Original congratulations on the anniversary of a man (50 years old). Original congratulations on the anniversary of a man (50 years old) An interesting congratulation to the hero of the day 50 to a man

Let them say that 50 years is the middle of the road, that it's time to take stock, but this is not for you at all! Silver at the temples gives you solidity and charm. You are strong and confident on your feet, as befits a man in his prime. A firm look and a strong hand say that it is too early for you to think about peace! We wish you to live another 50 times, so that your life position and principles do not change, so that you have enough strength and means to accomplish your plan. May fortune not turn away from you, may those whom you trust be faithful!

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Worthy of an award and pleasing to the eye
Solid, successful man.
All women's eyes are on you today -
Medicine is powerless for them.

Only fifty held years
Let's summarize today:
A huge sea of ​​​​good victories,
Pleasant meetings on the road.

We want to wish you a younger soul
And the body so that you do not grow old.
Succeed in all your undertakings,
Confidently moving towards the goal!

We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you health, vivacity,
Good luck new and victories,
Happy life, long life.
After all, every year is something dear to you,
Though the days are flying fast
Not 30 or 40 anymore
Already today - 50.
May life be full to the brim
Without grief and without trouble,
And so that happiness and health
It took you a hundred years.

Happy anniversary to you, fifty
Congratulations, buddy, you!
And I wish that your turning
The mechanism has never rusted.
For the girls to love you
And a ray of sun warmed them all
From the edge of a noticeable, hardly,
Reflecting, just like mirrors.
I wish my grandchildren to grow up glorious,
So that everyone falls in love with grandfather literally.
After all, it seems to them, Carlson, recently
He settled next to them in the bedroom.

They say a man needs
Build a better house.
Let's agree together today
You did everything great!

You not only built a house,
But he also raised children.
You arranged everything correctly
Accept from friends

You are congratulations today
And let me tell you
Let there be more luck
The first step is only fifty!

You have one way
Only up and only forward!
Let your anxiety go
All the way! Good luck awaits!

It's time to prepare for the holiday and accept congratulations for 50 years.

What do you wish, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy of once again remembering the best moments in the life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years must be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday man. Do not read banal words from a store postcard. It is better to prepare a short poem, which you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, after sending the data about the birthday person.

People say that to live life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to regret kind words:

  • if congratulations are being prepared for 50 years to a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities of a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional merits he possesses;
  • for your beloved mother, you need to choose the most tender words, because she is waiting for them and deserves them;
  • many roads have been traveled with a girlfriend or friend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem on occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and pleasant compliments sound in it, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time, will delight the heroes of the day. There are not enough wishes on this day!

What not to say on an anniversary

Etiquette must be followed in everything. If the congratulators are really prepared correctly, then they will not focus on the age of the woman, even when it is congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years. It is more appropriate to talk about the life core and virtues of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our life. But if on ordinary days they are invisible, then on an anniversary you need to forget about them. It’s not worth saying for the hundredth time that the life of the hero of the day is just beginning ... It’s better to tell the guests about the bright moments that await the birthday boy in the next part of his life.

You should not give advice to anniversaries if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps in life. But the wishes of health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you connect fantasy and do not turn off logic, then creating an original congratulation is easy!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
Children will give sensible advice,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And respect all friends.

The birthday girl is beautiful as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And let you be fifty today
But the eyes, just like in youth, burn.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and kindness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, loyal friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

On your lips the sweetest smile,
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
Hand in hand go always with you!

Our life is such a thing

You were young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
Here are the things!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Never lose heart
It's easy to live without knowing worries
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, so it seems like a lot ...
Everything was on your hard way,
Life was good-natured and strict with you,
And you were able to find happiness!
Achieve what you once wanted
They managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if you still didn’t have time for something -
There are many more opportunities ahead!
Now your grandchildren will be a joy to you,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of relatives will be the best reward,
And let's continue the celebration with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile,
To be the happiest - no more, no less
And life will not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity
So that there was nothing to even dream about!
May the whole world become comfortable for you,
Painted in azure colors.
May good luck meet you generously everywhere!
But even if something is suddenly wrong,
That's for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business, in essence, a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on an open path.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years - this is the anniversary!
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you!
Live long - long, do not get sick!
Everything will be fine - we know for sure!
Forever let spring bloom in the soul,
Age makes you even more beautiful
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup of this life!


