Relationship between a guy and a girl, the psychology of the relationship of a man and a woman. Stages of relationship between a guy and a girl: from love to love

The psychology of relations between the guy and the girl is continuously connected with the work on himself and beloved / beloved. It is important to see problems, their essence and find solutions. All this will make your pair more cohesive and make love to fix every day.


Perhaps this is the most important thing in all respects. Surely some of the harmony you still have, if you are already together. However, some are still complaining of misunderstanding inside the pair.

Eradicate it will help:

  1. Frequent conversations (About everything, and not just that it is interesting only to you). This will help you always be aware of your beloved person, it is better to understand his psychology (why it was that he entered this situation).
  2. Discussion of conflict situations. Here you need to try to understand and convey to the partner what causes discontent. Only in this case you will have to eliminate quarrels in many reasons.
  3. The ability to go to meet. Sometimes you may be incomprehensible to behavior of your satellite / companion even after a long explanation. So, this is his feature. Take this fact and calm down - sometimes you do not have to try to fix it / it.

Mutually act

To defeat distrust, you can in the following ways:

  • talking more often (so you will be aware of your chosen one);
  • find out the reasons distrust (if it is impossible to prove the lack of your bad intentions, just try to eliminate provoking situations);

  • refuse from Lie. In your relationship (but for this, you will be able to talk and take the truth, whatever it is, no exceptions to be here; it is truly unwinding your union);
  • do not make jealous (often precisely on this background is developing distrust);
  • how often can be in sight of each other (Walk in one company (while you can communicate with different people), rest together, etc.);
  • show your example of confidence (Perhaps it will help your chief chopping one).

Mutual understanding

Head and forgive, and apologize. Remember: there is no place in life infinite insults.

Do you like that you literally have forgiveness? Know: One day your second half will burst, and then you will stay alone with your insults and the fastening and predominance of you. Think, are your insults so strong to "inflate" lips infinitely?

And, on the contrary, you will die asking for goodbye for your missions. If you are really to blame, do not burst "Dry" SMS "Sorry". All the kind, let us understand that love is overwhelmed and regret - Conscious your actions and be sincere.

Ability to stop in time

Sometimes, if the conflict does not stop, the quarrel develops into renunciation by humiliation. It is clear that everything was said, most likely, unconsciously, and in a rush of rage. However, this causes a certain pain to his beloved person.

And this can be tried to avoid:

  • if you feel that now "blew up", stay alone (you need to "cool", think if you are right);
  • exclude rudeness (it is inevitably ruined the relationship);
  • try to bring everything to a joke (if it allows the nature of the interlocutor and the situation as a whole);
  • stop it, just embracing with your loved one (perhaps it will calm him and suffer).

Overcoming routine

Be always together is so cool ... first. Then, no matter how you unlocked, you will begin to "eat" life. "Every day the same thing!", "No diversity!", "It seems that we have become nothing to talk about ..." - all these phrases will appear in your conversation. And this ... normal. Yes, yes, and even for you and your such invincible love!

All family psychologists in vain say: if you want less conflicts - do not spend a lot of time together. Need to relax from each other.

So you will miss more, "pick up" themes for conversations and even the simplest gatherings in an embrace before the TV will again seem to you with the most romantic!

Common problems

Kings drama

People-energy vampires eventually take a lot of strength over time. From your pair you need to eradicate immediately.

Instead of arranging drama, you need:

  • be able to discuss everything calmly;
  • control yourself;
  • learn to trust;
  • sorry the partner.

If you say that you can't do that, know, you are a weak person who does not know how to work on yourself, so refuse a person who, if you don't fix everything now, you will have to suffer as much as he has patience.

The drama kings can even equate to the killers who do their job slowly: day after day they exhaust their and other people's nerves, take energy, empty a person, ingenuity, despair, anger and insult.

Most often, this leads to the rupture of relations, treason or worse ... well, we will not be about bad. And, it would seem, the whole drama began "in a joke" or to check the feelings ... stupid, very stupid!

Dissatisfaction with friends

It rarely happens that your interests in relation to people do not coincide. If this is characteristic and for your pair, then you need:

  • humblebecause once these personalities were named after certain merits (by the way, ask what, perhaps, it will change your opinion);
  • once and carefully tell the chosen one about his eyes: Why don't you want them to continue communication, maybe he think (more facts! And not "drip" on the brains constantly - so you will get the opposite effect);
  • pay attention to what the problem is. Maybe it's just yours or a whim. Agree, the absence of the "opponents" of common interests and the lumping of the second half on treason is critical of different things, where you can not pay attention to the first one, and the second requires an enterprise any measures.

