanation and becomes saturated with them over time. Whoever wears old clothes enters the atmosphere of emanation, once absorbed by these clothes, and feels the echoes of old moods and griefs, worries and troubles. New clothes liberate our psyche and give it lightness. It is, as it were, a fresh shell of our body, not yet saturated with the mental emanation of many days. You should not even save the clothes that you wore during your happy time. Wearing old clothes out of economy means putting on old obsolete parts of the past and wasting your energy unproductively. Even "economy" snakes do not crawl into old skin. Nature does not recognize old clothes, does not skimp on feathers, furs, paints.

Intuition forces people to wear certain clothes on certain occasions, leaving everyday thoughts at home with everyday clothes. Each profession should have its own special elegant dress, putting on which people would come into the mood corresponding to the given occupation without unnecessary expenditure of energy. In all religions, the priest wears a special priestly garment intended for a specific service, and does not wear it at other times to protect his "aura" from low thoughts. If the priest constantly wore it, then all the bad moods and troubles of his everyday life would penetrate into the sacred robe.

Most people who are not their first youth neglect the toilet, dressing in dark and unfashionable clothes. This is the beginning of dying. These people give up morally and rapidly enter old age.

Everyone experiences a sense of moral and spiritual uplift, dressing in fashionable and beautiful clothes. The habit of wearing fashionable and beautiful clothes is wonderful (if there is, of course, for this condition), since it affects not only morally and spiritually, but also makes a person beautiful, posture and gait become beautiful and confident in accordance with the clothes.

Ancient yoga guidelines for skin care include the following procedure:
“Cut the lemon in half and, sitting in a comfortable position with your legs crossed, rub your elbows with them, and so the roughness of the skin is eliminated. Rinse off and
rub them with vegetable oil. Do the same for the knees and neck. Flatten half the lemon and rub the skin under your chin in an up and down motion. Then rub the body with vegetable oil. "
Rubbing with vegetable oil (you can call this procedure "washing", because vegetable oil cleanses the skin well; it is not for nothing that vegetable oil even removes paint from the skin) is best done after a warm bath or shower, when the pores of the skin open. The oil is rubbed in abundantly (heated, but not to a hot state) and the rubbing ends with complete relaxation. Any vegetable oil can be used, but olive oil is best.
Periodically you need to do masks (once every 2-3 weeks). Masks are not an invention of modern cosmetics. Many thousands of years ago, Egyptians and Greek women applied various masks to their faces to keep their skin young and fresh. The effect of the mask is that it causes an increased flow of blood to the skin tissues, after which they become elastic, the muscles elastic, the pores begin to intensively secrete products of the skin glands, the skin becomes fresh and young.

The best effect can be achieved by applying the mask in the evening before going to bed. It should not be left overnight; after some time, the mask must be washed off. Before applying the mask, thoroughly cleanse the skin of dust and sweat, ideally using compresses of alternating hot and cold water. Skin with increased sensitivity should be smeared with a greasy cream before this. Apply the mask to your face, lie down more comfortably and relax. This is necessary even if you have very little time. There will be no effect if you put on a mask and walk around the apartment and do the housework. A particular mask should be used as long as it has a good effect. In general, it is recommended to change the composition of the masks from time to time. Here are some mask recipes to apply.
The mask of one large potato boiled in a small amount of milk instantly removes signs of fatigue on the face and smoothes wrinkles. When the resulting liquid porridge has cooled down, it must be applied to the face.
Cucumber mask heals the skin, smoothes it, narrows enlarged pores, whitens; Recommended for aging and tired skin. Grate a juicy cucumber, put the gruel on a piece of gauze and cover your face with it.
Carrot mask is especially effective for pale, aging skin and oily skin covered with acne. Grate large juicy carrots, put gruel on cheesecloth, apply on face.

Positive attitude and positive thinking through the work process
The state of the organism depends on the style of work, on the attitude to work and on the internal state during work; for work done without interest, without love, causes physical and mental fatigue and dissatisfaction in a person.

Any work can be made interesting. First, you can use the elements of role-based training: to play some role in the performance of the work. Imagine yourself as an inventor embodying your invention in your work, or imagine what is being done
order for a loved one, etc.
Secondly, you can use the meditation method in your work.

The technique of doing work as meditation is as follows:
do a full yoga breath for 3-5 minutes. Imagine that as you exhale, you throw out all your gloomy thoughts about life and work;
you will feel relieved - and get to work;
leaving all other thoughts aside, turn your attention to the pleasure that work can and does. And gradually this pleasure will grow and eventually become a habit.

Therapeutic effect:
raises vitality;
strengthens the nervous system.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

First of all, you need to learn to control the desires of your body. Don't let the negative desires of your body influence and confuse your mind. If you really think that the desire of your body (lust, desire to eat, laziness, etc.) is negative at the moment and the satisfaction of this desire will harm you, drop this desire. The body is stupid and at the same time susceptible to guidance from the brain. So let your mind dictate its decisions to the body, otherwise the opposite will happen: your body will control the mind - and then your life will be made up of disease and bondage. When you learn to control the desires of your body, it will be easier for you to move to control your thoughts, namely to replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. As soon as negative thoughts come to your mind (wishes of evil to someone, thoughts related to anxiety, fear, envy, etc.), immediately replace them with positive, opposite ones.

One must firmly grasp and remember that negative thoughts are destructive thoughts that cripple and poison the mind and soul, leading to inner moral emptiness and failures in life. Moreover, negative thoughts associated with prolonged anxiety slowly but steadily lead to "intoxication" of the body, and negative thoughts associated with fear and anger lead to intoxication quickly. And in either case, at an appropriate rate, a person gets a health disorder, illness.

After a while, when you have already acquired a stable skill of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, negative thoughts will arise less and less, and positive ones - more and more often. A positive daily attitude, which in itself is very important, helps this process a lot: it positively tones up the psyche, gives a good mood. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, inspire yourself that you are happy, confident in yourself, you are lucky, and the world around you is beautiful; the people around you are good and full of dignity. You are ready to forgive their shortcomings and you are ready to love them.

Therapeutic effect:
heals all body systems.

Inner smile

In the morning, you need to choose a time for a positive attitude for the whole day. Before the morning set of exercises, you need to enter the state of an inner smile.

This is done as follows:
sit comfortably, relax your lower jaw and open your mouth slightly;
start breathing, but not deeply. Let the body breathe, then the breath will become shallow. When you feel that your breathing has become shallow, your body becomes deeply relaxed;
at this moment try to feel a smile, but not on your face, but inside. This is not a smile that plays on your lips, but an inner smile, a smile that permeates you from the inside.

Try it and see for yourself, because it is impossible to explain. As if you are smiling not with your mouth, but with your belly, the smile will be soft, barely perceptible, like a rose flower blooming in your belly and exuding its fragrance all over your body.

