About how visual contact affects our behavior. Contact eye with a girl - an important pickup

SESAME STREET / CHILDREN "S Television Workshop (CTW), 1969

Japanese scientists offered an explanation of why people hardly do not look at the interlocutor in the eye during the conversation. In their opinion, people need to take a glance in order to avoid cognitive overload. The article is published in the journal Cognition.

It is known that constantly looking at another person during the conversation is difficult. Observations show that, despite the importance of visual contact when communicating, people often dismiss the eyes aside when they talk to someone. Sometimes it can be explained by boredom, fear, or the fact that a close look may seem to the interlocutor strange, but there are such cases when we assign our eyes without visible to the reasons. The authors of the new article suggested that this is due to the fact that in order to maintain the visual contact, the same cognitive resources are used as for verbal communication, and at some point the brain becomes difficult to carry out both tasks at the same time.

In order to test your hypothesis, scientists have put an experiment. They asked 26 volunteers to play Association. Participants of the study needed to choose to a noun a suitable verb, for example, the "Sky - Fly". All words differed in difficulty: one noun was easy to find a pair due to the evidence of options, and the other, such as the "list" - no. In parallel, the participants in the study were to look into the eyes of another person whose face was shown on the computer monitor. A virtual "interlocutor" at the same time sometimes looked straight on the volunteer, and sometimes - to the side, giving him the opportunity to take a look. At this time, a special sensor tracked the movement of the test of the test and recorded the data.

It turned out that when people assigned their eyes aside, they picked up a verb to a complex nouns faster than when they supported direct visual contact. At the same time, this difference was not observed when it was necessary to come up with an association to a simple word.

The authors of the work do not give an unequivocal explanation by the results of the study, however, they suggest that when selecting verbs and maintaining the view, common brain resources for two processes are used and something like cognitive overload occurs. Nevertheless, it is difficult to judge without magnetic resonance tomography.

Recently, psychologists have identified the threshold of discomfort with visual contact between people. On average, people who do not consist of each other in a romantic relationship, look at each other about 3.3 seconds, and then it becomes awkward.

Kristina Ulasovich

People appreciate a person by how he looks at them. The contact of the eye is one of the fundamental stones of communication and communicating with the surrounding people. It helps in almost all spheres of life. What makes eye contact, how to look at the interlocutor and the girl you like?

Contact eye and charm

For centuries, writers and poets chased the incredible beauty of the eyes. Eyes are more than an organ of view, this is a mirror of the soul. If you are interested in a person, he will look at you carefully, study, admire and enjoy the view.

Contact eye and intelligence

At the interview, work or in affairs it is recommended to maintain eye contact of the eyes. This testifies to intelligence, confidence, competence, professionalism and understanding of the situation. A clever person will not look to the side or on the floor. Spectator eye contact. Distinctive feature of a highly intelligent person.

Contact eye and friendliness

Why do people on the Internet so aggressive to interlocutors? It's not just the absence of responsibility and impunity. On the Internet, a person does not see the eye of the interlocutor and does not know what he thinks, and therefore implies the worst. If you come across misunderstanding, resistance or hostility, you should maintain visual contact. It gives empathy and empathy from the interlocutor.

Contact eye and trust

The medical journal showed a study on the importance of a view with a man. Doctors, avoiding the view of the patient, enjoy less trust. Doctors who support eye contact, cause more trust and evaluated as reliable. People perceive well those who look at them, and does not take a look toward or runs around them. Do you want to trust a friend or a girl? Look eyes.

Contact eye and sexuality

The direct visual contact helps to establish communication with the opposite sex, makes a person more attractive and sexy. Men and women are perceived as more confident in themselves, which means more valuable specimens. From contact eye there is charm, charisma, flirt and seduction. Spectative eye contact is very sexy. He helps get acquainted, enter confidence and seduce the opposite sex.

2. How to keep eye contact?

A man looks out of his forehead, a spark or frowning? His look is tense and aggressive? Such a view should be used for a hostile situation and conflict. A hostile look is usually an eye in the eyes.

Mentally draws a triangle between the eyes and the point on the forehead. This look gives to understand the interlocutor about intelligence and business mood.

Mentally draws a triangle between eyes and lips. This look talks about social communication. Such a look is used when communicating with friends and configures on trusting communication.

Mentally draws a triangle from the eye of the opposite sex, to the chest or legs, if it is appropriate. A similar look talks about the interest of man, strong sympathy and sexual imposition. Intimate eye contact eye is required for seduction.

The conversation should keep the eye contact of the eyes 60-70% of the time. For friendly communication, you can more. Modest and composed people look at about 30% of the time. For a man, this will be a fiasco, speaking of his insecurity and weakness. With the opposite floor, you can maintain a contact of 80% of the time. This appropriate will talk about feelings and sexual imposition.

In ancient times, the Italian ladies have buried Bladle's juice. As a result, the pupils expanded, and the shine appeared in the eyes. It is very attractive for the opposite sex.

When a person is sympathetic to us, we not only look a lot on it, but also the pupils are expanding. Wide pupils are a sign of sympathy for the interlocutor. Therefore, romantic dates are better to do in the twilight, when pupils are maximally expanded.

5. Summary eye contact and influence

How to influence a person, looking into his eyes? For the left eye of a person corresponds to the right hemisphere, and for the right eye - the left hemisphere.

If you want to convince a person and look confidential, but look into the right eye. It is suitable for work and business meetings.

If you want to please the opposite sex, then look into the left eye. This is suitable for relationships and love. But do it not constantly, but periodically see so.

Eyes are your weapon in this business world and temptation. Do you already use them as a weapon?

4.3. Eye contact

One of the most important tools of Flirt is a look "Eyes in the eye."

The mechanisms of impact of this look much deeper than it may seem to the surface observer. Perhaps the case in the reflexes that took us from distant ancestors for which a similar look always meant a call to a duel. The struggle and sex are tied to too tight tangle so that it can be so easy to unravel, and even in our civilized society of a light hint on them enough to go to the skin goosebumps.

It is such a light half-dollar and a look "Eyes in the eye".

However, it may be, everything is much easier, and the woman is simply very nice that the partner finally drew attention to her "soul mirrors", and not at all stupidly staring at the chest. The man is ... Well, perhaps a man is also very nice to watch how a partner is cute blushing and begins to breathe often from such a close look, seemed to be like an innocent object as an eye.

Anyway, the visual contact is very important when flirting. Install it at the first convenient case, hook a partner with a look and keep tight. This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to look intently and not blinking - the exhausted view of the deployed eyes is unlikely to make the impression on which you expected. You are not playing! Take your eyes off, cover them with eyelashes, blink, throw views on the sides - but for a while so that the partner does not upset and, in turn, did not lose interest.

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Do you often watch other people in your eyes? And they are you? A look into the eyes allows you to establish mutual understanding, recognize a lie, fall in love or fall in love with yourself. Former Agent FBI Jack Schafer in the book "Include charm on a special service technique" tells how to become charming, to achieve its goals and change life.

How to send a friendly signal

The right eye view will help you create a favorable impression of yourself as a person whom you can perceive as a potential friend.

Choose a person to whom you want to send a friendly signal and look at one second in your eyes. You should not look longer, it will be perceived as aggression, that is, as a hostile signal. Long-term visual contact in the first stages of acquaintance, especially on a date, this is the invasion of a person's personal space.

Complete visual contact with a slight smile. If you answered the same, it means you managed to call sympathy to yourself. If a person looks into your eyes, then briefly takes a look, and then restores visual contact again, you can safely approach him and begin to communicate. You are interested in him and he will be happy to communicate.

Long view of the eyes

In an unfamiliar environment, for example, in a crowd on the street, a look in the eyes lasts only a fraction of a second, and most people are avoiding visual contact at all. Long-term eye view usually transmits strong emotions - this is a sign of either intimacy and sympathy, or hostility and aggressiveness. It may be so unpleasant that we usually avoid contact for longer than one or two seconds.

Long view right in the eye is an excellent means to establish mutual understanding.