Inability to take responsibility

First of all, it is worth learning what it is not given to a priori. The sense of responsibility can come with age, experience, due to any events. But if you yourself want to "settle" this readiness, then you need to gain tremendous patience.

More often show your helplessness, and maybe then this person will understand that he has greater importance than he thought before.

BUT! Never laugh at him and do not give an example of others - so you set off in him and kill the whole stimulus.

Important: Do not be angry with the soul mate for inability to respond for something. Just before he was not needed (parents with excessive care, wealth, politics of past relations, etc.).


Also can become certain problems. However, they relate to those with whom you can accept. After all, you most likely knew about them during the candidate-bought period and probably did not even think of them to eradicate.

In any case, you can always talk to a person and carefully to hint that his oddities bring you any inconvenience.

If convinced partner failed, nothing terrible. The most important thing is not to be as oddity, but as a feature, which only complements the person. Psychological suggestion - power!


If now you do not pay special attention to this, then in the future it will begin to call you irritation. It is a fact. Often, the arrogance even provokes some disgust. Therefore, this problem is also one!

But it is worth considering that it will most likely be eradicated, it will be very long. Most often it passes itself when a person falls into a situation in which his life "gets down from heaven to Earth." However, you can convey to a person that it is not right by demonstrating the importance of every person.

Important: If your favorite person is arrogant, do not try to remove his dignity of humiliation and attempts to "open your eyes."

It will lead to a huge scandal. It is better as often as possible with cases of life, talk about "ordinary people" (but not in excellent form, and then your partner will notice the desire to change something in it).

Unresolved conflicts

Permanent disputes

Because of what you argue? Now remember: most often it's just absurd things. And it is they who exhaust so much time and nerves from you. Do you need it? Immediately, it is necessary to mention that there will be very many patience to exclude disputes.

However, the whole essence is simple:

  1. You can enter into discussions only in cases where you are 200% sure In its right. At first, you will seem that you always argue only when you fully know all the essence of the case, but then, if you pay attention, make sure that this is not always the case. After all, people tend to make mistakes. So think if you need to prove that you are not fully confident?
  2. Not a scandal And leave the dispute until the opportunity to check the information together will appear. Go to the Internet, ask in adults, etc.
  3. Intentionally do not enter into disputes. Yes, let it be as he says. If you do not show your interest in the dispute in advance, then it will disappear to you to prove something.
  4. Forgive to recognize errors And never laugh at the reasons of the second half. It is sometimes very difficult, but keep yourself in your hands. You do not want to look stupid or humiliate your loved / beloved?
  5. Perfect rudeness and raising tones. In order to convey something it is completely inappropriate.

Important: If the disputes in your pair are frequent phenomenon, one day just breathe and tell me how you are tired of them. It will take a dust of your interlocutor.

Problems with parents

It also happens that everything seems to be good, but the relationship with your or his relatives does not add up.

Many factors may affect it:

  • skepticity;
  • rumors (often untrue);
  • first impression;
  • lack of expected result, etc.

How to deal with it:

  • try to prove that they have a mistaken opinion, but not in words, but actions;
  • no need to be imposed;
  • do not refuse to relax together, however, in the process, do not affect the topic of your relationship, until the adults themselves talk about it;
  • do not show your indifference to this situation;
  • detach as much attention as possible your second half (often melt the heart of parents help the happy eyes of their child);
  • Never tell about your conflicts that occur inside the relationship.

Sometimes it is enough just to let go of the situation. After a while, everything will be done by itself.

Lack of flexibility

Often it is typical of adolescents or spoiled people. A person does not want anyone to "fuse", because he is the king of life, the whole world is spinning around him. Such people are always sorry, because often their lives presents surprises in the form of huge disappointments.

Some are called the lack of flexibility with plumpiness. It seems that it is cool - "I'm throwing, trying to me!". However, this is suitable only for those who want to live in conflicts all their lives. After all, there is no such thing that everything is done as one of the partners will wish.

