Autumn crafts for kindergarten. Leaves vase. Video: Roses from Maple Leaves

I share with their findings. All or almost all of us have to do crafts with children for kindergarten or school... You will also find fantasies here for home creativity with kids.

We start with trees ...

And now - pumpkins ...

You don't have to do everything for a specific master class... And strictly adhere to the proposed topic. Can just take a craft idea and remake it in your own way.

Candle fantasies ...

To hedgehogs I have a particular weakness, so to speak. Once my family and I were picking mushrooms (I was still little) ... We thought that under the tubercle there was a large mushroom. It turned out that we woke up the hedgehog. And you can't really put him back (as it should) - he is so sleepy ... And I had to take him to my home - he overwintered in a mailbox (yes, my childhood is the 80s) under a pile of paper (and all this time slept) ... And then he went into the forest in the spring ... Khalesy was such ...

Accessories of the "Queen of Autumn" ...

Papier-mâché ... And not only ...

Well owls I did not put first again. They are always with us the very first and most important ...

There are, in addition to owls, and other animals

And again - improvised material. Not only the one that was found in the forest ... But also "home" ... For example, pistachio shells...

AND door (wall) wreaths... good not only for New Year and Christmas ... In autumn they especially cozy and bright turn out ...

And again pumpkins... Some of them have a lot of them in their dachas! I'm not a dacha lover (no-no): my mother just gives me buckets of vegetables. But the godmother gave me a pumpkin last year. Aaaaa ... Maybe I'm Cinderella?

Moving on to leaf crafts and houses ...

If you don't understand how stick around with sheets or dough a bowl from below to get such beauty, watch the master classes ...

Many people make baskets now. A very mundane craft. On this topic "Gifts of Autumn"... Well, the baskets are really very colorful and juicy ...

And again leaves ... And again owls ... And many arts ...

In our kindergarten, Alice's group is very talented, kind and hardworking educators- Olga Grigorievna and Anna Sergeevna. They love children. And adore with them tinkering with all sorts of things in the educational process ... Or draw ...

For us the crafts of children in the kindergarten educators leave on a large panel- they are attached to clips that hang on the fishing line ... Now I will find a post in the magazine when we made such a panel (with owls, of course) for crafts ...

It’s a pity to throw away homework. Of course, for some time they will please the eye ... Some drawings will go to the family archive ... But still you will not keep them in a row ... Therefore take pictures of your creations. Collect at least a photo collection as a souvenir ... Only if you shoot on a mobile, do not forget to "merge" the photo on the computer. Advertisements often hang around the city - “Phone lost, return it: there are ALL PICTURES of my child !!!”.

Some parents ignore creativity... They say that paints are a lot of dirt and stains - you can do only with pencils or felt-tip pens ... Yes, and only kalya-malia comes out ... And plasticine, they say, a child does not understand - it rejects ... Start small- just give your child the materials. For a couple of lessons ... Then again ... And then start gradually prompt and help... To encourage to creativity, to creation ... I also do not really like dolls and LEGO, plastered with plasticine ... But accuracy, diligence and imagination... will not be taken from a child from anywhere if they do not work. Daily.

Of course, time is constantly running out. Of course, a lot of work and household chores. But the child is delighted that his autumn work is also on display in a kindergarten or school. It - pride yourself and your family ...

Maybe this year ... Maybe next ... Your job will be recognized at the exhibition as the best. Even the prize money. It will be a wonderful day. In the meantime, let the autumn candles warm the family evenings, and the photo frames adorned with leaves or acorns flaunt on the shelves ...

By the way, we somehow with a friend from papier-mâché just giant mushrooms made... All the children were made with a palm height ... And we have ... Giants. Mutants ...)))

Who hasn't read mine yet 100 ideas for autumn, be sure to read. And apply - partially ...

We a lot of things have already been applied and done with Alice and Shura- I'll tell you in other posts ...

And I will show you not today, tomorrow ... autumn roller... And pictures. Last fall. We are so beautiful family shooting was. It's just complicated for the video combination of video and photo... Therefore, I wait until Shura will finish the installation. So far he has a lot of work to do.

P. S. Yes, I show you very few personal and family photos. You will get tired of me otherwise ...

Autumn is a very colorful time of the year. Knowing about the approach of cold weather, nature seems to be trying to demonstrate to people how bright and charming it can be. That is why in kindergartens and schools, children are often asked to make autumn crafts.

