Major Christian holidays. Basic religious holidays and shrines world religions

Objectives lesson: Systematization and summarization of knowledge about holidays in the religions of the world: Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist.


  • Consolidate knowledge of students about the diversity of holidays in the religions of the world;
  • Bring up mutual and careful attitudes towards the traditions of the peoples of the world, to educate tolerant attitude towards various religions; awakening the interest of culture of different peoples and their history; Expand the horizon of students.

Activities: conversation, work in pairs, work in groups, individual messages, testing, work with marker boards for reverse information.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, computer

During the classes

I. Organization of attention.

Message Topics and Objectives

Do you guys remember, please, the topic of our past lesson? What we were talking about ? Slide

D: We studied the topic "Holidays in the world's religions" reviewed what holidays are the main in every religion.

W. : What is the purpose of our lesson?

Today, at the lesson, we will enhance the knowledge gained and recover in the world of a variety of and amazing religious holidays.

II. Actualization of knowledge. Check your homework.

Questionless conversation.

Do you guys love holidays?

What associations arise with the word holiday?

(joy, fun, gifts, treats, rest) slide.

What is a holiday?

Holiday is a non-working day, the day of joy set in honor of any event. (Dictionary (Ozhegov). And we consider holidays in the religions of the world. But the religious holidays are also devoted to some event.

You were given homework - prepare a message about one any holiday of any religion using our tutorial, Internet resources and other sources.

Work in pairs. Pupils are talking to each other about one of the holidays.

Work in groups. (Group distribution)

Fill out the table "Holidays of Religions of the World". For this, work in groups.

Is it all right? Remember the names of the holidays?

Check yourself. Slide

Probably everything turned out, because the group is easier to work.

III. Work on the topic.

1. Work in groups.

To get acquainted with these holidays in more detail, we will work in groups.

We have 6 groups, it means that we consider the 6 holidays of the main, on 2 holidays in every religion, except Islam. We will talk about Islam separately.

  • 1 group - Buddhism Donchod-Khural
  • 2 Group - Sagalgan Buddhism
  • 3 Group - Judaism Peach
  • 4 Group - Judaism Shavut
  • 5 Group - Christmas
  • 6 Group - Christianity (Orthodox) - Easter

Fill table

Buddhism- One of the most ancient world religions. What are the main holidays of them? Sagalgan and Danchodhural. Slide

- Sagalgan,The holiday is celebrated as the beginning of the spring and New Year on the Mongolian lunarly sunny calendar. Noted not earlier than January 21 and no later than February 19.

The basis of all Buddhist rites of the holiday Sagalgan It was getting rid of sins and sins accumulated in the previous year. One of the main rituals is still a one-day post, accompanied by the fire ceremony "Sora" - a black pyramid, symbolizing the accumulated evil. Slide

According to the Buddhist tradition, the Buddha, before leaving Nirvana, urged all animals to him, but they came to say goodbye to him - Mouse, Cow, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog and Pig. In gratitude to the Buddha, they presented to everyone for the same year, and the years were given precisely in this order, in which animals came to the Buddha. So the famous 12-year-old "cycle of animals "Slide

- Buddha's birthday (Donchod-Khural) - The most important Buddhist holiday, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the second month of the lunar calendar. In June. Buddhists believe that on this day more than 2.5 thousand years ago, three events occurred in different years: the birth of the Buddha, the achievement of enlightenment at 36 years and care to Nirvana for 81 years of life . Slide

Buddha's birthday celebration lasts week. At this time, solemn prayers are held in the monasteries, procession and processions are arranged. Temples are decorated with paper lanterns and garlands of colors. On the territory of the temples, oil lamps are arranged around the sacred trees and stupas. Monks are reading prayers all night and tell the believers from the life of the Buddha. After the end of the festive prayer on the birthday of Buddha, the laity arrange the treats with the members of the monastic community and present gifts. Slide


Pesh. - The holiday of Spring and Freedom, in memory of the mass outcome of the Jews from Egypt (about 3300 years ago) - one of the most important, most important events of Jewish history. The tradition connects the name "Proshi" with the fact that God "passed" by the houses of Jews at a time when he punished the Egyptians for the refusal of Pharaoh to let go of the Jewish people. The main feature of Pesach - the commandment is fresh bread - (Matsu) and the strictest prohibition not only to eat, but also have a kvass ("Chamez" in his house). Matzo - Thin fresh pellet, the whole process of baking it from the moment the water is added to the flour should not exceed 18 minutes. The flour is allowed to be used from one of five cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats, shelf. Matsa is a reminder that the Jews, finally, the permission of Pharaoh to leave the country, in such a hurry left Egypt, which had to bake bread from the test not yet time. Slide.

The holiday begins 15 Numbers of the Nisana ( march, April) And lasts 7 days in Israel and 8 days in the countries of the diaspora.

In the evening of Pescha, a festive trapez is held on a special, consecrated ritual ("Senger" - "order", IVR). PassengerAgada is read - a story about the outcome of Egypt. The meal is accompanied by special prayers, blessings, chants.

- Shavuckor the seventhle (Pentecost) is a big Jewish holiday. Chautuot is celebrated towing the Jewish people of the Torah on Mount Sinai projection from Egypt.

Outside the land of the Israeli holiday celebrates 2 days. Shavuot is one of the pilgrim holidays. In antiquity in this holiday in the temple, the wheat of the new crop, the first fruits, fruits were sacrificed. Nowadays, at the holiday of Shavuot in the synagogues, it is customary to read the story of the Torah, the text of the commandments and a story about the laws of the Chautuot celebration in the temple. There is also a tradition on the eve of Shavoto-Night to read the night.