Think ourselves - can you be friends with that person who always "oppresses its line"? Probably not. And your chosen one is, first of all, your friend in life, and then - lover, husband, partner, colleague, etc.

So, we draw conclusions: The proudness and reluctance to meet there is no place in the relationship, because both should work here.


Cruelty, or differently, tyrancy have nothing to do with happiness. If you are inherent in such a trait, and you think that your pair does not interfere - you are happy - know that your partner suffers from such relations. To stay with you only his patience or fear.

To stop delivering the second half of certain torments, you need to carry out a huge work on yourself. First of all, to learn to appreciate the person who is near. Then - to understand that by continuing to stick to your cruelty, you can lose it at any moment. This will happen after the next scandal or in all silently.

If cruelty is a distinctive feature of your partner, and you are forced to face it every day, then:

  • as you can talk to him as often, open him the soul;
  • say what pain he brings to you by his behavior;
  • try to listen to his demands and start performing them: you will not reap - minimize his anger.

BUT! In no case "trump" by the fact that you leave him, do not cause jealousy, do not laugh at this man and do not argue with him. This will always act against you.

No similar value

They say the opposites are attracted. This is misleading.

The difference between a girl and a guy must be "comfortable" for each other, so that each of them complements his chosen one. That is why they say - "the second half."

So, it can manifest itself in the fact that one of the partners are hot-tempered to madness, and the second can maintain an endless calm in any situation. It is the second one who will always be able to reduce all conflict situations on "no", and for the first one man will be truly invaluable - he will not be so comfortable with anyone.

But, here is the lack of similarity to values, it can become a certain problem of a pair, which often even leads to their rupture.

If you have a so -actor, then you have three outputs:

  1. Try to talk about your preferences and views Come to the partner why all this is more important for you. However, at the same time, it is necessary to listen to the partner: what he thinks about it. BUT! Do not allow the conversation to cross in a dispute, and do not impose your opinion to him. It will only aggravate the situation.
  2. Take patience and get ready for all my life to "adapt" under the partner. Often there is nothing wrong with that, because someone in the family always occupies a leading position. Think if in most cases your chosen one can, and here it is not mistaken. Ask him to explain why he thinks so. It is desirable that it gives examples confirmation from life. So you will be easier to understand it.
  3. Parting. If you are, and your partner is stubborn to madness, and each of you wants that it is his position to become leading, then you have nothing to do together - your couple will not last long. Let the first time you will save passion and euphoria, later, when it will arrive, your disagreements will turn into perpetual scandals. Therefore, choose: either work on yourself, or diverge.


Oh, yes, this is one of the most common problems encountered in pairs. This is due to ... own egoism. Yes it is. After all, it is annoying exactly what your partner does not do as you expected how you want.

You can handle your discontent with the help of trainings that you must spend with yourself:

  1. Please accept the idea that there are no ideal people.
  2. Think about the fact that you have disadvantages that could annoy you. It is with them that your second half is part of day. Appreciate.
  3. If you have an irritation to the chosen one, immediately switch to a positive attitude: Remember, for example, what he is good, as he gives you the pleasure that I recently did a pleasant one for you, and there will see that your discontent will gradually leave.
  4. From extreme to extreme! Reflect on what: here there is a partner who goes with you in life, but he has several flaws that are terribly inflated; Do not want to put up with them - parted. What? And discontent immediately disappears, and no one will not have to learn, "how to do it right." Only here is the problem in one - you will remain completely without this person. Is it so important that it causes such irritation?
  5. Start perceive "shoals" differently. For example, your chosen one never washes the dishes, and you are accustomed to "self-service." Do not annoy him, referring to what he is lazy, that he is just trying to add you jobs. Smile and think about the same thing he is strong / smart / important, but such a non-advisory ... Easy the desire to go to meet.

It is important to assimage one thing: We always need to work on relationships and learn to understand the psychology of relations between a guy and a girl. Nothing is easy. And yes, it often seems that somewhere the grass is greener ... Be reasonable - you love what you have.

Video: Floor Relationship Problems

Relationships folded with a guy are largely determined by the girl of some qualities. After all, the relationship is also a kind of work, so first of all should begin work on yourself.

Relations with a guy

Men have a number of differences from women, and concerns even distinction in physiology, but in psychology. Different education, different views on life and various events, as well as a certain life experience create a guy as it is now.