Autumn composition

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

You need to stock up on materials for making autumn crafts in advance - starting from the end of August. The collected "wealth" should be stored in a cardboard box, neatly stacked in layers. If you plan to create paintings or panels from dry leaves, it is better to place them between the pages of books so that they become even and do not begin to crumble during work.

Autumn craft

To create an autumn theme, you may need:

  • cones;
  • leaves of different colors and sizes;
  • pebbles, sand;
  • seashells;
  • spruce or pine branches;
  • dry twigs of fruit trees;
  • maple seeds;
  • acorns;
  • chestnuts;
  • walnut shells;
  • flowers;
  • sunflower seeds, grains;
  • feathers, etc.

Hedgehogs from plasticine and seeds

Autumn forest

That is, almost everything that the surrounding nature can offer us.

Thorn hedgehogs

You should not write off vegetables and berries. They, of course, cannot be stored for as long as, for example, products made of wood, cones and dried herbs, but they will be an excellent solution if you need to make an unusual craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten or school.

Butterfly made of leaves and seashells

Turtle house

Chestnut and rowan hedgehog

DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten - interesting ideas

Before you start making crafts "Autumn", you need to imagine what should be the result. If a child takes the initiative into his own hands, it is important for parents to hear him, to understand how he wants to portray this or that animal, picture.

Autumn-themed applications

Noteworthy are autumn applications. Most of them are made quickly enough.

Leaf applications

Flower garden

Summer field

Collage-portraits from leaves

If parents are ready to spend more time on their autumn kindergarten craft, they may like collages. When creating them, you need to not only glue, but also draw a little. Portraits prepared using dried leaves look especially great.

Leaf portrait

Girl with flower hair

Original collage of dried leaves

Craft from autumn flowers

If you really want to make a collage in the form of a portrait, but none of the parents know how to draw well, you can print someone else's sketch, paint it with watercolors and decorate it with leaves, berries, flowers on top. Such work will also look very beautiful.


They look unusual and, what is important, pictures are made very simply from the prints of autumn leaves. For their implementation, it is necessary to prepare the leaves of different trees (they can be both dry and green), thick paper and watercolor.

How to make a picture from prints

Colorful painting

Autumn forest

Painting "Birds Fly Away"

The sun made of prints

The big advantage of such autumn crafts is that a small child can make them almost on their own. An adult only needs to observe his actions and suggest where it is better to attach the next sheet covered with paint.

Autumn crafts in a paper garden

It is not necessary to make crafts for the garden and school exclusively from natural materials. Colored paper, cardboard will also do.

Autumn sheet of paper

Autumn tree

If these materials are not in the house, you can use plain white paper as well. And when the work is done, decorate it with pencils, watercolors or gouache.

Autumn forest

Autumn garlands

Garlands of colored paper leaves will be an excellent craft for both the garden and your own apartment.

Preparing the autumn garland

They can be used to decorate walls, curtains, lamps. The main thing is not to be afraid to include as many bright colors as possible in the overall composition. After all, autumn is the time for yellow, red, orange, brown, beige, burgundy, green. All these colors must be combined, then the garland will turn out to be incredibly bright and expressive.

Home decoration with an autumn garland

Autumn leaves from paper

Kindergarten window decoration

Paper sheets

How to store natural materials

If properly stored natural materials collected in the fall, they will be usable until next summer. All fragile herbs and flowers should be placed in a rigid box. So they will remain unharmed, dust will not appear on their surface.

With snags and twigs, you can not stand on ceremony - they can even lie on the shelf. A good place for them is the pantry, where they can be hung.

Storage of flowers and plants

Chestnuts, acorns and cones should not be put into a common container. They need to be laid out in boxes or paper bags. They will start to mold in plastic bags.

If you decide to prepare fruit seeds, you will need a paper bag. You can do it yourself - roll up an A4 sheet and fix its edges with a stapler. Pebbles and shells can be put in a glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid.

I read a very interesting opinion on the Internet, I want to know your opinion.

Our daughter turned ten yesterday. For ten years now, almost all of our environment has been asking when we are going to have a second child. For ten years we have answered that never. For ten years, everyone has been surprised - how can it be! After all, one child in the family will grow up to be an egoist!

