Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid. How to understand that pregnant women waste water, how much should there be? What to do if the water broke

“The reasons for the leakage of amniotic fluid can be very different. Most often, the release of amniotic fluid is due to some kind of inflammatory process in the body. Also, leakage can be provoked by isthmic-cervical insufficiency, anatomical anomalies in the structure of the uterus, abdominal trauma and many other factors. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the exact cause, "explains Aza Balova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics "Nova Clinic".

According to our expert, leakage of amniotic fluid is very dangerous, since it is associated with a high risk of stillbirth, death in the perinatal period, as well as the development of various diseases in newborns.

“The further tactics of pregnancy during the leakage of amniotic fluid largely depends on the period. The larger it is, the better the prognosis, ”the doctor adds.

The role of amniotic fluid

First, the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) fills the fetal bladder, creating a comfortable and safe environment for the developing fetus throughout pregnancy. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the fetus can move freely and actively, while the waters soften its movements, protecting the mother from sudden jolts.

Secondly, the waters form a kind of shock-absorbing barrier that protects the child from external influences, from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus.

In addition, sterile amniotic fluid is involved in the child's nutritional processes and does not allow pathogenic organisms from the external environment to enter the fetal bladder. The waters are renewed every few hours, while constantly maintaining the optimal chemical composition.

By the end of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 1.5 liters. Normally, the fetal bladder ruptures and water is poured out during the first stage of labor at a gestational age of at least 38 weeks. In 10-15 percent of pregnant women, the integrity of the membrane of the fetal bladder is violated long before the due date of birth, which can lead to serious consequences for the mother and the baby.

Signs and diagnosis

Massive discharge of water is difficult to confuse with something, since a large volume of liquid is poured out at the same time. But in some cases, a hidden rupture of the fetal bladder occurs, the membrane tears in its upper or lateral part and water can leak in a small amount. Sometimes a woman does not notice the leak for a long time.

The main sign of amniotic fluid leakage is watery discharge, which intensifies with physical exertion and a change in body position.

Sometimes, especially in late pregnancy, water leakage can be easily confused with normal vaginal discharge, which may become more abundant and thinner than usual towards the end of pregnancy. It is also not uncommon for water leakage to be confused with urinary incontinence - the increased volume of the uterus presses on the bladder, and with physical exertion, laughter or sudden movements, urine can be involuntarily excreted in small quantities.

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If the water leaks in large quantities, the belly of the pregnant woman may decrease in volume, sometimes there is also a decrease in the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Due to the fact that amniotic fluid does not have a color and a specific odor, their slight leakage can go unnoticed for a long time, and even a doctor is not always able to recognize the problem. For diagnostics in this case, special tests are prescribed. Most often, this is a cytological analysis of a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina, designed to determine the presence of elements of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge.

With profuse leakage, diagnostic methods such as a regular vaginal examination and a test of a cough impulse can be informative (physical tension when coughing causes an increase in leakage).

If other methods do not give an accurate result, in cases where the condition of the pregnant woman inspires fear for her and the fetus's life and health, the amniocentesis method is used - a safe non-toxic dye is injected into the cavity of the fetal bladder, and a clean tampon is placed in the patient's vagina.

Staining the tampon with one hundred percent probability indicates the leakage of water, but the amniocentesis method is dangerous in itself, since during its implementation the integrity of the membrane of the fetal bladder has to be forcedly violated.

Photo: Tetra Images - Jamie Grill / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

A woman rarely manages to independently determine if amniotic fluid is leaking. If suspicions have arisen, the “clean diaper” method is the easiest way to confirm or deny them. To do this, the pregnant woman needs to simply wipe herself dry and lie down on a clean, dry diaper for 30-60 minutes after completely emptying her bladder and thoroughly washing herself. If, after this, a damp spot is found on the diaper, you should immediately seek medical attention.

There are also special tests that allow you to determine the leakage of water with a high degree of probability at home. The test consists of a swab, reagent bottle, and test strip. A tampon is inserted into the vagina for a while, and then placed in a bottle with a solution. After that, a test strip must be lowered into the vial, on which lines appear, indicating a rupture of the membranes or its absence.