Of course, from the moment of the beginning of communication, the guy gradually opens his inner world to his chosen, thereby giving it an opportunity to understand it. But at the same time, the girl should learn to take a guy exactly as he is, not counting his ideas about him the only true.

Men by nature are conquerors, therefore, to establish relationships with a guy, you should not forget that the woman is more interesting to catch up and conquer than if she did herself. Although at present many girls are so emancipated that the initiative easily comes from them.

So, how to establish relationships with a guywhich?

Rules of relationship with a guy

Between two loving people, there are often quarrels that are knocked out of the rut and adversely affect the mood. Why is this happening? After all, the guy and the girl can have different life positions, various views on certain things, and their opinions about the same question can vary greatly.

And from here there are quarrels. To maintain warm and trusting relationships, learn to compromise, listen to someone else's opinion and be more tolerant to the differences between you.

The main points, due to which quarrels occur between a guy and a girl, are the following:

    • Inability to surf in time. This is especially characteristic of girls, so to establish relationships with a guy, you should first learn to retreat from participating in disputes. After all, it is unnecessary disputes very often become the cause of the wrong words. A feature of many girls is a desire to talk a lot. There is nothing surprising in this, this quality is given to most girls from nature. Therefore, the ability to control your words is necessary for any girl to be able to improve relationships with a guy.

    • In case of verbal vessel the affected party you are, you should learn do not take too close to the heart of evil and unwarly words guy. After all, he could talk a lot of unpleasant things under the influence of emotions, which, as you know, are not the best advisers in relationships.

    • Skill forgive. And it does not matter what to forgive - words, actions, even glances. It is due to the ability to forgive the necessary wisdom, which helps to preserve relationships, not focusing on trifles. Learn to forgive, especially men are more inclined at first for a long time to accumulate, and at some point, throw it out. It also happens with girls, so try to show wisdom and treat him with understanding. After all, each person can sometime stupid, but at the same time he should give a second chance.

  • The desire to see in the guy positive qualities. We all have their own characteristics of the character and behavior, make some non-deposition actions, so remember your mistakes and be indisputable to others. And the ability to see good among everything is bad - this great quality will help to establish relationships and maintain a positive look at life in general.

How to save relationships with a guy?

In order for the relationship to continue for a long time, all the above tips should be applied, and also constantly carry out work on themselves.

The girl should always follow her appearance, even if the relationship with the guy is already long and differ in stability. Often, many girls in such a situation make a mistake - they follow themselves, counting, since the relationship has already been developed, it is not necessary to make too much effort to maintain the most advantageous opinion about themselves. It is not right. Well-groomed hands and hair, neat and emphasizing the natural beauty of makeup, clean and reliable by time clothing - all this will save the freshness of feelings for a long time.

In addition, the relationship is more successful if the girl strives to always be aware of the guy. Interested in his affairs and hobbies, the girl thereby creates the opportunity for the most versatile communication, thereby strengthening the relationship and creating the need for a guy's society.

Now you should consider how the guy's relationship with a girl is being built, as well as the basic recommendations of the guy.

Relationship with a girl

Relations between a guy and a girl constantly feel changes. They are not any permanent value, therefore, to improve relations, you should guy, like a girl, constantly working on yourself.

Psychology of men differs from female, therefore recommendations for guys will differ from tips for girls. Knowing the characteristics of women's behavior as a whole, you can easily find contact with girls.

Consider in more detail how you can conduct a relationship with a girl.

How to establish relationships with a girl?

Loving attention to themselves girls will always appreciate the ability of the guy not to forget such "important" from their point of view of the moments as the first date, the birthday of the beloved cat and the date of the first kiss. Yes, it is at first glance strange and, in terms of most guys, it is not clear, but a timely presented bouquet for another date Your first meeting will significantly improve relationships.

If occurred quarrel with a girlit is recommended to show your ability to find a way out of the situation and even first go to reconciliation. And here it is not so important who was right in a quarrel or to blame, it is rather the one who first will make a step towards.

For guys may be difficult often take their care and loveHowever, it is precisely such manifestations - they make relations especially gentle and trust. Each girl will appreciate your tender words, as well as careful attitude towards yourself.