At 50, probably not by chance
The anniversary is called golden!
Little is left a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years flew by unnoticed
Flickered like a brief dream!
Don't be sad that summer is over!
Velvet season is on the doorstep!
Everything is now available, everything is clear,
The sun is warm, but no longer burns!
Let happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

Women's age, they say
It's not worth discussing!
In the jubilee fifty
You do look younger!

How not to say it
Wonderful birthday girl!
I want to wish you:
Be as interesting!

Let anxiety go away

It will be an easy road

Well, we are your friends

Will always be there!

Your magical beauty will easily drive you crazy -
Shine eyes, smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss charm,
I will lay down the treasures of the world at your feet!
Attachment and tenderness are getting stronger every day,
Enthusiastically, a little timidly, we always go forward.
Let's find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall...
In love with you, like youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say - fifty,
After all, I look and again I wonder
You are the same as ten years ago.

Be a friend, as before, beautiful
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
Let there be patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

Let the eyes be kind and bright
The light that you carry through the years
Many songs, flowers and gifts,
May they always be present in life!

You, friend, do not be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary,
But in the soul, after all, eighteen,
So don't you dare relax.

Dancing sparks in the eyes -
So there will be a sense in business.
There is enough tenderness in the soul -
So the heart is not bored.

Gunpowder is in powder flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, then it must be targeted, take into account the tastes of the birthday girl, profession and age. The beautiful half of humanity always appreciates attention and sincere attitude, which can be expressed with kind words.

Here are some ideas that you can use and prepare original congratulations for 50 years:

  • 1. Starfall of wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when guests are given blank stars on which they write their congratulations. To the music, the guests throw the stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads aloud. From the compiled congratulations, a star necklace for the birthday girl is created.
  • 2. Comic heartfelt congratulations from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can sound like ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of a birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented with collective work on canvas. Everyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this should always be remembered. The anniversary is a special holiday that nothing should overshadow, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations for 50 years will a man definitely like?

The strong half of humanity loves humor and cool congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday man, but also all guests. What could be better than a cheerful positive mood that short poems create.

Somehow everyone thinks
At 50 - half a life away.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
Raised a son and a daughter...

And everything is in order with a career:
You are the boss (and big!)
But you get more
Just don't get old!

You have one way: up,
Forward, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be to accomplishments,
Ready for new adventures!

And half a century later
Among loved ones and friends
Mark your cheerful
Your centenary!

Such a beautiful date
Should be doubly enjoyable.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And always on horseback!
Good luck, goodness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, that's how it is now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Gift to all your friends and family!

Great age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you health, happiness,
Only good mood.
To have prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young
Easily and simply achieved goals.
And let the fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
You have an anniversary today
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
Middle of the road!
You made it through the half!
There is so much more to go!

Today there is for celebration
Reason is solid -
You are half a year old
Our boss is amazing!

May health every hour
Happy Siberian,
Added to the shoulders
The strength of a hero.

In the heart is the flame of love
Burning brighter
And the fate of your yachts and pitchforks
Trying to give!

And let your path be simple
to new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

anniversary years,
You will never catch up
They fly by like comets
Hitting wires.

Time, time, how to be here
Don't forget, don't forget
Maybe just look around
And slowly move on.

The years lined up
A lot, a little fifty,
purple bell,
Congratulations are ringing.

Husbands line up
Wives, children, sons,
Congratulate you with the whole crowd,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You are, for sure, given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock down a drunken glass.

Give it, God, so that everything comes true,
The haze of plans has grown together,
Abundance from the horn
To pour on you.

And of course, a couple of words
Outlining in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A cup full of luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that emphasize the individuality and resourcefulness of colleagues.
  2. Dad is the main person in life, like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that was composed for him in the team.

It should be noted that any person on an anniversary deserves kind words, which you can always pick up yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into a fun contest. The mood is guaranteed to everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcome.

You are the hero of the day today.
May all dreams come true
There will be good health
Heart full of love.

At 50, stately,
Wise, eminent and pleasant.
You drive women crazy
But you need one - a wife.

The kids are all proud of you
They try to imitate you.
You are a family man and a father -
For example, sample.


Fifty dollars of life rolled up,
And what do you end up with?
Not conquered all the peaks
Not all trodden roads.