Yes, let my daughter grow up to be selfish. But my husband and I won't have any more children, because we are both from large families, and for both of us, life before the age of 18 was a real hell.

My happy childhood ended when my second younger brother was born. After my mother returned from the hospital with her third child, it was announced to me, a 9-year-old brat, that now there are no toys and entertainment - I will help my mother. And I helped. My day began at 5 am, when I had to get up, cook breakfast for everyone, pack myself and my first-grader brother for school, iron diapers and clothes for the baby, and walk the dog. Then we went to school, came home, I did my homework, did homework with my brother, went for a walk with the little one, then went for a walk with the dog. And there it is already evening, which means - help with cooking, bathing and sleeping. It's okay, it would seem. But three years later, a younger sister was born. By this time, I was responsible not only for the school, but also for the kindergarten, cleaning and all the same dog.

I was now forbidden to communicate with friends, because "you are the oldest!" should sit at home and fiddle with the baby. And two years later, it was wet on the stake, start over - another sister was born. And since I was already 14 by that time, night shifts were added to the increased daily duties - the younger sister was fed not with milk, but with a mixture, and the preparation of this mixture (and feeding itself) was now my front of work, because “my mother is tired, she need to rest". And the ninth-grader did not need to rest, apparently. My grades slipped almost to the bottom, because after sleepless nights I was like a zombie, and there could be no question of any A. The class teacher worried about me and asked my mother what was happening to me, to which she replied that I was a bad student because I was dumb, and I didn’t sleep at night, because I was dragging around the entrances with gopniks.

The family did not have much money. Didn't starve, but the good sausage was a festive dish. However, I saw her even less often than the others, because I was not supposed to have any treats and goodies - the “tough one” should give everything to the youngest, they need to grow up. The same was true for beautiful clothes and other things. If something new was bought, then it was extremely rare for me.

And when I turned 16, my father left the family, leaving my mother with our entire brood. It became completely disgusting. My mother began to drink, and I was the worst of all, because my father left because of me, of course, I was such a fool and inept and generally always pissed him off.

When we came to school beaten, it raised questions, but the mother either lied that we had a fight in the street, or cried that she could not resist, because it is so hard for her to pull so many children alone. Everyone pitied her, and they called us ungrateful pigs - my mother works so hard for us, and we do not appreciate this holy woman!

I managed to pass my final exams well, I still can't figure out how. It was definitely a miracle, because by the end of school, absolutely all the homework and taking care of the younger brothers was on me alone. Mother did nothing around the house - after work she either drank or stuck at the computer.

My personal nightmare ended on my 18th birthday. Then my mother almost smashed my head with a sugar bowl and screamed that it would be better to have an abortion. And I realized that I can no longer. That same evening I packed my things and left. Found a job where they provided housing. Yes, it was a small cold closet, but for the first time in many years I just slept dully in peace and quiet for the first time in many years.

Then I finished courses for hairdressers and make-up artists, learned how to make eyebrows and nails, there was money to rent a house, and a few months later I dragged my first brother to my place. We started working together, saving money. True, at first it was not possible to save up - almost everything that was left from paying for the apartment was spent on all sorts of crap, which they had been deprived of in childhood and early youth. It would seem, what is it about buying a chocolate bar? And for us it was something outrageous. WE. YOURSELF. BOUGHT. YOURSELF! CHOCOLATE! Not the youngest, not to someone else, but to himself. But then we still pulled ourselves together and began to save money for my brother's education.

It was very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex, because no one taught me how to behave with guys, moreover, it was strictly forbidden to communicate with them, because I’m a whore and I’ll bring another bottomless mouth in my hem. Out of ignorance, of course, I messed up, but at the age of 24 I met my husband, with whom I have been happily living for 12 years.

He also comes from a large family. There were eight children. The family was quite wealthy, but there was an unhealthy cult of an older brother in it, and the younger ones were treated as a byproduct of the parents' vital activity. They bought only food and supplies for the school, they wore things one after another, but the elder had all the best. He also has the only computer in the family. Only the elder was taken to rest abroad, the rest went to work out corvee to their grandmother at the dacha.