Such behavior should not be confused with the unceremonious habit of staring at unfamiliar people. Usually when establishing a visual contact, you look into the eye partner no longer than a second, since a longer look will be perceived as a threat. Stiring on a stranger, you send him a signal of hostility. However, when people are familiar and good to each other relate, the visual contact can continue for a few seconds and longer. For example, lovers often look to each other in their eyes. If you apply the technique described below, you can safely use a long visual contact to establish a better understanding with a stranger.

After installing visual contact, continue a couple of seconds to watch a person in the eyes, gradually turning away from him, but continuing to keep the focus. Seeing that you turn around, the person will think that you interrupted contact, so the look will not be perceived as an unceremonious look.

This technique will allow you to strengthen the emotional effect of a friendly signal. Be careful: long-term visual contact can not be used to prematurely get close to the unfamiliar man. Men often use this technique not to the place and spoil potentially possible relationships.

Enter eyebrows

To enhance the impact of short visual contact, add a friendly eyebrow game. This means instant eyebrows. When people look into the eyes and boil eyebrows, they thereby show that they do not represent a threat to each other. Our brain subconsciously recognizes this signal. Having received it, we send a partner a response non-verbal signal that we can not be afraid, because we have no hostile intentions.

Most people do not even realize this gesture, do not notice how other people do it, and do not feel how they make it themselves, since it is almost always carried out mechanically and unconsciously. Try to watch people who are found for the first time in life, and, if possible, for the development of their communication.

Pay attention to pupils

Extended pupils talk about increased interest. If you see a nice person, then pupils are involuntarily expanded. The stronger the sympathy, the wider the pupil. Of course, this is a very transparent hint that you are attractive for someone, but it is not always easy to notice him in everyday life, therefore, the value of this friendly signal is very limited.

Expansion of pupils are best noticeable in people with blond eyes.

The dark-eyed people often look unusual because their pupils seem extended all the time. Pupils are expanding and with not enough light, so when evaluating this physiological response, it is necessary to be attentive and prudent.

The short-term effect of the expansion of pupils can be achieved if you imagine that something was very surprised.

Do not roll your eyes

Eye rigging at the sight of another person is considered a hostile sign that breaks and makes it impossible to further interact. By this you inform the person that you consider his behavior stupid or unacceptable. If, for example, being in a large company, you hear how someone, in your opinion, says nonsense, can in response to theatrically roll his eyes. If the one who concerns will notice your movement, consider that positive relationships in the future are impossible between you. However, it matters if you are familiar with this person or not.

Watch how someone rolls or rounds eyes at meetings and meetings, is a very exciting occupation, which also helps to understand how people relate to different statements. If they do not share the opinions of the speaker, then often roll or rounded their eyes when the speaker turns away or deepens to his records. This non-verbal signal allows you to immediately identify disagree.

If, saying something, you suddenly saw someone rolled his eyes, pay close attention to this person to subsequently try to convince him that your opinion deserves attention. Remember: You should not spend the forces on the belief of supporters who have already listen to you, fed, nodding and smiling.

Smiley eyes

If you smile only your lips your smile will look fake. But if you smile only with your eyes, even without lips, you will look very charming. Wrinkles around the eyes are clear signs of a real smile.

A speaking always notices that he does not listen. It is best to give the interlocutor to know that you listen carefully, supporting constant visual contact with him. Thus, you are serving a friendly non-verbal signal that further fastens friendly bonds.

You do not need to look into the eye to the interlocutor. It is enough to look at him two thirds or three quarters of time during which he says. This is quite enough to achieve mutual understanding and convince the person that you really are interested in what he tells.

With the help of the view, you can become charming, reach your goals and change life

Most importantly, let your soul mirror be full of sincerity and kindness.

Spectacular contact - who we look at, and how long we look, can have a much greater impact than our words.
Eyes are messengers of the soul. We can "keep our eyes open", we are "with an eye on the eye" with some, but prefer to "close your eyes" on others. Some people "more than it seems at first glance", some we beat as "Zenitsa Oka", on some "look around." We can make the decision "without blinking the eye."

Eye contact

We can quite accurately read emotions just looking into the eyes, because of which it is somewhat problematic with people in sunglasses, as there is no visual contact.
Where, when and as we look at others, are part of the phenomenon of view, one of our most important and primitive communications. Spectatic contact plays a decisive role in the conversation. Looking at another person, we use a way to obtain feedback on specific items. The look is also used as a synchronizing signal. People tend to look at the end of the statements: it gives them feedback and control over the conversation.
Spectatical contact is used to promote and believing all human beings. For example, we know that the glance can offer interaction when we look at another person from the other side of the room. The return of the view is usually interpreted as accepting an invitation, while the view lead is a refusal. We are dealing with embarrassment when you take a look; This prevents further conversation. Or ignore us and punish just the lack of views in our direction.
There is more mutual visual contact between friends than other people, and the frank look view is widely interpreted as a positive attitude.
People who are looking for visual contact during a conversation are considered not only as solely benevolent, but also as more truthful and serious. So, sellers know that you need to look into your eyes to each buyer.
The reasons and consequences of the expansion of the pupil are especially interesting, because it is one of the features that are not realized during communication. Take such an example: men showed two identical photos of a woman with the only difference that on one of them its size of the pupil is artificially increased and twice as much natural size. When they asked to appreciate which photographs more attractive, 60-80% chose photos with falsely advanced pupils. Nevertheless, if you ask them to show what photos are different, very few will be able to determine the expansion of pupils; Instead, point to the condition of the skin, the texture of the hair, lips, or face shape.
Pupils are expanding for various reasons. With bright light, they are compressed; In the dim light they expand. But they are also expanding when people experience strong emotions, such as sexual excitement or rage. Moreover, people react to other people who think they are sexually interested by them. Women have drilled the extract of plants of Belladonny (which literally translates as a beautiful woman) in the eyes to cause the expansion of pupils (and, as it turned out, as a result, had problems with vision). It can be a painful and dangerous process, but this method was considered to be in order to attract men.

Factors that determine our visual contact:

Distance. In the elevators, we turn face to the door, because we are too close, and the reduction of the distance between the glances helps to reduce discomfort when our personal space is disturbed.

Topic of conversation. It is not by chance that Catholic confessional and psychiatric sofas are located in such a way as to try to reduce the number of visual contacts between the priest or a doctor and man. When people talk about shameful and annoying things or look inside themselves, they feel better, when they really do not see others.

Interpersonal relationships. People look at those whom they love, more than the rest. Our pupils are expanding more when we look at those who we like. The glance can also signal the dominance: more powerful people look extensively. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a straight look signals a threat, while the view leads, most likely, a summonation signal.

Cooperation. The degree in which people are ready to cooperate, and not compete, is often transmitted by visual contact. The duration and type of view are important: the general value of a long look is that a person is interested and attentive. Nevertheless, in combination with some expressions, it can also easily indicate a threat.

Personality. Extraverats look more likely and longer on their interlocutors than the introverts do. Confident, bright and dominant in society type of people look more, while it is not typical of socially alarming personalities.

Appearance. People look less on disabled people and less attractive individuals and vice versa.

Mental illness. Many psychopathology are associated with reduced visual contact, especially autism and paranoia. Schizophrenics and people suffering from depression tend to avoid glance.

People mask visual contact, carrying dark glasses or umbrellas. Blind people do it to show their blindness, but also because they cannot watch people in the eyes. The guards wear dark glasses so that possible suspects could not see the direction of their gaze. Road police use mirror glasses to reduce the possibility of conflict: angry or nerve drivers can postpone confrontation if they not only can not see the eyes of the police, but also forced to see themselves with their eyes. They experience objective self-consciousness, seeing themselves as objects, without seeing those with whom they communicate.
Most of us know people who close their eyes during a conversation. This may mean that a person is boring or he feels its superiority. They denied the speaker and the ability to receive and give feedback.
The ways are furnished can maximize or minimize visual contact. As chairs, tables and other office attributes can also be the key to understanding the personality and its preferred data transfer method. Since the location of the furniture can dictate, as closely you are sitting with each other, how to easily look into your eyes into the eyes, an angle of visual contact or direction.
So, our view is a trivial non-verbal behavior or an important way to communicate, conscious and unconscious, with each other? What do you think is as important as an eye contact?