Having experienced this kind of smile can help you stay happy all day long.
During the day, when you feel that the pleasant sensation of a smile and with it a good mood go away, try to catch this inner smile again.
Before leaving home for work, you need to set yourself up for calm, measured activities during the day. At the same time, once again recall the basic rules of behavior when performing any work:
do not rush - haste has a detrimental effect both on the results of work and on the psyche;
consistently doing one thing after another. Therapeutic effect:
improves mood;
strengthens the nervous system.

Toning thoughts and a smile

Every day, from the very morning, our brain should receive impulses in the form of thoughts that are capable of influencing the inner mood during the day, the tone of thought-creative activity. Indeed, the nature of the course of all our neuropsychic processes and, which is very important, the optimal level of our emotional reactions to various stimuli, largely depends on the mood. The nature of our behavior in the family, in the team, in the social environment largely depends on the dominant thought-emotional mood in our consciousness.

You need to have a certain set of tonic thoughts. Different people have a different set of words, but the meaning should be the same:
For example, the following set of tonic thoughts could be used:
"I'm happy. I meet any difficulties with a smile. During the day I will be cheerful and energetic. "

The time for a positive tonic mood is the first minutes after waking up from sleep.

A smile is used as a positive attitude. If the face is unsmiling and unsmiling has become a habit, you should practice a smile every morning in front of the mirror, creating a benevolent facial expression, for a benevolent facial expression excites the centers of positive emotions, leads to a good mood. A person with a natural, welcoming smile himself gains vigor and cheerfulness, and improves the mood of those around him.

You need to pay attention to the expression on your face and not allow a boring, gloomy, dissatisfied expression on your face, since such an expression is not so harmless: people with a dissatisfied face are like a sieve - all the phenomena of life are sifted through their consciousness, good things slip through without stopping, but the bad remains and is fixed, continuing to form a quarrelsome character.
In everyday life, a smile, as a rule, evokes a smile and an appropriate mood among others, creates an atmosphere for friendly or business communication. A radiant smile helps in a benevolent way
treat the people you interact with and avoid critical situations that can ruin your mood.

A smile is a trigger for a feeling of joy, for a joyful outlook, and joy, in turn, is the background that tunes the psyche into a life-affirming mood. A joyfully-minded person is transformed. His heart sounds more cheerful, his eyes radiate kindness, his movements become more expressive, and the flight of thoughts becomes more aspiring. Such a person sharpens the perception of art and the beauty of nature, improves relations with others, and becomes more fruitful creative activity.

My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me now that I always have a cheerful, cheerful mood in the morning. My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me that he has now created me, a pristinely beautiful, beautiful young girl, who has a whole long life ahead of her.

My heavenly father, beloved, informs me now that in the morning I have a cheerful, cheerful mood. I really like to wake up in the morning as a cheerful, joyful, happy, young beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning, with great pleasure, I clearly feel like a Divinely healthy, cheerful, cheerful beauty, full of health and strength.

In the morning I really like the great state of health, the cheerful mood. In the morning, with great pleasure, I clearly feel that my whole soul is singing with happiness and joy of life. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that all the wonderful, happy, long-term life is ahead of me. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that the whole long, cheerful, wonderful life is ahead.

In the morning I am very pleased to know that I am a cheerful, cheerful, primordially beautiful girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning it is very pleasant for me to feel great health, cheerful mood. In the morning I am very pleased to see that there is not a wrinkle or a fold on my girlish face, on my throat, that my whole face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful, untouched by disease, time or life.

My heavenly father is informing me now that he has now created me a cheerful, happy, full of health and strength, a young beauty girl, who has a long and happy life ahead of her. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that the whole long, wonderful life is ahead of me.

In the morning, with the brightness of lightning, I feel, I feel like a cheerful, cheerful, beautiful girl who has a whole long life ahead of her. In the morning it gives me great pleasure to feel clearly that the whole long-term, divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. In the morning it is so pleasant for me to wake up as a cheerful, happy, cheerful beauty girl, who has a long, wonderful life ahead of her.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that I am truly divinely beautiful, full of health and strength, a beauty girl, who has a long, wonderful life ahead of her. I am very pleased to know, to feel every moment, to feel like a cheerful, cheerful girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. I am very pleased to know, to feel that my beloved heavenly Father has created me as a divinely healthy, cheerful, happy beauty girl, who has a long, divinely beautiful life ahead of her.

In the morning I am very pleased to wake up as a cheerful, joyful, happy, divinely healthy, young beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I brightly feel primordially beautiful, I feel vividly: there is no wrinkle or fold on my face, on my throat. The face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful. In the morning I feel with the greatest pleasure that my lips are childishly full, bright red, like poppies, like a flower on my face.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel: young, girlish, healthy, strong, beautiful hair stands like a wall on my head. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly see, feel, feel myself as a cheerful, cheerful, happy, young beauty girl, who has all the divinely beautiful, happy long-term life ahead.

I am very pleased to feel, to feel perfectly healthy, absolutely healthy, a young beauty. I am very happy, joyful when I brightly feel perfectly healthy, full of health and strength, a beautiful beauty.

I really like to feel my strong, fast, tireless, young girlish legs. It gives me great pleasure to vividly feel, feel my young, strong, fast, tireless girlish legs. It gives me the greatest pleasure to feel brightly divinely healthy, indestructible healthy, pristinely beautiful girl, beauty, full of health and strength.

My heavenly father informs me that he has now created my soul, a cheerful, happy, absolutely carefree, young, girlish soul, untouched by diseases, time, or life. It gives me the greatest pleasure to feel vividly my young, cheerful girlish soul, untouched by diseases, time, or life.

My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me that he has now created my physical body, young, girlish, Divinely healthy, untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life. And it gives me great pleasure to feel vividly my primordially beautiful, Divinely beautiful, young, girlish body.

It gives me great pleasure to feel vividly and see that there is not a wrinkle or a fold anywhere on my face, on my throat, that my whole face is childishly full, young, girlish. The cheeks are childishly full, round, rosy. Cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks. I am very pleased to see, feel, feel my young girlish big, bright, expressive, Divinely beautiful eyes.

I am very pleased to see, to feel my young, light, flexible, slender girlish figure, thin young girlish waist. The whole body is strong, elastic, if you pinch it, you will not collect a fold.

My heavenly father informs me that every moment I feel vividly, I feel like a Divinely healthy, indestructible healthy girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. And it gives me great pleasure, great pleasure constantly, every moment it is bright to feel perfectly healthy, indestructible healthy, cheerful, joyful, happy, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength, who has a whole long life ahead of her.

It gives me great pleasure to feel clearly that the whole long-term, Divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. It gives me the greatest pleasure to see myself after 5 years, and after 10 years, and after 20 years, and after 50 years as a divinely beautiful, forever Divinely healthy, forever young, forever untouched by any disease, time or life, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength.