My husband also ran away at 18 and has not maintained any ties with his family since. My brother studied at the institute and is now going to start a family. Neither he nor his girlfriend want children at all. I forgot the rest of the household like a bad dream. Mother is trying to beat alimony out of my brother and me, because in her old age she gave birth again, and she needs money, but no one recognizes her as disabled, thank God. I don’t see the rest of my brothers and sisters either, and I don’t want to see them. Maybe I'm a bastard, but I don't like them. I didn't want them and didn't ask them, they were just a source of trouble for me for many years (I can hardly remember their names), so let the people who gave birth to them deal with them - these are their responsibilities, in the end.

Yes, they will write to me now that not all large families are like that. But in my life I have seen a sufficient number of large families to say that such as my husband and I are in the majority. In appearance, they all seem ideal: the whole family is one team, a mountain behind each other, and the love of parents is enough for everyone in abundance. So, not enough. Always someone is loved more, always on someone (usually the elder) half of parental responsibilities fall, right down to the material support of their many brothers and sisters. You can immediately figure out such an elder, he even does not look like ordinary children. If you see the eyes of a 40-year-old battered person in a 10-year-old child, this is a typical Elder. For a long time he has not dreamed of playing with mom and dad, of new books and toys, he wants not to die until he comes of age, in order to finally escape from the concentration camp "Merry Family".

Neither my husband nor I have a feeling of elbow grease and other joys, which the current fighters for traditional family values ​​speak of. But we are the world champions in hiding food, lying and sleeping with our eyes open. For a long time we got rid of the disgusting habits that are the hallmark of a native of a large family, and when we finally succeeded, we only want one thing - to leave our family alone. Yes, we have one daughter. There will be no more children, and if I say “there will not be,” I mean “there will never be,” because I recently had a tubal ligation. Yes, we spoil this one daughter, we want her childhood to be like childhood, and not like an article in the newspaper "Crime News" under the heading "Household".

Therefore, before encouraging people to reproduce like rabbits, it is better to teach them responsibility to their children and the understanding that children are not a product of life, they are living people who need love, care and attention.

////// Are there mothers who come from large families themselves? What do you think? Do you want many children too, or limit yourself to 1-2 children?


Elena Nikolavna

Doctors of the department, dozens of women and newborns are in contact. The woman HIDDEN on admission the presence of measles in an older child. She refused from infectious diseases.
the official comment of the hospital on its social network:
"Good morning! In accordance with the order of the chief sanitary doctor of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, during the period from March 18 to April 6, inclusive, in the maternity ward No. 1 of the A.K. Eramishantsev City Clinical Hospital, restrictive anti-epidemic measures were introduced.
On March 11, 2019, at 13:00 pm, to the admission department of the maternity ward No. 1 of the A.K. Eramishantsev, located at: st. Lenskaya, house 15, building 1, “by gravity” due to the onset of labor, patient H., 37 years old, turned up. After the operative delivery at 20:42 on the same day, the patient together with the newborn child was in the intensive care ward and then in the three-bed ward of the obstetric physiological department. March 15, 2019 at the A.K. Eramishantseva received operational information that this patient was in the home of measles (the patient's 8-year-old son had measles when the woman was admitted to the hospital). The patient had not previously reported this information about herself, including during a thorough questioning at the stage of the admission department. After receiving information about the contact in the home with a child with measles, the patient was offered a transfer to the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1, which she categorically refused, and was discharged.
According to close contacts, 18 people of medical personnel were identified, contacts for the building of the maternity hospital - 252, patients - 102.
All employees of the A.K. Eramishantsev were examined in advance and revaccinated with live measles vaccine.
All measles contact patients and newborns are brought under the active patronage of outpatient medical organizations at their place of residence.
Maternity ward No. 2 of the A.K. Eramishantseva is located at the address: Kostromskaya street, building 3 and operates normally. After the end of the restrictive anti-epidemic measures, the maternity ward No. 1, located at the address: Lenskaya street, building 15, building 1, will continue its work. "



Good day to all.

In the 80s of the last century, it was not customary to talk about loneliness. In those years, people lived collectively, a person's happiness was only in a team, there was no question of any loneliness. Therefore, the first marriage announcements were perceived as some kind of bad joke: how can a woman offer herself so openly?
So the film "Lonely Hostel is Provided" received rather mixed reviews.

So what's left behind the scenes? How did Arkady Inin come up with the idea to make a film about a "forbidden" topic? Who could play the role of a matchmaker instead of Natalia Gundareva? Why is the face of the commandant Viktor Frolov adorned with a scar? I will tell you about this and many other things in my topic.

Enjoy reading!


Lioness Passionate

* Superstitious :.
Have you heard about the so-called "curse of the" Last Hero ""? Many of those who participated in the extreme show or had anything to do with its creation passed away early ... I was stunned:
* Zhanna Friske
*V. Glagoleva
*TO. Kelmi
* Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl)
* Yu Nachalova
Lesser known - one-season winner actress Ya Volkov; participant S. Sakin ... This list includes S. Suponev - it is believed that he came up with the name of the reality show. S. Bodrov Jr. was the host of one of the season
Damn a ready-made script for the next series "Destination"?

** Peace Prize.
The Swedish schoolgirl G. Thunberg was nominated for the Peace Prize. She started a "school strike" in front of parliament in Stockholm in August last year. The girl was standing with a poster demanding that politicians comply with the terms of the Paris climate agreement ... I kept thinking, well, where is for myself, Where is healthy selfishness?))). And so, G. Thunberg announced that she would not go to school on Fridays !!! until the requirements are met. Well, I'm also now urgently looking for a reason not to go to work on Mondays, well, there are films and museum workers beckoning me. But I need a good reason! Please sketch ... and I'll take you to the Nobel Prize. Well, or note my dismissal)))

*** Well, absurd.
B. Agzamov was arrested in Kazan for inciting hatred between Tatars and Russians. The activist spoke (Attention! Concentrated!) With sharp criticism of the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552! And no one cares about the explanation of the malicious violator - he just listed the historical facts)))

Cheesecake today is about superstitions and absurdities. Do you believe in these ... well, there is a spit over your left shoulder, especially in a crowded bus?))) And how to react at an intersection, having met a black cat and a woman with empty buckets. That's right, break the mirror and tick!))) Absuuuuuurd


Olga @

Good morning!
Let's chat about quirks you had while waiting for babies.
In my first pregnancy, even without knowing about it, I wanted Schweppes to shiver. I drank for a whole week, then I stopped liking))) my second son was not a gourmet and I already began to think that all these stories about the freaks of pregnant women are only their whim, until ... Until I became pregnant with the third. amazing desires. For example, smoked mackerel went very well, which I grinded with chocolate, now every day I mash a salad of carrots with garlic, I haven't eaten it for five years before ...
And after all, the quirks of many concern not only food. She shared hers. Let's laugh, wonder. 146

At the beginning of autumn, all children are greatly impressed by the changes that occur in nature, and besides, this is the most suitable time to create DIY crafts on the theme of an autumn tree. Autumn crafts will be required both in kindergarten and in elementary grades, but you can use them as home decor.

I must say that the craft "Autumn tree" is made from a wide variety of materials: paper, dry leaves, pasta, waste material. The main thing is to turn on imagination and the craft will turn out from any natural material that surrounds us.

Autumn tree - paper applique

Such a simple children's applique on the theme of autumn is perfect for a kindergarten for an autumn ball.


  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
  1. A background is prepared from thick colored cardboard. The size can be made in different sizes: A4 format or its half;
  2. A tree trunk is drawn on cardboard or cut out of brown paper;
  3. The leaves are now cut out. The easiest and fastest way to do this is with a curly hole punch in the shape of a leaf. In the event that there is no such device, the sheets are cut out and colored paper on their own. You can speed up the work and fold the paper in several layers;
  4. Finished leaves are glued to the tree trunk;
  5. The craft is framed.

Crafts from paper are the simplest, because paper is available in every home, and even if there is no colored paper, it can be colored.

Paper autumn tree

You can make an autumn tree craft with your own hands from paper. It will be appropriate both for a competition for a school or kindergarten, and as a home decor.


  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
  1. A trunk must be cut out of thick cardboard. You will need two pieces of such blanks.
  2. In the middle of each workpiece, cuts need to be made: on one template, the notch will be from the bottom to the middle, and on the second, from the top to the middle.
  3. Now one workpiece is inserted into another. You should get a voluminous barrel.
  4. Next, sheets of colored paper are made. The leaves can be of the most varied shapes.
  5. The finished leaves are glued to the tree with glue.

To make the tree a little brighter, the trunk can be painted with brown paint or cut out of colored cardboard. As for the leaves, they can be made from natural material or from dry leaves.

Autumn tree of leaves

If you need to make crafts on the theme of autumn for the exhibition, then a tree made of leaves, which you can quickly make with your own hands, would be an excellent option. Such crafts made from natural material look unusually beautiful, and acorns or nuts can be used as additional decor.


  • many different leaves, but maple leaves will look more harmonious;
  • stick;
  • flowerpot;
  • decor: a sprig of mountain ash, acorns;
  • threads;
  • glue.

A hand-made tree from leaves can be used as a decor or presented to a loved one who will appreciate all the beauty of handicrafts made from natural materials.

Topiary "Autumn tree"

Autumn is a time that gives an incredible amount of natural material for creating a wide variety of crafts on the theme of autumn with your own hands. Such a craft will become a real decoration, because an autumn tree in a pot is suitable not only for a kindergarten, but also for an apartment.


  • a variety of leaves;
  • artificial grass;
  • berries;
  • newspaper;
  • threads;
  • stick made of wood;
  • pot;
  • glue;
  • gypsum;
  • scissors;
  • gouache;
  • satin ribbon.

  1. You need to draw a sketch on paper and glue the spaghetti along the contour.
  2. From pasta in the form of tiny circles, you need to make a mountain ash.
  3. Next, we make foliage from pasta in the form of leaves.
  4. When everything is ready, you can start coloring pasta and spaghetti.

Crafts from pasta come out original and very unusual.

Autumn tree from waste material

In the manufacture of autumn crafts, the use of natural material is not necessary, because in such a case, the use of waste material will be appropriate.


  • sleeves from toilet paper or a bag;
  • two cardboard blanks of the tree crown;
  • plasticine;
  • buttons;
  • paper;
  • glue; Double-sided tape.
  1. A rectangle must be cut out of paper in order to glue the sleeve, which is used as waste material - this will be the trunk of a birch.
  2. On the trunk, you need to draw specks with a pencil like on a birch.
  3. In opposite places, you need to make small notches.
  4. On two cardboard blanks, you need to smear yellow plasticine on one side. Then they are connected with tape.
  5. On both sides, the crown must be decorated with buttons. The finished crown is connected to the trunk.

MORE ABOUT: Crafts from acorns: do it yourself

Wood from waste material is ready!

Autumn tree from candy wrappers

Crafts made from natural material are beautiful, but familiar, but from junk material - something new and original. Candy wrappers can be used as waste material.


  • various candy wrappers;
  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue.

These are such simple and interesting crafts you can do with your own hands from paper, leaves, pasta, as well as waste material.

Crafts from tree leaves: 10 examples for inspiration
How to decorate a headband with a ribbon flower bow

The autumn period is famous not only for rains, cooling, but also for the charm of colors that colorful leaves give. By connecting imagination, with the help of the gifts of nature, it is possible to create delightful creative works. Crafts from leaves on the theme of autumn for kindergarten are an ideal option for parents to spend time with their child in an interesting and useful way, to open up new opportunities for him, to unleash his creative potential. The beauty of this handicraft is that all materials are free, and the result of the creative process is limited only by the imagination of the child and parents.

What kind of craft to make from autumn leaves in kindergarten

The kindergarten regularly hosts exhibitions of handicrafts created by children and their parents. The main goal of such events is to attract mothers and fathers to classes with a child in order to reveal the creative potential of the baby, to acquaint him with the nuances of working with natural materials. Leaves (oak, maple, linden, etc.) and dried flowers are often used for such creativity. As a craft in the kindergarten, you can do:

  • application of an animal (squirrel, bear, mouse, peacock), autumn forest, cars;
  • topiary;
  • wreath;
  • beautiful autumn bouquet;
  • Ekibanu;
  • garlands, pendants.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts on the theme "Autumn"

To create crafts based on autumn leaves, you do not need special knowledge, skills, the main thing is desire, a little imagination and the materials necessary for work (as a rule, these are natural materials, glue, colored paper, felt-tip pens). To make the work look beautiful, work as carefully as possible, slowly - then your work will not be left without attention at the exhibition in the kindergarten. The workshops below will help you create the perfect autumn craft.

Application "Autumn forest" on paper

An unusual applique on the theme of "autumn" can be created using only dried tree leaves, felt-tip pens, glue, cardboard or paper. Even a child can cope with such work, and the finished result will give a little master a feeling of pride and pleasure. Use the step-by-step instructions for creating an autumn forest applique:

  1. On paper, use felt-tip pens to draw tree trunks in the forest.
  2. Choose beautiful leaves that are shaped like tree crowns to help create a lifelike appliqué.
  3. Glue all the elements with PVA glue, and a beautiful craft for kindergarten will be ready.