One line means there is no gap, two - confirm its fact

Causes and consequences of amniotic fluid leakage

The reasons for rupture of the membranes are usually the following:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, causing the membranes of the membranes to thin and lose elasticity. These can be such common diseases as colpitis or endocervicitis.
  • Isthmico-cervical insufficiency. If the cervix does not close completely, a fetal bladder can protrude into the cervical canal. In this state, it can easily become infected and damaged.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In this case, the walls of the uterus and membranes of the membranes are exposed to great stress.
  • Developmental abnormalities, benign or malignant formations of the uterus
  • Significant physical activity, physical abuse, abdominal trauma

Leakage of amniotic fluid is a serious complication of pregnancy, requiring immediate medical attention and hospitalization. The fact is that a violation of the integrity of the bladder threatens with a premature onset of labor and infection of the fetus - the baby is not protected by an airtight bladder and a barrier of amniotic fluid against infections.

The longer the period of water leakage, the more dangerous the situation in which the mother and child are. If the rupture of the fetal bladder occurs on

Every woman expecting the appearance of a baby should understand the importance of amniotic fluid, because they perform many useful and significant functions for life. There are pathologies that cannot be ignored.

The importance of amniotic fluid is justified by their need for the normal development of the baby. This fact has been proven by many medical studies. Pathologies can lead to serious disturbances in the development of the fetus, so each makes it possible to keep under control the condition and volume of amniotic fluid.

Having become pregnant, a woman should understand that the first element for a child is water. All 9 months of gestation, the fetus lives in the amniotic fluid. The baby develops there, grows, all organs and systems are formed in him. This habitat is of great importance for the child.

Amniotic fluid meets the needs of the baby and carries information about the condition and immunity of the baby. Amniotic fluid during pregnancy has a very large list of functions for renewing and maintaining immunity, which are necessary for both mother and child. That is why you cannot ignore the alarming symptoms that may indicate problems.

Functions of amniotic fluid:

  • The thermoregulatory function is necessary for the baby, because for the normal development of the baby, the optimal temperature in the womb must be maintained - 37 degrees.
  • Immune protection. The amniotic fluid contains all the necessary components for the development and protection of the baby.
  • The mechanical function protects the baby from external influences. Thanks to her, a comfortable stay of the child in the womb is ensured.
  • The umbilical cord protection function significantly softens the shock. Also, thanks to the amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord is protected from mechanical stress.
  • Hermetic isolation from infections. Thanks to the liquid, the baby is under reliable protection.
  • There are also elements in the amniotic fluid that prevent the baby's body parts from splicing.
  • The function of ensuring optimal development is equally important. Thanks to this, the baby grows, develops and receives all the necessary elements.
  • Metabolic support.
  • Formation of the circulatory system of the fetus.
  • Prevention of bleeding.
  • Due to the structure and composition of the amniotic fluid, it is facilitated.


About 97% of amniotic fluid is water, it contains elements such as proteins, salts. Also present are skin particles, hair, and constituents called alkaloids. It is believed that the smell of the liquid is similar to breast milk.

For this reason, only a baby born into the world accurately understands where mother's breast is, at the level and by smell. When amniotic fluid appears, the kidneys of the child begin to work, the defenses of the baby's body are renewed.


By the end of gestation, the amount of water is approaching one to one and a half liters, every 3 hours the liquid is renewed, while the baby processes the third part. There are pathologies in which the volume of amniotic fluid can be more than the norm - polyhydramnios or less than the norm - oligohydramnios. The reasons are below.


According to known standards, the water in the womb should have a transparent light color. They should not contain any impurities. In another case, there may be a pathological process that can be harmful. If abnormal, the water may turn cloudy or green.

Diagnostic value

Amniotic fluid is considered a living environment for a reason, thanks to the presence in which babies form the correct functioning of organs and systems. The kidneys begin their work due to the fact that the baby swallows water, which is excreted in the urine (in the baby's bladder, amniotic fluid appears already on).

After a while, the baby, in the likeness of a fish, begins to "breathe" with water, carrying out a significant exercise for his respiratory system, thereby preparing himself for breathing in an ordinary environment.

Also, for diagnosis, amniotic fluid can be used to detect genetic diseases.