I am very pleased to see vividly, to feel vividly, to feel that my physical body does not bear any signs of age. I am very pleased to know that my physical body is eternally Divinely healthy, eternally youthful, beautiful, eternally untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life.

Academician Georgy Sytin's message to all readers

Every day, the number of readers complaining of headaches, poor health, and decreased performance after using the moods allegedly performed by Academician Sytin is increasing.

These complaints are related to the fact that readers listened to tunes in the background of music taken from the Internet. In these cases, the nervous system is destroyed by the simultaneously acting two tempos - thought and music. Even composers say that to create a tempo of music that matches the tempo of thought of Academician Sytin, impossible! And many years ago, astronauts were forbidden to work with moods against the background of music.

Dear Readers! You can use the moods in the personal performance of the academician, which you can be provided in the Center for psychological support of a person and in its Moscow branch. Beware of counterfeits! Take care of your health!

Publisher's Foreword

Few of us think about the time in which our life takes place.

I am deeply convinced that we are living in a time of global change.

Of course, behind our daily lives, these changes are rarely seen.

Deep down, each of us often experiences mood swings and incomprehensible anxiety.

We live in a time when it is difficult to rely on anything.

The old ideas and values ​​leave the hearts of people. New ones imperceptibly begin to appear - but they are still too weak. Spiritual vacuum makes many callous and changeable.

Fortunately, at the same time, there are people who have exceptional spiritual strength. Their attitude and energy ignite our hearts, inspiring us to search for lost values, make efforts and experience our own life in a full and joyful way.

Our eyes begin to look at the world in a different way, the heart is experiencing a rebirth - we begin to think and act purely, simply and beautifully.

With sincere warmth I would like to introduce you to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

Immediately, from the first telephone conversation, I understood that a close and rare person was talking to me. Warmth and sincerity slowly and joyfully poured into my soul. I cannot say that “everything is bad” in my life, but this sincere conversation made a strong impression on me. Today it is enough for me to remember the voice of Georgy Nikolaevich to feel cheerful and happy.

I sincerely hope that the Real Life Extension series prepared by our publishing house will become your reliable assistant in everyday life.

Publisher Petr Lisovsky

From the author

Dedicated to Anastasia, who inspired me to create these moods.

Georgy Sytin

God created man in his own image and likeness - the creator of his physical body, endowed him with creative thoughts about himself, which have materializing power, the possibilities of which are endless.

Creative thoughts about oneself are stronger than omnipotent fate, stronger than all the elements of nature.


In this book, I offer the reader the healing attitudes I created based on the thoughts expressed by Anastasia. I, like many of you, have read books by Vladimir Megre about Anastasia - a young woman with extraordinary abilities who lives in a remote taiga in complete harmony with Nature. Anastasia reminded people that man was created in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, endowed with Divine abilities, which he can open in himself, purifying his thoughts, constantly developing bright feelings.

Clairvoyance, telepathy, direct influence of thought on the structure of matter and much more is available to man. But now, perhaps, the main thing is to understand that a person has the ability to become healthy. Unfortunately, at present, most people suffer from various diseases, from which they, of course, want to get rid of. For this purpose, I created my healing attitudes. They helped restore health to thousands of patients, and not only in our country (in particular, my moods are published in German in Germany).

Anastasia's extraordinary thoughts simply illuminated me. They helped me develop attitudes with unprecedented healing power (for example, healing a stomach ulcer in one night, an acute inflammation of the pancreas in three days).

Educational medicine

Today's medicine does not set the task of complete restoration of health for every disease. And a person does not set himself such a task. Therefore, today we are all witnessing how, in every person, new and new diseases are superimposed on health disorders that have not been cured to the end, there are more and more of them, they accelerate aging. In the fight against them, vital forces are spent, they are becoming less and less. In the end, the person dies prematurely.

To change this picture and increase the life expectancy of a person, it is always necessary to achieve full recovery of health with each disease. If a person sets himself such a task, then, as experience shows, completely different neuro-cerebral and spiritual mechanisms are involved in the struggle for health, which are capable of completely restoring health. It is clear that for this a person must engage in active work on himself in order to fully recover. Medicine should teach a person to correctly set the task of complete recovery, teach him the techniques of working on himself and guide a person until his complete recovery.

The physician must be trained to do this job.

This book will provide an opportunity for each reader to work on themselves in order to completely heal from stress and depression.

To accelerate recovery, a person must constantly adjust himself to accelerate recovery, to slow down aging. It is absolutely impossible to do this with the help of drugs without the participation of the person himself. Therefore, a person must be convinced that he can successfully accelerate recovery, slow down aging and increase his life expectancy.

But for this, medicine should teach a person to take care of his own health, strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, think of himself as a healthy person. A person's thought about himself creates a body, both healthy and sick.

Modern medicine tries to study and treat a person in isolation from his thoughts. Such medicine has no scientific basis. Creation required nursing medicine... The one who prescribes treatment must be an educator, a specialist in the field of temperament, character, abilities, will, self-education and the entire spiritual sphere of a person, and not only in the field of the structure of the physical body.

Educational medicine gives a person ready-made thoughts that eliminate the disorders that have arisen in the body and restore health. A person must take these thoughts into his consciousness and make them his knowledge. This knowledge about oneself will create a healthy body.

Educational medicine teaches a person to think of himself as healthy in each case of a health disorder. It is obvious that medicine should educate a person, develop him and teach him self-improvement techniques for diseases and aging.

This means that all real medicine should be upbringing and developing.

The new medicine is based on the successful half-century practice of educational medicine, which is reflected in 60 published books with a circulation of 5 million. This practice has covered all areas of modern medicine.

On behalf of the RAMS, Academician of the RAMS N.A. Razumov organized a review of my ten-volume work in the Center headed by him. A positive review with the recommendation of its publication by the publishing house "Medicine" was sent to the RAMS and to the author.

The unusually high efficiency of educational medicine is obviously due to the fact that it is scientifically sound and therefore very promising... The method of educational medicine received a positive assessment at the Institute of Traditional Methods of Treatment, at the Cardiology Center, and also successfully passed clinical trials at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian. The Institute of Biophysics recommended using it in the treatment of exposed people. Director of the Research Institute of Normal Physiology Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sudakov KV expressed the opinion that "the widespread use of this method will lead to the improvement of large contingents of the population of Russia."

The method of nursing medicine is highly valued at the Russian Academy of Education. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Filonov GN in his review wrote: “The method of prof. GN Sytin must be made the property of the entire population of Russia. " For this method, the author was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences at the Russian Academy of Education, in Munich the author was elected an academician of the International Academy of Sciences, in Brussels they established the International University of Georgy Sytin with branches in Moscow and New York, and was appointed vice-president of the World Distributed University.

The method of educational medicine was used by the author himself.