Festive meal in Shavota necessarily includes dairy food. This custom is associated with the Day of the Torah. It is believed that returning to the camp from the Mountain of Sinai, the Jews were eating milk food. Since then, on the holiday of Shavotu, you eat anything dairy, And only then serve other festive dishes.

Individual message.

Rosh Gashana - New Year's Eve on the Jewish calendar (the first two days of the Pischrey, - usually in September, sometimes October in the Jewish calendar). From this day, 10 - the day period of spiritual self-functioning and repentance begins. These days call "Ten days Teshva" (literal translation from Hebrew - "Return") - Return to God. They are also called "ten days of repentance" or "day of trembling". It is believed that the fate of each person for a year is being solved in Rosh Gashan. On the first night of the holiday, the Jews welcome each other a good wish: "Let you be recorded and signed on a good year in the book of life!" In his prayers addressed to the Almighty, people ask for them to their families, the world, good health and goodness in matters.

In Rosh Gashan in the synagogues, it is accepted three times to drive into the shofar (especially processed Barbus Horn). The sound of the shofar should be reminded of pipe reading on the Sinai Mountain, call everyone and everyone to repent. Believers on this day are riveted in bright clothes. During the festive meal, it is customary to stupid Halu or Apple in Honey


From the history of the holiday Christmas. Slides

Jews were then under the rule of Romans. Emperor Rome ordered to rewrite all Palestine people. For this, each resident had to appear in the city, where his genus began. Joseph and Maria went to Bethlehem. But in the city, all the houses were already busy, and they stopped in a cave, where in the winter shepherds were hidden from wind cattle. There, Maria without flour and suffering gave birth to her baby. She ripened him and put it in Nursery - sheep feeder. The shining baby was quietly lying on a straw in a dark cave, and Joseph, an ox and donkey warmed it with his breathing. So the great event was accomplished - the birth of the Savior. It was more than two thousand years ago.

Easter is the most important holiday in the year. To the celebration of Easter you need to prepare in advance. The church is preparing believers to the most important holiday seminal post - repentance and spiritual cleansing time. Easter joy is impossible to survive in its entirety, without hunting, at least not so strictly, as the monastic rules prescribe.

In Russia, tradition to celebrate Easter appeared in the second century with the arrival of Christianity . Easter celebration begins with participation in Easter service. It is perfectly special, different from ordinary church services, it is very solemn and joyful. In Orthodox churches, as a rule, the Easter service begins exactly at midnight, but it is better to come to the temple in advance so as not to be behind his threshold - most churches in the Easter night are overcrowded. Already after the end of the service, the believers "hive", i.e. Greeting each other kissing and words "Christ Risen!" And "truly resurrected ! ". Slides

Easter celebration lasts forty days - exactly as much as Christ has been his disciples after the resurrection. On a fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God Father. For forty days, Easter, and especially in the first week - the most solemn - go to visit to each other, give painted eggs and cakes, play Easter games. Easter is a family holiday, so closest people are going around the festive table.

Many people do not know why and why eggs are painted at all and why the red color is. On this score there are many versions, but I will tell only one of them. According to an ancient church legend, the first Easter egg is the Holy Equal-Apostles Maria Magdalene (one of the twelve apostles) presented to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Soon, according to the Ascension of Christ the Savior on the sky, Maria Magdalene appeared for the gospel preaching in Rome. In those days, it was accepted, coming to the emperor, bring him gifts. Weissious brought jewels, and poor people are what could. Therefore, Maria Magdalene, who did not have anything, except faith in Jesus, extended the Emperor Tiberius a chicken egg with the exclamation: "Christ is Risen." The emperor, doubting the said, noticed that no one could resurrect from the dead and it was as hard to believe in that white egg could become red. Tiberius did not have time to finish these words, and the egg began to turn from white to bright red. Red colored eggs symbolized the blood of Christ and at the same time served as a symbol of the resurrection.

So, Easter is undoubtedly a family, joyful and beautiful holiday, where the whole family should gather at the table, divide the overall joy of the holiday and become even stronger and friendly family, which we wish you!

The Trinity Holiday is still called Pentecost, because It is in the fiftieth (50) day after Easter. Slide

The Trinity Holiday in the people is called "green", "emerald", summer holiday. Because the feast of the Holy Trinity is a holiday of life updates, a celebration of greenery: the trinity is taken by the temple of God and at home to decorate the branches of maple, lilac, birch, Iv, meadow herbs, flowers. On the trinity and after her, it was already impossible to sing in the spring, but on the trinity it was customary wreaths from flowers on water.

It was believed that spring and summer truly enter their rights only from the holiday of the Trinity. A truly believers of Christians, who observe church canons, know that in the period from Easter and to the Trinity it is impossible to pray to the knees, nor perform earthly bows to the Earth. But at the very feast of the Holy Trinity, the evening service in the temple of God is partially on his lap - the knees are read by three Orthodox prayers of Vasily the Great, with the help of which Orthodox people are asking for the Holy Spirit of sins, confess and ask for the enlightenment of sinful souls.

Thanks to the feat of the Son of God's Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity holiday symbolizes that the soul of each of us can "bloom the" lush color of love, good, faith and hopes.