Polyhydramnios - one of the types of pathological processes during pregnancy. This condition is characterized by the fact that the amniotic fluid begins to exceed the norm in volume. The exact quantitative indicator of the fluid is determined by the doctor on an ultrasound scan.

It was not possible to establish 100% reasons for these problems. But at the same time, there are certain groups whose risk of getting pathology is slightly higher than that of others:

  • Diseases of a chronic nature in a pregnant woman, for example, diabetes, heart disease.
  • Infections in any organs.
  • - a large volume of water from one fruit often comes with a lack of water in the other.
  • Large fruit sizes.
  • Vices in the formation of the child.

With polyhydramnios, the following manifestations are characteristic: abdominal pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, too frequent pulse. A patient with such symptoms will need to go to the hospital and undergo a set of additional examinations.

The plan and duration of treatment depends on the cause of the polyhydramnios. The patient may be prescribed vitamins, antibiotics, diuretics. During treatment, the doctor controls weight, pressure, temperature. Appointed to undergo cardiography, ultrasound. The general condition of the child and mother is kept under control, the doctor monitors the slightest changes in the patient's health.

There is another side of this pathology, called lack of water ... This condition is characterized by insufficient volumes of liquid. Low water is a problem that any expectant mother can face.

Reasons that can provoke pathology:

  • Complex congenital malformations of the kidneys in the fetus.
  • Chronic diseases of the expectant mother, for example, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Infections in the genitals.
  • The presence of bad habits in the expectant mother.
  • The presence of viruses and infections, influenza.
  • Availability late.
  • Pathological changes in the placenta.
  • Multiple gestation - when one embryo has little water, it often comes with polyhydramnios in another.
  • The time when the baby is worn for a longer period (the placenta becomes obsolete, and the amount of water decreases).

The expectant mother, faced with such problems, may experience aching pains in the abdomen, while the fetal movement becomes painful, the general condition worsens, and weakness may appear. High fever is an important symptom.

The woman is admitted to the hospital. All manipulations will be aimed at keeping the baby and the expectant mother in good condition. Thanks to special drugs and procedures, the health and condition of the mother and child is normalized.

Pathology is also dripping ... When water starts to leak ahead of schedule, it can lead to serious consequences. The signs of this pathology include the fact that the amount of fluid released becomes much larger in the process of changing position. This is a rather dangerous process, so the patient must definitely consult a doctor. They cause leakage of infection, presentation of the fetus and bad habits of the expectant mother.

Another pathology -amniotic fluid is green, not too rare. The reason for such waters may be a baby - when there is not enough oxygen, the anus may contract, which leads to the release of feces from the baby. This gives the liquid a green tint and negatively affects the development of the baby, who swallows contaminated water.

Amniotic fluid is a substance that normally does not have a color and a pungent odor. 97% is water, which includes a variety of nutrients: proteins, mineral salts. Also in the amniotic fluid, upon close examination, skin cells, hair and alkaloids can be found. In addition, the smell of liquid, according to scientists, resembles the smell of breast milk. That is why, immediately after giving birth, it reaches for the mother's breast.

The discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the sure signs that labor has already begun. However, it is not uncommon for the waters to drain earlier. And it is very important not to miss this moment, because the fetus can live without them for only 12 hours.

If there are any problems with the fetus, the waters may turn green or even brown. If the expectant mother sees the leakage of dark waters, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

What the waste water looks like

Normally, if everything is in order with the woman in labor and the baby, the waters look like ordinary water. Very often, at the initial stage of childbirth, women go to the shower to make it easier, so they may not even notice that their water has drained away, because against the general background, they will be completely invisible. In some cases, after the passage of water, a woman may feel contractions of the uterus, which signal that labor has entered a new phase.

However, it often happens that the water begins to leak long before the onset of labor - sometimes, even 2-. In this case, you need to very carefully track the amount that comes out. So, for example, it is believed that normally it can be a natural discharge of liquid with a volume of about one tablespoon. Sometimes pregnant women even confuse this with urinary incontinence. Such a loss of amniotic fluid is quite natural and does not cause any harm to the child, especially since the waters are restored.

On average, the amount of amniotic fluid for childbirth is 1.0-1.5 liters. Their role is difficult to overestimate: they contribute to the normal development of the fetus, protecting it from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus and from external physical influences.

