What does a person's bad handwriting say? What is the evidence of poor handwriting? Bad handwriting reasons and correction

It is not uncommon for children to have poor handwriting. For parents, this becomes a major problem, and they are looking for ways to help get rid of it. Is it necessary? Poor handwriting is also common in adults. Many experts claim that it can be used to determine the character of a person. In our article you can familiarize yourself with the facts that are associated with handwriting, as well as find out if it is possible to change it.

Unsatisfactory handwriting in a child

Often, poor handwriting in a child becomes the main problem for his parents. Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing. It should be noted that not everyone can write in calligraphic handwriting. To master this writing, you need to exercise regularly. In general education institutions, teachers do not focus on calligraphic handwriting, but on its readability, accuracy and attractiveness to others.

Children begin to learn to write at the age of 5-7. For this, recipes are first used. Over the years of training, the child tries to write faster. Signs of poor handwriting in a child include:

  • different letters that are written in the same way;
  • incorrect connection of letters or words written with a break in syllables. Such a letter looks unattractive and difficult to read;
  • words that are not written on a line, but above or below it. It is worth noting that in some cases this may be due to poor vision in a child;
  • letters differ in height;
  • the slope of the letters exceeds 50 degrees.

If the above signs are observed in the child's letter, then his handwriting is considered bad and must be corrected.

What is the reason for the appearance of bad handwriting?

In the event that you or your child does not write satisfactorily, the first step is to examine the root causes of poor handwriting. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

The most common cause of unsatisfactory handwriting is unnatural body posture. If poor spelling is associated with an incorrect tilt, then it is precisely the discomfort when sitting. In this case, in order to correct the unsatisfactory handwriting, it will be necessary to take the correct posture for writing. Posture should be level, shoulders - straightened, and elbows should in no case hang off the table.

Problems with writing clarity are most often associated with incorrect positioning of the notebook. It should be at an angle of 10-15 degrees. This arrangement allows you to sit correctly and move your hand quickly.

Poor handwriting is often caused by using a poor quality pen. It is important to pay attention to many factors when buying. The optimal handle length is 15 centimeters. Its diameter should not exceed 7 millimeters. Its shape should be round. It is advisable to abandon the use of gift and advertising pens.

Quite often, a child's poor handwriting is characterized by the presence of too broken lines or letters that have different heights. This problem is associated with a violation in the development of fine motor skills. To eliminate it, it is necessary to devote a large amount of time to the child, namely to do crafts and play finger games.

Another problem is non-compliance with the interval. Its occurrence is associated with a low level of development of spatial perception. As a rule, such a problem is not serious and over time it goes away without outside adjustment. In this case, you do not need to force the child to rewrite the poorly written text several times. This article provides basic guidelines to help you understand how to fix bad handwriting. It is worth noting that in adulthood, these tips are most often ineffective, and it is almost impossible to change the manner of writing.

Notable personalities with poor handwriting

Graphologists argue that by analyzing handwriting, you can tell more about a person than he knows about himself. It is difficult to prove this. The handwriting of famous personalities is of particular interest to specialists. You can find more information about them in our article.

The author of "The Transformation" - - had a very illegible and sloppy handwriting. Experts say that this is due to his emotional experiences. Found his personal diaries, which are filled with self-condemnation and self-doubt.

Another famous person who had poor handwriting is Elvis Presley. He is considered one of the most controversial characters in music. Sometimes he did unexpected things. Once, while purchasing more than 10 limousines in a car dealership, he presented one of them to a stranger. Experts say that Elvis Presley's handwriting is as inconsistent as he is.

Napoleon Bonaparte changed his handwriting throughout his life. Every year his letter became more confusing and illegible. In order to decipher his records, the specialists had to work hard.

Unsatisfactory handwriting of doctors

What is the evidence of poor handwriting in doctors? Many have thought about this at least once. Surprisingly, illegible handwriting is a hallmark of doctors around the world. Often, medical records are almost impossible to make out on your own. There are many known cases where illegible handwriting has been the cause of incorrectly dispensed drugs. Some of them were fatal.

Poor handwriting in doctors arises from the need to write quickly. Few people think about it, but a specialist should spend no more than 10-15 minutes to see one patient. During this time, he must have time not only to carefully examine the patient and make a diagnosis, but also to make an entry in his medical record and special forms. All nuances must be recorded in full.

There are cases when doctors are involved in court proceedings due to the fact that the diagnosis was illegible. In this case, the specialist will be obliged to pay a fine. Depending on the severity of the medical error, he can also be convicted and suspended from work.

What can bad handwriting tell us about?

What does a person's bad handwriting say? Can he talk about character traits? You can find this and much more in our article.

Graphologists say that thanks to handwriting, you can find out the characteristics of a person's character. It is he who can tell a lot. People who have a childish and too large handwriting are distinguished by gullibility, gentleness, impracticality and sensuality. In the event that the letters are overly compressed, the person is prudent and conservative.