How to make a "Bouquet of roses"

To please educators with an original craft, make roses using maple leaves. The beauty of such a composition is that it retains its original appearance for a long time, pleases the eye, and does not require any maintenance. Children can create this bouquet if you help them a little. For work, you will need a minimum of attributes, tools: maple leaves, threads, scissors.

Step by step instructions for making roses:

  1. Fold the maple leaf in half, twist it with a tube - the middle of the rose is ready.
  2. Wrap the second element around the middle, forming the second petal. To get volume, you should not press it hard.
  3. In the same way, wind a couple more elements to make a rose or its bud. The volume, splendor of the flower depends on the number of petals.
  4. Wrap the bottom of the flower well for fixing.
  5. Combine several roses in a bouquet, decorate with branches or petals to give the composition a complete look.


It is possible to create a beautiful funny hedgehog using fir cones. For work, you will also need cardboard, which will form the basis of the craft, plasticine, glue, leaves of trees (or moss). To create a hedgehog, you need to make him a body. For this, plasticine or a plastic bottle can be used. Consider the option of creating a small hedgehog:

  • Grease the cardboard well with glue and randomly glue colorful autumn elements (leaves, moss). Such a background will become an impromptu forest clearing, along which a hedgehog walks.
  • Create an oval from plasticine, which will serve as the body of a hedgehog, and attach it to the "clearing". Stick the cones into it, leaving space in front for the muzzle.
  • With the help of a small piece of plasticine, make a muzzle, and for the nose and eyes, chokeberry berries or beads can be used.
  • A beautiful hedgehog in an autumn meadow for kindergarten is ready.

Volumetric applique "Owl"

The variety of autumn colors amazes the imagination, gives free rein to imagination. As a craft for a kindergarten, an original volumetric applique can be created - an owl, which, due to its layering, looks magnificent, interesting and quite realistic. To create a masterpiece, you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • cardboard (color or white - optional);
  • dried autumn leaves are the main elements;
  • PVA glue, a brush for it.

Step-by-step execution of work:

  1. On cardboard, you need to draw or print the outline of an owl. All that is needed is the outline without detail and color.
  2. Gradually along the contour, you should spread the glue with a brush (very carefully so that the work is as accurate as possible) and glue the leaves. Do this from top to bottom, whipping over previous layers to achieve the desired volume.
  3. When the entire contour is filled in, you need to cut out the beak, eyes and glue them on the muzzle.
  4. The original applique is ready. To make the process of creativity not only interesting, but also developing, during work it is worth telling the child cognitive facts about the owl and her life.

How to make an applique "Rooster"

It takes desire and creative inspiration to create an original painting. A bright applique depicting a rooster will surely appeal to a child and is ideal for an exhibition in a kindergarten. For creativity you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • multi-colored leaves;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • ashberry.

Instructions for creating a rooster:

  1. Draw the outlines of a rooster on cardboard (or glue the cut out blank). For more experienced craftsmen, the contours can be laid out immediately with leaves.
  2. Glue leaves of different shapes, sizes and shades, creating feathers for a rooster.
  3. Cut out an eye with scissors, glue an eyebrow to work, make a pupil using a rowan berry.
  4. When all the elements are glued, the work must be put under the press for several hours, and the wonderful applique will be ready.

Autumn wreath for children

From the autumn gifts of nature, not only applications, compositions or decorative elements can be created, but also an original wreath. In order for the decoration to keep its shape, for work you will need thin branches that bend well, do not break. In the creative process, it is necessary to use threads, glue, elements for decoration: leaves, branches of mountain ash, raspberries, cones, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wreath:

  1. Make a circle from the branches, fasten with a thread so that the product keeps its shape.
  2. Branches with berries or vines can be used to add volume.
  3. When the base for the wreath is ready, you should start decorating it. To do this, glue cones, leaves, flowers or other decorative elements in a circle. It all depends on the child's imagination and the availability of natural materials at hand.
  4. The original autumn wreath can be used for decorative purposes or as an element of a costume for a holiday in honor of the fall.