In August 2006, the author turned 85, and the Research Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences investigated his biological age and made a conclusion, approved by a very authoritative scientist, Academician Sudakov K.V., that the biological age is 30–40 years lower than the calendar one. The author has never drawn up a pension for himself, because the appointment of a pension for him would be as absurd as if the pension were assigned to a young athlete - gymnast - Olympic champion.

The method contains the theory, methods of self-education, attitudes and methods of their assimilation. Attitude is the precise verbal formulation of knowledge. Attitude has no expiration date like all medicines. Attitude is a thought-figurative emotional-volitional self-belief, which is immeasurably stronger than many drugs. The possibilities of drugs are very limited, the possibilities of self-persuasion are almost limitless.

Attitudes reflect the idea of ​​healing-rejuvenation in a verbal formulation. An image, feelings and volitional effort, which in their unity create an impulse from the brain into the internal environment of the physical body of such tremendous power that it is able to influence not only the activity of any organ and any system, but also eliminate pathological disorders in anatomical structures.

Thanks to this, without surgical operations, it is possible to remove neoplasms, restore the function and internal anatomical structure of any organ and system of the physical body, and revive a young organism, prolonging life.

In many men, against the background of prostatitis, an adenoma of the prostate gland is formed, which is very dangerous and often turns into a malignant tumor, and people die in the prime of life. And what is medicine doing now? She uses proscar (a drug from the USA) and other similar drugs that make a person completely impotent. Medicine does not even ask him: does he agree to such "treatment" ?! And this "treatment" is carried out in the most prestigious medical institutions. In this case, the introduction of upbringing medicine in the work with the population will preserve the ability of these men to have children.

The same thing happens in the "treatment" of uterine fibroids in women. The uterus is simply surgically removed radically. Parenting medicine will be able to cure these women without surgery, and they will be able to give birth to children.

In the beginning there was ... an effort of will

After a severe ninth wound, I was discharged from the hospital as a disabled person of group I in 1944, and in 1957 I was recognized as fit for combatant without restrictions. I am now 92 years old, but I have never drawn up a pension for myself and I always work.

In Europe and America, I earn money and use it to run a free medical salon in Moscow, where everyone can see and hear creative thoughts in my performance on a large TV set.

The Americans in my office have set up a teleconference for live broadcasting of creative thoughts in my performance to America.

If a person thinks of himself as a young energetic at the age of 100, he becomes that way: wrinkles disappear, old age disappears ...

As a result of a specially conducted rejuvenation experiment, at 75, I turned out to be 40 years younger than my age (see the conclusion of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences below). At 68 I became the father of my daughter, and at 70 I became the father of my son.


About the results of the examination by GN Sytin (age 75), carried out by the staff of the laboratory of systemic mechanisms of human adaptation, Research Institute of Normal Physiology. P.K. Anokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 06.06.97


Director of the Research Institute of Normal Physiology

them. P.K. Anokhina RAMS,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences K. V. Sudakov

EGG was recorded monopolar - points F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, O2. Indifferent electrodes - ear electrodes. High-pass filter - 30 Hz, time constant - 0.3 s.

Alpha activity is represented by single waves and small groups of waves with a frequency of 9.6 Hz of very low amplitude (up to 10-15 µV). Zone differences are not pronounced.

Low-frequency (14–25 counts / s) low-amplitude (up to 5 µV) beta activity dominates, presented in all leads, index 60–70%.

Theta activity is represented by single waves and groups of waves with an amplitude of up to 20 μV in all leads with a maximum in the left frontal and central regions.

Delta activity is represented by single waves with an amplitude of up to 15 μV.

In general, the EEG is dominated by low-frequency low-amplitude beta activity. Alpha activity is poorly expressed and is represented by single waves and groups of low amplitude waves. The presence of slow waves of low amplitude is noted. The overall amplitude level is low.

As can be seen from the above table, most of the measured parameters (time of simple motor reaction (SDR), number of advanced reactions, errors, tremor, hand force, respiratory rate, pulse, blood pressure, response to load) correspond to their values ​​for the age of 30– 40 years.

On the whole, we can conclude that according to the measured psycho-physiological parameters, the organism of GN Sytin functions at the level of a younger age (30–40 years) than his calendar age - 75 years.

Head of the Laboratory of Systemic Mechanisms of Human Adaptation, Research Institute of Normal Physiology. P.K.Anokhina RAMS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor E.A.Umryukhin
Senior Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences T. D. Dzhebrailova
Senior Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences I. I. Korobeinikova

For my ideas about creative thoughts, I was arrested 3 times, imprisoned, they wrote mocking feuilletons about me, portraying me as a freak, an enemy of the people, 16 times kicked out of work. In search of work, I traveled all over the country, this persecution continued for half a century, but they could not break me, because creative thoughts are stronger than omnipotent fate, stronger than all the elements of nature.

I overcame everything: injuries, illnesses, and half a century of persecution, and old age, in order to give you creative thoughts from all troubles, illnesses and old age and teach you to always think of yourself as a talented, strong-willed, young, energetic, strong person, fast, full of health and strength, whose whole life is ahead.

With all my heart I wish you complete victory over disease and old age!

This book will help you master creative thoughts about yourself. It should be read in order to always think of yourself as a young healthy person. Some people read creative thoughts as if for formality, and continue to think of themselves as a sick, old person. Such people complain about their troubles, not understanding their reasons. And the reason is that they continue to think of themselves as a sick, old person and thus make themselves that way.

You need this book to overcome such oppressive thoughts forever.

I put the creative thoughts you need about health and youth into verbal formulations and presented them in this book.

* * *

The regiment went on the offensive.

Shells exploded in front and behind. A fragment of a shell that exploded ahead crashed into the stomach. Lumps of frozen earth, scattered with great speed from the explosion, hit the lower back, knocked down the vertebra, and the spinal cord was pinched. By nightfall they were taken to the hospital.

- Do not bring it into the ward, it will not last until morning, only injure the wounded.

On the morning round:

- He's still breathing.

- Bring it into the third room, there the place is vacated.

Consciousness returned after a few days.

- How is the pulse?

- Part.

- What is his wound?

- Ninth.

- Strong soldier.

The attacks of pain from the opened duodenal ulcer were terrible. Bleeding out, I was losing strength. I tried to sit up in bed so as not to fall, grabbed the back.

- George! If you fall, you will perish! Willful effort where? We must hold out!

Sweat drenched in shock from shock.

- Willful effort!

And I didn't fall. The pain receded. The bleeding has stopped! Strong-willed effort! I realized that I will survive!

After 3 months, they were discharged from the hospital as a disabled person of group I, they were given 149 ampoules, a syringe and a sterilizer. I did the injections myself.

4 years have passed, but the thought of the effectiveness of volitional effort did not leave me.