Yes, you still plow!
You are wiry, it is not difficult for you.
And we still have to drink
At least half a century is possible.

You haven't met Dawn yet,
Don't you dare think about the sunset!
With the beginning of you all began,
Let's go 50!


Like a polished penny,
The birthday boy shines.
No, guys, it's not like that:
He's already a fifty!

Order a gun now
Spinning and flashlight.
Only your desire
Well, we will give!

Life experience with you:
Don't drink, don't quit.
May fate give you
Everything you don't ask for!


Anniversary fifty!
And the eyes are on fire.
Young and energetic
Age is fantastic.
From the bottom of my heart I want to say
Wish you good health
Long life and good luck
To easily solve problems.
So that every holiday is
Gathered friends in the house!


Anniversaries are a wonderful holiday!
And men all age to face.
May it be a day of happiness, luck,
So that luck hurries to the porch.

At 50, so much has been achieved:
At work, in the family, and in the soul.
Do not be sad that a lot has been lived,
After all, a lot has already been done!

We wish you happiness, health
And good luck in life.
Let the light be your path.
You go with love and peace!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a man


You are fifty today
We are all happy to congratulate you.
And your age is not a problem,
On the contrary, he is your reward.

In it the mind and wisdom gathered,
The goals have already been achieved.
Seething in it, as before, life
And waiting for your bold decisions.

So let this anniversary
Leave a lot of impressions.
Be fresh, lucky, don't get sick -
An example for the younger generations!


Let today at fifty
Everyone will congratulate you
Both neighbors and family
Colleagues and friends!
Everyone wishes you happiness
And health too
Long life to you
God help you!


Left behind your back
Fifty wonderful years.
Accelerated, slowed down
And now their trail is gone.

Increasing every day
Life experience for everyone
Remain respected -
For family and colleagues.

We wish you good luck.
And not to grow old in soul.
Happy Birthday!
Know that we are always with you.


Bright, joyful half a century
You had to live.
real person
You always tried to be

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Don't get lost in the bustle!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Always be on top!


Congratulations to the hero of the day!
You are already fifty.
Let the guitar take the chord
And sings in your soul.

May there always be only happiness
Money, joy, faith, laughter.
Let it not be divided into parts
Neither health nor success.

Let the years not be powerful
Never over you.
All events are great.
The heart is always young!

Congratulations on 50 years to a man with a joke


Congratulations on the anniversary,
50 is a major milestone.
Time of life outcomes,
New plans and hopes.

I wish you strength
To reach the top.
To have everything in abundance:
Dachas, apartments, yachts and cars.

Let there be a reliable rear
Your friendly family.
Surround you for life
Only true friends.


You are fifty today!
Everyone wants to congratulate you
And wish you love, health,
Good luck, happiness, lots of money.

And from my wife - only kind words,
For fishing to be a catch,
Don't get old with your soul
And don't regret anything!


On this good holiday of yours,
I wish you dear
To be healthy, strong,
To always be beautiful
So that on this anniversary
Life has become more fun!
For happiness to be near
To please children.
I congratulate you
Loving you warmly.


To live half a century is not a field to cross,
And many roads already passed.
May only the best await you ahead
And something worth summarizing.

House, tree, heir - all the way.
I wish you peace and health
Everything else you will do yourself.
You can. You can. I know for sure.


Well, look how good you are:
You literally shine from within
Smart, handsome face
And you play with your muscles.

Vie with relatives and guests
Everyone wants to congratulate you:
Here wishes and toasts -
You are fifty today.

So get better with age
And in another way, nothing.
Love, dare, sing more often in the shower,
Be like a fine cognac!

Anniversary 50 years for a man


One day there comes a day in life
And you realize that you have lived for half a century.
This is not a limit, but a new step
For a real man. Human!

We wish you this anniversary
Take a step confidently, with hope, with delight!
And congratulations to relatives, colleagues, friends
Let them be the most memorable moment.


Anniversary has come to your house,
Everyone at the holiday table
The toast sounds fun.
You are 50 today!

We will not hit the face in the dirt,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Much to be desired
And good things to say.

You are a reliable friend and faithful,
And you are always the first in business.
Best family man
Husband, father, nephew, son.

May health always be
And luck loves hard.
Only joy will come
The house will be: order, comfort.