If there is more than three months before delivery, and the amount of leaking amniotic fluid exceeds the norm, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. The ideal option is to call an ambulance. Exceeding the norm may indicate the onset of premature birth.

How to calm yourself down

If you are worried that your water is leaking, you shouldn't sit at home and be afraid. You have two options. The first is to go to the doctor for a consultation. The gynecologist will carry out all the necessary manipulations and will understand whether it is water. If you are suspicious, and it seems to you that the water is leaking from you all the time, naturally, you will not run to the doctor. In order not to harass yourself once again, it is enough to go to the pharmacy and buy a special test. Outwardly, it is quite similar to what is done at the very beginning of pregnancy. This test quite accurately determines the leakage of water and allows the expectant mother to find peace and confidence that everything is going well and the health of her baby is not in danger.

The amniotic fluid is the fluid that the baby stays in throughout pregnancy. Normally, the rupture of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of water occurs at the end of pregnancy and is the beginning of labor. But there are times when the water begins to leak much earlier.

Leakage is most often associated with thinning of the fetal bladder and its rupture. If the resulting hole is small, the expectant mother may not pay attention to the symptoms of leakage. Fluid droplets are mistaken for natural secretions that get worse during pregnancy, or mild urinary incontinence.

How to identify water leakage

If you notice that your linen is getting wet, and the usual discharge has dramatically changed its character and became more watery, this is a reason to be on your guard. Amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless, so it can be easily distinguished from urine.

Female discharge is permanent. The leakage of water increases during exercise. A small test can be done to distinguish the first from the second. Take off your underwear, put on a diaper or sheet and sit on it. Sit relaxed for half an hour to an hour, then check the fabric for dampness. Put on clean underwear, walk around, do simple exercises, laugh at some comedy, or cough. Then check the result. If the diaper remains dry when resting and the laundry is wet, it is likely that water is leaking.

To determine the leak for sure, purchase a special test for this purpose at the pharmacy. It is a paper strip impregnated with a special compound. The test must be soaked in the released liquid and compared with the result indicated on the package.

Water leakage in late pregnancy is more likely to occur in greater volume. You can distinguish it from incontinence with a regular panty liner. Amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless.

Danger of water leakage

The amniotic fluid and bladder reliably protect the baby from infections and injuries. Leakage of water indicates rupture of the bladder membranes, with the result that there is a risk of harmful bacteria and viruses entering the bubble. Ultimately, this can result in infection of the fetus, and in severe cases, its death.

Leakage of water towards the end of pregnancy is not as bad as at the beginning. If the baby is finally formed, doctors may prescribe stimulation of labor. In the early stages, a pregnant woman is hospitalized in a hospital and they try to preserve the integrity of the bladder as long as possible. In parallel with this, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to avoid infection of the fetus.

The fetal bladder in which your future baby grows and develops is called the amnion. From the very beginning of pregnancy, it provides the baby with conditions for intrauterine life. And one of the most important tasks of the fetal bladder is the production of fluid called amniotic fluid. It fills the entire amnion cavity and performs a number of functions vital for the fetus. The waters form the first habitat of the fetus, so their importance can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the baby feels comfortable (there is always a stable temperature of 37 degrees, quiet and cozy) and protected (water prevents the ingress of microorganisms from the outside world, as well as any other negative effects on the fetus from the outside).

Amniotic fluid is released continuously, but unevenly. With an increase in the term, its volume also increases, reaching its maximum at approximately 36 weeks of gestation, while averaging 1000-1500 ml. Then, just before childbirth, the amount of fetal fluid may decrease slightly, which is explained by the increased excretion of fluid from the mother's body.

Composition and properties of amniotic fluid

At different stages of the baby's development, not only the amount but also the composition of the amniotic fluid changes. He's also fickle and quite complex. Fruit waters contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, carbon dioxide, oxygen, antigens that determine the blood group of the fetus and other substances. They can also get the products of the sebaceous glands (flakes of original lubricant that covers the baby's body), skin, hair, and also substances from the mother's blood. There is a constant exchange of substances between the fetus, amniotic fluid and the mother's body.

The child urinates directly into the amniotic fluid, which, by the way, is updated every 3 hours, all the while maintaining the composition necessary for a small one.