Another sign of poor handwriting is incorrect slanting of the letters. It may indicate that a person does not know how to control his emotions. Illegible handwriting is inherent in hidden individuals who do not want to open up to strangers.

Surprisingly, the calligraphic handwriting, which many want to have, indicates that a person is highly susceptible to other people's opinions. As a rule, they do not have their own point of view.

Change handwriting - change character?

Quite a few people have poor handwriting. “The brain works faster than the hands,” some experts explain. Graphologists argue that all changes in character are reflected in handwriting. By improving it, you can radically change your life, namely, cope with laziness and become more successful. Changing handwriting takes a lot of time and effort. However, without certain knowledge, you can harm yourself. That is why, in order to change your destiny with the help of handwriting, it is recommended to consult with a graphologist.

How long will it take to correct handwriting deficiencies?

In order to independently change handwriting, you need to train systematically. Every day you will need to devote at least 20-30 minutes to this lesson. At first, it is advisable to train in notebooks with oblique lines. It is necessary to write thoughtfully in order for the letters to be neat. It is impossible to determine exactly how many days the handwriting will change. Some may take a few weeks, while others may not even be a year old. It depends on the regularity of training and the personal qualities of the person.

Calligraphy courses

Many people want to change their bad handwriting. The sign and the reason for its appearance can be easily determined in calligraphy courses. It is there, with the help of specialists, that the handwriting can be changed in the shortest possible time. There are individual, group and distance courses. On them, specialists apply the most effective methods of teaching calligraphic writing. All exercises are selected individually.

Summing up

Not everyone can write beautifully. Poor handwriting can be attributed to a variety of reasons. Timely elimination of them will help in the shortest possible time to change your spelling of letters. This can be done both independently and with the help of specialists. Some graphologists argue that by changing your handwriting you can change your character and life. Whether this is so is unknown. It is recommended, first of all, to carefully weigh your decision to change your handwriting and consult with an experienced graphologist.

Primary school teacher GBOU SOSH №585

Kirovsky district

Talanova-Sheleiko Yu.G.

"Bad handwriting - need to be corrected?"

« All talented people write differently, all mediocre people write in the same way and even in one handwriting. "
Ilya Ilf

Bad handwriting needs to be corrected and it requires regular exercise. The sooner you start improving it, the better the process will go. The younger student can be taught new things faster, and he will be more willing to correct his mistakes. Handwriting correction will help the child to be more diligent, attentive, and these qualities will be useful in later school life. But above all, it is important to identify the cause of poor handwriting.

Reason # 1. Wrong position of the body, arms, posture, position of the legs, inappropriate writing pens. The success of writing is largely determined by the creation of optimal hygienic conditions: selection of furniture, seating, direction of lighting, optimal shape of the pen, duration of continuous writing, etc.

Reason # 2. Incorrect position of the notebook on the desk.

Reason # 3 ... Fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed.

Reason number 4. Insufficient level of development of spatial perception. Usually this problem is not too serious and goes away quickly. Very often, parents, seeing that the child confuses the letters or that they are "hanging in the air", force him to redo the same thing a hundred times! But multiple rewriting won't help here.

Reason number 5. Features of the brain organization. Many people think that disgusting handwriting is just a consequence of carelessness, lack of assembly and laziness. But this is not the case. The most important body responsible for writing is not the hand, but the head. In order to learn to write, you need not only the relationship between thinking and fine motor skills of the hand, but also the ability to translate the information contained in the brain into a system of signs.

Therefore, problems associated with mastering written language can signal a violation of the brain. Most often these are not serious pathologies, but some individual characteristics of the child. For example, lefties (especially retrained ones) and people who are equally good at using both hands can experience difficulties. However, all this, as a rule, is easily overcome.

There is a much more serious problem - dysgraphia, which can be accompanied by dyslexia - difficulties in perceiving printed text. The cause of dysgraphia and dyslexia is a violation of neural connections that transmit information between the hemispheres of the brain.

And why do we teach children to write at all? We want the child to be able to correctly and clearly state his thought in writing. Literacy is needed not only for written speech, because those who cannot express their thoughts do not understand someone else's. As shown by the Unified State Exam, almost half of the graduates are unable to single out the main idea in a regular text. And this inability, of course, seriously hinders overall development.

But in order for a person to be able not only to write, but also to read what he wrote, in order to find his mistakes and correct them, the handwriting must be legible.

And for this you need to:

the letters were the same height and width;
straight lines were straight;
parallel lines remained parallel;
the ovals were of the correct shape.

If the child has mastered these rules and observes them when writing, then his handwriting will be smooth and readable. And this means that the child in the future will not think about how to write a hook or circle, but about how best to express his thought.

For the most part, handwriting does not depend on the wishes of the child. Rather, it is the result of mistakes in training:

Too early start

There is a rule - the earlier we start teaching a child to write, the worse his handwriting will be in the future. And if adults give a five-year-old a pen, he is not able to take it correctly, but will squeeze it in his fist. In this position, italic (continuous) writing is impossible. The maximum that he can write is semi-printed letters, written separately from each other. In addition, children are brought to first grade today at the age of six, or even earlier. And few people know that every six months is extremely important - all the functions that are necessary for writing mature. A child at six years old is very different from a child at six and a half, and even more so at seven. This, by the way, partly explains the fact that children used to write better - they began to study at the age of seven or eight.


Excessively large letters- a sign of expansiveness in actions and thoughts, unwillingness to obey.

Small and economical- more closed, focused on his inner world. These are reserved guys, capable of concentration.

Small handwriting that is hard to readindicates exceptional secrecy. Rounded smooth letters - balanced nature, perhaps pedantic.

Illegible and out-of-the-line letters are an impulsive, emotional child with broad creative inclinations. Leaning to the left is a desire to control your emotions.

Strong tilt to the rightshows a desire to flaunt their feelings, impulsiveness, a desire for extremes.

When the lines "crawl"- this is a sign of an optimistic nature, going down - a sign of pessimism and bad mood.

If the line is in a straight line, the letters are not slanted (vertical handwriting)- evidence of a deep, adult, poise.

Rounded letters indicate the desire to be in a team, not posture and vision. Therefore, give your child some rest during class.

Inner world through handwriting

Children's handwriting characterizes the child and reflects his mood. Here are some signs of handwriting that will help you understand your baby better:

Sweeping handwriting- probably a sociable child, a shirt-guy. resist its norms - conformism.

Angular letters - a sign of competitiveness, a critical mind and a desire for independence.

Combination of angular and rounded letterstestifies to the ability to please people and, at the same time, to remain yourself.

Light pressure inherent in sensitive children.

Strong pressure distinguishes decisive, energetic, sociable, contact, sometimes overly aggressive children. However, graphologists are ready to reliably talk about the character of the writer only when the personality and, accordingly, the handwriting has already been formed, that is, in an adult.

It's never too late to learn Some people limit themselves to the knowledge given in school. Others learn all their lives. F. Dostoevsky wisely noted: "Learn and read ... Life will do the rest."

Do you want to know the most secret things about yourself or your friend? Take a close look at your or his handwriting. He is jealous or amorous, soft or, on the contrary, harsh. Handwriting analysis (in other words, graphology) is a great way to draw up an accurate psychological portrait. In addition, a lot can be said from handwriting about a person's sexuality.

In order to find out the character of a person, it is necessary to analyze the text written by him by hand, preferably on a clean and not lined sheet of paper. The volume is at least 10-15 lines. You can start the analysis of handwriting by studying common signs, and then move on to the peculiarities of the writing of individual letters.

Swipe through the middle of a few letters vertical axis and see what angle it makes with the string. If the angle is about 45 degrees, then you openly express your feelings, get along easily with people, you like to visit or invite friends. If you fall in love, then you do not hide your feelings

If your vertical handwriting, there is no inclination to the left or to the right, you have a balance of mind and heart, a restrained demeanor. When you fall in love, you never immediately openly express your feelings, they are manifested only in goodwill.

Sometimes letters tilted to the left... This means that your mind is in control of your senses. You are capable of love only after much thought and thought. Very often, with age, the slope of the handwriting changes and the letters lean more to the right.

There is a letter in which letters are strongly inclined to the right... If so, then you have a desire to flaunt your feelings, you fall in love at first sight. Plus you have a tendency toward jealousy and possessiveness. You like the flattery and admiration of others.

Further it's worth taking a closer look at the pressure... If you write with light pressure, then you prefer to listen more than talk, you like small companies, you are interested in other people, but you do not show it. Your strong point of character is loyalty.

If, on the contrary, you feel in your handwriting strong pressure, the letters have darker and thicker outlines, then you have a decisive nature, a lot of energy, you are attracted by large companies and active people. In matters of the heart, you are distinguished by the ardor of feelings.

In graphology, it is important way of connecting letters... If there is a gap between letters in almost every word, you rely more on your intuition than on logical analysis. If all the letters are connected, you have a logical mind, the ability to concentrate and good observation, you do not take anything for granted.

Now is the time to study the size of the letters.

Normal in graphology, handwriting is considered in which the height of the letters is equal to their width and is about 4 mm. If your letters are larger than 4 mm, the handwriting is large. It means that you want to draw attention to yourself, you have a developed self-esteem, a tendency to scale, impracticality.

Fine handwriting indicates restraint, self-control, prudence. Condensed handwriting (when the height of the letters is greater than the width) reveals thrift, sometimes stinginess, discretion. Elongated handwriting (the width of the letters is greater than the height) speaks of the ability to easily navigate in an unfamiliar situation, enterprise and quick perception.

The difference in handwriting depends not only on the size of the letters, but also on the style of their writing. Rounded letters indicate a tendency to cooperate, the ability to coordinate their views with the point of view of others, the ability to share joy and anxiety.

Angular handwriting indicates a desire for independence, a desire to carry out their own plans. If angular letters are also written with pressure, you do not like to be in a subordinate position, both in business and in personal relationships.

In addition to the general characteristics of handwriting, attention should be paid to the spelling of individual letters.

For example, according to outlines of the capital letter "K" you can get an idea of ​​femininity. If it is written without pressure, slightly elongated, tilted to the right, has a long upper process and a small lower one, you are original in desires, graceful, full of grace and elegance.

If pressure is used when writing the letter "K", and the branch of the letter goes down, you are distinguished by firmness of character, decisiveness, prudence, dislike to express your thoughts.

V writing the letter "M" the consistency of a person and his skill are manifested. We are talking about success in business, school, sports, sex. To identify the character, the ratio of the height of the letter elements is important. If the first is higher, you have determination and sensitivity. You are more concerned with immediate accomplishments than future successes. Everything suits you in terms of sex and you are in no hurry to change anything in your habits.

If the first element is lower than the second, you are feminine, graceful, like to impress. Therefore, you are prone to changes both in the professional sphere and in the sphere of sex, where you willingly go to change your usual behavior.

In addition to the letters "K" and "M", take a closer look at writing informative in graphology letters "o"... If in your handwriting a closed "o" is more often found, you have a whole character, try to keep your "I", somewhat closed for communication.

If the majority of "o's" have a gap in the upper left part, it means that you only feel confident in familiar situations. Anything new makes you nervous, because you have remembered your past failures for too long.

There is also a gap in the upper part of the letter "o". He talks about wanting to be noticed, which sometimes overshadows femininity and can even scare away fans.

Another thing is the gap in the upper right part of the "o". In this case, you are attracted to new people and situations, sometimes even to the detriment of your “I”. Tradition does not suit you, this also applies to sex. In addition, you are energetic, which is noticeable even by your gait.

Ilya Schegolev

Handwriting can be very different: neat, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless, and so on. Each person has a special, individual handwriting. As a rule, handwriting is formed from the age of 10-11. But finally, it develops around the age of 20. However, in some cases, handwriting changes throughout life.

A person's handwriting is able to tell about its own owner. Scientists were able to prove that a person's character and his handwriting are somehow connected. This is what will be discussed in our material.

How to determine a person's character by handwriting: the influence of character on handwriting, the science of graphology

Graphology- a science that studies the dependence of handwriting on a person's character. Graphological analysis is carried out at the expense of some parameters. An important role is played by the direction of each line, the peculiarity of writing a particular letter, the inclination of the letters, being on the sheet, and so on.

Thanks to the combination of such parameters, the characteristics of an individual person are formed. If the analysis was carried out correctly, you can easily find out the growth of the personality, the ability to sexual preferences, and the propensity for drug addiction.

Currently, many companies use the services of professional graphologists. Thanks to them, the characteristics of the people who are hired are compiled, plus an assessment of the traits of competitors is made.

Do not be alarmed if at the time of hiring you are offered a blank piece of paper, a simple pencil, and told to write a few free sentences. You cannot deceive a graphologist, but you can artificially distort your own handwriting. In return, you will receive a personality profile that may not be suitable for the position you have chosen.

What the tilt of handwriting says about a person's character: description with examples

Handwriting characteristics can tell about the level of emotional reaction and about the degree of understanding of other people. It is very difficult to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

But before you find your own handwriting ugly, figure out its slope and the location of each letter:

  • If your letters are positioned strictly vertical, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
  • If your letters have slight tilt to the right, then you are softly reacting to the world around you. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first think about everything carefully.
  • Strong slope of letters to the right indicates that you are constantly emotionally stressed and impulsive.
  • If they ate your letters while writing, they look to the left, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself as much as possible from external stimuli and often act selfishly towards other people.

How to spell and connect letters to find out a person's character: description with examples

  • If every letter in the document connected each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views, have a difficult perception of everything that is new to you.
  • If in your handwriting moderate number of gaps between letters, then your thinking is considered deep enough, plus adaptive. This indicates that you are able to bring the desired and the real into harmony.
  • If in your handwriting a lot of gaps between letters, then you have figurative-concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, strive to pay more attention to yourself and make the best impression on people.

  • If the distance between letters is very large then you are afraid to contact other people. Getting to know a certain person is difficult for you, but after you get closer to him, he seems to you an interesting person.
  • Minor letter spacing suggests that you are an open person. You like to let people very close to you and adore it when you have a lot of interlocutors with you.

What does handwriting pressure say about a person's character?

Particular attention should be paid to the pressure of the letters in the handwriting. Remember that it is the pressure that characterizes the real emotions of each person.

  • If you press hard when you write, then your emotions are constant and stable in any sensation.
  • If you write and do not press hard on a pen or pencil, then you are the kind of person who can easily be influenced by people. You, as a rule, choose for yourself the area in which the manifestation of intelligence is required. You are a person susceptible to people, and do not have deep feelings. They are simply not familiar to you.

What does sharp handwriting say about character?

If you have sharp letters, then you are an aggressive person. But at the same time, you are very observant, cunning and intellectually developed. But what you definitely lack is a good attitude towards the people around you. You are distinguished by vigilance and distrust of others.

You are also considered to be a reasonably educated person, intelligent and perceptive. Remember that people with sharp letters are not at all interested in the point of view of other people.

If you belong to this category, you are probably focusing exclusively on your own needs. You do not like when you are taught and believe that you are always right in everything.

What does sweeping handwriting say about character?

  • Sweeping handwriting usually belongs to those people who have a slight touch of masculinity. If you have just such a handwriting, it means that you are a proud person, love to strive for self-government.
  • In addition, the spread of the letters suggests that you dream of being constantly in the lead roles, regardless of the industry.

IMPORTANT: Sweeping handwriting is characteristic of a romantic person who never notices the shortcomings of other people and constantly looks at the world through pink glasses.

In short, you are a real strategist, you are inclined towards the global, love to think systematically and belong to enterprising individuals. You cannot be angry with people for a very long time and remember offenses, and you also treat eccentrics, you have a gentle heart and a vulnerable soul.

What does large handwriting say about character?

Handwriting with large letters, as a rule, is exclusively for sociable individuals who have high self-esteem.

  • You are considered the leader and do not differ from other people in particular modesty
  • You are an open, warm and confident person.
  • Are you enough smart, however, you have absolutely no cunning

  • You are not without compassion, generosity and kindness. The main traits of your character are carelessness and kindness. In some situations, you are very gullible and do not always understand people.
  • You are sensitive, impractical and gentle nature.
  • You like to be noticed by people.

What does small handwriting say about character?

Small as beads, handwriting will tell about the following character traits:

  • You are calculating, observant
  • You may have visual impairment
  • You have an analytical mindset, pedantic
  • You have a high enough attention, therefore, you pay attention to all the details.
  • You do not like hype and big companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
  • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations

Very often people with such handwriting shy natures. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, intelligent and interesting from the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations, these individuals even become cruel and authoritarian leaders.

What does round handwriting say about character?

Now let's tell a little about those people who write in round letters:

  • Most often, this handwriting is found in kind and cheerful people. Does this concern you? Then you are cunning and do not like intrigue. You treat the people around you practically like a mother, with kindness and special understanding.
  • Round handwriting suggests that you love to constantly go through life with only an open mind.
  • Round handwriting with straight and clear lines, located vertically or slightly tilted to the right, indicate that you are a detailed and strong person.

  • You do not like conflicts, you constantly give in during disputes. You easily get to know people, make contact and communicate without any problems.
  • Rounded pot-bellied handwriting refers to those individuals who fit perfectly into any work team. You are even considered to some extent a "vest" for those who want to cry.

What does printed handwriting say about character?

As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write in block letters. But there are people who write in this handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this writing method mean?

So, if you prefer to write in typed handwriting, your letters are usually neat and aesthetically pleasing. Chances are, you write the letters slanted and separately. Many people may even think that you are writing like a computer font. Often documents and postcards are filled out with the help of this handwriting.

  • But if your handwriting contains only printed letters, this indicates that you have notes of productivity in your character.
  • Of course, your psychological character depends on several factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

  • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you talk and show your emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
  • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think over and calculate your every step.
  • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a "mask" with which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on the assessments of other people, you do not like it when you are criticized and take it painfully.

In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a bunch of complexes, anxiety, the need for protection. Note that such people have perfectionism, that is, what prevents them from being a truly happy person.

What does incomprehensible, illegible, bad handwriting say about character?

Incomprehensible, illegible and bad handwriting that resembles scribbles speaks volumes. You have just such a handwriting, which means you:

  • Unbalanced, quick-tempered person
  • As a rule, like to stick to a particular daily routine.
  • You can get up very early in the morning and go to bed late, for example, at 12 o'clock in the morning.
  • It's hard to drive yourself into a certain framework

  • At work, you often conflict with other employees, quarrel and brawl
  • You are the kind of person with whom it is difficult to establish normal relations.
  • There is truth in this handwriting, a big plus - you are considered a genius. Be aware that many famous geniuses had this handwriting

What does a different, diverse handwriting say about character?

For many people, this trait indicates that they have temporary, minor changes that were triggered by certain factors. Remember that variability in handwriting is different... Consider what kind of character traits you possess, having this handwriting:

  • You often feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Sometimes you use a different style of writing letters, which fits automatically into the whole process. Perhaps you have too high self-esteem, or maybe, on the contrary, you are not confident in yourself. You are a hidden person, even unreliable.
  • If you have a different, different type of handwriting turns out spontaneously, then you are an open person, free and never feel the need. You just live, do not bother with trifles. Your handwriting changes under severe stress, but these distinctive features will be negligible. It will be immediately clear that this handwriting is yours.

What does beautiful handwriting say about character?

Typically, beautiful handwriting is very similar to fancy drawings. If your handwriting is written very neatly, letter to letter, as if written by a professional, with curls and precise lines, then you are exactly the person for whom family is in the first place.

  • You are the perfect family man.
  • You are a sensitive person, you are distinguished by accuracy.
  • You are characterized by willpower and calmness.
  • With all the positive qualities of your own character, you are not considered a strong person. There is no independence and purposefulness in you.

  • You constantly need good support, a person who can listen to you and understand you at any time.
  • You have a calm and even life, you never have ups and downs.
  • At work, you are respected and loved by other employees because you are submissive and efficient.

What does curly handwriting say about character?

Curls are present during writing in many letters. Let's consider the most common use cases.

  • The curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You love looking for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are creative in new things, you can adapt to a situation that has suddenly changed.
  • Narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign suggests that you have sharp thinking, you strive for spiritual values. Love your family and home, try to keep only the circle of your friends and relatives.

  • Wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are an aspiring nature, you are directed to satisfy your own material needs and emotions. You also love to be noticed by others.
  • Disproportionate curl at the bottom of the letter. Never get attached to business, don't like it at all.
  • Small disproportionate curl at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, at every opportunity you are limited to very few.

What does angular handwriting say about character?

Angular handwriting indicates the following character traits of a person:

  • If you have an angular handwriting, then you love to compete, strive for independence and have a critical mind.

IMPORTANT: If your handwriting combines angular and round letters, then you know how to charm the people around you, you are a hospitable person and have good taste. If you still press hard on the pen while writing, then you enjoy being subordinate both at home and at work.

  • You adore independence, always fulfill your own desires.
  • One single minus of the character of a person with an angular handwriting is selfishness. You are independent, therefore, do not tolerate if someone tells you what to do.

What does the solid handwriting say about character?

If you decide to define your own character, be sure to pay attention to the merging of letters:

  • If you write all the letters connected, then you are a straightforward person. You are dominant in logical thinking. Perhaps you are adventurous and can criticize people without any problems.
  • Your intuition is perfectly developed.
  • If you write all the letters together and at the same time like to underline them, then you are an executive person.
  • You are constantly doing the work that you are assigned with diligence. In your personal life, you are the lucky ones, however, if you decide to break off the relationship, you never change your mind.
  • Your thinking is well developed.
  • If you like to write in one piece and at the same time compactly, then you are exactly the person who does not like it when strangers try to enter her life. Finding the key to your heart is very difficult.

What does clumsy handwriting say about character?

Nowadays, exquisite and beautiful handwriting is a rarity. But clumsy handwriting is quite common. Do you belong to this group of people? Then study your own character.

  • If your handwriting is disorganized, clumsy and very small, you are an indecisive and timid nature. You immediately retreat if certain difficulties arise in front of you.
  • If you have a very untidy handwriting that is difficult to make out, then you are indecisive, unbalanced, while you are neat and can think well logically.

  • You are a very talented person with some abilities.
  • Is your handwriting difficult to read? Then you like to hide something from people.
  • You also don’t care about your own speech and how you behave in the circle of friends and acquaintances.

What does crooked handwriting say about character?

Curved handwriting is mainly present in thinkers who have a pronounced emotional load. If you write in crooked letters, then you are emotionally unstable, sloppy.

You have low self-esteem, and for some reason you are often unbalanced. It is not uncommon for such a handwriting to evoke associations with creativity, and may be a sign of great eccentricity. Many people argue that this handwriting is inherent in very intelligent people.

What does ugly handwriting say about character?

Ugly handwriting is found, as a rule, in men. But it is not always the case.

  • Do you have ugly handwriting? Then you are a generous person, but at the same time short-sighted. You are constantly in a hurry somewhere, often make mistakes or find yourself in ridiculous, difficult situations.
  • You are a great friend and companion. You love laughter, fun. Come to the aid of those who ask you for help.
  • You are an active person, inquisitive, you have a cheerful character.
  • Ugly handwriting also suggests that you are energetic, carefree, and at the same time nervous.
  • You prefer independence.

What does sloppy handwriting say about character?

Sloppy handwriting, almost like the previous version. Most of the time, people who write quickly are sloppy. If you also write quickly and sloppily, then it is worth highlighting the following character traits:

  • You are a serene person, trying to be guided only by real events.
  • You love random luck, you work purely for inspiration.
  • You have an emotional foreboding, and you are also skeptical about the future.
  • You are a harsh, and sometimes even very hot-tempered person.

What does a straight, non-sloping handwriting say about character?

Vertical handwriting even looks unnatural to some extent. Do you write with absolutely no tilt? Then learn a little about your own disposition.

  • You are rational and emotional. You calmly analyze each situation and weigh everything before making a decision.
  • You are a brooding person, have complete control over yourself, restrained
  • You are a narcissist, you are not at all interested in people's opinions

  • There is a balance in your character between your heart and your mind.
  • Also, direct handwriting says that you look at all things soberly, in a word, you are a realist.

What does the tilted handwriting to the left say about character?

Most people write with a tilt to the right when writing, but there are also those who write the other way around - to the left. If this is about you, then you have the following personality type:

  • Outwardly you are hiding behind the "mask" of inaccessibility. You are emotionally cold.
  • If you have a slight lean to the left, then you are a manly person. When making important questions, be guided only by your own mind.
  • Your letters are tilted strongly to the left, then you are a touchy person, vindictive, constantly dissatisfied with yourself and people. You are a melancholic, you are very often in a bad mood.
  • You are proud, you have almost no inclination for art.

Determination of character by handwriting: test

We suggest that you take a short test and determine what kind of handwriting you have.

  • Write an 8-word sentence quickly
  • Re-write the same sentence, but very slowly
  • Draw a small animal
  • Without hesitation, draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper
  • Draw a road with a direction arrow

First, compare the first and second text. If they are very similar, then you can easily react to changing circumstances. If they are different, then your mood often changes.

  • Round letters say that you easily compromise. Angular letters- they say that you are rude and have strength of character.
  • In the image of the animal, pay special attention to the details: bows, mustache. They usually talk about infantilism.
  • If a geometric figure has corners then you are not satisfied with your own realization of desires. Rounded figures characterized by developed willpower and the ability to bring things to an end.

Video: Determining the character of a person by handwriting

Can be identified by his handwriting. Yes, oddly enough, even our handwriting can tell a lot about us, but as it turned out, by handwriting one can judge not only a person's character, but also his sexuality. Before you start exploring your partner, you need to examine yourself and your sexual preferences.

Analyzing a person's handwriting is a good way to create a psychological portrait. In order to get more details, it is necessary to carry out some analysis of the handwritten text; this must be done on an absolutely clean, not lined sheet of paper. As for the volume of the written text itself, it should be at least 10-15 lines. For a smaller and more complete understanding, you can fill in the page to the end. Graphologists argue that the slope with which he writes can tell a lot about a person. It is best to start the analysis of handwriting with the study of its general features, and then directly proceed to the peculiarities of the writing of individual letters.

To determine it is necessary to analyze:


Through the middle of several letters, you need to draw a vertical axis and see what angle it forms with the string. If the angle of the written line forms 45 degrees, then in this case it says about the person that he openly expresses his feelings, likes to invite guests or go to visit, and he also gets along well with people.

When the letters are written with an obvious slope to the right, this indicates that a person is deeply emotional, he tends to pour out his emotions outward, while practically not thinking about the consequences. This also applies to the bed. A person with such a handwriting is quite jealous, and this, in turn, causes a lot of trouble not only for himself, but also for the object of love.

In the case when the handwriting is executed strictly vertically, and has no inclination either to the right or to the left, this indicates that the person has a balance of heart and mind, he has a restrained demeanor. If a person with such a handwriting falls in love, then he never speaks openly about it, these feelings can only be manifested in benevolence. Also about this person, we can say that he perfectly knows how to pacify his sexual desires. They can be given will only when they are one hundred percent confident in their chosen one.

If the letters have a characteristic tilt to the left, then this indicates that the mind controls the feelings of this person. He is capable of love only after much thought and reflection. Quite often it happens that the slope of the handwriting changes, and the letters become more inclined to the right. The tilt of the handwriting to the left also says that it is the reason that intimate life is subordinated, and you run the risk of missing quite a lot of interesting things.

You can also find such a handwriting when the letters are quite strongly inclined to the right. About such a person, we can say that he loves to flaunt his feelings, it is typical for them to fall in love at first sight. In addition, people with such handwriting have a tendency towards possessiveness. They like the admiration of others and flattery.

The most difficult spelling option is considered the case when one word is written with the right slope, and the second with the left. In this case, this manner of writing suggests that a person has a complete confusion in sexual desires, which in turn causes women to have some tendency to hysterics. A person with such a handwriting can kiss a partner and lose feelings, and after a while enter him into a state of irritation from his constant nagging.


Not a small value in the characteristic of handwriting is the pressure force. In the event that a person writes with light pressure, then we can say about him that he prefers to listen more than talk, loves small companies, even if someone is of interest to him, he will not show it. The strength of this person's character is loyalty.

If, on the contrary, a rather strong pressure is observed in a person's handwriting, the letters have thicker and darker outlines, and the nib of the pen almost breaks through the paper, then this suggests that a person has an explosive character, the ability to wind up in the process of love games can to be limitless. Also about this person we can say that he loves big companies, in itself a decisive nature, has a lot of energy, loves communication with active people. In love affairs, such a person is distinguished by the ardor of feelings.

It is also worth noting that in graphology, the method of connecting letters is also a rather important fact. Note that in the case when there is a gap between letters in almost every word, this indicates that a person most often relies on his intuition than on logical analysis. If in a person's handwriting all the letters are connected, then this, in turn, indicates that he has a logical mind, good observation and the ability to concentrate, a person with such a handwriting does not take anything for granted.

Letter size

In graphology, handwriting is considered normal, in which the width of the letters is equal to their height and is 4 millimeters. If the letters in the handwriting are more than 4 millimeters, then this means that the handwriting is large. This type of handwriting suggests that a person wants to draw attention to himself, he has a fairly developed self-esteem, this is an impractical person and is prone to swing.

In the event that a person's handwriting is small, then this, in turn, indicates that the person is restrained, calculating and has self-control. If the handwriting is compressed, that is, the height of the letters is greater than their immediate width, then this person reveals thrift, prudence and sometimes stinginess. An elongated handwriting is a handwriting in which the width of the letters is greater than the height, which in turn suggests that a person is able to navigate quite easily in an unfamiliar situation, about the speed of his perception and enterprise. You can also say that if the letters are too narrow, then their owner is somewhat stingy, but the width of the letters suggests that the character of a person makes it easy to navigate in unfamiliar situations and quickly perceives everything new.

Writing style

The difference in handwriting depends directly not only on the size of the letters, but also on the style of their writing. The letters that have roundness indicate that a person is inclined to cooperation, knows how to coordinate his views with the point of view of other people, and the ability to share worries and joys.

But as for the angular handwriting itself, it says that a person strives for independence, wants to carry out his own plans. In the case when the handwriting is angular and has a characteristic pressure, then about such a person we can say that he does not like to be in a subordinate position, this applies directly not only to business, but also to personal relationships.

In addition to the fact that character is judged by the general characteristics of handwriting, it is also necessary to pay attention to the writing of individual letters.

Now, if you pay attention to how a person writes the capital letter "M", then according to the statements of graphologists, you can learn a lot about how successful a person is in business and even in sex, as well as in studies and sports. If the first stick of this letter is written higher than the second, the more decisive the character of this person. And in the event that this person is satisfied with everything in his sexual partner, then he will not risk such constancy and look for something new on the side. But if the situation with sticks is the opposite, the second stick is higher than the first, then you should not expect constancy from a person with such a handwriting. A woman with such a handwriting is graceful and loves to impress others. She is characterized by variability in the professional sphere and in the sexual sphere. A person with such a handwriting will be in constant search of an ideal partner, and this, in turn, can lead to confusion in sexual relations, and a person may not wait for family happiness.

Also pay attention to the spelling of the capital letter "K", it is from it that you can get an idea of ​​femininity. If this letter is written without pressure, slightly elongated and tilted to the right, and also has an upper long process and a small lower one, this indicates that the woman is original in her desires, elegant, graceful and full of grace. In the event that the letter "K" is written with pressure, and the branch of the letter goes down, then the person is distinguished by decisiveness, firmness of character, dislike to express his thoughts and prudence.

In addition to the letters "M" and "K", you should also pay attention to the spelling of the letter "o" that is informative in graphology. If in a person's handwriting the letter "o" is closed, then in this case the person is endowed with an integral character, tries to preserve his "I", to some extent is closed for communication. When most of the "o" has a gap on the left side, this indicates that a person feels confident only in those situations that are familiar to him. Everything that happens new, it makes him nervous, since it is typical for this person to remember for a long time about his failures in the past. If there is a gap in the upper part of the letter "o", then this indicates that the person wants to be noticed, in women this sometimes overshadows femininity and can even scare away fans.

A completely different situation is in the case when there is a gap in the upper right part of the "o". On the contrary, such people are attracted by new situations and people, sometimes it even happens to the detriment of their “I”. Such people are not satisfied with traditionalism, this also applies directly to sexual affairs. Including this person is quite energetic, this can also manifest itself in gait.

It would seem that it is just a person's handwriting, but each one is individual, and according to it one can quite well interpret the character of his master. Take a closer look at your handwriting, at the handwriting of your relatives, and part of their character will already be revealed to you.