If there was a quarrel between you, then you should not delay the moment of reconciliation. After all, the girl can once again think about the current situation and make some incorrect conclusions - because the girls are very subject to emotions and feelings. Also, the so-called "benevolers" can also play a role, which will also have the so-called "benevolers", which will only provoke a girl to readiness not to stop the conflict.

How to save relationships with a girl?

The ability is sincere interested in the deeds of girls, her hobbies and hobby, to penetrate her ideas- All this will only play a positive role in establishing strong and long-term relationships. Mutual interest should be present in relations not only at the dating stage, but also with further joint development.

All girls seek to create strong relationships that will become a source of positive emotions for both. Therefore, in case of the desire to create a solid union, the guy should continue to work on itself, develop, and do it together with the girl, inviting it to participate in all his affairs and entertainment. After all, it is exactly possible to bring together and allows you to feel one whole.

What does "say" psychology about the relationship between a guy and a girl? Much! The main thing…. Correctly understand what you hear or read.

How to behave with a guy to appreciate you?

  1. Speak him compliments! Feel free to do not spare them! All representatives of the opposite sex adore pleasant words. By the way, sincerity in words they incredibly feel!
  2. Prepare to him delicious dishes. Tell me, is it a banality? Food will never be a banality! She, so to speak, will always be "in fashion and in width." Just like for you - beautiful clothes.
  3. Do not humiliate it. Especially in the issues that relate to the level of its intelligence. Understand: Not all guys are super adderkind. Every person is given to something (special).
  4. Do not impose. Be close to the guy when he wants it himself. This will tell his gestures and eyes, if the words "swell". Why can this happen ("Silence of words")? Because the guy will be ashamed to confess his temporary or random weakness.
  5. Listen more than say. And then you will become the best girlfriend in the world! After all, the perfect interlocutor is the person who can listen better than chatting.
  6. Be frank. The frank must be present in the conversation and clothing. In reasonable limits, of course! Too limited appearance and the same behavior can only push the guy from you, and not attract to yourself!
  7. Talk neatly! Do not allow yourself such "liberties", like mate words or insults. They will not decorate you and do not change in good direction. The words you say are obliged to decorate you, and not disappear morally.
  8. Hello thank you love for every little thing. He should notice how important it is for you! Gave a present - Thank you, brought a cup of coffee - do not forget the simple word "thank you."
  9. Do not ask the guy about what he cannot do and never can ever. "Star from heaven" - is it your first association? It refers to the same category, by the way.
  10. Let me take care of yourself if the guy has such a desire! Do not build yourself too independent young lady. The guy will not be from your "role". Do you understand this, right?

What guys do not like in relationships, what are trying to avoid?

Now let's tell about it. Guys do not like (guys avoid):

  1. Annoying. Do not call a thousand times a guy. Do not write on a million posts per day! How much is enough? From three to seven!
  2. Blessness. What is a "chamber" for guys? And so immediately and do not guess! They may be so called bright (catchy) hair color, short haircut .... You know your "halm" better.
  3. No sense of measure. Total to be done. And nothing on this issue is not accepted!
  4. Perseverance (with "excessiveness"). If the guy said, it is better to meet in the afternoon - go to him at a meeting closer to the evening. By the way! Guys do not tolerate desets, although they forgive them.
  5. Cosmetic tons. Love lipstick, shadow and mascara? Use these "charms"! But in such a way that the natural beauty of these tools does not obstruct!
  6. Permanent women's dreams of marriage. Be careful! He will be ready - the guy will make a sentence. And the most imperative of them will try to hint on the fact that it is time to connect the heart.
  7. Long silence. Pauses to withstand practically no guy can. All male faces are accustomed to the fact that girls are "bantas".
  8. Heavy self-esteem. It's easier to eat with parenches! They will definitely "reach out".
  9. "Cold". Do not pretend to be indifferent to the guy without which you can not live. It sounds silly, right? Do not bring the relationship to nonsense of this kind!

Stages of a guy relationship with a girl:

The first stage is the attraction.

The guy, usually, first of all, "clings" the appearance of the girl. The girl draws attention to intelligence and erudition.

The second stage is "Miss" uncertainty.

The guy is distinguished from the girl at this stage. Because it is started to overcome incredible doubts. He is beginning to pursue the following questions:

  1. "Do we have anything?".
  2. "Is it really love?".
  3. "Maybe we do not come together?".

