Ophiocalcite is a stone from the ancient world. Ophiocalcite stone of love and protection

The first crystal balls used for fortune telling were river quartz, which, hitting other stones, acquired a rounded shape and polished. Since it was rather cloudy, a blurry and deceiving series of images was presented to the gaze.

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Ophiocalcite stone is a beautiful ornamental material, very popular in antiquity.

  • In ancient Rome, mosaic floor paintings were made from it;
  • In Ancient Greece - vessels for drinks, vases, countertops and beds.

Today it is used for making handicrafts - caskets, rosary beads, carvings and figurines, bracelets, key rings. Although you can find it in the interior.

The stone is distinguished by its high density and hardness; in these properties it surpasses marble, of which it is a close relative. The properties of ophiocalcite are also due to the fact that it contains streaks of serpentine, also known as serpentine.

The magical properties of ophiocalcite

This stone combines the properties of two main minerals of which it is composed - calcite and serpentine.

  • Those who use rosary beads or jewelry made from this stone need not be afraid of the interference of dark forces and evil spirits. The stone acts as a protective amulet that can ward off the evil eye and damage.
  • It also cleans the space of negativity, working like a filter. Therefore, the stone itself requires regular cleaning with running water.
  • The mineral helps to tune in to the wave of other people, to begin to feel their excitement and experiences more subtly. From this point of view, the ophiocalcite talisman is indispensable for doctors, psychologists, healers, massage therapists and simply those who work with other people.
  • The stone helps to attract good luck to life, to establish relationships with a loved one. If you are in search of a soul mate, then ophiocalcite will help you make the right choice, discourage people who want to be around for mercenary or other motives that have nothing to do with sincere feelings.
  • Ophiocalcite has taken powerful medicinal properties from the coil. It helps relieve irritation and fatigue, relieve muscle tension, and normalize blood pressure and heart rate. It is useful to have ophiocalcite balls or rosary beads at home that you can touch in your hands.

Ophiocalcite and the signs of the zodiac

  • The magical properties of ophiocalcite stone will be especially useful for Pisces, Cancers, Gemini and Aries.

It will help Pisces to cultivate will and self-control, to strengthen character, to smooth out emotional outbursts.

Ophicalcite, a fine-grained metamorphic rock consisting of calcite and chrysotile and usually containing nests, spots and veins of noble serpentine (ophite) (see Serpentine). O. is formed in most cases as a result of contact metamorphism of dolomite rocks. The color is yellow, greenish, blue, etc., with numerous veins and patterns; in polished form O. is very beautiful and is used, like colored marble, for interior decoration of buildings and various handicrafts. O. deposits are known in the USSR in the Caucasus and the Far East; abroad - in Italy, China, USA, Mexico, etc.


Ophiocalcite has excellent healing properties, it contains two interrelated elements: marble (Yin) and ophite (Yang). Therefore, lithotherapists use ophiocalcite balls for manual massage, restoring energy balance and harmonizing the work of the whole organism. Ophiocalcite also improves blood circulation, promotes resorption of hematomas, relieves fatigue and stress, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms. The stone can warn its owner about an impending disease: it becomes warmer when health is improving, and as if it grows colder if an exacerbation of the disease is approaching. Like all other types of coil, it is believed that ophiocalcite serves as a powerful amulet against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ophiocalcite is a powerful space purifier, so it is good to have an object or part made of ophiocalcite at home, which will be a filter, passing through which the negative impact will be neutralized. In personal life, ophiocalct helps maintain self-confidence and attractiveness for a partner, attracts mutual love and protects against wrong choices.


Ophiocalcite is mined in the Urals, in addition, it is mined in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Ukraine. In the near future, ophiocalcite deposits in Eastern Siberia will be involved.

According to the decorative properties, three types of ophikalcites can be distinguished:

    Monotonously green and yellow colors with different shades and patterns. They consist of calcite grains, among which fibrous serpentine is unevenly scattered in the form of rounded, oval and veined formations. The structure is granoblastic, looped in places, the texture is massive. This variety accounts for up to 40% of the productive strata. Blockiness 0,4x0,4x0v3 m. Mirror polishing.

    Thin-striped ophikalcites, consisting of lenticular stripes (1 - 3 mm). The color of the stripes is brownish-green, greenish-yellow, gray and white. In an oblique cut, the ophicalcite texture is spotty. The polished hand specimens have a highly decorative, zonal banded-spotted pattern. The thin-striped variety makes up 10% of the productive strata. Its blockiness is 0.3x0.3x0.2 m. The polishing is high.