In the summer of 1948, I came to the Minister of Health, Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, and told this story. I explained that I wanted to comprehend it in order to create an effective method for others. But there is no knowledge necessary for this. The minister ordered to enroll me as a student of the First Moscow Medical Institute without entrance exams.

Until closing, he sat up in the Lenin library. Hypnosis? This is suppression of the will. What would have happened to me if I did not have the will ... without the will to work on myself? It won't do.

It is necessary to create a method, the core of which would be will, volitional effort. With this thought I came to the minister again. On his instructions, they heard me at the scientific council of the ministry and organized reception of patients for me in order to create a fundamentally new method.

In 1957, the military medical commission of the city military registration and enlistment office recognized me, a disabled person of the 1st group, fit for a combatant without restrictions. As it turned out, there have never been such cases in the world before. This is the victory of a strong-willed effort!

Then in graduate school he asked the famous academician-psychologist KN Kornilov to approve the topic of the thesis "Volitional Effort". The department agreed. Everyone called me not by name, but - "volitional effort."

After defending his thesis, he returned to students. I haven't found anything for myself in psychiatry. Began to look in physiology. I passed my Ph.D. examination in physiology, but found nothing there either. Searched for 30 years. I came to pedagogy. And then I found: self-conviction! Its core is volitional effort! For research in this direction, I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

In Munich I was elected an academician of the International Academy of Sciences for the Department of Psychosomatics. On the basis of self-belief, he began to accumulate experience in medical work in psychiatry, speech therapy, neurology, cardiology, gynecology, gastroenterology and other fields.

But my 75th birthday was already approaching. Strength was running out, health was crumbling. What to do? I started an experiment to rejuvenate myself. After 8 months, physiologists of the N.N. PK Anokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences estimated my biological age at 30-40 years with a calendar 75.

New forces have appeared, new energy has been born, and I am enthusiastically continuing to explore the possibilities of self-belief in healing-rejuvenation.

Moscow Mayor Yu. M. Luzhkov instructed to allocate a good room for a free medical salon, which has been very successfully working by the method of self-persuasion for 14 years.

Creative Healing Thoughts - A Totally New Method

Mood is stronger than omnipotent fate.

Mood protects against all diseases.

The attitude heals from all diseases.


My method is fundamentally different from all modern world medicine. I am flying through the healing of the soul. Modern medicine only heals the physical body with a scalpel or pill.

For example, if a woman has a cyst on her ovary, the surgeon will remove it. The first time the cyst grew for 3 years, and after the operation was performed, it grew in six months. The surgeon will cut it out a second time. Now the cyst will grow in 3 months. After all, the fact is that the cyst remains in the soul. And the soul totally creates the physical body, and if the soul is injured and the cyst was formed at the beginning at the level of the soul, then this deviation will not slow down to appear in the physical body.

I, with the help of my moods, eliminate all kinds of deviations in the soul. When they disappear in the soul, their manifestations immediately disappear in the physical body. Not a single woman who received treatment in our salon was operated on for polycystic ovary disease, fibroids, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, breast adenoma, breast cysts. All neoplasms disappear without surgery. Let me give you one example: a woman who was treated with moods for nodes on the thyroid gland was not operated on. The knots disappeared by themselves under the influence of the mood.

Not a single man has been operated on for prostate adenoma. The attitude towards healing from adenoma of the prostate gland removes the tumor in the soul, and at the same time the disease disappears at the level of the physical body.

This treatment, which is fundamentally different from all modern medicine, is extremely promising. It eliminates the likelihood of relapse forever.

How to correctly apply the healing attitudes of the candidate of psychological sciences Sytin G.N .: It is easier to assimilate the attitude if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can record the mood on the audio carrier for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be business-like, firm, convincing. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood aloud, but there are no conditions - read or pronounce from memory, to yourself.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes in full accordance with the content of the mood.

When assimilating the mood, try to behave as actively as possible (it is better to walk), make efforts to memorize the text. This increases the efficiency of assimilation. To assimilate the mood means to bring yourself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember). Those fragments of text that you like and have a special meaning, it is useful to listen to, read or recite from memory more times. It is especially helpful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.

I enjoy life.

A new-healthy-fun-cheerful newborn life is pouring into my head - into my whole body. I am all filled with a joyful, cheerful, joyful, cheerful life. Every second I live happier, more joyful, more fun, more joyful. In all the billions of nerve cells in the brain, fast, fast, cheerful forces are pouring in at once. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain are now immediately, immediately, at the same time pouring in a merry, merry newborn life.

All the billions of nerve cells in the brain at once, at the same time, pour in a merrily-merrily developing newborn life.

Fast, fast, fun, fun development fills your head. All the brain mechanisms are merged with a cheerful, cheerful rapid development.

Joy, merriment pour into the head, merry forces pour into the head, merry, merry joyful forces pour into the head.

Every second I live more cheerful, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful, my whole body lives more energetic, more joyful. Joyful forces, fast, quick, merry forces are pouring into all brain mechanisms. Joy-fun pours into my head. Every second I live more fun, more fun, more energetic, more energetic, more joyful. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain at once, at the same time, pour in a fast-paced, merry, merry newborn life. All my mental faculties develop faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic.

All my mental abilities develop faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain at once, simultaneously, are pouring in fast, fast, cheerful forces, and fast, fast, cheerful development. All the billions of nerve cells in the brain at once, at the same time, pour in a fast, fast, fun development.

Each nerve cell in the brain has a whole network of processes.

Each nerve cell with its processes is the most complex brain mechanisms. A fast, fast, cheerful life flows into everything - into all the brain mechanisms at once.

A fast-cheerfully developing, cheerfully-developing newborn life flows into all brain mechanisms at once. All brain mechanisms work more cheerful, more energetic, more fun, more energetic.

With every second, all brain mechanisms live more joyfully, more joyfully, more fun, more joyful. All brain mechanisms become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic. The joy of life fills - it fills my head through and through. Joy of life - Joy of life fills my head. Joy-fun pours into the soul, joy-fun pours into the soul. Every second I live more fun, more fun, more cheerful. Fast-fast-cheerful forces are pouring into my head - into my whole body.

Cheerful, cheerful development flows into my whole young healthy body.

I am filled with fast, fast, fun development. All brain mechanisms are infused with fast, fast, cheerful development.

All my mental faculties develop faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. A merry, merry light flares up in my eyes, a merry, merry light flares up in my eyes, a merry light flares up in my eyes. Joy-fun pours into the soul, joy-fun pours into the soul.

Joy - fun pours into the heart. Merry, merry forces flow into the heart.

A new-healthy-fun-cheerful newborn life is pouring into my heart. A merry, merry newborn life is pouring into my heart.

Joy-fun flows into the heart. With every second an ever more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more joyful heart is born.

An ever more joyful - more and more joyful heart is born.