What are the functions of amniotic fluid?

The role of amniotic fluid in the intrauterine development and life of a child is simply enormous! Throughout the entire period - from the very beginning of pregnancy until the moment the baby is born - they perform a number of important functions:

  • Metabolism: a significant part of the substances necessary for life enters the child's body just from the amniotic fluid. In return, the child secretes processed products into amniotic fluid, which is excreted through the mother's excretory system.
  • Mechanical protection: the fetal bladder and water protect the child from a variety of mechanical damage. They create a reliable "safety cushion". Also, amniotic fluid prevents compression of the umbilical cord and tissue fusion. In addition, the waters make possible the free active movement of the crumbs, which contributes to its intensive development.
  • Sterility: amniotic fluid is always sterile and maintains a perfectly clean living environment. They protect the little one from penetration and exposure to infections. Interestingly, throughout pregnancy, fetal fluids are renewed every 3 hours, always maintaining the required chemical composition. And this process continues until their complete outpouring, when after the birth of the child the so-called backwater flows out.
  • Participation in childbirth: amniotic fluid plays an important role not only during gestation, but also directly in childbirth. Actually, with the outpouring of the so-called anterior waters, which are located in the lower part of the fetal bladder. They put their weight on, forcing it to open up. The waters preserve favorable conditions for the fetus during labor, and when it flows out, they wash the birth canal, which then contributes to the easier movement of the child along them.

Amniotic fluid analysis

The amniotic fluid contains a lot of important information about the condition and development of the fetus. What matters is the volume, composition, transparency, consistency, color of the amniotic fluid, which can be determined during laboratory studies.

The analysis of fetal waters can determine the blood group and sex of the child, warn about probable hereditary diseases, metabolic disorders, and the occurrence.

If you suspect the development of abnormalities, pathologies and genetic disorders in the fetus, I also recommend that a pregnant woman have an amniocentesis to make sure that everything is fine with the child.

The composition of the amniotic fluid notifies of the degree of readiness of the baby for birth, when it becomes necessary to carry out an emergency birth, in particular, it determines the stage of maturity of the respiratory system and lungs of the child.

The main pathologies of amniotic fluid

For a child to develop safely, the amniotic fluid must be and maintained in a certain amount and condition. A change in its volume and chemical composition in a number of cases indicates violations and pathologies:

  • Polyhydramnios. They say about when the volume of amniotic fluid exceeds 1.5 liters. Why this happens, doctors cannot figure out for sure, but still identify a number of probable reasons: nephritis, cardiovascular diseases, intrauterine infections, Rh-conflict. Most often, this pathology is found in the second and third trimesters. If polyhydramnios has developed suddenly, then childbirth must be carried out urgently.
  • Low water. Low water is less common, but it is also dangerous for the fetus and negatively affects its development. Childbirth with oligohydramnios often occurs prematurely and passes with complications. With oligohydramnios, the volume of amniotic fluid does not exceed 500 ml. At the same time, the woman experiences constant abdominal pain, aggravated by, and the child's activity is reduced.
  • Leakage of water. The fetal bladder must maintain its integrity until the birth itself, otherwise, the baby will not be able to survive. The rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of amniotic fluid mark the beginning of labor and, ideally, should occur in a timely manner. Premature discharge of water speaks of an early onset of labor and should be a reason for an urgent visit to the hospital. You should also tell your doctor about leaking water immediately if you suspect it. In this case, the fetal bladder tears in the upper lateral part, and amniotic fluid leaks from the opening in small portions.
  • Green waters. Normally, the fetal waters are clear, like water. By the end of pregnancy, they may become a little cloudy and contain whitish flakes, because the baby "sheds": lanugo's vellus hair and epidermal cells, as well as primordial lubricant, come off the skin. These waters are normal and create a favorable environment for the baby. But when the baby experiences a lack of oxygen (which doctors call fetal hypoxia), a reflexive release of meconium from the rectum can occur. In this case, the waters turn green or brown and pose a certain danger to the crumbs.