This entire "questioning influx" is closely related to the fact that all the guys are all distinguished by polygamy (even the most in love!). Girls, do not be offended by guys for it! They still will not change to change.

The third stage is an irresistible desire to be and remain the only one.

Egoistically? And you remember yourself! At this stage, jealousy may appear, and distrust. This stage is very difficult to survive. But if he and she, and she equally want to get out of him the winners - everything will work out!

The fourth stage is the proximity of two shower.

At the stage of this girl and the guy understand that they can no longer be without each other, that love and passion are inevitable.

How to save relationships?

How to go through the fifth stage? You need to do a lot and discard from much so that everything is "at the highest level". To know what to do - read on:

  1. Do not arrange scandals! And, especially, in every trivia. There is an opportunity - avoid scandal, pass by him. Try to translate the topic of conversation or ask for forgiveness.
  2. Do not show all your worst parties (pure). Any disadvantage can be "diluted" with dignity. You will learn this soon, if you read the article before this "Point" and think about it.
  3. Do not speak often about money. It will seem that you are interested in his wallet and the contents of the wallet, and not the identity of the one who cares for you.
  4. Soothe the guy and set it up on everything good. Imagine…. That is what will be an invaluable gift for him.
  5. Release your loved one and affairs. Realize that it is not obliged to live exclusively by you, you and you.
  6. Do not "bathe" a guy in suspicions in treason. One who is not caught - he is not a thief. Do not forget about the "presumption of innocence."
  7. Consider in love! He needs recognition. It will be easier for him to go through life and solve super complicated and complex problems.

Ideal relationship between guy and girlfriend: myth or reality? In his youth, we believe in all-restful love and dream of a prince on a white horse, and after 30 we think that all men are the same and understand the female of the mantis. And how are things really?

Ideal relationship between a guy and a girl

The relationship between a man and a woman can be perfect or not, because the experience of love has his own. More than 50% of women admit that there were ideal relationships in their lives.

Often as an ideal are not currently indicated, and past relationships, usually arising in youth: first love, student love. Or vice versa: Family arising after 40, when children rose and near the two person consisted.

The ideal relationship between a guy and a girl is a question of subjective perception, feelings and emotions. Determine what is the ideal, a person can only for himself. Although the criteria are completely successful and unsuccessful relationships still exist.

5 factors of the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl

Each person has its own set by which it determines how good the relationship is. For some, the indicator are joint walks under the moon, and for someone - work on a common business. However, there are general details, without which it is simply impossible to build a harmonious relationship.


Nothing will work if the girl or guy is not confident in the partner. The girl should feel that the guy belongs only to her, and the guy is that she is entirely of him. When suspicions appear, scandals, quarrels, surveillance, total control, and the entire atmosphere is lost.

In addition, it is important to trust each other in life when important decisions are made. If in difficult situations the couple will trust each other, they will always be there.

High-quality sex

If the guy and the girl and the girl are bad, then in the end they will break out. Even if otherwise everything is fine, without high-quality sex, it's just friendship.

If the bed is not laid, a man and a woman subconsciously begin to look for another partner, grows nervousness inside the pair. If relations appear on the side, suspicions appear, complaints of insolvency, and the girl with a guy breaks up.


Everyone wants the second half to understand him. Coming home and staying alone with his beloved (beloved), we want love and understanding. If only reproaches are heard instead, "Studs", attempts to manipulate and notations - this does not cause anything other than fatigue and chagrins. Then mutual claims appear, reproaches, quarrels - and here there are no more couples.

Common interests, values \u200b\u200band plans

The ideal relationship between a guy and a girl is when they have common dreams, desires, there are joint hobbies and preferences. It is not necessary to do everything together, but if the girl wants only to relax on the beach and walk, and the guy dreams of building a business and give birth to children - they will not come out. The same with the hobby. There must be something uniting: from the TV shows on Sundays to the joint run in the morning. If this is not, the rapid distance comes, and then cooling.


The guy and the girl must respect each other, and not just love. To see the personality in the partner and respect her thoughts, desires, needs and decisions. The partner must respect the right to privacy, its own decision, his dreams, family relationships, and so on.

In any pair there are friction, sometimes there are scandals, because it is still two people, and not one. But everyone can make their relationship. For this you just need to know what is the main qualities of the perfect guy (girls), and what is secondary.