A new-healthy-fun-fun-new-born life is pouring into all my internal organs. Cheerful forces - fast forces flow into all my internal organs. Joy-fun, joy-fun flow into all my internal organs. All internal organs live happier, more joyful, more fun, more joyful. All internal organs live more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. The whole body lives more energetically, more joyfully.

Merry-merry-joyful forces, merry-merry-joyful forces pour into my entire young body. The whole body lives more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. Throughout the body, a huge, colossal force of life is in full swing. In me, a huge, colossal energy of life is in full swing.

I am all filled with the enormous cheerful, cheerful energy of life. I am filled to the core with the enormous merry-merry, merry-merry energy of life. I live more fun, more fun, more joyful. I live more fun, more fun, more fun, more joyful every second.

Fast-fast-cheerful forces flow into all brain mechanisms. Fast-fast-fun development flows into all brain mechanisms.

An ever faster - more and more fun - more and more fun development is pouring into all the mechanisms of the brain. Joy-fun, joy-fun flow into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms work more fun-energetic, fun-energetic. All mental abilities develop faster, more fun, faster, more fun, more fun, more energetic.

Fast-fast-cheerful forces flow into all brain mechanisms of will. All brain mechanisms of will are born more and more powerful - more and more energetic. I overcome all difficulties cheerfully, joyfully, cheerfully, joyfully with valiant prowess. I overcome all difficulties, all the hardships of life, joyfully, joyfully, joyfully, joyfully with valiant prowess. Every day I live more fun, more fun, more fun, more energetic. Every day I overcome all hardships - all difficulties I overcome more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully.

The joy of life becomes more and more vivid - more and more powerful.

The joy of life covers all difficulties - all the hardships of life.

In spite of all adversity - all the difficulties of life, I live more cheerful, more cheerful, more cheerful. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. In spite of all the hardships of life, I live more fun, more fun, more cheerful. I overcome all difficulties more cheerful, more energetic, more fun, more energetic, more fun, more energetic, more fun and joyful. I live with every second more energetic and joyful.

The joy of life becomes more and more vivid - more and more vivid - more and more powerful.

The joy of life fills my whole life from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening. Great health, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful mood - the joy of life fills my whole life from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening. The joy of life completely covers all difficulties - all the hardships of life.

Through all the difficulties and hardships of life, I live more cheerful, more cheerful, more cheerful. Through all the difficulties - all the hardships of life, the whole soul sings from happiness - from the joy of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes. In spite of all the hardships of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

All internal organs live more energetically, more joyfully, more energetically, more joyfully. The whole body lives more energetically, more joyfully. Through all the difficulties, I live more fun, more fun, more energetic, more fun, more cheerful. Through all the difficulties - all the hardships of life, a cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness from the joy of life.

The merry-merry-cheerful mood becomes more and more durable - more and more stable. Through all the difficulties, a cheerful mood is unshakably preserved - a cheerful, cheerful, cheerful mood.

From waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, feel great - feel great. The whole body lives a free-free-joyful-happy life. In spite of all the difficulties of life, the whole body lives more cheerful, joyful, the whole body lives a cheerful, cheerful, joyful, happy life. In spite of all the difficulties of life, I live more fun, I myself live through and through more fun, more fun, more cheerful.

I live free - absolutely free - infinitely free. The whole body lives and breathes easily-freely, easily-freely. Throughout the body, the colossal force of life is in full swing. I am filled through and through with joy and fun, my whole body is filled with joy and fun, all internal organs are filled with joy and fun.

Joy-fun pours into the heart, joy-fun pours into the heart. With every second an ever more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more joyful heart is born. With every second an ever more cheerful - more and more cheerful laughing heart is born. With every second an ever more joyful - more and more joyful heart is born. With every second an ever more cheerful - more and more cheerful, laughing heart is born. With every second an ever more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful, laughing heart is born.

Joy - fun pours into the soul, joy - fun pours into the soul. Every second I live more fun, more fun, more cheerful.

A bright, bright white light flows into my soul, a bright, bright white light flows into my soul. All through my soul is bright, bright, bright, bright through and through, my soul is bright, bright, bright. In my eyes, brightly brightly, like a sunny, beautiful spring day, in my eyes it is light. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

A cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes. I live more fun, more fun, more cheerful, the whole body lives more energetic, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. I live more fun, more fun, more fun every second.

I live absolutely free - infinitely free. The whole body lives a free-free joyful-happy life. I am filled to the brim with the fast-paced, fun-filled, fun-loving newborn life. I am filling myself through and through more and more quickly - more and more rapidly developing newborn life. I am all filled with energy of more and more rapid - more and more rapid development.

In the heart - in the entire cardiovascular system - cheerful, cheerful fast forces flow into all blood vessels. The fast-paced, fun-filled, fun newborn life is pouring into my entire cardiovascular system. The entire cardiovascular system lives more fun, more fun, more energetic, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful. Throughout the body, fast-cheerful, fast-cheerful blood circulation throughout the body. The whole body lives a cheerful, cheerful, full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, healthy life. Throughout the body, a huge, colossal force of life is in full swing.

And the blood in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow brings the whole body in excess of excellent, nutritious food. I am all through and through living a full-blooded-full-blooded-joyful-happy life. Throughout the body, a fast-merry-merry-merry-joyful-joyful blood circulation is born. A fast-cheerful-joyful-joyful-joyful blood circulation is born in the whole body. The whole body lives a full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful, healthy life.

The whole body lives more cheerful, more fun, more fun, more energetic, all internal organs live more fun, more energetic. All internal organs live a full-blooded-full-blooded-joyful-happy life. An ever faster - more cheerful blood circulation is born throughout the body. An ever faster - more cheerful blood circulation is born in the arms and legs. The whole body lives an ever more cheerful - an ever more joyful healthy life. I myself live through and through more fun, more fun, more energetic, more fun, more joyful, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. A cheerful, cheerful light flares up in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

A gait is born that is cheerful-cheerful-light-fast. Light-light-funny-fast movements are born. A gait is born that is cheerful-cheerful-light-fast. The whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life. I walk - I fly as a bird on my wings, I run - I fly as a bird on my wings, my whole soul sings with happiness - with the joy of life.

In the brain - the spinal cord - in all my nerves - in my entire nervous system merry, cheerful healthy forces are pouring in. Cheerful, cheerful, healthy forces are pouring into my entire nervous system. Merry-merry-joyful forces are pouring into my entire nervous system. In the brain - the spinal cord - in all my nerves - in my entire nervous system merry, cheerful newborn life is pouring in. Into the brain - the spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system merry, merry, ever more rapidly developing newborn life.

With each passing second, the entire nervous system is born more and more powerful - more and more powerful - more and more robust. With each passing second, the entire nervous system is born more and more powerful - more and more powerful - more and more robust. An untouched newborn fortress flows into all my nerves.