Individual message

Kurban-Bayram (feast of sacrifice) - Muslim celebration of the end of the Hadja, celebrated on 10 Day of the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar (Zul-Hij) in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim and 70 days after the holiday Eid al Adha.
As it is narrated in the Quran, the Archangel Jabrail appeared to the prophet in a dream and handed him the command from Allah to sacrifice his sole son Ismail. Ibrahim went to the Mina Valley to the place where Mecca is now, and began cooking. His son, being an obedient father and God, did not resist. However, it turned out to be a test from Allah. When the victim was almost brought, Allah did so that the knife does not cut. And then Angel Jabrail as a replacement of the victim gave the Prophet Ibrahim Baran. Kurban-Bayram is the culmination of Hajj in Mecca. On the eve of the holiday, pilgrims are torn to Mount Arafat, and on the day of Kurban Bayrama, they make a symbolic beating of Shaitan stones and Tavaf (bypass around Kaaba).

Uraza-Bayram is an individual message.

One of the major holidays Islam Eid al Adha It is noted in honor of the end of the post per month Ramadan. In accordance with the tradition of Islam, it was on this day Allah sent the first poems of the Quran. The holiday began to celebrate in 624.

On the eve of the holiday, Urazulman gather mandatory payments (shakes) Muslims in favor of the community, also the poor members of the community will be called a pryatul-fitr - usually this is food, but cash assistance is also possible. In the Holiday of Uraz, Bayram Muslims take a collective prayer in the mosque. After that, believers congratulate each other, give gifts, go to visit or invite to a festive table. Holiday Uraza Bayram lasts three days. At this time, it is also accepted to visit parents, senior and sick, attend cemeteries, messenger of the deceased.

IV. Fastening.

For checking and securing, now spend testing.

Work with marker boards for reverse information.

Test on the screen. Children show the right answer, recording the marker on the skirts

Test "Holidays in the religions of the world"

1. What is the name of the feast of the Resurrection of Christ?

a) Christmas

c) new year

2. What is the found holiday - the birthday of Jesus?

a) new year

on Christmas

3. What day of the week always takes Easter?

a) on Friday

b) on Sunday

c) on Saturday

4. What day do christians celebrate Christmas?

5. Muslim main holiday?

a) Kurban - Bayram

b) Shavuck

c) Sukkot

6. What small Muslim holiday do you know?

a) Uraza - Bayram

b) Kurban - Bayram

7. In honor of what event is a small holiday celebrate?

a) in honor of the end of the 30-day post per month Ramadan

b) in honor of the start of the post

8. Maulid is a holiday

a) the birthday of the prophet Mohammed;

b) the holy month, the beginning of the new year;

c) the night of the wonderful ascension of the prophet in heaven.

9. Pesach is the main holiday

a) Judaism

c) Christianity

d) Buddhism

10. What do they eat during the holiday of the dog?

c) no prohibition

11. What story is due to what this product is eating Jews during the feast of Pesach?

a) in stores do not sell other products

b) do not want to cook another food

c) fled in a hurry from Egypt and did not have time to break the dough

12. What food is made to refrain during the holiday Shavotu?

a) from dairy products

b) from fish

c) from meat

V. Homework.

Tell me the family members and friends about the religious festival.


Our lesson comes to an end. Let us now identify everyone for myself, for what purpose he passed. Let's go back to the topic and goals of our lesson, and make a conclusion.


  • Find out about the holidays of religion newly new?
  • Did you like the lesson?
  • What is your mood by the end of the lesson? Draw emoticons on tablets and show me.

GOU Pedagogical Academy

Scientific and Training Center for Pedagogical Accompanied

postgraduate Education

Independent work number 2.

Major religious holidays and shrines of world religions.

Performed: O. A.Postavneva

Primary school teacher

MBOU Lyceum №11

Checked: with V. Line

Moscow 2012.

The clergy in Russia has always had a special place in the history of the country, has always had significant political force, at least this effect and can not be attributed to the direct activities of the Church. Religious holidays in Christian Russia have century-old traditions.

Christmas Christo Christmas is a day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of all apartments, light feelings, the day when love triumphs  Baptism of the Lord's baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians. Jesus came to John the forerunner and asked him to baptize him. But John did not agree, saying that this "you should baptize me." What Jesus answered that such a will of God. After the rite of baptism, heaven was expressed, and God said that Jesus his son, and as a confirmation from heaven, a pigeon flew away. After that, it is believed that Jesus himself and his disciples went to preach the Word of God in various cities and countries. And the rite of baptism itself has become not so much the rite of purification, but the rite of communion for the sacrament of the Holy Trinity, and each coming should have preached the Word of God by Countries and Weighs

 Palm Sunday Last Sunday before Easter Christians celebrate the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. Residents of Jerusalem met Jesus as the king of heaven in human court. They met his songs and palm branches. But since there are no palms in Russia, they were replaced by willow sprigs, which begins to flourish at this time. According to the evangelists - John, Luke, Matthew, Mark, - the entry of the Lord in Jerusalem symbolizing the introduction of Jesus on the path of suffering, but in return bringing the kingdom of heaven and delivering a person from slavery to sin

 Easter Christ Risen! Truly risen! So, with the joy of heart and with a bright soul, Orthodox Christians welcome each other in the greatest Christian holiday - Easter. Easter - Light Resurrection Christ! Easter is the hope of all Orthodox Christians for the resurrection and the eternal kingdom of heaven. Before Easter Christians hold the longest - almost 50 days, and a strict great post. The meaning of a great post is in the bodily and spiritual cleansing of a Christian before meeting Easter. Easter Celebration date changes from year to year. The general rule for calculating the date for Easter says: "Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday, after the first full moon of spring"  Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God is a special holiday. The Word of God and the Son of God became a man in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Archangel Gabriel, who brought the good news of the Virgin Mary, first asked her consent to give birth to the Bog Mount. By giving consent, Virgo Mary became a savior of the world. Therefore, it is great honoring the Blessed Virgin. The celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on April 7

 Honey saved on August 14 - the first saved, saved honey, saved on the water. This is the first of three august holidays dedicated to the Savior, Jesus Christ, and the beginning of the Assumption post. The complete church name is the first Savior - "The origin of honest trees of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord." The emergence of this holiday is explained by the Church as: due to the summer heat in August, Constantinople suffered from the spread of various diseases; Therefore, ancientially established a custom to endure from the Church of Hagia Sophia to consecrate the city and prevent the epidemics of the cross particle, on which Jesus was crucified. Apparently, initially the holiday was not called "Origin", but "plenty", that is, the removal. It was called first saved with honey. It was believed that from this day the bee cease to wear a honey bribe with flowers. In addition, on August 14, the processions of the water moved everywhere.

 Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness Sunday is the last day of the carnival. From the next day, the great post begins. Orthodox Christians for a farewell Sunday kicked in sins, asking for forgiveness for the resentment in front of each other. This rite is necessary in order to keep the great post with a clean soul, and then meet the bright holiday of the resurrection of Christ - Easter.

 Radonitsa Radonitsa have to fall on the 9th day from Easter. She is also called parental day. Radonitsa refer to the special day of remembering the departed. It is on this day that the cemeteries must be attended, where your parents or relatives are buried. And in no case cannot be attended by cemeteries in Easter, how many people do, having listened to the stories of "educated" grandmothers. Easter is the joy of the Resurrection of Christ, and Radonitsa is sadness about the departed, and at the same time the joy that they acquired the life of eternal. The main thing in the ritual of visits to the cemetery is a prayer for the souls of the deceased. And you do not need to leave meals on the graves or, especially, alcohol. Prayer - That's what to do in the cemetery

 Trinity The Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day from Easter. Therefore, he wears the second name - Pentecost. On this day, Orthodox Christians recall the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, who gathered at this time in the Zion Gornice in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit blessed apostles for the priesthood and the construction of the church on Earth. In addition, the Holy Spirit gave them strength and mind for the preaching of the Word of God

 Clean Thursday into clean or great Thursday at the passing week, Christians recall the secret night, which all the apostles gathered led by Jesus Christ. At the secret evening, Christ, washing the legs of his apostles, established the sacrament of the Eucharist or the Holy Communion, showing the example of humility and piety.

 Good Friday Friday of the passionate week the saddest day for believers. On this day, Jesus Christ died on the cross and died. Thus, he redeemed human sins. On this day, believers remember the suffering of Christ and spend long worship. All worships are held before the shroud in which the Savior was wrapped when he was removed from the cross. Believers, praying and believing in the wonderful resurrection of Christ, this day observe a strict post.

 Maslenitsa is a fun holiday that lasts a whole week. After the carnival begins the great post, which will end only in Easter. Maslenitsa began depending on the date of Easter, in the period from February 3 to March 14. Although Maslenitsa went to the inheritance from paganism, she was well fit into the Orthodox religious calendar. There is nothing galloping to have fun and argue to the strict great post. The most common food in Carnival is pancakes. Round, ruddy, they symbolized the sun, which appeared more and more often in the sky and shone all the warmer. Therefore, the second value of the carnival is the winters of winter and the meeting of spring. Winter wire symbol was burning stuffed winter

It must be remembered that there are no accurate dates for Muslim religious holidays in the Gregorian calendar. This is due to the fact that Islam lives in his own summer - from Hijra, and adheres to the lunar calendar, and therefore the annual Muslim holidays "shift" for 11 days. Moreover, the offensive of Muslim holidays may differ from the country to country, that is, in Egypt, for example, Ramadan can begin a day earlier or a day later than in the Arab Emirates, which is associated with different conditions of observation (weather conditions, terrain) behind heavenly luminais.

Ramadan (Arab. رمضان, Abjidia 1091) or Ramazan (Ramazan) - the ninth month of the Muslim (lunar) calendar post is also called "Ramadan", as well as the name of the post service of the post - one lunar month. From sunrise to sunset, Muslims refrain from food, drinking, smoking, other worldly pleasures and devote themselves to prayers and good deeds. Representatives of other denominations should respect the religious feelings of Muslims and refrain from the promotional eating, smoking, noisy entertainment - everything that can disturb the peaceful peace of a believer man and insult him. Causes non-compliance with these elementary rules may entail administrative or even criminal penalties. During the month, it is desirable to adhere to a conservative style in clothes: without bright colors, non-deep and enough closed dress. During Ramadan, restaurants and cafes are open, where non-Muslims can quietly quiet hunger and thirst, smoke, not attracting attention to others. This is a sign of respect for the guests of the city and all those whose religious views are different from the beliefs of local residents. This is a tactful call for mutual respect.

Eid Al Fitr a monthly post ends with a three-day holiday of talking, Eid Al Fitr, more famous in our country as "Kurban Bayram". This is the time of folk festivities, visits to relatives and cemeteries, the distribution of gifts for loved ones and donations to the poor.

Eid Al Adha - one major Muslim holidays. His celebration is associated with the Old Testament history, when the prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail to prove his loyalty to the Most High. God revealed the Father Barashka instead of his son and had since had a domestic animal in confirmation that the believer is ready to sacrifice everything in the name of God.

Lilat Al Frame (Night of Predestination) is celebrated in one of the nights in 10 days before the end of Ramadan. According to legend, in one of these nights, the prophet Mohammed was sent over the first revelations of the Sacred Quran. Muslims believe that this night praying can achieve positive changes in his fate. At other times the Most High can only be worried about the requests of the world, health and soulful. The holiday is not official and is not celebrated in any particular way.