Original postcard

You can congratulate your teacher or loved one on the holiday with a unique handmade postcard. In the autumn period, there is no need to buy special attributes for decoration. Nature took care of everything, creating a variety of materials for creativity. The postcard looks original, for the decor of which dry leaves of birch, oak, maple, cherry or other trees, bushes are used. You will need glue and cardboard to work.

Step-by-step creation of a product:

  1. Bend a sheet of cardboard in half to make a postcard.
  2. Arrange leaves and flowers on the front side of the product, creating a beautiful composition. Do not limit your imagination, this will create an unbeatable postcard. It is important to make sure that everything looks harmonious (parents should help the child in this).
  3. If the desired result is achieved, and all participants in the process like the design, glue all the elements with glue and a brush so that the work is as accurate as possible.
  4. The original postcard is ready and can delight the addressee.

The craft in the form of a bird's heat looks original. It is difficult to name a clear list of materials that will be needed for work, it all depends on the creative imagination and vision of the child, parents. Consider the instructions for creating a unique composition, for which you will need:

  • cardboard, colored paper or a beautiful napkin for the basis of the composition;
  • a variety of leaves, thuja twigs can be used;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • PVA glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We select an element that looks like the torso of a fever bird, and glue it so that on one side there is room for the head, and on the other - for a gorgeous tail.
  2. We glue a birch leaf that will serve as the bird's head.
  3. We make a tail using elements of the same color.
  4. We decorate the tail: we glue beautiful leaves of rowan or thuja to create volume, play of color.
  5. We make wings for the bird, use birch leaves.
  6. Glue the pumpkin seeds to the head as eyes. With their help, it is easy to decorate the tail or body of a bird.
  7. We glue a small twig of thuja to the head, creating a crest.

Master class with step-by-step production of "Butterflies"

With the help of simple leaves of different shades, you can create a beautiful craft for kindergarten - a butterfly. The creative process will appeal to the child, will allow him to look at familiar things in a new way and reveal his potential. For work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • leaves from trees of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided tape;
  • glue stick or PVA;
  • colored cardboard or paper;
  • hole puncher.

Step-by-step creation of a butterfly:

  1. Cut off the stems and middle parts from the leaves.
  2. Peel off the top layer from double-sided tape and glue a small leaf (butterfly head), the middle part - wings.
  3. Do the same with the middle part of the second maple leaf. It is recommended to use the legs as antennae, and an oblong thin element (part of the leaflet) for the body.
  4. Use a hole punch to make eye circles and wing decorations. Stick them on.
  5. Attach butterflies to colored paper.

How to dry leaves for crafts

To prepare the leaves for applications and crafts, they must be dried, and you can do this in several ways:

  1. The classic version. Place items under the press or between the pages of a book. They should not touch each other. To prevent natural materials from spoiling the book, place tracing paper between the pages of the book.
  2. Hot drying with an iron. Put paper on the ironing board, put the leaves on it, straighten them. Cover the fabric with another page and iron using dry ironing without steam.
  3. To preserve the natural color and shape of the leaves, lay them out on a windowsill to dry. So the elements will retain their natural appearance, which will allow you to make the most realistic paintings or compositions.

How to make skeletonizing leaves with your own hands

Crafts for kindergarten, where skeletonized leaves are used, look original. Many people discard the idea of ​​working with such a material, fearing the fragile structure and not knowing how to make such beautiful elements. To create skeletonized elements does not take much effort, time, and the resulting result will delight not only the child, but also everyone who happens to contemplate the result of creativity.

For work you will need:

  • leaves of trees;
  • baking soda;
  • cold water.

Master class on creating skeletonized leaves:

  1. Make a solution: one liter of cold water and twelve tablespoons of baking soda. Boil the mixture and place the leaves in it for about 25 minutes.
  2. After the allotted time, rinse each element under cold water and remove the greens with a toothbrush.
  3. Rinse again under running water and you're done.


The creative process with natural materials will give not only a delightful ready-made leaf craft on the theme of autumn for kindergarten, but also a lot of pleasure while working. It is sometimes difficult for small children to correctly compose a composition or make an animal using the gifts of nature. Parents also sometimes have a creative crisis, and creating a simple job causes difficulties due to the lack of imagination. Check out below a selection of video tutorials on creating autumn crafts for inspiration, additional knowledge about the process.

A very simple craft for the kindergarten "Rybka"

Children's craft from natural material "Fox"