From the crown of the head to the tips of the fingers of both hands - both legs cheerfully and happily are getting healthier - getting stronger, healthier - getting stronger all my nerves. From the crown of the head to the tips of the fingers of both hands - both legs cheerfully, joyfully, cheerfully, joyfully, all my nerves are getting healthy, getting stronger, getting healthy and getting stronger.

I am born as a person with increasingly strong nerves. Every second I am born as a person with stronger and stronger nerves. I am born a man of nerves of steel. I am born a man of nerves of steel. With every second an ever stronger - more and more powerful - more and more robust nervous system is born. The brain - the spinal cord lives more cheerful, more energetic, more fun - more energetic, and the blood in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow to all the billions of nerve cells in the brain is in abundance with excellent, nutritious nutrition. The brain lives more cheerful, more joyful, in full contentment - in full contentment of the brain - the spinal cord lives more fun, more joyful, more energetic, more joyful.

In complete contentment - in complete contentment, all the nerve cells of the brain - the spinal cord live more fun, more fun, more energetic. And the blood in a cheerful-joyful, cheerful-joyful-impetuous flow to all the billions of nerve cells in the brain - the spinal cord is in abundance with excellent nutritious nutrition. In full contentment, all the billions of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord live more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully, more joyfully.

The brain - the spinal cord with every second lives more fun, more joyful, more fun, more joyful. The entire nervous system is born every second more and more strong - more and more powerful - more and more robust. I live all through and through more cheerful - more joyful - I am filled through and through with fast, fast, cheerful forces. I am filled to the core more and more quickly - more and more rapidly developing fun life. I am filled through and through with ever faster - ever faster, cheerful development. I am filled through and through with ever faster - faster and faster - more and more cheerful - more and more cheerful - more and more joyful development.

My entire nervous system is filled with more and more cheerful, more and more joyful development. The entire brain - spinal cord is filled with a cheerful, cheerful, joyful development. All the nerves are more cheerful, more joyful, they get healthier, get stronger, get healthier, get stronger.

In the area of ​​the heart, all the nerves are getting healthier - getting stronger more fun - more joyful, more fun - more joyful getting healthier - getting stronger, getting healthier - getting stronger nerves. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, ever stronger — ever stronger — healthier nerves are born. With every second in the entire region of the heart, more and more strong - more and more robust - more and more healthy - more and more healthy nerves are born. Strong-strong-healthy-steel nerves are born throughout the vast area of ​​the heart.

Steel fortress is poured into all the nerves of the chest - the steel fortress is poured into all the nerves of the chest. Throughout the chest, they get healthier and stronger, healthier and stronger nerves. Throughout the chest, strong, healthy, steel nerves are born through and through. Strong-strong-healthy-steel nerves are born through the entire breast.

A steel fortress - a steel fortress - flows into the nerves of the arms and legs. In the hands and feet they get healthier, get stronger, get healthier, get stronger nerves. In the arms-shoulders, in the arms-arms, nerves grow healthier and stronger.

A mighty mighty force is born in my whole young healthy body.

Healthy calm.

A new, healthy newborn life is pouring into my head - into my whole body. Into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves - into my entire nervous system a new, healthy newborn life is pouring in. Huge, colossal healthy power - healthy power pours into my head. Healthy strength flows into my head, healthy strength flows into my nerves. A healthy newborn strength is pouring into my nerves. A healthy newborn fortress flows into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles. Healthy nerves are firmly calm. I am completely filled with pleasant feelings, pleasant, pleasant healthy calmness.

Pleasant calmness flows into the muscles. Pleasant, pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. Pleasant, pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. In all muscles, calm nerves are firmly healthy, and calm nerves are firmly healthy in all muscles. Calm nerves are firmly healthy in the muscles of the shoulders and arms. Pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles. Strongly calm, healthy nerves are born in all muscles. I am filled to the core with a pleasant, pleasant, healthy calmness.

A healthy calmness pours into my head. I am all through and through absolutely calm - completely calm - serenely calm - absolutely calm - absolutely calm - completely calm - serenely calm. A healthy calmness flows into my head. A pleasant healthy calmness fills my head, a pleasant healthy calmness fills my head, a pleasant healthy calmness fills my head. A pleasant, healthy calmness fills my head.

A pleasant, healthy calmness flows into my head - into all my muscles. A pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the head - into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. A pleasant - very pleasant healthy calmness flows into the head - into the muscles of the shoulders and arms. A pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the head - into the shoulders - into the hands.

A pleasant newborn and lasting calmness flows into the head - into the hands. A pleasant - very pleasant newborn strong calmness flows into the head - into the hands. A pleasant - very pleasant newborn lasting calmness flows into my head - into my whole body. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant newborn with lasting calmness.

I am completely calm through and through - completely calm. Like a mirror-like surface of a lake, I'm completely calm through and through. Like a mirror-like surface of a lake, I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm. The soul is so calm, easy, the soul is so calm, calm, easy.

A pleasant newborn lasting calmness pours into my head. A pleasant, pleasant newborn, lasting calmness pours into my head. A pleasant, healthy calmness flows into all my muscles. A newborn pleasant calmness flows into my head - into all my nerves. Into my head - into all my nerves pouring in a newborn strong healthy calmness. Into the nerves of the muscles - into the nerves of the muscles infuses the newborn strong healthy calmness. All my muscles are infused with a newborn strong healthy calmness.

In all muscles, nerves get healthier, get stronger, in all muscles, firmly calmly healthy nerves are born. In the muscles of the shoulders and arms, healthy nerves are firmly calm. In the muscles of the shoulders and arms, healthy nerves are firmly calm. A pleasant new-born firm calmness flows into my head - into all my nerves. I am completely calmed down, I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm - completely calm.

Like a mirror-like surface of a lake, I'm completely calm through and through. Like a mirror-like surface of a lake, I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - serenely calm. The soul is pleasantly calm, pleasantly calm. Into my head - into all my nerves pouring in a newborn healthy strong calmness. Into my head — into all my nerves — a newborn — a newborn firm calmness. Into my head - into all my nerves pouring in a newborn strong healthy calmness. I am filled through and through with a pleasant, pleasant - very pleasant healthy calmness.

I am filled with a healthy newborn with lasting calmness. I am completely filled with a pleasant, pleasant newborn healthy calmness. I am completely calmed down, I am completely calm through and through - completely calm - absolutely calm. I am all through and through absolutely calm - completely calm - serenely calm.

A newborn firm calm flows into the nerves of the head. Into my head - all the nerves of the head are pouring in a newborn healthy, strong calm. Into my head - all the nerves of my head are pouring in a newborn strong healthy calmness. The entire head of the newborn is filled with strong healthy calmness. The soul is so calm, easy. The soul is so calm, light, so light - so light, good.

I am filled with a pleasant, pleasant - very pleasant newborn, healthy, lasting calmness. I am all through and through absolutely calm - completely calm - absolutely calm - serenely calm. I am filled through and through with a pleasant-pleasant - a very pleasant newborn with a lasting healthy calmness.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin was born on August 30, 1921 in the small Kyrgyz town of Osh. After leaving school, the promising young man entered three universities at once and soon became a Moscow legend. In the city, legends about a tireless student who passed all the exams at any institute in the city with great astonishment were retelling with amazement.

But the Great Patriotic War interrupted the educational process. Among the volunteers, he immediately fell into the thick of the fighting, where he received his first wound. In battles he was daring, and therefore a series of hospitals, advanced and again hospitals stretched out.

The last, eighth wound became critical. A shell fragment hitting the stomach and stuck in the spine. At first, they did not even operate on him, they left him in a cold corridor, dying unconscious. But when, during the morning round, the doctors saw that life was still firmly held in his body, they immediately transported him to the operating room.

Three months later, George's hospitals were discharged from the ranks of the Army, assigning him the first group of wounded disability. They "reassured" that they will not suffer with pain for long, they do not live long with such wounds. They gave 150 ampoules of anesthetic, a syringe, a needle, a sterilizer. They advised me to learn how to give injections on my own. This was in those years a complete arsenal of help, with which medicine could alleviate the suffering of a disabled person. From now on, day and night were dedicated to surviving, to remove endless pain.

“I am a strong, strong-willed and healthy person, able to completely control my body, my sensations. The pain disappears forever from my body. Every cell of my body is healthy and strong ”- these are the words of his first attitude. Thanks to these and similar words, he managed to defeat the disease. Not just to overcome and get out of the doomed circle outlined by doctors, but also in a few years to be recognized by the medical commission as fit for combat service.

In the summer of 1948, at a reception with the Minister of Health, Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, Georgy Nikolayevich told the story of his healing. He advised that there is no necessary knowledge to disseminate this method and opportunities to help everyone in need. On the same day, Sytin became a student of the medical faculty of the medical institute.

On August 30, 2013, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin turned 92 years old! He is cheerful, full of creative ideas and does not slow down the pace. From the previous mutilation, there was an inexhaustible faith in the higher possibilities of the human soul, a rich experience of helping the sick and gratitude of people who lost faith in their own healing.

Research carried out by scientists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has turned all ideas upside down. The biological age of Georgy Nikolaevich at 70 was 2 times less than the passport. And this is not the only surprising fact of his rich biography.

Having become a professor and having defended 4 doctoral dissertations in medicine, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy, he continues his amazing life experiment - the study of the capabilities of the human body. At the age of 68, he became the father of a daughter, and at the age of 70, the father of a son. 78-year-old Georgy Nikolaevich passed the exam at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education at the Moscow Medical Academy for a psychotherapist with excellent marks.

These few facts from the life of G.N. Sytin is a convincing confirmation of the high efficiency of the educational medicine he created and the method of self-persuasion (attitudes).

Georgy Nikolaevich from childhood was fond of nature, in adolescence he became interested in the development of human capabilities. And when he was discharged after a severe injury, and the doctors could do nothing to help him, all efforts of Georgy Sytin were devoted to the fight against pain. Thanks to his attitudes and faith in himself, Sytin was able to overcome the disease. He told about the history of his healing at the USSR Ministry of Health. And since then he defended more than one scientific work and began to actively introduce his method in science. Sytin's attitudes are used in the practice of pedagogy, sports, astronautics, medicine, industry and production.

The method of verbal-shaped emotional-volitional self-persuasion (SOEVS) for health improvement and rejuvenation of a person includes attitudes to control all body systems and internal organs. Attitudes are a tool of self-persuasion, and a tool of failure-free and omnipotent. These are not drugs, they are universal and generally available. Attitudes reflect the idea of ​​healing and rejuvenation in a verbal formulation, an image, feelings and volitional effort, which in their unity create a powerful impulse from the brain to the internal environment of the body. The construction of attitudes is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, for example, the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to control the state. The method is most beneficial to those who approach it with trust and hope.

Professor Sytin continues to write books, work on new attitudes, travel to different parts of the country. In Moscow, there is a free medical salon of the Sytin Center, where at least once a month the moods are performed by the author.

I enjoy life. Healthy calm. Healing, psychological moods of G. N. Sytin.

I present two attitudes for each day. The settings can be conventionally called "Light feelings" and "Always". They are short but very effective. Read the moods daily, will help to cheer you up for the whole day and direct your thoughts to the constant strengthening of the soul, self-improvement and development of the body.

Here is an annotation by G.N. Sytin to these attitudes:
Read on and try to internalize two very short but incredibly effective attitudes. They will prolong your life, and you will not want to part with them ...
It's good to always have these attitudes with you, place them above your desk, remember and repeat from time to time so that they are always in your soul.

"Light feelings"

My Father, Heavenly Lord God Almighty Beloved God, informs me that my soul is immortal, eternally young, kind, angelic, cheerful, playful, playful, absolutely carefree, eternally Divinely healthy, eternally untouched by disease, time or life.

The feeling of love in me is amplified millions of times. I love God with great Divine love, I love with great Divine love all God's beautiful white light, I love the whole Universe with great Divine love, the beautiful earth created by God. I feel with the brightness of lightning: love becomes brighter, stronger, bright Divine feelings intensify. I love people, children, my family with great Divine love.

Light feelings intensify, become brighter and brighter, in the soul all thoughts are Divinely pure. I love my physical body with great Divine love. In the rays of my great Divine love, the physical body revives and blossoms, revives an energetic young life. All internal organs come to life and blossom, live a young, energetic, joyful life. I am a cheerful, upbeat energetic person. Every moment I love all of God's white light, I enjoy life every moment. I live happier, happier, happier. Everything is fine in my life. I live divinely free in complete contentment.

With great Divine love, I heal the physical body. Great Divine love and pure thoughts create an impenetrable protection of the soul and body from all the harmful influences of people, weather and climate. My great health and cheerful mood are indestructible.

I live happily, joyfully, happily.

"Is always"

I am always a young developing youth (young, young beauty).

I am always developing, always improving, always getting healthy and strong. My great health is always becoming more and more persistent. My cheerful mood is always becoming more persistent. My health is always becoming more and more resilient. My defense mechanisms are always getting stronger. My spiritual strength is always increasing. My abilities are always developing, vision and hearing are always enhanced. My healing powers for myself are always increasing.

Always happy, happy thoughts. Always bright feelings. Always pure thoughts. Energy is always added. Thought is always accelerated, thought is always accelerated. Physical strength is always added. My creative thoughts about myself are always amplified. My creative thoughts about myself are always amplified. My healing powers for myself are always increasing. My healing powers for myself are always increasing.

You can download and print these settings by clicking on the button below.