Fifty is half a century
This is an important and significant time.
On this day we wish you:
Be happy, don't be hard on yourself.

You are a handsome and stately man,
You are a good host, husband,
At work, you are a valuable employee,
And in the company - a devoted friend.

Stay as funny
A person with an open mind.
Everything you dream of will happen
And great success lies ahead!


First wish today
Will be on a solid turn:
May you live up to a hundred,
Keeping youth at heart.

Let there be work and health,
Protects the working family
Let loved ones rejoice with love
And gifts, your friends,

May it always be, our birthday boy,
Motivation for every day
Let, although I exchanged fifty dollars,
But it was not too lazy to walk.


Fifty years is a respectable age,
A wonderful holiday, anniversary,
Your friends got together
Pour glasses for everyone!

Let's raise them for the hero of the day,
And may he live another hundred years,
After all, he is not at all old with us,
He knows the secret of youth!

We always want to see you
So funny, mischievous,
Always fit, solid,
Father and friend of the world!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man


Gorgeous man
Strong and in his prime.
50 is not a reason
So that you grow old and yearn.

Be cheerful and energetic
The golden head of the family.
Be infinitely happy
Flood in great love.

Let your wife not cut you
Children give joy to days
Let the income be stable -
Only goodness in your destiny!


The moment you appeared
A star was born in the sky.
And it should glow
At least a hundred years old.

So that everything in life comes true
You keep your health
And the love that's in your heart
Give to your loved ones.

We wish you happiness
Take the jackpot of luck.
At 50, you know for sure
What a beautiful life to live.


Half a century ago, sniffed in his bedroom
A boy born into the world is very small ...
Now you are mighty like a baobab!
Sometimes your snoring scares the neighbors.
Let today's date be Anniversary
Will add branchy family happiness,
And everything that was unbearable to your soul,
What has become small over the years, not in growth,
Let it be left behind!
Let the bird of luck no longer rest -
She was on her shoulder forever.
In love and in abundance, so that your life goes on!


For half a century that has passed
From your birth
Raise this toast
Just in awe
What do we have in life YOU,
Kind, smart, honest,
And from head to toe
All so wonderful!


What to wish a man in fifty?
We wish to increase wealth,
To feel like 25
Doctor visits so as not to disturb.

I could calmly enjoy the family,
So that fate does not dare to hurt.
Well, we also wish this anniversary,
To be proud of your children.

Touching congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man


You lived with dignity for half a century,
Achieved a lot with difficulty
In the circle of his huge family
You will meet the holiday at the table!

We congratulate you on your Anniversary,
We wish you many, many years
To live in health and without aging,
Give good light to all loved ones!


Anniversary birthday!
I wish you prosperity
And good luck no doubt
And in business a steel grip.

Life without grief and image
Peace, warmth, comfort in the house.
Let the star of love burn
And the family is always waiting!


On your birthday, let them hurry
Health, happiness in the house faster!
Great age - fifty,
We congratulate you on your anniversary!
Fun, joy, love,
Success in life carousel.
Now to be able to reach
Everything that you haven't done yet.
We wish you in the hustle and bustle of life
Let fate help you
And there will be only those
Who is so important to your heart.


Please accept our congratulations on your 50th birthday, dear hero of the day! Let everything turn out excellently in your life, relatives always warm with their attention, colleagues respect, the state multiplies, health does not fail. Life is fleeting, so take care of every moment, do not waste time on trifles. May all your dreams come true!


What is fifty?
This is the age of those guys
What is wise already immensely,
The kids must have grown up.
The provisions have
And the pockets don't shrink.
This is the time,
When plans mature
When you want to fly
There's a lot more to see.
Birthday boy be more cheerful
Move your body faster
Accept congratulations!
Have some fun! Let's! Let's!

SMS with the 50th anniversary of a man


Half a century lived -
A lot or a little maybe?
We want to congratulate the person
What can live so beautifully.

To learn a lot from life,
To be able to keep in the soul
Youth, energy and vivacity,
To always love you.

To only grow stronger over the years
What has been collected
So that wishes always come true
And I also wanted to guess!


It's been half a century now
You have achieved a lot
Happy anniversary, we
Until a hundred years, we wish you to break through.

Let health not let you down
And let luck not turn away
May all that dream still now
It will turn into reality very soon.