    Serpentines are black-green, dense, fractured. Occasionally, the gaps between the grains of serpentine are filled with accumulations of brucite and magnesite. Serpentines compose small areas (up to 5 m2) and are developed throughout the area of ​​the deposit. The average block size is up to 1 dm3. The degree of polishing is high.

From the dossier:
Green marble, or ophicalcite, is a limestone with streaks of serpentinite. Mineralogical class: rock, fine-grained serpentine marble. Crystals are opaque. Luster - silky, glassy. Hardness 5.0-6.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g / cm3.

The servant of ancient Rome could be calm - ophicalcite, a translucent green mineral, which in ancient times was considered a green variety of marble, is much superior in hardness to the latter, and even a fall from a height of a metal vessel would not harm it. This interesting ornamental gem consists of a marble base and inclusions of noble ophite - an iridescent, like opal, precious variety of the serpentine stone, well-known in Russia. If the natural serpentine resembles a snake's skin, then on the pale green or yellow-lettuce surface of ophiocalcite, a reticulated or banded pattern of olive, marsh or brownish veins diverging in different directions, resembling small snakes crawling in the spring grass - no wonder the word "ophite" in Greek means "snake".

Ophikalcite was extremely popular in antiquity - from Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, where, in fact, it was first discovered, the stone migrated to the center of the Christian world Byzantium, where for a long time it decorated palaces and temples. Ophikalcite came to the Islamic world with bloody wars against the infidels, as a result of which, along with gold and jewelry, a beautiful green stone fell to the winners, which came to the court of eminent Muslims who adore green color in the interior - now harem beauties frolicked among the green patterns and the powerful chirped sultans. They also loved ophikalcite in ancient China, also known for their addiction to the soothing effects of the color of leaves and herbs. Green marble did not lose its popularity during the Renaissance, when, in the wake of a stirring interest in everything ancient, Italian masters began to revive ancient mosaic techniques and old facing materials - marble white-green flowers have now blossomed in the brilliant residences of European kings. Before the discovery of the ophikalcite deposit in the Urals in the 18th century, stone was imported to tsarist Russia from Greece, whose mines, which began to work before our era, had not yet become scarce - the stone was widely used for cladding and interior decoration of buildings, making vases, countertops and decor items.

Today ophikalcite is still popular - in terms of the degree of abrasion, resistance to temperature extremes and wear resistance, it is perfect for finishing stairs and floors, even with high traffic intensity. Due to its low water permeability, it is often used for finishing wet rooms - swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas and baths. Of course, modern craftsmen also use stone to create jewelry and small plastic - you can find beads, rosary beads, bracelets, key chains, vases, boxes, figurines and other decorative items made of ophikalcite. It is often found in exclusive stone paintings and panels, made using the technique of Florentine or bulk mosaic. Ophikalcite is still mined in the Urals; in addition, it is mined in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Ukraine.

Like serpentine, ophicalcite has excellent healing properties, but the range of its effects is wider, since it contains two interrelated principles: marble (Yin) and ophite (Yang). Therefore, lithotherapists use ophikalcite balls for manual restorative massage, restoring energy balance and harmonizing the work of the whole organism. In addition, ophikalcite improves blood circulation, promotes resorption of hematomas, relieves fatigue and stress, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms and tremors of the hands. The stone can warn its owner of an impending disease: it becomes warmer when health is improving, and as if it grows colder if an exacerbation of the disease is approaching. Like all other types of coil, it is believed that ophiocalcite serves as a powerful amulet against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The stone is energetically connected with the Anahata heart chakra, which indicates that it is useful for heart diseases and for the normalization of the cardiovascular system.
offalcite is a powerful space purifier, so it is good to have an object or part made of ophikalcite at home, which will be a filter, passing through which any negative impact will be neutralized. It strengthens character, fosters will and self-control, smoothes worries and emotional outbursts. This is a talisman for pharmacists, doctors, healers, homeopaths and massage therapists - it energizes them, gives them strength and ability to actively help people, feeling the essence of their physical problems. ophikalcite is a stone for an inquisitive researcher who dreams of knowing himself, discovering the secrets of the world and the universe, who does not get tired of learning new things - such a person will help a gem to successfully gnaw the granite of science and raise the curtain over the most exciting mysteries of the universe. Protects ophikalcite and from magical interference in our life - damage, evil eye, love spell. In personal life, ophikalcite helps to maintain self-confidence and attractiveness to a partner, attracts mutual love and protects against wrong choices. Astrologically, ophikalcite is shown to Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Pisces, as well as people with the II blood group.