Once al San - Islamic New Year. It is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram. On this day, the Prophet Mohammed went from Mecca to Medina and marked the beginning of the Islamic Souluscripturais-Bayram - this is the holiday end of the post. He falls on the beginning of the next Ramazan of the month, that is, on the first Shavval - the tenth month of the Muslim lunar calendar and is called the Fitr holiday. From the title of this holiday it follows that orthodox Muslim after the end of the post is obliged to make a representative of the clergy Fitr - that is, an offering in kind or money. Part of this sentence is later distributed between the poor members of the community. The holiday lasts three days and is accompanied by walking to visit, treats. Curban-Bayram - day of sacrifice, is celebrated after seventy days after the end of Uraz. He binds to the biblical tradition about the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who wanted to sacrifice the God of his son Ismail (Isaac). God at the last minute squeezed over the unfortunate and sent Archangel Jabrail (Gabriel) with a lamb and saved Ibrahim Son. In memory of this day, every Muslim is obliged to bring the victim (Kurban), that is, to overtake when reading the corresponding prayer of the sheep, a cow, a camel, a horse .. Mavelud - the birthday of Mohammed. This holiday marks the 12th Rabi al-Avval. He is accompanied by reading prayers and sermons in mosques and homes of believers, treats and endorsement of the clergy. Satellites - Muslims Day, has the same meaning for them as Sunday for Christians and Saturday for Jews. On Friday, large solemn twisted worships are held on Friday, people wear festive clothing. In each region of these major holidays, each people in each region of the traditional spread of Islam exist their specific rites and rituals moving from generation to generation.

Jewish holidays in Israel

Jewish holidays, leaving their roots in the deepest antiquity, are widely marked in modern Israel both in traditional and modernized forms. They impose a serious imprint on all aspects of national and public life, their influence is felt everywhere: in the family, at school, in the army, in the synagogue. Holidays are those temporary milestones with which the people of Israel are measuring cycles of the year.

Shabbat - a weekly Sabbath day of rest, when the whole family is going together and most of the population of Israel conducts their leisure time with loved ones and friends. Public transport on this day does not work, all enterprises and institutions are closed, the activities of the public services sector are limited only by vital functions, and a significant part of the soldier is in dismissal. Many families use Saturday to relax on the sea coast, walks on the lap of nature, excursions in the country. Religious citizens spend Saturday in a family circle and in the synagogue. They refrain from travel and even walks outside their city or village, do not make any work and do not include (or not turn off if it was included) electricity.

Rosh Ha-Shana is a Jewish New Year, as a religious holiday, sanctifying the beginning of the year, is repentance on the eve of the approaching day of the day and prayer that the coming year turned out to be prosperous and fertile. The most solemn point of the holiday is a pipeline in the horn (shofar) during the synagogenic service. For the established custom, special dishes are preparing for the New Year's meal. Rosh Ha Schana Liturgy includes repeated prayers. On government correspondence, in newspapers and radio broadcasts "Jewish Date" is indicated first. New Year's congratulations in Israel are also sent before Rosh Hashan, and not in the last days of December, as is customary in Western countries.

Yom Kippur, coming 8 days after Rosh Hashan, is the day of the atonement of sins, the divine court and self-purification. This is the only day in which the Bible prescribes a person does not deal with anything, except to think about his misconduct and sins. All the people of Israel pray for forgiveness, cares for reconciliation between a person and God and declares her desire to correct perfect bad things for the age of the world and the consent between people. All activity and all movement in the country are free to die for 25 hours; entertainment places closed; Neither television does not work, even the news is not transferred; All highways and roads are empty. All this involuntarily makes you remember the war of the Day of the Day of 1973, when Egypt and Syria unexpectedly attacked Israel in Yom Kipour.

Five days later comes the holiday of Sukkot, known in the Bible as a feast of a feast. Sukkot is one of the three holidays: so far until the 70th year n. e. There was a Jerusalem temple, all the people committed three times a year for him to climb. The Bible decides to celebrate Sukkot in memory of the time when the Jews released from Egypt (in the 13th century BC), lived in the desert in the slashes (koshchi). Sukkot is also the time when the people thank God for the abundant harvest sent him.

Hanukka begins the 25th day of Kislev, which usually coincides with December. This holiday recalls the joy of Jews, in 164. BC e. The powerful Greek army broken under the leadership of Makaveev, but the main thing is about the celebration of the Jewish Spirit over the Ellini idolaters.

Maccha Pocha - one of the main holidays, noted in the memory of the event from the life of the Buddha, when 1250 followers of his teaching from different ends of the world - the monks of Arahantov (enlightened), without negotiating and not being invited, at the same time came to the temple velvat in India, to listen to the instructions Buddha. On this day, they are especially trying to make good deeds, help in need, donate vesting monasteries, money and necessary subjects.

Visakha Poch (Weak) - Buddha's birthday. Formally, the date of the birthday of the Buddha was established at the World Buddhist Conference only in 1950. Therefore, according to tradition, not only the birth of the Buddha is associated with this holiday, but also its enlightenment and care to Nirvana. During the ceremony, the celebrations especially remember the 8 commandments of Buddhism: do not kill, do not decorate, do not commit adultery, do not indulge dirty speeches, do not harm inside yourself (alcohol, donerov), refrain from excessive gluttony, refrain from sensual temptations, refrain from excessive luxury. It is considered a special virtue on this day to deliver the joy of unhappy. Therefore, in addition to promoting those in need and taking them, the indispensable part of the ceremonies is to release on the will of the cells of birds, animals.