You keep faith in your strength,
Happiness don't let slip away
Appreciate every moment of your life
After all, it can't be brought back.


There is a long road behind
It's even longer ahead!
So let me wish you good health
Many bright and happy days!

You are a visible and handsome man,
You have nothing to be sad about the years!
Be loved and happy!
And we wish you a hundred years to live!


Fifty is a very responsible date,
It's time to draw some conclusions.
But today we want to tell everyone guys:
Our hero of the day has everything ahead of him!

We wish you happiness, joy, good luck,
Happy days and easy long years.
Let takeoff difficult tasks to be solved,
And there is simply no place for sadness in life!

Always be in a good mood
Always look forward with joy.
Love, health care, kindness, luck,
May optimism bring further every year!


We will be with a friend today
Celebrate birthday;
He was born again for us -
This must be understood.

May luck keep you
Happy any of the days;
May the road be smooth
No gaps or stones.

You get rich over the years
And you're fifty
But if you are young at heart
Years do not hang like a load.

Let your soul laugh
Keeping good feelings
And the idea will turn
A plus for any day.

Beautiful congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man in verse


What date - fifty -
Here is the anniversary!
Friends at the holiday table
Pick it up soon.

And let there be no sad faces
Let there be a mountain feast
All congratulations to you -
Today you are a hero.

Rich, successful, full of strength -
Husband anywhere.
So stay young
For many years!


Nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide
But it doesn't suit a man.
Anniversary is already knocking for you
And throws happiness on the fly.

fifty! Another wave of emotion
The most color to love and just live.
May spring always laugh in your soul
And he can often slow down.

Don't let these years make you old
Your vivacity beats already over the edge.
Happy Birthday! Good health,
The warmth of relatives and many blessings.


Superman, the dream of all women
Knows exactly what's what.
Will take the load on the shoulders -
And forward, almost running.

With your holiday worthy,
In 50 man class!
Be always handsome hot
Just as dexterous any, rukast.

And live in harmony with your wife,
And with children do not know the problems!
Don't get old at 50
Only bloom to the envy of everyone!


Is this a serious date?
50 is the heyday.
Let your passport look to blame
You don't care about him!

Let the wine play in the glass
And of course cognac is better.
We wish you on your anniversary:
Do not reduce your confident step.

Aim for new heights
Don't give up when it's hard.
After all, a man like you
Requires a very large space.


Worthy of an award and pleasing to the eye
Solid, successful man.
All women's eyes are on you today -
Medicine is powerless for them.

Just fifty years that have happened
Let's summarize today:
A huge sea of ​​​​good victories,
Pleasant meetings on the road.

We want to wish you a younger soul
And the body so that you do not age.
To achieve success in all your endeavors,
Confidently moving towards the goal!


Well, is it a lot - 50,
When the soul sings and rushes up,
When eyes laugh and burn
A full and fulfilling life?

Happy birthday today, keep it up!
Be stylish, respectable always.
To not miss anything
And never grow old soul!


On your anniversary, I want to congratulate you and wish you to be a reliable support for your soulmate and a worthy example for your children, to be the one who has not lost the ability to enjoy the little things, despite his advanced age, always remain harsh, but the most wonderful boss and always remember that at the age of 50, life becomes even more interesting and interesting.


Mid life only
Our beloved hero of the day,
But you are so old
For nothing, dear, you will not give.

Young in spirit, young in body
You are beautiful, no doubt.
At fifty you enter boldly,
Knowing a new bloom.

Wisdom is not available to the young,
Ease for the elderly
You stay wise
Strong, forever young.


You've lived half a century
A lot has been achieved.
What he had, he multiplied,
But you keep growing.

On the anniversary day we wish
New labor victories,
Bright meetings, love without end -
Everything is good, not bad.

Be a support for household
Always lend a shoulder.
And health ... This is important,
To live half a hundred more!


You won't believe, you are an excellent student,
Ten times you «5».
To this round date of personal
We would like to wish
The most joyful events
good news,
Most festive arrivals
Expected guests.
Be stronger and more fun
Don't get bored and don't get sick.
And on the hundredth anniversary
In the same way, collect everyone.

A man is 50 years old, an anniversary, an original congratulation is quite difficult to find. This is no longer a youth and a man has heard a lot of beautiful words in his life. Therefore, there can be only one way out: it must come from the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart.