Any of these conditions requires medical attention, so if you suspect any violations, you should contact your gynecologist. And for more peace of mind - do not miss scheduled regular examinations and do not neglect directions for examinations. I help to monitor the state of amniotic fluid, ultrasound, CTG, blood tests for intrauterine infections, for Rh antibodies, for TORCH infections.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

During pregnancy in the womb, the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which is commonly called amniotic fluid. They are important in relation to the development of the fetus, therefore, their outpouring, under normal conditions, occurs only during a certain period of labor.

If waters begin to drain ahead of time, it threatens with premature resolution and becomes a serious risk factor. It is necessary to understand why such situations are dangerous for a woman and a baby. The question of how to understand that the waters have departed should be studied by every expectant mother.

Amniotic fluid loss symptoms

Many women, even at the beginning of their term, are interested in how to understand that the waters have departed. The physiology of a woman is arranged in such a way that during the third trimester of pregnancy, the discharge is more abundant, and this is the absolute norm. It is necessary to identify the nature of such manifestations, which should be done by a gynecologist leading a pregnancy. But the expectant mother, for the sake of her own safety and the health of the baby, must herself be able to determine that the premature discharge of fluid has begun. It is important to know and understand what is happening in the body: leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge.

The main symptoms that can make you alert are the following factors:

  • The outflow of fluid increases with change of position and movement.
  • If there is a significant rupture of the fetal bladder, fluid begins to flow down the legs. A woman cannot even stop the flow with the effort of her genital muscles.
  • If the bladder damage is microscopic, leakage is determined exclusively with the help of a smear in an antenatal clinic or special tests.

External differences

It is possible to distinguish between two conditions - leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge - by the appearance of formations on underwear or hygiene products. The waters have a transparent color (sometimes with a pinkish, greenish, brownish tint), they are a little unclear. The discharge may have a thicker consistency and a white, yellowish-white, brownish tint. The amniotic fluid, which is far from transparent, should also alert the expectant mother.

Special tests for home checking

To understand what is really happening (leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge), tests that are specially designed to check women at home will help. The most effective are two research methods, the essence of which is as follows:

  • Before checking, you need to go to the toilet, wash the intimate area, pat dry with a towel. After that, it is recommended to lie down on a clean, dry sheet or diaper. If after twenty minutes stains appear on the surface of the fabric, there is a high probability of premature rupture. The reliability of this technique is about 80%.
  • The possibility of loss allows the identification of special accessories. Pads for the outpouring of amniotic fluid can be purchased at a pharmacy for an average of 300 rubles.

Special Testing Tools

Some pharmaceutical companies produce special pads for the leakage of amniotic fluid. According to its external characteristics, this is a completely standard hygiene package. The main difference is that each product contains special reagents. They help to reliably determine even the smallest rate of outpouring.

The test is simple enough: the garment is attached to the underwear and left on for 12 hours. The reagents react exclusively to amniotic fluid and color the pad in aqua. The study allows you to distinguish the presence of a discharge from the underlying problem. The hygiene bag simply won't change its color.

At the first signs of effusion, you must immediately contact a gynecologist, because such a condition can threaten the health of the fetus and mother. It is also better to see a doctor if a woman is worried about any suspicions. Only a specialist will help relieve unnecessary fears and reliably establish whether a woman has a leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge, which is a sign of the healthy functioning of the body. In any case, you need to carefully listen to your condition.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage with a high level of confidence?

High efficiency is given by professional examination methods. During a medical examination, a more detailed diagnosis is carried out. Manipulating a special instrument - a gynecological mirror - the obstetrician examines the cervix. It is likely that the woman will have to deliberately push. If at this moment an abundant secretion of fluid begins, the fetal bladder may be damaged, and the doctor determines how the amniotic fluid is leaking. Further tactics of actions are built depending on the results of the research.

Additional manipulations

A medical test for amniotic fluid leakage consists of determining the pH level of the vagina. If the environment is normal, high acidity will be detected. With the loss of amniotic fluid, it becomes slightly alkaline or neutral. This method also allows you to determine the presence of various infectious diseases.

Often, the obstetrician conducts a cytological study - this is a special test for amniotic fluid. The substance to be separated is applied to the glass. After drying, it is determined that it is: water or physiological secretions. At the 40th week of the term, the technique is not used

If the doctors justified their suspicions, an ultrasound examination is performed at the end to determine the exact amount of amniotic fluid. If their volume is less than normal, oligohydramnios is diagnosed.