The existing types of relationships between guys and girls always rest in the concept of friendship - and then either remain in it, or develop into serious relationships, or disintegrate, or turn into a kind of symbiosis of friendship and romance. Many argue whether a man and a woman can be friends. Of course, they can. But only in the case when no sexual attraction is experiencing each other. Agree, because it happens so that getting acquainted with the guy, you know: he is like a brother. Any idea that he could be something big, causes irritation and even disgust. Here is such friendship, most likely will remain for life and will not talk to something more. And the lack of attraction does not mean at all that the young man is uncompatible or behaves like a girl. Simply, in our life sometimes there are people who are absolutely not our type. But at the same time, they are spiritually close to us. Then, this is a sense of fraternity, spiritual kinship, which never develops into physical traction. Unfortunately, not all women are lucky with it. Some do not meet such guys, and other guys are simply not perceived as a friend. In fact, friendship between a guy and a girl is a great gift of fate. Just someone, these gifts are lying down from abundance from the horns, and someone does not receive them almost, therefore it does not believe that it can be.

If the guy and the girl are friends truly, their relationship can be stronger than between two friends, girlfriends, or even a pair. Simply, they do not see each other competition and they have nothing to share. In addition, guys who are accustomed to always keep the brand in a male company, before their best girlfriend can take a mask and behave sincerely, for which they are very grateful. And the girls, in turn, can always ask the Council about other representatives of the strong sex. With girlfriends often talk about what girls cannot say. It just so happens that the girlfriend, often, is more understanding and presents less complaints. It so happened that we were accustomed to idealize your favorite guys, so we are trying to change them, customize under the ideal. But the best friends are all perceived as they are. That is why, girlfriends can trust all sorts of intimate secrets, ask the Council and always listen to her opinion. Girls also belong to their friends. Such a relationship, most often, are the most ideal view of friendship, since there is no male barzing and female enviousness. In this friendship, everyone remains who he really is, and does not try to show in front of a friend that he is better, smarter or more beautiful. If friends are in full swing, they are more equal, since each of them is better in their own and they simply do not have any sense to catch and compete. Friendship in this form is an excellent relationship and interaction between representatives of different floors.

But, in addition to friendship in its pure form, there is also friendship with privileges. In such respects, friendship complements sex. In this case, people have a physical attraction to each other, but do not have enough common interests and views. Or, one of them just loves and chooses such relationships to get at least an illusion.

Often, such friends still unites much, but they do not show it in humans so easily and freely as ordinary friends. Basically, such lover comrades pretend that there is nothing among them except friendship. Of course, they understand that it is useless to hide, but still continue to play their roles. In such relationships, the main thing is not to hurt someone. If both traction only at the physical level, then everything is in order. Such friends can play football during the day, and you have sex to have sex and it will be in order of things. If someone from such a couple finds a guy or a girl for himself, then the second sincerely will be delighted and becomes an ordinary friend.

Worse when someone loves the second friends. In this case, he or she only play a role just a friend, and often this person comes so not at his own request, but because it is necessary to be a loved one.

If we say about who loves, he can go to such friendship, because it really sympathizes his girlfriend, but does not like, from ordinary hopelessness or boredom. Often, such friendship ends in different ways.

The first option is someone finds true love. In this case, the second begins to suffer and suffer and try to return everything back. But since there is nothing to return, the torment becomes even stronger. This is not surprising, because the illusion is broken, and now, you will have to live with the realization that the man deceived himself. In such cases, communication is terminated or reduced to a minimum. Perhaps, of course, not forever, but for that period, until the loving calm down, and feelings are not cool.

The second option - love passes in the process of such friendship. In this case, the relationship of any continues in the same form, but no one suffers, or they stop and people become just friends. Ordinary friendly relationships are quite possible after sex. The main thing is that no one experienced romantic feelings to each other.

The third option is still love. In this case, a person who insisted on friendship still recognizes that he experiences feelings. Perhaps they were in his initially, he simply could not confess him in front of her friend, in general, in general, before everyone. Such cases are, and often enough. People are covered with sex to hide the desire to build a normal relationship. Of course, this option is the most perfect and acceptable for both sides.

So, we can conclude that there are a variety of relationships between guys and girls. It may be clean friendship, pure love and some kind of attraction that hung between these concepts. It is this feeling that is the most controversial and makes him think, is there love without friendship, and friendship without love.