If you decide to purchase a product from ophikalcite, then this mineral, which has seen the rise and fall of so many great empires, will overshadow you with its soft greenish sheen, reminiscent of the play of light in the crowns of old oaks, and will bring the most important thing to your home - health and tranquility. And everything else, as folk wisdom says, will follow by itself.

Calcite is a mineral that is quite common in one form or another. It is present in eggshells, pearls, chalk, etc.

Calcite stone has many varieties. We can say that he holds the record for varieties. Its species differ from each other in shape, color and size. Only one thing remains unchanged - they all have magical and healing properties.

Calcite is mined all over the world. It can be found even while walking in the mountains. The raw mineral is incredibly powerful. It must be preserved and used as a talisman, and in some cases also used as a remedy.

As already mentioned, calcite has many varieties. Here are the most famous varieties of the mineral:

  • Icelandic spar. This mineral is a transparent colorless type of calcite.
  • Antraconite. Such a stone has a black tint, which provides bitumen, which is part of the mineral.
  • Simbircite. Such a stone is translucent. It has red and yellow hues.
  • Argentine. It is a silvery plastic mineral.

In addition, calcite has other types. These include limestone and marble.

The mineral has many different shades. There are white and green stones. It all depends on what kind of impurities the stone contains. What properties it has depends on the shade of calcite. Here are the most popular shades of stone with a photo:

The magical properties of Calcite

Calcite has magical properties and it doesn't matter what shade the mineral has. It bestows calmness and develops logical thinking in the owner. In addition, it protects a person from doing wrong. Also, calcite makes the wearer visionary and helps him to consider his benefits. This is its main meaning. Therefore, this mineral is recommended to be used primarily by businessmen and people whose professional activities are related to finance.

Calcite protects people on the road. It is believed to help avoid accidents. Therefore, it is advised to take it with you on the road to travelers, truckers and motorists.

Esotericists say that this mineral awakens the gift of clairvoyance in a person. However, it can only open if you use it for meditation. The duration of the session should in this case be 5 hours. You should meditate every day.

If the owner of the calcite loses the stone, then he also loses the acquired gift. Another person cannot use this mineral, because, from the point of view of magic, he will not present any benefit to him. Also, you cannot give your stone. As a talisman, you can only use a mineral inherited or new calcite, which was bought at a store and which no one had previously used.

The healing properties of the mineral

yellow, orange, blue, green and honey stones have already been described above.

Mineral of green hue has a positive effect on the condition of muscles and blood vessels. It helps to cope with arthritis, arthrosis and sprains. In addition, this mineral accelerates bone healing in fractures.

In addition, calcite of any shade increases the body's defenses and protects the back from sciatica and osteochondrosis.

Calcite helps treat eye cataracts. For this, it is recommended to apply the stone to the eyes daily.

The mineral is contraindicated for wearing by people suffering from oncological pathologies. The fact is that the stone promotes tissue growth. Therefore, wearing it will provoke the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people with oncological pathologies.

Who is Calcite suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Calcite compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

Calcite stone can be used as a talisman for representatives of any zodiac sign with the exception of Scorpio.

The fact is that the mineral has no magical connection with any planet. Therefore, it acts on all zodiac signs in the same way. However, Scorpios are not advised to wear it. The fact is that representatives of this zodiacal sign for the most part gravitate towards black magic, and calcite is a mineral of white magicians. Therefore, Scorpio will not find a "common language" with calcite.

Calcite is a popular, beautiful stone and a powerful talisman. Every person can feel its power. The main thing is to believe in its magical properties.

Ophiocalcite is translucent, green in color. In ancient times, it was considered a kind of marble, but in fact it is much harder than it. Ophiocalcite is used for making handicrafts. It is based on marble, which contains inclusions of the noble ophite. Ophit is a precious type of coil. The surface of ophiocalcite is light green or pale green with stripes or a mesh of marsh, olive or brown veins that resemble small snakes. After all, "ophite" in translation from Greek means "snake".

Today, ophiocalcite is still popular, since it has a small degree of abrasion, is resistant to temperature fluctuations, and is wear-resistant. All these qualities make it an excellent material for finishing floors and stairs, even if the traffic on them is intense. Ophiocalcite has a low water permeability, therefore, pools, bathrooms, baths, saunas are often trimmed with it. Smaller things are also made of this stone - rosary, beads, key chains, bracelets, vase boxes, figurines and much more. It is often included in the composition of panels and stone paintings created using the technique of bulk mosaic. Ophiocalcite is mined in the Urals, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and Ukraine.