Assalkha Poch (Ashang) - is celebrated in memory of the preaching of the Buddha and the acquisition of the sacred Sangha (text of the rules).

Pavaran - is celebrated in commemoration of the end of the rainy season in Southeast Asia. The legend says that on this day the Buddha affected the monastic art of silence and they all kept silence for three months. On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone who for the long period of the Vassa season (the rainy season, but not on real weather, and in the Buddhist calendar) were caused by resentment and injustice.

Anapanasati - the last year of a large Buddhist holiday to commemorate how Buddha called on students to follow solitude and meditation.

Songkran. This holiday falls in mid-April and lasts 3-5 days. The holiday symbolizes the celebration of water as a clean element. By tradition, people are going on the banks of rivers or on sea beaches and pour each other with water. These days, the monks are presented with gifts with an indispensable gift - toilet water. The atmosphere of the holiday is distinguished by unusual fun. Also, the central ceremony of the holiday is the release of fish for breeding fish.

Loi Kratong. Symbolizes the worship of the sacred footsteps of the Buddha legs, left on the banks of the Namada River in India. The festival is one of the most colorful in Thailand. On the water in the evening, specially made wreaths of flowers decorated with lit candles are launched. Also in the sky, fiery lanterns flying up. In the people, this festival is also associated as a feast of lovers - many, launching the water of crants (wreaths) makes themselves on the beloved and ask Buddha to send mutual love and loyalty.

Wambana. This festival is more peculiar to countries with the tradition of Mahayana, but also celebrated in Burma and in Thailand. It is believed that the Gate of Hell is open on this day and the demons have the power to go out and go down to the land for the temptation of the righteous. Believers go to the cemeteries, commemorate their dead, leaving the products, flowers and lit candles and incense. The birthday of Dalai Lama is celebrated in Tibet on July 6th.

Sagalgangan, New Year. The Chinese, Tibetans, Mongols, Vietnamese, Buryats and Tuvintsy celebrate the arrival of the New Year in the 1st spring new moon along the lunar calendar. Since the lunar year is shorter than sunny about a month, the new year's offensive does not have a fixed date and can fluctuate within one and a half months (from the end of January to the first decade of March). Calculate this date in advance in astrological tables.

Noah, Ark Humanity

Israel, Haifa is the only place on Earth, where in close proximity is one of the other are the shrines of three world religions. And one of the few - where representatives of different cultures coexist in the united space of centuries. It is here that you can first see their "live life", and not its reflection that makes it in the museum exposition.

To see it, you need to climb the modest mountain, from the top of which you will open four thousand years of world history. They will open not in the dead stone, but in the focus of the raging life, there is a special place in the hearts of Jews, Muslims and Christians. Here are the main shrines of Judaism - the cry of crying and the temple mountain; Christianity - the temple of the Merry Coffin; Islam - the dome of the rock and the al-aks mosque.

In the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in the city of Turin, the center of the Italian province of Piermont (the city is also known for the Fiat plant and the Juventus football club). With the cathedral, Capella della Sacra Sindon - Capella of the Holy Drop, is there one of the most mysterious shrines of the Christian world.

Kaab. In the Al-Haram Mosque of the city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. Kaaba is the main sanctuary of Islam - now is a cube of four stone walls (height in human height), in one of which Esvad was done - "black stone" (16,5х20 cm), marked in silver. Inside Kaaba are lists

Santa's rock (holy staircase) is two steps away from the Roman Cathedral of San Giovanni in Lathersano. A rather cool staircase about 28 steps is located in the preserved part of the Lateran Palace, it leads to "Santea Sancturum" ("Holy Saints") - Papade Chapel, built in 1278.

Personal belongings of the Prophet Mohammadav Istanbul, in the treasury of the Palace Topkapi, in the Pavilion of the Holy Pokrov. In addition to the prophet's personal belongings, some other Islamic shrines are stored there. The main shrine of the Topkappa - Pokrov (or Cloak) of the Prophet, to see which visitors can only through the open doors of the hallway - the entrance to the room is strictly prohibited. But two Sabls Muhammed, his tooth, footprint and several hairs from the beard (!) You can see from a closer distance.

Emerald Buddha in the Monastery Complex of Wat Pxherrau, located on the territory of the Royal Palace in Bangkok. The famous Emerald Buddha is small size: the height of it is 66 cm, the distance between the knees is 48 cm. But the dimensions here do not play roles - all the same, this statue is considered the most sacred in Thailand. Interestingly, Buddha disguised from the season to the season: in the summer it is dressed in the crown and jewelry, in the cold - in the golden cape, and in the rainy season - in the golden monastic raincoat.

Welching wall in Jerusalem, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Temple Mountain. The wall of crying, she is the western wall, she is Maararavi's boiler - the main Juda shrine, the only surviving wall of the second Jewish temple. A rather impressive segment of the visible part of the wall has a length of 57 m and a height of 19 m.

Buddha's dust in the Chinese temple of Famen, located literally in some 117 kilometers from the ancient capital - Xiane. The dust of the Buddha from Faman is a small bone of the phalange of the finger 4, 03 cm and weighing 16 grams.

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There are so many different religions in the world and they all have a large number of their religious holidays. Each religion has its own rituals, traditions and rites, accompanied by ambitious festivals.