In this article, we have collected just such original congratulations in prose for a 50-year-old man on his anniversary. Such congratulations can be said with a personal congratulation or by phone, written on a postcard or in a letter. And, of course, they can be pronounced with a proudly raised head at a solemn feast. It remains only to choose the congratulation that seems to you the most appropriate for a particular situation.

Original congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a man:

Today you are 50, but it is absolutely unbelievable. Your eyes are burning, and your cheeks are scarlet, like a youngster's. About age, perhaps, only wisdom and a little gray hair speaks. 50 years is a serious age, and we wish you to live at least as much, or better, twice as long!

Be always as happy and joyful as you are today. Let your eyes burn with youthful fire, and only gray hair in your hair betrays your age. Take care of what you have managed to collect over the years and do not lose strength. From now on, continue to exclusively bloom and never wither.
Congratulations on a great date. With all their hearts, they also wish you to walk cheerfully and confidently through life, as you have walked these half a century. Let everything turn out well in life and no nymphs and mermaids will break your firm and strong spirit. I wish that ahead and after 50 years there will be only finds, not losses.

There is a sparkle in your eyes and it's beautiful. Let you be fifty, but it seems as if only twenty hit. I wish that you are not in a hurry to part with childishness, and in life there has always been a place for good intrigue and an interesting development of events.
Happy Anniversary and wish life to be just as beautiful. Do not lose heart on this anniversaries, because there is so much more to come in life. For example, I'm already thinking about what to give you for your centenary. So, do not relax, but full of strength and health, step forward. This is a wonderful and original congratulation to a man's brother on his 50th birthday.
Dear colleague, today is your anniversary. But this is not just an anniversary, but a very golden one. So, we wish you that life is charming and tender, that all things go well, and that you can be proud of the life path you have traveled, which is already behind you. But there is also a long way ahead and we hope you will be able to pass it with dignity as well.
You are good in all work matters and we, your dear colleagues, want to say "thank you". For your sense of humor, for your patience and for your desire to resolve any work issues quickly and efficiently. We hope that this is not the only anniversary that you will celebrate in our team. Let there be much more to come and all events, as one, must be wonderful. At least we all wish you this from the bottom of our hearts. Man 50 years old, anniversary, from colleagues.

It seems that the anniversary of 50 years is an eloquent date. But if you say that you have already lived fifty years, it becomes twice as serious. Live as long as you want and keep your body and spirit in good spirits. On this day, we hasten to congratulate you, and wish you to live a long, eventful and interesting life. Let children not forget, grandchildren please, and live to see great-grandchildren and see what people have turned out from such a stately and handsome, kind and sympathetic man like you.

Half of your life is already measured. You can proudly look back and then look only forward with confidence. There are still many new peaks waiting for you, which you have not yet managed to reach. Let only small bumps come across on the way from obstacles, which you can quickly cross. I wish you confident steps towards your goal, no matter what area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it concerns.
This is a humble toast to your 50s, dear friend. You have already lived a lot and no words can convey the long path of life that you have already passed. You are a wonderful loving husband and caring father, a responsible colleague and just an understanding person. I wish you that another half of the century passes in the same successful rhythm and that on your centennial anniversary we bring no worse results.

Here are some original congratulations to a man on his 50th birthday, we propose to take note. We emphasize once again that whatever words you decide to wish, they should come only from a pure heart. In preparation for the anniversary, you will need information

Half glass. Dispute not needed
Who sees this subject.
Fifty for dinner
Healthier than a hundred at lunch.

Happy Anniversary
Measured in centuries!
You were never "it"
Truth wand holding in his hands.

So live like a cat in sour cream
Coaching youth.
Let there be money in your pocket.
You'll still go far.

Well, what is fifty?
Just a number in the world of numbers
It would seem that the years fly by
But you, my friend, are cheerful and cheerful.

Good tactician and strategist
You run the business skillfully
To the envy of all my colleagues,
You look to the future boldly.

Health, article, beauty,
You can still boast
And sometimes you catch yourself
Girls looks mischievous.

Half a century is a solid date,
It should be noted well
To be remembered with a smile once,
What a fabulous holiday.

I wish you health and strength,
Peace of mind, happiness, warmth,
To carry more women in their arms,
Life to be both warm and bright!

Today, on your anniversary, we are ready
So go on a spree that the walls tremble.
Not every day is such a serious occasion -
You, buddy, are fifty now.
And let at least another half a century
You have enough vodka and health,
But in such a way as to remain human
At the wildest feast.
For your success, for wisdom and sincerity
We drink vodka and cognac today.
We wish that we wanted and had
And so that your optimism does not dry out!

Today is your anniversary - exactly fifty
And an active life is an intermediate result.
Your accomplishments speak volumes
Many paths of life have been travelled.
Let the second fifty dollars await you ahead.
He will be full of happiness and success,
Let the good heart rejoice in the chest
Super hero of the day, super person!

Five dozen is solid -
We think you are at the top.
After all, you are not ashamed of your work,
You are a serious and smart man.
Your knowledge, life experience
And the advice is priceless.
You are definitely a pro at work.
And a colleague, of course excellent.
Happy Anniversary
And we want to work in peace
Without rush and with mood
Be happy with your salary.
Let health not fail you
And dreams and wishes come true
And half a century, year after year
Everything works and it works!

Dear hero of the day, I envy a little,
Because he is cooler than a young man
Strong in body, strong in spirit, experience does not hold.
You are a winner in life. Congratulations, keep it up!
Let fifty of your respectable ones not upset you,
You are at the top today, the date is just golden.
I wish you the most positive impressions,
Live beautifully, smile, develop without a doubt.

The years are flying by
And now, you are already 50.
On this bright anniversary
You become wiser.
Half a century, it's not a time at all,

Good life lesson.
So let it always shine for you
A bright star in the sky at night!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you health and happiness.

Our beloved hero of the day, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, joy and inspiration,
50 give wisdom,
But do not deprive of energy and youth.

Always be in a great mood
Let life give only inspiration
Prosperity, good luck and luck,
And a lot of happy memories.

Half a century is a royal beginning,
Half a century - so much you were able to do,
Half a century is a reason for a glass
And wishes solemnly sing,

I wish you a worthy man
Always keep yourself on top
Do not succumb to the abyss of life,
And sail forward for the joy of the whole family!

The most round, real Jubilee,
Who was able to gather relatives and friends,
Dear loving people
Those who came to you with a low bow,

And congratulations taste so sweet
But as a man - I will add astringency,
May all old dreams come true
And health shines with strong steel!!

You are a careerist and an excellent family man,
Today you are celebrating 50 years
Let the celebration be rightfully golden,
And everything you dream about will come true!

On this good holiday of yours,
I wish you dear
To be healthy, strong,
To always be beautiful
So that on this anniversary
Life has become more fun!
For happiness to be near
To please children.
I congratulate you
Loving you warmly.

Fifty is the age of dreams
And these dreams are realizable.
Fifty is the time of deeds,
These are years of hope and strength.
Fifty is the age of success
Years of measured, wise decisions
These are tears, but only from laughter
And it's time for happy moments.

Five and zero is a wonderful age
But still seven zeros,
To have a serious bank account
It was opened for the anniversary.
Fifty is cool
You are still young
Fed up, drunk and happy
Both friends and myself.
Fifty is a great reason
To make dreams come true
And with a sure hand
Manage your life.

50 to you, buddy!
Congratulations again and again!
You won’t even find words right away,
To describe love.

We are close friends with you
And we value you.
We really, really need you
You are the real man!

Let everything in life be smooth:
And health and business,
The taste of victory will be sweet
In the house - comfort and warmth.

Half a century lived -
A lot or a little maybe?
We want to congratulate the person
What can live so beautifully.

To learn a lot from life,
To be able to keep in the soul
Youth, energy and vivacity,
So that you always want to love.

So that over the years it only strengthens,
What has been collected
So that wishes always come true
And I also wanted to guess!

You are experienced, energetic, full of strength,
Though gray, but still beautiful,
The wise are always ready to give advice,
You are the hero of the day, you are 50 years old.

Solve all the puzzles of life easily,
May you live well
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
So that all dreams come true.

Well, it's already fifty,
And it seems like it was twenty yesterday,
What can I say, the years they fly,
But the heart is the same as it was,

I see that you are the same merry fellow,
Your soul is young as before,
And may it always be so in life,
Fly forward like an eagle great bird!

I wish you good health
To always have a happy look,
And of course a chic feast,
After all, today is exactly fifty!