Ophiocalcite was very popular in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, from where it migrated to Byzantium, where it was used to decorate temples and palaces. In Islamic countries, ophiocalcite appeared after numerous wars; it, along with other stones and gold, was taken away as mining. Wealthy Muslims were very fond of green colors in the interior. The Chinese are known for their fondness for the color of leaves and herbs as soothing for the eyes, so ophiocalcite came to their liking.

During the Renaissance, masters from Italy resumed laying out mosaics in which ophiocalcite was actively used. In tsarist Russia, a stone deposit was discovered in the 18th century in the Urals, and before that it was imported from Greece. It was used for the manufacture of vases, other decorative items, in the facing and decoration of buildings.

Ophiocalcite is powerful space cleaner, therefore, it would be good to have at home some kind of product made of it, which will pass negative energy through itself and neutralize it. It enhances self-control and will, strengthens character, soothes emotions and experiences. Ophiocalcite is a wonderful talisman for doctors, pharmacists, homeopaths, masseurs, healers. He gives them the energy to help people by making them feel better about their problems. Ophiocalcite helps those who dream of knowing themselves, the world around them and the universe, always want to learn new things. Also, this stone protects the owner from interference in his life of magic - it protects him from the evil eye, love spell, damage. Promotes ophiocalcite and good luck in personal life, maintaining self-confidence in the owner, making him more attractive to a partner, maintains mutual love, and warns against wrong choices.

Ophiocalcite is recommended for Gemini, Aries, Pisces and Cancer. It is also useful for people with the second blood group.

Ophiocalcite contains two interrelated principles: Yin - marble and Yang - ophite. Ophiocalcite balls are used for manual restorative massage, while the energy balance is leveled and the work of the whole organism is improved. With the help of ophiocalcite, you can improve blood circulation, help hematomas dissolve faster, relieve stress and overwork, relieve neurasthenia, muscle spasms and tremors in the hands. The stone warms up when there is an improvement in the patient's condition, and when an exacerbation of the disease is coming, it becomes colder. Ophiocalcite is a powerful talisman against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems with the stomach and intestines. It is energetically connected with the Anahata chakra, which is responsible for the work of the heart, therefore, with its help, it is possible to normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, to facilitate the course of heart diseases.

/ Ophiocalcite rock

Ophicalcite is a fine-grained metamorphic rock. It is composed of calcite and chrysotile, which usually contain numerous inclusions and whole serpentine veins of noble serpentine (also known as ophite or serpentine). The structure resembles limestone or marble, has a fine-grained metamorphic structure. Ophicalcite is usually formed as a result of contact metamorphism of dolomite rocks. Ophicalcite can have various colors and shades: yellow, green, blue, etc. Polished ophicalcite is used, like colored marble, for interior decoration of interiors and exteriors, is used for the manufacture of various kinds of monuments, handicrafts, jewelry and souvenirs. In Russia and the CIS countries, ophikalcite deposits are found in the Caucasus and the Far East; abroad, mining has been carried out since antiquity in Egypt, later in Italy, China, USA, Mexico, etc.
Classification of ophicalcite varieties according to Bronnard:

Ophicalce grenue: This is a saccharoidal limestone that contains serpentine from talc, sometimes mica. Its massive structure distinguishes it from cypoline. Found in fossils, mollusc shells and iron. Deposits: Alsatian Vosges, Bareges Mountains in the Pyrenees, Egypt, Glen Tilt in Scotland.
Ophicalce réticulée: dense oval limestone cores united by a serpentine network. Deposits: Val-Saint-Christophe Isère, Moselle Valley (almond-gray or reddish with a sugar-like texture), Lebach, Fürstenberg marble in the Harz, Wildenfels in the Saxony region.
Ophicalce veinée: characterized by spots of gray or reddish white limestone of varying size and shape, separated by green talc and serpentine veins, and also white limestone threads. Also known as old or antique green marble (Verd antique, verde antico). Deposits: Egypt, Sarrancolin (Pyrenees), Firmi and Cassagne near Najac, Saveniere in Maine-et-Loire, Santa Maria mountains near Florence, Lavazer, near La Spezia near Genoa, in New Haven, Connecticut (USA), etc.

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Rock properties

Rock type Metamorphic rock
Colour yellow, green, blue, gray, brownish, etc.
Texture 2 massive
Structure 2 fine-grained