Holiday Ashura symbolizes from the Shiite Muslims of the Muslims of the Grandson of the Prophet Mohammed Imam Hussein, who was killed in the battle in Karbal, Iraq, in 680 AD. This is a national holiday in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon ... in the photo: Afghan Shiites are engaged in self-vacation with chains and blades during Ashura on December 27, 2009. (Upi / Hossein Fatemi)

Passionate Friday symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. In the photo: Christians raise a crucifix with El Salvador (in the center) in the role of Jesus Christ during the Ritual "Path of Cross" in Chicago on April 2, 2010. Thousands of people come to an hourly ritual to passion friday to pass the distance of 2.4 km in the center of the American-Mexican community Pilsen in Chicago. (Upi / Brian Kersey)

Waisakhi is a Sikh Holiday, symbolizing the foundation of the Hals Order in Anndpur Sahib in 1699 by the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Finding out for mid-April in the Gregorian calendar, Waisakhi marks the beginning of the crop season. In the photo: one of the many moving platforms at the parade in honor of Waisakha on April 14, 2007. (Upi Photo / Heinz Ruckemann)

The festival of Cumbme-Mela - passes every three years in four different cities of India (thus, in every city every 12 years). The festival of 42 days lasts and attracts millions of people. People believe that, by saving in the sacred waters of the Gang River, they melt their sins. In the photo: Indian believers bathe in the Gang River at the Cumbme Mel Festival in Haridwar on April 14, 2010.

Each Muslim (if it is physically able to do it) must make a hajage pilgrimage at least once. The annual Hudge pilgrimage is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world - it participates up to two million Muslims. In the photo: Saudi officer Hassan looks at Muslims who pray in the place of birth of the Prophet Mohammed in the Great Mosque in Mecca on December 4, 2008. (Upi Photo / Mohammad Kheirkhah)

Purim is a holiday in honor of the liberation of the Jewish people from the inknet of the Persian Empire. In Purim, it is customary to publicly read the Book of Esther, to give food and drinks and give alms to the poor. In the photo: Small ultrautodoxes in costumes are celebrating Purim in the area of \u200b\u200bMea Shearim in Jerusalem on March 5, 2007. (Upi Photo / Debbie Hilll)

Holi - Spring Festival of Hindus and Sikhs, which is celebrated in countries such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka. Indians are thrown into each other with a color powder at the Temple Bank of Bihari in Mathura on March 10, 2009. (Upi Photo / Mohammad Kheirkhah)

Indian boy in paint after celebrating the festival of paints in New Delhi on March 11, 2009. (Upi Photo / Mohammad Kheirkhah)

Baptism is a Christian holiday, marking the transition of the Lord into the human form in the body of Jesus Christ. In the photo: Orthodox Christians dip in the water from the Jordan River on January 18, 2010. Hundreds of Orthodox Christians gathered for a religious holiday near the city of Jericho, where, by legend, John theologian baptized Jesus Christ. (Upi / Debbie Hill)

The ancient ritual of Kaparota is always fulfilled before the Jewish day of the atonement of sins by Yom Kippur. In the photo: Ultrathodoxal Jew is pushing a chicken over a child's head with prayers in Jerusalem on October 7, 2008. (Upi Photo / Debbie Hill)

Uraza Bayram symbolizes the end of Ramadan. In the photo: Senior leader of the movement of Hamas Ismail Hani appeals to the audience on a mass prayer in the gas on September 30, 2008. (Upi Photo / Ismael Mohamad)

Iranian women in traditional costumes gathered around the fire at the Religious Garden Ceremony west of the capital Tehran on January 30, 2010. The Garden means on the Persian "hundred", which relates to a hundred days and nights left before the start of the new Persian year, which is celebrated on the first day of spring. (Upi / Maryam Rahmanian)

Christmas. Palestinian boy lights a candle in the church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was born, in Bethlehem on December 20, 2009. (Upi / Debbie Hill)

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday, always falling on Sunday before Easter. Believers celebrate the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the photo: Christians carry palm trees and olive branches on the procession in honor of Palm Sunday in Jerusalem on March 28, 2010. (Upi / Debbie Hill)

Rosh Jashan is considered to be the eve of the Jewish New Year and falls on the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. In the photo: UltraTodoxes pray at the Western Wall in the Old Town of Jerusalem on September 22, 2006. (Upi Photo / Debbie Hill)

Easter is a Christian holiday, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the photo: Russian Orthodox father illuminates Easter cakes and eggs in the Petropavlovsk Church in Moscow on April 3, 2010. (Upi Photo / Alex Natin)

World Youth Day - the event of the Catholic Church, aimed at the youth and organized by Pope John Paul II in 1986. In the photo: Pope John Paul II waves a crowd from a car on the square in Toronto on July 25, 2002. At the event there were up to 300,000 pilgrims. (CC / CC / CHRISTINE CHEW UPI)

Easter, or the bright Resurrection of Christ is the first and most important holiday of the entire New Testament Orthodox Church. It takes primarily among the twelve passing holidays. This day is the memory of the gospel events that became the basis of the whole Christian teaching.

The resurrection of the Savior for any Christian is the victory of the human essence over the permanent laws of death.

The original sin of mankind was washed away by spilled blood on the Cross of the Savior of Jesus Christ, and, therefore, the subsequent punishment of him. On this day, all previous victories of mankind focused before this event of the celebration of life before death. Therefore, this holiday believing parishioners is also called the celebration of celebrations.

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, or Palm Sunday is also considered one of the twelve major holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This date is very important for the whole Christian teaching, as the very fact of the arrival of Jesus Christ in this city, where initially everyone was hostile to the Savior, indicates that the congestion of his suffering ending with death was still voluntary.

The day of this holiday directly depends on the date of the Easter's Light Day. He falls on the number a week before Easter. The Lord's special significance of the entrance to Jerusalem indicates all sources of evangelists.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost.