Risk factors

  • Infectious lesions of the genital tract that arose even before pregnancy or in the early stages.
  • Malformations of the uterus (mostly congenital).
  • Cervical insufficiency. The cervix is ​​not well closed and cannot handle the pressure from the growing fetus.
  • Polyhydramnios. The diagnosis is made after an ultrasound examination.
  • Chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis, amniocentesis. Genetic disorders.
  • Mechanical injury while waiting for the baby.
  • Insufficient pressure of the presenting part of the fetus. Most often observed in women with a narrow pelvis and in the presence of anomalies in its development.
  • Multiple pregnancy.

What is the norm?

A healthy pregnancy and childbirth imply the following sequence of events: when the 38th, 39th, 40th week of pregnancy comes, labor can begin at any time. When one of the contractions occurs, the bubble, which contains the amniotic fluid, breaks, and they come out in one stream. If this does not happen, the obstetrician performs a forced puncture, which is called an amniotomy.


Depending on the time when the effusion occurs, and on how the amniotic fluid leaks, the following classification has been developed:

  • Timely. Begins at the end of the first labor period with full or almost complete cervical dilatation.
  • Premature. When she is 39, before the onset of stable labor.
  • Early. Leakage during labor, but before cervical opening.
  • Belated. It occurs due to the high density of the membranes. Outpouring begins in the second birth period.
  • High rupture of the shells. Occurs at a level above the pharynx of the uterine cervix.

Ideally, the outpouring should be timely. But in a full-term pregnancy, the duration of which exceeds 37 weeks, any option may be favorable if, as a result, normal labor develops. This condition is considered dangerous if the period is less than 37 weeks.

Why is leakage dangerous?

In order to understand all the consequences of premature effusion, it is necessary to understand the functions carried by amniotic fluid:

  • Barrier to infection. Infection through the maternal genital organs can reach the baby through a vertical route.
  • Prevention of compression of the umbilical cord. Water helps to create free blood flow to the baby.
  • Mechanical function. The fetus receives protection from negative external influences, such as shocks or falls. Conditions are created for the free movement of the baby.
  • Biologically active environment. There is a constant exchange and secretion of chemicals between the mother and the baby.

In the case of the development of violations, all functions suffer, but intrauterine infection becomes the most dangerous complication, because leakage occurs due to the loss of the integrity of the membranes. As a result, the hermeticity of the medium is lost, protection from external influences disappears, and sterility is violated. Viruses, bacteria, fungi can penetrate to the fetus.

If an outpouring is found ...

If an outpouring occurs during this, it can cause the fetus to become infected with various infections that can overcome all protection without obstacles. As soon as the obstetrician makes sure that there is a leak, the woman is sent for ultrasound diagnostics. This study helps determine the maturity of the baby in the womb. If the kidneys and the respiratory system of the fetus are ready for full functioning outside the uterus, it is carried out.This prevents the baby from contracting an infection.

If the fetus is not ready for independent life, measures are taken to prolong the pregnancy - doctors will wait for the fetus to be ready for childbirth. Therapy boils down to the following:

  • Prescribing antibacterial drugs. This will help prevent intrauterine infection.
  • Strict bed rest. Calm and stable posture facilitate the therapy.
  • Permanent monitoring of the health, condition of the child, since every day is considered important. The baby has every chance to grow to a viable state in the mother's womb. An assessment of its blood flow, movement is carried out.
  • Mother undergoes laboratory tests, body temperature is measured.
  • In the absence of signs of infection, wait-and-see tactics are continued. The child's airways can be prepared for independent functioning, for which hormonal drugs can be prescribed. It is not dangerous, all activities are aimed at preserving the health of the mother and child.

Instead of a conclusion

Premature leakage of water can be prevented if a woman, in the presence of risk factors, carries out appropriate prevention. For example, timely treatment of cervical insufficiency is implemented, when a suture can be applied to the cervix, a special suture is introduced.In some cases, conservation therapy, sanitation of the genital tract and other potential infectious foci (pyelonephritis, caries, tonsillitis) are carried out. The most favorable prognosis develops with an outpouring in a full-term pregnancy. However, the expectant mother should not panic, it is advisable to remain calm and follow all the doctor's instructions.