Non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman. How to understand that he likes her? How to show sympathy for a girl

How do you know if a work colleague likes a woman if he doesn't talk about it directly? Non-verbal signs of sympathy are gestures, facial expressions, the look of a young man, which will certainly help to identify signs of sympathy for a woman from a male colleague ...

Non-verbal signs of sympathy are a clue

When a woman falls in love with a man, it is easy to tell by her behavior. She literally glows all over, her eyes shine, her gait becomes light, her cheeks are filled with a healthy blush. And some even easily part with extra pounds during falling in love. And what about the stronger sex?

Men also change their behavior. They show signs of sympathy quite specifically and quite clearly. By being attentive, it is easy to determine the interest of a young person in a colleague in his person. In general, falling in love is difficult to hide.

If deep feelings arise in relation to a person of the opposite sex, they are torn out. Under the influence of hormones, euphoria sets in, the lover is elated, feels an emotional upsurge. If feelings are overwhelmed, they will certainly manifest and become visible to the naked eye, you just need to be more attentive. Non-verbal signs of liking help determine whether a man likes a woman. These include:

1. Look.
2. Gait.
3. Posture.
4. Gestures.
5. Mood.


A man in love looks at the object of desire in a special way. In his eyes, the same sparkle appears, the spark that is written about in books. The look shows admiration, enthusiasm and notes of playfulness. He gazes intently at the woman he likes, absorbs her with his eyes. A sign of a man's sympathy is the fact that he looks away when the woman turns to him and meets his eyes. Sexual desire is evidenced by a look directed at the lips of the chosen one.


Oddly enough, but the representatives of the stronger sex, when they fall in love, also change their gait. She is not flying, like women, but confident, like the king of animals during the hunt.


Cavaliers in love in front of their chosen colleague keep their backs straight, as if demonstrating the width of their shoulders. A typical pose for a man who is trying to impress a woman is legs wide apart, shoulders straightened. This posture is typical for animals that demonstrate their strength.


When a man is in love, he is in high spirits and becomes more active and easy-going. During this period, guys are able to achieve success at work, move up the career ladder, and accomplish a feat.


There are many gestures that indicate sympathy for a female colleague. You should be especially attentive to the gestures, as they can tell a lot about the feelings of the gentleman. Let's take a look at the most common gestures.


While at work, a girl may notice how a guy puts his thumbs on the belt of his trousers or puts them behind the belt, as if about to take off his trousers. Men make this gesture unconsciously, on a subconscious level. In psychology, this is called "stripping". However, the young man is not going to be naked right in the office, just on a subconscious level he wants to demonstrate to his beloved his body, its power and beauty. Similar non-verbal signs of sympathy are as follows:

1. Unfastening the watch on the wrist.

2. Loosen the loop of the tie.

3. The man takes off or unbuttons his jacket (the top button of the shirt).

Putting his hands in the front pockets of his trousers with thumbs up during a conversation with the chosen one, the guy signals her sympathy.

Boot toe direction

Psychologists assure that when a young man singles out one woman from the environment, his toe of a shoe is always directed in her direction. Pay attention to where the toe of the gentleman's foot is pointing, who supposedly shows attention to you. If it is mainly directed towards the other woman, it probably only seems to you that the man is interested in you.


If a man sympathizes with a female colleague, he tries to enter her personal space. What does it mean? He approaches so that he enters the arm's length zone. This space is unacceptable to violate people who are not related.

A colleague can get closer to your face if you fill out a report together, hug your waist, touch your shoulder. Thus, a young man subconsciously lets others know - this is my object of desire, my territory.

Demonstration of merits

Guys in love often try to attract attention by demonstrating their abilities in every possible way. Sometimes this turns out to be ridiculous, for example, being in the office in the presence of an adored female colleague, they talk about their achievements, successes, joke, and joke. In some cases, a man tries to offend or humiliate someone present so that the woman will pay attention to them.

Non-verbal signs of sympathy from a man for a woman to a colleague help to determine the attitude towards oneself, but one cannot rely on only some of them. Women tend to exaggerate and wishful thinking. Perhaps you just think that someone at work is in love with you. On the other hand, if a man from the very beginning takes a passive position and does not dare to openly express his feelings, perhaps he will remain so in the future.

If the expression on a man's face changes when you appear, this can be understood as the first sign of sympathy. Raised eyebrows, half-open lips, an embarrassed look, dilated pupils indicate interest. If a man is not too confident in his attractiveness, when a pretty woman appears, he may blush and get lost in conversation.

Along with facial expressions, one should pay attention to the timbre of the voice - when talking with the object of sympathy, the man's voice acquires softness, velvety and delicacy.

Gestures and postures

Sometimes signs of sympathy in a man can be confused with manifestations of nervousness. If there is an interesting woman nearby, the man can start fiddling with buttons, straightening his tie, unbuttoning and zipping. The gestures of sympathy also include touching the face, ears, hair.

The latent sexual desire is described by widely spaced legs and thumbs in the pockets of trousers or in the belt.

Next to a pretty girl, a man does everything to please her outwardly - he stands straight, straightening his shoulders and tucking up his stomach. The direction of the toes of his shoes usually indicates the object of passion. During a conversation, a man tries to move closer to a pretty woman, violating her personal space. Another sign of sympathy is the mirroring of a woman's gestures.


A guy in love often surreptitiously observes the object of his passion. Wherever he is, he keeps the woman of interest to him in sight. In this case, a man may try to attract her attention with loud jokes, laughter, or demonstration of any talents, for example, a virtuoso guitar playing.

One of the surest signs of sympathy is the unexpected appearance in a man of many things in common with your hobbies.

A passionate person tends to spend more time with someone he likes. Men, under any pretext, try to talk more often with an interesting woman. At the same time, they necessarily touch upon personal topics - hobbies, desires, aspirations.

Any man in love tries to help a woman and protect her beloved. However, it is worth learning to distinguish between manifestations of gallantry and the desire to provide real support.

Very often, a man speaks to a woman about his feelings in a joking manner. He can say, for example: "Now I know your address, and I will come to you for tea." In response, the man expects the manifestation of your feelings - answer him in the same frivolous manner.

To find your happiness, you need to be more attentive to the men around you. Take a closer look - maybe a loved one is very close. And take a step towards him.

A guy should be the initiator of a serious relationship, and we have learned this truth from childhood. It is he who must begin a complex ritual of courtship, invite on dates, seek affection, give gifts, show a genuine interest in everything that concerns his chosen one. This way of thinking is unbearable for a modern woman, who suddenly realized that she likes a guy. She is sure that, if she wants, she can get attention and achieve mutual sympathy from a young man, the only problem is that she does not know how to correctly express sympathy.

There is no big secret here, you just need to skillfully and subtly make it clear that the girl wants to be closer. Conventionally, we have identified 7 ways that can convey to the mind of a man that he arouses sympathy in a girl, and she is ready to start a relationship with him.

How to show sympathy?

1. Smile. Women have rather mobile facial expressions, and a woman's face is able to fairly accurately reflect the degree of her interest in what is happening. A smile is a formidable weapon in the women's arsenal, it is able to fall in love with its owner the world around it, serves as the first signal that the girl does not mind continuing communication, which means that you need to smile! Necessarily!

2. Eye contact. Probably, every woman at one time or another begins to understand what a powerful help her look can serve. Some cultures teach men that the female gaze can be hypnotic. However, such a weapon of expression of sympathy requires accuracy and caution. The person who arouses our sympathy should see a purposeful gaze for a few short seconds, no more, but he should not run his gaze either. The long look is frightening. Having in her arsenal a beautiful smile and a skillfully honed look, a woman is able to conquer the whole world.

3. Development of receptive skills. It is one thing to be able to master the ways of showing interest, and quite another to be observant. Did your chosen one smile back, is he looking for your eyes? If the answers are yes, there is nothing to worry about. Lady's persistence is not to the face, everything should develop gradually and in the most natural way.

4. He doesn't answer! How to be ?! You should not despair, perhaps the chosen one is too shy, or not completely confident in himself. After all, his brain is so dumbfounded by everything that happens, the most contradictory thoughts fill him, prevent him from concentrating. If the chosen one is a colleague, or you study together, then signals can be given to him at every meeting, however, you should not go too far with this, showing your interest too clearly. For those who want to please a guy, female patience and a little cunning should help to choose the right tactics.

5. Conversation. Do not forget the most important thing - to be yourself. Trying to impress a guy isn't worth it at all. Easy and non-forced communication is all that is required at this stage. The eyes, they are assigned one of the main roles in the conversation, should help here. Look for his gaze. If the guy is going to leave and the dialogue doesn't go well, you shouldn't try to delay him. The most important thing, as you remember, is to show your sympathy.

7. Don't chase him. It is not at all necessary to express your sympathy to the guy by the fact that you have turned into his shadow. Give up the desire to see him 24 hours a day, even if this feeling lies deep in the subconscious. Staring at him in the cafe before the last customers leave, drooling in the library just because he is preparing for tomorrow's report is all harassment. Of course, every person who has experienced a feeling of love will be able to understand such a desire and need, but still it is worth pulling himself together. Unseparable, for several hours, devouring with the eyes of course will make the guy understand your "subtle" hint.

Dear girls, perhaps you will perfectly master all the listed techniques and learn every advice written above, however, perhaps the guy simply did not become interested in you, and then all these little tricks will not help you.

Described the main reasons why guys are afraid to meet girls,
lists the main signs of female sympathy, gives advice and recommendations on how to "read" a girl and make an acquaintance with her.

The relationship of opposite sexes is multifaceted, mysterious and often unpredictable. In most cases, this is due to the mysteriousness and complex nature of the woman. Men often do not take hints and find it difficult to decipher the signals of sympathy given by women. How to guess that a girl is showing interest and get to know her without fear of being rejected, you will learn from this article.

Why are guys afraid to meet girls while girls stay single?

The following fears often prevent a guy from getting to know a girl he likes:

  • Refusal
    A man who is selfish by nature values ​​his dignity and is very afraid to hear the word "no". A man takes a refusal hard, so not everyone decides to take such a risk.
  • Crowded place
    A possible reason why the guy is in no hurry to approach the girl is a large crowd of people around her. Fear of being ridiculed in front of a crowd is much worse than hearing no in private
  • Inconsistency
    The man is afraid of being compared with the girl's friends, who may be more successful, with what she does in life and her financial situation. Fear of losing in these and other comparisons can push away his desire to get closer to the girl.
  • Negative attitude
    Doubts in their own strengths and thoughts that nothing will work out in advance predetermine the mood of the guy, who ultimately decides that there is no need to try
  • To be used
    There are often cases when a girl meets a guy and talks to him nicely only on the basis that he will pay for her drink or dinner, and then disappears in search of another with the same purpose. Fear of joining the ranks of men whom women use for their own purposes scares guys away from unfamiliar girls

How can a guy become more confident in himself?

In order to cope with fears, you need to work on your confidence. If a guy does not doubt that he is worth the girl and believes in the strength of his own merits, he will certainly be able to convince the girl of this. And if the acquaintance does not develop as we would like, it will not "dwell" on failures.


  • Start with people you know who you don't feel uncomfortable with. Strike up conversations with them on any topic, even the most frank ones.

IMPORTANT: The experience of multifaceted communication and the ability to maintain a conversation in different situations are the guarantors of a confident dialogue when later meeting a girl

  • In the next step, learn to compliment your female colleagues. They should be short and natural. For example: "this dress suits you", "you look good"
  • Now you can move on to a more difficult one: casual communication with strangers. Don't immediately set yourself the goal of taking a girl's phone number. For a start, you just need to say hello. Then you can try to strike up a conversation. The main thing is to be honest and sincere. Experiment, look for your style and remember that your goal is to become more relaxed and confident, and not to find a life partner. The dialogue did not work out - it's okay, it will work with another girl

2. Achievements
If you consider yourself unfulfilled, unlucky and do not like yourself, you can hardly achieve confidence in communicating with the female half. Analyze your achievements, find your strengths, make a list of your most successful qualities. You will understand: it’s not so bad. Perhaps you only focused on failures and forgot about your achievements. Shift the focus, believe in your potential. This will bear fruit not only in personal life, but will also help in professional development.

3. Study of female nature
Learn to read the girl, react to her signs. Perhaps she already shows sympathy for you, but you just do not notice it. Learning how to correctly interpret the signals she gives will help you know what to expect, which means you will feel much more confident.

How can a girl show sympathy?

Men believe that they are the ones who take the first step towards an unfamiliar girl. In fact, the first communication between a guy and a girl takes place long before the words. Look, gait, body posture and other signals can give clear information about whether a girl is interested in dating. In other words, a woman chooses a man she likes and is the first to give him many non-verbal signals. And the man just comes up to her and starts a conversation.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular belief, the initiator of dating in 90% of cases is a woman.

Most men are unable to recognize the signs given by women or get confused in them, are afraid to make mistakes and simply do not respond to these signals. If a man nevertheless meets a girl, as a rule, it is simply a desire to take risks behind it.

IMPORTANT: The girl shows sympathy in most cases with the help of non-verbal signals.

Verbal and non-verbal signs of female sympathy

The non-verbal signs by which you can determine female sympathy are:

  • Gaze delay
    The girl starts flirting with a short but noticeable glance at the man, after which she quickly turns away or switches attention. She can repeat this several times. To be more careful, this signal cannot be missed.
  • Preening
    If a guy is interested in a girl, she straightens up, takes the most successful body posture in order to emphasize all her external dignity, straightens her hair
  • Smile
    If a girl smiles slightly when a guy meets her eyes, this is a clear sign of sympathy.
  • Touching
    This signal can be observed after starting a conversation. If a woman shows interest, she accidentally, and sometimes deliberately, touches her partner's hand. If a girl touches her palm, this indicates a desire for closer communication

With regard to verbal signs, everything is much more obvious here. The girl is clearly interested and sympathetic to you if she:

  • actively participates in the conversation
  • avoids monosyllabic answers
  • shares personal information
  • asking questions
  • often calls you by name

IMPORTANT: If a girl is expressive, emotional, actively gesticulating when she says something, blushes easily, etc., she undoubtedly feels sympathy and tries to impress you.

Direct and indirect signs that a girl is interested in a guy

Criteria by which you can indirectly determine that a girl has sympathy:

  • light shaking or touching hair
    a woman does it instinctively when a man is not indifferent to her

  • touching yourself
    the woman may lightly stroke the neck, arm, or thigh

  • wet lips, parted mouth
    demonstration of sexual attractiveness, natural expression of sympathy

  • crossed legs
    in this position, the woman's legs look especially attractive, which she is well aware of

  • relaxed wrist
    on a subconscious level, a woman shows a willingness to submit

  • wiggle or shift of the hips
    if a woman tries to arouse interest, while moving she involuntarily shakes her hips, in a standing position, tries to focus on the waist line and hips, moving her hips to the side

  • proximity handbag
    a handbag is a very personal item for a woman, an integral part of it, so if a woman pushes the bag closer to a guy or asked him to bring her handbag, she trusts the man and shows sympathy for him

  • playing with a shoe
    the girl is relaxed and comfortable with the man

  • stroking a glass
    or removing and putting on a ring on a finger, etc. indicates that a woman is interested in close contact

Direct signs of female sympathy are clearer and easier to recognize. The girl can lean her head on your shoulder, move closer to you, sincerely laugh at your jokes, etc.

Women's sympathy: pitfalls

It should not be forgotten that women are cunning creatures and know very well how to use non-verbal cues to seduce men for some benefit.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the signs of affection you give you are sincere and not part of a woman's seduction plan.

At least the woman's eyes and her smile can help you with this. It's hard to simulate a real smile:

  • it is symmetrical
  • reflected all over the face
  • eyes shine
  • the corners of the eyes wrinkle

The look of a girl can also betray her intentions. A woman will not stare at you for a long time if she likes you. Rather, it will be a subtle intersection of gazes.
It is also almost impossible to fake genuine embarrassment and redness in the cheeks.

How to deliberately induce sympathy in a girl?

To say that there is a way to fall in love with absolutely any girl would be an open lie. But to arouse the sympathy of the girl you like is quite real.
A few tips:

  • Be confident, relaxed and convincing
  • Share her views
  • Show respect for her opinion, but don't be afraid to express yours.
  • Know how to listen
  • Be attentive and compliment
  • Respect your parents
  • Be decisive and firm in your decisions.
  • Surprise her
  • Monitor your appearance
  • Be there for her if she needs help.
  • Learn to be an interesting conversationalist
  • Be persistent, but not pushy
  • Don't make excuses over trifles

What do you need to talk to a girl about to get her interested?

Topics can be different, but the main thing:

Examples of topics:

  • hobby
  • mutual friends
  • trips
  • work / study

How not to lose interest in a girl? What spoils a girl's impression of a guy?

If you succeed in making the first impression on the girl, it is important to consolidate the result and not lose her favor in the future. Attitude towards a man can be ruined if:

  • he stopped looking after himself
  • often complains about his problems
  • trying to over-control the girl
  • began to pay less attention to her
  • speaks only about himself

Obviously, in order to keep the interest alive, the tone set on the first date should be continued. Small gifts, flowers, pleasant surprises, and a willingness to listen will help to keep the woman's attention.

Dmitry's story:
“I liked the girl at work, they talked neutral all the time, everything around and around, there were all kinds of flirting, but there was no specifics. I kept thinking how to drive up to her carefully, I didn't want my colleagues to find out in case of refusal. In the end, it turned out that she really liked me all this time, and she also did not know how to tell me about it. It's been a year together now, so guys, don't be afraid of your desires and take action. "

Olga's story:
“I met my future husband after I took the initiative myself. He was still afraid to take the first step. What if I were a coward too? It seems to me that modern guys need to be bolder and not break the rules to get acquainted first "

It is not often that men walk up to a complete stranger and start a conversation. It is especially rare to meet very beautiful girls who are often lonely. Take a close look at the girl, pay attention to the signs of sympathy that she shows. The girl will certainly give out her attitude towards you and hint at the "green light".

Video: Signs of Female Sympathy

Can't figure out what feelings a man has for you? Discard unnecessary guesswork and take a close look at his behavior. If a man is really interested, you will certainly see it. It is enough to know the main signs of sympathy on the part of a man.

It is generally accepted that it is men who initiate romantic relationships. However, according to the behavior of some representatives of the stronger sex, it is difficult to understand whether he sympathizes with you, or shows signs of attention out of politeness. Due to the natural low emotionality, sometimes men cannot openly express their feelings, preferring to let the situation take its course. But, fortunately, there are signals that literally "scream" about his interest. We are talking about gestures, words and actions that are manifested in the behavior of guys in love.

Signs of sympathy on the part of a man

Here are 7 signs of liking that a man is interested in a woman.

Sign # 1 - gestures of sympathy

Facial expressions and gestures are the non-verbal "language" of our body, which is almost impossible to control. Being in the company of a woman who arouses sympathy in a man, his body literally "rushes" towards her. This is expressed in copying your gestures, open eye contact, smiling, unobtrusive touching, etc. If a man wants to please the object of his passion, he unconsciously uses “gestures of preening,” namely, he straightens his collar or tie, smoothes his hair, etc. In addition, the guy's sympathy is expressed in a piercing and attentive look. It has been proven that if a man is in love, then during a conversation he looks into the eyes and face of his interlocutor most of the time.

Sign # 2 - it initiates communication

In every man in love, the instinct of a hunter awakens. In modern representatives of the stronger sex, this instinct is expressed in the fact that they unobtrusively "seep" into the life of their beloved, becoming its integral part. A man who is truly interested in a woman will do his best to spend time with her more often. If the relationship has not yet entered the category of friendly-romantic, he will initiate communication even for the most insignificant reasons. If you are already in the candy-bouquet period, a man in love will try to spend as much time with you as possible, even to the detriment of his personal affairs, rest and meeting with friends.

Sign # 3 - he's joking with you

"If you want to fall in love with a woman, make her laugh." This is exactly what folk wisdom says, which is perfectly manifested in the behavior of interested representatives of the stronger sex. A man in love will not "burden" you with his problems and mental trauma, because subconsciously he understands that it is possible to evoke reciprocal sympathy only with the help of positive emotions. That is why at the beginning of a relationship, many guys play the role of "merry fellows" and "cheers" who pour out anecdotes and funny stories from their childhood.

Sign number 4 - he shows concern and attentiveness

Falling in love is the best way to develop caring and attentiveness in men. When a man is genuinely interested in a woman, he puts her interests and needs above his own. That is why he always makes dates where it is convenient for you, remembers your plans, tries to please your tastes and interests. When the interest is deep, the guy is not only interested in your affairs and well-being, but also tries to make your life better. He meets you from work, invites you to cozy cafeterias, helps with the housework, and also does many other pleasant little things.

Those we truly love become the main people in our lives. This means that their opinion is very important to us. To understand that a man's sympathy develops into a sincere interest, it is possible on a very simple basis - he begins to consult with you and ask for your opinion on a particular issue. This can be anything from work problems to buying a new suit. By consulting with you, a man wants to involve you in his life, so that you become even closer.

Sign number 6 - he pleases you with gifts and surprises

By giving gifts, a man not only increases his importance in your eyes, but also tries to bring you pleasant emotions. In the male language of love, gifts and surprises for no reason are the highest degree of care and attention. With the help of your favorite sweets, cute bouquets and funny souvenirs, a man expresses his sympathy and interest. If you received an unexpected gift from a man, you can be sure that he really likes you. And here it is not the gift itself that is important, but the fact that the man spent time and effort choosing it.

Sign number 7 - he introduces you to his friends and relatives

If a man invites you on vacation with his friends or relatives, this means that he already sees you in the role of his girlfriend. For the most part, the representatives of the stronger sex are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they will not introduce into “their” circle those with whom they do not intend to build a serious relationship. Also, getting to know your loved ones can mean wanting to “show off” about you. In any case, this signal only says that you are really very interested in him.

Despite the fact that we are all different and endowed with different characters and demeanors, falling in love makes people similar to each other. If a man is really interested in you, certain signs of sympathy will certainly appear in his behavior.