These events are associated with the phenomenon of the Apostles of the Holy Spirit. Pupils of Christ on the day of the Old Testament Pentecost were the fiery languages \u200b\u200bof the Holy Spirit. This day is connected with another famous event. The apostles were also discovered by the third hatch of the Holy Trinity. After that, the teaching about the TRIMINA God became immortalized.


Celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 7th. According to church gifts, Adam, who sinned in paradise, God promised the Savior. His rapid phenomenon was predicted by the Old Testament prophets, since before the birth of Jesus Christ Judea had already forgotten about their creators. Many of them betrayed the church and began to worship the pagan gods.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

Celebrated by Orthodox Christians on September 21. The righteous Joachim and Anna were parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Virgin Mary. All his life, they cried hard from the fact that they could not have children. They believed that it was God's Kara for the deed sins. However, even in an elderly, they did not lose hope and prayed every day. And finally, the Lord settled over them.


It is perhaps the most important Christian holiday. This holiday is held from January 18. From that time, Orthodox celebrates the Epiphany Christmas Eve, which means sticking strict post and prepare for another holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord.

When baptized, the Lord appeared to the world of the Holy Trinity: "God the Father verbal from heaven about his son, the son was baptized from the Holy Forerunner of the Lord of John, and the Holy Spirit went on a saint in the form of dove."

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve after the service, solemn processions are made to cutters on the reservoirs, they are sanctified, and those who want to swim. As a rule, swimming is a three-time immersion in water with head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"

The world has a huge number of religious holidays. Each religion has its own rituals, traditions and rites, accompanied by ambitious festivals.

Passionate Friday symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. In the photo: Christians raise a crucifix with El Salvador (in the center) in the role of Jesus Christ during the Ritual "Path of Cross" in Chicago on April 2, 2010. Thousands of people come to an hourly ritual to passion friday to pass the distance of 2.4 km in the center of the American-Mexican community Pilsen in Chicago.

Waisakhi is a Sikh Holiday, symbolizing the foundation of the Hals Order in Anndpur Sahib in 1699 by the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Finding out for mid-April in the Gregorian calendar, Waisakhi marks the beginning of the crop season. In the photo: one of the many moving platforms at the parade in honor of Waisakha on April 14, 2007.

The festival of Cumbme-Mela - passes every three years in four different cities of India (thus, in every city every 12 years). The festival of 42 days lasts and attracts millions of people. People believe that, by saving in the sacred waters of the Gang River, they melt their sins. In the photo: Indian believers bathe in the Gang River at the Cumbme Mel Festival in Haridwar on April 14, 2010.

Each Muslim (if it is physically able to do it) must make a hajage pilgrimage at least once. The annual pilgrimage of Hajj is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world - it participates up to two million Muslims. Religious tours are organized from all continents. In the photo: Saudi officer Hassan looks at Muslims who pray in the place of birth of the Prophet Mohammed in the Great Mosque in Mecca on December 4, 2008.

Purim is a holiday in honor of the liberation of the Jewish people from the inknet of the Persian Empire. In Purim, it is customary to publicly read the Book of Esther, to give food and drinks and give alms to the poor. In the photo: Small ultrautodoxes in costumes are celebrating Purim in the area of \u200b\u200bMea Shearim in Jerusalem on March 5, 2007.

Holi - Spring Festival of Hindus and Sikhs, which is celebrated in countries such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka. Indians are thrown into each other with a color powder at the Temple Bank of Bihari in Mathura on March 10, 2009.

Baptism is a Christian holiday, marking the transition of the Lord into the human form in the body of Jesus Christ. In the photo: Orthodox Christians dip in the water from the Jordan River on January 18, 2010. Hundreds of Orthodox Christians gathered for a religious holiday near the city of Jericho, where, by legend, John theologian baptized Jesus Christ.

The ancient ritual of Kaparota is always fulfilled before the Jewish day of the atonement of sins by Yom Kippur. In the photo: Ultrathodoxal Jew is pushing a chicken over a child's head with prayers in Jerusalem on October 7, 2008.

Holiday Ashura symbolizes from the Shiite Muslims of the Muslims of the Grandson of the Prophet Mohammed Imam Hussein, who was killed in the battle in Karbal, Iraq, in 680 AD. This is a national holiday in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon ... in the photo: Afghan Shiites are engaged in self-vacation with chains and blades during Ashura on December 27, 2009.

Iranian women in traditional costumes gathered around the fire at the Religious Garden Ceremony west of the capital Tehran on January 30, 2010. The Garden means on the Persian "hundred", which relates to a hundred days and nights left before the start of the new Persian year, which is celebrated on the first day of spring.

Christmas. Palestinian boy lights a candle in the church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was born, in Bethlehem on December 20, 2009.

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday, always falling on Sunday before Easter. Believers celebrate the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the photo: Christians carry palm trees and olive branches on the procession in honor of Palm Sunday in Jerusalem on March 28, 2010.

Rosh Jashan is considered to be the eve of the Jewish New Year and falls on the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. In the photo: UltraTodoxes pray at the Western Wall in the Old Town of Jerusalem on September 22, 2006.

Easter is a Christian holiday, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the photo: Russian Orthodox father illuminates Easter cakes and eggs in the Petropavlovsk Church in Moscow on April 3, 2010.

World Youth Day - the event of the Catholic Church, aimed at the youth and organized by Pope John Paul II in 1986. In the photo: Pope John Paul II waves a crowd from a car on the square in Toronto on July 25, 2002. At the event there were up to 300,000 pilgrims.

Uraza Bayram symbolizes the end of Ramadan. In the photo: Senior leader of the movement of Hamas Ismail Hani appeals to the audience on a mass prayer in the gas on September 30, 2008.

See also: